OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, July 12, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1922-07-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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.j. .?. .?. ty ty ty ty ty ty ty *!. ?!? -I*
ty --- -I*
ty Hy Bon IO. Adams, ty
ty Charleston, s. C. ty
ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty * + * * *
- independence Day wa? observed
by many legion posts throughout tho
State. Patriotic exorcises were car
ried out. with tho legion takln? Ibo
lead in the majority of cases, li ls
titting that tho American Logion, Olio
o? tho greatest patriotic organiza
tions in thc United Stales, should
take the lead In properly observing
tho Fourth of duly. Patriotism and
the Fourth of duly go hand In hand,
und tho legion is founded on patri?t
ica!. One of the things tho legion cnn
do ls to teach proper respect to tho
flag and to tho "Star Spangled Ban
-Department Commander Morris
C. Lumpkin, of Columbia, was tho
principal speaker at tho semi-cen
tennial celebration nt Allendalo on
July 4th, Tho program was well car
ried out and proved to bo a big
drawing card, as several thousand
people attended. Tho legion is much
Interested in the affairs of South'Car
olina, and lt is fino that it ls being
called upon to take an active part In
civic, affairs.
-Tho St. Matthews post obaorvod
July Fourth with Lylos (Bonn, of
Chester, member of the State execu
tive committee, as the speaker. Mr.
Clean is well known throughout the
State. Ho is a gootl speaker and ls
Interested lu legion affairs. Carson
Hodges, member of the Stato execu
tive committee, is adjutant at St.
Matthews post and an active worker
for tho legtoa.
-Tho one-day membership drive
put on by tho Charleston post July
let increased the membership of the
post to nearly 500. Tho members
have been making a hard fight to put
tho membership a bo vd 500 this year.
At the meeting held Saturday night
following the drive refreshments
wrro served and a general get-to
gether meeting bold. Karl 10. Kvnns,
chairman of thc membership commit
tee, presided and received the re
ports. Col. Harry O. Withington, the
post commander, oxprcssod satisfac
tion at the rosall of tho drive. M. 10.
Adams, pest adjutant, won tho gold
hutton for tho largest number of
members secured.
- -The legion took tho loading part
In the Fourth of July picnic tn Col
lo lon county. Thc picnic was hell ht
Hells, several miles from Wnltorboro,
and was attended by hundreds of
people. Ivey A. Smoak, finance offi
cer of the follet?n county post, pre
sided. H. McGregor Smith, of Char-!
lesion, member of the State execu
tive committee, and Ben E. Adams,
chairman of that committee, and ad
jutant of (ho Charleston post, wore]
the speakers.
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
Unless you seo the name "Bayer"
on package or on tablets, you are not
getting the genuine Bayer product
prescribed by physicians over twen
ty-two years and proved safe by mil
lions for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Karacho Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package,
which contains proper directions.
Tinnily boxes of twelve tablets cost
few cents. Druggists also sell bot
tles of 2 I and 10 0. Aspirin is thc
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Motioned ?ca cides ter of St lit y li ea cid.
Say Bielaskl Abducted Himself,
Washington, .1 ti ly r. Reports in
Mexico City that legal proceedings
ai, contemplated by Moxie.m officials
against \ Bruce Bielaskl on charges
that ho lind connived at his own ab
duction by bandits rome.ty itenr
Cuornavaen lacked confirmation to
day ;i( tbc state Department. No
word bas come tims far, it was said,
fi om Charge Summerlin to indicate
that he had boon advised formally
or Informally by Mexican federal au
thorities that they looked ti, on tho
Bielaskl Incident with suspicion.
When Bielaskl reached Mexico!
City after hhs escape from the ban
dits ho made a full statement as to!
his experiences lo Mr. 'Summerlin,
This document, tho (h.true tele
graphed had leen placed 111 thc mail
for thc state Department. Pending
its arrival the department bas no
detailed information with regard to
Biclaski's abduction.
Subscribe for Tho Courier. (Boat)
of tito Carolinas-Tennessean Hakes
Through Some Old Records*
Haleigh, N. C., July G.-Tho Caro
linas have a good friend out in Mem
phis, Tenn., who is claiming for us
all that territory west to tho Pacific
ocean between the 31st parallel of
latitude and the 36th.
Ho thinks that by going to law
Haleigh or Columbia could become
tho capital of about half tho United
states, drawing in a dozen or more
States through the row of common
wealths between tho 31st and 36th
pt1,rall?is of latitude and including
a part of California.
Ho has been looking up somo old
grants and western titles generally,
and he discovers that these boundar
ies, set out in tho original grants to
Carolina colony by tho English gov:
ern mont back In the colonial days,
have not been changed with the or
ganization of States or through sta
tutory enactments.
The godd friend, who writes At
torney General Manning, sees In tho
Institution of a suit by Arkansas, In
volving a litigation over boundaries
and the titlo to certain lands, a bud
ding opportunity for North and
South Carolina to Jump in and grab
tho whole business. His letter sots
forth fully his contentions, and reads
as follows:
Vast. Territory Involved.
"The States of North and South
Carolina aro tho ownoros of all that
tract of country west of the Missis
sippi river, bounder' between the 31st
parallel of northern latitude, bound
ed on tho west by the Pacific ocean
and tho Gulf of California. This In
formation 1 havo had on Investiga
tion ol' Spanish grants and western
tl;les generally, but not until this
time had 1 considered it opportune
to assert this titlo.
" The State of Arkansas is now pre
paring a suit to file in the Supreme
Courl of tho Untied States, which
involves a litigation over boundaries
and tho lille to certain lands, against
tin- States of Oklahoma and Texas,
also asking tho fixing of boundaries
between tho involved territory and
.he Mexican states; and I reached
the conclusion thal it is eminently
v.ort!: while thal the states ot* North
and South Carolina intervene In this
law snit and assert tho title which
1 have mentioned, thus bringing a
small portion of their rights to lands
which 1 have mentioned for deter
mination which would control any
future litigation for lands in tho
same territory, unless the risk would
bo too great of barring further liti
gation upon the parts of the States
of North and South Carolina for the
recovery of lands which could have
boen litigated lu this Intervening
How Title Acquired.
' The States of North and South
Carolina acquired their title by tho
grant of the English government to
tao Carolina colony, which is a pro
prietary or fee simple title to the col
ony, successors and assigns. You
will also hud that tho boundaries of
tiloso Slates now limit their rights
10 public domain as provided in this
original grant mentioned. You will
also concur with mo that no statute
ot limitation can be invoked by one
sovereign against another, and that
the rights of sovereignty between
Hie States of North America was re
served as early as the federation of
the colonies and brought forward In
tho organization of our States."
The writer signs himself F. L,
Hates. The letter has been placed in
the tiles of the North Carolina Attor
ney General.
floridians Hehl on Peonage Charge.
Gainesville. Fla.. July 6.-Charg
ed wii'n peonage for tho alleged hold
ing of two negroes to work ont a
debt, three prominent naval stores
opreators of Dixie county wero to
day ordered held for tho December
term of the Federal district court
following a preliminary hearing be
fore t ailed States Commissioner A.
.1 Acosta.
Tho men. who were released on a
joint bond of $7".". are W. Austin
Brew . Moses L. Brown and YV. il.
Mathias. The hearing was started
yesterday and concluded to-day. The
alleged peonage ia said i have ex
ten,led over a period of two years.
A Austin Brown works on his pro
pel y several county convicts, it is
said, under a law whereby convicts
arc leased to property owners. The
two negroes are said io have owed
thc three men certain debts, and for
tho purpose of making collection
they were taken Into custody by W.
A. Brown and forced to work on his
properly along with the convicts.
Moses !.. Brown and Mathias are
charged With having been a party to
thc conspiracy to work tho negroes.
The throe men deny that they have
committed peonage. They wero ar
rested yesterday and a deputy United
S'ates marshal brought them here
for arraignment.
Cotton Growers to Turn Over All
Cotton Grown by Thom.
Columbia, July 5.-Members of
the South Carolina Cotton Growers'
Co-oporallvo Association Juro not re
quired to turn ovor lo pie association
any cotton grown prior to this year,
says a slateanont issued by the asso
ciation yesterday. This statement
was made, lt was said, in reply to
numerous inquirios received from all
ructions of the State.
Tho contract signed by the grow
ots, it was said, lett it optional with
tho growers as to whether they shall
turn over any cotton now on hand to
tho assoiallon. If tho grower does
not caro to turn ovor this cotton to
tho association ho muy continue to
hold it and soil it at any time, and
under any conditions ho elects. Ho
must, however, turn over all cotton
grown by him in tho years 1922,
1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926 to the
association, the statement adds.
Further progress in the solection
of tho department heads and tho per
fection of tho working force of tho
organization will be made by the
board of directors this week. Tho
board ls proceeding most care/ully,
lt was said, In the selection of all
department heads and employees,
and is making careful Investigation
in each and every instance.
Tho contract for making the nec
essary alterations in tho old Masonic
Tomplo, which is to bo occupied by
tho association, has been let, and the
association will probably movo Into
its new quarters within tho next two
Tho association will have no trou
ble in securing warehouse accommo
dations, lt was said to-day, owners
of war?, nouses in every section of the
State having offered their places to j
tho association, important announce
ments concerning warehousing ar
rangements may be expected very
shortly, it was said. '
Preparations for conducting a vig
orous campaign for new members
during tho next two months are go
ing forward rapidly. The announce
ment that tho membership books will
he reopened has boen received wit lt
enthusiasm, .1. I\ Quinorly, county
agent of Leo county, in a letter re
ceived yesterday, said that he be
lieved that r-ix thousand additional
bales could be signed in Lee county.
From almost every county comes the
word that many farmers who did not
care to sign until the boam of direc
tors had been elected, aro now ready
io pm their names on the dotted line.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly
influenced by constitutional con
MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood
Purifier. By cleansing the blood and
building up the System, HALL'S
normal conditions and allows Na
ture to do its work.
All Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheuey & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Some Greenwood I awl cs?, ness.
Greenwood, .Inly 4. - Bob Hast
ings, of tho Oak Grove section of
Greenwood county, is wounded, shot
through the arm, as a result of a
fusillade of shots fired into the house
of his father, Wes. Hastings, about
midnight Saturday night. Officers
were summoned soon after the shoot
ing, but no arrests had been made up
to this morning.
Deputy W. E. Faulkner, who went
to the scene of the shooting soon af
terward, stated this morning that it
was believed that thc shots were
fired by men whom Hastings bad or
dered away from tile house earlier in
the night.
Several pistol balts entered the
boase, but Dob Hastings was the only
one struck.
H. 1). Dobinson Demi.
it. Davis Dobinson died en .lune 17
at Iiis home in the Doyd Mill section
of Ocorieo. He was about sn years
of age and was a Confederate vet
eran, having served throughout tito
war. Dis life was spent almost en
tirely in Hie occupation of farming,
and ho was recognized as a good and
substantial citizen, who will he very
groatly missed in his home and com
munity, ile leaves several children
to mourn his ilea i ii.
On the day following his passing
away his remains were interred in
tile cemetery at New Hope, the ser
vices being attended ?ty a largo num
ber of relatives and friends.
Dry Agent is slain.
Gainsboro, Tonn., July t}.--H, J.
Lynch. 13 years of age. a Federal
prohibition officer, was shot and kill
ed near here to-dny by Finley Young,
of Gainsboro, who later carno here
land surrendered.
Governor; Harvey Not Disposed to In
terfere Extensively in tho Matter.
Columbia, July ii.-Governor Har
vey is making it very olear that ho
is not a Governor to bo easily drag
ged into promiscuous exercise of tho
pardon powter. In ja great (many
cnses tho Governor has been urged
to extend executive clemency, and
in evory singlo caso since he became
Governor has turnud a deaf ear, stat
ing that it is not his duty to upset the
decisions of courts. In some oases he
has referred such petitions to the
pardon board, but on none of thom'
lias any action yet been taken.
In ono unusual instance rocoutly
a solicitor asked the Governor to
parolo, during good behavior, a pris
oner in tho penitentiary, .tho solici
tor advising tho Governor that when
tho criminal was indicted he pleaded
guilty, on tho solicitor's statement
that he would use his influence in
having the Govornor shorten the sen
tence If tho man made a good pris
oner. The prisoner's conduct has
been good. He has served twelve
months of his year and a half sen
tence, and the solicitor has asked
the Governor to parole the man dur
ing good behavior.
This has been done in other years,
but Governor Harvey has advised the
solicitor that while he does not want
to embarrass him, still he does not
feel that ho could extend domeney
in such a caso and thon turn dow~n
other petitions signed by prominent
citizens in many cases. However, the
Governor advises the solicitor that
ho has referred the matter to Wie
pardon board for investigation.
Various prisoners, some under ssn
ienco of death, have appealed to Mr,
Harvey for clemency, but tho Gov
ernor has not as yet exercised this
authority. He says he does not pro
pose to unless there is strong ground
for parole or pardon.
In one case recently n solicitor
wired tho Governor and asked that
he pardon a negro who had complet
ed his terni, that he might testify
against two white men then on trial.
The Govornor did a little investigat
ing and fourni that tho negro was
under arrest a second time and then
was in the county jail. He promptly
declined to issue tho pardon.
Al Clemson July 20-Coonee, Pick
ens and Anderson Counties.
Tlie Iri-county encampment, or
short course, for the boys' agricul
tural clubs of Oconce. Dickens and
Anderson counties will bo held at
Clemson Collego July 20. 21 and 22.
All of the members of the agricultu
ral clubs of the three counties are
invited to attend this meeting. The
purpose of the meeting is to have a
good time, and at the same time to
learn something useful about agri
culture. Visits will be made to tlie
experiment station, tho dairy barns,
the creamery, hog and cattle barns,
vineyard and other places of interest
about Clemson College, as well as
the Calhoun mansion and Old Stone
Church. There will be free use of
the swimming pool, athletic field, free
motion pictures, and free concerts by
wireless telephone. All told, this will
be three days filled with jolly good
times for the boya of these counties.
The original plan was for each of
the boys lo take enough food to last
him the entire time-chickens, eggs,
fatback, etc., but Prof. Henry, who
has charge of the encampment, has
agreed to furnish all of the food
necessary for each boy while there,
have it prepared by the collego cooks
and served in the dining hall, except
that each boy is required to bring
two frying-sized chickens with him.
Diing the chickens alive and they
will be dressed at the college.
It is hoped that there will be at
least 200 boys in attendance from the
three counties. In each of the three
counties there are slightly less than
100 boys in tho agricultural clubs,
thc county memberships being nearly
equal-about 300 In all. The meet
ing will be in the nature of a real
vacation to most of the boys, many
of whom have never had au oppor
tunity to enjoy such a vacation.
Americans Have Fourth in London.
London. July 1.- .More American
tourists were in London to-day than
cn any fourth of July since before
the war. and they celebrated the
event ns if at home, with the excep
tion of reading the Declaration of In
dependonce and shooting fireworks.
The netallie event of tlie day was
?. big reception at tho home of ll.
Cordon Selfridge at Lansdowne
House, which was loaned to Ambas
sador and .Mrs. Harvey so that visit
ing Americans and Londoners could
meet Chief Justice William Howard
Taft, of the United States Supreme
Court, and Mrs. Taft.
The First civil'marriage In the Uni
ted States is. said to have been per
formed at Plymouth in 1021.
-ww \V. MV. >..'.< .'?*.>** *iv>"
AVERY good
price. Just I
Fisk extra value. J
Premier Tread as
-compare with c<
you will find extri
resiliency in the
proves Fisk Qual
common-sense bu
There's a Fisk Tire of
for car, truck
Claimed Ago was 110 Years.
Greenwood, July 4.- Believed to
have been the oldest person in this
section, Betsy Wardlaw, a negro wo
man, who claimed to have been 1 1 0
years of age, died yesterday at her
home at Downs, in this county. She
h.ad no record to substantiate her
(daim, but said she had nursed Mrs.
A. H. Lomax, ot' ibis city, when Mrs.
Lomax was a small child. Mrs. Lo
max is now 92 yt;;) rs of age.
Tho old neg no woman had always
been emphatic in her declarations
that site was born in is 12, and those
who knew her believed she was cor
rect in her statement about her age.
Habitual Constipation Cured
In 14 to 21 Days
.LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially
prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual
Constipation. It relieves promptly but
should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days
to induce regular action. It Stimulates and
Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60o
per bottle.
Man Uncased in Liquid Iron.
Philadelphia, Pa., July 4.-A hood
of moiton iron poured over Andrew
Poltarak, a laborer in tho Midvale!
Steel Works, in such a manner to
day that his entire body was encased
In hard metal when the cool air
reached it. He wlil be burled In his j
iron shell. Poltarak was sboveling ?
beneath a furnaco when a plug loos- J
cued. I
One step, and then another,
And the longest walk is ended;
One stitch, and then another, ?
And the longest rent is mended; !
One brick upon another,
And tho highest wall ls made;
Ono flake ripon another,
And the deepest snow is laid.
Then do not look disheartened
On the work you have to do,
And say' that such a task
You never can get through;
But Just endeavor, day by day,
Another point to gain,
And soon the mountain which you
Will prove to be a plain.
A new giant plane in Uncle Sam's
air fleet is equipped to carry four
tens of bom h.s.
How ?I or ton s yon will feel, rn ot brr,
tvhen your rhfumatlnm IR all if ono, Ix>t
6. B. 8. do lt. It will build you op, tool
tire at a very low
mother instance of
ls true with the Fisk
with the Fisk Cord
smpetitive tires and
a size, strength and
Fisk. Comparison
lityj it also proves
extra value in every size,
or speed wagon
Several Meetings Als? Arranged for
County Candidates in Oeonec.
Sumter, Monday, July 17.
Bishopville, Tuesday, July is.
Darlington, Wednesday, July 19.
Honnotlsvillo, Thursday, July 20.
Chesterfield, Friday, July 21,
Florence, Saturday, July 22.
Conway, Monday, July 2 1.
Marion Tuesday, July 2.">.
Dillon, Wednesday, July 26.
Kingstreo, Thursday, July 2 7.
Georgetown, Friday, July 2S.
Manning Saturday, July 29.
Camden, Monday, July 31.
Lancaster, Tuesday, Aug. 1.
York, Wednesday, Aug. 2.
Winnsboro, Thursday, Aug. 3.
Chestor, Friday, Aug.
Union, Saturday, Aug. 5.
(Rest eight days.)
Newberry, Monday, Aug. 14.
Greenwood, Tuesday, Aug. 15.
Laurens, Wednesday, Aug. 16.
Abbeville Thursday, Aug. 17.
McCormick, Friday, Aug. IS.
Anderson, Saturday, Aug. 19.
Walhalla, Monday, Aug. 21.
Dickens, Tuesday, Aug. 22.
Greenville, Wednesday, Aug. 23.
Gaffney, Thursday, Aug. 24.
Spartan burg, Friday, AUB. 2 5.
Coonee Candidates' Meetings.
Campaign meetings for the Oconeo
county candidates have been arrang
ed for by the County Executive Com
mittee. (Oilier meetings may bo had
if citizens of other sections apply to
the County Executive Committee for
same. Write tho secretary, D. A.
Smith, concerning same, or to James
H. Drown, County Chairman.)
Oak way.Aug. 5.
Long Creek.Aug. ll.
Westminster.Aug. 12.
Seneca.Aug. 19.
Salem.Aug. 2 5.
Walhalla .Aug. 26.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
stops the Cough and Headache and works off the
Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature ou each box. 30c.
Remember thai your faithful work
animal gets no more benefit from a
drink of sun-wanned water than you
would get otu of the same kind.
sm at 60
S. S. S. Thoroughly Rid* the Body ci
Rheumatism I inpurities.
Somebody's mother is suffering to
night I Tho scourge- of rhcumatlam
lins wrecked her body; limping and
Suffering, bent forward, sho socs but
tho common ground, but her agod
heart still belongs to tho starsl Does
anybody mre? S. S. H. ls ono of tho
[greatest blood-purl?lora known, and it
h ol pa build moro blood cells. Its med
icinal Ingredients aro purely vegeta
ble. It never disarranges tho stomach.
It ls, In fact, a splendid tonic, n blood
maker, a blood enricher. It banishes
rheumatism from joints, muscles and
tho entiro body. It builds firm rican.
It ia what Bomobody's mothor nooda
tonight! Mother, if you can not KO
out to got a bottlo of S. 8. 8. yourself,
surely somebody in your family will.
Bomobody, got a bottlo of S. S. S. now!
Lot somebody's mothor begin to fool
Joyful again tonight Maybo, maybo
lt's your mothort S. 8. 8. la sold at
nil drug stores, In two sizes. Tho
larger Blzo is tho moro economical.

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