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Established 1835. J. L MIKS,...Editor Published every Wednesday in The Advertiser Building at $1.50 per year in advanoe. Sntered as second class cotter at the pnatoffice at Edgefield, S. C. No communications will be published unless accompanied by the writer's mme. Cards of Thanks, Obituaries, Resolu tions and Political Notices published at advertising rates. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN EDGEFIELD COUNTY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1912. War destroys men, but luxury de stroys mankind; at once corrupts the body and mind-CROWN. A thousand cheers for Woodrow Wil son. The Advertiser moves that Wilson's election be made unanimous. Doesn't a sharp advance in cotton give a quick-step to businesi? And Turkey beat a retreat before Thanksgiving Day. When the people move en masse something is going to happen. Capt. Sam Moose Rice has the sym pathy of his Edgefield friends. For the first time in the country's history the electoral college has hon ored a college president. Let's now forget all about politics and elections and turn our attention to the fair. The "Solid South" will for the next four years feel that it is a part of the ?"glorious commonwealth." The Bull Moose has already emigra ted to his native haunts in the jungles of Africa. Doubtless Mr. Taft and Col. Roose velt are saying: "Just as we expected but we wouldn't admit it." The Colonel's rule-or-ruin policy has done a plenty for the Republican par ty. Requiescat in pace. Woodrow Wilson, the right man in the right place at the right time in the right manner. The fact is there is noth ing wrong about it. This smilingSouthland'of ours! Think of it, we are now more than a knot on a log, when it comes to having a voice in th? national government. In causing cotton to advance just when it did, the Fates were with the men who had bank notes maturing -the first of November. The county fair will be a success - next week but it will be a greater suc cess if you give the managers your co operation. How can Schrank, a criminal who be longs in the class with Giteau and Szolgosz, expect mercy at the hands of the jury? Mrs. Grover Cleveland is not worry rying over who will be the next presi dent. She is engrossed with more im portant matters. It is unfortunate that no tickets for voting on the asylum bond issue were provided for the two Edgefield boxes. Somebody is evidently guilty of neg lect, if nothing else. Before the flowers withered on vice President Sherman's grave there was a scramble for his place on the Repub lican ticket. There is no sentiment in politics. Think of it, a man elected president of these United States J in the good year 1912 with a campaign fund of less than a million dollars, not a penny of which was contributed by a corpora tion. We haven't yet gone to the "demnition bow-wows/' Whenever union labor resorts to vio lence to enforce a compliance with its demands the actual loss to its ranks is greater than the gain. The conduct of the striking street car operatives in Jacksonville is disgraceful. It appears now that blood will have to be shed there as in Augusta before order can be restored. The Southern man, the South Carolina ?man, the Edgefield county man, who is not smiling .this post-election morning hasn't a drop of patriotic blood in his veins, and should be forthwith extra dited to the crumbling empire of the Sultan. A dispatch from Spartanburg stated that "every ballot for to-day's election was either destroyed or concealed." What is the matter with Spartanburg politically, anyway? For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain, she al most rivals Charleston. Every print i ng press in Sparenburg was put in operation early Tuesday morning in order to provide the necessary tickets. Greenwood Honored. The College of Bishops of the Meth odist Episcopol church, South, held their annual fall meeting in Greenwood last week. This is the first time the bishops have ever held a meeting in South Carolina which makes the selec tion of Greenwood a? a desirable meet ing place a distinct compliment to our neighboring town, the daughter of Edgefield. The College of Bishops is composed of the 14 bishops of the church. The business sessions are held behind closed doors. These distinguished ministers are the leading lights in southern Methodism, and any community should feel honored at having them assemble in its midst. There Should Be l?o Delay. The attorneys for T. U. Vaughan have given notice of an appeal to the supreme court, which means that there will probably be an indefinite delay in executing the sentence that wa3 impos ed by the court at the time the revolt ing confession was made, not by the accused but by a man who according to his own words is guilty of a series of crimes that i : doubtless without a parallel in the courts of South Car olina. When delays are possible in such eas es as this, where there is no doubt of guilt and absolutely nothing to be offeredj?n extenuation for the crime, there is something radically wrong with our laws or the rules governing our courts. It is just such delays as the one that is being planned by Vaughan's shrewd lawyers that encour age lynch law. Knowing the proneness of the courts to delay and leniency, in certain extreme cases the people, un fortunately, are not willing to "take chances" with the long-drawn-out ad ministration of justice. It has been intimated from certain quarters that GovernorJBtease will com mute Vaughan's sentence. This should not be done. On the contrary, the chief exe cutive should use all of the powers of his office to the end that the sentence of the court be carried out to the letter. Duty First, Party Second. Although trampling under foot the rules of the Democratic party is a very serious matter, particularly here in South Carolina where two races reside side by side, with the inferior in the majority, yet there are times when duty demands that party rules be ig nored. When a nominee of the Demo cratic party, feeling secure under the rules of the party, which ordinarily guarantee his election in November, is guilty of conduct that renders him un worthy of the confidence that has been placed in him by his fellow citizens, then it becomes the duty of every good citizen, regardless of party rules, to vote for a man who will make a cap able and honest public official. The good people of Greenville have been confronted with just such a situation. The sheriff-elect recently caused the arrest and imprisonment of certain po etical opponents upon fictitious charges of a serious nature, with' the evident purpose of humiliating them and injur ing their influence. In order to rebuke this unworthy man and in order to se lect some one who will make an honest and capable sheriff, the people came together en masse and nominated an independent candidate for the office of sheriff. Under such circumstances, every good citizen should vote for the inde pendent, or "bolter", il you please. If loyalty to party rules conflict with one's duty as a citizen, it is clearly the duty of a voter {to renounce party al legiance and do his duty fully.and fear lessly. Dr. Bell Moved to McCormick. It will be seen from tbe'following clipping that Dr. D. A. J. Bell has moved to McCormick to practice medicine and has formed a oop?rt neJship with two of his nephew? who will conduct a first-class drug store: "Dr. D. A. J. Bell, formerly of Pirksville and Edgefield, announces that he is permanently located at MoCormick for the practice of his profession. He has formed copart nership with W.M. and J.S. Strom, who are arranging to open a first class drug store, and tho public gen- ' erally are invited to visit them and see their goods. Anyone needing a physician will find Dr. Bell at their place of business. Further an nouncement will bo made from week to week.*'-McCormick Mes senger. ? + ?I Current Comment J A Lofty Sentiment. "I would rather lose in a cause that I know someday will triumph, than to triumph in a cause that I know must ultimately lose."-Woodrow Wilson. > The cause has already triumphed. Second Best. The Spartanburg County Fair is the' greatest county fair ever held in South Carolina.-Spartanburg Journal. Edgefield's will be first and Spartan burg's second best. You Can Bet On lt. No husband has ever complained be cause his wife's mustard plasters are not as strong as those which his moth er used to make.-Columbia Record. No sensible husband will compare his wife's handiwork with that of her mother-in. law. Should Have Served Sentence. Before condemning the parole of Hav ird it must be remembered that Judge Sease recommended the parole. This is worth far more consideration than the "strong and lengthy petition." It was a heinous crime, however, and the original sentence appears to us none \ too severe.-Greenwood Index. Saluda county would be better | off without Havird. Little Drinking. The blind tigers report business as being rather dull, considering that it is fair week. There is little evidence of drinking at the fair grounds.-Spartan burg Journal. The number of blind tigers in a town depends upon the willingness of the mayor and police to enforce the law. They can be put to flight when the au thorities so desire. Much Needed Law. The North Carolina legislature came very near passing a law providing for registration of land titles under the Torrens system; but didn't. After it had been demonstrated that both the house and senate were overwhelmingly in favor of the law, interested enemies succeeded in smothering it in com mittee. A similar law has been under consideration in South Carolina for sev eral years pa3t; but it has not yet been taken under the serious consideration of the general assembly. We are in clined to think that with proper effort it could be put through the next ses sion.-Yorkville Enquirer. The Torrens system is growing in popularity and sooner or later it will be adopted by practically all the states, includi ng our own. There are many sound and sensible reasons why such a system of registering real estate titl?^j should be adopted. .H'-H-H^'i* ?H?i??H"M"i* .M~H"?+,i,,HM> .j. ??? I Smile Provokers $ * * "Haven't found your dog yet hear?" asked Smith of his neighbor | Jones. "No," answered Jones ruefully. "Well, have you advertised?"] asked Smith. "What's the use" said Jones; "the dog can't read."-Exchange. A small but very black negro was standing very erect at one side of the door of a house where a col ored man had just died. The ser vices were about to begin. "Aren't you coming inside?" "I would if I could," said the small boy, "but, you see, Fee de crape. " "Mary," complained the husband, "why do you suppose it is that peo ple all say I have such a large head?" "I don't know, I'm sure, John," said his wife consolingly; "but nevermind, there's nothing in it." -Ladies' Home Journal. "I'd like to look at some engage ments rings, please." "Certainly, sir. How many would you wish?" Patient-"I've got stomach troub le." Doctor-"Why don't you diet?" Patient-"What color?" "Auntie," asked little Helen, "are you an Indian, or did you mar ry one?" "Gracious no, child, of course not!" said the young aunt. "Why do you ask such a question?" <rWell," said the child, "I saw a lot of scalps on your dressing-table." Exchange. A farmer, while loading hay in his field, was attacked by his neigh bor's bulldog. The man defended himself with tho pitchfork and sent the dog yelping home. Tho neigh bor rebuked him and asked why he didn't use tho blunt end of the fork firfct. "I would have," replied the far mer, "if your dog had come at me blunt end first."-Ladies' Home VOL. 77. EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEIfc^AY, NOVEMBER 6,1912 NO, 40