LAWS OF THE STATE. Laws Passed and Approved at tub Session op 1875-76. An Aot to prohibit County Treas- ( nreis from charging commissions i on School Funds paid out by them, i Bo it cnacted by tho Sonato and j Ilonso of Representatives of the(r Stato of South Carolina, now mot and , sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the earne: Section 1. That from and after the nnRRftfro of this ao.t. any eonntv trea?i i d > j y uror who shall demand or recoivo any commissions for paying out tlio echool funds paid out by him from tho person charged with receiving them, or shall charge any person commissions on the same, tho couuty treasurer so offending shall bo deemed guilty of a misdomeanor, and, on conviction, shall bo fitiod not less than fifty dollars for each such offence, or bo imprisoned for a poi iod not less than three mouths. See. 2. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act bo, and the eonio aro hereby, repealed. Approved March 2-1, 187G. An Act to authorize Trial Justices to grant New Trials. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ot the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by fho JinMinrittf nf Hm Riimn Section 1. That any trial justice court of this Stale shall have power fo grant a now trial in any caBe tried in the said court for reasons wliic'i new trials havo usually been granted fu the courts of law of tbo United States: Provided, however, The caso tried shall only bo heard and tried anew by the trial justice before whom the case shall first be tried. Sec. 2. That no motion for a new trial shall bo heard unless made with in fivo days from the rondering of the judgment. Sec. 3. That tho right of appeal from the judgment shall exist for five days after tho refusal of a motion for a new trial. Approved February 24, 187G. An Act to amend Section 21, Chapiter 129, of Iho General Statutes, relating to obstructing Ilivers or Crocks. Be it enacted by the Senate and II0U60 of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sit* ting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: Section 1. That Section 24, Chapter, 129, of tho General Statutes of South Carolina, be amended so as to read aa follows: "Whoever shall cut down, throw or fall, or causo to be cut down, thrown or fallen into any river or creek or cut in the State any timber or tree, and shall leave the eaiu .mber or trees in such river, " creek or cut for the space of eight and forty hours, eh all bo doemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof beforo a trial justice or other propor officers having i ii I'iurI ir*11nn in unnli naona almll j ua luutvvivti ita ouvil OUOUCj DllrtH Ub lined not exceeding twenty five dollars, or imprisoned notoxceoding ton days, tho line in such cases to bo disposed of for tlio bonefit of tbe poor of tho country where the oH'onco was committed. Approved February 9, 1870. An Act concerning hawkers and peddlers. Bo it cnac'od by tho Senate and Ilouso of Representatives of tho State of South Carolina, now met any sitting in General Assembly, aud by tho authority of tho same: Scction 1. That before any hawks er or peddler shall expose to sale, or sell any goods, wares or merehau~ dieo in any county in this State, such hawker or peddler shall first apply to tho Clork of tbo Court of Common Pleas and General Sossions of such county for a licenso for tho salo of his or hor goods, wares or tnoichan* disc, and tho said Clerk, upon tho payment to him by such iiawkor or poddlor of tho sum of ten dollars, shall thereupon issue to such hawker or peddler a lieenso, authorizing tho said hawkor or poddlor so to expose to sftlo, and sell such goods, vvaros, r morchandiso within tlio limits of tho comity wheroinsuch license shall bo grantod lor the torm of 0110 year from tho date thereof and no longer. Sec. 53. That such license, so grautod as aforesaid, shall not bo construed to authorize or permit any otUer person to Bell or expose to 6alo any eoods. wares and maro.lmndiftn oxoont I d 9 r " 1 . tho person to whom and in whoso natno it shall have been issued; that i it shall not bo lawful to transfer such 1 license by assignment, delivery, or I otherwise, so as to enable any other ; person to use it for Buch purpose. Sec. 3. That if any hawkor or peddlor from and aftor tho passage of this act shall sell or oxposo to sale any goods, wares or merchandise in anv eountv i:i this Rtiito. without Iinv ing obtained a license for that pur? | ])080 according to tho provisions of this act, ho or sho shall bo doomed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall bo punished by imprisonment in tho county jail for a term of one month or a lino of fifty dollars, or, both at tho discretion of tho court. Sec. 4. That tho provisions of this act shall not extend to vendors oi fruit trees, maps, newspapors, magazines, books, vegetables, tobacco, provisions of any kind, or agricultur ai products, or the products ot nurseries, or to sales by samples by por? sons travelling for established commercial houses, or to sales cf staple articles manufactured in this Siato. Sec. 5. That all monies collected under tho provisions of this act shall be turned ovor to tho county tieasuroi'8 of tho several counties to be applied to school purposes. Sec. G. That all acts and parts oi acts inconsistent with this act, be and tho same are hereby repealed. This act shall nut take elfect until ninety days after its passage. A n.x.nt.n.l ^ l5 *7 .?1 LM V/U JL' UUI lltUJ i5-?) J-OJO. An Act to amend Section 1 of Chapter L ot (lie General Statutes, relating to Fences. Bo it enacted by the Senate and J House of Representatives ot the Siate1 of Smth Carolina, now met and siiting in General Assembly, and by the authority ol the same: Sectiun 1. That {Section 1 of Chapter L of the General Statutes of South Carolica be, and tlie same ia hereby, amended by striking out tno word i "freeholders," occurring on iho| tweltli lino, and inserting in l:ou I thereof tlio words "taxpayoihor legal voters." Among tlio Presidential gossip here is a story which lias causcd some quiet laughter. Somo of Jud^e Jere' Black's Iriends wore anxious that tho Ponnyalvania Democratic Convention should rcccomnicnd him io I ho National Convention as a Presidential candidate, but the Con 4! Jf 1 ? 1 ^ vtjiiuon uiu uoc ao so. bomo (Jays aftor it adjourned, the story goos, Judge Black happened to meet Judge David D.ivie, now frequently mon? lioned as a Democratic candidate in spile of his being an old line Whig. "You ought to bo very good to mo. Judge,' said Black to Davie, 'because I am not a candidate." "But you remain a good Democrat?" said Davis^ "Certainly," replied Black, "and therein liws the difference between you and me, Judge. I am a Democrat, but not a candidate, and you n nr. ? -11.1 - ?~ v niu i? v/?uuiuaiV) uill IltJl il i.^CtlK>s crat." A roccnt marriage notioo onds with tho singular expression, probably added by a waggish friend, "May their iuturo troubles be little ones." ? A Minnesota lady, in taking her morning gapo lately, put lior jaw out of joint, and it was two days before tho doctor could got it in place a> rican, Messrs. Mi nn & wnrlil Mam than lifty thousand applications liavc been made fur patents through their agency. Patents arc obtained on the best terms, Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined and advice free. A special notice is made in I he SI'lKNTl IMG AM Kill (JAN of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence . C. .Inn ((. IKTti 1H PICKED COjmjiRSCTORY, Senator?H E Bowcn. Representative?\) F Brftdloy. Clerk of Court?S I) Keilli. Judge of I'l-ohutr?I II lMlilpot. Sheriff-?J Hilcy Ferguson. Coroner?Wnrrcn Iloyil. School Commissioner?H \ Ho wen Treasurer?IT A Loslej. Auditor?Aloi'zo M Folger. Count// Commission!rs?John T flossed, Chuirnuin?Hub >t Criiig, U M Lynch. Clerk Counly Commissioner', C L llolliugsworih. Trial Justice*?Eonley, Luke I. Ariuil?Su< lubrity, J 1$ Clayton?Cenbral, James A Liddell?Pickens C II., C L Ilollingaworth and G W Taylor?Dacusville, J 15 Sutherland S U B S C It I B I'] FOit 1'IIli PICKENS ailEL (Il0^a('ay gunrftnlcod using our WKLIj p/jf) AUOHII& J>1UIJ,8. $100 n month paid to good ngentH. Auger JJook free. Jilt Auger Co., 81. Louis, Mo. j CONFEDERATE Kills, Bonds nn?l T'osfnj^c Slumps Wanted.? Si for rarest liillf, ?10 for rurost Blimps II will ji.' v to ji n'1 tlicin immediately. Also llioro uriositii Aim ri.. hi Hi rniip Co., liox i ((lo, Now Vork. l)oc 2 44 4 INTERMEDIATE CLASS. 1st Term?Spelling and Heading continued: Geography continued; Introducing English Grammar; Elements of Written Arithmetic; Exercises in Writing. '2d Term?Spelling and Heading continued; Elements of Written Arithmetic completed; Intermediate Geography comploted; Analytical English Grammar; Primary U. S. History; Exercises in Writing. PEN10U CLASS. tsl Term?English Grammar completed; Phy? sical Geography; Gommon School Arithmetic; Towns Analysis of Words; 2d Term?Greene's; Analysis of English Language; Arithmetic 1 continued; Smaller Composition; Higher U. S. History. P It E P A H A TO 11Y DEP A11TM ENT. JIIKIoft CLASS. 1st Term Latin Grammar and Harkness' Eirst Latin Hook; Latin Reader; Davics' Algebra; I History of England. 2d Term?Four Books of Crosar; Arnold's scc?nd Lsil in Hook on Analysis of the Latin Sentence; Greek Grammar; Kondrick's Greek Ollendorff; Greek Reader; Dnvies' Algebra completed; Natural Philosophy. 1 NTIlllMBI>1 ATE CI.ASS. Is!, Term?Six Looks of Virgil; Greek Header completed; l'lain Geometry; Higher Composition and llhctoric. 2d Term?Sallitsl's Catalino & Jugurtha; Xenoplion's Anabasis; Higher Algebra commenced; Solid and Spherical Geometry completed; Chemistry. SENIOR CLASS. 1st. Term?Ciccro'sSelect Orations; Xenopbona Memorabilia; Trigonometry and Surveying; I Roman History* Latin l'roso Composition. ; 2d Term?Horace en tire; "Six Books of the Iliads; Greek Prose Composition; Algebra completed; Astronomy. MM - - I .11 uuuvu win prepare can j (1 idates for admission into the Sofiio| mokk Class of any of our Southern lOolleyeH. Students, who do not stand a salisfactory examination upon tho sovoral studios ol cuch class, will not b?- allowed the privilege to advance to ' tho next higher, hut be retained in such clai.s, till all the studies ol' it bo ' satisfactorily completed. 'Tuition of Pimmauy Department vek term. Junior Class, - - 810.00 ! Intermediate Class, - 12.60 i Senior " - . 15.00 j Preparatory Dopartinont, 20.00 No deduction will bo made for lost j time except from prolonged sickness. ! Monthly i cporta of punetulily, doportinent, and recitations in caon stu !dy, will ho i'urninlicd puronts. J. 11. ('AHLISL10, Principal. Dec. 1875 17 tf Agents Wanted For the Fumn/r a tmI ^ narrative of tho oxploits, adtat lV|1|1,lireH ftU(l 'ravels of MadI t> * rri'rr 17 11,1,0 ,T> VKLA8QUKZ, other_wiao known as LT. HARRY T. liUFFoltD, G- S. A. A True Southern Heroine. Edited by C, J. WORTIUNGTON, Into U. >S. Navy. M ADAM E VELASQUEZ, disguised as n Confederate officer, participated in a number of the hardest fought battles of tho late war, and greatly distinguished herself by the extraordinary valor bIio displayed. She alsc distinguished herself as a I SPY. AND SECRET SERVICE AOENT, and on numerous occasions ran through tin Federal lines and olftained information of vital importance (o the Confederate coin mandcra. Obtaining admission behind tho SCENES AT WASHINGTON, slio established confidential relations will prominent Federal officials; was concerned i the great BOND SWINDLE, by which tho United States Treasury suffered to the extent of millions of dollars; was actively engaged in blockado-runing, and ir encouraging SUBSTITUTING AND BOUNTY FRAUDS by which the work of recruiting tho Fedora armies was so seriously impeded; and was the heroine of a number of exploits even mor< interesting than thoso of the battle lield. I also contains n history of her Mining on th< Pacific Slope, her Travels in Europe, Soutl America, and among the Mormons, Love Courtship, Marriage, etc. The above facts aro substantiated by lead i.W# ....... Kr.ll. Us...11. nn/l ...1 .!-! IMKUIV?I MUUvn ?VII\1 iiwnil WHO jmniui paled. No book of such varied and intensi interest an the Woman in Hattle lias ever bcci issued in America. Agents wanted in every county in tin United States. Agents can make more mone; by canvassing for (his book than any others as it in the cheapest as well as the best sel ling Agents' book ever published. The boo] is a largo octavo roli^ie of over 000 pages profusely illustrated. Wo print, bind am publish out* own books; hence, can allow larg er commissions than any other house. Secur your cnoioe or forritory at onco. Addrutis SobHImtji R*nl?lisliiii|^ 'o. (J OR. I'ltYOW AN1> M ITlillKIiti StHKKTS ATLANTA, GEORGIA. JftnO, 1S70 18 3 Law N? Canal St., from Sixth to Smymh**, RICHMOND, : : VIRGINIA. ?iJN ttiJN JS?. Portable and Stationary* Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Boilers, Casting* ?t Brass and Iron, Forgings, &o. A It CIIITECTURALE IRON WORK, In nil its branches, done by experienced hands * IMPROVED PORTADL ENGINES fet driving Co'ton Gins, Threshing Machines, Separators, Grist Mills, &c. A number of Bccond-hand Engines and Boilers of Ynrloua patters, in first rate order, on hand. Repair work solicited an?l promptly done. WIT P n' A MML'D . flA "^1 ?? AH. Xi. Oct 14, 7 ly THE <5 It EAT CAUSE or " EBI9BIAI9',.:EQBS&ftY. Just Published, in a Scilcdmi Envelope. JPrit$ Six Cents. ^ A Lccturo on the Nature, Treatment, And Radical euro of Seminal Weakness, or Sp*r? matorrhooa, induced by Self-Abuso, Inroluntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervoue D?% bility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fiti; / Mental and Physical Incapacity, &o.?By ROBERT J. CCJLVERVTELL, M. D., anther of the "Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, in this adml? ramo ljeciuro, clearly proves irom 1?1b own cxpcricncc that (he nwful consequences tf Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without. medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or *" cordials; pointing out a mode of cure nt one* ccrlnin and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, raay euro himself cheaply; privately and radically. * This Lecture will prove ft boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under Beal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on rcceipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. P. B RUG MAN & SON, <11 Ann St., New York; Post Office Box, 45S&. ftp (5, 187G <11 ^ NOTICE. ^ ? I take this method of informing my friend? . that I will bo found in my office on eaoh SATURDAY, for the purpose of transacting any business that comes under my juriudi** lion. As my duties as School Commissioner will compel inc to be absent in different parts of llie county, I make this special appointment for the benefit of all concerned. It. A. IIOWEN, ? no2;j-ly Scool Commissioner AN OUTFBT FREE. " I WEJwnnt some one in every county te take orders and deliver goods for tbe old and original C. (). 1). House. I.urge e&ah wages. Splendid chance in every ncighber noon lor tlie right person of cither sex, young or old. Samples, free tuul post paid. Hena for it ftt onco and nmkc money !it your hoiaai. Address, II. J. IIALL & CO. .6 N. Howard ? Street, Balsimore, Md Oot2I, 187G K 8m Fits and Epilepsy , POSITIVELY CUllED. The worst cases of tho longest standing, by using Dn. Huiidakd's Cure. 1 It lias iirc ItillKlH f i lire indorsed by the most eminent physicians in the world for the cure of rheumatism, neural gift, liver eomplaiut, dyspepsia, kidney J disense, ftches, pains, nervous disorders, fits, 1 fenmlo complaints, nervous ftnd general debility, and other chronic diseases of the ohest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood.? Book with full particulars free by Voltft Belt Co , Cincinnati, O. . A FARM OF YOUR OWN ?IB? ; THE BEST REMEDY FOR HARD TIMES! * , T TT j .1 _ .iriee nomesi.t^-uis ? x>* K/ ?AND TII K ? Bent and Cheapest Railroad Land ARK ON Til K LINK Or TilK * Union Pacific Kuilrontl, IN NEBRASKA. Securoa Homo now. Full information Rent frco to fill parts of I lie worlil. /lddreits O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. It. r., Omaha, Neb. ? 1 ? (hr to Pcr