OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, July 09, 1919, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1919-07-09/ed-1/seq-6/

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Shots Claim Life of Sheri
Greenville, July 4.-Hendrix E
tor, sheriff of Greenville county, y
killed by Jake Gosnell in the door
Briscoe's garage on West Co
Street at 12:05 o'clock today. She
Hector was shot in three places, o:
in the head, once in the shouldev i
the third time in the side, all cn
right side of the body. He died
fore reaching the city hospital.
Mrs. Gosnell was with her husbe
at the time of the shooting and I
and W. B. Keller/, who was at c
time jailer and deputy sheriff uni
Rector's administration, and Coroi
W. H. Allison, who had gone to int
view the sheriff on another matt
were said to be the only eye witne
es. Several mechanics were worki
in the garage at the time but s?
their view of the men was obscui
by automobiles and they only hea
the report of th a pistols. They SJ
they thought four shots were firei
The sheriff fell to the concr(
floor and was unconscious and scan
ly breathing when put into an amt
lance. The only weapon in eviden
after Jake Gosnell had been carri
to jail and Sheriff Rector was bei
placed on his death cot was the pei
handled revolver which apparanl
dropped out of the sheriff's hip poe
et as his body was being lifted in
the ambulance. There were no sig
of injury to Gosnell, it was stated
Gosnell Locked Up.
Immediately after the shootii
Gosnell, with his wife, walked calm
to the street. A passing automobi
was hailed and Gosnell, in custody
Former Sheriff Keller, accompanii
by Mrs. Gosnell, rode to the coun
jail. Gosnell, a few minutes later w
spirited away in an automobile ai
in custody of United States Marsh*
Lyons, was carried to the State pe;
itentiary at Columbia for safe kee;
ing. Governor Cooper, who was ;
York to-day was communicated wil
and advised of the shooting.
Several thousand people congr
gated at one time or another duri::
the afternoon, going to and fro as tl
news of the killing was spreadin
rapidly to the remotest sections e
. the county. No signs of violence ha
been heported. Briscoe's garage :
about 100 yards from the com
Coroner Allison, who was at th
garage at the time of the shooting
said the inquest will be held Satui
day, and that he preferred not t
make any statement prior to. th
hearing. Mrs. Gosnell, after her hui
band's arrest said that he would hav
* no statement to make until after h
consulted his attorneys.
Ex-Deputy Sheriff Keller wa
quoted by several offcers as sayinj
that a few words were exchanged be
tween Sheriff Rector and Gosnell. Hi
stated that Rector, who had beei
standing in the garage office waitinj
for his automobile, walked into th
storage room. Gosnell at the tim<
was kneeling down looking at som?
part of his car. Sheriff Rector ii
quoted as saying, "Good morning,'
.to Gosnell, and the latter replied, "]
have no good morning for you," te
which Sheriff Rector is quoted tc
have replied, "I don't give a damr
whether you have or not." Gosnell
rose from his position, it is alleged,
and fir jd from a 32 calibre revolver
which was later turned over to the
coroner for evidence.
Hostile feeling had existed between
the two men for several years, due
. largely, it is said, to political differ
ences. A year or so ago they had a
fight one night on Main Street, and
were tried-in recorder's court. They
also occasionally indulged in news
paper controversies in which bitter
. ness was expressed.
Both men had been very active in
politics in the county, though Gosnell
never aspired for public office. As a
.special revenue agent, his activity
.was devoted to raiding whiskey dis
r . Rector's Political Career.
Sheriff Rector had a spectacular
career as an officer and was pictur
esque to a degree. He was the leading
Bleasite in the county and the back
bone of the Blease-Rector organiza
tion in this county. He was 37 years
of age and was born and reared in
the Dark Corner section of Glassy
Mountain. Elected magistrate at the
age of 21, he later came to Greenville
and served as a policeman, earning a
reputation as a fearless officer. He
was elected sheriff the first time he
ran, defeating J. D. Gilreath, who had
been a political power, by a majority
of 16 votes.
Three years ago he was reelected
on the first ballot over five opponents
and was an announced candidate for
a third term. He was frequently in
the limelight and was known through
out South Carolina. Sheriff Rector's
chief political strength was in the
mill villages and the country, though
he received a flattering vote in the
city in the last election.
The funeral will be held Sunday.
Besides his wife he is survived by his
mother and four brothers. Carlos A.
Rector, deputy collector of internal
revenue; Romey Rector, Jeff Rector,
who was wounded in France, and
Tim Rector.
At an early hour Friday morning
Jake Gosnell, charged with shooting
lo death Sheriff Rector in Greenville
yesterday, had not reached the State
penitentiary and his whereabouts
were unknown. ?
Governor Cooper will be called up
on at once to appoint a successor for
the unexpired term of Sheriff Rector.
Columbia, July 7.-As a tribute to
the heroes of South Carolina who
made the supreme sacrifice in the
Great War, the people of the State
will erect a handsome and a fitting
memorial in the shape of a building
to cost half a million dollars.
.This decision has been reached by
the South Carolina Memorial Com
mission, created by the action of the
last legislature and appointed recent
ly by Governor Cooper.
The design of the building has not
yet been determined, but it will be
purely memorial and artistic in its
nature and general form, the utilita
rian features to be kept inthe back
Of the $500,000 to be put in the
building, the legislature has appro
priated $100,000. The remaining
$400,000 will be raised by popular
subscription, in order, principally,
that every person in the State may
have the opportunity of contributing
directly toward the memoria 1.
The executive committee of the
memorial commission, which will have
charge of the campaign soon to be
launched to raise the necessary fund,
is headed by former Governor Rich
ard I. Manning, who recently return
ed from France where he attended
the Peace Conference as a delegate
from the League to Enforce Peace.
The executive committee has been
given power to act and has begun to
lay plans for launching the cam
Rubber H
We have Garden Hose,
and Steam Hose. Our gard
far the cheapest hose you c
six to eight seasons, which
3c. to 4c. per foot a season,
for 10c. you know as a rule
about one season. With an
garden hose we give a lawn
Radiator hose in 1 inch,
inch, 2 , in 3 and 4 foot lenj
823 West Gervais I
Wholesale Grocei
Corn, Oats,
Corner Cumming a
On Georgia
Distributors of Marathon Tires and
D9m See our repr?sentatif
Washington. July 8.-Sale of 2L/
000,000 pounds of surplus sugar now
held by the war department has been
authorized, it was announced today
at a minimum price to be fixed by the
United States sugar equalization
board to cover the cost to the gov
ernment. The only condition of sale
will be that none of this stock may be
exported. Investigation having shown
that the principal shortage at present
is in states east of the Mississippi, ef
forts will be made to find purchasers
in that section.
The stocks comprise 14,000,000
pounds in storage at New Orleans
and 7,000,000 pounds at San Fran
"The export market afforded a high
er figure than the war department
will realize through this method of
marketing," the announcement said.
"Offers of ten cents per pound have
been made for the entire surplus of
exporters, but the secretary of war,
realizing that the shortage of sugar
existed in the United States during
the canning season desired that the
American public be given the benefit
of the surplus.
New Orleans, July 8.-The 14,
000,000 pounds of government-own
ed Louisiana sugar in storage here
was practically oversold today, ac
cording to Judge R. E. Milling, chair
man of the Louisiana sugar commit
tee which was authorized to receive
bids and which met here today and
passed on them. More than 300 or
ders for carload and more lots were
received, he stated. The price was
8.82 f. o. b. New Orleans.
Summer Complaint Quickly Relieved.
"About two years ago when suf
fering from a severe attack of sum
mer complaint, I took Chamberlain's
Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and it
relieved me almost instantly," writes
Mrs. Henry Jewett, Clark Mills, N.
Y. This is an excellent remedy for
colic and diarrhoea and should be
kept at hand by every family.
Th? PHIS That Do Cure.
ose for all
Water Hose, Radiator Hose
en hose at 25c. per foot is by
an buy, for it will last from
means an average of about
While you can get a hose
; the 10c. hose will last you
order for 50 feet or more of
li inch, H inch, H inch, 2
Supply Co.
St., Columbia, S. C.
- Georgia
H i Mil M Z > < I Mg M ;
rs and Dealers in
Hay and all
)f Seeds
nd Fenwick Streets
R. R. Tracks
ta, Ga.
Tubes. None better, but our price
'e, C. E. May.
Enjoy the
freedom of
home life in
Life Isn't Life
in a rented house, a boarding house or a crowded flat. One
is too cramped, formalities too burdensome and restrictions
too numerous. It is a useless nuisance. Especially when
it is so easy to own your own home. Building materials are
high, but modern methods of manufacture reduce the cost
and place a home within your reach. Labor is expensive,
but systematic construction makes possible the erection in
only a few days. Build Today-Stop Paying Rents.
$879. Uss IO
per gent, for cash.
Net price
An Attractive, snug, convenient, roomy little bungalow with graceful
lines embodying the most modern of architectural ?deas. Securely and
substantially built to make lt lasting.and comfortable In the most severe
weather. Especially built for convenience. While small in appearance,
and snug Us rooms are in reality of ample size for every comfort. Built
nt a tremendously reduced cost, due to the Immense swings in quantity
production. From the flooring to t!ie roof; from the siding to the Interior
finish. It ls already prepared for erection and partially built. In buying
a QU I CK Bl LT Bungalow, you
TX/A CTr/ All the material :s already prepared and the hrge waste
rr jr%.hJ M |,i|cs 0f g crap lumber are thus eliminated. "Every foot of
lumber is used. You buy no surplus material.
T1MF Every piece of material hns Its own place. Everything is
J lirii-?- numbered and systematized. The instructions to the car
penter are complet'; and the order of erection simple. No time ls lost
In looking for material. The time ordinarily required in preliminary
cutting and trimming ls saved. As a large port?n of the house ls al
ready built In panels, just that much time and cost ls eliminated in
f Af?(~)f? ,v,tn ,nc "'In: process of erection systematized and
complete, the pren building '.bugaboo"-nrellniinary
preparation-eliminated, the labor In thc erection of a QUICKBILT Bun
galow ls reduced to a minimum, and therefore, of minor consideration.
\ c-rrenter of average speed and experience with two laborers, can erect
:..c bouse In 7 days. The ordinary house will take almost as many weeks.
labor, ls a
the ex
pense of erection ls cut In half, but that is not all. You heed not pay
a contractor's fee. The erection is so simple and systematic that any
.arpenter of average Intelligence can erect it with ease. Many owners
build them themselves. You pay no architect's fee. The complete plans*
with nil specifications and instructions are furnished FREE. And yet.
thc plans are made after careful study by the best and most experienced
of architects, with a view to eliminating waste and gaining the greatest
possible convenience, economy and strength. The cost of the material
is further reduced by the fact that you buy it from the mill, manufac
turer and forest in one. Our complete plants cover the entire process,
fi om the tree to tho completed house. You pay no middle-man a profit.
You buy direct from the source of material. In our completo plants In
Which hundreds of houses are built simultaneously, every short cut to
perfection ls used and every waste avoided. As the houses are made
In great quantities you gain the aovantage of thc low cost or quantity
The house ls shipped F. 0. E. Charleston, complete with all necessary
material except the brick work. Size over all. ?53-ft. x 2l-ft.
There are two largo bed rooms, size 9-ft. x 12-ft., with closets,
one spacious living room 12-ft. x 13-ft.. kitchen 12-ft. x 12-ft. and an at-i
tractive front porch 12-ft. x 6-ft. The house ls well lighted, spacious,
well ventilated and convenient. The construction is largely of North
Carolina Tine, "The Wood Universal," thoroughly kiln dried. Excellent
flooring and celling. Walls built In panels of siding lined with heavy
builders' paper to Insure warmth. Durable, flre-reslstlng, standard as
phalt strip shingles with slate green or red finish. Artistic paneled inside
finish. Excellent doors and sash. All necessary nails and hardware
furnished. House comes with exterior walls stained any one of a number
of standard colors or painted with one heavy coat of priming paint. Ex
terior trim and inside finish painted with one heavy coat of priming
/l/f/")A7J7'V A saving In waste of material, time and labo;
lUXJIVE* J. "saving in money. With a QUICKBILT Bungalow
for further information and a copy of our complete and attractive, il
lustrated book, "QUICKBILTBungalows" No. B-110.lt will explain all
about No. 42 and many other attractive QUICKBILT Bungalows. It ls
Flt EE for the asking. Merely fill out the coupon bolow and mall lt.
Better still. If Bungalow No. 42 fills your needs, tell us the color de
sired and Instruct us to ship immediately.
COUPON-Clip Here and Mail To-Day.
I Please send me your beak. "QUICKENLT Bungalows" No.
? especially Interested In a . room house.
B-IIO.Am i
QUICKBILT Bungalow Dept, Al C. Tuxbury Lumber Co., Charleston, S. C
Warm Weather
ls Here
You cannot longer put off buying hot weather garments. We
have a large assortment of everything that men and boys need to
make themselves comfortable these sweltering days.
See our hot-weather clothing, all sizes and all weaves at prices that
are reasonable.
Large stock of Oxfords that are stylish and durable-all of the
popular leathers.
If it's a Straw hat 01; Panama that you need, come to us. We
can fit you at a reasonable price.
Largest stock of Shirts and Summer Underwear that we have ever
shown. Can fit any size from a small boy to the largest men.
Now is the time to supply your needs before the stock is broken.
You can get what you want.
Come in to See Us
Dorn & Mim?
Wi 'ZW'13f W. ? SSSK $

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