OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald. [volume] (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, January 25, 1883, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026909/1883-01-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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tRSD3AY,. JARY. 25, 1888.
-N110E _ 6_- e.4nen noties- ..
e sme seded at the rate:Qf
, eat ptllneesdr nsertion.
Zda dg1wpersoual interests. trib)es
&e., are charged as--egular drer
at $t per square.
'~ ea of Odaiistratioa, and other legl
obituaries, ributes o( respect and
of moetiags,as.walta co mmlanea.
. cc persoe charaeer mst be paid
Suk p&iriMeothe tE o IS
ftwelve mouths, 1.eo for sIX
o ats for three months amd 25
en mouth, iu advane. Nausea in
" Rjjbe p 'e on the subserition
ash ors Qliuvalet is pald.
Allomunaoeioa relating to per
tnferests will he inserted at reguiar
rses, onedollar per sgaare, eash
aper be foogeat Geo. P.
My bemadfor tttqa New o .
3a-. DoweejO toeratProsperity,
imetaOdeusst that place.
"au0.-Ctatio .
To Y gi- Dry Goods
or SaiL
' AxtLeins orupplies andforrent,
y .ale:at thls ofic.
e thto Adertis.
is 3i t now: WWfthea money in
)o e t. =et the.p know what
efar sale & W o askfor
Take our advice and see If it does
-lo y 'trade.
ar tiant A ) of sewing
eall on D. B. who
9eyeral macUes,.and amog them
clebrated Howe Sewing Machine.
4 es and othero desiring a gen
-'aperative- ageey business, by
$5 to.20 a day can be earned,
at once, on postal, to $.
S nson.&Co., 193 and 197 Fu
., n.Straee, Ne Tork.
Dec. 28, 52-6m.
arties wantg Guano, Acid, or
oosseedftske wil apply to J C.
r, Saluda, Old Town, S. C. The
rnported German Kainit will
S ieredat points on C. & G. R. R.,
.0fQperIton. 3-3m.
Norman's Neutralizing Cordial does
et actas an astringent alone, ebeek
too eddenly, but rteduees: infam
. natlo'and aeidity - of the secreting
nmbreaues of the bowels, thereby
bing then to-healthy action.
S .Ayar & Son's American
Contains full statistica of all News
?. ppers in the United States and Can
~Can- also populations from the Census
1 eIS8Q. Sent post paid on receipt. of
Three Dollars. Address N; W..
Son., Advertising -Agents,
Buildiug, Philadelphia.
OfEered 50-Cis. Extra.
Mr. J.W. Harvey, LogCreek,S.C.,
says- 1.have been seing Norman's
~eurliingGot llthm.pst threee;
-. esks It g nive ater satisfaction
-Is sales are Inereasiig: A gentle
amfrgrGergioterdtmeo& ents
the retB prce oradozen
~fo?eft would get-themior him lin
2The HEBA .r> officee is prepared to ex
~eenJob Printing, such as Bill Heads,
Laettet Heads, Business Cards, Cireu
a2,Irs, ivitations for parties and wed
- ig.Cotton Tiekets, Beceipts, Post
Sers Pxrmes.; Hand Billk, &c., &c.,
n>I.a , cheaply aud expeditiously as
cnbe doe ja any offiebouth. -Come
' ~itsee specimens, ask pricas, try us
u fd be convinced. Do not .send
Sor work abroad, when skilled work
-lere at home living among-you,
GeraId BS and O.
When in- search of a Blank book,
Merandum book, L4etter paper, Eu~
vielopes, or any thin else in the June of
Stiationery, call at te HERAL-D Book
Store, there is something there- for you.
A full line of beautlfulecream laid
t and envelopes, for printing wed
adparty invitations, in.st receiv
ed at this office., The printing will be
done cheap and neat. Letr ea
BIB Head, Note Head,Letr ea
& aesof extra qtmlity, just received at
Al;f&Uklads of Job Printing done at
the HARALn offiee with neatness and
despatch. Call and see specimens and
ask for prices, tf
. est ever made, Emory's Little Cathsrt'o
..-pm,e,aannt to take, sugar-coated; no
ML~gr~,g oly15 cents a box. of Drugsts
ma t.adard Care Co.. 114 asn
Street New York. -Jan. 1. 22-m.
.Maania. Chi Is and Fever, and Bilious at
~tsckipostiVely cured with Emory's Stan
dard Fue ills-an infallible remedy: nov.
einnn cseswhe:e Quinine and all oth
er-reedes bad failed. The are Deae
expredsy for malariousOCiD. uoble
boxes two kinds of Pills. eon' ing a
atartic and a chill breake. . .ngar
;contains no Quinine or Mercury,
cansing no griping or pugn; they are
mid4 and effneient, certan Intheir action
and harmless in all oases; they effectually
cleanse the ste, and give now life and
oine to the by. As a household remedy
thrare unequaed. For Liver Cmlaint
thi qat is not known; one box wil have
a wdefleffect on the worst case. They
are used and prescribed by PhysIcians, and
gojThDra its everywhere, or sent by
-ma,~ and 5cent boxes. Emory's Little
Cathartic Pills. best ever made, only Io
Cents. Standard Cure Co.,11llNassau Street,
New York- .Jun. 1,32-Smn.
Now is the Time to Subscribe.
Any of the Magrazin'es or Papers named
below will befunihed tDublishers pice
to any one bringing their orders to the
aNEAWo Book Store, or who send the cash
* ~ork Weekly, illustrated......$300
saday sight- -------0
The Hearthstone, " .-..---.. 3 0
adle's Weekl ".---....3 00
rank Lesie's eekly -'.-.--------4 00
cmeyCorner, "..------. 4 00
apesBaar, " ----------4 00
Gdys Lady's Book, monthly...2 00
Peterson's Ly's Magazine, monthly. 2 0
Leslie's Popula Monthly..-----..---.-3 0
L.sie's Sunday ,aaie monthly.----0
Montaly , lustrated,-.-..... 4 00
T'exas slP.tngs,.--.-.------.---.---".....2530
AcWgne of ces of all paesan
-kept on :ile inthis office, from which per
sons can make selections, all or which will
be tbrnisheAd at club rates with the HERALD
to-new subscriberSULIHE.NRAD
Nov. 23, 47-t.
A Venerable CouPle
Mr. Abraham Moore, a Prospert
y~ a, aged S7, paid us avisit on~
* e . ehas been livin on his
-old homestead aln his life, and h -
now In the "sere arnd yellow el
sowed biso1I wheat and oats last fal.
bknself 3Hif-eWithwhomheas4ve
60 8o5
CakboeQiotan for Thursday'
Good Middling9 eta; iddlngs &
eceipts very light, and market quiet
Ra ousNotice
'The preacher in charge of Newber:
Circuit will preach at New Chap
next Sunday at 101-2 A. M., and
.Trinity at 312 P. M.
ula an Larceny.
Last Thursday night Col. Thos. V
-olloway's meat-house was broken int
and about 200 pounds of home raise
meat, and about 50 pounds of lai
stolen. The rain was in favor of ti
guilty party, and he left no clue.
After the Fire.
Dr. Pelham's safe was found in tb
lee-house which is about eight feet deel
er than the -cellar. The safe was opei
ed, on Thursday afternoon, the day a
ter the .fire. The binding of the-bool
.was ruined and-someof the papers wei
scorched but .with this exception, th
contents were almost uninjured.
Mrs. Eliza Satterfield died on ti
night of the 23rd instant.
Died-Monday, the22id., Mrs. Eliz
Garrett, of Newberry.
On Saturday the 20th, Mr. Wii:
Riser, a highly .respected citizen <
Township 4, died at the home of h
son,'Capt. W. W. Riser, he had bee
very feeble for several years.
The Yorkvlle Enquirer says that
ner man living near that place, rai
^d year with:enhorse, 15 bales <
.6tto averagh pounds, 200 bu
helsof corn, 41-2 bushels of whea
14bu tels of.oats, 40 bushels of swee
potatoes and 5 wagon- loads of wate
Criewberry beat that
The Mater
Has opened an office over Cline
Store. His most important-books wer
in the Bank on the night of the fire
and-he will be able to duplicate most <
tLe books and papers that were destro
ed. The origit.aI papers, including te
timiony, in some very important an
troublesome cases, were burned. Th
will11eeesgltate a rehearing of the case.
and will cause considerable delay an
Mr. Thoi. C. Whitner of the Nei
chant's Insiance Co., of Newark Nevv
Jersey, wai the first- adjuster on th
Aeld. The Ioss of Wheeler Bros, o
stek, covered by' Insurance in thi
Company, was adjusted at$227.24. Th
appraisemen{ was made by Junius E
Chapman ancThos. Cook, and is sati;
faetory tr o rs. Wheeler. Upon th
same app nt they will probabl
reeeive from Home o., $106.04, o
damage of Loss on 4xtures ha
not yet been ted.
We were pleaed to shake by the han
a few;days ago, Ddr old friend and con
panion of the eg't. S. C. V., Mi
B. P. Neel. He has been living -
Anderson, and *is likely that he wi
settlein Nebely,
HOn. Geo. Jol^stone went to Colun
bia -Monday to aend a meeting of th
Sinking Fund C imission,
M' B.AOberYo,,.r, of Charlottesvilli
Va., is on a visit tohis daughter, Mr
Abe Foot.
Mr.~ A. C. Jone has been appointe
one of the clerks the Sinking Fun
Comission. He our best wishes,
Mr. Robt Stoude 'and family hais
tioved back to rity,
Weather Pr'edictions, V-nor's.
Jan. 28, wmnbe *r and cold,
there is no change rethat time; 2~
more weather ; 28, eather along tb
costs and in the N thern States;~ 21
falling weather, if I raIns; 20, a ver
marked stilening of e mud, if ther
is no rain; 31, not so uch weather a
was crowded Into th first 30 days<
the month. Our tions for Fel
ruary have not been . ly mad<
and we can only say at resent that tb
jurors will begn to ~eaetheir es
cuses and physicians cetfcts by th
Jolly Street Dots.
"Onas," writing from 11y Street, o
the 18th, says: The are in a feal
ful condition. The ers of thi
section-are badly behind a good det
of cotton in the fed,a very litti
grain sowed.
Mr. J. Quattlebaum's '~gn ilpse
the 15th inst., and dislocad his littl
son's arm at the elbow.
Mr. John T. Long, whleattemptin
to cross Elleazer creek, the 17t1
came very near being drwned, h
horse being carried downrihe streai
some distance: he receive a decer
washing and ducking.
What has become of_Sorg i?
What Newberry Has.
28 lawyers; 86physicians; 106harchet
about 10 barrooms; 1 college; Fernal
Academy and . 3 common *hos;
national bank; 4 blacksmith hops;
carpenter and carriage shops;j6 sho4
shops; -1 grist mill; 1 marble Wvard;
barber shops; 4 hotels; 31livery table:
11 colored eating-houses; 2 ~tore:
1 opera house; 2 bakeries; 2 dntisti
3 newspapers and 5 editors, andi abet
50 stores of general merchand ea
well as other'things of less impo neA
and a Hook and Ladder Co an3
What Newberry Has Not.
A cotton factory and a fire ar
menit. These she expects to hay ver
The County Treasurer advertises
he will sell on the 5th of Feb
more than 5000 acres of land, for L
payment of taxes. Of this land, thi
are 14-acres and 11 lots in Townsbil
34 acres in No. 2; 9101 acres in No.~
211 acres in No. 4; 243 acres in No.
62 aeres in NQ.6; 1219 acres in No.1
3S1 acres No. 8; 299 acres and 2 lots
No. 9; 221 acres In No. 10; and 81
acres in Ne. 11. Some of this land
in litigation, and some of it belongs 1
involved estates ; but why the tax,
have not been paid on the remainde
we are unable to explain. We presumn
however, that very little of it wbill go1
the block, on sales-day.
A Fire Depaetmont.
The one a ed that Newberry fee
more sorely th. that of a cotton fact
ry. is a well organized fire departmen
Why sagacious and practical busine
men should year after year leave the
property to the flames, isnaccountabi
The recent severe lesson, as well as ti
ones that werit before it. shows mo
forcibly that something should be dot
in this matter, and done at one
Bought experience may be the-bes
but Newberry haa invested extensiv
ly enough, and should now ,pro&t I
her experience. One or two tanksm<
the public-square, filed from the Con
House guttrs or rom .the ranlro
tank ow9l&'upyty eo wateE.
the cost
Various and all About.
4. It is coid'.
Wood is still scarce.
Put at least 3 cente on your letter.
7Mr. Crotw ell has not decided whett
3t he will rebuild. e
"Have you got anything to do wi
it?"-Observer, please-copy.
G. E. C. Newtou, N. C. Money
- eelved, and time extended., Thanks,
d The Opera Mouse is not paying int
d est on the Opera House debt.
Newberry now has number of s
justers, but not one Re9djuster.
This month has 5 Mondays, 5 Tu<
e days, and 5 Wednesdays.
} Last week Mr. B. F. Griffin sold
- bales of cotton, at 9 cents per pound.
:s The devouring flames took.an enti
e stock of drugs at one dose. Ugh !
e Who says that the fire got drunk al
couldn't get any farther?
The liquor license at Laurens, C. I
e is $400.
The sun did not shine here last S
Don't forget that Court meets on tl
first Monday in February.
fVennor fails to say what will be t
s price of wood in February.
On the 22nd, an 18 year old Spanta
of Charleston, blew out his brains wi
a pistol.- All for love I
a Fine -Cotton Mills in:Savannah ha
stopped work on account of the hi
f w atr:
The bill reducing postage to ti
cents- on a letter, is abodt to becom(
A negro child was born inChest
last week, with one body, two head
four arms and four legs-dead.
The Deputy was unable to reach t
Maybinton jurors, during the first
e the week, Enoree River was raging.
i Mr. Y. C. Myers, of the Bush Riv
. section of the Stone -Hills, has -movi
. into his new house.
d AsUkLEY FERTILIZERS are the rest
s taut of honest purpose, longexperien
and ample facilities.
Why be weak2 Why nlt behealth
robust, and strong, by using Browr
Iron Bitters? -
Newberry has three newspapei
Don't dare to say "three sheets in t
e wind."
s Mr. Robert Campbell and his moth(
e of Jalapa expect to leave for Mississi
pi, to-day.
If you think there never was mi
e befo O, read the opening lines of Die
Y ens Bleak House.
a The Co nty Commissioners will ha
the roa Qy ked as soon as they are
a suita coliitiop,
B. $.xlige A Co., have enlarged tl
d capacty'of-their store by extending t
shelving-baa to the rear wall'
The Teachers'. 4ssoclafion has n
been organlzed5 the weather has be
The Debating- Club went to piec
e when it - struek the question.-Is tl
acquisition -of wealth the primary co
ditiou of a people's advancement ?
-Mr. J.- M-. Johnstone who spent la
week in Georgia, says that the stree
4 of Newberry were better than those
d any town or city that he visited.
The genial sun broke through t1
e clouds on Sunday aud.has continued
lend us the. Infue'noe -ofts beams i
to going/to Press,
We make thissae in part with ne4
and elegnttype, and next week the
ewill be -foller display. How do ~y
lkelit reader?
y The TltdStates Supreme Con
e has de*hlhtCongress has no rig
s to pass a a against "Vonspirac2
f in the State.e
SWe saae informed that Prosperity
talking about establishing a 1)ewspap
an.a (Etton Factory. Keep the be
-Dr. Pilfi1n's lass by fire has bed
adjusted atlmpre thian $5,000 as a tota
This is considerably in excess of I
a insurance.
a The members of the Council e:
Smake themselves even more populb
e by providing eressings to the Cou
*Capt. A. H. ogdus has accept
e Dr. Carver's chalenge for a pige
match, and offers to shoot at100 pigeo
i each, at Louisville, Ky.
SThe WHnA aws face wvill look clean
a and brighter shortly. Cold weath
t and other circumstances have work
against it lately.
All subscribers to the HERALD 2
invited to ask for and receive a copy
Kendall's Treatise on the Horse.
e very valuable book which we intend
4 The New Yorker who has undertak
a. to eat two quails aday for 30 consecuti
3 days, finished the first brace in sixte<
; minutes, and the sixth brace in nii
; minutes.
; Friend Wright the tinner-and sto
*t dealer fearing that the supply of m'
s would run short, on Thursday mornii
~last gathered a tin bucket full fori
'ture operations.
ofMr. Goggans lost a number of copi
fthe State reports in the fire. The
Y reports, which were very valuable, h
been left by careless borrowers, in t
Master's office.
,t The Deputy Sheriff has been takii
~exercise on horseback. He thinks t
e lawyers might have bad their subpoe
e writs and tickets ready to be serve
when he was summoning the jury.
There were peddlers, how many pe
!diers ! in town last week. Wes suppc
they came in because they couldi
Speddle and did'nt care to pad<
Sthrough the mud.
To BLoso as the rose ; joy andgha
ness are again to visit our homes ; a
Ssterility and bankruptcy are to ta
; their flight before the benign march
Ashley Ash Element.
On the 20th, John Williams, colore
-was up before Trial Justice Paicker,
Scharge of having forged the name
.G. L. Neel, toan order oniC. &
-.Mower. He was committed to j
!8 await trial.
"Acopof the Great ndustries of t
nited States, a large *5 book, will
en for two names to the HEnaLDr
~e mpanied by $4. Only two subst
live in abook. in suerptf
- the nght of the fire, some of
-citizens acted on the-princ4
Tfhe Lord helps those who b
t vee;" and generously helj
ies to Wheeler's elgars, a
a worms. An army of tha
at are 'work eating the vitasw awi
~One -of Shriner's Indan Vernifu
Swill ythem and-save its 11
-Walcott the quail-eater, is sick; he
quailed before the fifteenth LUee, but
managed to finish it.
Dr. W. E. Peiham never says die one
time, so has rented the store occupied
ter by Dickert & Son., and will soon have
another stock of Drugs and medicines.
We admire his indomitable pluck. This
.th is his second burning.
To-day has been set apart by the Y.
- M. C. A.. as a time for prayer in Col
leges. Services will be held in the Col
1r- lege Chapel at 12 o'clock, at which time
the students will be addressed by the
Revs Broaddus and Smart.
Mr. George M.Whirter saved several
htnudred dollar= by his coolness in not
s precipitating his goods into the street
the night of the fire, and had the good
8O fortune to tell the insurance agents
that'rthe damage done did not amount
to a nickle.
r The young men and bachelors of
Newberry, could derive much profit
id and pleasure from a literary club.
Since the Debating Club, seems to have
[ collapsed, we suggest that a literary
club be formed, it would be -of more
general interest.
We are glad to hear that Annie Pix
ley is coming soon, Newberrv is tired
be of Saturday night shows, by ?aturday
night troupes.
The last troupes -that played. in New
berry were of so great merit, that the
only question i a--Will ladies attend.
With several new and fine specimens
of Job.Ty.pe, and with a fnll and beau
tiful assortment of white,: cream and
ye coTored papers, cards and envelopes we
h are prepared to execute every variety
of Job Printing with neatness and dis
patch, andat low prices.
a A New York Dr., after 20 years fig
uring has -reached the conclusion that
a woman who has very small feet, has
er a temper like cayenne pepper, and a
tongue that will lie about its best friend.
We don't bet, but if we did -we will
he bet.tbat the doctor's wife wears C's.
of We have been at considerable ex
pense in gettiu - new type and other
er material and -A1 be glad if our sub
d scribers who are indebted to uswill call
-and settle, or remit the amount by let
ter. We need te money, We make
- the same appeal to thlose indebted for
c advertising,
Mr. Gary has not yet given bond as
Y' Treasurer.- He received his appoint
ment on the 1st instant, and he has 30
days from that, time within which to
s, f1e his-bond in the clerk's office. The
ie County Corn iesione:-s who must ap.
prove the bond, were in session -on
Tuesday, but will not meet again in
r, two weeks, unless called together for a
p- special purpose.
id Change of Schedule.
The up passenger now arrives: at
Newberry at 2.1') o'clock; the down
e passenger, at 4.32. Don't forget this.
Crooked Transactions.
The County 'reasurer and Auditor
be in adjusting their, books, have dis
covered that thera are some .1,000 acres
of land in the County, never returned
ot to- the Auditor -and consequently not
m assessed by him for taxation.
- The owners of some of this property
have receipts showing that they have
e paid taxes o4 #t--to former treasnreps.
In addition to this, 182 men have
called at the Treasurer's office to pay
poll-tax, but their names are not on
at the books. The fact that they called,
ts and are considerably more than 21
of years of age, is very good evidence that
they have paid the poll-tax before.
The taxes on the land and their
Spolls have not been accoiinted for, and
it is supposed. that former -Treasurers
w Frank Lesliels Popular Monthly,
re The number for Yebruary is already on our
>U table, and it Is inpossible In a brIef notice to,
do justice to its abundant and varied eon
tents. There are articles by popular writers
rt replete with interest and informatlood; bright
ht stories, sketches, etc.; seve.ral. mVritorious
" .poems; a comprehensive miscellany, und
the picturesand illustrations are rcedingly
beautiful. The colored florattsplece "Won r,
is I be a Fright?" is adsgirable. Ben Perley
~r Poore's "Our'Veterans," lMark fattIeon's
ii"Nitton," F. B,- W bite's f-Ants i~d Their
Ways of ILife," Robinson's " The Loves of
Catherine do Bourbon,"- etc., are nqeworthy
~,ad finely fillustrated arils Ca ..or con
-sinues. his serial, "A Whited. sepulchre,"
and there are stories, sketches,. poefes, ete,,
by Walter E. McCann, Sydney Herbert,
Dante G. Rossetti, Mrs. K. A. Denison, G. A.
Davs, ille ap' atr saelV. Craw
~contains 128 quarto pae, and over 100 em
t bellishmaents, and- ie price for a copl Is
only 25 cents, or 3a year, postpaid. Mis
FXaix Lssua, Publisher, 53, 55 'and 57
N Prk PIece, New York,
as Jurors--Crand and Petit.
The following (Grand and ?etit Jurors
er have been drawn:
er (*tand Jurors-Thos. U. Adams, A,
ed J. S. Langford, Jno. Henderson, C. E.
Vance, H. B. Buzhardt, S. -A. Hunter,
EdraH S * h, Ivy M. Suber, Fletcher
*A Boazmnan, Philip N. Livingston, Peter
tFrancisco, Win. H. Lane, L H. Boul
ware, C. W. Bishop, J. D. Wedeman,
m - Petit Jurors for February Term-Jno.
ye S. Gary, D. M. Bedenbaugh, D. W. Mc.
ii' Culldugh, Jno.L. Lyles, R~. C. Sondley,
ae P. E. Dnson, Hugh' Rogers, Jno. S.
Werts, David Hipp, J. H. Willinghamn,
yEdmund Abrams, Wallace C. Cromer,
iJas. M. Sanders, Sam'l P. McCraeken,
Joseph F. Barton, Ernest Sh1gb, J:
iLawson Bowers, Jas. W. Caldwell,
u. Thompson L,. Wheeler, Jas. X. Bowers,
Henry D. Boozer, Jno. S. Enlow, J. C.
es Wardlaw, Z. F. Wright, Jno. Watkins,
se Jno. W. Uargrove, Joo. P. Sloan, God
i,d frey Harmon, Wmn. M. Lane, S. S. Pay
he singer, J. Yancey Floyd, J. Burr Den
nis, Win. H. Pratt, Benj. P. Halfaere,
J. Calvin Caldwell, Asa -M. Oxner.
he Newberry Journalism.
With the new year considerable
changes have been made in the press of
Newberry. To begin with, Mr. Wallace
d-. who, for some time past, has assisted
se 'with much force and ability in the edi
k't torial conduct of the HERALDn, has start
le ed the Observer, a new paper, which he
will hereafter conduct at Newberry.
RE In this new venture we wish him abun
Al- dant success.
ad Mr. Sale, a good writer and progres
ke ive young gentleman, assumes the edi
of torship of the Newberry News, and will
doubtless make it a still better paper in
-a, the future than it has been in the past.
an The HEnA LD, which is the oltlest and
of most widely circulated of the Newberry
G. papers, will be edited by Messrs. Grene
a,i ker and GereB. Cromer, and will
doubtless ful maintain its reputation
he and positionin South Carolina journal
bestm. Mr. Cromer is a yotng lawyer of
fine abilities, and is destined to occupy
a prominent place in the direction of
pulcaffairs' The HERALD is fortun
aecuinghis services- in the con
duct of Its edtrial columns.
tir Thedjournalistie contest in Newberry
>le is it will be seen from the number and
eit, dtied-to beviousWehp
ad it may bie a pleasant combat, and that
all of our frieuds there may be so fat
CP victorious as to reap a goodirward fL
~mr nancially foi-theirllabor.-Anderson Iii
iy telligeneer.______
e.France Is threatened uyith a revoln.
TION.-St. Paul, Mim., Jan.. .-.
The men who -were to-be ehp e!
from the Departmaent of Daots
to take part in the Greeley Arctic
expedition were finally- appointed
by Gen. Terry yesterday. First
Lieutenant Ernest A. Garlingtou,
of the 7th Cavalry, is to be.the
officer in charge. He is a native
of South Carolina and was appoint
ed to the Military Academy at
West Point from the State o
Georgia. He entered the regula
army in 1876, and the same yeai
received his commission as Firsi
Lieutenant. The four men who are
to accompany him from this depart
ment were picked from one hundred
applicants. These men and Lieu
tenant Garlington will immediately
go into training for the expedition
at Washington.
A company of four colored labo.
rers from Newberry passed througl
Lthe city this morning on their way
to some point in the lower part of
Richland County; whete they pro
pose to do farm work for the pre
sent year. They had their blanket
strapped on their backs and- were
footing it in true .soldier style
marching all day and camping out
at night. There seems to be quite
a movement among the labor ele.
ment, and a good many of them are
changing their base of operations,
hoping thereby to better their con
dition. We learn there has been
quite a stampede in some sections of
the State; and much moving about
from one counay to another has
taken place.-Palmetto Yeom..
AUGUSTA, January. 18.-To-day
a little negro girl, 10 years of age,
put rat poison in the coffee drank at
dinner by Dr. and Mrs.. Durham
and Mrs, Shanks, of Thomson, Ga.
She was bound to Dr. Durham and
a few days since ran away. The
Doctor had her arrested and carried
back, and she- determined to be
revenged. - The three poisoned per
sons became ill aWonce, and $heir
recovery is dottbtful....News .a*
Nzwsaum C. H.. S. C., Jan. 201883
List of advertised letters for week ending
Jan. 20,1883
Colman, Bobert Kidd, Jonn M.
Dpviai, A. J. Marshall; Miss Slilie
Glimph, Mrs. Amanda McMorris, Willie
Glenn, John W. O'Neal, Robert
Hogg, Newton RueseiT, Miss Adelis
Hogg, Lewis (2) Smith, 'miss Georgia
Jones, W. T. l$i4gleton, 0. 11.
Parties calling for letters will. ptease cay
if is<ver,ised R. tV KON R. P !.
Jan. 18, 1883, by Rev. R. Y. Fair, Mr. T.
F. TARaAT and Miss Augs O'N. Aexaw,
all of Newberry.
Jan. 16, 1683, by Rev. R. D. Smart, Mr.
Jossra'JExiNs and MissLIrAN ScuaaR,
of Chappell'a.
Jan 17, 1883. by Rev. R. D. S:naMr.
JNo. W. TAYLra and Mrs. Agg.& T oxy
sos, all of Newberry.
Jan. 1?, 1883, Mr. D. Garw.rx Doanon,
of Newberry, and MIss M.a1xrrVAxos, of
Jan. 2, 1883, by Trial Justice W. W. Wal.
lace, as Chappell's [)epot, Mr. Jou Jrgw
sax agd Miss (Imsa WHITU, all of New
berry County.
. Juan 18, 1893, by Rev. K. K. Boyd, Mr. L.
W. ETHERIDGE and Miss 8.8S. Braa, all of
Newberry County.
Edgefield Advertiser please eopy.
Jan. 10, 1883. at the residence of the bride's
father, by 1Rev. J.'Adger, D. D., Mr. W. W
RussEr.r, of Anderson -Coatny, and Is
MiwxuaJ. Enqizapa, of Oran6eburg,
NKWBEaRI,-. C., Jan. 25, 1883
Good Ordinary.*................ a
Low Middling................. S&a Si
Middling...................... =a 9
Good Middling.................. a 9{
ood deniand.
lNewberry Prices Current.
ShouldersrPrime New... a
SholderSar Cured.... al
DRY 8ALb MtEATS....... a1
ShouIde1New........ 10
Sie,long Clear...........a ll
Uneanvassed Hams........1It
Canvaused Hams, (Magnolia) 16
.A R17.
L.in Terees..........15
. Lea, I Bucket........... 16
Powdered............... 16
Crashed............'....Ig12 -
Granulated Standard.. .124a
Extra C.................U1
Cofee C................10
New Orleans..........10
New Orlean new ea,0
Cuba Molasses....60
Sugar House Molasses. 40
Gunpowde..................... 16
Young Hyson........1.50
ALLSPICE...................~ 26
Roasted or Parched..
Besu i0..................s
.Good Ri..............12ja'
Cider Vinegar........50o
White Wine VInegar.. .65
Bolted. ...............1.00
Unb.lted............... 1.0.
8SOA .......................... 6a IC
STAE CANDLES................15
ENGLISH SODA.. ........... 10
AXE GRE A H............... .. 10
TOBACCO......................CO 60s1.
NAITLA(10) ... ...............4.60
BAGGING-ev.......................... 11a
ARROW TIES8 bannh............. 2 00
SPLICED ARW TIES......... 12
RED OATS.....b........... 40146
TXOrBY HA:.................127
WHEAT perb.............1 15 1!2
BRAN, pe~D00 lb................ L.51
1Netiee of final Settlemente
OTICE is hereby given, that the nndea
sge'will take -a final -eitement o
their accounts as Executors of the last wil
and testamnent of Mrs Helen O'Neall, de
ceased, before HIon.'3. B. Fellers, 3Jdg o
Probate for Nedbe~rry Codoty, ain Wednea
day; the tw.eh s~(21st) day of Februs
-ry, 1888, andwIl on thes same dalipl
-.the sai dge oe a fia icag a
s aid Exeenters.
*.....- _
r i es r _ ni 1 i
o:thepid e neN os wnt
prer-d frqui t,e' materials. .0n1&-g:
, xpi,t:, - in t1- Irade, fetlher with-Prof.
Shpn : t .. ao~,.t i, !<Ct. =uran[tee, t
th. .-S,4k6 roIshe rrtata of cOswt
For , i ! rk. ratii-for i.shtiane or
cotro, .i V. OB.oxSO,
Jaa, ' -:t 68 Igast By.
3 , ,- i ; ifl .4l -tl, ( the o
h te -.t.. . I . rl. "oa-I,.rrebyr re&d4
t eetj:-- -.Jhe to.thePruNjoe Judge-br
the -:. s4 -f Feb.rarr, and ill claims
against . - rC, r ty it* a-uted nest
be ren y t,i.hat- u1se th*t-tie
1) -1OYD, Ads.
De~ N *f.
--vvvI ERR-y- ~COUNTY.
- .B . a: illere; Probte Jndge.
Where., E u. i -P +?ai+ers, Clerk of
Court, b, m.tts :zic to ime to grant haim
Lettegol, 'inistratin- with the will
annexed at dere ct.IE"ae and efec s
Joseph Bed -b h,
These s!: Ihere#ore to e-de'i.imen1sl1
all and sit.gnlar- thekindredan- creditora
of the aid~:sepi Bedenbagh,- deasmd,
tha: -tey be' ard appear beor mee in
the Cour t ot Pcobate.to be eld at- New
berry Curms .C., .o the -1th day.
of Februarv nex after publicathi eere
of, at ilt'o'clock In- the foresUoon, to she
.cause, if any-they have, why she said
AdIminiarIden lild=notbgeaoted: Given
under my Hand. this 2no:day of January,
Anno Domini, .88M
J.B. PELLER8,. r. ir
ab 4, 1 6 -
Sale nder Mortgage.
-p Bvirtue.of a poier-oC :aale ges aed.i
a:eerfaio deed of mortgag, made by Wa,
W-. Higgins, decead, late of aa4Cn-.r
ty, to Thomas J. M,iU.t, anQaft!ewid*
trasferret and-assigied by the-lid . J
Malfta to me, I will sell befdro- the -ourt
use-eat N ewberry. at p-b e at'yey,o
te-Qr* Jr nday in Fe-rl"ary ex t
lands dare:ihed in thes1d muoe ge,i
tiat plac4tion plad- -r
Wm W. B. l gina iye+ -aiie4
Newberry Consutt. sie of
containing S2064-lh).Two Hundredn
Pour"tnti,a FU, more.Ar Je , indit};;
ed:by lando of T. J. M.affet Wihiti nam
ford, Yong L'aialieh,: MDfei J.-. La.g
hdra. Juu T Petereon-and-B 1. Long
shiore= -
Traxs p .at.a -One-halt 1' iainO.
in one y.-ar ieensed by hond ii morgtge
Purchaser to pageorpapers.
JAaxRe, xB'~(.,
Jan. 10, 1888, 2-4t
Harriet F Mc,arlec, s. Ada.'x .*': The
NewberrY .tgricultural bud #echinical
Byorrd,r of the Cour, dited -thtMo
_"veuhed, 1882. I will sell, av ! Wterry Cours'
House, -on the Firt -Monlay In. ebr sy;
A. D. 1888. at public Outery, to she highest
bidder. the followingproperif of the do-.
fb"nd.,t, to wit: Lot of-$lver Plated Ware,
and.all that lot of lard, with 'the buildiags
thereen, situate in the Town of Newbeiryj
in the sail County and Sta. containing
Ei::ht a.'od Taaree-four.zhs Acrea, .more or
less, aind tnounde,l by lands of George Joii
stone, by jrawu Stre,gt, Hunt Street 'nd
Johnstone Street.
Trasms: Peraoai pryi; al cash. Deal
Estate, one-third ens t, and rlp balance out
credit of twelye months, fitji iterest from
the day pf sale, to be sroutld -by bond of
the pureleaser and a mortgage ot the prem
ises, with leave to 'he purchsiser to pay the
whole, in eshb. Purchaser-to pay-for all
neeessary pap~ers.
Sherits Office, Jan.11, 1888. 8-8t
The 'ndersigued give notice, that after
.he expiration of thirty days from ihis date
they wiui apply to the Clerk of the 'Court
for Newberry Cdunty, .South Carolina,. for
a charter for "The Newberry Agricultural
and Mechanical Ass@atin"-in -aceord
anee with.th.e provisions of the Laws of
this State. Petition lia. been thIs day flled
Newberiy, S. 0.,.2d day of January, 1888.
R. L. McCaughrin, K. li. Buford, John 1,
Johnston, J. N. Martin. A. H. Wheeler,
James McIntosh, Thou. F. Harmon, A. 3.
Kilgore, Win. Y. Fair, H.G.-Xosley, M. A,
Reuwlok, John C. Wilsoin, Diok 8.8Setter
white, . J. Pope, John 0. Brown, Geo 8
Mower, D. W. Barre, Alan Johnston, . k.
Spearnmap, Jr:, 9. D. Brown, F: A. Sebnm
pert, D.. 8. Rooser, 8. F. Fa, J.- 0, Boyd,
D. H. Wheeler, J. 'L Sehamupert, H. R.
Folk, T. e. Brown, John 0. Peoples,-J. K
Brown, W. T.-Tarrunt, T. B. Ch*a-ens N.
H. Dopsinick, J. D. Smlth,8. A. Hunter, D.
8.Conwill, K. 8. N. (rouson, 3. T. P.
Crosen, 3. W. Cidwell, J. 8.-Fair, D). B.
Wheeler, A. Singleton,, B. H. WrigtyL.
U.8Spoers, Thots 8. loormnan, Silas John.
tone,. Edwin C. Jones, Eduard Schols, W.
T. Gaillard, J. 8. Spearman, J. B. Martin,
George MeWhirter, Lewis W. Sinkins, 0.
if. P. Fant, J. Y. Culbreath, D. K Ward,
W. H. .Hunt, Thou.'J. .Mafett, Tho.u. F.
Greneker,-0. B. Mayer, Jr.,:J. Win. Folk,
W. U. Pelham, Juo. A. Cromet. -
ExeeuteF'. Sale of Real Estate.
Under th" power given n.e by Mrs. Is
abella Dirge in her last will and testament.
I'wil.se'l at Neuberry Court House, 8. 0.,
on saleaday next, February 0th, 1883, to the
highest bidder therefor, all that piece, par.
eel or lot of land, situated in.Prosper.y,
mn Newberry County, Su.tL Carolina, con
taining eight acres, more or lests, and hound
ed by lain street, by street sepaaing it
from lands-of Mra. Temperance Hussey. by1
lands os '~ni Bobb, by lands of George
G. DeW ' es- lands ofS.L Fellers and
by lands of Krsa.ULBarre, the same be
ing the land whereon she; Birg resided at
her death, eacept lot solio -ni Bob.
Tuaxe -Three-forths of prebase
money cash, and the balance tobea,
by the bond of the purchaser, payable lao
December next, wish interest from the-day'
of sale and a mortgage of the premises sold.
Purchasers to pay ten dollars fow papers.
Executor of the last will and testament
of Mrs. Isabella Birge. Jan. 18, 8-8t.
TreHundred and Sixteen and Half
Acres of land 2.miles east of Ninety+ix, C.
& A9. R. E. 50 acres No 1 bottom land
in culsivation, also 150 good level up land,
7 '5 acres foresta bottom. Improvements
good.- Will selh itock-and tools, grain etc.,
and will give pnesssion -at once.
Apy to-er-address,
r Jn. 11, 2-8t. Nlnety-sis, $.
Nebrear 4 pixieiser asmias
a 1s
-ar -
- - y 1_ _
~~~1~ - ~ *
Z100K O
ThIIeavId e
Oer ~
Gn ei --
- -
C -~
Coloke reetsi
-A G ggge tg
ThweavGa.,io -
uhdoi whisEiodkercwohisu&
whieh-is . no copee- o
andn -
.Cugaamerr U, T
Thseae heeored to esteea
alandsi4a 8aekide and*~ -
puliato bereof, eUlted
grns. ie Gfoe s
dHaydat 28Bo
- - -

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