OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, July 10, 1912, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1912-07-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the United States Senate,
subject to the rules of tne Democratic
Earty. Your support and influence will
e appreciated.
N. B. Dial.
Laurens, S. C.
Ambitious to represent the people of
the Second District in Congress, I
repectfully offer my candidacy in the
approaching primary for your consid
eration, agreeing to support the nomi
nees of the party.
Harry D. Calhoun.
Barnwell, S. C.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
re-election as Representative cf the
second district in the U. S. Congress,
pledging myself to abide by the result
of the Democratic primary.
James F. Byrnes.
I announce myself a candidate for
the State Senate, and pledge myself to
abide the result and support the nomi
nees of the Democratic primary.
B. E. Nicholson.
hereby announce that I am a candi
d: o for the House of Representatives
fr n Edgefield county and pledge my
se. to abide the result of the Demo
cr?. ".ic primary election and to support
th?, :.'j.ninees of the party.
N. G. Evans.
I .uspectfully announce that I am a
can .:;. .te for the House of Representa
tive- ? om Edgefield county subject to
the ru. and regulations of the Demo
cratic r. ?ty, pledging myself to sup
port ti:>. nominees of the same.
S. T. Williams.
I her?-i y announce my candidacy for
the fe Oi.e of Representatives from
Edgefi.:i. .'ounty, and pledge myself to
abide tn. . -.suit and support the nomi
nees ol ?:.. Democratic primary.
J. P. DeLaughter.
I herebj announce that I am a can
didate foi .-election to the House of
Represent- . ;es from Edgefield county,
and pledge yself to abide the result
of the prim;..-. <-lection.
M P Wells
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for ..'-election to the House
of Represen: .cives from Edgefield
county, pledging myself to abide by the
Democratic pti?i:ary and support the
nominees of t:u .-ame.
"..rome H. Courtney.
This is to an:.<.'U.:ce to the democratic
voters of Edge/.. . I County that 1 am a
candidate for rt-.1 action to the office
of Solicitor, subj- ct to the rules gov
erning the^democ. 'ic party.
Georg Jell Timmerman.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for the oh'iee of sherill of
Edgefield county and pledge myself to
abide the result of the Democratic pri
mary and to support tne nominees of j
the same.
W R Swearingen
I respectfully announce that I nm a
candidate for re-election to the office
of sheriff of Edgefield ounty, pledging \
myself to abide the resuit of the Dem
. ocratic primary and to support thc
nominees of the same.
YV. G. Ouzts.
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the office of C: k of C ourt,
subject to the Democratic . rima:y and
will abide the result and support the
nominees of the same.
W. li. Cogbum.
After meeting with so much m
couragement during-the oust summer,
I have fully decided to make th?' .-.
for the office of Clerk of Court and
herewith announce myself a gtndidate
for that office, and pledge myself toi
abide by the primary and support t!..'
nominees. J. ii. Tom;...ins.
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for re-election to the o!i'je of
treasurer of Edgefield county and
pledge myself to abide by the riv I t of
the primary election and to support the
nominees of the party.
.f?mes T Minis
^Having asked for spiritual guidance
and being solicited by friends. I have
decided" to offer for the high honor
and confidenceof the public for the office
of Treasurer of Edgeneld County, and
pledge myself to abide the result of
the Democratic Primary election and
support the nominees of the same.
E S Johnson.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for re-election .to the office
of. Auditor of Edgefield county and
will abide the result of the Democratic
J. R. Timmerman.
I hereby announce my candidacy for J
Superintendent of Education sub-1
ject to the rules and regulations of the
Democratic Primary. If elected I will
continue my efforts to improve the
school system of our county.*
W. W. Fuller.
f 'I hereby ahnonr.ee that I am a can
didqte for the offioe of Supervisor of
Edgefield county, pledging myself to
render faithful service and Lo abide the
result of the primary election.
R. J. Moultrie, j
Having been solicited by friends I
announce that I am a candidate for the
office of Supervisor for Edgefield coun
ty, pledging myseif to abide by the re
sult of the primary, and to support the
nominee of the democratic party.
Jno. 0. Herin.
I hereby announce that i am a can
didate for the office of Supervisor of
Edgefield county. If chosen by the
people for this important office I will
do my utmost to give entire satisfac
tion. I will abide the result of the
Democratic primary.
W L McDaniel.
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for re-election for Supervisor of
Edgefield county, and will serve the
people to the best of my ability if
elected, pledging myself to support
the nominee of the primary election.
W. G. Wells.
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for the office of Supervisor of
Edgefield county and pledge myself to
abide the result of the democratic pri
A A Edmunds.
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for the office of Supervisor of
Edgefield county and pledge myself to
abide the result of the Democratic pri
Edmund Schmidt.
North Augusta, S. C.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for the office of county commis
sioner, pledging myself if elected to
discharge my duties faithfully and abide
the result of the primary election.
J. Nick Griffis.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of county commis
sioner for Edgefield county and pledge
myself to abide the result of the pri
mary. J. W. R. DeLaughter.
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for re-election to the office of
county Commissioner, and pledge my
self to abide the result of the primary
N L Broadwater
I respectfully announce that I ama
candidate for the office of supervisor of
registration and pledge myself to abide
the result of the Democratic primary.
E. M. Holmes.
Collier, S. C
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for re-election to the office of
Supervisor of Registration, pledging
myself to render faithful service and
to abide by the result of the Democrat
ic primary.
N R Bartley.
?. hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the office of supervisor of
registration and pledge myself to abide
the result of the primary and to sup
port the nominees of the same.
C. T. Mathis.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for re-election to the office of
Supervisor of Registration. I pledge
myself to abide the result of the pri
mary election and to render faithful
service if elected.
Geo. W. Quarles.
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate for re-election to the office
of Supervisor of Registration, pledging
myself to render faithful service and
to abide the result of the democratic
Sam W. Prince.
I hereby announce that I am a candi
date for magistrate of the 8th judicial
district of Edgefield county.
J. C. Timmerman.
?hereby announce that I am a candi
date for magistrate of the 5th judicial
district of Edgefield count v.
R. 0. B. Key.
I am a candidate for magistrate 5th
District Edgefield County, and will
abide the result of the Primary elec
tion and support the nominees thereof.
J. W. Johnson.
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for magistrate of the Mn dis
trict, subject to the rules of thc Demo
cratic primary election.
T. J. Mc Dow.::.
i hereby announce that J ann a can
didate for. the office of magistrat'.' of
the sixth judicial district of Edgefield
county, pledging myseif to abide the
result of the primar v.
J W Bailey.
I hereby announce tbat I am a can
didate for magistrate of the 4th judi
cial district of Edgefield county and
[.ledge myself to abide the resalt of
the Democratic primarv.
j F Pardue.
Collier, S. C.
1 :m a candidate for the office of
mir 'strate of thc 8th judicial district
of .'-?ge?ield county, will abide the re
sult 'i' the primary election.
A. C. Ouzts.
I respectfully announce myself a
candi late for the office of Magistrate
of the ;th district of Edgefield county,
and wdi serve the people in the future
as 1 li ein the past. If elected will
suppoi . die nominees of the primary
W W Miller.
I her? y announce that 1 am a can
didate & Magistrate of the 7th Ju
dicial D irict of Edgefield County and
pledge i ?elf to abide the result of
the Deni ratic primary.
John 0. Seigler.
1 herel ? uinounce that I am a can
didate fe: v. office Of magistrate of
the li t j . icial district of Edgefield
county, pl -iinji myself to abide the
result of UK primary;
N L Brimson.
I hereby : renounce that I am a can
didate for magistrate of thc ."Uh judi
cial district of Edgefield county and
pledge myself to abide the result of the
primary. J. R. Booie.
I hereby announce that I am a can
1 didate for the office of magistrate of
the 2nd judicial district of Edgefield
county, and pledge myself to abide the
result of the primary election.
W. B. Posey.
Trenton, S C
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for magistrate of 2nd district of
Edgefield county and pledge myself to
abide tne result of the Democratic pri
mary. W W Wise
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate for magistrate of the 8th ju
dicial district of Edgefield county sub
ject to the rules of the Democratic pri-|
W. E. Turner.
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the office of magistrate for
the 5th judicial district of Edgefield
county, pledging myself to abide the
result of the Democratic primary.
J R Blackwell.
REV. E. C. BAILEY, Presbyterian.
EDGEFIELD. 1st and 3rd Sundays
ll a. m.
TRENTON. 1st and Sundays 8
p. m. 4th Sunday ll a. m.
JOHNSTON. 2nd Sunday ll 15 a
m., 4th Sunday 8pm
STEVENS CREEK: Every second
Sunday morning at ll o'clock.
REV. G. W. BUSSEY, Baptist
MODOC: 1st Sunday 3.30 p m
RED OAK GROVE: First Sunday
morning ut ll o'clock, and Saturday
REV. P. E. MONROE, Lutheran
ST. JOHN'S. Johnscon. Preach
ing 2nd Sunday 11.15 a. m. 4th Sunday
7.30 p. m., 1st 7.30 p. m
MT. CALVARY. Preaching 1st and
3rd Sundays 11.15 a. m.
GOOD HOPE. Preaching 2nd Sun
day 3.30 p. m.. 4th 11.15 a. m.
McKENDREE. Third Sunday morn
ing ll a. m., 1st Sunday afternoon at
4 o'clock.
REV. H. E. BECKHAM, Methodist.
JOHNSTON First and fourth Sun
day mornings at ll a. m, Second and
third Sunday night at 7.30.
HARMONY: Third Sunday morn
ing at ll a. m. Sunday afternoon at
SPANN. Second Sunday morning at
ll a. m., 4th Sunday afternoon at 3.30.
J. E. JOHNSTON, Baptist.
BOLD SPRINGS: First and third
Sunday mornings ll a. m.
TRENTON: 2nd and 4th Sunday
mornings at ll a. m.
REV. J. C. BROWN, Baptist.
PHILIPPI: Second and fourth Sun
day mornings at ll o'clock.
REV. J. R. WALKER, Methodist.
EDGEFIELD: Preaching every Sun
day morning at 11:00, and every &Jf\
day night at 8:30, except third Sun'Oay
morning and first Sunday night. Prayer
meeting every Wednesday afternoon at
5 o'clock.
TRENTON: Third Sunday morning
at 11:00 and first Sunday afternoon at
at 4:00.
MILL CHAPEL: First Sunday night
at 7:45.
EDGEFIELD: Preaching, first and
and third Sunday mornings at ll o'clock.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday af
TRENTON: Second Sunday morn
ing at ll o'clock. First and third Sun
day afternoons at 3:30 o'clock.
RIDGE SPRING: Fourth Sunday
morning at ll o'clock.
BATES BURG: Second and fourth
Sunday afternoons at 5 o'clock, and
fifth Sundays.
DR. M. D. JEFFRIES, Baptist.
EDGEFIELD: Every Sunday morn
ing at ll:.">() and every Sunday night at
8:00, except fifth "Sundays. Prayer
meeting Wednesday night at 7:30.
HORN'S CREEK: Third Sunday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
REV. P. P. BLALOCK, Baptist.
BEREA: First Sunday at ll o'clock.
GILGAL: Third Sunday at ll
REV. E. H. COVINGTON, Methodist.
BARR'S CHAPEL: 2nd Sunday at
ll o'clock.
PLUM BRANCH: First and third j
Sunday at ll o'clock.
PARKSVILLE: First and Third'
Sundav afternoon at A o'clock.
DO?HAN: Fourth Sunday at ll|
o'clock. i
M E RI WET H ER: Fourth Sunday j
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
RED HILL: First and fourth Sun-!
day afternoons at 3 o'clock. Third
Sundav at ll o'clock.
REPUBLICAN: First Sunday mom- j
inp: at ll o'clock.
REHOBOTH: Second Sunday at ll
COLLIERS: Third Sunday afternoon 1
at 8 o'clock.
ANTluCH: Fourth Sunday morn
ing at ll o'clock.
REV. P. B. LANHAM, Baptist.
CLARK'S HILL: First Sunday .
ing at ll o'clock. i
dav morning.
HARDYS: Third Sunday morning
Mt. ZION: Fourth Sunday morning
PLUM BRANCH: 2nd and 4th Sun
days at 11:30 a. m.
PARKSVILLE: 1st and 3rd Sun
days at 11:30 a. m.
Boasted yoffecs in bulk from 25 j
ci nts up.
5. Timmons. i
No matter what you waul in the j
baggy line. V.r.: will get it for you?
ii' wc don't happen to have just
what you arc looking for. ?
Wilson it Cante! ni. ?
The difference between a peni
tentiary and a palace is largely
matter of detail.
Both are designed for human hab
itation and serve equally well to
protect the inmates from the ele
But one is a vastly more comfort
able place of abode than the other.
Crudely fitted glasses MAY help
your vision, but great care in every
detail of adjustment is essential to
safety and comfort.
Optician, Edgefield, S- C.
All persons having claims against
the estate of B. F. Glan ton, de
ceased, will present thc same duly
attested to Mr. W. F. West, who
has been duly authorized to act for
me, and all persons Jindebted to
said estate will please make pay
ment to him.
Cornelia B. Glanton,
Qualified Executrix.
June 19, 1012.
WANTED-Several health and
accident insurance agents to sell in
surance for a reliable company.
References required. Address,
Plum Branch, S. C.
Fresh shipment of Russell's can
dies by express.
B. Timmons.
Have your windows and doors
titted with wire screens and doors
for the summer. We have all sizes.
Stewart & Kernaghan.
A large shipment of dynamite
just received.
Stewart & Kernaghan.
FOR SALE-Thoroughbred pup
pies-both setters and pointers.
li. G. Shannonhouse.
Come to us for paints of all kinds
for both inside and outside work.
B. Timmons.
Come to us for onion sets, and
Landreth's celebrated garden seeds
of all kinds, They never fail to
give satisfaction.
B. Timmons.
Keep out the disease-spreading
mosquitoes and flu?s by getting your
windows and doors with wire
screens. It will not cost you much.
Get our prices.
Stewart & Kernaghan.
Public Pasture: I solicit your
stock for pasturing in my large
pasture on Horn's creek. Enclosed
with woven wire. Rates reasonable.
W. E. Ouzts.
Edgefield, S. C.
Brighten tho interior of your
home l?y using Alabastine on your
B. Timmons.
Look at our buggies and harness
before buying,* wc will save you
Wilson & Cantclou.
FOR SALE: 5 full blood collie
pups, and 4 tull blood Essex Pigs.
L. R. Brimson,
Cleora, S. C.
Fresh shipment of ferry's garden
seeil just received at
I ?. Ti in mons.
A nice line saddles, pri?es right.
Wilson & Cantclou.
? ' - '; ?
I _ ii ipr O i im ipi irrw '
j \--:-.;cr?r:?/iNTEn;?ATI0NALD?ct:cnar7, j
I (G. Si C. i.'srrian Co., Springfield, filase.> 3
1 surpasse] the old International as much as tfcr.t
i tock cxcccc'id its predecessor. Ca the o?d
I foundation a new superstructure has been built.
The reconstruction Las been carried ca through
I many years by a large force of trained workers,
! :;-dcr thc supervision of Dr. Y/. T. ?larri;,
j former United States Commissioner of Educa
tion, tnd reenforced by many eminent special
ists. Thc definitions have been rearranged and
amplified. The number of terms defined has
been more than doubled. Tho etymology,
I synonyms, pronunciation, have received nn
ifparinc scholarly labor. The language of
! English literature for over seven centuries, the
terminology of the art3 and sciences, and the
every-day speech of street, shop, and boase
j hold, are presented wilt fullness and clearness,
i Ia s ize of vocabulary, in richness of general
j information, and ia convenience of consulta
tion, ike book sets a new mark in lexicography.
40G,CC0 words and phrases. -
6000 iuusb-aiions.
270C pages.
Uncle Sam takes off his ha' to
nobody. We take off ours to no
body either when it comes to offer
Ling the finest carriages at r<- ison
able prices. Why not ol Irate
with one of them. Come and have
a look at and a talk ?bout it anyway
Wilsen &
bewildering noises and sights mako
driving somewhat risky, especially
if your horses are not equuipped
with harness you canjdepend upon.
Don't take any ?chances. Get a se,
of our single or double driving har
ness and if strong harness will savo
you you'll have it.
>y .Copyright 1909, by C. E. Zimmerman Co.-No. 63
While your income is steady and
everything is running smoothly you
don't miss a bank account, butt under
adverse circumstances you miss the
money y?u have spent. Don't wait
for the well to run dry but start a
bank acccunt today.
OFFICERS: J. C. Sheppard, Pres.; W. W. Adams, Vice
pros.; E. J. Mims, Cashier; J. II. Allen, assistant Cashier.
DIRECTORS: J C. Sheppard, V.. W. Adams. J. Wm.
Thurmond, Thos. H. Rainsford, J. M. Cobo, B. E. Nicholson, A.
S. Tompkins, C. C. Fuller, W. E. Prescott.
. ?
I -V t .*
7,$'- \
ki '
s m
? I?
f- AT.:'
I y d
g till!
l'en ,.. ?
I i
IV; .'
(c /
anci tiie ?
getting1 ll
heavy, but our stock p
of fertilizers of the
best grades is com
plete. Send us your
orders under a guar
antee of
S treatment
' hands.
at our
We have recently taken on Dry Cell batteries for
gasolene engines, and the beys do Le'i us that they
are the best to be had. Yours truly,
first-class m
cg ?p!

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