Newspaper Page Text
W. C. KEITH, Editor. WHITNER SYMMES, Assooiato. TR lt MS.-For Subscript ion, TWO DOL LARS per annum strictly in ai Iva nee ; for six iuonhs, One Dollar. BSF* Advertisements at $1 per square for ten tines or less for the first insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. BOr* Obituary Notices exceeding Jive lines, Trib utes of Respect, Communications of a personal character, and Announcements of Candidates, will be char ged for as advertisements. S?)"0* Job Printing neatly and cheaply executed ??Sy Necessity compels us lo adhere strictly to thc requirement ofc a sh payment. WALHALLA, S. C. : Friday Morning, December 10, 1860. J??"Speoial attention is directed to tho va rioul New Advertisements to bo found in this nutnbor. Another Large Turnip Mr. Thomas II. Dendy, "of this County, sends us a largo Turnip, weighing six and one-fourth pounds. It is of tho Globo variety, and thc largest yet received. Mr. Dendy has our thanks. Who has a largor ouo? Fire. Tho dwelling of Mr. H. S. Porcher, of this County, was destroyed by Arc on Friday night of last week. Tho building was largo, com fortable, and costly. At the time, Mrs. Por cher was confined to her room by sickness; and tho only article saved from the llames was tho bcd on which she was lying. PTr. Por cher has lost, not only his dwelling, but his valuable furnituro, plate, family relics, &o. Tho fire was first discovered on thc roof, which was in the act of falling iu. Mr. Porcher was j < absent from home, ut thc time; and is un- i t ublc to say whether it was thc work of an in- i condiary or not, but is inclined to tho opinion i that it was. lie has thc sympathy of all iu i r his misfortune. j -?? * *-.- - I ' Blue Ridge Railroad. 1 Thc Directors of tho Blue Ridge Rail road have eletcd Judge Orv, (?cu. William Curacy and J. ll. Jenks, with President Har rison and Cov. Scott, an Executive Commit tee, to manage thc affairs of tho Company. A Columbia despatch of December 5 to thc Charleston Courier says : 'A final settlement between thc Hoard of Directors and Criswcll & Co. was agreed upon last evening. Thc Di rectors agreed to pay thc contractors ?75,000 and settle with sub contractor Steers, now en gaged on tho road. Tho contractors, who had previously threateued to institute suit for damages for annulling tho contract, withdrew all claims. It is supposed they had dono about fifteen or twcnt3' thousand dollars worth of work ou the road.' Thc Charleston Daily Republican of Dec. (J says : 11 Thc work on the road will bc con tinued, with thc funds now in thc hands of tho company." Book Store. Wc are glad to bo able to announce that Dr. Smeltzer has opened a Hook Store-in town. Such an establishment has long been needed, and wc arc assured from Dr. Smolt ??cr's high character as a teacher and a gen tleman, that no book will bo offered for sale, which should not lind its way into every home. Tho Doctor has our best wishes for his suc ocss. See his advertisement in another col umn. The Legislature Doth brunches of thc body have passed res olutions in favor of tho recognition of Cuba, and expressing sympathy with thc struggling Cubaus. J. E. Ilagood, Esq., of Dickens, has been appointed by the Speaker on thc Judiciary Committee. Tho bill to regulate thc formation of Cor porations was passed by thc IIouso. Thc Petition of County Commissioners of 1'ickciis County praying permission to levy on incroased tax to pay thc indebtedness of tho County, was referred to Committee on Ways and Means. A bill to regulate tho manner of .selling lands at public salo was amended and ordered to a third reading. Comptroller General Noflglo's report esti mates that $900,000 aro necessary to meet tho current expenses and other paymouts ipr thc coming fisoal year. AU bills relating to divoroc has boen rofor rod tO a commit leo of fi Vt:. Congress* This body convened nt tho Capitol, on Mon daylast. Wo give elsewhere a briof synopsis of tho President's Mcssago : Tho " Reconstruction " of Georgia was up in tho Senate. Congress will have before it (1) tho income, tax; (2) tho publie debt, regulation of the curroncy, and tho return to a specie basis j (3) tho revision of tho tariff j and (4) tho re construction of Virginia, Texas and Missis sippi. Tiloso aro tho important measures. Of the unimportant mattera to como up,wo will not evon venture to number or indioato their char acter. We shall endeavor, howovcr, to koop our readers apprisod of all matters of intorest transpiring in Washington during tho ses sion. ?--.????- ??? Southern Cultivator, Tho Deooinbor uunibor of this starling ng > iou limul periodical has hoon received. It is fibed with interesting nrtiolcs, both from cor respondents ?nd the Editor's pen. It is pub lished ut Athens, On., by Messrs. JON KS, at p?r imnutn. Renew your subscrip tions, . Newberry College "Aside from every fooling of proforonoc or prejudice, wo really know of no college or in stitution of learning in the Southern oouutry, which has higher chums on the liberality and consideration of tho public, than tho on# whose mime graces tho bead of this paragraph. For reasons of correct policy it was rcmovod from Newberry, some year or so ago, to tho j very healthy mid thriving town of Walhalla, ?S. C., ?nd while situated, as it now is, in thc shadow of a portion of tho great Mue Ridge ohain of mountains, and at thc terminus of thc Blue Ridge Railroad, certainly possesses as groat advantages in point of health, accessi bility to o ?cry part of thc State, and that re tirement and privacy necessary to a thorough education and a proper training of male youth, ns any institution within our knowl edge. Its curriculum oir.braccs every depart ment of useful knowledge, at tho lowest cost; md while affording os liberal and finishd an education, if desired by tho student, as can JO bad anywhere, can also bo graduated so as ;o impart but a business education, and of iourso at a proportionate expense. "Newberry College is undor tho fostering mro of tho Kyiingc'lcal Luthean Synod of south Carolina and adjacent States; basa l?oard of Trustees that 'is alono a guarantee )f its usefulness ; is presided over by tho Rev. L*rof. J. P. SMBLTZ.KR, as lipe a scholar and ts good a man as could havo ? been procured br his post, and has its different chairs filled >y gentlemen not only exalted greatly iu earning, but cmiuontly qualified aud adaptod n every other respeot also in tho pro-requi itcs ueocssary to complote sucoesa in their icvoraf very responsible callings. "In its substance and means of support, vhich were ample before thc war, Newberry Jollego was well founded and si stained, but >y the effect of the disruption which ban made is all poor, this noble institution is now driveu br sustenance to knock at thc door of every troll-wisher and fosterer of cduoatiou io our bidet. To Lutherans, especially, her knocks hould have a double meaning and a fully sat, i stying answer. Newberry Oollogo x?Vast I < tither be sustained or dio. Her trinit-Cos havo j lotormined that she shall hoi d\h, and boneo j his appeal, Wc hud tho pleasur* yesterday norning of a call l\'om tho Rev. W. A. 1 IIOUCK, Agent o' "Nowbcrry College, who is . ? it present ca?:.vtiBsing among tho three .Luther- ! ? tu congregations and the friouds ol' educa- . , .ion hero to soo what cnn be done, and oh cor- ; 'ully commend tho object of his mission lo : Am kind consideration of thoso upon whom ! ' !io may call." ? Wo clip the above recommendation from I ,ho " Oharlcstou Courier " of Peooiuber 2d. 11 lt speaks well for Newberry Collego. From it, we see, that others aro interested in this Institution localed in our midst. What shall ive say of some of our citizens who have uev 2r contributed to this Institution, and who refuse aid in completing the building, and in making it a desirable school for tho oducatiou of our youth ? We aro told that tho room occupied by the Professor of Mathematics is open and exposed to wind and cold. Tho buildiug should be painted, Che grounds clear ed, cuclosed, and ornamented, Ia it too much for tho oi tia ons of this tovrn cud vicinity, to complote tho building and ornament the grounds, when the church under whose fos Lcriug caro inc College is placed support the Professors!'' Wo understand an effort will 30ou bc made, by thc committee, appointed by thc Hoard of Trastees for that purpose, to liquidate thc debt, and complete tho buildiug. Lei no one rc/usa i-hen asked by the. Com mittee. Thc College is, beyond a question or doubt, a blessing to our village, lt is a benefit in a pecuniary point of view. Intellectually and morally no one can estimate tho advantages of an Institution of this kind, [t will in crease thc price of property, and give our cit izens thc privilege of educating their childreu without thc necessity of sending thora from tho parental roof, or thc expenso of boarding them at distant schock'. Thc Faculty is composed of men, who arc acquainted with tho duties of their profession and know how to teach. Professor ARR?NO TON, a Virginian by birth, has the confi dence of tho students aud thc intelligent citizens of this community. He oan success fully carry thc student through the dark re cesses of unknown quantities, thc mysteries of roots and logorithms anil tho intricasics of thc calculus. Tb J Hoard bas succeeded in securing thc.'tem los of tho Rev. Dr. TURNER, a ripe scholar and well versed in olassio lore. Tho Reverend gentleman is well known in tho State of South Carolina, aud a large por tion of his time han boon occupied in teach ing. Ho has boon connected with othor in stitutions of learning in tho South. Tho Preparatory and Primary Departments arc undor tho suporvision of tho President, and taught by a graduate of Newberry College. This young gentleman, should bo. make teach ing thc business of lifo, bids fair to become one of tho most sucoe.:tful teachers in our ! whoota nf learning. This community should stand by theso | gentlemen, encodage (hem in their ar duous undertaking, and ??t?'?'1 thoir aid, both in completing tho buihiiug and increas ing tho number of students. Wo wore led | to thci'.o relict!tions, after reading the. above recommendation from tho "Charleston COUP? A Havana lettor lo thc New York "Tribuno," gi v. i nows from Cuba to thc 27th. It contains accounts of tho revolt of thc ne groes and Chinese, and au attempt to join thc rob?is. A strong column was sent against them by General Trillo, and all were oapfur od. Fifty aro to bc shot, and OOO lashes ad ministered to caoh of thc others oll'onding. A battlo was fought nt Sau .io.-;c, in which thc Spanish loss was very heavy. General is at Cinco-Yillns, with 10,000 mon, unable to ranko headway; ho oomplains of the new troops wanting to abandon bis command. Gonoral Pilot tc is urging Dc Roda? to bo al lowed to evacuate Puerto lYincipe. Cholera, small pox and fever arrt raging in St. Jago Do Cuba. tfi>.mumtm*mrmm i mm mmmmmmmmmvmmm Koovvoo and Tuokuooegoo Turnpike. Tho Stato'? interest in this road, recently sold and purchased by thc Oouuty Commis* sionors of this County, baa been lately sold \y them to Mr. Wm. Rowland. Thc late put? chaser, wo understand, has commenced re pairs on this important iulct, and will shortly hr-"- it m good travelling condition. . Om Quito a Success Tho you:??; Ethiopians in their concert on l'uesday evening, given in aid of tho college j building, were quito successful. Thia volun tary undertaking is a laudable. ouc and de serves patronage. -? 4 ? ??-? Valuable Land for Sale. Tho valuablo tiaot of laud, known as "Che-1 )heo,M belonging to tho estate o( W>?.. L. Keith, deccasod, will bo. v: sold ou Salodey B January next. This place is so familiar :o our roadors that; a description herc is un necessary, v;co advertisement. Re-United Ry far tho wost iutoresting religious eveut is thc reunion of tho Old and New School Presbyterian churches. Tho longed for eon mtntuatiou took plaoo Nov. 12. Thc ooin jinod church now embraces au aggregate of ifty-oue syuods, two hundred and fifty-six Eresby tories, four thousaud two hundred and wonty-muo minister?, and four bund, od and hirty-ono thousand four hundred aud siy/y nemhers. lt ix thought that thc oyuor nnu ches of tho Prosbyteviau Church will aUo lombino with tho two just consolidated. A General Assembly of tho united church is to )c held in Philadelphia in May. Tho Mill? Kouftfr This old and well known house, iu Chavh-.? .on, ha* bocu rooontly renovated aud re-opeu )d uudor thu proprietorship of Mr. J. Parker. LT.e elegantly furnished and eotufoi'tablo 'Ooiu?? thu efficient and attentive servant*, ?nd tables supplied with tho l-;*t tho C hurles - ;?>u market alfords, nil display th?? effort aud ilotorminalioi) cd tho Proprietor to restore the Milla I io to its pristine style aud reputa .iou. Moisra John Oauipson ?c Co We velor (..ur reudovs with pleasure t<> the iidvortisotnout of Messrs. John Campscu ?t Co., of Charleston, which appears in thia number, r?lese gentlemen ar? engaged in a heavy bu siness, iiT'i every way "eliable, and give strict ntt?r.tion to customers oalliog personally ot applying by order. These gentlemen would be pleased to seo their customers and the trading public Head tin ir advertisement, Meeting of Congress. WASH? NOTON, December 6.-?-?n ?!..-. House, Hulk ley and Duel, of Alabama, and Cox, of New Verk, were admitted. Sh errado ami Hoik, from Alabama, approached tue ber, but wine objected tn. In the Senate,. Mr. Morton introduced a bill to reconstruct Georgia. Thc credentials of the Virginia Sosa to. 3 were presented and laid on tho table. Mr. Cameron presented :. petition fur tho recognition of Cuba, and spoke strongly in its favor. Mr. Drako's bili, restraining thc Federal Courts, was presen ted. The President, in his message, recommends the prompt admission of Sonntors and Repre sentatives from Virginia. Hopes the results in Mississippi and Texas will have been snob as to meet the approval of Countess. Sug gests the rovival of thc lax on incomes, but at reduced rates-say three pur cent., and the tax to expire in three years. Says the immediate resumption of speice payments is not desirable, though it uhimld bc rer.ched at the earliest moment consistent with a fair re gard for the debtor class. Kocotnmends such legislation a* will insure a gradual return to specie payments and end the fluctuation in the value of tho currency. To end thc fluctuation in currency values, he recom mends that authority bo given to thc Treasu ry to redeem ifs own paper, at a fixed price, whenever presented, and to withhold from circulation all currency so redeemed, nntil sold again for gold. The natural resources, developed and undeveloped, should make oui credit the best in the world, and the debt could be paid in ten years ; but it is not desi rable that the. people should bc taxed to pay In that time. As the United States is the freest of all nations, so, too, its people sympa th izo with all people struggling for liberty and self-government, but while sympathizing ia duo to our honor, we should refrain frote euforccing our views upon unwilling nations and from tailing an interested part, withoui invitation, in the quarrel? between different nations, or betweou Governments and theil subjects. Our course should strictly confort* with strict justice and international and looa law. Kuob bus been the object of Adminis tration in dooling with these questions. Re gnrding Cuba, he says, nntwithstndir.g tin warm sympathay entertained for her contest at no time has ;!:<! assumed tho condition: which would indicate tho existence of a di facto political organization of thc insurgents, suf??oiont to justify i recognition ofbolligc r?iloy. Tho principle ia maintained, however thal this nation is ils own judge when to ac cord the right of belligerency, cither toa pen plc struggling to fro ) tbornsOlves from i Government they believe oppressive, or to itv Impendent nations at war with each oilier Thc lir??'cd Stateshnve no disposition to in torforo with i.'"- existing relation? of Spain 1< her colonial pVt?itcssi?rt. Going to Work. A Columbia correspondent of Ibo Charlen ton Courier says : i( Some yovy important dis coverlea of gold Lave, been made iu a gob mino recently purchased by Mr. ?John R Cochran, in.Oponen County, on tho lino o tho Hluo Ridge Pail Hoad. A very (?ut specimen was exhibited ?o-day, and id said U bo tho very j finest of gold. Congrcsamat Hogc carries it with him lo Washington. 1 is reported that Mr. Cochran has disposed 0 two-thirds interest in thc mino-one-third t. Gov. Scott, and one-third to Gen. J. W. /hi rison, Hine Ridge Hail Hon Company. Cob Miller, an experienced ra i nd) starts fron; hen' lo morrow to IK gin opart t;C>t!' Moro.jJifiutiou Tho corn market lias a downward tendency in Walhalla.-The cities of New York and Brooklyn arc to bo consolidated.-Two | robbend? and ono shooting affray took place J in Columbia on thc 5th.-Thc eflooluoi strength of tho Federal army is 84,000. Thc militia cost tho Strte of Tennessee over $226,000.-Com is worth forty cents a bushol in Georgetown, Texas.'-Thc re ceipts of the Georgi* State Fair last week amounted to $20,000.-Dr. Mary Walker was arrested in Kansas City, t!io other day, for wearing pantaloons.-Capt J. M. Feld er, of Clarendon, is dead.-Tho connnor. oinl elevator in Cjcaydnud, Ohio, nnd fifty to r/.xty thousnud bushols of grain, wore burned ou Wednesday night.-A Chinamau has bought a through ticket from New York to Iloug Kong.-Wi?. ICzzard, Democrat, bas boen elected Mayor of Atlanta.-A man in Cincinuati advertises for n situation : '.Work not so much an objeotasgood wages." -Brigham Young docs thc divorces in bis dominions nt ton dollars a case-;( Scaling" cid debt"? bangs fire in Spurtanhurg-J. Y. H. Allon, demoorat, has boon oleotod Mayor of Augusta, Ca.-Tho deaths in Charles ton lost wock woro twonty-scvon-whites teu, blnoks govontocn.-Tho first Methodist ser mon waa preached in Now York, a littlo over a ooutury ago, to a congregation of five per sons.-Oraugoburg is making rapid strides iu tho marok of improvement.-Tho Para guayan war has cost tho allies $884,440,000 ? and 189,810 men.-A segar costs $850 iu j tlnyti.-The now Lord Mayor of London ' is a priuter.-About 600 packages of tea were forwardod by vail from Sau Francisco to Mew York on Thursday.-Garibaldi, hav ing laid by the sword, i* now engaged in wri ting letters the i'ope.-Kuglish poa?, snap bonna and tomatoes, are now gath ered fresh bom tito vines nt l?rnnawiek', Cn. -David Dickson made eight hundred bales of cotton this year.-Leiten bas just sold fm- three yeat s ibo right to colet t it:t swill for ! $18,000.-'Who lives by mle keeps good j company.-- -Tb? I'ort Jervis, Nev? York Bank lins been robbed vf ?00,000.-Prince Uortohnkoif promises to support tito scheme for raising cotton in Russinu Alia, to compete with the South.-bast year there was sown ^ in Minnesota 000,500 seres of wheat; this year, 1,100,000 aeres.-Governor Fland ers, of Wasliiogtou Territyry, lins vetoed over one hundred acts.-A Now York under taker advertises a complete fuuertd outfit for $25. ... -,> ??-. Mn-ionio li le ct ion. The following brethren have been elected ofl?ccrs of Blue Bulge Lo.Ige, No. f>2, A.'JFv.M.'. for thc cunning Masonic year : H. A. li. GIBSON, W. M. J. W. HOLL KM AN, S. W. II. S. VAN DI V KKK, J. W. J. W. P. THOMPSON, Treasurer. WM. KOBI*KR. Seoretary. Will TN KR SYMMKH, S. D. JOHN C. CARY, J. D. F. P. SHARPK, Tyler. Something of a Snake Story, We lind tiio following paragraph going the j rounds of our exchanges. Wc do not vouch for thc accuracy of the statement : " At Hicks's Creek Tunnel, on thc line of ! the Blue Ridge Railroad, in Georgia, which Col. T. J". Steers his contracted to build, snakes have been found so plentiful, that work had to be temporarily suspended until a few thousand of thom were killed. After an excavation had bien made of MOO foot in solid rock, thc poisonous .'"otiles were discovered in vast number, and all bands wore employed in disposing of them." J&?y* The elad ion returns from Mississippi and TCXBH are of so meagre a character aa to leave us in doubt ns to the result. As far as bo;.rd from thc radicals are ahead. The product of a single grape vino of thc Souppernoug variety, in Jacksonville, Florida, bas been sold for one hundred and ninety-two dollars. --o ? --- HAVANA, December 4.-'J he Spanish Bank will issue 6,000,000, rails, currency, as an additional loan to the Government. Authentic information received herc from Santiago dc Cuba, November 23, reports thc landing of a lillibustcring expedition from tho Cuban privateer Teaser, tn thc Nipo Bay, and that h great quantity of military stores reach ed thc interior in safety. On tho 20th, thc Spaniards attacked tho insurgents, who were entrenched, at Manette. Thc attack was com menced by shelling, and on dod with a bayo net oh argo, in which thc Spaniards wore re pulsed, with great loss-many of thc wound ed being taken by tho victors, - ?. ^ ,. Thc New York Tribune says : "Thc South has two noble characteristics, which, left to their natural working in soddy, arc enough in themselves to lift communities from any depth of disaster and sot them on thc highway Of roaowii. She has a bravo way of looking facts full in the, face, admitting thc truth, comprehending thc extent, of a disaster as a preliminary to fresh enterprise. This ?ho honestly carno by throng", tho blood of thc men v. ho two hundred years ago felled thc original oaks ami piries on tho banks of thc Potomac, tho James, thc. Roanoke and thc Savaunah. Second, the clowning occupation to which every good South ron aspires, the. cobler', purest; most Inmost un? phtmauouv vocation for man is in his opinion that of a tiller of the soil. Give those as promises m tiny socio!?, and no disasters eau provo me . rbv.dde" NKW YORK AND BOSTON.-Boston has fivo or six hundred millious oi' assessed valuation, New York eight or niue hundred millions. The two o? m bi u O? cities own nearly ouo tooth of tho ent ire property of tho country. Tho city of Boston alone has moro wealth thau the States 0/ Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont combined. New York has somo sixty or seventy millions of banking capital, Boston nearly fifty millions. The two cities com bined have within their limits (not inoluding any suburban institutions) nearly one third of tho entire banking capital of the United States. Boston nloue has twioo tho capital of tho rich Stato of Connecticut, and four or five times that of M?iuo. - I .V W?X" A Washington dispatch says, tho roll of tho IIouso of l&orcsctitativcs is mado un, ... L.vow; " 1 ' and that itexcliAp > thc Roproecntativcs from Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louriana, except tho Radical, Sheldon, from thc latter Stato. Wift.. Peanuts may be joked about, but there is a fortuno in them. Two years ago and enterprising Yankee went to North Car olina with a few hundred dollars, and began cultivating peanuts. This year ho hus sold bis orop for $84,000, getting 854,000 profit. HAMS, december 4.-Rochufort has crea ted intcuso excitement in tho Corps, by a de mand that thc National Guard bo ordered to guard the hall, for the protection of thc depu ties. -? ?--. Tu? MAN WITH THU DIAMOND.-There may bo sce.i daily on Chosnut street, Philadel phia, a man clad in faultless apparel, with a great diamond upon his breast, vainly en deavoring to outgliltcr the magnificent soltaire upon his finger, lu a German university bo learned chemistry, und not even Liebig knew it better. His occupation is thc mixing and tho adulteration of liquors. Give him a doz en casks of dcodrizod alcohol, and the next day each of them will represent the nome of a genuine wine or a popular spirit. He en ters a wholesale drug store, bearing a large basket on bia arm. Five pounds of Iceland mos:i are first weighed out to him. To raw liq uor thia imparts a degree of smoothness, of olea ginousnca.i, that give to imitation brandy thc glibness of that which is best matured. An astringent called catechu, that would almost close tu* mouth of an inkf Uud, is next in or der. A couple nf .ounces of strychnine, next called for, aro quickly conveyed to thc vest pocket, and a pound of sulphate of ??ino (whit* vitriol) is as silently placed in thc bot t;.ni r f the basket. The oil of cognac, the sulphuric acid, and other nrticles that give fire and body to I .0 liquid poison, are always kept in .Hore. These things are thc staples nf his sri, and the mixer buys them at differ ent places. Chemistry alono discovers thc che;. Among drinkers (he question is asked \yith alarms, "Have wo Bourbon among us ?" Nr.W (MU. KA NH, December 3.-A destruc tive lire occured at Galveston this morning, destroying four entire blocks and three-fourths ?d'two others. About fifty business firms and shop-keepers were burned out. Thc Mcr ehants' Mutual Insurance building, threatro and Mctropolital Hotel were destroyed. The lusa is variously estimated from 81,000,000 tu ?>l,500j?OO. 'ir i s t: : m A H Si arirs. NKW YoitK, Decombor 0-N00n.~M0.ricy fi. t?xchangu-long S?J ; short 0?j. Gold :'.')\. (Vi's, coupon, lf):V 5 Tennessee's ex coupons, 46 j new -10 i ; Virginia's, ex-cou pon, fd.) j new 51 j Louisiana's, old, 57 ; now, 50 ; levee O's 59 ; H's 78 ; Alabama 8\s 0") ; Georgia O's 82 ; North Carolina's, old, 48| ; now, ?|8A? . Flour rather moro steady. Fork dull-new meas 82.50. Lard dull-barrels 19(*I10T. ('elton steady, at 25. Freights quiet. \RttANORMRNTS arc mado to scouroany Hook wanted. Also, Dooks. Catechisms, So., for Babballi Schools, .School Books, Pens, Ink. Paper, &c., kv., always on band. Thc Depository for the Oconeo Dildo Society is also at (ho Bookstore. Next door lo thc PostOflieo. Doc. ti, l^ii?t ' 0 .If Campsen Mills Flour R KC KI V ED TU B Prem in in al HID South Carolina Mute Fair in Columbia, 1809. npiIK undersigned odor their country friends and tho public in general, a choico and puro article of FLOUR. They have 0:1 band and aro grinding daily a fuit .uipply of choice FAMILY BXTRA AND SUPER FLOUR. -ALSO, Northern and Western li'lour at lowest market prioo, Corn, Oats, und Hay. . fl.OOO 11USUKLS PRIME WI1?TK COHN, 2,000 " " OATS, 500 Hales Kasten? and Northern II AY. .JOHN OAMPSUN & CO., {marleston, S. 0, Pee. 7, |800 0 :'?m_ Vtw.i?iv, ?rlttmio C'oiniMtiiy'n COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME For Composting with Cotton Seed. rniUS AHTIOLK ls manufactured nt tho Ccmpa* I. ny'? Works, undor thc dirootion.and suporln totidcuco of Dr. llnvcnol. ii conlalnn tho sanio ole mon I s i?f fortuity ns SO? LUllhti I'ACIFIO OOANO, oxoopt that lt ls not furnished with Ammonia. It lu proparod express ly for composting with colton (?oed, which furnish* os tho clement of Ammonia; tho object hoing to rendor thal sida product of tho plantation avalla Mo lo tho hlghosl clogvoo as an element of fertility. Kor further and particular information apply to tho undersigned. Tl!I'.MS. -$16.00 CIIHII, or Sr>0.00 on Isl No \H< ,sv"- f0?" ?onrovftd^l^ ^MN," * A cont for South Cuvolina, I and 2 AtlaUllc Wluwf, Charleston. JOHN H. KKKftK, J*-i (TeUvral AgoDt, llrtltlnioro. <W U 1800 v ?m Intelligence- lias been received by State Constable Hubbard that William K. Tolbert, accused of thc murder of Randolph, was killed lust Thursday night, at a danoo in Abbeville County. Ho was traoked to tho houso by constable Hollingshcd, with a party of polico, and Us soon as they presented them selves Tolbert commenced firing ut Holling shcd, and wounded bim twice, flu tho groin and in thc thigh,) when Hollingshcd shot bim through thc heart, killing him instantly. [ IVi?rnix. CLERK'S S ?S THE STAT IO OF SOUTH CAROLINA, o a om: ic COUNTY. Kol th & Norton, Ex'ora., ] Bill for construction vs. > of Will, toscll Lund, J. W. Karie and wife, ) &o. UNDER an ordor from tho Circuit Court, Equity sido, I will sell to tho highest bid der, on Saloday in January noxt, TRACT NO. 1, OR CIIEOIIEE PLACE, Belonging to the estate of W. L. Keith, dodd., as sub divided by tho Commissioners appointed for that purpose This placo is situate twelve miles Northwest from Walhalla, and- contains a large qoautity of first class lund, both bottom ami upland, a* portion of eaeli in cultivation, and other parts' lindy timborod. Deposit gold is found on every part nf it, and baa boen profitably worked. Speoimons'of Cold from thc place, together with, plats of tho Tracts as sub-divided will bc oxhib> ltod nt my office, after thc 20lh instant. TEllirlS-On a credit of ono, two and tbrco yours, from 1st of November last, with intc?ost. Bond, with good suroty and mortgago of tho ?remises taken, or thc purohnsor may pay ensb. or stamps and nil papers tho purchaser will pay extra in cash. Rk$f" Tho abovo Tract of Land will bc rc-sold at tho risk of tho former purchaser, bo having failed to cmnply with tho terms of salo. J. W. STRIPLING, e.c.e. Clerk's Ollieo, Dec. U, 180'J U-td U. S. Marshal's Sale. I WILL SELL to tho highest bidder, IttWo ?ho 1 Court House door in Walhalla, on Salcday in January next, tito following Roal and Personal Property, To wit : Ono Tract of Lan 1 whereon defendant, Christian Drucke resides, Bitttuto in Oconco Coun ty, on thc Oconoo Station road, containing (Juc Illltutrcd ami Forty Acres, more or less. Also, one other Tract, in said county, on Crook ed Creek, containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less. -ALSO, Two Horses, one three year old Colt, ono small Colt, ono 2-Horse Wagon and Harness, one 1-horse Wagon, eight fat Hogs. BOO l?undlvs Fodder, Kiev en head Tattle. All levied on as the property of C. Drucke, to satisfy fi. J a. against him ia favor of tho United .Slates. THUMS, OAS ll. Purchaser to pay extra for titles and stamps. L. E. JOHNSON, I!. S. Marshal. Sale to ho conducted by Alex. Bryce, Jr., Depu ty U. H. Marshal. Dec. 7, I860 9 :t THE STATR OF SOUTH GAROMNA. Plcltciif) County. fn Ike. General Sessions, November Term, IBM. IT is ordered that an extra session of tho Oourt of Sessions bc hold at 1'ickcns Court House for Phkens County, on tho Third Monday in Deooiu her next, to dispose of such cases in the Sessions as lins e not been disposed of al (he present tenn. It is lardier ordered that, thc Clerk of this Court do issue a Venire for Jurors to serve at the said extra terni, according tc law. It is further ordered thal tho Recogui/.ances of Wilncs es and Prisoners lu the case ol' the Slate vs. T. ^ DviirJ. Hoggs, for murder, b* OOliUnuod over to said extra term. JAMES L. Ol'.lt. November L'?, 1800, SOUTH CAROLINA, ) PlCKr.Ns C?CXTT. j* I, ft. At Bowen. Clerk Common Pleas and Uo i eral Sessions for Pick ons County, certify i lint i ho foregoing is a correct copy fruin thc minutes of tho Corni. (riven under my hand and seal of office al Clerk's office. PickcnsC. H., S. 0., this 29th November, 1 H-iil. lt. A. DOW EN, c o.p.Aos. Doo. C. I860 _t)_2__ A cl minis 1 rat o r's 8 a I c, 1)Y virtue of on order from Richard Lewis, > Judge of Probate, I will hell to thc highest bidder, nt or near Bachelor's Retreat, on Fri day tho 17th day of December, instant, tho Choses in Action bolongitig to tho Estate of Janies Johns, deceased, consisting in part of SEALED AND PROMISSORY NOT KS, ACCOUNTS, ?tC Terms, cftNli. JAMES A. JOHNS, Adm'r. Deco, lf-69 0 3 i l\ ft V II VA YOUR PROP.OUT Y IN THF Janies River Insurance Company of Va Itli'L'B JIO\fl>, VA. AUTHORISED CAPITAL, 91,600,000. Agent's Office nt the Dook Si ore, Opposite Pieper & Lowery's. Doc. I!, 18AO U tf Must Fay Up ! 'THOSE indebted to usnro notified that they mast 1 pay by 1st .January next. Alter that limo til ol I* Accounts will be placed in tho han ls of Whit nev Synuncs, Esq,, for collection. No dist i liol ion. PIEPER & LOW Ell V. Dec. 7. I8b!> _J>_ "Sheriff's Solo BY virtue of sundry Writs of Furl 'm ian to mo direeicf, 1 will sell, to the highest oklder. with in Iho legal hours of sale, before thc Court llouao door, in Walhalla, S. C., on salcday in January next Hie following properly : One Tract of Land, containing Tnnoivs, mercer loss, adjoining binds of U. Huh Wv, II, W. KuliU munn and others, levied on as the nroporty of J. ll. Frasho at tho suit of J. Q< Munmin. Ono Tract of Land, containing ?00 acres, mora or loss, adjoining lands of Jesse flail, Jacob Hush ami ollioi"s, lovtoil On as tho properly of Hebert Brackenridge al the suit of James R. Mooro and others. THUMS CASU. Purchasers lo pay Ox tra for tillen and stamps. JAMES ll. ROBIN'S, H.O.O, ^Doo. 7, 1800 0 ld Notice. IN conformity willi tho rcquiremonts nf In-? ? tornal Revenue Laws. I hereby givo notice tfmVfh day of' November, IJt?O," because of having boon used in violation of Intcrnpl Reve nue Laws, lo mubo mich claim before mo within tbirlv days from first publication ol this m?tico,' tinny inj ^ I-'OLCER, Ass't Ass'r and Special Dep'ty Col'r. NoV. 30, i'$60 ? 3