_ -J" POBTgjr.*""" My Sweetest Song for TheeThere's not u curchvu wind that blows ltul ha* its own bolorod roso. Ami when th' > c.*'- fbrctollii the hour It hioMtoth' ' nicnibcretl bower. And in Aonivj my. ll*?s u'cnj nimuC Begins Hd goDtl'i serenade. And though at DvC'li upon the hill* It trifles with the morning rills. And whispers to oucli flower it meet* ?Sonio gentle word Hint's full of sweet.-', Still the dourest gongs it knows Is saved for that beloved rose. There is not a star in yon blue sky llut downward tur.is a listless eve. Until wandering glances rest On tliat blue wave it' >vc.s I He ; Then it begins to toll onco 111010 Tilings sweet as if unheard before. The beauties of tho html may an*Mo. That sport may turn and sport awhile, , Willi those soft dews that \rvt the cheek ' Of Howoi'8 that wilti tiivli |??ff.ir.ic speak, And though Its glniice nmy idly seeiu To have for all a loving beam, The first, 'he brightest, ami the last On that blue wavo is fondly eust. I linvo ft message for the roso And for that wave that gentle Hows, And they will tell to wind and star Ofonesweot lovu that's brightest far. Than finght that winds or stars of heaven To flowers or waves have ever given, And thus where'er thy homo may bo I'll waft my swoetcst song for thee. ft 'A (St IK >\ TT' IWI IS? IS*& IR)f) IN! (R?. Sunday Readings. " Their prayer came up to Hi* holy dwellingplace, even unto heaven."?C'mhonici.kk. No one will pretend tliat the necessities of his licart or tho aspirations of his intellect find on uavth amnle food to satisfy their craving?. Home ami its priceless treasures cannot absorb nil one's capacities for loving; and the unfolding mind has constantly increased powers of vi-' ". and desires to grasp all that may o its comparatively liiM'iblo acquirer ?ii?. Life becomes a prayer,an aspiration, a thanksgiving, when, this great fact acknowledged, the whole f-o.il tends towards the Infinite; and prndui'ily becomes pure in the presence of Iliiti ... 1.^ it... :??if >viii* ir> jiuruj itauiK. "When men truly feel their dcpcudonco thoy truly pray. In the Hush of vigorous health, iu the full tide of success, when love's bright chain misses no previous link, they are prone to forget Iliui in whose powerful ham! nro hidden human destinies j and it is only when one by one the earthly strongholds arc removed and the soul begins tu feel' its isolation, that the hitherto trailing tendril* seek un alnclin^ support. How humiliating tiic thought that not iu the sunshine, the melody and the joy, man seeks his Maker; hut only when the storm lays low his proudest possessions, when the Angel of Death summons his beloved uwny. Then with crushed hopes and shattered strength, with lacerated heart, he acknowledges a power mightier than his own, ami a need of something beyond his lately cherished supports. No one who has prayed with the whole heart, will doubt the ofiioaey of prayer j its contemners arc among those who never threw the whole soul into the beseeching cry, " Lord, be merciful to me a sinner!" But the day comes to all when the nothingness of curth stands out in living characters nefure the awakened vision, nnd rvist l>ack upon itself, the heart recoils at its own loneliucss, and would fain recall even thp humble petition lisped at the Mother's lenee. The eon goes forth from the haven of home to commit his bark to the untried xcuof life. N'jw duties, cares, temptations, tloek around his path, and the old restraints and supports arc withdrawn. From whence ???.? tl.A -..,1 vv.??v I/IIU Jll uuuuu^j OUII UJIIHUI tlliu wisdom necessary to guide that bark into the heavenly haven ? From whenee but from the throne of God, in answer to the soul's sincere petition ? And if no guidanco or strength be sought, who shall wonder if that bark ha stranded with all its precious freight! The daughter turns from the thondess ways of her girlhood, from the changeless and measureless love of her motlior nrwl f?!ivrii>? dill tuniliinn once into a stranger home. Perhaps her bright dreams will all there be realized ; perchancc there awaits her in that promised Eden only the serpent and the ashy fruit. In either lot, how imperious the rail for prayer ; that in the brightness and the joy tho diver of all may stand first in the heart's affections, or in the darknc.is and sorrow His nrin nwy lead the stricken one safely into the fdicltct of His presonco. J.f we resolve to live without our heavenly Father, wc throw behind U8 amid the wastes >f lifo what we shall one day understand to have been our only real good. What we gra?p when Wc put him aside is only a seeming substance. It is his love and approbation that gives value to the world's imnhni.se. tlmt linllftws nnr nmltli tlmf ?nnn tifies our affcction. With his blessing all is ours, without it there is nothing to com pensate for life's hard struggle. The sincere prayer finds acccss to Hi's w?r ; no other ?an or should, since to address Him with the lips while tho heart ha t>/Ni3ni>nuA Su no ?aa1 ?r. ll I.-. ? ,sv,??v? ? IVOJ/VI4.7V; H7 HO IWIIOU UP II l? ."51II- | ful. If it bo prayer, He rends its burden before it forms itself in words; Riid like heavenly dew, the sweet influences of His spirit descends to refresh him who hungers and thirsts after righteousness. Prayer must never bo offered in the form of dictation. " Noi. as 1 will but as Thou wilt," is the childlike submission that avails with find mid llAW nfton Tliuwill nnnnittla I the gloomy mid rugged lot when wo have besought Him thnt every bitter portion wiight be spared tw. His answer, though we knew it not, was indicative of the grcnt love wherewith ho lores us. If tho right spirit diotatcs our petitions, we shall never doubt thnt.in nnavrnr will vouchsafed ?m. lie who ob^ys Christ shall Know of lifB doctrine whether it bo true; and lie who feels himself strengthened, comforted, supported, wilf need na other evidence that his fnltcrinjr nroycr ascends to Wod's holy dwolling-pince, even unto JHeuvca. "Murdor Will Oat-'' If wo remember rigbtly, it w?n Lord 101don who was presiding over the bcnch of a liOmlMii oriniin.il court, before whom the iucidout occurred. A >uun was upon his trii ill for thn iimrilm' iifn innn wlin ivns fiJiiml dead upon llatnpsteud Ifcath; and n.bullet in hia body uhowed tho 111 an nor of his death, lie had been last seen in company with the prisoner; but ns there was no other testimony bearing against him, he stood with unabashed front before the judge, and smiled in ridicule at tho attempt of the King's counsel to convict him of the homicide. Lord JOIdon was holditur in his hand. and li.stlcs.sly botwcen his fingers, the )>:ill which hail been extracted from the body.? Presently ho bcokoncd to mt officer to approach the bench, which ho did ; when his lordship inquired in an under-tone, if the murderer Imd been searched. ? lie has, your lordship ; but no money was found VIJJUII HID liuinviu y liui IO 11/ i\(IU)>il mill/ II1U J deceased hail any money in liis possession, beyond about a sovereign in change. The only tiling wo found was part of a strectbaliad, from which a large j' > had been j torn. " " Let mo soe it," said the judge. Tt was handed ?o him by the officer. In the meantime, in mnnipulatiuir the bullet be tween lii.s fingers, his lordship detected a picceof blood-dried paperj moistening, and gradually unrolling it, it was found to be a thrce-corucrcd piece of a street-ballad; aud on comparing it with the torn ballad, which had been laid beforo him, it was found to fit exactly, and to complete the whole.? This piccc of paper which had formed the wadding of the gun, was at once put in evi. ?!.* ....... ....... i ? UVIIV/M y V1IU Ltlilll WttO UUUY1VIVU , ilUU iUlUI " wards made a full confession of his crime.? Wo have never heard a more extraordinary confirmation of the truth of the. ying, that " Murder will outaudit is an incident well confirmed.?Kn ic heritor Iter. SleepThe indifferent reader will most probably glance over this little essay, and lay it down without porcoiving ita merit. The attentive reader will see that there are few words of more than one syllable used in it. To appreciate the ingenuity of such an effort, one ha* only to try to imitate it: Rest is sweet. When day has closed and sounds of toil are heard no moro, night draws her dark robe around the earth and Ullj i) ?i(l> At.... -til. ?l. . ? .!! I ovsua 11/ mviiQUHo. - i <111 j nuni witn L!iU WJII and strife of the day, goes to his home, and soothed by the lull is wooed to rest. Now, as he lies on his eon , thoughts that vexed him by dsty throng his mind. Ttis sweet to nmsc on the joys of life, our loves and hopes, as Sleep weighs down the lids of our eyes and sheds his sweet balm o'er the worn frame. One bv one our limbs yield to his touch ; thoughts dance louud us in a wild, mixed waltz?then one by one they leave us: the mind makes mm fond grasp at caoli loved shade as it flies, but fails to seize it : the brain whirls, tho mind acts no uioic, uud we "siuk down and cense to be. " This ii< sleep! so like death that sonic have called them twins. But death wo fear,while Sleep seems to ns a kind nurse who takes to her lap the vexed child. AVe know that | death bears lis on his breast to the world we Know not, out wmcii we may not leave when once our feet have touched its plains, while Sleep leads us but to the world of Dreams. The bright world of dreams: nt. nigh', we row our hark on its lakes and seas oi glass; our feet tread its chores and wo walk 'mid its cells. Hrooks sing to us as they leap on their way. Birds- with bright plumes greet us from the boughs, as we pass (id through the groves. No trees arc there so green ns those that grow in the land of dreams; no flowers so rare as those that spring from the glad soil as wc draw near. Towers crowned with gold throw back to the sun the light he gives, and we glide on through halls thronged with loved ones of earth, or thoSe who passed from ns long since to the world of shades. Night by night j we talk to the loved ones there, and list to the tales thev breathe in our earn : and nur licarts swell with tho bliss wo feel. But e'en the throb with which the heart greets the joy is its dirge; for wo wake to weep for the joy that lives not but in our dreaius and is too sweet to be known on earth. How wise a gift is sleep ! In the hush of night sleep is born and re?t conies to man. Morn comes; with the dawn he j leaves his couch and goes forth to toil with new zeal " as a stronir man to run a race." Bach day of (oil has ito night of rest.? Thug it is through lifo, till ut l\st death comes, and man sleeps to wake to a new life of joy or shame. As in sleep there is no work, so thero is none in the grave.? To one worn with toil the night of ^oath must he sweet. Hut there is no change there; " as the tree falls so it must die:" I f tlien fW rlnv of life bo lost, how sad the night. For when the trump shall sound to wake us from this last long sleep, we shall be judged for onr vrorkf?; he that has done, well shall rise to joy that ends not, he who has done ill to slnuno and woe. Work, Nthen, " while the day lasts, for the night conns ! when no man oan work." Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Jeorgia, was once running for Congress with an opponent of unusually largestature, and on the stump ono day the discussion became exceedingly warm. Whereupon the largo man said to Stephens, vbo is small and delicto: " Why, J. could button your j 11 ? if .... i cars ohcr, nnu swauow you whole, sir J" To which rude renmrk Stephen* retorted : " And y yon did, you would tlicn have more brain,s in your stomnch then you ever had in your hwul I" The laughter whioh | followed effoetunlly dissipntod the ill-humor wllioh vnu (mi/?iiirr m'nniwl ^ ^ UrON a trareler tolling Gen. X)oyle, *n Irishman, that he hnd been where the bogs wore so Itirjrc- and powerful that two of them wottld ilrum u man's blood In ono night, the potior(iI replied; " My good sir, wo have the wmio animals in Ireland, but they we oallcd hum bug, miu uiyhivu llic Ihtlo remnant of her only loaf into throe pico 'P, placing one on each of our plates, but preserving none for herself. I stole around to her. and was about to toll her that 1 was not hungry, when a Hood of tears burnt from her eyep, and she clasped ino to hor bosom. Our meal was left untouched; wo sat up late that night, but what wo said I cannot tell.? a niiutt Him iiij rnuvnor uukcu to mo uvorc as a companion thuti a child, and that when wo knolt down to pray, 1 consecratod mj iolf to ho tho Lord's and to Bervo iny mother. "iJut," said ho, Hhis is not telling you how neatness made my fortune. It wns some time after this that my mother found an advertisement in the newsnancr fur nn i i y errand boy in a corn mission store in H? street. Without being necessitated to wait, to have my clothes mended, for my mother always kept them in perfect order, and although on minute inspection they bore traces of more than one patch, yet on tho whole they had a very respectable air; without being obliged to wait, even to polish my tthocs, for my mother always kept a box of blacking, with which my cowhides must be not oft'before I took my breakfast; without waiting to arrango my hair, for I was obliged to observe, from my earliest youth, the most perfect neatness in every respect, my mother sent me to sec if I could j obtain the situation. With a light 8tep I started, for T had a long time wished my mother to allow me to do something to as..! _A. 1 si*t uer. 44 .My heart beat fa.st, I n^urc you, as I turned out of W into Ji street, and made mv way tiling to the number my mother hud given me. ] summoned all the courage I. could muster and stepped briskly into the store, and found my way into the counting-room, and made known the reason of my calling. The merchant niuiI..r1 litis) f,.l,l IV... iU.., 1. .. ..X. tviu ???\^ mm bllUlU Hito UllUtUt'l U{,y I who had conic in a littlo before me, lie thought lie should hire. However, he u?kr*d no some questions, and then went out and conversed with the other boy, whostood in the back part of the oflico. The result was, that the lad who firat applied was difli ....j i i ?i? '? > uiidoi;uj aiiu i v;iiiuruu tuu lucrcilttlll. CIHplnymeiit, first as nil errand boy, then as u clerk, afterwards as his partner, until his death, when lie left me the whole business, stock, &0. After 1 had been in his service sonic year?, he told nie the reason he chose mo in preference to the other boy was because of the general neatness of iny person, while in reference to the other lad, he noticed that he neglected properly to tuck down his vest. To this simp!e circumstance has probably been owing the greater part of my succcss in business." nr... ? ?. j tiMii ?? ?.v preuy woman is one of the "institutions" of tho country? an angel in dry goods and glory. She makes sunshine, blue sky, and happiness wherever sho goes. J Cor path is one of delicious roses, perfumes and beauty. She is a sweet poem, written iu rare curls, and ch'oice calico, and good principles. Men stand up lu:fi>rc her as so many admiration points, to melt into cream and butter. Jler K? 1!l i nuiiM nuub 1UUII1I 1IUI 11KU IIIUKIC, OI" CIMII1CS | of Sabbath bells. Without her, society would lose its truest attractions, the church its firmest reliance, and young men tho very best of companions and couifort. J lor influence anil generosity restrain the vicious, strengthen the weak, raise the lowly, flannel shirt tho heathen, and strengthen the faint-hearted. Wherever you find tho virtuous woman, you also find lirci.ide boquete, /l] n ..-J ?- 1 If?! ?- I | UIUIUI l^llMUVn, IMUfl, j^UIIU living, genue hearts, music,light and model "inutttutions" generally. She is the flower of humanity, a vory Venns dimity, nnd her inspiration the breath of Heaven. A private Holdior, in one of the Irish regiments, engaged in tho dreadful battle of Salamanca. cried out during tbo hottest part of the notion: ''Ooh, murder, I'm kilt ontire1> !" "Arc you wounded V inquired an officer near him. 'Woundod, is it. vour honor?" replied tho gallant Emoraldor; " bo jubor I, I'm worso tlnin killed out and out: wasn't I waiting fortlio la?t quartor of an horr for a pull at Jim Murphy's pipo? and thoro, now, it's shot out of his mouth 1" A OKNTi.EVAtf having givon grand party^ hit? tailor was among tho company, and mm iiiu-j iiuuruBvuu uy ins mru.iui|>. my dear sir, 1 remer?b?r your faco, but I firgot your name/' The t#'lor whispered, in ft low tone?-I made your brooches." Tho nobleirtnn, taking him by th? band frxclftimcd.? " Mnjor Breech**, I am bnppy to see you." I * " You don't Reom to know how totftko mo," I paid n Yiilgnr fellow to a Mfttletoan be had insulted. ''Yes I do," paid the gentleman, 1 twisting hitn by tho ncso. - rito.ViWKNeK.?What a strange Provident, that a mother .should he taken in the midst of life from her children !" ? Was itProvidence? No! Providence had as.sitrn.2d her three seoro vears and ten : n fj ^ ( / term lon 1 i irv i lyiu j iuviuuiivu cui iiiui uii i j no evil ; rarely onds here. The diseases of the father are often transmitted, and n feeble mother rarely leaves behind her vigorous children. It has been customary in some of our oilics for young ladies to walk in thin shoes ni.l delicate stockings in mid-winter. A healthy blooming young girl thus dress cd in violation of heaven's lawa, paid the i penalty?.1 checked circulation, cold, fever, and death. " What a sad Providence !" exclaimed her friends. Was it. Providence, or her own folly ? Jxiok at the mass of disc a es that are incurred by intemperance in eating and drinking, in study or business, by neglect of exercise, cleanliness, and pure air; by indiscreet dressing, tight lacing, &c.; and all is quietly imputed to Providence. Ik there not iiupioty as well as ignoranoc in this ? Were the physical laws strictly observed, from generation to generation, there would be an end to the frightful diseases that orct life short, and of the long list of maladies that make life a torment or a trial. It is the opinion of those who best understand tho physical .system, that this wonderful machine, the body, this " goodly temple," would gradually deoav. and men would die ns iffnllinrr j I ? ; e> *" [ Miss tiahj ic kk. Lost Stars.?T1k>> '-o study tlio heavuns say that often n drops out of tho firmamont or dies there, and in lost to sight forever uftor. It might have been tho bright star of hope of many a inariuoron the uncertain sea of life. Its ua'.in, gontlo radiance may have shed good cheer and comfort upflin many a path dark with doubt and sorrow, an 1 dread. Liko these drooping, dying sturs. our loved ones go away from our sight. Tho stars of our hopes, our ambitions, our prayers whoso light shinos over botbro us, loading on and up, thoy'suddenly fade from tlio firmament of our hearts, and tlioir place is empty and dark. A mothor'B steady, soft and earnest light, that heamod through all our wants and sorrow; a father's strong, quick light, that kept our feet from stumbling 011 tho dark and treacherous ways; a sifter's light,so mild, so pure, so constant and so firm, shining upon us from gentle, loving eye.*, and persuading us to grace and goodness; a broth or's light, bright, and bold, and honest; a lover's light, forever sleeping in our souls and illuminating our goings and comings; n trioiid's tr o and trusty?gone out -forever? No! no! The light luuj not gone out. It is shining beyond tho stars, whore there ??> no night auil no darkness, forever ami forever Save tub Dead I/Kaves.?If every horfeulturist would rcfloct for u moment on tho nature of fallen leaves which contains not only the vegetable matter hut the earthly lime, potash, &o., needed lor tho next season's growth, and that too oxactly in tho proportion required by the very tree and plant ironi which thoy tall?nay, more, if thoy would consider that it is precisely in this way by the decomposition of tlioso very fallen leaves, that nature enriches tho noil, year after year, in her groat forest*, it would scarcely bo possible for such ? reflecting horticulturist to allow those loaves to ho swept away by every wind that blows, and tinallv lost altogether. A wise horticulturist will uuigeuuy collect, ironi timo to tunc, the I leaves that full under onoh trco, and by digging them uudor the noil, provido in the ohoapost munnor tho boat possible food for . the healthy growth of tlint tree. In certain vineyards in France the vines are kopt in the highest condition by simply burying at tho roots every leaf and branch that is pruned oft* ouch vines, or ihut fall from thorn at the end of the season. A few nights ago, Mr. Joints, who had l/Ouii Out uiktn^ liia ?*aintcd. Shoving himself clonic bv a vigorous otibrt, be took a glimpse at bin shoulder, another at tliu bouse, a tinrd at bio hand, and exclaiinod: "Well?bio!?that is ? AK.. 1* 1 - .1 1 - 1- ? 1 ? it mmiiouiiucu uuiuiuos incK in wnoovcr pmnto?.l that house, to loavo it standing out al! ! night for people to run ftgainat?liio J" A I'EKSON who wns recontly oullod in court for the purpose of proving the oorr^p.hipwi n Kill wnj uol/u/1 lawyer whether the doctor did not make several visit# after the patient wan out of j danger? "No," replied the witness, "I considered the patient in danger an long as the doctor coutinucd his visits i" A Grekk maid being nuked wl?nf fortune she would bring her husband, answered : " I will bring hiin what is inoro valuable than any treasure?a heart unspotted nnil virfuo ivitliwil ?i-- v ?* ** A**u? pwiomin nmuuail IV HIV JVMIUU UI 9. Alexander, dcooascd, most nmko pnymuut before Heturn o suet. I>. A. ALKkANDKU, ) .. , T. M. ALKXANDRll, J Aam r" Sopt 21, 1?5S 1U 2 PUBLIC SALE. WILL fyp sold to the highest bidder, nt l'iukuns.C. II.. on Salediiy in October next, a THACt OF LAND, lying near said town, containing One Hundred find Twenty Acres inoro or Iokh, and fU^julhbfri lands of Alnx Htlhiahv 1) M Kimnfiniiii' Attri nHiitpn. This tract Vill l?o sold 011 n crodit of twclvo mouths, tlie purehiiRo moncv to bo secured by note, bearing intercut. with security. -A LSO At tho rcsidenco of Wr.i 'Stephens. on Tuesdnv after Saloday, tho Cnttlo, llog.s, llouaohold mid Kitchen Furniture, and other nron erty, will l>e Hold. For sums of und under $5 cash, ovof that amount the sumo tonus nnd conditions its fur the land. A. S. STKPIIKXS. Aiir 23. 1858 0_ td Administrator's Sale. WILL be sold nt Knsley's Mill, on Tuesday the 5th of October next, the following property, us the Kstuto of Col. J. A. K.iiftlov frk u-if Planing Machine. Sash Machino, S'.iitiglo Machine and Right for Pickens District; large lot of Sash ; prepared and rough Flooring Plank, and many other varieties of Lumber. , Terms of fyilc.?On a crcdit nf nine months with intovost, to be scoured by note and approved security. W. K. BASLKY, Adm'r. Sept. 1") 185R 'J td. Orrlirmrtr'n SnTn J ~ ~? BY virtue of an order to me directed by W. J. I'ursons, TOtq.. Ordinary ol Dickens District, I will sell to tho highest- bidder on Saleday in Octobor nost, tho Heal Kstate of Joshua Chapman, deceased, to wit: One tract of L.itul, situato in Dickens District, on Shoal Crook, adjoining lands of Carter Clayton. Samuel Chapman and others, containing One Hundred nnd Ninety-two Acres more or iews; t?oiu for division nir.ur.g the hoirs of said doc'onsod. Terms or S.vi.k.?On a Orcditof twolro months, With interest from day of snle. except tho cost, which must he paid in cash. The purchnsor to ??%o hond with good security, to tho Ordinary to secure the payment of tho purelmso money, with a mortgage of tho promises if doomod i "coasary by him. Purchaser to pay oxtra for titles. L. 0. CIlAIfl, s.p.I). l o toro - -? OU|M. LOUO I Ul, State of WouHi Carolina, . IS OUUINAllY?CITATION. WIIKREA8, Lewis Reese linth u)>|>HccI to mc for letters of ndminSstrntlon upon nil unci singular tho pirtcsnl estate of J.owis Katon, deceased, lato of the Stnto of Indiana: The kindred nnd creditors of said deceased uro, therefore, cited to appear before inc. at I'lokens II. on Monday tlio lltli Oet'r next. In h1k> w i iiiim. if i?ny they etui, why snid IcUtro should not be granted. Given under my bond and soul of office, 2!hl September, W. J. I'.-* RS0N8. P.P.P. A Final Settlement A\,rll.Li l)o niudo, on illc JlUtli day of October ?i next, of the personal cat ft t oh of Wilson and Jesse McKinney, dceenscd. All demands ngnlnst either estate must bo handed in before that day to JOI1N McKlNNKY, Adni'V. ' Inly 23. 18fi8 1 til Estate Notice. .4 FINAL Settlement of the K.?tntc of Ali\. Ion lllnck, doceuRcd, will l?o inndo bofuro tho Ordinary, at Pickens 0 11, on Friday t the Mi day of November next. Those havincr demands aoruinst the Kslnfi> niu*t r?nili>r I Litem, legally nttoutcd, and tlio?e indebted thevoto must nmko payment by Unit time. K. IIUWIKS, ) . . . R. IIUNNIOUTT, J Adm rs August. 2, IKutt 3 3111 NOT ft) 10. i PPI.lUATlON will be tnndo to llio J.cgi.sln.'V (uroof South Carolina, at its noxl Ncssion. for it oHnvU'r'tW '*T-lio Chuugu Litno und Mar,itruutiiring Company." July lit, 1858 61 .1m JOS. J. NORTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Solicit or in I'](]iiilv. I'ICKKNS COUltT HOUSE, S. C. Jan. 1, lSf>8 25 tf^ NOTICE IS hereby given that application will bo . to tbo Legislature of South Carolina, at its next nos?ion. for nn act to incorporate tbo Baptist Church, ut Seconu. August lKfiH :i 3ra HIDES AND BARK Wll.Ii BE BOUGHT AT FAIR PRICES hv J. U N. SMITH. Tan Yard, Jan 4. 1KS8 25-tf notick. 4 PPLICATION will be Hindi- to llin I.pfri*ln A turo of South Carolina, nt its noxt hchhuui, for nn net to incorporate the Itetrout Churcli und hinds.appertaining thereto. Aug. 14, 1858 5 8m | ivorici:. ~ 4 PPLK.'ATION' will be liu'de to the Leginla| A tare of South Carolina, at Hn next Hcsaion, in ml nil iu iiiuwi jhjimt> inu unvu 01 I ICKl'Ilflvi.lo, with tho unual power and privileges. July !K.r,H 50 3m 'STATE OF SOUTH AIIOMKA, riCKRKB?IK OHIIINAKV. W. II. Jlowon and others | To WiU in John Hnwcn, Kx'or. et aln. ) KO oWn 101 m" WHKRKA8, W. R. llowcn anil othorn hnvo op f * pn?vi ? ? mo w milc i? j'ujrer (im piiriiiijj iu bo tlie hint Will and Testament of William llnvrcn, deceased, late of Maid dist rict, proven in due and aolenm form of law; And* it appearing to my satisfaction that T. H. Howen, Jool Wellborn and wife Martha, Thornton Hanson and wife Klixabeth, and T. II. IJowen onwH8 niwt wif*!?nrftb, rtofondnntn in thin case rmhlo without tho limit# of thlftBtat*: l> U or- ! thftt they do-nppour Jn the tJrdfnary'H office, ftt rickon* O. If., on Monthly the 11th clny of Octol^r neit, rtud *?Kj?ct to the division or Bote of the Hetil Kstiv*&?t' WllWnin Ahbott, dcuonaed, or their conuent to tha suruo win ho entered of record, > , t*4r'~- . I I, W. J. PAR803B, Oidinriry'B Office, July 8, 1W)8. i' 3m Ordinary's Saio. BY virtue of mi border to me dircetod by W, J. Purenn*. Kst|., Ordinary of Picliens district, I will nelI to tho highent bidder on Snledny in October next, tho Ketil Estate of Junio;}Oillilnnd. deceased, to wit: One tract of Land,' situate in Pickens District, on Adams' Oieok, adjoining lands of JnrncK II. Ambler, Joseph Massingill and other*. containing Ono Hundred Acres more or less; sold for division among tlio hoirs of said deceased. ( Terms ov Bm f.?On a orodit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, except the cost, whioh must be pftid in cash.? The purchaser to give bond with good security, to the Ordinary to secure the payment of tho purchase money, with a mortgage of tho promisor if of Eolith ('iirolinn, I'lOKF.X8?IN OHlHNAll V. . Ux Pnrto ^ Volition to apply funds to .J. Miiulucii, Siiv r ) the payment of itobts. IT nppoaring that Joseph 1) l.ooper, Henry Duncan (or Hester) and wife Polly, 1'eter Phillips and wifo Caroline, John J'ritchct and w'.fo ltnchel, reside without the limits of this Stnto: It it! ordered, therefore, that they do appear in tho Ordinary'* office, at Vkdteus C II, on tlio first Motvdny in January nqst, and shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the said petition should not bo granted. W. J. 1'AKSONS, o.r.n. Ordinn'y'fl office; Sept. ^4, Iftfifl fa K(u(c ol'^tuilli nrulina, PtCKKNS-?IN EQUITY^ Avarilla (Irlllin ) vs I liill for Vnrtition. )ros. Griffin, ct. aln. ) 'rnppenring to the Coin I. upon bill filed. Ihnt T .). I). Munsoll and wife Vosliti, Barton Grifttn, Donjnmiii Griffin, Sargent Griffin, It. II. Griffin, 11. A. liiHingftly and .Minerva; tlio heirs at law of llailoy Griffin, deccaHed, to wit : AvnvillaGriffin. Surgcnt .I. Griffin, Joacph GrjjL "" fin; multlic hcirs-at-laW of W'.lliam GvifHn, 8 ftn? JSstat? Notice. i LI. porsons indebted to tlie Estate of Robert 1\ Stowait, Ksij., deceased, arc rcjuebted to nmkc immediate payment} and those hating domand* against said Mutate must present them duly attested on or before Monday the 18tH day of December next, or they v ill be barred. A final settlement of this K?tate will be made before the Ordinary, at Pickens C. II., on tlmt day. ' TIIOS. II. PltfCI', Adm'r. Sept. ft, 1R">8 8 8m Slate ot'Wouth C arolina, IX OHIMNAJIV?riCKKNS. J. W. Kelly ) xh V Summons in Partition. .lames J. Kelly, ot nlp. J I IT appearing to mo that Jump* J. Kelly. defendant hi thin cumo,resides without the limits of thin State: It is ordered tlmt ho do appear in tho Ordinary's OtRco, nt Pickens ('. II.. on Monday the 11t.li day of October next, and ob jcct to the division or snlo of tlie Kcnl Estate of Audrey Kelly, decensed. or Ms consent to tlio same will be entered of record. W. J. PARSONS, o.r.i>. Ordlnnry's QfRcc, July 8, 1858 "i JEWELRY, GOLD '& SILVER. ,JKAN )3TK. FISCHKHSKK, Wuiliulln, 8. UA8 just now returned from New York with n lurgc and beautiful niisortnn'iit of WATCIIKS, .lEWl-Xpil, uui.u mm l locks, Music HOJCes, Combs, ItrusliuK, Kniiov Articles. l'erfumerv, tio.tjw, (Sold Pens, ctc.; nil of which hn* hccn bought IotOASU, uitrl which he offers for gala on the most iioroiiiwodntinc terms. C*iylJc Iilpo KV-pAtRR WATCHB$ and otbor nrtides in his line, mil solicits the ]>ntronn^e of the Diiblie. His stand is ncni' the ituhiie square, n< WulhnUa, 8. C. Deo. 15. 1850 ,24 ___ If t. vtixoBurii, jm. j. w. HAvmaox. n. r. iu'm.iam. N OillllsTlI A1UUS0N & PULUAM, AUorn?!y? nt ln\v, \ WILL nlicml pvoiojilly to nil nttalnQtw entrusted to thc'iv ennj. Mb. VuIi.iam con ?1 OFFICE AT I'lCKKNS C. II., s. Hop?. r,, i8r?? o ir W. K. KASI.EY. 18 A Ac WICK M YVK, EASLEY & WICKLIFPE, Atloriii'TM ni law. \7 \rlI.Ii nttonil nunetuallv lo nil biufiii'Ms. en 1 T tfustod to tlioir euro in tho 1'inti-jcH .' compiinlng the Western Circuit. OFFICE AT PICKENS C. II., H. C . flopt. U5, 18 if iumberTltjmber! TMIJS undWHigiicd nve now prepared to fill or1 der* for LUMRKIt of Ml.kinds. at their Mill! on ()concc Creek, aovon milea nrirtli-enat of Wiilh?llii. Lumber will hi delivwied if lb ?r dewlrcH; by the purchaser. Our terms will be >nrid? accommodating. niul we nvspertfully solicit the patronage of tiie public. JAMF.S GKOROK. M. F. MiTcinai,, Feb. 10, lft57 fll J, N. LA WRENCH. NOTICE. " APPLICATION wittbo ntadn to the nest noik sion of (ho South Carolina Legislature for a public road, to leave the Clayton roud iicMir Onmbrell Rraxeftle'd, to pass near Wagner's saw l?*M MlftWA f A Wilft/lu fAfjl ki f Aug. 14. 1868 , ft Oin j*#* iP PREMIUM CGOKl NO STOV18, ** OF all ni*os, with and without Hollow-ware* For Hale by it. FT. Opposite "Planter'* Hot?l, Walhaiia, ti.O. ** a.a 1 d*s? i ... | t TI JMalc of NoiHh < lu oliua, fl* OKWIMARr-a. F. Cox 1 vrs > fiuntmouo In IVr'iHon Edwnid (.*ox, et.. nl?. J IT uppcfirinR to my gnmfnrtion inatdnnn Cox,. Murindu Cox. Onbritd CiML-.itohnrt Cox. l/u Moloil and *ff* WnoiWh, flcofge ami wlfo .Va?c, flewgc Glow .'mil wife |thod?, m reafcfe without tho limitr< of this It in or dered; theroforo, tlmt tlicy do nj^K-av ?* *hc(>vduiary'a oftioe, ftl 0* Hth day of November tiexi. nn