lometa TflelpsT GOOD TREE FLOWER BASKET Latest Idea In Outdoor Ornament Will Help Enhance Attractiveness of AnyHMace. A feature which has been termed "The Tree Flower Basket" is one of tue latest things presented in the western part of this country for the beautifying of the home property. The owner of the home place knows that almost any kind of flower holders, if they are put to work, serve to add to the appearance of the property. Fur thermore, where a novelty, in the way ,of a flower basket, such as is seen In the accompanying Illustration, is erected., it docs more than merely serve to enhance the attractiveness of the place-it adds individuality to the dwelling. Surely this feature adds the "indi vidual" touch to the home it adorns. Altogether there are eight trees that By Nailing a Few Branches of Equal Length Around the Trunk of a Tree, Fastening Them Together With Wire, and Lining With Moss, an At tractive Tree Flower Basket ls Formed. have been treated in this manner, these running along the parkway beside this home. The Idea is esiiecially valuable -.witca a&~*i^^j?*~*???n5ir~vr*vii. Tuees that have tau, plain trunks, for the lit tle baskets serve to break the trunk's plainness. These baskets are simple in con struction and Inexpensive. A number of branches are cut in uniform length; palm branches being used in this In stance, and the length being 18 inches. These are arranged around the tree about three inches apart and are held in position by wires run around their lower ends, fastening them tightly to the tree. A lining such as moss is then secured for the bas kets, after which earth is placed in them. Flowers can then be planted In the earth. While many kinds of flowers may be grown in these baskets, vines and ferns which hang down against the trunk of the tree are very ac ceptable.-World's Advance. How About Your Roof? A city may have the reputation of being a "clean town," and its citizens may be prone to boast of this fact, but nearly any "clean town" would lose self-respect if seen as the work ers in the upper ozone view it If your of?ce happens to be located on one of the upper floors of a tall build ing, take a look at your town and see what you think of lt. Look down and see the dirty alleys, roofs littered with .everything from old lumber to paper, tin cans and cheap signs. Awful, isn't it? Now go up and examine your roof. There must be a man .higher up, and, too, aviators are a discriminating class.-Building Magazine. Neighborhood Parks Needed. All of our cities need more small neighborhood parks. The masses must have breathing places and small parks or squares best meet these re quirements. The development of cit ies should be controlled by the mu nicipalities, and no tract put on the market except a small area for a park is first donated to the city. This ls a justifiable hold-up. There should be a neighborhood park within ten min utes brisk walk of every home. All should have an educational value for the district school and general public, therefore each tree or shrub should be labeled with proper and scientific name and country of nativity. I - For Next Year's Garden. Why not start a good lot of hardy perennials If you have a coldframe in which to winter the plants? Any sort of a crude frame will do; if you haven't glass covers, boards or mats will do. Nearly all the hardy peren nials can be sown at, this time and will flower next season; they simply require some very light protection over the winter. This is also the ac cepted time to sow those two showy biennials, the foxglove (Digitalis) and cup and iaueer (Campanula). Winter in a frame and set out In very early spring.-Harper's Bazar. MAKING GOOD COFFEE CERTAIN RULES THAT WILL HAVE TO BE OBSERVED. Buying lt Green and Roasting It for Oneself Is Always Advisable-? Material Never Should Be Placed in Tin. Buy your coffee green and roast it yourself. Therein lies the main secret of the good cup of coffee. Coffee aft er having been long roasted loses Ita aroma and delicacy of flavor. From ready ground or ready roasted coffee the best results are impossible. But if the roasting is not done prop erly the brew may be worse than the worst made from prepared coffee. If roasted too much the flavor is spoiled and the beverage injuriously affects the digestion. To prevent the decom position of the acid, gum and resin in the coffee bean it is necessary that the roasting proceed a?tformly with out excess of heat. It it better to em ploy a closed receptacle, which should be shaken thoroughly about every ten minutes to prevent scorching. It should be removed fran the oven in about forty-five minutia, when the coffee is reddish brow?. An expert can tell by the odor wfien the roast ing is sufficient. Real Mocha coffee-something rare ly seen, by the was'-requires less roasting than any other because of the great amount of oil ia the bean. In other coffees the dampness prevails over the oil and the ?tcess of mois ture disappears with the roasting. Mocha is roasted enough when it has a cinnamon color; other coffees should have more of a shestnut color. In no instance should the coffee ap proach to blackness. When properly roasted the coffee should be emptied oa a stone or marble table, taking oare to separate the beans. The sudden contact with the air and the cold garface arrests the evaporation of the essential oils. As soon as the coffee is cooled it should be placed in a glass Jar and hermetically sealed. Never should it be placed in tin. It should be used as soon as possible after roasting, for no matter how carefully kept its aroma rapidly disappears. The best plan therefore is to roast only enough for one day. That insures the really good cup of coffee. Every housewife should have a cof fee mill and grind the coffee just be fore making the brew, grinding only enough for immediate use. When you do not use a percolator the best re sults are obtained by not grinding too finely. A tablespoonful of medium ground coffee to a cup of water and "one for the pot" is the usual rule for making good strong coffee. The per?ois tor hasjgpjne f "fiftf -M r'?r'V* .Teangi HouSelra?B who wasun certain of her skill under former methods. Walnut Caramel Cake. Cream one-half cupful of butter with two cupfuls of sugar and add the well-beaten yolks of tour eggs. Sift together three cupfuls of pastry flour and three teaspoonfuls of baking pow der and add to the mixture alternate ly with one cup of milk. Flavor with one teaspoonful of vanilla, add one cupful of floured and chopped wal nut meats, then fold in the stiffly beaten whites, bake m a loaf and cover with caramel frosting. Caramel Frosting.-Boil three-fourths cupful of thin cream, one-half cupful of sugar and one tablespoonful of caramel and flavor with one teaspoon of vanilla. To mako the caramel, melt one-half cupful of sugar, stir in gradually one-third cupful of water and let boil up once. Black Currant Souffle. Have two medium sized souffle dishes. Take two pounds of black cur rants, add four ounoes sugar, two spoonfuls of water. Cook .to extract the Juice and press through a fine sieve. Melt one ounce of white leaf gelatin and add, and then whip in half a pint of thick cream. Place in dishes and fill, so that when the pa per is removed the souffle will be half an inch beyond the top of the dish. Keep on ice an hour or two before serving, pipe, or entirely cover the top with whipped cream. Tomato Canapes. This is a pretty luncheon dish as well as a substantial one and easy to make into the bargain. Slice large, well-shaped tomatoes without peeling them and cut slices of bread to flt. Fry the bread and lay a tomato slice on each piece. Sprinkle with chopped green pepper, bits of butter and a lit tle grated cheese, f eason well and broil till the tomato is heated thor oughly. Serve hot. Nut Patties. Beat one egg, without separating, until light. Add gradually one cup of powdered sugar and beat until very light. Add five tablespoonfuls of flour, one cupful of finely chopped nut meats, and stir until thoroughly and smooth ly mixed. Drop by the tablespoonful on greased tins and bake for 15 min utes, or until they are a light brown, in a quick oven. Pepper Relish. One dozen red peppers, one dozen green peppers, 15 medium onions. Re move all the stems and seeds and put through grinder. Pour boiling water on and let stand ten minutes, drain. Add three cupfuls of vinegar, cupful and a half of sugar, three tablespoon fuls salt. Boil 15 minutes. Seal lo small jars. Delicious witn cold meat CONVICTS AS ROAD BUILDERS Need for Co-Operation Between State Hlghv/ay and State Prison De partments ls Outlined. "The state highway department should hire convicts from the stato prison department in exactly the same way as it would hire free laborers, and at the same price per day. Dur ing the hours of work the men should not be thought ol! as convicts, but sim ply as employees of the highway de partment. No pajment should be^n^do for a single hour not worked and a man discharged should be removed al once and permanently, whilo the high way department should have no re sponsibility for nor authority over the convicts at any time nor in any man ner except to conduct their wo^e^or to discharge them." This need for co-operation between the state highway and state prfeor departments is strongly urged{ in a report made to the New York state highway department by David J. Shor er, who was :ln charge of the convict road work in Green county, New "'fork, during the summer of 1914. Mr. Shorer's practical experience has demonstrated the importance of the recommendation for co-opejation between the highway and prison^ de partments in conducting convict road work, which the national committee on prisons arad prison labor has ad vocated for a number of years and has been instrumental in embodying-into the laws of the state of West Vir ginia. The work in Green county, New York, was carried on under most dif ficult condition's. The men arrived at the camp before the organization and equipment were completed. They were sent there without regard to their suitability for the work and al most one-fourth were totally unfit and i had to be returned to the prison. Ar-1 rangements for feeding the men were j unsatisfactory, while winter made effi- ! clent work impossible fully two .weeks ! before they were removed from the j camp. In spite of these difficulties Mr. ! Shorer reports that, taking the 60 con-1 victs who were retained at the camp,. and comparing them with 51 civilians j also working at the camp, the con-1 victs averaged better than the civil Improved Road in New York. ians and as good as any ordinary con tract gang.' Under proper conditions he maintains there will be no difficulty in using convicts for this type of work with good results for the money ex pended. The national committee on prisons and prison labor calls special atten tion to this report and its conclusion that two factors are essential to the success of convict road work. Re sponsibility for administration must be placed in the hands of those com petent to meet it, and the men en couraged through a system of rewards so that they feel they have something to gain through good work. LOSS CAUSED BY ROAD THIEF Farmer Forced to Haul Small Loads and Deprives Him of Opportunity to Sall Products. The bad-road thief forces you to haul small loads; drive slowly; wrench and twist the life out of your horse, harness and vehicle, often breaking and damaging the latter un til great and expensive delays are occasioned. It also steals your oppor tunity to dispose ol! your farm when you wish to sell, for no man will pay as much for a farm bordered by a poor road system as he will for one with a well-kept highway, and some will not buy a farm at all when the road system is poor. The loss of time and money, where the above named conditions exist, makes lt im perative that you open all the drain ditches along the road, drag this si lent, notorious thief to death with the King road drag. Built Up Rural Communities. What we need is good roads and modern homes. Help the farmers se cure these and you will do more to ward building up the rural communi ties than any other two things. Dangerous Road. A road .is a road-but when it is a high, narrow grade with steep sides and a fiat surface, it is a poor road and a dangerous one. Brings Farms Nearer Town. A farm ten miles from town on a hard road is nearer than a farm five miles from town on a soft road. Learn to Make Roads. We sied more men out learning how to make roads than locating routes to make them on. ? The Perfection Completes Your Shaving Outfit TOUCH a match-the Perfection glows in response. In five min utes the bathroom is as warm as toast Why endure cold, damp and chilly weather when this inexpensive little portable fireplace is always ready to make things cozy and warm in bedroom, bathroom-all over the house. The Perfection is clean, convenient eas ily carried wherever you want it. Ten hours of comfort from a gallon of ofl. It is smokeless and odorless. ODS ts noth ing when not in use but is always ready to make your house the home of cheer. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N?w Jertey) BALTIMORE Waihin