FARM $100,000.00 to loan on imp posit in one of the Banks ir Company. We have been in years. Interest 7 per cent. r. JAMES FRAN: PROMUT MEN AT HEAD OF FAIR Officers and Directors of Georgia Cardtod Fair. Association Leading Citizens of This City and Vicinity. Augusta, Ga.-Tho officers and di rect ors of the Georgia-Carolina Fair As soc.atiou are among the most promi nent, most influential citizens nf this 'jity and vicinity; each and every one takes particular part and interest in the fair, and this year they are more determined than ever to make it a splendid success. Mr. James U. Jackson, president, has acted in this capacity since the inception of the Fair Association, and Us wonderful growth has been in a large measure, due to his untiring ef forts. Mr. Jackson has been re-elect ed unanimously each year, and it may be safely predicted that he will continue to be president as long as he fan be induced to accept the posi tion. Messrs. J. Carey Lamar and Robert C. Berckmans are among the most prominent planters and capitalists in th.s section. Mr. Berckmans is one of the owners of the famous "Fruit land Nurseries," which are well . known from South Africa to the most r.orthern point where vegetation ex ists. The horticultural display at tte fi ir is always'one of the best and largest in this section, and is under the direct control of Mr. Berckmans. Secretary Frank E. Beane, who has had charge rf the fair for the past few years, i. recognized as one of tho most alert and competent fair secretaries in the South, and is held in high esteem, by not only the offi cers and directors of the fair associa tion, but by showmen and exhibitors of all clashes. The following is a list of the offi cers and directors of the fair asso ciation: Officers: i James U. Jackson, president. J. Carey Lamar, vice president. R. C. Berckmans, second vice pres ident Frank E. Beane, secretary and treasurer. Directors: C. S. Bohler, W. P. White, J. M. Cranston, Walter Cheatham, John J. Evans, L. J. Williams, J. J. O'Connor, M. J. Hallinan, Bryan Lawrence, Da -.vJd Slusky, A. B. Von Kamp, W. D. Wright, W. W. Morton, J. M. West brook, T. J. Daly, C. J. Crawford, W. E Mealing, J. Willie Levy, A H. De Vaughn, Thomas Barrett, Jr., A. A. Thomas, W. J. Cooney. Executive-James U. Jackson, pres ident. Agriculture - J. M. Westbrook, chairman; W. E. Mealing, assistant superintendent Livestock-W. P. White, chairman. Horticultural-R. C. Berckmans. chairman. Minerals, Clay, Brick and Gravel Dr. W. E. Mealing, chairman. Woods-L. J. Williams, chairman. Amusements and Privileges-Frank E. Beane, secretary. Raco Track and Barns-W. W. Mor ton, chairman. Advertising-C.. J. Cranford, chair man. Railroad and Transportation-J. J. O'Connor, chairman. Manufacturers' Display-D. Slusky, chairman. Entertainment and Reception-C. S. Bohler, chairman. Woman's Work-A. B. Von Kamp, chairman. Art and Education-L, B. Evans, su perintendent. Premiums and Awards-John J. Ev? ans, chairman. Machinen'-M. J. Hallinan, chair man. Music-A A. Thomas, chairman. CULTURE OF SOIL SRO! AT FAIR One of the Greatest Industries in the South May Result From Experiments Now Being Con ducted by Prof. Osigian Augusta, Ga.-The culture of the silk worm promises to be one bf the greatest industries in this section if the experiments now being made by Prof. V. K. Osigian at the Georgia Carolina Fair grounds proved to be the splendid success that they give promise of being. Professor Osigian came here from Armenia last year, and he has convinced some of the leading business men of this city that silk culture can be made profitable in this section of the country. Profes sor Osigian's silk worm exhibit at the approaching Georgia - Carolina Fair promises to be one of the most in teresting at the entire fall show. He wiil occupy one wing of the main fair building, and you should spend a cou ple of hours watching his wonderful work with the silk worm and co coons. Professor Osigian says that in Augusta can be found the climate and the mulberry trees and there is no reason why the culture o' silk should not become very profitable in deed. . .._ . j LOANS roved farms. Money on de l Augusta. No, delay. No this business exclusively i7 Term of loan five years. ? & SON Augusta, Ga. L IN ENTIRE SOUTH Poultry Show at Augusta Fair Such Splendid Success That Building Had to Be Enlarged. Augusta, Ga.-Inquiries are pourinj daily into the Augusta Poultry Asso ciation asking for information of the annual exhibit, which will be held in connection with the Georgia-Carolina Fair, November 6 to ll, 1911. The show this year carries a num ber of important and interesting addi tions. They are traditions that will appeal to the exhibitor as well as the visitor. One of the first of these additions is the provision for ducks and pig eons. The latter named industry is growing daily in the South. It is al most possible to watch the increase in duck raising. For that reason, as well as for the reason that the duck exhibit will add to the Interest of the entire exhibit, the officers have de cided to make" a class for them There have been numerous inquiries con cerning this division. A fancier in Delaplains, N. J., has written to ask if there will be a provision for black and white Orpington ducks, as well as fowls. There will be provision for that breed, as well as numerous oth ers. It is the object of the Augusta Poultry Association to make the ex hibit one that will be complete in ev ery way; one that will mean some thing to the exhibitors, and for many years past there has been a hot con test among the exhibitors to be the winners of the trophies and ribbons; and to make it one that is altogether interesting to the thousands of visit ors that throng the building during the fair week. There will undoubtedly be an in teresting exhibit of pigeons, both from local representatives and from foreign; but that branch of the an nual show will be nothing like as complete or as interesting as the fowls and ducks. Another important addition has been the enlargement of the floor space by 10,000 square feet. The growth of the association from year to year has forced this. Last year it was necessary to place the coops tier on tier, and put many of the coops out of doors. There will he no necessity for that this year. The coops will be single tiered, so that the birds can receive a better show ing, ?and the fanciers will be given a fairer showing, although in 1910 the greatest care was used against discrimination. To complete the additional floor space 1,000 addi tional coops have been ordered, there by totaling 2,500. It is confidently ex pected that every one of the 2,600 coops will be filled. The association offers an unp?rallel ed premium list. It is gotten out in book form. The booklet is very at tractive in appearance; it carries 160 pages .of advertisements and premi ums. In cash prizes the association offers from $2,000 to $1,500. There are 135 specials. Of that 155, 55 are handsome silver cups and' 100 hand some ribbons. The advantages of showing at the Augusta Poultry Association's show are manifold. That there are mani fold advantages is set forth by the repeated exhibitions ot foreign exhib itors, and the addition, from year to year of many others. In 1910 the Augusta Poultry Asso ciation boasted entries from nearly every state in the Union, and several countries of Europe. This year it is expected that the entiy list will total 2,500. Entries have been coming in thick and fast for many days concern ing the exhibit. Many are merely asking for information. Numbers are exhibitors signifying their intention to be among the high class exhibitions in the biggest show in the South. Some are exhibitors who have been to Augusta before; some are those who have heard of the fame of the association and wish the prestige that comes of being an exhibitor therein. One of the many advantages of showing with the August* associa tion, is the widespread circulation which the birds have. Thousands of people visit the fair during; the week. That is one way. The second ls through the premium list cf the asso ciation, which, attractive in form and generous In offer, reaches nearly ev ery exhibitor in the United States and Canada. Cheap rates on all railroads. STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE EXHIBIT Augusta, Ga.-The exhibit of the State College of Agriculture at the approaching Georgia - Carolina Fair will be a wonderful one. It is the same exhibit that made such a splen did impression at the state fair last year, with the exception of it be ing made much more interesting in every way than was the one last year. How to become successful as dairy man, poultry raiser and in fact every branch of farm work will be demon strated. The process through which the milk goes from the time it is taken from the cow until it is made into butter will be extremely Inter es ting. r ? Attention Farmers ?tr^ am better supplied than ever before to suit you in wagons, buggies and car riages. We sell the celebrated Studekak er wagons and carry a full line of sizes. We have a large assortment of buggies in Brockway, Summers, Columbus and oth ers. Come in and see what we have. Our harness department is well stocked with sin gle and double wagon and-buggy harness. Can suit any purse.. Full stock of Furni ture. We buy in large quantities direct from manufacturers and can make close prices. Full assortment of house furnish ings of all kinds. We carry a full line of stoves. Buy your wife a new stove and make her happy. It will surprise you how cheap we can sell you a good stove. UNDERTAKING DEP^TMENT. In this as in all other department^wWan supply any rea sonable demand. We carry a full li? .of sizes both in cheap coffins and higher priced cases. Oar hearse responds to all calls, either day or night G. P. COBB, Johnston, S. C. ?NEW BAGGING Piece bagging, New Ties Re-bundled Ties, Seale b?ams, Steelyards. Jones & Son. CORTRIGHT SHINGLES ^2 THE TIGHT ROOF ' Never Lealc-Never Need Repairs-Fireproof-Storm proof-Handsome-Inexpensive-Suitable for all kinds of buildings. For further detailed information apply to Stewart & Kprnaghan Edgefield, S. C. Stock Feeds We are distributors for the highest grade feeds on on the market. JJ^-SUC RENE--both dairy and hoi se Tennessee horse and mule feed which is ground corn oats and alfalfa. Dried beet pulp-5 per cent, to your dairy feed daily will increase milk supply very materially. ? ARRINGTON BROS. & CO. P. S. Mr. M. Gary Satcher is with ns and will be glad to see his friends Wi M .I -on -a 'H ''3 -s 'ooaoK .sn 09s 0? 30103 'pssiuB-iBn? 3JB Aaiij, vjssj .moA* ;s3i put; ssoqs uy U/>!H jno J0 J !*4 'Aiqunb apuj? qSiq qjiAV auaisisuoq sooud ?sadBaqo ai}} %v jsaq atp %o3 uno no A" iBqi pajnssu :s3.i put; Su TAU JU OJP spooS jCip \\vj AuB3 puB jamuinsaaB? }0 3uq JUQ .OJBMpiuq puB saAOis'sujnqo uiua-i/) SPT puB aoj 'iCoirei puB 3[CIB}S 'SGUSOOJS IO spuBjq Suipvar sq? jo fte 3ABq 3^ .saoud ano SupisS :noq;?A\ aouai B pjinq O? paouB louuBD no^ 'saoud SUIABS-AJUOUI 3B 'aqSpq AUB Supv9? 'S-inqs^ij ajqcipj p\o 3qi 3^ .JS^JBIU sq} uo SUO#BA\ 3SJoq-z puB I issq sqj, 'dOl GNV~ N3d0-S3HIX HaaanH ?NV laais-'saraans 'saioona sn orar? 3s ?IHOO 9NIM0110J 3HI ?0 ?NV iO CTOXCBCKE isa ISECEII??^ AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO THE Tri-?onnty -FAIR AT BATESBTJRG, S. 0. October 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1911 EVERY DAY A BIG DAY Splendid features-Liberal prenrums-Reduced railroad rates. > FARMERSS' DAY WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18 Addresses by E. J. Watson, Commissioner of Agriculture, S. C., E. W. Dabbs, President Farmers Union. EDUCATIONAL DAY, THURSDAY, OCT. 19. Address by A. G. Smith, Agricultural Department, Washington. Contest by schools for prizes. Other prizes. FOR FULL INFORMATION AND PREMIUM LIST, WRITE W. J. McCARTHA, Secretary BATESBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA. Early Fall VALS Many new things are in. Drop in to see them whether you buy or not. See the new sty cs, weaves and colors in clothing just received from the largest manufacturers in the country. All of thc new lasts in new Fall shoes. We can please you in the celebrated Crossett sh oes or in Selz-Schwab shoes New fall trousers just in. DORN & MINIS. EDGEFIELD PRESSING CLUB. I wish to inform the public that [ am better equipped than ever to lo pressing and cleaning of all cinds. Let me make your old suit ook brand new. We take especial sains inpressing ladies skirts. Send is your garments. Satisfaction juaranteed. We make a specialty of cleaning ind re-blocking hats, both felt and Panama hats. Ring Phone No. 35 ind I will send for the clothes. Wallace Harris, Prop. JAS. S. BYRD. SURGEON DENTIST, EDGEFIELD, S. C. Office over Post-Office. James A. Dobey, DENTAL SURGEON, Johnston, S. C. Office over Farmers Bank Building Improved Standard Machines. Come in and let us demonstrate o you the merits of the Standard ?entral needle sewing machine. Af er a lady sees and appreciates the idvantage of this machine she will ise no other. We are in a position o save you money on a sewing ma rline. Edgefield Mercantile Co. Electric Bitters Made A New Man O?f.