OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 01, 1916, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1916-11-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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Treasurer's Notice.
The County Treasurer's office will be
open for the purpose of receiving taxes
from the 15th day of October, 1916, to |
the 15th day of March, 1917.
All taxes shall be due and payable J
between the 15th dav of October, 1916,
and December 31st, 1916.
That when taxes charged shall not be
paid by December 31st, 1916, the County j
Auditor shall proceed to add a penalty
of one per cent, for January, and if
taxes are not paid on or before Feb
ruary 1st, 1917, the County Auditor!
will proceed to add two per cent., and
five per cent, from the 1st of March to
the 15th of March, after which time all
unpaid tAxes will be collected by the
The tax levies for the year 1916 are |
as follows:
For State purposes
" Ordinary County
" Constitutional School Tax
" Antioch
*' Bacon School District
" Blocker
" Blocker-Limestone
" Collier's}
" Flat Rock
" Oak Grove
" Red Hill
" Edgefield
" School Building ,
" Elmwood No. 8
" Elmwood No. 9
" Elmwood No. 30
'? Elmwood L. C.
" Hibler (
" Johnston
" Meriwether (Gregg)
*' Moss
" Shaw
" Talbert
" Trenton
M Wards
" Blocker R. R. (portion)
" Elmwood R. R. (portion)
" Johnston R. R.
" Pickens R. R.
'. Wise R. R.
** Corporation and R. R.
All the male citizens between the
ages of 21 years and 60 years, except
those exempt by law, are liable to a
poll tax of One Dollar each. A capita
tion tax of 51? cents each is to be paid
on all dogs.
The law prescribes that all male citi
zens between the ages of 18 and 55
years must pay $2.00 commutation tax
or work six days on the public roads.
As this is optional with the individual,
no commutation tax is included in the
property tax. So ask for road tax re
ceipt when you desire to pay road tax.
Co Treas. E. C.
My shop, lot, shop tools, mate
rial and machinery (except Grist mill
and engine). Also, my home on
Columbia street. Reason for sell
ing change of business.
Apply tu
not give yom*
boy and girl an
opportunity to
make t heir Aome
study easy and
effective? Give
them the same :
chances to win pro- j
motion and success
aa the lad having the j
advantage of
Dictionary in hi3 home. This new
creation answers with final author
ity all kinds of puzzling questions
in history, geography, biography,
spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, ?
and sciences. |
400.000 Vocabulary Terxn9. 2700 Pagi?. |
Over 6000 Illustrations. Colored Plates, ?
The only dictionary wi Ul the Dividid Paga. M
The type matter is equivalent to that ?
of a 2 5-volume encyclopedia. g
More Scholarly. Accurate, Convenient. 1
and Authoritative chan any other Ena- s
tish Dictionary. ?
WRITE for g
specimen pages, g
illustrations, etc. 3
2E,a set of Pocket ?3
Maps if you nama this M
Light Saw, Lathe and Shin
gle Mills, Engines. Boilers,
Supplies and Repairs, Porta
ble, Steam and Gasoline En
gines, Saw Teeth, Files. Belts
and Pipes, WOOD SAWS
Cures Old Sores, Other 3j?rr.3?ies Won't Cure
The vrorst enses, uo matter cf hov/ long standing
ure cured by the wonderful, old reliable Er
porter's Antiseptic Keatitjff Oil. It relievei
?ain and Keals at the Muqc irsis, ?Sc. 50c, Sl.u
Master's Sale.
State of South Carolina,
County of Edgefield,
Court of Common PleaB.
Hattie W. Adams, Executrix of th
Last Will and Testament of W.
W. Adams, Deceased, Plaintiff
vs-N. L. Brunson, Defendant.
Pursuant to a decree in the above
entitled cause, I shall offer for sale
at public outcry to the highest bid
der before the Court House, Town
of Edgefield, County and State
aforesaid, on Salesday in Novem
ber, 1916, the same being the ?th
day of said month, between the le
gal hours of sale the following de
scribed realty, to wit:
"All that tract of land, lying in
the County of Edgefield, State of
South Carolina, containing Two
Hundred and Twenty Two and
Three-Fourths (222?) acres, more or
less, and bounded on the EaHt by
lands of Frank Bettis; on the North
by lands of B. L. Rambo Estate
South by land s of Miss Genie Fair
and on the West by lands of J. N
Fair; being the Eastern portion of
the John Fair Estate, and being
North of Horn's Creek." This land
will be sold in two bracts as nearly
equal as practicable, and plats will
be exhibited on the day of sale.
cash, balance on a credit of one
year, with interest from date of said
sale, or all cash at purchaser's op
tion; the credit portion, if any, to
be secured by the bond of the pur
chaser and a mortgage of the prem
ises. Said bond and mortgage to
provide for interest from date, and
ten per cent, attorney's fees, in case
same shall be placed in hands of an
Mtorney for collection.
If purchaser at said sale shall fail
to comply with the terms thereof,
within one hour from the time of
said sale, said premises, upon direc
tion of plaintiff, or his attorney,
will be resold on said day at the ! 1
risk of the former purchaser. Pur
:haser to be let into possession on
production of Master's Deed. Pur
chaser to pay for papers.
Master E. C. S. C.
Oct. 5th 1916.
Master's Sale.
State of South Carolina,
County of Edgefield,
Court of Common Pleas.
The Bank of Johnston, Plaintiff, - (
vs-Mrs. Leslie G. Moyer, et al j
Defendants. <
Pursuant to a decree in the above (
entitled cause, I shall offer for sale 1
it public outcry to the highest bid- '
der before the Court House, Town (
of Edgefield, County and State '
iforesaid, on Salesday in Novem
ber, 1916, the same being the 6th
day of said month, between the le
gal hours of sale the following de
scribed realty, to wit:
"All and singular that certain
lot or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being in the Town of Johnston,
in the County and State aforesaid,
containing One-half (^) acre, more]
or less, and bounded on the North
east by lot of, Mrs. L. V". Moyer;
on the South-east by Calhoun St.
on tho South-west by land of the
Estate of D. P. Ouzts, deceased,
and on the North-west by land of
Mrs. M. S. Taylor and the Estate
of D. P. Ouzts, deceased."
If purchaser at said sal? shall fail
to comply with the terms thereof,
within one hour from the time of
said sale, said premises, upon direc
tion of plaintiff, or bis attorney,
will be resold on said day at the
risk of the former purchaser. Pur
chaser to be let into possession on
production of Master's Deed. Pur
chaser to pay for papers.
Master E. C. S. C.
Oct. 5th 1916.
Repairing of Fire Arms, Safes,
Talking Machines, etc
Key Fitting a Specialty
Augusta, Ga.
Telephone 679 646 Broad St.
To Drive Out Malaria
And Build Up The System
Take the Old Standard GROVE'S
TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know
what you are taking, as the formula is
printed on every label, showing it is
Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form.
The Quinine drives out malaria, the
Iron builds up the system.. 50 cents
Master's Sale.
State of South Carolina,
County of Edgefield,
Court of Common Pleas.
Mrs. Anne J. White, M. E. Bla
don, et al, Plaintiffs-vs-Wal
ter B. White, Defendant.
Pursuant to a Supplemental de
cree in the above entitled cause, I
shall offer for sale at public outcry
to the highest bidder before the
Court House, Town of Edgefield,
County and State aforesaid, on
Salesday in November, 1916, the
same being the 6th day of said
month, between legal hours of sale
the following described realty, to
One of the Tracts of land set
forth in the Original Decree in this
Cause, same being "Tract No. 2 of
said land containing Seventy Acres,
more or less, Bounded North and
South by lands of C. C. Fuller; on
?he East by Tract No. 1, vested in
Mrs. M. E. Bladon, and on the West
by lands of Mrs. S. L. White."
TERMS OF SALE - One-half
cash, balance on a credit of One
year, with interest from date of j
said sale, or all cash at ourchaser'sj
option; the credit portion, if any,
to be secured by the bond of the
purchaser and a mortgage of the ?
premises. Said bond and mortgage j
to provide for interest from date,
and ten per cent, attorney's fees, in
case same shall be placed in hands
of an attorney for collection.
If purchaser at said sale shall fail
to comply with the terms thereof,
within one hour from the time of
said sale, said premises, upon direc
tion of plaintiff, or his attorney,
will be resold on said day or any
subsequent day, at the risk of the
former purchaser. Purchaser to be
let into possession of said premises
Dn production of Master's deed
thereto. Purchaser to pay for pa
cers. J. H. CANTELOU,
Master E. C. S. C.
Oct. 5th, 1916.
Master's Sale
State of South Carolina,
County of Edgefield.
Court of Common Pleas.
Mrs. Agatha C. White, et al Plain
tiffs-vs-Walter B. White, J.
T. White, et al Defendants.
Pursuant to a decree in the above I
mtitled cause, I shall offer for sale j
it public outcry to the highest bid
ler before the Court House, Town
>f Edenfield, County and State)
iforesaid, on Salesday in Novem
ber, 1916, the same being the 6th
lay of said month, between the le-1
ral hours of sale the following de
scribed realty, to wit:
The Tract of land Devised in the
Will of Mrs. Katherine DeVore to
Mrs. Anne J. White for and during
the term of her natural life, (now
leceased,) which is "Situate partly
in the County of Edgefield, and
partly in the County of McCormick,
containing Three Hundred and
Ninety One Acres, more or less,
and bounded on the North-west by
Cuffetown Creek; on the South-west
by land of Mrs. S. L. White; on the
South-east by land of C. C. Fuller
and on the North-east by the old
Sand Hill Tract," This Tract of
land will be sold in three separate
tracts; according to recent turvey,
containing, Tract No. 1, 155^
acres; Tract No. 2, 93 3-8 acres,
and Tract No. 3, 95 1-8 acres.
Plates will be exhibited ou day of
cash, balance iu two equal annual
installments, with interest from date
of sale, or all cash at purchaser's
option; the credit portion, if any, to
be secured by the bond of the pur
chaser and a mortgage of the prem
ises. Said bond and mortgage to
provide for interest from date, and
ten per cent, attorney's fees, in case
same shall be placed in hands of an
attorney for collection.
If purchases at said sale shall fail
to comply with the terms thereof,
within one hour from the time of
said sale, said premises, upon direc
tion of plaintiff, will be resold on
said day at the risk of the former
purchaser. Purchaser to be let into
possession on production of Mas
ter's Deed, thereto; said possession
not to effect crops of present year.
Purchaser to pay for papers.
Master E. C. S. C.
Oct. 5th 1916.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted
only when necessary. Optical
work of all kinds.
Master's Sale.
State of South ?Carolina,
County of Edgefield,
Court of Common Pleas.
Mrs. Sallie Bland Brown and Frank
Standford Bland, Plaintiffs-vs
John E. Schumpert and John A.
Bland, as Executors of Last Will
and Testament of Frank Stan
ford Bland, et al, Defendants.
Pursuant to a decree in the above
entitled cause, I shall offer for sale
at public outcry to the highest bid
der before the Court House, Town
of Edgefield, County and State
aforesaid, on Salesday in Novem
ber, 1916, the same being the 6th
day of said month, between the le
gal hours of sale the following de
scribed realty to wit:
Tract No. 1.-"All that Lot sit
uate in the Town of Johnston, in
the said County and State, contain
ing about One Acre, and bounded
on the North by Edisto Street; on
the East by Mrs. A. S. Rhoden;
South by Mrs. O. M. Eidson, and
on the West by E. L. Yonce."
Tract Nu. 2.-"All that tract of
land, situate in the County of Edge
field, and in the County of Saluda,
containing Five Hundred and Sixty
(560) acres, more or less, and bound
ed on the North by lands of John
D. Eidson and Rocky Creek; on the
East by land of R. W. Pruitt; on
the South by Sandy Springs, and on
the West by land of J. L. Hart and
Lizzie Shrimp." This tract of
land will be sold in several tracts,
per survey, possibly four or five,
and plats will be exhibited on day
of sale.
cash, balance in one and two equal
annual installments, with interest
from date of said sale, or all cash at
purchaser's option; the credit por
tion, if any, to be secured by the
bond of the purchaser and a mort
gage of the premises. Said bond
and mortgage to provide for inteB
est from date, and ten per cent, at
torney's fees, in case same shall be
placed in hands of an attorney for
If purchaser at said sale shall tail
to comply with the terms thereof,
within one hour from the time of
said sale, said premises, upon direc
rection of plaintiff, or his attorney,
will be resold on said day at the
risk of the former purchaser. Pur
chaser to be let into possession on
production of Master's Deed. Pos
session not to affect the rents for
the present year or the crops grown
on the land. Purchaser to pay for
papers: J. H. CANTELOU,
Master E C. S. C.
Oct. 5th 1916.
Dental Surgeon
Residence'Phone J7-R. Office 3.
Fruit Trees.
Let me have your orders for fruit
trees of ail kinds. I represent the
Van Lindlay Nursery, Pomona, N.
C., which is the leading nursery in
the south. The large fruit growers
of the Ridge section purchase their
trees from this nursery. Their trees
are always strong, vigorous and
true to name.
R. G. Shannonhouse.
Edgefield, S. C.
Champion ?
Duty Stewart
Pumps, Bio
Pressure Gai
Copper Tubins
Write or ph
you money.
Augusta's Leading Jewelry
We want our Edgefield friends to come in to see us
at our new store, 980 Broad Street, We have in
creased our stock, and are better prepared in every way
to serve them. We are showing the largest assortment
of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Clocks, Watches
and Novelties that we have ever shown.
We desire to call especial attention to our repair de
partment, which has been improved in every way.
We now have new and improved machinery, and can
do the most difficult and most delicate repairing here
in our store. Send us your watches by express and we
will return them promptly repaired in the very best
Call Upon Us at Oar New Store
A. J. Renkl
980 Broad Street Augusta, Georgia
Long-Term Loans to Farmers a Specialty.
Your farm land accepted as security WITHOUT ENDORSER or
Dther COLLATERAL. Unlimited funds immediately available in de
nominations of Three Hundred and up. Established 1892.
JAMES FRANK & SON, Augasta, Ga.
I J. C. LEE, President F. E. Gibson, Sec. and Treas.
If you are going to build, remodel or repair,
we invite your inquiries.
We manufacture and deal in doors, sash, blinds
stairs, interior trim, store fronts and fixtures,
pews, pulpits, etc., rough and dressed lumber,
lath, pine and cypress shingles, flooring, ceiling
and siding.
Distributing agents for Flintkote roofing
Estimates cheerfully and carefully mane.
Woodard Lumber Co.
Corner Roberts ana Dugas Streets.
Our Motto: SK
e to Automobile
e Carry a Most Complete Stock of
lited States Tires and
Inner Tubes
?lain, Usco and Chain Tread
K3, 30X3, 30X31, 32X3J, 33x44
ipark Plugs, 1-2 and 7-8. Heavy
's Hand Horns.
w-Out Patches, Schradens Tire
ages, Inner-Tube Vulcanizers,
one us for prices. We can save
?rt & Kernaghan

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