Cfrc JUatott (Saurier. PUBLI8HKO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. -BY JAYNE8, 8HKLOR, SMITH ?Si 8TEOK. R. T. J A Y Mes, ) . Pim_ J 1). A. SMITH, J. W. 8HKLOR, J M?"- 1 ruM-1 J. A. STECK. SUBSCRIPTION, ?1.00 PCR ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. Jry* Communications of a personal character charged for OH advertisements. JQ^" Obituary notices and tributes of reBnoot, of not ovor ono hundred words, will bo printed freo of cliargo. All ovor that number must be paid for at tho rato of ono cont a word. Cash to accompany man.iscript. WALHALLA, S. C. t WKDNKNUAV, JUNK IO, ?HOI. MIGHT BE IN BETTRR BUSINESS. Prom a rocont ?SBUO of tho Sumtor Watchman and Southron wo clip tho fol lowing: "Lioutonant Governor damos ll. Till man must bo an enthusiastic chicken fancier, for he inmle a Hying visit to Sumtor last wook to witness a cook light that was pulled olT, about six miles from this city, lt is cuiront ly re poi ted that bois notan expert judge, of tho capa bilities of gamo cocks, for ho backed tho losing cocks in most of tho Hgbts, and i-aid doai'ly for his poor judgment. Tho nontenant Governor did not travel in cognito as is tho custom of high person ages in KuropOi but ho did not sook un necessary publicity, nial but fow of his acquaintances, chicken fanciersoxcopted, know of his presence in tho county until after his doparturo." Sovoral months ago wo noticed an ac count of a largely attended cock light in an out-of-tho-way placo botweon Au gusta and Hamberg, and Lieut.-Governor Tillman is reported to havo "dropped" ovor a thousand dollars backing his poor judgment. His lack of good judgment is very likely duo to tho fact that on i hese occasions (and others, too, for that mat ter,) ho is in a com? ition favorable to "scoing double," and probably seos moro sand in tho craws of his favorite chickens than is really thcro. At any rato tho Lioutonant Governor of South Carolina nood not lose any timo from his official duties in ordor to lind a moro respecta ble business to occupy his enorgios. Anderson County Slavory Cases Up in Court. Andorson, S. C., Juno 14.-Tho Ander son county slavory cases woro disposed of t?-dfty-all oxcopt that against J. S. Fowlor, ono of tho largest planters in tho county, who insista on going to trial on tho eh argo of falso imprisonment to establish his right to imprison a man if that man is willing tobecomo a prisoner. J. It. Miller, J. A. Emerson, W. E. Mc Gco, W. Q, Hammond, W. C. Bailoy, James Martin, Allon Martin, George Thomas, James Cook aud Mike Robins ploaded guilty to assault and battery and wore fined $01) each and discharged. Those men, together with Fowler, woro indicted for false in.prisonmont, con spiracy, assault and battery of a high and aggravated nalino. Tho Solicitor had many negro witnosscs to provo tho charges as to assault and illegal impris onment. They had been confined stockades without having boon convicted or tried for any ciimo, and had been whipped. Tho defendants admitted tho whipping. Solicitor Hoggs entertained no hopo of getting tho potty jury to fol low tho courso of tho grand jury and find against theso planters, so ho took tho plea they were willing to mnke. Fowler claims tho right to look up hands who hire themselves to him and has gone to trial to settle that point. Later Tho jury found Fowler not guilty. Tho bilious, tired, nervous man cannot | successfully competo with his healthy rival. DoWitt'a Little Early Risers, tho famous pills for constipation, will remove tho cause of your troubles. J. W. Boll. --4 ? f? - Southern Industrial Convention. Philadelphia, l'a., J une l?.-Tho South ern Industrial Convention adjourned this afternoon. Col. W. A. Hcmphill, of Atlanta, was elected president, vico II. H. Hargrove, resigned. Tho project of constructing tho Nicaraguan canal was heartily endorsed, and a committee of ono United Slates .Senator from each Southern Stato provided for, with Sona tor Morgan, of Alabama, chairman, to roport at tho next meeting in Memphis, Tenn., in December. Liberal appropria tions were recommended by tho river and harbor committee. Tho appoint ment of a committee to lako up tho sub ject of tariff revision without present] reforonco, but with only a view to its commercial importance!, was endorsed. Tho delegates to tho Southern Indus trial Convention, meeting in this city yostcrday, considered tho most Import ant question which has vet coule before them, that of waterways ami their rela tions to tho improvement of tho coun try's trade. Thcro was much discussion on tho Isthmian canal, and tho general consensus of opini?n was that thc pro posed Nicaraguan canal would be tho most economical and most desirable, route botweon tho t wo oceans. Thc. de bate on this subject was led by lion. Sewell c. (Jobb, of Ponsacola, Kia. Tho Mississippi river and ifs tributaries were also discussed, all of tho speakers urg ing that tho waterways of tho South should he used fer motive power and giving splendid reasons. Call at Dr. J. W. Hell's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Li ver Tablets. They are an ele gant physic. Tlioy also improve tho appetite, strengthen tho digestion and regulato the Hver and bowels. Thoy are easy m lake ano piensan I in effect. Governor Samford Dead. Montgomery, Ala., Juno IL -William J. Samford, Governor of Alabama, died to night at Tuscaloosa. Ala., whoro ho has been ill for some time. Disenso of tho heart was tho real cause of death. Governor Samford has been in Tusca loosa sovoral weeks, having gone there to attend a mooting of tho trustees of tho Stato University, ile had boon ill since his inauguration as (?overnor, but it was believed that immediate danger of death was passed. While in Tusca loosa, however, his illness returned with renewed violenco and he became so dangerously sick that tho physicians feared to rOmOVO him IO Montgom ery. Yesterday Oovornor Samford was thought to bo improving, but grew worse to day and succumbed lo night at 10.30 o'clock, (iovernor Samford was about '>i'> years of ago and was a nativo of Alabama. Ile bad served in the Slate Se?alo and in Congress; was a member of tho Constitutional Con von lion In 1876 and held other important public oflloos. Ho was elected Governor in August of last y oar and wa? Inaugurated December 1 last. Tho lion. W. I). Jolks, President of tho Slate Senate, will succeed him ns Oovornor. ANOTHER BOER EXPLOIT. Two Hundred and Filly ol the Victorian Mountod Hilles are Surprised. Loudon, June H.-Lord Ki tchou or ha* cabled from Pretoria, under to-day's dato, as follows: "Noar Wolman's Rust, twenty milos South of Middelburg, 250 Viotorian mountod riiloB from (len. Boas ton'B col umn woro surprised lu camp at Stoou- | ] koolnpruit by a superior force of Boors at 7.30 p. m., Juno 12. Tho enemy crept up to within short rango and poured a 11 doadly tiro Into tho camp, killing two ofllcors aud sixteen mon and wounding four ofllcors and t hi rty-eight mon, of | j whom twenty - eight woro slightly wounded. Only two ofllcors and fifty mon escaped to (Jen. Boastou's camp. 11 Tho reniai nd er were taken prisoners J ] and released. Two pomponiB woro cap tin ed by tho enemy. Full details havo 11 not yot boon rocoivod." First "Accident" of the Kind Loudon, Juno 17.-Tho serious rovorso which I,ord Kitchener report? is tho first accident of tho kind that has happened to tho Australian contingent, aud is sup posed to bo duo to neglect of proper picketing. Although it is oiTset hythe dofoat ir.llictod upon Do Wot, tho loss of the gnus is regarded ns a sei ions matter, | j which will oncourago tho Poors to cou tinuo tho struggle. Moro or loss fanciful accounts aro pub lished on tho Continent of alleged peace negotiations, but there is nothing in thom and nothing has como of tho interview be tween Mrs. Botha aud Mr. Krugor beyond revealing tho fact that Mr. Krugor will liston to no proposals until thoy aro ac companied with a guarantee of tho indc pondonco of tho Republics Tho Daily Mail's Capo Town corro spondont says that Cocil lthodos, speak mg at Bulawayo Saturday, predicted that a federation of South African States would como In tinco or four years, but bo contended that to grant solf-govorn mont to tho Republics before federation would rondor federation impossible Boor War Ruining England. 11 London, Juno 17.-Tho London Stock Kxchango air ?B now cleared from tho of fects of tho recent American crisis. But business remains painfully dull. Hosi taney provails boro and is largoly traooa bio to a desire for debilite assurance of tho tangible dovolopmonts in tho South African war. Tho depression accom panyiugtho declino iu guilt-odged socur ties bas seriously hampored tho resources of many of tho strongest mombors of tho Stock Kxchango, wbilo it is whisporod that some banks aro even so involved as a result of tho assistance rondorod larg operations that they aro now unablo to press for a settlement lost thoy precipitate a 0r?S?8 involving largo interests. ' ? You may ss woll expect to run a steam 11 engino without water as to find an activo | * energetic man with a torpid livor and you may know that his livor is torpid whoa bo does not relish his food, or fools dull and languid after eating, ofton has bead soho and somotimcs dizziness. A fow doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will rostoro bis liver to its normal functions, renew bis vitality, im provo his digestion and mako him feel like a new man. Price 25 cents. Sam ple? free at Dr. J. W. Bell's drug storo. Col. J. L. Boyd Visits the Place of His Nativity. Col. James L. Boyd, who is SI yoars of ago, and lives six milos Northeast of Seneca, and who has not visited his boy hood lioiii j in Hf ty years, took a notion on Juno 12th, 1001, that ho would wander back to where his father's old house used to stand. His father many yoars ago owned what is now called tho Major's placo and tho Nimrod T. Smith placo and other lands adjoining. His father lived and died on tho N. T. Smith tract and now lies peacefully sleeping in Old Lebanon (Baptist) comotory, about tinco miles Kast of tho historic old town of Pendleton. Col. Boyd stopped at tho old church yard on his way down. What a touching scene as ho stood with bowed hoad and toarful oyo, but could not, with any cer tainty, locate bis fathor's gravo. Wo imagino he brushed tho tears away and, looking upward, said, oh yes, l know whero ho is, for 1 know on whom bo bo lioved, and I know full woll tho road to I take to meet him there. Ho journoyod on with bright anticipa tion of Boeing my father, his boyhood friend, and his children, but alas for hu man hopes and human aims, for bo, too, had gono to that happy land. Ile arrived herc in tho afternoon and Frank Sloan, his good colored friond and driver, gave mo bis scat in tho buggy and I with plcasuic drove him ovor tho old happy hunting grounds of "Auld Lang Sync," whero ho and my father and other boys, long sinco crossed over into tho Billah land, onco played leap frog and walked on their hands with their heels in the air and jump up and strike thoir feet together four timos boforo touching tho ground. Scorns to mo that would lay our modern gymnastics in tho shade. Wo went to tho scene of his birth and childhood, but bo could not rocogni/.o tho spot whero tho old houso stood. It was all grown np in stately oaks and waving pines, which Boomed to bo stand ?ng sentinel over tho hallowed spot; bu the hill by tho spring-oh yes, that was familiar, and the spring itself under that hill- -oh, yes, that was familiar, too, for tho water still goes gushing and rushing on as of old, until it reaches tho father of waters and then i is lost in vastness just as our lives, if wo go rushing on in as much purity, and wo afford tho cup of com water, wo shan soon bo inst tho vastness of an otornity of joy, bliss and lovo. Wo soon carno back to tho old rosi (1OUCO of my fathor, N.T. Smith, and I showed him tho old joists and somo of tho lumber which was taken from Col. lloyd's fathor's old houso, about a quar tcr of a mile from hero, and is perhaps over ono hundred years old? Col. Royd was a stranger whoa ho first arrived, hut ho is no stranger now. Ho is full of tho reminiscences of tho good old times. Ho has inspired me with heavenly thought? and wo fool that wo have entertained an angel unawares, Joseph N. Smith. Auton, Anderson County, Si C., Juno 17th, 1001. Mr. W. S. Whedon, Cashier of tho First National Bank of Winterset, Iowa, in a recent letter gives some oxporionco with a carpenter in his employ, that will bo of value to othor mechanics. Ho says: "I had a carpenter working for mo who was obliged to stn]) work for several days on account of being troubled witli diarrhma. I mentioned to him that I had been simi larly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhma Remedy had cured me. Ho bought a bottle of it from the druggist hoto and informed mo that ono dose cured him, and he itt ngain at his work." For salo by Dr. J. W. Boll, Walhalla. TILLMAN MAY TRY TO KEEP Mclaurin Out ol tho Raco for the Senate by a Now Party Oath. Columbia, Juno 17.-Senator Tillman's friends think he has quietly fixed the jard s for Senator MoLaurin to draw a blank next summer without even having i chante to win. Instead of ruling MoLaurin out of the !>arty, a method that would raino a rumpus in tho State, and might oauso serious trouble, the junior Senator is to l)o mudo to rule himself out. Tillman was opposed to the exeoutlvo somtnitteo ruling out MoLaurin, on tho ground that lt would give him an advant age before the peoplo. Ho could dcolaro hlmsoif a Domoorat md say Tillman wai afraid to let tho pooplo hoar h yu ; afraid to allow thom bo bo tho judgo. It has, thoroforo, boon planuod to lot tho convention, that meets noxt May to organizo party machinery, niako a now primary oath that oan bo takou by all tho candidates oxoopt Mo Laurin. This oath, heretofore, has boon loslgnod to oovor tho S ta to mattors only, tho candidato plodging himself to abido tho result of a primary and support the low ones. For MoLauriu's bonoflt lt will bo amended so as to pledge tho sup port of tho national Democratic platform in all its planks, acknowledging tho platform ns tho mouthpiece of tho party md pledging also to abido by ino caucus /otos. MoLaurin having doolared so strongly .Kainat both those. Tillman supporters loolaro bo cannot take tho oath, and unless ho does ho cannot participate in tho primary or bo voted for oxcopt at a gonoral election. Tho plau loakod out \ftor Sonator Tillman and Col. Wilio Iones, chairman of the State Kxocutivo ?ommittoo, spout a couple of days to gether. MoLauriu's course, under these cir cumstances, has not yot boon defined, but t is already takon by ins friends as ovi lonco that tho organization is afraid of MoLauriu's strength. Governor M. li. McSwoouoy was asked ;o-day whether ho indorsod tlds scheme >f ruling out MoLaurin. Ho would not ?emmit himself, saying thal ho was not i member of tho committee and did not :nro to got tangled up in tho matter. Ho ifould say, howovor, that unless a man would stand by tho platform and bo ;ovei ned by a caucus, bo could not claim o bo in tho party. State Chairman Jones said ho did not bink tho present Kxocutivo Committee .vould tako any action about MoLaurin. Tho convention and now committee will JO In control long boforo tho campaign 8 opened for next year. "Nothing will bo dono now," ho said, 'unless MoLaurin goos to cutting up too mich in tho Stato this summer. Thon my (ive members of tho committee can iavo it called togothor and tako what \ction tlioy may soo flt." -- ? ? Pyny-IialBnui Kollo vc? Hight Awny and makes a epeedy end of coughs and cold?. The Destroying Angel. f'F. M. C.," in Hartwoll (Ga.) Sun.] Death has again visited our community md claimod another victim. Mr. G. W. ?urns depart ed this lifo Juno 8th, 1001. [Io had lived to a ripo old ago, being 70 ,-ears and 0 months old. In 1851 ho was narried to Miss Jano White. After hav ng lived together lo ! thone fifty years, dialing each othor's comforts and snotti ng each othor's sorrows, she is loft to nourn his absence, while ho is gonn to ris roward. Eleven children wore born into thom, ton of whom aro living, to 'Othor with a number of grandchildren ind a host of friends, to cherish bis mom >ry. His romains woro interred in tho ceme tery at Townvillo, S. C., af tor appropri ito services by Hov. F. M. Colo. Text: \mos 4:12: "Proparo to moot thy God." Tho discourse was an earnest appeal to jotb young and old to proparo to moot Jod in peace; that tho young may dio md tho old must dio; that death is no "ospector of persons. "Unelo Wat," UB a groat many of us lin Tro/.ovant and cut him to death, i'ho latter was unarmed and begged lils issailun' not to kill him. This was dono ll tho immediate presence of seven other logro mon and not a hand was raised to irovont tho lionious mm der. Tho mur lorcr, after declaring ho wanted to kill mo of tho negroes on tho placo boforo io loft, Hod, and not ono present .(templed to detain him. THE NEWS FROM SENECA. Services at the Baptist Church-Mr. J. H. Bryan to Return to Oconet. Seneca, Juno 18.-Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bryan and their bright little sou, Master Harry, spent last Sunday at the Oeonee Inn. Mr. Bryan has accepted a position with the Courtenay Manufacturing Com pany and will shortly move his family thoro. Many friends of both Mr. sud Mrs. Bryan aro delighted to havo them return to Ocouee. Mrs. Myra Doyle and Miss Norris, of Wostminstor, visited friends in Souoca on Monday. A series of mootings commenced in tho Baptist Church on Monday ovoning. Kev. D. W. Hlott, tho pastor of tho ohuroh, is assisted by Dr. Chapman, of Anderson. Dr. Chapman is tv gifted spoakor and already has tnado a favora ble impression upon our pooplo, aud a successful mooting is prediotod as a ronnit of his preaching. Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Craig have tho sympa thy of our community in tho doath of thoir baby girl, whioh diod on last Satur day night. Mr. GoorgO Coleman arrived at homo on Tuesday, having boou admitted to tho bar recently in tho Stato of Florida. Ho will romain in Sonoca during tho Hummer months aud will roturo to Florida in tho fall. Mrs. Eugouo Clarkson and ohildron, of Koowoo, havo boen in Souooa for sovoral days. Mr. and Mrs, Clarkson had tho misfortune to lose their dwelling by lire last Thursday night. Miss Mary Cherry will entertain a house party at bor country homo at Chor?y's tho lattor part of tho wook. Tho guests will bo tho Misses Norris, Misses Ethel Gibbs, Eunico Hill, Noll Humphries and others. Miss Mamie Swann is now iu Spartan burg. Sho will attond tho summor sohool at Converso College. Mrs. W. A. Lowory and hor son, Mr. Quincy Adams, aro in Baltimore for a two wooka' visit. Miss Willio Cherry entertained quito a number of hor friends at a birthday party laBt Friday ovoning from nine to twolvo. Among tho visiting guest? woro Messrs. Harry Poo, Charlie Gignilliat, Marshall Jordan and Wm. Hagood, of (denison College, Misses Lucy Mooro, of Hampton, aud Mary Oldham, of Ala bama. Miss Sallie Livingston will attond tho Toachors' Summor School at Spartan burg. M?88 Livingston will teach tho intermediate department of tho Seneca school tho coming yoar. Tho Oconoo Inn has had a very largo crowd of guests for tho past fow months. Tho machinery for tho cotton mill is hoing placod roady for commoncing work September 1st. Quito a number of ope ratives aro already living in tho villago, which is thought by many to bo tho prettiest, mill village in thc Stato. Dr. W. F. Austin bas as his guests his tiro thor and family from Pino Bluff, Arkansas. Tho now city council has made quito a change in tho appearance of our st reids and sidewalks. Tho road machino is thought to bo tho best investment our town has over made. *?* --* . * Medical Conspiracy Against Him. Chicago, Juno 17.-Johu Alexander Dowio announced at bis mooting nt Zion Tabornnclo to-day that certain physi cians of this city havo formed a plot to kidnap him, lock him in tho dotontion hospital and boat him on tho hoad and back till ho should loso all his reasoning powers and become really insano. Ho said that tho kidnapping might tako placo to-night and after bin sorvico ho called a special private mooting of tho malo members of Zion to tako stops to help tho Zion guard in protecting him. Ho also threatened tho physicians that bo would do to thom as bo thought they woro trying to do him until tboy shall lot bim alono and stop calling him a para noiac. With all this Dowio repeated contin ually bis pr?t elisions to he Elijah reincar nated, making way for tho end of tho world, and ho incidentally laid claim to immortality until such timo as bis work was accomplished. A Sprained Ankle Quickly Curod. "At ono timo I suffered from a sovero sprain of tho anklo," says Geo. E. Cary, editor of tho Guido, Washington, Va. "After using sovoral woll recommended medicines without success, 1 tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say that roliof carno as soon as I bogan its uso and a complete euro speedily fol lowed." Sold by Dr. J. W. Boll. - Repulsed Mob of Five Hundrod. Last Friday a mob of 600 infuriated mon stormed tho jail at Carrollton, Ga., with tho intention of lynching Iko Wilhams, a negro convicted of tho murder of Otis Ward, a young wblto boy. Tho sheriff with a posse resisted tho mob, and Gcorgo W. Bonnott, tho leader of tho mob, was shot dead and two others woro wounded. Tho sheriff's posse consisted of himself, his brother-in-law, L. J. Fletcher, and Stato Sonator, W. 1). Ham brick. Tho mob was repulsed and bold at bay until Governor Candlor sent troops to tho scene, and tho nogro was taken to tho Towor in Atlanta for safo keeping. J. L. Morrill, tho fearless sheriff, is rocoiving much praiso for his bravo defense of tho jail. John G. Woolley to Make Long Trip. Chicago, Juno 17.-John G. Woolloy, prohibition candidato for Prosidont in 1000, started to-night on a trip around tho world, for tho purposo of collecting data on the liquor traine and conditions in Ibu countries visited preparatory to issuing a book on tho results of tho prohition movement. Mr, Woolley will sail from San Francisco on Juno 20th, At Hono lulu Mr. Woolloy will endeavor to or ganizo a party. Tho trip will occupy six months, and Australia, England, Ireland. Scotland and sovoral otbor counties will bo visited. Nogro Hanged for Killing a Conductor. Brunswick, Ga., Juno M.-Fricoy Grif fin, a negro, was banged boro to-day for tho murder in Oetobor last of B. Marion I J at ?mer. Latimer was a passenger con ductor on t he Mont lun n Ballway. On tho night thc murdor occurred Latimor was informed, while bis train was running between two stations in this part of tho Stato, that somo ono was standing on tho front stops of tho baggago car. Latimer opened tho door and called to tho man to como inside. Tho negro stopped to tho door of tho car and shot tho conductor, killing bim instantly. A farmer of Dougherty county, Ga., trapped a big golden eagle a fow days ago. It measured 7 foot from tip to tip of wings and is ns big as a largo turkey. It is now on exhibition at tho Grant Park Zoo, Atlanta. NEWS FROM FAIR PLAY. A Sad Death-General News r.'uies-Texas Fever Appears ?gain. 11 i Fair Play, June 18.--Mr. Larry Marett, 11 who has been attending the South (Jaro lina Co-education al Institute at Edge- 1 ?eld, is at home, to the delight of his < many friends. ' Mr. Robt. Loathers has bcou vory siok i for tho past two wooks, but is improving 1 slowly. 1 Mr. Holland and Miss Daisy Wright, 1 of Anderson, paid our town a flying visit reooutly. 11 Misses Myrtie and Paulino Harton, of I < tho Pork, visited rotativos and friends boro last Thursday. Mr. Riobard (hobbs and MISB Ada King, who havo boon attending a normal singing school at Dayton, Ya., returned homo last Saturday. They aro two of I j our model young pooplo and thoir many friends aro glad to soo thoir cheerful faces agaiu. Mr. Thus. Smith is tho champion fish erman of this section, having caught four oarp rocontly that would averago ton pounds oaob. Mr. E. C. Marott has agaiu hoon trou bled with tho Texas fover among his cat tlo. This fever is prod need by ticks and is vory fatal unless speedily romoved. Those who havo pastures should watch thoir cattlo and destroy tho ticks as fast | as they appoar. There has boon an unusual amount of I sickness in our community, but most of our sick aro improving. The rust has injured tho wheat orop materially. Tho continuod wot weather has provontod harvesting, and it will bo difllcult to save tho crop. Mrs. Goorgo Marott and Miss Poarl Whitworth, of Atlanta, aro visiting Mr. Stopbon M0.vott's family. Tho roads in this section aro much in nood of repair. Wo would Uko to inform some of our county ofllcials, who seemed to bo so fond of chicken and pio last | summer, that another orop is on hand larger, richer and jucior than ovor. Early apples, ponchos, plums and tho never failing blackberry, aro now templing tho oyo, and wo take this opportunity to invito our County Supervisor and our | two County.Commissioners to como down and sbaro our hospitality. My friend Smith will furnish tho fish. And thou if wo don't havo bottor roads wo won't I invito thom no mo' till next time. Tho angel of death has again entered our midst. On last Monday ovoning, ns tho shadows of nightfall were length ening, bo caine to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Marott and took tho spirit of I thoir youngest boy, Marcus, aged 181 months, to tho realms of eternal day. Little Marcus bad been sick but a short while and was thought to bo out of dan ger, when death carno. Dis body was laid to rost in tho Hcavordam cemotory, after appropriate funeral services, con ducted by Hov. Mr. McManaway, of Westminster. Tho sympathy of friouds and relatives go out to tho boroavod family in this thoir first allliction. --??*> Columbus, Ga., August 24, 1872. Dr. C. J. Monett-Dear Doctor: Wo gavo your TKKT1UNA (Teething Powders) to our little grandchild with the happiest | results. Tho offects woro almost magi cal, and certainly moro satisfactory than from anything wo evor used. Yours very truly, Joseph S. Key, Pastor of St. Paul Church. (Now Bishop Southern MothodistChurch) For salo by Dr. J. W. Holl. Killing in Sumter. In a shooting affray at Sumter, S. C., last Friday afternoon, betweon Frank K. Winn aud E. A. Edwards, Winn was killed and Charlie Smith, who jumped botweon tho combatants as thoy drew thoir pistols, was shot twico and seri ously wounded. Winn rccoivod two wounds, ono just ahovo tho rignt oyo aud tho other in tho right sido. Edwards escaped without a scratch oxcopta slight bruise on tho chin, whoro Winn struck him as they carno togothor. Edwards llrod three shots and Winn two, and it is said that Smith received both shots i tended for Edwards. Smith was shot through tho chin, Iiis jaw hoing broken, tho othor ball making a glancing.wound on his forehead. Tho difficulty grow out of a lawsuit in a Magistrate's Court at Providence, Winn gaining a verdict. After tho caso bad boon disposed of in Court Winn and Edwards had a row and threats aro reported to have been made. When tho shooting took placo Winn was 1 standing in tho door of a livery stable and Edwards passed by. Thoy exchanged a word or two and Winn Btl'lio!' Edwards. Both drow pistols and began shooting, witli tho result stated above. Edwards surrendered to tho first policeman to arrivo and dolivered him his pistol, which had three empty chambers. Winn loll almost in his tracks when shot and was dead within a fow minutes. All parties engaged in tho shooting aro white and woll connected. Winn was tho oldest son of D'. Josoph Winn, superintendent of tho Sumter Cotton Mill, and was about | 2H yoars old. Edwards is a son of the lato Hov. E. A. Edwards and a nephew of Dr. John IL Furman, of this county. Smith is 24 years old, a son of Mr. VV. i\ Smith. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under tho Sun." All doctors havo tried to euro Catarrh by tho uso of powders, acid gases, inhal ers and drugs in paste form. Their pow ders dry up the mucous membranes, caus ing them to crack open and bleed. The po we i ful acids used in tho inhalers have ontiroly oaten away the samo membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, wliile, pastes and ointments cannot roach tho dlsoaso. An old and experienced practitioner, who has for many years made a close study and Specialty of tho treatment of Catarrh, hasat last porfentod a treatment which, when faithfully used, not only rolievos at onco, hut permanently cures Catarrh, by removing tho cause, stopping tho discharges and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to scienco that actually reaches tho afllictod parts. This wonderful rem edy is known as "SNUFFLES, tho Guar anteed Catarrh Cure," and is sold at tho oxtremoly low pr i 00 of one dollar, oach package containing internal and external medicino sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect uso. "SN UK KL KS" is tho only perfect Ca tarrh Cure over mado and is now recog nized as tho only safo and positivo cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all in Mammut hm quickly and per manently, and is also wonderfully (puck to roliovo Hay Kovor or Cold in tho Head. Catarrh when neglected often loads to Consumption-"SNUFFLES" will save you if you uso it onco. It is no ordinary rom ody. but a completo treat mont which is positivoly guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any form or stage if nsod according to tho directions which accompany oach package Don't delay, hut send for it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will rcceivo special ad vico from the discoverer of this won derful romody regarding your caso with out cost to you beyond tho regular prico of M?NU FFLES," the Guaranteed Ca tarrh Curo." Sent prepaid to any ad dress in IL S. or ('amula on receipt of ono dollar. Address Dept 0 4(10, Edwin H. Giles * Company, 2330 and2 882 Mar kot street, Philadelphia. TO THINK OWN SELF BE TRUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY??THOU OANS'T NOT THEN BB FALSE TO ANY MAN. WA lill A li LA, SOUTH CAROLINA, JUNE IO, 1001. Be sure to see me before you bu Dynamite Alv Monumental I am prepared at Monuments, Tombs, 51 and Headstones.^ mt* Having d?sign?e ener Monument Executive Comr mental work in can satisfy all w *??RE?? C, H. MA to tho Bluo Ridgo Railroad Company in South Carolina by Jamos E. Calhoun by dood duly rooordod in Mosno Couvoy anoo Offico Pickons County, Hook II, Pago 74. 2d. All that tract, parool or lot of laud situated noar aud adjoiuing tho villago of Pondloton, containing ilvo aoros, ono rod, sixtoon rods, bo tho samo moro or loss, boginning at Lao northwost coruor of a post in tho fouco running south 80 dogrcos, oast 740 foot by Mary stroot to a post iu fouco, tlionco south 10 dogroos, 80 minutos, wost 408 foot by land ownod by Duko & Sitton tostako and stono, thonco north 72 dogroos, wost 740 foot by land ownod by Sittons and Joukins to post in fouco, thonco north 5 dogroos, oast 227 foot to placo of beginning, containing Ilvo acros, ono rod, sixtoon roda togotbor with all aud singular tho rights, mem bers, boroditamontB and appurtouaucoB to tho promisoB bolonging or in anywiBO incidont or apportaiuing to tho said promises, hoing tho samo convoyed to lloury Gourdlno, Prosidout of tho Bluo Bidgo Railroad Company, by W. P. Pat ton by dood datod July 4th, 1854. 3d. All that parcol of land situato in tho Stato of South Carolina, Andorson county, noar tho town of Andorson, con taining flfty-tbroo acros, commencing at a rod oak coruor, thonco north 14} do groos, onst 400 to a stono coruor, thonco north 28 dogroos, wost 20.45 to a Btono cornor, thonco south 50} dogrooB, wost ! 14.75 to a post oak cornor, thonco south 12 dogrecB oaBt 27.25 to a stono cornor, thonco north 71} degrees oast 17 88-100 to tho boginning corner, with tho stroot as ropresontod by plat anuoxod to tho deed convoying said promises, together with all and singular tho rights, members, boroditamontB and appurtenances to tho premisos bolonging or othorwiso inoidont or apportaiuing to said promisos, hoing tho samo convoyed to said Bluo Ridge Railroad Company by John T. Sloan by dood duly recorded in Rogistorof Mosno Con voy anco O Alco, Andorson Couuty, Rook C. C., pagos 341 and 342. 4th. All that pioco and parcol of land, situato in tho County of Andorson and Stato aforesaid, on Six and Twenty Milo Crook, ou wost sido of tho lino of tho Bluo Ridgo Railroad, containing thirteen and three-fourths aeres, moro or loss, togotbor with all and singular tho rights, members, hereditaments and appurte nances to tho promisos or in anywiso incidont or apportaiuing to tho said promises, hoing tho samo convoyod to tho said Bluo Ridgo Railroad Company by diarios P. Davis and William B. Davis by dood duly recorded in tho Rog istor of Mosno Convoyanco Oflico, Andor son County, in Book D. D., pago 070. 5th. All that pioco and parcol of land, situato in tho County of Anderson, in tho corporato limits of tho town of Andorson, on tho wost sido, lying on both sides of tho lino of tho road laid oil and const i neted by said company, con taining thirteen and one-half acres, and having such shape, marks, buttings and bounding* as represent ed by a plat made by .lames Gilmcr, D. S., on tho 18th day of Juno, A. D. 1855, (a copy of saul plat | hoing anuoxod to tho deed convoy ing said land,) togotbor with all and singular tho rights, members, here ditaments and appurtenances to tho promises bolonging or in anywiso inci dont or appertaining, said promisos ho ing tho samo convoyed to thc said Blue Ridgo Railroad Company by John P. Benson by deed duly rocoidod in tho Register of Mosno Convoyanco Oflico, Andorson County, Rook C, C, Pages 114 and 115. Also, all their rights, titlo and interest in and to tho Knoxvillo and Charleston Railroad, its right of way, lands and othor proporty, real and per sonal, and rights, privileges and fran chises. .And, also, all and singular tho right, title, claim, interest and ostato of all or either of tho said corporations known and designated as tho Bluo Ridgo Railroad Company in South Carolina, tho Pondloton Railroad Company, tho Rino Ridge Railroad, tho Knoxvillo and Char leston Railroad, and tho Tonnossoo Rivor Railroad of, in and to all or any of tho proporty abovo mentioned and doscribod. And in all proporty whoresoovor situate, lying or being, including all tho lights of way and lands occupied by or bolonging to thom and each of them respectively, togotbor with tho sovoral superstructures and tracks thereon, and all rails and othor materials used in each of thom, or procurod for tho uso and construction of oitbor, inclu sivo of tho iron rails purchasod or paid for with monoy obtained for tho abovo doscribod bonds, and all and singular ' tho several bridges, viaducts, culverts, foncos, depot grounds, and buildings theroon, station housoB of all kinds and grounds, ongines, tondors, cars, tools, materials, machinory and all othor por sonal proporty appertaining to, or in any manner connected with, or forming part of oitlicr or any of tho abovo named roads, togotbor with tho tolls, rout? or Incomes to bo had or lovicd thorefrom, and all franchises, rights, and privilogos of each and ovory of tho said corpora tions, of, in, to or concerning tho samo. T. P. CO?IIRAN, 23 28 Spocial Master. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I County of Oconoo. J In tho Court of Common Ploas. J. J. Goforth, Plaintiff, against C. C. Simpson, Defendant. IPURSUANT to a Dooroo, signed by His Honor J. C. Kltigh, Judge of tho Eighth Judicial Circuit,on Juno7th, 1001, I will soil, at public auction, to tho highest biddor, in front of tho Court IIOUSO, at Walhalla, S. C., on MONDAY, tho llrst day of JULY noxt, within tho legal hours of salo, tho porsonal prop orty below described, io-wil: Ono 20-horso power stoam engine and hoilor. Ono saw mill. Ono pair of mules. Ono wagon. Two yokos of oxon. Th roo carts. Ono dray. Terms: Ono-half cash on day of salo, balanco on a crodit of sixty days, with leave to tho piirohasor to autioipate pay mont. Credit portion to ho secured by bond of tho purchaser and mortgago ot tho proporty. W. 0, WHITE, Master for Oconoe County. Juno 18th, 1001. 25-20 R?NDER Livery, Feed and Sale . . Stable, . * WALHALLA, S. C. FBrtilizers,FertilLzers I have the best manufactured goods on the market, and sell more than any man In town. y.Phone No. ll. rcLy& on. Hand._ Designing! ; all times to fill orders for atuary 1 and executed the?Wa? for the Semi-Centennial nittee, and other monu this section, 1 feel that I ho wish work in this line. YIHE^VVa walhalla? c? Charge Reduced to Manslaughter. Atlant?, Juuo 18.-Tho grand jury yesterday iudictod G. B. Danton, yard conductor of tho Southoru Railway Com pauy, on tho chargo of involuntary tuau slaughtor. Aftor a thorough Investiga tion of tho oaso tho jurors dooidod that Duuton's connootion with tho recent fatal wreck did not warrant tho chargo of murder, on which ho was bound ovor in tho recorder's court. Tho bill of indictmout contains two counts, tho flrst ohargiug Duntou with involuntary manslaghtor in tho commis sion of au unlawful act, and tho second charging him with involuntary mau 8laug)' Ser in tho commission of a lawful act without duo caution and circumspec tion. Tho first count is based on Uuu ton hoing on tho fatal eugine without having a propor kuowlodgo of ita opera tion, and tho sooond on his hoing in tho omploy of tho road and not having used propor caro. Tho flrst count ?B a folony and tho ponalty is imprisonment in tho peniten tiary for not loss than ono year and not moro than three yoars. Tho second count is a misdemeanor and tho penalty is a Ano of $1,000 or twolvo months in tho county chaingang, or six months in jail, cither or all in tho discretion of tho court. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura Digest? whait you oat. Summer is Here Soo our bargains in Straw Hats, Nogligco Shirts, Ladies' Undervcsts, Undershirts, Ladies' and Mon's Low Quarter Shoos, and everything for hot weather. Dean & Earle, C. Ii. Reid's Old Stand. P. S.-Grain Cradles for the fine grain crop. TO CLOSE OUT BED SPRINGS --AND ....ROCKING CHAIRS.... --AT COST. All kinds of Machino Noodles, Now Tin, Glass and Crockery, at G. A. NORMAN'S. Teachers' Examination. T Toachors' Certificates on Saturday, JulyO, 1001, at the Court House, begin ning at 0 o'clock a. m. All porsons do siring to bo examined will appear before tho Hoard on that day. Applicants aro oxpectcd to furnish tboir own papor, pen and ink. C. L. CRAIG, County Superintendent Education. Juno 12, 1001. 2-1-20 R. T. J A v N icu. I j. w. BIIKLOR. JAYNES & SHELOlt, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, WALHALLA, S. O. PROMPT attontion given to all busi noss committod to tboir caro. THE Farquhar has boon tho loading THRESHER for 46 yoars, too woll known to nood description boro. ^ Sond for illustrated cataloguo of Engines, Throshing Machinory, Saw Mills and Agricultural Implomonts, mailed freo. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York, Penna. Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examinations. milli oxaminations for tho award of X vacant scholarships in Winthrop CpllogO and for tho admission of now students will bo hold at tho County Court IIouso on FRIDAY, JULY 12th, at 0 a. m. ' Applicants must not bo loss than fif teen years of ago. When scholarships aro vacated aftor July I2tb thoy will bo awardod to tboso making tho highest avorago at this examination. ,CO?ti ,of, att?ndanco, including board, furnished room, boat, light and washing, is *0 por month. K For further information and a cata loguo. address 90 ow D* GUNSON, President, ?f -_P__Rock Hill, s. C. GUARANTEED $5,000 DEPOSIT R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarship* offered. OA-ALA. ?UilMMtOOttlQB,Mftoon, QB,