KEOWEE COURIER (Established 1840.) ?tiblishod Evory .Wednesday Morning SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ono Year .$1.00 Six Months.?5 Three Months.80 Advertising Kates Reasonable. By Stock, Sholor, Hughs & Sholor. Communications or a personal chnractor charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notlcos, cards of thanks ?nd tributes of respect, either by Individuals, lodges or churches, aro ?barged for as for advertisements at rate of ono cont a word. Cash must accompany manuscript, nnd all such notices will bo marked "Adv." In conformity with Federal ruling on such mailors. WALHALLA, S. C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH ts. 1021. A VERY KOTTEN DAW lt is indeed a peculiar situation that has again como lo the surface In Washington in the matter of a .contested seat in Congress, where A Democrat has been unseated at thc very close of a session ot Con gress, having served two years ille gally and having drawn his salary the same as any other Congressman who was entitled to his pay. And now the contest has been decided In favor of his Republican oponent In the election, and the Republican is declared to have been defrauded ot lils rights in Congress. It ls nothing to us that the cul prit ls a Democrat and nothing to us that the defrauded one ls of the op posing party. There should be no political consideration In the prem ises. Tho fact, as established by the various hearings during the past two years, is that Congressman McLean .obtained his seat in the House by means of election frauds, and that he has illegally drawn his compen ?ation during two years; and ll .seems that Congress recognizes the fact that the defrauded one ls enti tled to hnvo received this salary. The defrauding one has been paid . <'.!' ' ho I ' , - . ttl 1 : d to koop tho .x -v- m:v.\nt \n-.yu ibo defrauded .Co:t-.. . .]? ,n thtt c'?nrj ho would fraud uuiuiuiiied. ?'? by. Until thero ls some rigidly enforced law against political rot tennesses we aro going to have cor rupt politics and corrupt politicians. Our penitentiaries would be over crowded to-day if every politician had his deserts. A headline tells us tba* the King of Italy ls busily engaged these days in tho operation of a tractor, and is deeply interested In advanced agri culture. We are interested to know whether he is opera!ing a real live .lohn Henry. THE OVERSEAS SUFFERERS. During Ibo past week we have ?received three? contributions for tho sufferers overseas. These contribu tions are acknowledged below: "Save a Child" fund Amount remitted by us lo hoadqun neis.$291.00 Mrs. C. F. Oppermann, Seneca. Rt, 1. 1.00 Cik CK,ve SCOllOl, Miss Ruby Hickson, teacher, i contri) u . ions by the .children . IO. CO Total lo date .$305 . 60 The near Baal Pu nd Amount remitted by us to headquarters .$ 15.50 -Hiss Len.* Oppermann. Seneca, Rt. 1. 1.00 Total to date .$ 16.50 Wo have received acknowledg ments from tho two tr-olief work ^headquarters of thc remittances noted above, and In both Instancos ?we arc requostod to extend to the j?ood people of Oconeo hearty and appreciative thanks, on behalf of the suffering ones, for tho donation to the funds that are meaning so ?noch to those stricken pooples. In thoth instances tho statomont is in eluded that tho needs are still very urgent and far In excess of the funds now In hand, and continued contri butions aro earnostly solicited. Wo will continuo tho subscription col umn until the fund is socured or tho urgent need for funds has been passed. A COMMON MISTAKE. lOlsewhere In this Issue will be found an article by our good friend, J. A. Cook, 111 which he gives voico to complaints concerning the roads of our county and the expenditure of bond funds, ll is a eommon error that many have fallen into in sup posing that the bond funds are in the hands of and at the disposal of tho County Supervisor. As a matter of fact, the reverso is true. The Su pervisor cannot touch ono penny of tho bond funds for either repairing roads or building roads. The bond funds are under the control abso lutely of the County Highway Com mission, and those funds aro for a specific purpose, which ls not the re pairing of roads in general. Mr. Cook gives some mighty good advice as to "watchfulness" on the part of the Supervisor, and lu this matter wo feel sure that Mr. Shock ley will measure up to his duty. Ho cannot, however, bo Justly criticised as to tho matter of no funds on hand or with having spout the bond funds, with which he has absolutely noth ing to do. The funds are Intact, and the work that tbece funds aro de signed to accomplish will bo done in duo time. They aro not available for the ordinary county work of re pairing or bitlldlng. McLAXE LOST SHAT IX HOUSE. His Successor, Itepubilcuii, Draws $21,00?) for Six Days' Service. Washington, Feb. 20.-The House Friday night unseated Patrick Mc knoe, Democrat, of Scranton, Pa., as the representative from the Tenth District of Pennsylvania, and de clared former Representative .lohn R. Farr, Republican, of the same city, to have been duly elected. Mr Farr was sworn In Immediately. Mr. Farr will draw $21,000 salary and incidental oxpenses for the six days he will servo In tho House. After the House voted, 161 to 12 1, to remove Mc Lane, tho new member was immediately declared elected and was sworn in Just before mid night. The proceedings against McLane were based on charges that he had violated the corrupt practices act and also that there had been whole sale election frauds ill his retort-! to Con fji'ORs, THO princely re-nut not itioii thal i. -, with Representativo Farr's six. lays oi se vi cc. uppoxiihsting a rd s . ? . . (IO li .. results [rom n>com putation of salary and incidental al lowances to cover the entire two year period of the Congress to which the House has held him to have boen rightfully elected. While IMcLane also has drawn pay for tho entire two years, lacking the six days re maining of the present Congress, he is required to make no refund, the single seat costing the government in effect almost twlco the stipulated figure. Rainfall and Temp?rature. Below ls a record of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-oporativo observer of tho Weather Bureau of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, during tho week ondlng Feb. 27th, 1921. nt 7 p. m. (The instrumental readings are from gov ernment standard instruments ex posed In tho manner recommended by the chief of tho Weather Buroau) : Character of Day. Dale pi I Tempera ture. xi tr, X 3 Feb. 21 * Cloudy .. .11' 49 30 Feb. 22 Ptly cldy. .... 1 8 29 Feb. Cloudy .. .iii r,r> 2X Feb. 2 1 Pl ly cldy. 56 2 0 Feb. 2.". -Ptly cldy.' .20' HO 3.1 Feb. 20 -Clear. f,7 29 Feb. 27 Ptly cldy. .01 01' 30 -I Total rainfall . . ..". I ' * One-inch snow on 21st. Dentb of Young Boy. Salem. Fob. 2 0. - Special: The death angel visited this section on Fd). 2 1th, on which day the spirit of .lames Alvin Rochester took Its flight to the beyond. His death was caused by an abscess of the bowels. Ile was ll years and ?j mnoths and I day old, and was in the fourth grade at school. He. was liked by all his playmates and was tho Idol of his parents. He leaves his father. Paul S. Rochester, and mother and five brothers, bosldes a large circle of rolntlves and friends to mourn bis death. Tho remains wore laid to rest in tho family burying ground at Moun tain Vlow church the day following his death. The burial services wero conducted by Bro. John Medlin, and tho funeral will bo proached some time in tho future by tho pastor. Tho boroavod onos bavo the sym pathy of many frionds In their sor row. THE FI RST OF MARCH WE WERE One Year Old. Have You Elver Seen a Baby Grow so Fast? V . j] 2 Our success is due to the fact that we sell HUTT?R\ j goods that won't come back to people who will come back. senecTs.Kc. Adams Hardware Company, s NEW BLOCK, eneca, S. C. 'THE STORE WITH A CONSCIENCE." CAN'T UNDERSTAND NO FUNDS. - J. A. Cook Want? to Know What Recame of tho liondl Money. Madison, Feb. 27. 1921. Editor Keowee Courier: The communication of Supervisor Shockloy, which was published in your paper about three weeks since, was a groat surprise to the people of this vicinity. It seems very strange that only one month after a four hundrod-thousand-dollar Ibond sale that our road supervisor has not got money enough to'repair a few little mud holes in the public roads. "There be something dead up tho branch." The tax-payers of Oconee county. I who are being taxed until it practi cally amounts lo confiscation, would like to know what's the matter. The rent of a small farm will not pay the I "?ivs airer oxponses are pe tu '. bad an Idea that the bond : was for *he <..( building aid ro I pairing roads And bridge?! ; ? ?vc ure not mistaken Mr. shr.l?r .il special mention iii the "... laut passed for the bond Issue of about twenty certain roads fhnt were to be repaired with part of this money. They have not been repaired, and now It seems that our Supervisor has to wait for the new Legislature to make new appropriations before he can repair a few mud holes in the roads, and I suppose that means more taxes. Oh, my-what shall we do to get through tho mud holes and be saved. We have been for a num ber of years trying to got a good road supervisor, who had a good move on him, and good common souse enough to do something, and now lt seems that he nas nothing to do with. But T suppose that while, he ls walting for money to do the work ho can bc watching and prob ably stop some of the leakage that is bankrupting our county govern ment and all the tax-payers of the county. It ls not tho building and repairing of roads and bridges that is bankrupting the county govern ment and the taxpayers of the coun ty. It is tho paying for work that is never done that is doing the dam age. Wo think there aro a good many officers connected with this road business who seem to us to ho absolutely unnecessary, and the county government paying them at least three times as much as their work is worth. Once upon a time we happened to ho appointed to tho great big office of township commissioner in this county, and during the term of that olilco we learned by practical experience and observation that there were a good many mon who worked for the county who scorned to have but one idea, and that was that there was nothing wrong or unjust at all In heating tho county government out of all that thiy could got. Some of thom would bring in their bills against the coun ty, logally approved and sworn to before a notary public, when they knew thoso bills were not true. If Mr. Shockley can stop those con temptible little swindles he will save moro money for the county than ho can snvo building roads in several yoars. Wo know that there are onough honest mon in mir county to do tho work If Mr. Shockley can only find thom. The trouble is that tho man who is no account always wants a job first, for ho is always out of work. Woll, now, Mr. Kdltor, the county government that wo have been talk ing about is tho tax-payors govern* ment, of course, and they can't stand any more beating. Yours truly, J. A. Cook. CROWDED "GARDEN OF ASIA" tom? Sixty Million Chin** Liv? In an Area About Half th? Siso of Texas. While many of ns mny feel that wo live In exceedingly well populated dis tricts, even our most crowded farming communities are almost deserted when compared with some sections of China. Take Szechuan, for example, says the Cleveland Ptain Dealer. In this province some 60,O>0,000 per- i sons live. The area ls 181,000 square miles. Aa Sse-chuan ls surrounded by mountains and tn some places ls bare rock Itself, about CO per cent of the total area is impossible to culti vate. We find, in consequence, that these 60,000,000 human beings are crowded Into a space les? than half the sise of Texas, and that all the food the* nal >? yowl! within this arc? Ttu pr ... . .?.fil .if" r lbs ' *d H0M-$i?sry io keep these million* >.? ts complicated by the Chinese ) . rv :n?-k of sri?ntl?k knowledge MJO ih?> primitive implement? h* usen tn aduiMou, rice, which Is tho ata^.u food of China, ls the most difficult of all cereals to produce. This ls particular- j ly true In a country like China, where the hill.? must be terraced and the wa ter used to Irrigate the paddy fields be lifted by wheels moved by foot power. Yet' these 60,000,000 persons who live In Sze-chunn never know famine, while other parts of Chins are some times decimated through death by hun ger lu this, the garden of Asia, ls produced nearly every vegetable and gram we know, besides some we do not know. The climate ls so advan tageous to agriculture and the soil la so rich that fine foods are easily raised. The abundant rainfall, with climatic and other conditions, provides thc water necessary for Irrigation at certain seasons,' for certain purposes. For Instance, so plentiful are or anges-and they are second In quality to none-that a thousand oranges may be bought for half a dollar. However, wc must remember that 50 cents In China, especially in .Sze chuan, has a purchasing power of many dollars In that densely crowded land. Telephony or Telepathy. The telephone gets blamed for a whole lot of things and thc gentle operator often gets bawled out by the Irate subscriber or the fellow who ls borrowing somebody else's phone. On the other baud the telephone and the gentle operator are not always cred ited with all they should be and they deserve mention when they add telep athy to their other accomplishments. That must explain this incident. A few days ago a subscriber af .Teffer sonvllle wished to telephone to Mr. Smith, and was told at his office that he had Just gone to the bank. The subscriber called the bank number while actively thinking of Mr. Smith; the telephone operator-or her sub conscious self, let us say-plugged In at quite another number, of course. "Is this the bank!" "No. this ls the newspaper office." "Sorry, I was look ing for Mr. Smith." "Well, walt n minute; he has Just stepped In." How's that for "service"?-Indianapo lis News. New Pumice Stone. A material noted by a commerce re port ns promising Increased future use ts "Koka Sekt." a Japanese variety of pumice stone. It ls found only In the small group of Nlljlma Islands (New '. inda), lying off the Id KU peninsula ft,/out 30 miles south of Tokyo, it has been used locally from ancient times as a building material; but Its great tensile strength, durability and resist ance to temperature of 1,300 degrees Centigrade adapt lt especially for boll trr end furnace construction, as well as lining? for safes and refrigerator insulation. It can be easily cut, take? natl?, and can be painted er plated with metal. You Can't Get C Making Sli THM AMERICAN FERTILIZER Ol' TO SAY ABOUT FERTIL!* "What South karolina farmers say : "An 8-3-3 and an 8-4-4 fertlluer are general favorites In South Caro lina, though some others aro used with success. The applications of the best farmors vary from 600 to 1,000 pounds por acre, and tho In crease from 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of seed cotton per acre. "Typical reports from South Caro lina farmers aro as folows: "A. G. Clarkson, Wateree, uses 600 pounds of a 10-4-2 broadcast before planting, and applies i Ou nounds of nitrato of soda as a top idres?lhg Hb gets i."?oo pounda of; mod coton per ai re. "R. H, Reiser, Summerton, UJUI lly ai . !). ? Quo vo 800 pounds of Mri ? .?. Fertilizer under tho. crop and uses IOC !?. 200 poundi of nitrogen-j OUo ??,?pllo?U itali Juill; ibl and half July 1st. His yield is about 1,50.0 pounda of seed cotton per acre. "P. Ti. Hay, Jr., Trenton, applies 700 pounds of an 8-3-3 In furrow bed; top-dressos with nitrogen at the rate of 150 pounds, applied half June 1st and half July 1st. Obtains 1,500 and moro pounds of seed cot ton per acre. "James S. Culbreth, Johnston, uses an 8-3-3 fertilizer, appllyng 600 to 1.000 pounds In the drill. hoforo planting; sldo-dresses with nitrate of soda and kalnit when cotton ls 6 to 10 inches high. He gets 1,200 to 2,000 pounds of seed cotton to tho acre. "Wade H. Herring. Marlon, uses a 9-1-2, and applies 800 pounds and 100 pounds of nitrogenous top dresses. Me gets .,500 pounds of i seed coton per aero. ' You will notice that farm ers Uv? lu sections of tho State wbero tho seasons aro longer thnn ours, tho slimmer is curlier an.J the full is later, which gi vos tho cot ton plant more time to mature. This H-:?-;{ and H-4-1 brings .splendid results there, but up hero, whore tho sea sous aro shorter, we recommend our 10-;*-:$ or 10-:i-0 as a JO per cent goods will nuilee cotton maturo and open earlier than an 8 per cent, arti* clo, and if you read Mr. Coker*? arti cle, which was reproduced in the Anderson Hally Mall on tho 10th in stant, he states that it was unprofit able to raise more cotton than could t?v gathered before bad weather sets in. Ho states that low-grade cotton not only did not pay tho cost of pro duction, hut that lt. caused good white eotton to sell for less than it was worth. White cotton would al ways bring more If if were not for the low-grade stuff. He stated, more over, that, it would pay any farmer to use $12.00 to $15.00 worth of fer tilizer to tho acre of cotton. He knows you must use fertilizer lo make good crops, and bo knows you can't f?ot out of tho bole by making short crops. Tho salvation of this country de pends upon Increasing production per aero, not reducing lt. Experiment Anderson Ptiosj W. F. FARN We Have Plenty for , .-LOCAL C. P. WALKER. J. C. RAMPLEY . T. R. JONES. F. H. SHIRLEY . (9 lut of the Hole lort Crops ' FEBRUARY 12, 1021, HAS THIS SERS IX SOUTH CAROLINA: "A. A. Barnes, Hartsville, applies 800 to 900 pounds of an 8-1-4 before planting and top-dresses with a 4-7 %-0 at the rate of 150 to 200 pounds per acre. He gets 1,200 to 1,500 pounds of seed cotton por acre. .'A. H. Ward, Darlington, applies 800 to 1,000 pounds of an 8-3-3, and uses three-fifths at planting time and balance as stde-drossing In two applications. He gets about 1,500 pounds of seed cotton per acre. "J. J. Lawton, Hartsville, applies 1,000 pounds of au 8-3-3. U*As inn to 200 pounds of nitrogenous top dressing and trots 1.400 to 1 800 pounds of soed coi'OM po nero, "M. w. IN it fling ton, giinda, RF. [). No ? applies 1 Do pounds of an S?3 or 8.-1-4 bnforc pluming, am: us..-;? 150 ut 200 pounds of '< 8-0 aa .i side-dresser, applied about July l. He gets about 1,500 pounds of seed cotton per acre. "W. D. Holstein, Batosburg, ap pllos 600 pounds of an 8-4-4 and 100 pounds of nitrate of soda, and gets 1,500 pounds and more seed cotton per acre. "D. S. Yates, Lykesland. uses 700 pounds of a 6-4-2, with ono-half un der the row and tho balance as a side-dressing after chopping. From 100 to 200 pounds of nitrogenous top-dressing is given In .lune or July. His yields are 1,500 pounds of seed cotton per acre. "A. E. Brock, Summerton, applies 800 pounds of an 8-4-4 or 8-3-3. of which 600 pounds ls put under the row and 200 pounds used as a side application. Either a 4-7V&-2 or nitrate of soda is used as a top dressing in addition. His yields are 1,500 pounds of seed cotton per acre. stations have, proven that ono pound of high-grade, woli-mixe 1 goods will make one pound and more of seed cotton, which means that money spent for fertilizer pays from 300 to 500 por cont on tho invest mont . We will not got out of tho bolo wo aro in by losing profit? of that sort. Thorn ?.oro no proflta in farming last year, but wo never had a year like that boforo, anti inny novor have another. Wo have got to make a living, anti wo want something moro than a liv ing, and wo must do business to got it. If tho British and French had given up when things wore going so heavily against thom in 1014, li)US, 101? and 1017 they never would have won ont. Tho cotton acrouire will bo ro