THE WEEKLY HERALD. NE,WBERRY, S. C. WEM*lDAY MORNING, NOVEMMR 29, 1865. The Charleston Mercury. The old patrons of the Mercury will be pleased to know that its editor, Mr. R. B. Rhctt, jr., will revive its issue on the 1st of December. Tpogmaphlc Eessenger. om1n Jas. Conner's Sons, Type Founders, New York, we have received the November No. of his M.?esenger. It is beautifully printed by French & Wheat, JAnn Street. Lord Russell, By advices per Steamship City of London, to the 2th instant, has been confitmed as Premier, and Lord Clarendon, as Minister of Foreign Another Company. Capt. D. A. Dickert, pursuant to orders of Gov. Perry, has raised a company from the 39th Regi 4eat. It will be remembered that Capt. Dickert displayed much gallantry during the war, as com -mander of Company H, 3d S. C. V. The Lieu tenats are W. B. Whites, A. J. Hipp, and J. W. Stoudemire. Our Book Table. N.&MELESS. By Fanny ffurdaugh Downing. One volume, 16 mo. cloth. From the press of W. B. Smith & Co., Field & Fireside Publishing House, 58, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh .Y. C. Price $2.00. We find upon our table, with the compliments of the publisher, a copy of the above work. We have given it a very hasty reading, a.d do not feel able to bestow so good a notice as it deserves. It is an ingenious and felicitous story of heart life amid the blandishments of fashionable soci ty, the plot being creditab'y sustained. The ideal is oertainly charming-many of the pas sages are replete with gems of thought. The book is readable and we recommend it to lovers of Iight literature. The Direct Tax. The Charleston Courier remarks that judging from the many enquiries propounded, that the nature and object of the Direct Tax now;being eollected, are not thoroughly understood, and for the enlightenment of those wishing informa tion, thus sets it forth: "In August, 1861, Congress levied a Direct Tax of $20,000,000 upon lands and houses in the several States of the Union. This Tax was for the purpose of defrayig the expenses of* the war. All the States were accorded the privilege of assuming their proportion of the Tax and paying the same at once. In consequence of the struggle, the Tax could not be collected in the States comprising the late Confederacy, and, at the cessation of hostilities as many of us well know, the Government provided means for se curing the amottnt due, under the penalty of forfeiture of property should the parties assessed fail to comply with the regulations. Of the amounts claimed from the Southern States under the head of the Direct Tax of 1861, Virginia, is set down for $$37,550.66 ; North Carolina, $576, 194.68; South Carolina, $863,570.66; Georgia, $584,-367,33 ; Alabama, $529,313.33; Mississippi $413,084.66 ; Louisiana, $385,886.66; Tennessee, $669,498; Arkansas, $261,886; Florida, $77, 522.66 ; Texas, $355,106.66. In the present depleted condition of South Carolina, we do not perceive how with justice the Government can force an imm,ediate payment in cash or Treasury notes of the taxes due, and, on that ground, we uphold Governor Perry in his effort to have the collection of the taxes postponed for a brief period at least. If the State should have the privilege of assuming the debt, it would be a benefit not only to ourselves bct the country at large." The .Tamaica Bevolt. A prompt and terrible retribution has fallen upon the wretched actors in the late revolt in the, island of Jamaica, in which the most cruel and bloody scenes were est eed. The following ex tract from the Kinston C3rrespondence gives the scene of execution ; On the north stands the late Court House, like a hnge spectre as a witness of its sad -dispoilers, eid before it is the beama, and the crutched sup p'orts, for so mnany necks. Immediately in front of these; -their faces towards them and their bas to the south, are the doomed rebels. In the rear is a long line of untried male rebels, taking up more than two-thirds of the south side of the square ; their line being fianked on the right by the rebel women, and on the left by the t wemy-two prisoners I have named landed from the Cordelia. On the west are a few ot the gen try and inhabitants of the to,wn. The east side is an open space. To the northwest stand pro prietors, magistrates, officers of the army and na'vy, &c., and in the center is the Provost Mar shal. All is silent as the grave round that sol eman spot where stern justicc is to be adminis tered. The soldiers, with loaded rifles, line around in the rear of all and the police are the guards for the culprits. While the jack tars are adjustir,g the ropes the measured tread of the Provost Marshal seems to count the few seconds left to the wretched mortals. Soon he stops and in a clear voice calls out one by one the names of prisoners to be executed. Lawrence. was first called. As the rope was placed around his neck the blood rushed to his face, and every one thought that he was going into a fit. The last taken out was Samuel Clarke. I stood near to Mr. McLean, the clerk of the Vestry for St. Da vid, and a thought crossed me. There he was a witness, unexpectedly, to the execution of the man who, all believe, was the :aourderer of his father. Some years have elapsed since that tragedy was enacted in a neighboring parish, wherein Samuel Clarke was the chief actor, and it seemed a just retribution visited upon the head of this arch villian. There is a deep silence -then a hush. The Provost Marshal puts his watch to his ears to ascertain if it is still going, then he holds it in his hand. "Are you ready ?" "Yes, sir !" "To be hung !"-pronounced loud ly the Provost Marshal. The planks are with drawn, and the bodies of these plotters against the peace and order, life and property, swing in the air. It may not be ahogether uninteresting to your readers to know that slightly over one thousand rebels have been hanged and shot in the parish of St. Thomas in-the-East up to date; and it is not at all unlikely that ere the different courts martial close their sittings there will be far over two- thousand who will have paid the penalty of1 their vile attempt to extermninate the white and colored races of this island. AN OMINous MOVEMENT OF TROooPS.-A tele gram which we publish this morning, says the Charleston Courier, but which should have been received in time for pubication yesterday, an nounces the not whoity unexpected intelligenceI of the issuing of an order at Washington for all the United States Cavalry troops, excepting the Fiftieth -Pennsylvania Regiment, to repair to San Antonio. The purport of this movement will be readily understood by those who have kept thiemn selves infor'med as to the late actions in Mexico, and have no.ticed- the effect of those actions in government circles at Washington. It is gener ally known that Major-General Logan, recently aoooited as Minister to the Republic, is strong The Mexican News. NEW ORLEANS, November 16, 1865. We have highly interesting news from Mexico. The Brownsville Mexican Republican of the 17th instant announces the capture of Monterey by the Liberal forces under General Porrs. The Republican also says that no Liberal rein forcements have arrived from Brownsville. A merchant who had arrived at Brownsville says that a large French force was landing at Bagdad. An extra of the Republican says that Gene rals Pendro and Mendot had arrived and joined General Cordo before Matamoros, with eighteen hundred Liberals, an i that previously they had surrounded and utterly destroyed an Imperial garrison of one hundred men, including a num ber of French troops. The Liberals claim that Matamoros is com pletely at their merev, and that they can take it wncer they please. The Matamoros Ranchero says that the Liber als have offered to give four hours, in which to plunder Matamoros, to all the United States troops at Brownsville who will join them in ta king the city. The Ranchero warns the United StaleS commander at Brownsville to keep a suf ficient force there to prevent his troops joining the Liberals for that purpose. The Galveston Bulletin of the 12th instant says that Colonel Jones and General Escobedo and staff had arrived there from Brownsville. Captain Sinclair, of the Liberal forces, former ly a Lieutenant on board the Alabama, had cap tured an Imperial transport on the North Rio Grande, taken her into Brownsville and turned her over to the United States authorities, who placed a guard on board of her. General Canales, at the head of a Liberal force, was marching towards Bngdad., and would try and capture it. An Imperial gunboat had passed up from Bag dad, to Matamoros. NEW ORLEANS, November 16, 1865. A firm of wealthy Matamoros merchants, who left there on the 7th instant, say they have no fears of the place being captured ; that it is well fortified, the troops armed, in good spirits, and well supplied. NEWS DIRECT. The steam ship Manhattan, from Vera Cruz on the 7th instant, arrived in New York on the 17th inst. It was rumored in Vera Cruz that Juarez was in Texas, on his way to Piedras Negras. It was also rumored that the United Sta(2s troops in Texas were more and more approaching the river, as if contemplating some hostile movement. A Republican camp had been attacked by the Imperialists near Matamoras, and among the prisoners taken were three soldiers in United tates uniforms. They were handed over for trial to a Court Martial, which would no doubt order them to be shot. NEW ORLEANS, November t6, 1865. News from Texas state that the Indians are creating great alarm on the Northern frontier of that State. Advices from Austin say that Provisional Gov ernor Hamilton will soon issue an order for the election of delegates to a State Convention, the election to be held about the 15th of December and the Convention to assemble about a month after. The Houston Telegraph of the 10th inst. learns that orders have been received in the State from Washington not to muster out of the service any more troops, nor to sell any more Government property, until further orders. The Germans it Texas are preparing to plant cotton extensively and to raise it by their own labor. They also invite their couutrymen to emigrate to the States A curious law-cas'e has been tried in h'ance, to discover who was the rightful owner of a well. Swearing and complication was goiang on about the matter at a lengthy extent, when the Judge, astonished, exclaimed, "but this is all about a little water. What can it matter so very much,. that you should both put yours'lves to so muw h trouble and expence about it ?" "Monsieur," re plied one of the advocates, dryly, "the pleasures are, both of them, wine merchants." The value and significance were seen at once, and created a roar of laughter. The Springfield 1Republican narrates a curious railroad accident which occurred at Clinton, Con necticut, a few days ago. An express train was approaching, when a cow, annoyed by asmall dog, dashed on the rails. When the trai.a had passed, the cow lay with her head cut off, and he little dog with his tail cut oft; sat betweeni the ails looking after the retiring cars wi^tr a face ndicative of the most intense astonishment and digust. Among the powers which, besides England and Turkey, have made known their intention of aking part in the conference for the purpose of studying means for preventing or repressing the holera, are Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Roman States, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, Wur emberg, the Hauseatic tow: s, Deinark, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Greece and Baden. A mortgage deed was recorded on the first in stant, in the office of the Recorder of Trumbull ounty, given by the Atlantdc and Great West ern Railway Company to John R. Penn, of New York, as trustee, for thirty millions of dollar;, r which seven per centum bonds are to be issued. The instrument required one thousand ollars of stamps. General Robert El Lee recently forwarded a equest to the War Department for permission to etain a few old United States pieces of artillery ror the instruction of his military school in gun ery practice. Stanton replied by sending an officer at once to remove the guns to Richmond. A highly amiable proceeding. General Longstreet says that on the first of April, 1865, the Confederates had under arms but two hundred and fifty thousand men, while the Federals had in actual possession ninety eight thousand Confederate prisoners of war. The Germans in Texas at-e prepa' Ing to plant otton on the extensive scale and coming season, md to raise it by their own labor. They are using their influence to secure a large emigration from Germ ny into tiat State. A man with nothing better to de has calculated that the entire amount of the national debt in silver would weigh 125,000 tons, and laid side by side the coin would go four times and a quarter around the earth. The deaths by cholera at Paris are said to have numbered, at the latest advices, about two hundred a day ; but precautionary measures ap-I pear to have preven&d the spread of the disease. GENERAL JOE JoHNsTON is now in New York on business connected with the National Express company, of which he is President. He is quite a lion at the New York Hotel. Hogs have declined in the 'Western portion of Indiana, on account of the cheapness of corn, which can be bought it fields, along the Wabash Valley, at fifteen cents per bushel. Lieut. Gen. Grant has reduced the volunteer strength of the army, until it does not now numn her 60,000 men. The regular army is nominally over 40,000 strong. In Eastern Florida, there is a sentiment favor ing the dismemberment of the State, and the an nexation to the Eastern and Southern portions of Georgia. Matamoras, on the 58th u't., was still in poss ession of the Imperialists. Several unsuccessful attcks have been made by the Liberals, but they were driven from the field with great slaghter. Imperial loss slight. A national bank, to be called "e First Nat ion al Bank of Rome, will go into c :'ation at Rome, Ga., in about one month, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. LOCAL iTEMS. We record the death of an old citizen and public functionary, Mr. Thos. Chambers, which took place on Sunday last. THAT WINDow.-Passing by the store of M. & M., cotton and produce merchants, a few morning's since, our eyes were drawi as by a magnet to a most wonderful and fanciful display at their front window. As a public announce ment of the same was strangely overlooked by these gentlemen, we deem it a duty in behalf of the public, who might otherwise remain in ignorance, to cal attention to such a beautiful and unique attraction. Look at it wonder seekers and sight lovers. The Senior, a staid, sober, married man, had no hand in this artistical embelliqhment, but the Junior. who is single and I full of im.ginative powers, we bet high is the genius who succeeded so happily in the beautiful arrangement. The focus of attraction is on the side next to the tin establishment. KtLLxD.-Jesse M. Lawson, long unfavorably known to this and other communities, met with a sudden, but none the less just death, On Wednes day last, near Chappell's Depot. His criminal courses had long since made him notorious, but as such comrses eventually-bring their merited reward, he is another example to the many in the past. it appears that while under arrest of a federal guard, and while at the depot at Chap pell's, the cars havirg just arrived, he sprang from the platform .and succeeded in getting to the cover of woods near by. His guard, private Murray, immediately gave pursuit, and on ap proaching near, Lawson begged him not to fire, stating that he would return peaceably, but em bracing his opportunity, sprang forward and grasped the musket of Murray. A desperate struggle then ensued, each determined on the other's destruction, and yet though Murray was the weakest of the two, he'finely succeeded in recovering possession of the gun, and firing it at the other at almost arm's length. We are told by the guard that never had he fought so hard or been endued with such strength. The ball entered the breast and caused death Immediately. The body was brought to New. berry. Lawson is said to be a native of Georgia, and by those who knew him there, that he bore a character of the worst kind. For Sale-superb 7 octave Rosewood Piano. Apply at this office. Eclectic Ziagazine-one of the best in the land. See advertisement in atlether column. Executor's Sale-personal property of Mrs. Margaret Floyd, deceased. &ee advertisement. $25.00 Reward-Horse lost. Sale in Equity-Real estate of S. J. Buzhardt, deceased, on first Monday in January. Notice sale of Government property by H. B. Kinard, next sale-day. H. H. Kinard will dibpose of a Rlocka way and harness horse on Monday next. Do not fail to read the card of Marshall & Bro's, and perhaps we~ might adtise action 4U it. A dministrator's Sale on the '7th prox.-The personal estate of the late Chancellor Job John stone. See advextisememt for particulars. Furniture at private sale, at the residence of Mr. N. B. Mazyck. See advertisement for list of articles. It will be perceived by referenee to our~ adver tising coluins that Mrs. Lengnick advertises her handsome furniture for sale. Lt. D. J. Crooks has a buggy which is sup. posed to be stolen, the owner by making p'roper application can recover it. Mayes & Martin &dvertises for cow 'peas and fruit, and are ready to pay or barter for any quantity of the same. Dr. J. W. Grierson is opening, at his store, a fresh and superb supply of goods of every des. cription usually found in a first class Drug and Apothecary Establi?hment. By reference to another tlumn, it will be seen that a sale of Government Property comes off'at Greenville on the 4th December, (sale day). Mechanics and others would do well to attend. An elegant and large stock of goods can be found at the store of Messrs Webb and Lovelace, which they affirm will be sold at unprecedentedly low figures. A. M. Riser, at the "Old Stand," has just open ed a pretty lot of calicoes, hoes, gloves, hand kerchiefs, hair oil, soaps, brushes, etc., Also choice pickles, sardines, capers, segars, Liqueres, etc. See advertisemen,t. We call attention to the Co-Partnership iheloice of Messrs. Pratt, James & Garlington, Druggists, at Newberry & Laurens. The business capacity, character and eXperienee of these gentlemen re comrnend them to public patronage. The old friends and patrons of Mr. McD. Metts, will be pleased to know that he is connected with the shoe house of J. M. Suber & Co., and that the establishment is now open with a fine assort ment of everything in their line. Messrs. Wright & Coppock are in reccipt of a large and well-assorted stock of clothing, shirts, hardware, dry goods, crockery, harness leather, Colt's revolvers, navy and small pistols, which they will low cash prices. The proprietors of the Phoenix Iron Works, Columbia, S. C., Messrs. Goldsmith & Kind, are prepared to fill in a workmanlike and expeditious manner all orders for iron and brass castings and machine work of every description. Railings, fencings, etc., artistically executed. The region around will be much gratified to learn that Maj. J. P. Kinard & Son, have opened an extensive stock of goods, at their residence, four miles north of Newberry Court House. This enterprise will prove a great convenience to that Immediate neighborhood, and w~e wish themi a large success. C. Graveley, direct importer of hardware, cut lery, guns, powder, shMt, agricultural implements, bar iron, cast steel, grind stones, mill stores, etc., takes this method of informing the trade that he is in receipt of large invoices of the above goods direct from Europe. The reputation of Mr. Graveley's house is his best reference. Edward Daly, agent for manufactufers, Charles ton, advertises in to-day's paper th:at his whole sale shoe house, 133 Meeting Street, Cbarleston, S. C., is now filled with boots, shoes, hats, trunks, etc. He is the agent for several large manufac tr-ers, and is prepared to offer rare inducements to the trade. It will be to the interest of mer chants and others who do not know Mr. ? aly to make his acquaintance. Pete? B. Glass, bookseller and stationer, Co lumbia, S. C., offers to colleges and schools, R. B. Holman & Co., are again in receipt of an asortment of Dry Goods, which from what we learn, is f a most ravishing description, and a sight of which Ut set creation's fMirer por tion of Newber r a beautiful glowofabimation. Mac is in the zenith of his gloty now, d1spenstag happiness by the yard. THE CHANCES OF THE ADMISSION OF THE SOUTH ERN MEMBERS INTO CONGREss.-The well-informed correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, writes from Washington, Nov. 10: The opposition are in fine feather over the re sult in New Jersey and New York yesterday, and they declare that the coast is now clear for action. What they propose, is to have an early caucus, at which a plan of action shat! be agreed upor', and this action is to be made binding, if possible, on all the opponents of the President's policy. The bold feature of ie programme will be the exclusion of the Southern Representatives, and there is too much reason to fear the game will be successful. Indeed bets of two to one are making that the South will not be admitted un less all the deman ds of the Radicals are acquiesced in. A union of t'.c D -mocratic members with the Northwestern Conservative Republicans may possibly upset the proposed scheme ; but the chances are that the opposition will have things pretty much their own way, even though so.-e burns while their fiddlfbg is in progress. TnE 9oMANCE OF BRIGANDISM.-A BAND OF FIENDs.-The Europe, of Franktort gives the details of a horrible crime, recently Lonmitted at Zajez1a (Creatia). The cure Lemic was bitting at supper, when six brigands forced their way into his house, and whilst three of them guard ed the door, the others proceed to bind all the servants and lock them up in the cellar. They then turned upon the cure and demanded all his .money, inflicting divers cruelties on the old man. They even went so far as to pull out his nails with pincers. They then dut off his fingers, and afterward his hands, and tnally decamped, leav ing their victim in that horrible state, and car rying off all his ready money, together with his watch and plate, worth about one hundred Ho rins. The cure died the next day of his wounds. The Government has realized over six millions of dollars from the sale of captured cotton. Sales this month:amount to $1,200,000 in gold. According to the report of Col. Thonias, of the Freedmen's Bureau, the total number of ne groes in Louisiana drawing rations from the Government is twenty thousand. The revolting bachelors in New York decided at their meeting that $2850 was the lowest cost of maintaining a wife. The sheep fever in Vermont continues. A ram lamb was lately sold for $1000, two yearl. ings for $2500 each, and another for $3000. Some enterprising chap has offered the Gov ernment $1200 for the privilege of digging up the bones of the horses which have died around Washington for the past five years. O8IT UA RY. Died on the 7th of November, of Congestion, JOns ANDREW, son of Robert L. and Anna P. McCaughrin, aged four years, eight months and eighteen days. "Full short his journey wag; no dust Of earth unto his sandlals clave ; The weary weight that old theun must, He bore not to the grave. Ne seemed a cherub who had lost his way, And wandered hither ; so his stay With us was short, and 'twas most mnt That he should be no delver in 9earih's clod, Nor need to pause and cleanse his feet To st.and before his God : O blest word-evermore!" SPECIAL N OTI CES. MEDICAL NOTICE. All the Physicians of Newberry District are earnestly requested to attend a nmeeti:.g of the "Newberry Medical Association'', to be hel;l at tihe Court House on the first Monday in December next, On that day the Committee, appointed it the meeting held on last sale-day, will report to the Association for consideration, a Fee-bill and System of By-laws. Nov. 15, 47-tf. - NOW OPEN' And still Receiving, A 1*01, RARE RAVISH1IMC Lot of Beantif'til IFANCT AND STAPLE Embracing the most elegant and tasty patterns for the ladies, and all the thou sand anrd one etceteras which go to make up the sum of a well-selected stock. These goods have been chosen with an especial desire to gratify a Wholesome and cultivated Taste, and need but an examination to prove their beauty and worth, anrd a full enu-' meration of which will be given next week, by which time our goods will all have arrived. R. B. HOLMAN & CO. Nov.29 It FIEST FEH BRANDY! BEST OLD SHERRY WINE!! Extra Fine St Julien Claret!!? NO 1 AMBROSIAL RYE WHISKEY!!!! Superfine Mustard Pickles (chow-chow). Best Marseilles Jlive Oil. 500 Boxes BONELESS SARDINES, Very Fine. BEST MARSEILLES CAPERS. Also, HAVANA CIGARS. DOMESTIC SEGARS, PIPES, &c., &c., &c. A. M. RISER. Nov 29 49 Twenty-five Dollars Rewards L OST, on the night of the 10th instant, at Washington Duval's Mills, ih Lsurens District, one Chickasaw light cream horse Mule, branded P on lei t shoulder. The above re'ward will be paid to any one who will deliver him to me, ot- place him where I can get him. $25,000 Worth of Goods AT Unprecedentedly Low Figures. Webb & Lovelace Are receiving and have now in store, the lar gest and most complete stock of goods ever brought to this market, which they will dis pose of at~ EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES. The stock comprises DRY GOODS, GROCER IES, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, HOLLOWWARE, TINIWARE, CROCKERYWARE, And every other kind of ware. HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES Of every character and variety. A SUPERIOR STYLE LAMP For Kerosine, and ahead of all other styles. In fact our stock is unusually large in all the various lines, and we . invite an examination to satisfy the most skepti cal that our FIGURES ARE LOW. nov 29 49 WEBB & I OVELACE. NEW mRIX Uents. Silk Ntixed. Casssimer Suits. "Common Cassimer Suits. "Satinett Suits. "C Fancy and Black Grenadie Silk Vests, " Black Cloth Coats-super qual ity. " Black Doe-skin Pants, do., do. " Fine and Common Oversacks. "Superfine and Common 1air1en Bosom Shirts,of latest style "Travelling Shirts, &c. ALSO; A splendid lot of HARD WARE. CROCKERY WAREF. HARNESS LEATHER. Colt's Navy and smaller ristols. which will be sold at LOW PRICES or CASH, by WRIGHT, COPPOCK, & Co. ReConstruction. XTOT exactly open acccounts never to be closed, .L ar.d hotes not paid, but pay up and cor. tinzue to paiy. 1858 & 59 186-I-2 &3. GENTLEMEN THINK OF IT. 3, 4 & 5 years you have been indulged ; do :omne forward and pay us all or part, you have used up some of the goods and some you still wear, you have had value received without hav ing paid as nmuch as interest on the debt. R. H. MARSHALL & MARSAAL L & BROTHER, call for help, will you come forward ? ray some, & Buy some. IIEED THE CALL, dont be bashfull if yon have not paid up, it is common, but don't slight us and pass -by like you did n6t know we were still kicking and with i store full of nice goods, and as chaap as the :heapess. MARSHALL & BRO. Nov. 29-49-1I. P. B..GLASS, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, COLUMBIA, S. C. O FFtRS his stock, (all entirely new), of, School and College Text Books, Letter, Dap arnd Note Papers, Envelopes, Blank Books, Pens, Ink, and other School and office Station ~ry, at the Lowest Market Rates. Of Orders promptly attended to. EF" Terms cash. Nov 29 49 6 hlDIES' HOSE, GENTS' HALF HOSE, Ladies and Gents Gloves, Ladies and Gents' Handkerchiefs. Extracts, Hair Oils, Potnades, Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Neck Ties, Cravats, &c.&Jc&c. A. M. Elser1 Nov 29 49 W At thi S tor,b thuscies AtChernSor, byteP bciers Corn, Peas, .'ND New Goods! P..KIYARO & SON, are now receiving U ag openin*a ne selection of good, At their residence 4-inies- NOrttof NeAerry, C. H. Their stock consists in part d the IolowiUVg: LABIES' DRnSS - 8M9, Prints, Delaines, Black - Bombazing, for Ladies dresses, Flannel, bleached Hdm6spun, Hoop Skirts, Jaconet, check Muslin, Ginghams, Worsted goods,- Black AIp*tvv--Ler cloth cloa ks, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' and men!s Hosiery of all -kinds, ladies' and t n" handkerchiefs, Leather abd Silk Beltitl&es collars and cuffs, Gentlemen's ,coilars;la4n and paper, Shirt Fronts, white.aud colored spool coP ton, needles, hair-pins, comnbs ad brushes, &c. CLOTH IN Cassitnere fo Pants, Coats, L&T For Ladies and Gj ntlemed6 OpfaHkinds. -t CUTLERY. Knives, Forks, Collins' Axes, Nails, Traco; chains, Buckota and Tubs, Sieves, Shovels and Spades, Chisels, Augers and Files, Gun caps, &c. Alio a good assortnent of TIN-WARE. Toether with line lot'of Crockery - Ware. Together wvith GROCERIES, Sugar and Coffee, Teas, Pepper, Spice, Mack erel, Cheese, Flour, Liverpo&l Salt, candles, chewing and smoking Tobacco, Segars; Bagging and Roping. And m addidon to tha ab'dve a finiisortment of Toys and Cofectionlery, We will buy all country produce, and pay cash r exchange goods for the same. -We will also buy and pay the highest mar*eb rice for cotton. Any one wishing to ship. thieir otton to Ch-arleston, New York0 or' Lierpili an do so by application to us. We will make ulvancements en shipments from Charleston. nov 29 49 J. P. 1CINARD & SON. PHENIX I 0N~ Sitated at the Foot ofRio son Street, nearGreenvill R, R., and Opposite the Wa Works, COLUMBIA, S. C. GOLDSMITH &KIND PROPRIETORS. T1 IIESE W ORKS, 'Newly Erected, are now .1completed, and the undersigned beg to in form the public that the'y are prepared to fumaish All Kinds of IronCastins, AND - Machine Work,; SUCH AS. GRIST AND SAW MIlLS, GIN WHEELS AND COTTON PRESS SCREWS,3 Of Everv Description SUSAR 4... AND' BOILERS~, et~ ALSO0 ALL KINDS OF Brass Casttngs gg Orders are solicited, and wilf be executed at short notice, an