OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 07, 1860, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1860-01-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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Counting- House Calendar, 1860. |
k i ? Hj 3 gfK ifi af|jg g. j| ? 7; g 1
& l i SlS-rl ?|. i ? i 111.?|
> rr" ft * M* 1!|r| i-| 1
JJ_!!lJ_ iiilLL
<_l 11 a I 4| :,i c>'| 7''! 4- 1 2| H! 4*1 oi ~ i
I ? o'in.l Iil-2'IS;14\[~\ S tf mill 12|l?tJ I
I 17Vim 20!ai iu? miiT^lmWi I
C \'-s> U1V271;28,| 42"!-:V-4|2'>i-u '2< :-8 I
.n i | | |l |C?i3U,:U|
I 2 ? ! * I I I ' 1 2 3 4 I
5?i )! (L 71 h' * > l?iu !. ! 01 0, 7! H "JlHijll I
lojit?iit ih'.^ji*jh:v,ii i *> ?>> iTjis i
? 'l'.i 20 21 'J2 _:i|2l 2.r>;'55 21 2'-Y-'3 2125
3S?jSV??| ! ..
J. -tUi B 7l K 5 2 ?' lj f> ' '! 7i ?
?*:ll 12I13 14.lo HUT I~ '.I III 11112 1:'..14{1.?
m U? V.n]2l 22j2:V,24,{ !T I x,l\? 2?>|Jl.-J2
2S 2fi ?>7|2H 'J'.t . lo;;24|2;V2<> 27!2K 2<,?
. i I 2 sl 4' f.y 7, Ul; I | I J
o i ?' u'm n ia;n|U| ! i( e| a 4 a\ <?'
SL: I "? I??l 1T l*,!''2<> 2l!| | 7. ji: !) !<? I l|l2!i:i
j22 23|24 2:>'2<'.|27;2^'? 1 iff*. 10 IT \* 10,20
i'i.i !l v 21 i22.2tl 24 2-V.2(? '27
I I 1 I 21 il ;?|l ;;i! 1
,J 0 71 Kj (f loin! 12, \ \ ! ill'.':?
S*jl8 1115 in I7.H I?.?i 1 .|I ;,j r, 7 v\ % '! ? !
I '* 2nl2l 22l2a 2-1 Jo 2f.'j = ,11 I2'l:! 1 ?'lftiir.!l7
',27'2M|2,.I,:UI 31 ! 1 x i?i 'jo|2I 22 2-5 24
I ! I 1 (25,20 27 2x'2'j!:U'
^ H| ! .-?| C, 7 S| 'J|, .'Il
? lull I'iilii'l 1 I.VIi'i'ir o! ,| ?;j 7 s
? 117 Hi 19 2n|Jl'22l2:i S <. <> ii> II I2;i:i 14 l*>
21.2")120 27 20 2y,aol " he, 17 l;'jl?.i'20;2l 22
I 123 2-120 20127,2Sl20
* 80 31,1 Pi M i
^ a MKI-rj'lNO "f l?o Tnt-u^e* <>f this
^ X. .M'ti'lOinv .Mr. >> . ,i. wu< ti it 11 ii iiimiihIv
reelected l*ri??ci|nil li?r tlio enduing veil?. ,
It the Trintfion much |i'eu-ni!<: to unite
their tfi<tiir. my with our cmumunitv in ftivor ot
tin) ll??i?riv||iujr condition of the School. and of'
> Mr, I,l?ION'Sde*nr\\vl p<?p 111:ii-it v n* a Tdheher.
Tlio Soh'lastie Term will I?? divided into two !
reunion.*, of live months eaeli. connnoneing on
I!i? firnt Monday in Fohrnary,.,nnd closing on
t'.io last Friday in November. Students will
ho charged from the time they uontmonco to tlio :
ond of the H(M*iiin.
TI*'H.MS l'! ',!?* Sr'.SSIOX :
Heading. Writing and Sue'ling. $'J O'J
Higher l-higlitdi Branches with MatheiniitieH,
1 I 00
(ircoinn atnl Ktinin literature with
Matlicnmtiurt, 1?^ 00
Student* will l?i> prepared f>r the S?>ph'<m >rr !
of tlio" .Smith Carolina College, or fur the
uotivo pursuit* ??f" life,
l? >arditi?. e.vdu-nve <?f washing and lights. j
ran ho lia<1 f>?r Si11 pftr month. l'aymuut for
li ianl will l>c reijuire I in mlvuneo.
15V Dl uf 11<<> UnaI'd.
It. A. M AXWKI.I,. Chairman.
Jan. 4. HIV) 'i.i I j
V O It S A I. I'', .
? p '! I'.TT'S. fo-,morly Stcelo's Mill*. Malay
.IV' S iwnr.MMl an I (?i'i*t M il. within a hitiI'
in.in the liluo UM^re I tail mini truck. L'rioe,
?(\l? J cash, balance in one, tvv?? au<l three
A Farm cmta?n":ir.; 7'M Ae.rojj^m^ro or le^s,
similarly situa'ivl. li ? i l?l i???<-? new. (.la the
Tract i? a line Mill ?l|nal, i?n Creek, J mile
IV.mii tlie Il-i:I!* ;? I truck?uImiii l(K) acre-* uloaml 1
laml. I'rice, ?!i..}(HI. Tonus same iih above. ]
Tim llailniail ettV4 will reach tho ab n o in le.-?
than a year.
ttKX.JAMIX ltllliTT,
llanntv T.aiul, 1'. < >.
J in. V M If
rililJJ OOlVVH'.rXKUSIIir lirrc'ufn-p oxistJ|.
injg iinilur tl>? firm of !S. II. ! iliti* ?t Co., nt
]?ac!iel<irs Retreat. S. (J., lias been this day <1 ims-ilveil
by in nt <i:tl consent. All persona in leb'e
I t.i the linn itlier by Note or Account, are re
(('lo-tci to ui.ikfi iniMt" I * :i f <i pnvinent u;i?l thovcliy
save t*??-1.. The X >io? mi I Amount* arc loft,
in tl?n 11s ?if ,S. II Jultiix fur settlement, and
p!t!ii*r tli" la'o llr;n will make settlements,
receive payments and roooipt ill full fir t!u?
Hamo. S. II. JOHN'S.
rplIB litisincss will In* rmtimiod at the same
1 S an I. Iiv tli" Hiili-^rilier. \vli>i lie^s Usivc '
t-> return Iim thanks t?? hi* furmor customeY*
uiul tlif? ooininitiiitv fur tlreir lilicrul |iatronti<*Q ; j
and lie h' pus Iiv idnsy aniv.itinn and mnduriiic
prices to merit a c MttmuAnec of tin' mniio,
s. M. .ioii.vs.
H xrrtRi.'ins I? cTrcK\t. 0?o. 2"?. HV.) 2J?'$
Ordinary's Notico.
To Es'cutnf.i, Ailiniiiiitrafoi H and CJiuif'litni.
i LIj persons H.ihk* to niako Met urns ia my Otliee
j V arc hereby s-. vcrnlly required to do so, within
tin- time prescribed Wy law. As the. law im ini|ierntire
in this ro.iuoot, it will lie strictly enforced
wirli.nu respect <? persons. Knlos. with coiishUjvuhlc
coM iliercnn. forfeitures of cotnuiis.uoi\H. &?..
lire U-e ponuliiesi for neglecting tu jterfurm this
W. E. IfOl.rOMIJJJ, o Mi.
OfdliMrv'ii Jftn. '-! 1 >-? >?? t
rjMIK WXKllOI.Sl'^j <>f thi? 1 iiHti111ri<?n will bo
JL renumcii l?v Omjprosoiit incumbent, on tlio
it)>h inst.. tin* .fil M ituliiv.
Tlio healthy locality. Ilio nigral tone of the |
cotiloinoiit ami tho superior advantage doffed
from tlio accommodating uiTungoinentM <>f tlio |
Academy, offer many induccmenta to tho I'aront
nml Ouardinn.
(Jood board can be bud in excollont fnmiliop,
on reasonable tonus.
1) V> KR'K, I'rinc-innl. 1
.Tfttt.tt. 1800 '22 if
Ordinary's Salo.
v'rML? <>t ?'i order to tno directed by ^V,
K. Itolc'iDili. K^i., Ordinary of |'io)?ei??
Pirttriot, I will soli to tlio highest biildor boforo
iJjtt i!durt iI>tu?o door, on Sulcduv mi FVJjrunrv
n?*t. (lie itoal Eua;g'>? Jobti A. Cliiklretfv, doCiiHfCd.
to wit : **
.t i.....i I..:....:..
? */ !? J ***V5w \?I MMIM M lllg *11 1 ' JlClin ?CI, I
Oil WHt^m ?f Huituiu Ui\or, adjoining Intnl.-* of
loliti Keijdloy, (y*vi Wimm- nml otliOrn, tfxntiiinl?j<
Ona lUuuhvd umj K l*t v A<?re* more np Icxs.
fat ((iv'uiuii tfiuong tiiu lioiis of 8>im1 I
(loCPUHflil, .
'/' ( iin.-On u 4?ro<lW (if twftlii) ukmiHih witJi '
(iitni-OHf. OX?<<M?t tJlfliinut, wliicli iuu?t lx> pnlil in i
iuimIi. TI.u ptir^iuwnr tn give will/ giuul
nocurity, to thu On|ii?nry, and n innrf^ii^o of
the nrunilww if reiiuirml l?v him.
I,! 0. CUAK*, s.i'.n.
T..., 7 tftr.rt . ?>:i
I lif. l'KKKONH in'}?bti>d to W, Qre?ti, 'n i?iiy
j\ way wliutcvor. previous to the ftr?t of January,
1 < '?(>. nre noliflod that (ha wvuie iinut be paid iinlirc
tiatel^, or their Note* and Account? will be
hiittdod to an officor for collodion.
.Ti n. 4. Iflrtd 28 2
Mtntc of.Mouth Carolina,
WlfKRBAB. Wm. and Henry Whltmlre havo
If applied <o ma for lott|hi of odmlniatratioii
upon nil andalngular the poraoiW ??tato of Nanoy
WliiiruirA, dsceuse'l'. l*(o of lit Htote aforoaafd
| find dinlrliu of I'lekens : The kindred and ore<i'l-'
or* of a*id doooned ?rc, (heroforo, oi(?d to appear
before mo, u I'lckona 0. II. on Monday the lftth
.Jannnry, lMO, lo ah** caiue, If any (hoy win, why
paid let (or* -should not- be granted. Given under
* Land and Mai, Ifiis 2ftfb Deoombor. 1860.
' I * *?
- - <+
ki. . V
J, M. Oftomlorff, "1
II. U, Iloclinu, Kx'om. BUI for Injunction.
vh Miuslial ?si?ctH. AcAnna
C? Orflomlofff nml count, Ac., Ac.
T \ V i " **
irun.* <>i mi oruer I mm llic Uolirt <>t Kq- ,
.J ) uitv, in this case. I will soli to the highent ,
bidder. at L'iekQiis Court House, on Sulcduy ill
February next, thu
Of John If. OstoinlttrlV, deveu?ed. situate. lying |
nut) being in the State ami district aforesaid,
One ll-mse ami lot in the Town of Wnlhulla.
whereon Mrs. O'teudorlf now live-*, containing
One and a half Acres. Tiiore is a g>od dwelling. j
pt'>rcdiu(i80, and all nceessary out-buildings on 1
this place.
Lot $<). 2. onntniuins Fifty Acres, adjoining .
the town uf Wulhallu. II. Kajen and others.
Tract N.i. on the mad leading from Wulhalla
to O-iotioc Station, containing Two lion- ,
,l.o.l \ J t? .w.i: - i i <
..... .1* -. ^ *,? tvv-, WIJ"I III .1^ IIUMIS Wl
<.'a|>t. I loiU'kCU lllld others.
Five sha^c* ??T (?.,e<5,?ville ntxl Columbia Hail- ;
rou'I stock. assessment piiiil.
TKit.MS OK SALh?On a credit of twelve
ni'Hitlis, willi into:citt from tlie day of t?alc. ex- ;
eejil the costs which muxl, lie paid in cash. The j
iiurolia^cr or purchtisorH j?ivin^ homl, with at
least two*good sureties, to secure the payment i
of the puri'liltitiVfilmnev, and pav extra IT titles. ;
KOttT. A. TIIOMl'SOX. t .K.r.o. i
-Com'rs OHiee.lviin. I. I Slit) ts
^ AVTfjT, attend at the following times nnd
jl place-* for the purp ose of rocoivin;; Taxes for
clio year I I :
Monday. I It February, nt Wni, Snuders,
TflVsday. 1 lili " Center Campground,
Wednesday. l"?th lluolitdorn' Retreat,
Thursday. Itiili '* Fair LMuv,
Friday. 17 lit " D-Mitliit's,
Sal unlay, IStli " William Kant's,
Monday. -Oth " Salubrity,
il>t anil 'J'J'I " Plirki'U.xviPo.
Thursday. -?M " ,J,diu (jossct's,
Friday, ?Urh " Trap,
Satuifyav. *!.rnli " ll^ster^j,
Monday, i?7ili " 1 la;;
Tuesday. 'jSib " Mrs. lJarion's,
Wodno.-day, 'J'.hb. ' Kli Stunsell'd,
Tnnr<dnv, 1st Mureh. Wolf Creek,
Friday, -d " Hurricane.
Moitfluy. "?>h " l'ickens U. II..
Wednesday. 7ili " NVtn. Nininioim
Thursday. Stli " (Jrant's Store,
Friday 9ib " Tunnel llill,
Saturday. 10th " (.'apt. A. It ddus,
Monday, I'J.li " ,louas Phillips,
Tuesday. Idtli " Fenton Halls,
Wednesday. I Irli " ('. I'tide*,
Tiuir.-dav l-uli " <i. W, Phillips,
It'nli ami ITtli " Wallmlla.
M unlay, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10th, 20ih
and -1 t March, at l\oken? U. 11.. ni whiuh time
my 15 ?>ks will lie closed. All persons failing
to make their returns by that time will be liable
lo dmilile tn v
Stato Tux. nhmit the same as last your,
l{ >n?l Trix.
I' ?i?r T:it, 'JO.
1'uUie lluihling, 5.
Tax pa vers will lake notice thaMhov are still
ro<|iiir**il hv an Aet'if the Legislature, to return
all Hirihs. Deaths ami Marriage*, with the ago.
iiiiino ami s-'k ajt'l c ia.se of Death ; also ilate of
llirtlw aivl I'e.iths.
.Ml Ministers. M iii-tra'es. au*1 others who
have in trrit-il auv pors ?n^ during the year 1 sV.I,
a o id|uire<t to return the date of sueli mini!
with the names. ago> and occupations ; id o
the named of the parents of each.
JOHN* W. 1, OAKY, T. 0.
| .Tnn 1 I <'50 .M tf
Ordinary's Salo.
1>v virtue of rtn or<ler to nm directed hy W
> K. ll 'l conihe.' I'lffp, Ordinary of I'iekens
i l'i.st iet, 1 will sell to tin1 highest bidder at
L'iukoii* Court li usse nn Saleday in February
next. ihe Ileal llslatu t f Thomas Uarvin, deu'd,
to wit :
N'.i. 1. On T.ruirol OieeV. watets of Kaowee
IMver, adjoining lands of 11 t*?irv Morton ami
others, ? ntiutiiiig o^c, thousand ami thirty acres
more 'ij- lojs.
2. On M li' C'rcoV, wnt>?rs of lvcowce llivOf,
a-ij linftijj; ??t" II. Ha';; "id. F. N (Jarvin
I il'til otnoYs, c'liitaiiiiiig thruo huu lrc-1 and fifty
acre* more tiv less.
'I'r.tiM.'okS.vi.k.?-On a ered'tof twelvemonth",
with interest from ?lay of salo, exeop' the cost',
whiqb miht be paid in ca~h. The purchaser to
*ivo b<>nd with good security, to the Ordinary to
secure the pavment of the purchase money,
wish a mort^.i^o of the proarses if deomud neeespury
by hini. Purchaser to pay extra lor
titIOH. i t' oft A ni ? i?
.Inn. 7llij.lfl.TJ y; ;*; Id
PERSON'S having <Ioi>i;t11 )<* against the Estate of
UtH'llir SpHltHM\ (lMUIUl.1, ttl'O t.O pr?Mi'iit
thorn legally ailc^tO't on or before Fri'tfly the
I'xl February next: aiiil all jhmuiiih in<h>bte<l to
Huid K?tutu rflftst make payment liy llmt time.
J. M. Sl'r.NCr.ll, Aijin'r.
Jan. 4. 1'8W) 'j:i
VI?l< person* indebted to the flatfoto of W.
deceased, hro hereby required to
pay their due*on or before the Ut day of March
next, or tin?) will be sued iinlisciiuiwintolv*
E. H. KK1TII. Ks'rx.
K. M. K KIT 11, 1 ,, .
T. .1. K KITH, I * rs>
Jiip. 1800 3
Ordinary's Salo.
T)V virtue of an.order to mo directed bv W.
) K. II deombo, ! ) ?(., Ordinary of 1'inkenn
I'strict. I will soil to the hi^he^t bidder at I'ioken*
0. II.. on Siilediiv in Kobrnarv next, tlie
Heal Kgtuto of John (J. Kalmbach, dioousvd, to
wit: *4k r
Olio lot in tho (own nf Walhalla. on Main
street, and known in tho plan of uaid town uh
Xo. 77, on which there in a comfortable dwelliiij,
boufA8 Hiicfl^ork chop ; adjoining lotn of M.
lbillwinkol, and other*, containing ] Aore inoro
or lesc.
Terms of Sutc.?On n credit of twelve month*,
with interest from day of .Sale, oxcopt tho coat,
which most he paid in cash. Tho purclninor to
giro Bond with gnojLtiMHmrity, to tlio Ordinary
to ncouro tho payment of tho purVhuHO money,
with n mortgage ?>F tlio proniw?n, if iloemod nooosnary
by hiin. Purchasers to pay oxtrn for
L. O. CitAtO, s.r.n.
Jan. 7*., l.q60 23 td_
ItMM Duwon, AJin-r, t f?r fl??l ,ct.1.
II. DlaekVui other.. J ""'I'0'1' <l<,0"!eIT
uppftiij^ns to iiiv satisfaction that tho lieirsa^-law
of J?liw? ITrnne, (tmiries and numhof
uiiKnnwnj anu iiumoa u. itiAOK, atMonaants in
this cane. reside withoutflio limit* of this Statfc:
It i? ordered, therefore, that theso absent defendants
?li> ho v a rally sjinear in tho Ordinary's office,
at Pi<:J(*u?i Court House, on Friday the 13th
day of jVJWI no*t, to shew cause. if Any they can,
why a final settlement of tho JOstate of Jonn T.
Black, deceased, should not be niado, and a decree
entered aecordin glr.
W. fe. HOLCOMDB, o.p.n.
.Tan. 4, 1800 23 Sin
Bevd Cotton Seed for Sale.
IIIAVK ? quantity of thU o?lebrat?<{t^or
, for hhIo or exchange. Prio?, W'
poandu s in ?*changa, J fa tho M Jnnnary.
Application mmiH" J, W. CRAWFORD.
CM*--"'0"-'' 9 ^
* * " .
qpMwaEj?ag??'lilim'f nil ?
Pendleton Priocs Current.
COIIHKC mil WflK'.t I.Y II v INC. r. SI.UA X A .< I I.I.IVAN j ^
I'KNIM.KTON, Jail. 4, I8M. (
CoHon. pcrlb -8 nlOJ'CoflW, Itio.peril) 1'2a14
Corn, 1'iixli &0 a I"' " Jitvu " IS i\ 20
Coi'll meal ' HO n 101) " I.ag'u " Hi u 17
ltacon. hog K 1*2} a l"> l)al? Kopv " 11 ii 12
Hanging. Unn'y 1ft a 1 > HccftWax. " IK a '20
Under, por U> 16 a liljEjrgrt. per <k?i It' a 1'2A *
riour. per ni i??u a Iron, Sndv, at M
liwligo, 1H7 a " "i'i iu 7 7 u 71
Lund, " 10 a 1'2' Kng1i*h u <ij I
Mniliicr, '* 20 u 2o Molat>ecs, N O :t r?."?
Nuilx. per kcjr. 0 n jjsOfiti \\ 1 40 n .*>."> ,
Onis, per bu*li, <10 n 4f?|I'ow^or. perkc(r$76t)nrt
l'euts, " 7"> a Mt:| " II) ;$7 u to
Klc*, " lb (' ! h 7il'?))|)0r. " III 12 a )ft . ,
Steel. Winter, 11 ii I3|ShIi, pii? suck, 22r>u.r(i0
" (termini, 12 u 1 l|Sn?;ur, brown, !l a 11
" Cast, " 22ft 2/>[Blir>t. pel- ,?nok. 2*>0
Si-gai m, per do* 2"> n (iti,Tnbtiooo. per lb 20 a 7ft
Toft, 7u a 1 f?H|Wlm?ii. p ?r bl *j:j7n$2r>0
Whisky, " gul 100a JOn'Vani, I'uci'ry, lOOti 110 i
Osimbwrgs, per y irl 12} a I 1
Vim will al wiiya liiiil a large lot of (irorcrins j
ami r>tln'f heavy gooilti on hum! and for salt! low
.... >u .... '
i"i v?on *?? M.-j ?. I . ?">. i\*
Anderson Prices Current.
Anukuhon C. II.,.I.III. I. ihi'l.
Col I on .per M>. - - - 8 (<>, 10j|
Mail. ( l.i vorpool) per mick, - f(,t il.iio
Coll'oo. liio, per lb. - - I 'M. (u II (
" .liiva. por U>. - 1 .h (n 2') |
14 l.rij/tlyrn. peril). - - lf? (? HI
Siigiir blown, por II). - - (f (n, 11
. I'Musses. flcsi itnim, per pillion. *40 (it to |
" N. Ui'luiiiiii, ' " (.( tio
(tagging. Oumiy, per yard, 1*> (n 1<<A
Utile Rope, lb. - I(> (<#) 12A
IJiH'on. hog r<f?\n?l, - - 12.1 Oi, 1">
Hit Her, pvrll>. - . 1 2 1-2 (o 1>
JjlCl'l, 1*11 Si, - - 22 (it 2"?
' (.iceman, - - - 1 t (.< ) ">
" I'.liHtir, - . l;> (a 12 }
Iron, common size Swoile, per lb. <>.}
' ' - lo 7 inches 7
" Knglinli, per 1U. - - G 1-2
Nails. bosi bratuls, per l;og, - f> \ (<i, ! J
Castings. per lb. (i Or. 10
I'owJur, Rifle., per keg, . - 7.^ ( > 8
14 lilnfting, " " . - i"?(Vt\iiA
Uiee. pot- lb. ... f, (? ii
Flour, por barrel* - - ."<? (,, 7.nt)
Wheal. per bushel, - - luy (? 1.1 i
Corn, " - - ?'.<><?
per'yishel, - - !0 (mI'eeswax,?
>er lb - - 20 (?/ 22
V* ?ii?l, " . . . 2"> (a -JO
Yarn (bo."S) per b'.uu-li, - 1.10 (jt- 1.20
I'nw I'oh s. per bushel, - - tft) Ok
(Vtiii.Munl, . - yo (, "1.1)0 i
Ii:.l..i> v
, ...... . ..x,,.-. y.i.i ; ... J-J.J
Sulo (.cat her. (hemlock) per lb. 27 (7>
I %*'&" Vou will always tin.I u largo lot of (!ro- I
j cerios and oilier heavy guodtt on li:in<t mnl lor
sale iijluw prices, til l? & C's.
roas vijunu. |
pi'.y" The friends of (Jen. K. N. GA11Y1N rej
siicuiiully tiiiiuiuucc liiui a candidate for t Icrk of
the IJniui at the ensuing election.
; 1) Y virtue of sundry writs of lievi ftioin* to me diI)
reeled. will be sold before the Court House, in
[ Pickens District, within the legul hours, on the first
Monday and Tuesdi'.y in February next,
All the defendant's interest in 17v>-acres of land
| more or less, on llocky Fork, whereon defendant
now lives, adjoining Imuls of I'.phrniiu Cobb and
j others; also, on Tuesday after s:\lcihiv at defend
j mil's resilience. 2 cows and calves, 2 yoke steers. 1
\ sow and 1 shoals, levied on as the property of Klizj
nbetli .Jenkins, at the suit of (i W Van/ant.
| I traet <if. l ind on Crow Creek, whereon the defendant
lives, containing acres, adjoining lands
I of i'.lijnh Alexander and others, levied on as the (
I property of Henry tJro?;:ui, sen'r, al the suit ol
: Andrew 11 ti liter ami other*.
One yoke oxen, one ox wagon, find one sorrel j
! horse, levied on as the property of William l.ndey j
| at the ?uit of Henry Meyer.
TwinNej<roes, viz: one man (ieorgo and woman ]
I Rlvira. levied on ns the property of Thomas Dodd
j at ilie suit of II. A. Henry-ami others,
I One liiy mare levied oil as the property of An- !
drew Jiiu'ftson at the suit of .Steele & .Neville and !
I others.
Oii?J trrt.it of lan 1 containing ?.>0 acres more or i
less, whereon Oen. F.-N. (latvin now lives, on 12
! Mile river, levied on us the property of delciidnni
i at the suit of J. U. Lewis, Mrs. K. li. Keith, T.
! and li. M. Keith. Mx'ors. and others.
I Ouo tract of land whereon the defend.int n<W j
; lives, on waters of t'oneross creek', containing 1 )<>
; ncrcs more or less, at the suit of W. L. Keith vs. J
. W. II. White.
One tract of hind containing MM "acres moro or I
| less, whereon H'm, Itolhel now lives, adjoining
hinds of 1!. tiunllp. Thomas Wtijfencr and others, j
levied on as the property of Nathaniel Phillips at !
. the suit of the State.
Olio tract of hind on wnters of 12 Mile river,
whereon there is n good Sawmill, containing (l()i) J
nores more or less, levied on as the property of
i (Jreeu 8.' Oarvin at the veparntc sui^i of .1. II. K.
Slo.in, Miles 1). Clavton for the use of Stephen '
Olftvlnn v? W It i? n..?
j One tract of land, lying on Slump Creek, mljniu- ;
i ing lands ot' Andrew \Vilnon and other*, containing ]
I 2,000 acres more or less. Also, one negro mm, i
I named AmoH. levied on us (lie. projMjrty of Leonard j
: Capehcnrt, ut ihetHtiu of I.. N. HoLins and I. IS j
] rtitlon.
j Terms, cash ; purchasers to pny for papers. I
L. C. CIIA Hi,
January r?, 18110 i>3 ' iil I
Julin Daniels & wife |
vs I liill fyr Partition, &c.
Elizabeth Collin*', et.nl. )
IT appearing to my satisfaction that the hoirs-nt- j
law of Silas Collins, deceased, (names and nnmI
her unknown} defendants in thin cn?o rc-ii.lr> i
yond the limits of tliia SltWo: On linotion of Orr '
& lluddun, complainants' Solicitors, il is drdored
that tho said al)??nl defendants c|<> appear in (liin
Court, and plead. answer' or demur to tiit>. said bill. 1
I within three rtfontlis from this ilate, or tliclr con- j
sent to tlie same will be taken as ccfoleased by an
order pro confrxio.
KOU'T. A. THOMPSON'. c.k.im?.
Doc. '24. 18W ^ 22 8m
1ST DHKJADK, 1ST l?l V ISIO.V. S. 0. M.
(4iikknvii.i.r, 8. C., Deo. 0. 1H"?U.
AN 1*11 cotton itt hereby ordered to ho IkiIi\,(VL J
tho Ooimwny Keinfevous of the .'jtli Kcgi- :
inont. S. C. At., for COLONFfi, to command ,
t??id l'.ogimont. to fill vacancy occasioned by
resignation of J* Jamison, on the 13th day of,
i January next. Tho Maunders moot i?t Ko^i;
lucntnl Parade ground no t day. count the votes,
i and fuVwnr 1 to tl is office.
| J lie Ij'.eat. I'olmol and Mnjor arc clinrged
with eftoniion of this order.
1>Y oujer W. K. EASIiKY, Urig. (Jon.
II. jliKK T itnui?TOX, Brig. Miyor.
Dor. 12. 1SV.I 21 ' *'1
I'lCKi'.NH?IN Kyi lTY.
| Josso C Cron.ihftw & wifo }
vs ! L'cliliuii for Rolicf, &c
K Smith & wifo Si others )
I T Appearing to tlie Court that Robert Smith riuI
I wife poi'ca* J, un>l Klljitli Owen* anil wif3 I.Uciudft,
defendants in this case, reside without the
limits of this State: On motion of Orr ami Madden,
for petitioners, it is ordered that these absent
(loffjt ;.nts do severally appear in this Honornhle
Court, williin throo month* from tlio publication
Uoieot,- nn<l plead, or demur to l,Uc.?i>i<l
patitiun. or their oonactit to thes^iuo wilt bo taken
PTO OOflJ6$$0? .. jj , ,, < ? <'!'
iton-j. a. TiioflrstfK, cxjtfZ .
Cfom'ra Offioo. TWt 17. 18*?W ?
?5?smrbt.1^; K.tat, ?r
I 'J, vKififeon JClHa, must timko payment;
^ Ihdee hftVlug dflViinnrlfl agalnflt his Kutato
aro fftquostcd to present thorn proporly attentol
at an early day, to either of the iintlerftt^ftgri,
H. KTXIS,} Ex orsDec.
14, 1850 " '.>1 5
m ' * ' " **
1, Mb' \ A A
^ f '
. i <#;. ?
t t ^
* ' *
3f Valuable Lands and Nogrops.
|^ IIKKH WILL BK SOLD, to tlic liijchMt
L>i<l<loi, at tin* lute residence ?>f (Jidcn Kills,
iccetisod, nonr l'ickonsvillo. <>n Wednesday the
IStli dnv ?f fnnuarv next. nil the
)f fnitl deceased, consisting of live Tracts of
Land, to n\ it :
i. hid iioiiin irnct, adjoining innils ot
ivrrhi o lell. \v in uouidi ami ?.?1110?;<?nt>iininji
i'hreu lluudred and twcntv-^ovon acrea more j
i>r iokh.
no 2, adjoining lands <?f j. n. hawthorn,
kims (itlxtrap ami others, containing one hundred
and twenty-four acri's more or loss.
nt> 3. near twelve mile campground, containing
fniiv ljuiulii'd and ?ixt\ -seven acres
mm p or le?-s. f
no i, adjoining land* of ii. i'. morgan and
other#, near six mile mountain, containing
aoros nforo or ins*.
no f?. adjoining lands ot samuel chapman
and other*, coutnining auras more
or less.
Also, .Four Likely Nogrocs,
Four Horses, lotof Cattle, She?p. Stock Tings,
l<>t ItiiOoii. iiiic two-hor.*!' Wagon. oi?t? Imrse
Wagon, lot of Wheat, almut two )iund|-?*d bushel
m. C\>ru. IV'ts, Household and kitchen
Furniture, <me set- Dlstcksmith Tools. Farming
Tools, end many oilier article# ? numerous to
'/trwf.v of i{?<?/ ;.?On a credit of twelve months
from day of Sale. with inlerot from dato ; purchasers
to give note, with two npproved sureties
before tho light of property is changed. Siiinb
under live dollars. cash. i
w.m. ni;.\'rat, > ? .
JMb'SK 11. KLL1S, ) * orf'Tv,>
1L ! E L_rM f>
CM \ A V 9 X S * \ ? > J < * J
\a \ 7 a P 2. ^ H
IN (1001) LANI>S & M1M.S
(IAN 1/0 11 tut In on the sobsur^bcr. ap
I intend to |uiv n?v debts, and arrange inv
business mo as to devote myself cntii'oly to my
trado. T.i iliis end. I olVor my
ITCcrrPmut Msils,
Willi Two IKtndretland JC?>rl?tv-tliwy? ncrns of
Land, with the best Water l'ower ii> the District.
ainl Thirty .teres of good creek bottom.
Also.'adjoinio^ this. i\ traet of Ninety acres of
good land. with n good Saw Mi'. in wneees?fnl
operation. mill in less than half mill) of the line
.if the !>lno Kidgo Jtailroad.
Also, adjoining the above tvaet. 'Twelve llnndred
and Fifteen aeror* of well timbered laml.
Also. i?ii Cane Creek, nbnve Maxwell's Mill-,
Olio llundrod and Forty acres, with six acres
of bottom
AI?o% on T,ittlo Uiver. five miles below the
Falls, Three llnmlred and Thirty e'.jjht acres,
with about twenty acres good bottom.
For all of the ahove Lands I hm e warrantee
i i . i? ---
111 iv? >tiiii uivirmro win mitKO Midi. 1 want
cash in a shrirt time for one (Vmnli, ami one
fourth iu twelve months ; ntnl 1 will give nuv
indulgence on thw balao. e. well scoured with
annual interest. For further particulars call oir
ormddress mo at Martin's Crock l* 1), Pickens
Ditjtrict, iS C.
M. H? lU'NXICl'TT.
pee 2.1. IS'-;?- "22 if
f I^ 11 K TIU'STKKS nf this Institution Imvo the
1 pleasure of announcing to the community.
tti.it thoy linvc obtained the sorvieos of Mr.
I. V. I'll it.pot. as a Teacher for the ensuing
VQrtr. Ills i|italilic;itions and character are such
as to commend him to parents and guardians,
who lni\o children and wards to educate.
The year will bo div ided into Sessions of live
months each, and thoso eirering the Sclmol will
l?e charged lor the loll quarter, unlc-.? different
arrangements arc inad? with the Teacher.
IVnnarv brunches, Heading Writing ami Arithtio"
. , . s $0 00
Tlio above, with English Grammar and
geography, 7 50
I 'hilnsopliy, Chemistry. 1 Iis>orV. 10 Oil
Higher brandies of Mathematics and
Latin. ];*> 0(1
The .School will open on Mnndav tlie Ititli day
of January. ISU0.
.i. ) :. iiAiioui), iw. is. Hongo.MnK,
\\' C. lCliTTll. |,I0S. .J. N'OllTON,
KOW'T. A. TllOMTSON'.j Trustees.
i). < . (a. iHM) 2t ?r
. A T T 0 H N 10 Y A T I, A W ,
V\TN'I' utton'l promptly to all business entrusted
lY to big care in the Districts comprising tlie
Western Circuit. Oflice at I'iejtens 0. II.
lU-.n "
..VI. ??, KJ * * F II
b!8hkloivs rktrkat academy.
'PIIK uhdersigiied would respectfully announce to
1 the pulilio, that tlioy liftvo engaged the He v.
\V.m. McWiidhxku to open un KAULJSJJ AXD
(J LASSJOA /< SCHOOL at this place, on the '2d
Monday in January, IHtiO. His experience of sqiiic
ten yuius in teaching, and his well known nnd established
character need no compiem! tiion from u's.
We would, therefore, invito (he Attention of those
who would have tjieir children and wards placed
pudersound moral Influence and thorough instruction.
and would solicit their patronage. The Principal
i* prepared to Hoard n nunintr of Students,
nnd oilier good fnmilies will do the name unreasonalile
This Academy is located in a section pleasant,
healthful and well supplied with churches of the
diIferctit donotuinnt ions.
Tcntw of Time,
Itiites of Tuition per session.
Spelling. Heading, Writing and Arithmetic $0 Oil
Knglisli Grammar ami Gcogrnpy. with above 7 uO
(leoinptrtf. Supvnvini*: l'hilo?nft!ii IMmi.
Iiiitin, (Jrpck ami French.* 1 r? 00
I) K SMITU.SOX Trusite"*
Dec 18M? 20 It'
.JcrciniuhCievf'uiid, AUai'r | f(,r finni
vs . r
Thos. CHqv eland .t others.] "eu.o.nc.t^icoroc
IT appearing t<? mv satisfaction tlmi Thomas
. Olcvclflml, Oh?.<?.>n Mix and wife Xnncv niul
Mirrtin [?, Ijiionpv and wife Miriam, defendants
in tho above Mated ease, rosiile with/nit the limits
of tli'H Stale: It is ordered, therefuro. that
they do severally appear in tho Court of Ordinary,
at Pickens (Joint IIous<', on tho fourth
Monday in Ma roll next, to fihevv. cause, if any
they Can, why a final pottlcment of the estato of
Tlcnjnmin Cleveland, deceased, should not be
had, ami a dccroo made accordingly. .
\V\ Jr. IK)LOOMUK, o.r.n.
Dee. M, 1850. ^ 22 Hin.
in OBniMAllV i'lCftKXH.
James Jenkins )
v? y Petition for Partition
Thos. Jenkins & others. ) ?
IT appearing to iny HHtiufHctioi) that Thofttae Jenkins,
the Imirs-at-luw of Abner Jenkiji.s, deoens
e<lj niiuius and number unknown. John Jenkins,
Williamson Jenkins, one of the heirs of Anderson
.IftLkins (Unmu/'tl <ii wtl TIiamhio lAnHtid ' ?
Stewart and wife K)i?a Stewart, rrslrlo without the
Uipit^pf thip h??n=: I' '* or*ml. therefore, that
Uirne abaw* ueieadMiHiWo Kcv0??tly appear in the
^WfTOrdijiarr, to he lioldon nt IMckenft 0 II,
on Monday the Ith of .Nfaroli next, to object i? ?f??
division or #alo of the Be?l Kstate if F?-"noe? JcnkinH.'dccoaijed,
or Ihoir consent ?* *f?o samo wi'l bo j
entered, or roenr/i
J. K. JfAOOOP, O^.r. * ACTIXO O.T.T>.
Hot. J8M> -Wt1 \ |ft>
Tin, CoppciHmJIh & HI 111 Maker,
MIA MI A LI< A, 8. 0.,
VV I Mi giro ?triot nltontion to AllbuaincM cntrusil
tod to liia c?r?. Tormn the most reasonable,
Jau. 12, 1809 25 tf
, 1
i iii _ ^ fir iTiif^r- "* ' *' ^
rilHE 8UBSCRIKKUH having sold out their
_1. entire Stocks of CI'U'l'AlXS to Mr. II. W.
KINSMAN, would respectfully solicit fur him
n continuation of tho patronage so liberally
bestowed on t It out In that department.
riMIIS STUCK is the largest in the Southern
1 Stales.
Satin Do Lanes,
C U It T A I N S
If/.) 14 Cm
Land and Mills in Pickcns.
IOFFKIl I'OU KALK u valuable Tract ol
!,ntvl in INckens district, (in both .sides ol
Little Ui\or. at tlio mouth of Oano Crock,
c<)iittt'min<! Twelve to Fifteen Hundred Acres,
with a wood Ml LAV SAW MILL, niul n email
Grist Mill, on u shoal sufficient for a Lowell
FiuJ ory.
If not sold by the close of the year I intend
nuttingun a WOOL CAH1)1N(J Maohinc nhd 11
I'ANYAKI). where both arc greatly needed
ami would take an active partner with a snial
capital, who wouhl undertake to bunoriiitenc
1 ii.?
ntiOKGti SKA 1)0UN*.
PondlvVm. Oct. 12. 1KS1) 13-tf
rpiIK V K U F MOT IO N O F St' IK X TIF J 0 nr
f angcnient and mochanicul simplicity i:
ottuineii l>y tho
S c V/ing Macliino Company,
IN Til Kill l Ml'ROVKI)
< x o i s i: s> e: s s ih a is i \ i: s.
'Hiey listvo ilio following; advantage* over a!
i others; They have no pails to keep in order
J no liiililiin^ to wind : no tangling or waste o
.i.ivu'i , jiu uiiiu^ im; imfini or worn ; no too
chest stocked with wrenches, pliers, pickcr?
leather. &L\, &C?
'I'lie directions are simple, easily undcrPtoii
ami ensi 1 v explained by tho Instructors. The
is no taking apart fur cleaning or oiling. The_
rwjuiro about ten drops of oil per iluv, when ii
constant use. They make no more noise tbai
a common cluck, when making fifteen hundrei
! stitches per minute. They run easy?n ehil<
ol" ten years old can work them to lull spec*!
They run fast or slow, without any danger u
altering the length or tightness of the stitcl
They will II KM. MM,. (iATHKIl, 151XI.
bTlTCII AM) KMIIKOIDKU, in so superio
a manner that we ehiillcune comparison. 'I'll
same Machine will sew pavilion gaiise and plan
tation goods. The seam is elastic as tin1 mod
elastic fabric, and will not break in washing o
ironintr. Tim simie Mimliinn rnim will.- Htm
I In end ami common spool cotton, with.eipni
facility. The neo<llos arc shorter. nnd therefor
strongor than any other high or low price
Maehil.o. Tlmt tliey are superior to nil other
is evident from the fuot of their having hoo
thirty thousand Machines made and sold, i
Competition with others already in succcssftj
operation. Thoi|itestion is no longer which i
the hest maker, lint, which of the numerou
patterns of (JJIOVKK & IJAKKll shall I take.
1?HICKS, TO ?i:50.
II. W. Kinsm \s. Agent for the sale of thes
I celebrated Machines.
I>. li. 1IA8KLT0N, Manogor.
24U King-street, Charleston.
o.-t. 26, 1859 11 Cm
W. Walscman, Agent,
W A Ml AM, A. S. C.
I rM^lTT.^ J t- 1 -
: 'iir/ uiuii'1-.si^imii orgs ictivc ro intorm ii
i JL friends anu the public, that nppiie
j u csh?p in tho building formerly occupied by 1
j f-ert?II & Norman, for the purpose of entry in
on the loudness of
IMapor ;vii<l Tailor,
In its various branches. lie has on linn
an excellent assortment of (bums for (ienth
j men's wear, which he will make to order i
j the be-it style, uiul according to the latent fasl
j ion. He respectfully solicits a ahuro of publi
! patronage.
; Ift&.Terms, most accommodating.
__-r.ijv 14. isr,?> f>7 tf
Bocswax! Booswax 1
A A/want to buy 1000 lbs. BRKSWA3
TT for which w? will give GOODS i
T. n. F,. SLOAN' A CO.
IVncllot'oi. July '1. IKftfl TiU iT
Ti> I T 1> rVT M fii TT ?? i
' U IV It M I U XV Ti #
VliAIUiR STOCK of Willihit and Malm;
any Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dining 'l'nblc
Sot US,
Cradles, Cribs, Ijonngen, Card Tables. Wor
Stands. Cane and Wood-seat Chairs. children
Chairs. ilo., &e., Hold ns loir as they eau lj
bought in Charleston or Columbia.
Baskets, Brooms. Tubs, Mats Candlestick!
j Toilet .Sets, Sugar Boxes. Knife Boxes, Clocks
Cuke boxes, Cake Baskets, Castors and Crueti
I Waiters' Spoons. Basting Forks and Spoon!
i and everything else in the Housekeeping line.
Kerosene Oil and Lamps, Carpei Lining, llai
i rows, WheelbnrrowH, Safes, Churns, Casting.and
almost nnvthing else that inn be though
of for the l'AllM K15. and the llOL'SF.lv KKK
ttnoVEll & IMKCICS
Whiofi nro the best in the world, nnd n
| in Utakc. <
.J. B. SIIKRMAX, Agont.
Okkkn'Vii.i.k 0. II.. Nov. 7, in
C. H. A. WOODIN & CO.,
| Ilanim, Saddle loBlhor Shop
Also for mile, Sho? Findings, &c.
Tr.n ir>. j?hn gr? if
Law Notice.
rpiIK iuitlo?'signo<l will devote himself eBtirel;
i to /iik practice or htiw nu<l Kqult/ on tin
W^ti-rn Circuit. Mr. IIadiuS Is lito partner u
l'icketi*. J AM MS I.. ORJt.
Amlefton C. 11.. May 10, 1H5? 42-tf
IVAkhninkfi* and .lewvMei*.
WAL1IALLA, 8. 0.,
TT AS reootffimoncdd business fit his old Stand
-1.1. on Main street, lie keens on hand r
largo and splendid assortment of
Watches and Jewelry,
Together with everything in hi* li*?
i wilt lio hom on the Wjf beat terms.
I HKPAIUINO, in nil its branohen, tlotjo it
u most wnvkimvitliUe mauuer, and with <1&
*patch. Give nu> a trtol.
July 1859 I W.
^ ^|uyl
QAM E> 0 ? ? S;.
JJ6T Tlie friemlB of Mnj. ROB'T. Y. If. GRIFFIN
respectfully announce liini a cautlirinte for
I'Ol.ONMIi of the r,ili ltegimeut, 8. C. M., ?t tlie
eiiMiiiiiK election.
JSH^rTl.o fri -4 of Adj't. W. K. WKLBORN
respectfully n? .iiuncc liitn n candidate for(X)I.O1
.Wllj of tliO f>lli Kci/iniont IS. M.. lo till tlio vii
! cftiioy occasioned l>y 11>v resignation of Colvncl
*5TWe arc authorized to announce \V. J. l'AllPONS
n candidate for Clerk of (lie Court, at the
enduing election.
B&- The friend* of J VMI-S K. JIAftOOI) respectfully
afinmiticr him a candidate for ro-clectlon
to I lie office of Clerk of tlie Court at tlio
next election.
Tlio friends of ("apt. II. F. MOKOA-N re*
xpecilully announce liim a candidate for Sheriff of
I'ickens l>intrict. nt the ensuing election.
fifraV Tl?? friends of Col. A1.KX. HltYCK announce
lihn n cnndidalo for Sheriff ot I'ickctnt
; district, nt tlie ensuing election.
fifci&r Tlio friends ot Mr. ANDRKW It A MSA V re,
sjied.ully announce liim a candidate for Sheriff of
: rickons district, at tlie next election.
I The friondaof Col. LKMI'ML THOMAS
r<M| vet fully fum'ouiteo liim u candidate for Slier*
ill' of Pi-I.e.is district, at the ensuing election.
Cro'/" The friends of \V N. CllAlG bog leave to
announce hint a candidate for Sheriff of l'ickens
district, ni (he next election.
653-The friends of Mr. A. S. STKl'IIENS rc'
i spectfnlly announce him a candidate lor the office
1 ] of Tax Collector of l'ickens district, ut tlio en
\ suing election.
Jl^stV" The friends of Mr. GKORGK F. 8TKA1>?
I 1NO respect fully announce him a candidate for tho
ollice of'fa* Collector, at the next election.
TJMX. The friends of Hev. J. It. Ill NMCCTT
rcapeetHdly announce him a candidate for tho
ollice of 'fax Collector, at the ensuing election.
Jgiri>"" The friends of Hev. II. M. ItAKTON rci
spec!fully announce him as a candidate foi 'fax
i v (inrrior ni ino iirxi i>icctioii.
gaigr The IVioudB of .J. W, C.AltY rcHpectftil*
' ly Hiinourico liiin a for rc-cU'i'tii-n to
the otlice of Tux Collector. for l'ickcus district,
nt tli?? ensuing election.
fa Till', rXDBKSlONKD is now prepnreit
I VVl>,'{ >n lii* lino, nt short noticc,
mill in i\ workiiiu.'iliko manner. He cmi
r always ho foinnl nt his Shop. Term's mmlerntc.
, JJAltltlSOX 11AYNKS.
n ifc-.o
,'| ::'n S_ i! j
Now Powder Manufactory.
rplIK South Carolina Powder Mills mo now
JL in successful operation, nml the attention
ol Dealers is called to tlio unmistakable sunerij
oritv of the Powder Manufactured nt, theso
, ! Mills over that of any other in -America. Wc nro
'l | prepared to furnish at the (shortest notice any
I i of the following description, at the following
j- I prices, viz:
' ' Oomnmn Blasting powder per l;eg $1 C.r?
j' I ltrilliant " " " " f? '25
' I Common Mining " " *' .1 2f>
j Brilliant " " " " 0 25
Common Kiflo " " " 7
| Brilliant " " " " ? r?
'p I Whore (he keg is returned 25 ccnln
n I will he deducted.
I The Manufacture if. under the guidance of
p J. II. Behkmkem)BR. from Mommingen, Germany,
a skilful and experienced Powder ina,s
ker. lie has introduced tlio highly brilliant
n Powder so much admired by the sporting
, community ??f Europe. This Powder is a
!l beautiful round and possesses the polish of
s steel, and is entirely free from all corroding
"B properties.
Dealers and contractors may have their orders
tilled agreeable to specifications at the
p shortest notice. All orders should be addressed
to John* Homf.n & Co, at Pickens C. II., South
WM. U. ROW EX, Agent.
MnrnTt 1.1 1?r.O ? i
j ?i-wv Ot VI
A X 1)
SollcHor in l?<?tiity.
- I .Inn. 1. 1 -S5S 2.*i If
g | lumber ! Lumber !
jriMIE subscribers having purchased tlio
d JL MILJjS formerly owned by Col. .) >lin A.
' Kuslcy, deceased, tliroe miles east of Pickens
n j (J. if., lire prepared to till orders fur LL'MBKH,
i- j finished or untinished; Sash, lilinds, I'unncl
c i Doors, or anything in (lint line, at short notice,
j We are determined to curry on the business in
i all its brunches, and persons wishint? nnvthioc
| in our line, may be assured their orders will
| meet with prnuipt attention. Tho busmen* ?
I will bo carried on under the name of the "S;x
i Mile Company." Mr M F Mitcdki.i. is tho
?' ; authorized Agent of the Company, to whom nil
I orders should be addressed. We solicit a share
I of public patronage.
T. J. KKlTir.
M. F. M1TC1IK1.L.
Six Mile. Xov. ">. 18f?8 10 tf
5-j H. FAJEN,
s? AT W A I. II A L I.A, S . C . .
JS now receiving n splendid assortment of
k I For Ladies and Gentleman's AVenr,
VI ?Al.Ni>?
>u Rendy-Biinflv. 4'lofliiii?.
lie also has on haul the finest < 'assiiners and
Linens, for tho Spring ond Summer: together
! with many other articles not necessary to men"?
| tion. '
1 ? ? f, . .
^ Mr. Fajbn continues the Tailoring Business
in nil its branches, and respectfully solicits a
share of public patronage.
Ma v 12. 1W.0 AO "
- - . M II
tf _J '
Law Notico.
r|MIK undersigned have formed ft partnership in
1 the practice of l.nw and Equity for Pickens
* I District. Mr. 11 addkn may bo consulted ut liiu
ll ! otlice in Pickens and Mr. Oun nt Anderson.
Piokqtm C. ?f. May 10. ISf.'.l 42- tf
! Y\ . K. KARI.KY.
ioaaw nitniilM K.
Attorney** at Lnv.
\r\flI.L Attend punctually to nil hunincM eno
\ ) trusted to their cftre in the UiHtvlutd
comprising the Wcxtern Circuit.
Popt. 25. IK'.ft in tf
Julia -Abbott, Adrn'x,
J >i Abbott, Adiu'r, Petition for flnnl sctv?
tlcment uijil dccroo.
I. M (VenMiaw & wife, et.nl.
I T upy>enrinp to my tntiafactlon Hint Nonh Abbott,
I 1; \i Crt'Ushnw and wife Martini, nnd Jutnc*
' l\ i.nVuln, dcfcndimlH in ibis cuae, reside without
" tint limit 4 of thin State: It in ordered, therefore,
tb v' iboy do severally nrnonr in iHa
, t V v?.? v W? vr*
dt.iniy, at IMcki'im C.H, on Monday the 1 Oth MatcJi
noxt, h1 10 o'clock, ?* m, to ?liew cnuso, if any they
cno, why a fiuul.KoUlcruunt of the eHtalo of Wm.
Ahbott, deccfcHcd. ehould not be then made, and ?
decvcc ]>ronounccd thereon.
W. K. JIOTCOMNE, o.p.p.
Deo. 17. 1869 ' 81 8n?
i Notice.
yy LL persons indebted to tho Estate of Wm.
i m. s\odou, neceasod, must make payment ;
i and thone lmving demands ngainst the (mine aro
required to presout tliom to us properly attoated,
i at once.
.! JULIA ABBOTT,) Adm'x,
J. M. ABBOTT, } Adm'r.
I Deo. 15, I860 21 3

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