OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, November 11, 1886, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. I ICKENS, S. C., T1it ISI)AY, NOVEMBER 11, 1886. NO.7.
A PLUbI'1C At (' El'1 ' lY.
11o1\' Tiii ('A\i1'IT IGllt;li .\ I'% l:LH
M \'\'.K ('ini'.t:it.
TIe Old Step)ping- Itone" to t.' I'reletd tr)
Turued to n -urn+ t(ost to (Iblltt - Is n't 'hr
o itM iZliginI1g 1?tTtitecs.
(Letter to the New Yeic Sun.)
VASINoTON, November 2.--From the
time of Jolin Adams until the adittinis
tration of Audrew Jackson, the Cabinet
was the stepping-stone to the Presiden
cy. Jeflerson, Madison, Monroc, and
John Quincy Adams had beeti Secreta
ries of State. Van Baren, though he
had the portfolio of the State depart
ment during Jackson's first tert, stcppted
front the Vice-President'" choir in tlho
Senate chamber to the head of the talle
in the White House. With a single cx
cuption of Buchanan, no man since \'an
Barn's time has been elected to the
Presidency who had previously served
in a Cabinet, though (Geinenl Crant had
been in charge of the War I )epartient.
temporarily durint .1 ohnttson's athtititts
tration. A number of vv al ie metn
who hiad served as ('albinet ollicers were
nonuated for the Presidency. Clay,
Crawford, Webster, Ca-s and iBlaine
were of this number, anti were all do
fented. Indeed, for very mnty years it
has seemed as much of a iairier in the
way to the White house to have been a
Cabinet member as to halve served in the
Senate. No man hatts ever Ieen chosen
President from among the eutlors, at d
since Lincoln's tune no one has either
beeti nominated or elected who had at
any previous time in his ear t served in
the Senate. More Itd more i he tentden
cy seems to be toward getting as neat
the people as possihlte in choosing (atn
didates for the executive ele. 'Th'e
history of the career of Cab.inet oflicers
for the last half cctii ury serems to indi
rate not only tlst the olet is almost
fatal to any hiigher aspirations, lut,
most remnar)ably, Itas culmtinated the
political careers of nearly all those who
have acted as advisers for the ['resident.
If the record of those who have been
Cabinet otlicers shows anythiing, it indi
eates that a seat in the Cabinet is the
climax of thie public life of those wlto
hold it. Not always, but in nearly all
cases, this can be shown to I trite.
The historian, (eorg;e I;:tn";ft, is the
only living representtative of at adibin
istration prior to 1850. Banc.oft was an
original mtemlber of 1rt"idint ['olk's
1 Cabinet, taking the 0ti1e t.ariy forty
years ago. .1t was the elitmat of .lan
croft's political enrecr, alt tough he
afterwards represented the t;"'verntent
at one of the E;uropean (outr, an honor
which lie was induced to :a ei:t mainly
because of the opportunity a tordetl
for historical research. With an excep
tion of one or two of the mtetmbers 01
Mr. lttchanun's Cabinet, wIto esiotuScl
the Confederate side, the t are none
alive, and of Mr. ,incolt'; original
Cabinet only one is left with es. This is
General Cameron, who, thot.hi iii his
88th year, retains his leennes, of intel
lect and his accurate poer ot jtdging
men and event:. ( General Camerotn
ervet' in the Stmate, it is it , for twoi
terms after he retired frt,nt .1iincoln's
Cabinet, but had 1een a Sezator four
teen years before he enter td. lie had
been a possible candidate for the Presi
dency in 1MO.
Who can tell to-day who composed
Atdy ,Jolnson's Calblitet? Evarts, to be
sure, held the olice of Attorney-General
for a short time, antd Evarts Itus since
served as Secretary of State utnder
llayes, anid doutless regatr.s a conttti
etnationi of events ats posile int the
future which will permit himt to deliver
an intuigural on the etast steps of the
capitol twvo and half years hence. Bit
where arc the others? McCull ou gh hits
been temporary Secretary- of the Treasu
ry agtim, bitt ontly to fill an enmer::ency
that occurred duritng Arthunr's adtminis
Of General Grant's first Cabitt.
Watshburn, whio has smtee dreamned of
being Prlesidenit, cultivates a life of
elegantt leisurte itn Jinutois. Hatmilton
Fishi is livitng in retirement in New York.
Geaorge iBoutwell is practicinig petty lawv
b'efore [lie Court of Claims mali in the
T1retasury DI eptartment, over which hte
utsed toi preside. Ebienczer lM. hloar is
prac.ticing law ini 1ostoni. his caee in
the Catbinet was such thtat thle Setnate
would ntot conirtm his niomntion for
Chief Ju tstice of the Suiprette bteh.
Scor Robeson is a political bantkrupt
and a petty lawyer ini Camdnetn. Colum
bus Delano is ta farmer in O htio, Bristow
a lawyer in New York, and Ithe only one
of thtenm all who has tnow au place of cont
seqitenice and1( honoer is D)otn Camerontt,
ntow ia United Stattes Sentator, whlo for at
few months wits G eneral Grnt's Secre
tary of War. Belknap wits distmissed ini
Whatt shill be said of llayety's bogits
Cabintet? With the exceptioni of Evttrtls
and(1 Sherman, every onie of them hats
lttpsed into ohbscurtity. IKven Carl
Shutrz's whetreabouts ate unknhiown. Me
Creery is at justice in onme of the Western
United States (districts. D events is a
State judge in Massachuset ts. tey is a
United States judge int onte tof the Sottht
ern districts. Schutrz Iizz,led as a news
paper editor, flatted as a mugwump antd
lecturer, and is believed to lie earinim
an hnumble living itn some raiilwaiy couti
paniy's employ. Tihonmpson is believed
to boecarmngl a livinig as countstel for
Lessops; little (lofl, who succeeded
Tihiompson, is a memiber of the lowet
house, antd a very ifconsphitctuus one.
* ~Of Gartield's Cabitnot, Mr. Bllainie, of
course, has at possible futtuire- hut hti
old Kirkw,ood is forgotten, exeept by hi.
nieightboti ng farmors ini Jownt, andu they
tare goitmg to) send huna back toco
Wayne McVeagh is practicinig tin
P htiladelphiau; General ,Jarnies is a bnk
er in New Y ork; Imeioltn is tt latwyer in
Chictago, tand Windlom is trying~ to make
a fututro mi New Yoik. lie sutfored ab
solute 1polit ical b ankruptey ont accoun t
of his short career mt the ( ainnet. Ihttni
is dead.
Ghenoral Arthur's Cab intit hats otnly ow
represctativo inow ini pui~ if h e. 'Tellet
was fortiuate nmotugh to step from thu
.fnterior IDepartmctnt inito the Sente, bit
with all thme snulposed infhoietme of th1,i
Navy Depatrtmet Secretary Chatndhet
three times failed to seure eleetion as
Untited States Senator.
Som,e F,enturen of liwe I,hn of Meu Va ho Ivorkn
liard to Good I'urposes.
''low long do stokers live?" asked a o
Tribune reporter of an engineer of one a
of the swiftest ocean racers that ply be
tween this country and England.
''As long as anybody," was the unex
pectcd roply.
''how do they like their work?"
"If they don't like their work, they
get out; there are plenty willing to take Si
their places," was the answer. But it is
hard to persuade the average liandsnian t"ii
that the stoker's life is not shortened by Vc
constant exposure to the extremes of fo
temperature. 'T1'ram- t lantic passengers
who have braved thieintense heatt of the fu
furnaces and visited the lire room won- bi
dCr how men cani endure such a lite even hi
for a voyage. '1'he stokers work four of
hours at a stretch, hemned in between fo
two long lines of furnaee; that keep the "
teiperature ordinarily at 120 degrees, l
sometimes -endidg it as high as 160.
The space between the furnaces is so Ii
iarrow that when the men throw in coal 'T]
they must take care when they swing a
back their shovels, lest they should burn
their arms on the furnaces behind theni. to
'1'he only means of ventilation is one
large air pipe that reaches down into the "'
centre of the stokers' quarters, and on I
a big steamer the men have to take the g
air in batches. On a great ocean steam- in
er like the Umbria, the men com on in to
gangs of eighteen stokers and twelve
coal passers, and the "watch" lasts four 11
hours. The Umbria has 72 furnaces, th
which require nearly 350 tons of coal a
day, at a cost of almost .20,000 per voy
age. One hundred and four men are m
employed to man the furnaces, and they
have enough to do. 'T'hey include the li
chief engineer, his three assistants, and te
ninety stokers and coal passers. T
'Tlhe stoker comes on to work wearing
only a thin undershirt, light trousers sc]
and wooden shoes. On the Uimbria each sa
stok."r tends four furnaces, lie first
rakes open the furnaces, tosses in the an
coal, and then cleans the fire; that is, hi
priea the coal apart with a heavy iron di(
bar, in order that the lire may burn free- ro
ly. Ile rushes from one furnace to ag
another, spending perhaps two or three pr
niinutes at each. Then he dashes to the
air pipe, takes his turn at cooling oil; m
and waits for another call to his furnace, to
which comes speedily. Wlheii the do
''watch'" is over, the men shullL oil,
dripping with sweat from head to foot, ii
through long, cold galleries to the fore- di
castle, where they turn in for eight
_hours. Four hours of scorching and Yo
eight hours' sleep make up the routine oV
ofi a stoker's life oin a voyage.
he reporter iraii across a group of so
stokers in West Street, and lad a chat tlh
with one of theni. 'J went to sea as a
coal passer when I was fourteen years pe
old,'' he said. '''hen I got to be a thi
stoker, and 1 am now twenty-eight." WI
'hime speaker was about six feet iii height,
and weighed 180 poiinds or more. His lic
face was ruddy with health, and his eyes so
beamed with good nature. i s robust Si
appearance was in strong contrast to that
of sonic of his mates who had just land- of
ed from a voyage, a paile, streaked out, if
listless-looking set of nen. hr
"How do we stand the work? Well sli
enough if we get plenty to eat. But the do
work is terribly hard, all the same. It dii
conies hardest, of course, on those who lia
don't follow it regularly. They are the
fellows who get played out so hadly. .1 wi
heard once of a young English doctor de
who came over here on a visit, lie got p1
out of money, and was that proud that -W
he wouldn't send home for some. So lie
he worked his way back as a stoker, and tei
got a sickness that he c. uld never get (
rid of. But if we get plenty to eat, and lii
take care Qf ourselves, we are all right. Cl
hIere's a mate of mine nearly seventy mi
years- (old, who has been a stoker all his oi
life, and can do as good work as I can. wai
S tokers never have the conisumpltion,
aiid rairely catch icold."
"'Why do you appear more healthy
than the other men here?" asked the re
'"Well, 1 have been oni land now about
two weeks, and these mina just caine oil
the ship. Youi see, when we Iiniish our (h
watch at the furnaces, we are just cover-se
ed with sweat, dirt and oil, and we have wl
to wash the stall oil' with warm water. wh
WVashiing so nmehl with warmi water gives
us that streaked out look that makes (Ii
Ieop)le think we aire being killed with
consump)tioni. But after we have bieen thi
on land three or four days that. look dis;
appe)ars, iandi the men look natural v'a
again. We get more ventilation than er'
the old tiniers Used to get, but we (don't er
have any too iuuch. .1 tell you, whelin I <gl
used to go down into the tropcjics I wl
wanted to kceep undler the air pipe all .1 tii
could. Now .1 go to England and back, tit
and have four furnaces to ten<d. Four B.
hours is just about as much as wve can wvi
stanid before the fires. It uses sonmc of mi
the men up so badly that when the ib
watch is over they can just crawl to the r'a
forecashle, and throw themselves on thciir to
bunks wit]hout washing a bit. But oth- It
t'is of us don't mind it so munch. WVe th
heat ouri water, take a wash, iind then <1i
have a pipe or' two before turining in.'' el
"W\hiat (do we eaitt,and drink?"'w
"W'e have hash, all thle oatmeal we ial
waniti, coffee and other good things.'' ai
"'How about the girog?" fu
'Well, the fact is that the grog waso
knocked off about eight years ago on
the Eiiglishi and Anierican lines. The b(
tuthI is the men21 got druniik too niuelh
and grog did thenm much hiarni. When o
1 used2( to take my grog I'd woik just
like a lion while the effects lasted,. I'd 0
throw ini coal like a giant aiid not mind
tIe heat. a hit.; but w~hien it work'led of'f,
asi it hid ini a veriy f(ew, minutes, I was
th at weak th at a chiih 1(1ould1( ipset mie. h
T1ak. a mani dtead drunk 1before the fires,
and the heat woul siber him oil' in half
ani hour'(I or vive him a stroke of i
apopexy 'I Frnchlines silgive rat
on theiir shiips filled wvitlhabraidy, rin
aid wine, all for th stokeris. 'The'
Frienchi aie great fellow; for thati. '.1'he~.ir
men look strong, but I thinko i nmst &
Iiutrt theam. We ge t groig icsaionally"
now when we are hiavinig a race, and "'
theni wo 'play it..' - rieiiinher one race h4
wve hiad about a year ago with at 1)coin
ion mail steamier. She got ablud andIO
our capltaini was mighty aitxiouso to heait
her. So lie sent down grog to us5, and1 i
tol us to fire up like mad. Well, w' hi
did until we learnedt thait we were aliend1. a
'hen we took a rest. Down conies tIhe o
ciaptmniu with another lot of grog. 'liire 1.1
her up, b)oys,' yells he, and we 'did tfire
her up likenlion,uitl e rohadI
gain. We kept that up for three days,
ad got nil the grog we 'wanted. But
niily we let her beat us, as the grog
layed uts out too m1ut1ch. But we don't
ften have such fun as that,'' the stoker
ided, as lie stro]led aboard shil).
" ? FA T=- -, -o u T 1.
at Ft I n)a r mintlon of a bon upou Ii i Fnaher
-The I:int of the 'n, ricide.
F"ranuk II. Walworth has just died at
lratoga, aged thirty-one.
The young man descended from a dis
iushed ancestry, and might have been
ry plrominent himself had it not been
r a cloud which overshadowed his life.
his mother was a wonderfully beauti
I woman at the t imte of her Iatrriage,
it her hiisband was a man of dissolute
bits, and was very cruel. The comting
the baby " Fra_ "' did not work a re
rmation in thls father. At Itst a divorce
is granted Mrs. Walworthl, and she
ovcd from Saratoga to F entucky.
In the course of tune the divorced bus
,id, who Wis no other than Matnslicld
acy Walworth, began to mnuRe fame
d fortune as a story wvriter.
in 187) Mrs. Walworth moved back
Saratoga iaid cstabhlished a girl'sschool.
ien her ex-husand begaun to pester her
th notes, making improper liroposals.
e went farther, caused the poor woman i
eat annoyance, talked against the legit -
iLcy of Frank's birth, and threatened
kill both1 mother and son.
Frank was then nearing manhood.
e had looked upon his father as only
e tormenter of his mother, and when
accident he (iscovered the real bur
n1 which was leilig heaped upon his
lthgr he grew desperate.
lie went to New York, where his father
ed, sent him a note to call at the Stur
rant house and then waited in his room.
nat was in June, 173.
Just before dark his father's card was
it up. '' Show the gentleman up,''
(l the son.
1'e boy returned with the answer,
ii Mr. Walworth walked quickly up to
i son's room, humming a tune as he
1 so. When he was admitted to the
ml, the young m11an placed his back 1
tinst the door, and drawing his pistol,
serted.it at his father's breast.
For heaven's sake, what do you"
ani ?" the father cried. '' 1)o you imeai
murder me ? Thiak of what you arc
1'he son shuddered. ''1 kinow you lit'
r father," lie said; '' but now you must.
'Die !" shrieked the fatheur. "' Hae
u called ie here to muurder im1e--vom- I
'i father ?'
Yes. Naty God ha1ve mercv oin ya ourI
1l, father, but 1 have none. You lave
cenitenied and insultedl my ioathler.'
tie father sank on his knees iuid ap
tied for mercy and promised to leave
Jm alone tnd never interfere with his
fe again.
You have lied before -m vou woiud
again--1 cannot believe you, was the
u's cold answer. '' Father you must die.
v your last prayer."
An instant later there wits a flash, 1n1
her, and the father staggered back as
struck by lightning. My son' he
Catlied, gave a gasp, anld as thre' tor
ots linisled the work, the pallor of
ath overspread his features. lie had
d at the hands of him to whom he
d given life.
1'he young mlianil gave hlimrlself up, aniid
s convicted of murder in the second
glee. lie was sentenced to life imn
isonment in Sing Sing, but in 177(
S pardoned out. About two years ago
married Miss Corinne Branlett, daugh
of the late (iovernor I3ranlett, of
ntucky, who, with one child survives t
n. lie as a granidson of the l:te t
aneellor Reuben .11. Walworth, his
tterinal grandfather having beaen tolI
el Johni Ji. itardin, of Illiniois, who
s killed att Buena Vista.
( rp m (i levela !ai..)
Sienator' Joe Brown is as strong in
orgia its ever and I notice ia Sundhly
iool story going arouind the press in
ich one of the paupils, on bieing askedt
It) made thte waorld, repilied "( od."'
"Andic waho maude God?" w~a.s the nextt
"oe Brown,'" was the reply, aftt a
This samet state~ of admlirationu pre
iled in Gleorgia while Birown was (iov
ioir of the State. lie had beaen (h>vy
ior foir sevteral terms and it wast thet
,iestioni ini thle indits of thle peIopale
ether lie would accepit it irenomiiina
mn. TIhe other aspirants for the posi
an were especcially anxious tto know. If
'own tdesireti to imn they knew there
15 no hope ftor them, and if iiot, thle
mt who got the knowledige of thle fact
st might gain ini the start and win thle
L't. Bitt Brown is a very ticklish man
handle. hlis fur is like that of it ('at.
dtoesii't r'uba well the wr'iong way, antd
e canididates were afraid to ask him a
test ion. One of thiemi, hotwe ver', con -
ided to try to worm it out of lirowii's
fe, anti, as the story goes, enalletd upon
r's. Irown while the ( Kovermnor wits
ay. After hmeminiig anti hawiing about
i some tiime, lie finally saitd:
"Mrs. Browin, Iliunderstatnd that thle
>vernor)i does nott initenid to ru'aain".ii,
td that he is going to give thle oIlier
ys a chance. Now, if lie wants the.
lice, of course we would niot run against
mn, but if hie don't, we think lie tought
let us know."
Mrs. Blrowni, who is a very chItiaring
.1 lady, andI whit hias stane of her lhus
nid's ab i lity, rep lied : "' Ihauveni't heard
seph say as toa whether lie is going to
a candidate for (Governor or nat; in
cd, lie hits no(t sp)oken ainythlin g about,
baut froami what I know tat Joseph I
thaer think lie wants it hiiislf.'
The new counity rotary jail att Connlli
aiffu b ecitie looketd Monday maorning
somile d isarrngcemaet of the miacl.ini
iad no parisonetr could lhe takeai out
r atny ithiuittedl. A large force of iaaun
re at wark all day on thme niachinery,
aesd ay moitrinig.
It lah aened to strike' Mrs. Watkim,. fii
ioin, Moli., on. duty last wveek fta er
isaii hiadn't beena hoime for three dliA'
ma nightifs. het deidted that ail sPr
ight ito b. ae miae, antd lie was founda it
ie bottuomi oaf ian ohld shaft at the batse' of
ilol Kniiob, maliwr hiungry, buit still mi
iones fliat somiethaina would turn uija
\ here l',opie :uo to lied in liroad iayllayIt
A ('old Fourth of .Iuty.
"I've been across the ocean more times
than 1 care to tell, and 1 know London
.tlmost as well as Ido Philadelphia, but I
have never been in Northern Furope be
fore t.his summer," said x- Attorney
(-eeneral Brewster to a Philadelphia
lines reporter. "I left here on the 12th
>f June and arrived iin Londii on the
1st. 1 went up to )lull on the 23rd,
t1nd on the 24th I joined the ship An
;elo, and after a very smooth and pleas
utt passage arrived at Christian sand, in
Norway, on the following Sunday. It's
t very interesting old place. 1. went to
hurcli there. 1t'n a clean, nice style of
Norwegian towin. The People are very
luiet, nicely lehaved, pain and simple.
londay was piused in. Christiania, a
:own of considerable iiportance. I
stayed there one day and went )y rail up
:o 'Throudjei, the old capital of Nor
vay, which at one time was the largest
lidt' wealthiest town in Norway. It had
it oie time many monasteries and
slurches. I was there three days.
In Thirondjem is the cathedral in all
\orwny. it was founded in 11)16 by St.
)laf, and on the ground where he was
>uied the present building was erected
a I11 and completed in 12-10, and was
:nlarged in I:w0. The cathedral is a
ery interesting work of gothic archi
ecture. It was damaged three or four
'etturies ago by lire, and in rebuilding
t large walls were erected, which
lhanged the architectural appcarance of
lie structure. It is now being restored
vith very uuch pains and care. There
was an annual fair beirg held in Thrond
em while I was there, and it was filled
vitlh specimncns of farmers and working
)eople. It was held in au open street.
t was quite crowded, and everything
was orderly and quiet, andi all of the
>eople apptearel to be comfortalble, well
lressed, sturdy, Vigorous and simple inl
heir ways, and a very honest people.
'lie fair was held for business and
riendly intercourse. All the time 1 was
n Norway I saw no dirty poverty, nto
>eggars, no tnamps or idle, worthless
ieople. The farms all appeared to be
horoughly taken care of. Everything
round the house was kept in good or
ler. 1rns were in perfect condition.
Lle houses were clean and comiifortable,
nd small and unpretending. All the
tomnen are plain looking but very vigor
mns, and they are quiet and clean and
nild in their ways. They look as if they
Vere exposed to lauid work, and they
nve a healt"hy, co mfortable, satisfied
ok. 'T'he mnci had a sturd'-, manly
uik. They hot k like ltolle Vho have
to wealth and they appeared to be all on
social level. 'here seemted t.) le no
Listinction 1 etween tienm, but they wear
.n air of indpendeniice. I saw no drunken
>eople there and heard no noisy people.
t is a very peaceful place. T'ltrondjem
built of wooden houses, good broad
treets, well paved, and has plenty of
ootd shops.
''lhe sun reaches its pillpermost point
u the 21st of June. I g t in Thrond
em at 7 o'clock in the mtorning on the
hi of .1un. There was no in glit. It
vas broad daylight at midnight. 'There
vas scarcely any darkness. h'lie sun
hone night and day. 'fThe people went
l bed regularly at an early hour, witI
lie sun shining, and closed their shut
ers aid pulled down their curti ins and
lept, and the town was as quiet as if the
light was totally dark. After leaving
l'irondjem iI took a ship naiued after
one ancient Norwegian king, and iii
onp:ny with fifty or sixty other tour
sts, all people of respectability and ii
elligence, and men fromi diIb rent. na
ions. 'There were twenty-twi Ameri
als, the rest were natives of Iance,
%paina, G hermnany, I )'nmark,l Nor1way,
weeden and Enghiind. We went up the
(iast to Tromiso and then to . lammer
'st , thme moist northern town ini the
orld. [ saw the high mountains and
lie wvhole coast all the way uip to the
wirthm cape, the extreme northern point
if Eiurope.
I iirrived there on the 4thIi of Julhy. .It
as a cald, wet day. The elimate is
iirsh, cold and wet, rainy andl damip.
Then'm it's not raining there is a heavy
aist. '[le NorthI cape is oii a pioinit of
uulI at least 1,1000t feet above tIhe level of
lie sea. Whlen I. was at the North cape
he sun was oblscuired with clouds. At
2 o'clock at night the .sun was; visible
or a time. Ini winter it is dark there
tearly al11 day, its well as all night.
eturned biy the sanme towns, bumt through
lith'erent waterways. I'The vwhole oif the
inivigationi was proitec ted b y haid, there'
ore the sea was mild. %Ne were sur
'oilnded b y inmmense mountains, coveired
vithi snow. .)n may r'etuirni to Thrionidjemn
l went, acioss Norway thrmought a countr'y
whtichi was tilled with lakes, hiigh mount
aiiis atud green valleys, (cascadies and
alls, and farmts well eared foi'. .It all
ad a so)litarty titil bleak appmhearamnce.
'eople were making the most (lit of'
vluiit they lad, Ibut thiir l ite wasecvidenit
ya hardi oniue. 'Thei railway stat ions are
opp I lied withI eating houses tha a ilre
dlean ail with abiuiahiniee of good and
vliolesome food andi fruit an id winias it
'easonale tpriices. Th'le t.raveleir is trteated(
mneiistly'. TIhe women attend thiese eat
ng houstes geinerally. They are all quiet
vomena, ileatsanit and priomp lt."'
AXccom1ring to thle Frienchi press the
"renich railway compinies iare in alarmi.
I'hey have lonig hiad Ithle monoI)polv ot
'nglishi touriists iiaking' for the .1 iviermi,
oinen ii'tal hulinemore ilhiber'ally nmn
tithi th FrenichI mm enial. 'They haive
imd. 100'. ahiot I nu>opoly oft thle ii
mthI. A ('oupill of diaym ago the Kiing
>f the ielgian s arive a~XIIit (Calais inc(ognii
It, iuvinig ('itstid itver froim DIover in
liha iing's iobhje't was tom jiiulge fior hira
eilf whe'thert letter boats might not he'
put ion the til tervice between Ostr-Il
ond IDo ver. It thiiu cotuld lie done 1 iat
if thii through tritlii' that. now take~s t
route ittf Laton and Tl''rgniier nmight 1he
lellected andi the~ Aelgian lines dlividi ii
hialthy, and the press is alreadyv ca;lliik
in the ( huvermnellet to) hush firwmvird thei
IM'll Maull (hazette
Notla ( 'rollna All IolId-- liiicr t ic l .cc.
In Otiher Slater.
''he election on the 2nd inst. resulted
in a )emocratic triumph in South ('aro
lina. Tlteru wa(S 111 o1))osit ion except
in the counties of Iherkeley ard Chester
field, where there was an hl ?''pendent j
ticket, and in the Seventh ('Con ressiunr1 <
)istrict, where the contest was betweeti
Coul. wmn. Elliott, tlhe D)emocratic nomi-<
ueC, and 1obert Sma11ls, the negro in- I
ciimbenit. f
The Deinocratie tickit won in Berke- t
icy, as also in Chesterlield. I atest re
turns assume the election of Col. 1Elliott t
over Bob Smalls.
OTll-1( sI.\T1-:s.
Great interest all along centered on the
city of New York, where there were tlrte i
candidates for uniayvon. iiery G (eorge, i
the well known writer oli political ceon
only, was nominated by the Irving I lall
i)enocraty. '1'he '['itlmmanv I)einoerats
nOmi11nte<d Abramn 5. 11ewit't. whose ser-I
Vices ii the cic1mpatigi of I87(, and for
some terms in Congress, have itude llim i
proninellt in the party. TIi liepulthi
culs nominatt<t ''ht'0. I:oost'vetII, a well- i
thy young Inan who distinguishetl himal- I
self in his three years' service in the State i
Legislature by active efforts and great t
success ill reforniing long-standing abnu
ses iii the (iovrnnieiit o' New Yor'k
City. Fecw persons seriously tliought
that llenry (orge would he elected, but
that he night rceeivct votes enough to 1
make the contest. close between oilier
candidates. It was thought, his votesi
would be drawn principally from tlie
)emocrat.s. Both Demoerts anid .tc- d
pul)liCans wtt"ere coiitlenit of success.
The prol)abilitirs, however app teared to i
he ill fivor of i lewit,t,'s eleCtioni. Of the
Mugwump pap1ers, the l.'ost has vigorous- i
iy supported Roosevclt. Eiglhteen out c
of twtenty-four aldermen elctedi la i
)emocrats. T1hi cit y co u11ple t e, wit the , t
excepctioni of one, election iiclistrict, Ihaws
the following vote : Itt)oseve't i(,; i
Ilowitt 90,29(, (ieorge 1i7, Iit), Wardtt-ll ,
In other States the chief notaible i
suits are the climuges in Ilie Virginia
delegation, which will staund six 1iep ui
licans, three I)emocrats, atl one L4ab !r
man. In the eigllteetthl listnet of lili
nois Morrison is deteated iby .I rh11
Baker, liteutliclan---owing, it is sail, to t
Morrison's free-tiude views. It was at ai
first thought, that Speaker ('alisle was
defeate(d by (ieorge II. '.'lioel0, a wood- !
carver mind Kighit. of I.ahor: btt the h
last returns give Carlisle the victory by 'l
a few hundred majority. it
Further reports arc given iii the tlis
patches publislhedi heiow. r
i\.n-ilxc;'rTcx. Novemci 1 kirlci
.\11lehesnti, eicltr oti- I;p ubltli;t11i
('l i'nreSsitnal cI iiiuitle, ni:k s it tlI
lowttinig" cnlu ilatittn tr>un rctlrns neciia(l
ul tt) 9 o'(aclk tiL. t'velinug of thetc lolitital
c ilcexioi of lite Ilhaie,-( of li r l ttl:.
lives of th' l-iftictl ('coneTle
l ctie ti a far as n'l-('ee'Iived aiislicat' il
election tt I5 - icill>blic:nl s, Iat 1)tiuo ' 1
t rats, iitc' I i.bor :itl icic 1tn(It"int, -i. j
tlotl ful anli ont ta1 u;u v; tttal. :t-,
''hei 't l it l" t" in- in 1l in tis
ILiaitlt-si. one inl t: nlitic y ('ai.- c' iuc t
ill Oiit ( ':ia bl, btll,. atl lic e in 'llisi'cijpp i
C ni:irly. (d v(r :ul .ioi 1 . Ttc- I .:bor u
ani l i(tIe inlitIs ;ii tnt in ti -'riuhi t ti i i
(lk-ittt:), tin inl ia n tliat :t i\ ; .'it. cn in tt
lWa I\n( rs,nt, celt in Vir inia i liotkin I s(
untel on i ii i i +,cjuc Sinit ic . If th
1)tn>i r,:il-t f f t i f- tt t hlc tc ut tltu tl ' i -
wtilli:it t ;:t. r u a Ill i-> t c tv cf lt l nt'.
1{r. .\It'Itesxn say; (lit :llltu ' ' if t
1)eio(rnii";cey' It) (l the Ire-ent Iltctitioit
wari I' thi:tiiuinitrticln of l'nt-ObtnlIi lit'
ail Ihl. l n ist 11 v di-s:iistisl I hiittit i i- C '.I I
the" Lahurtccr it i.t ih li , li ' ;liiii:", ut iil It t l
al ultganiz.<lI I tttl it lii l it i ic lt I b he
of Ilt 'fu;ture," al li e l:ibtor Viiie t' mls t Iu- (1
taken intoc secrius c cin'd i t n
l'hil. Thnic ci n, cretar c Iy of lIc. In )c c,
c:r:tij Ccmi tteii e, sa t\cI' he )cnuwrt-n w 11
hiave ac gc c <l workt~ininajrity cin tihc- llouics.
(Contgressionlc I )i trict. I )c onc' c \'. \\ hcich
Illpu licanil, hIt been. crie<lilcclcc wi lh 11he v'ic
tory') util I ct cxlay. u i I I> mc raitc-l, tIc ccl '
lecctci \VhIite. 10veI n'i' iihl 1\Vwc <litrici- icc c
llcil' trinii. lI
cN ccu , \ . II., cc>elii' cc .- Th jc' t
eleictin of' .cIc'kcnny, lin<c -rtti, ic ( ci en it
iiress Int h I lit' lli-tch-t ci< r tlavi: lc
iabot I15c0. Thil '-s c I lenn,c rti':ic in cc l cc n
Itc i : c\cI:iclc'.\ I. . i '~ cccc
11 \ -11 1, i Xl iiv-ci llc i c t. i N - -taIdI- I.
T.\l NI N, Va. , cccveinicc .t. -- TIlie tt{ i
liilbIal lln iicjcctiIy cc illilit c t<'.- ic i w i jcc l {l I -
ITcnth Ic )citric'i. Vesdii, fort ( i tncr.'v. iiccw
tcli tc,t0c lii I 'cdt t icn cl I I I
Theliii folcccini 'sunr rth a
cl I' i i os, I Iccllt- cijlct ecli t \ li vIngc nc a;I ll
Id ic thcc tic t-' l t cnibl ics. "cc cn t ccl Ih o 4i
cr ic ul. l it'alI e ial.ctlat t Ici,i Ic-ic:icc c iit
:1 lii
IJ. I ccticr.- ( -c n. c
S Ti \Tncii....... Ic |. .
(ccilc i i *
IK ctl'n it cky. I
.\biry bcuuc. '
.\Iitsschu tic
.\clissis ippli... .. .
.\ li Itri. .. ... ...l
New Ic- "acp- ire. . . I c
Ncew York... . ..14 20 t
()recgcct ... .... . O
Pennsyl c ci ia.1 . . .
Illccttch - tIiand . . .
-ccct h Carlina ...t . .
Iea ciic........... ........... .
Verloonccit... ... Il
Is it better to break up land before
'hristtmas, or wait until spring ? Mr.
)avid l)iekson, of Hancock county, a
voitle -fully close observer, states as the
(Sult o' his experience, that fall plough
ug gave 1best results in about 0110 year
>tt. of seven. 'When the winter is dry
.id cold, fall plowed :and grew better
rops than spring plowed. Mr. 1)ickson
ested the matter by leaving strips
h rough the middle tof fall plowed fliels,
t chieb strips wee not bioken till spring.
r I )iceson'.s exlperienct was a local one;
ill it hold good for all climates and soils?
'ie prine object of plowing land is to
>osei utp the soil, to make it friable, so
hat gases may penetrate it, anti roots
may grow and ramify and spread through
f readily. Why does land have to ie
roken every year? Once loosened up by
he plow, why does it not stay loose ?
tee(lse it is beaten down andi run to
ether hy niis. lvery rain drolp ham
.ers it 'lown, and the earth, semti-fluid
lien wet, yields readily to this hainer
ig. loreover, the i'ain water, as it
inks in the soil carries down with it the
iue lmart iels tpart ieularly clay) and
idges them bit ween the coarser particles
telow. ''hi.: also tends to consolidate
lie :oil.
Now at tei' south oar greatest raiufils
re in win telrta ad early spring. Ileuce
nd l tveid in tlit tall has nuittsu.al op
ortitititi's of bi ing coipacted again
t'tore phliuitinig time. Rit is this not
iore li:ni eompeusated for by the up
eavi1g. 1 oseiing etleets of freezes?
ear the surface it itmay lie, Ibit. how sel
out is it tlit our soils are frozen four
ilits in depthi ? plowv in autiii that
ie soil uiay Ie pulverized by the frosts
f winter is fre ltently urged iy northern
riIts. In their clinate the advice is
ol. With tlei the ground is often
'I zein i'iglit t it I w'eh itdlies deep the
i'it fi' ailling sinow settles down <luietly ,
;ott lie ilitu red ftiriow doe. not pelt
lile th,e t:illing rain, lenec, liit there,
lowt.t iii th' full, is almost in the sate
i ntiit ion wlin sp)rinlg coies as it was
'hot Ii. t(v plowed. 'Thie rain has noti
tilpact ma ittl ru it to tit'her, anud the
'et'zes lia', niut e it, it' iything, lighter
not it was left by the plow. iutch is
trtl 1 9 tit ase in our- southiernu eXpte
tntee. .in vey dry, rold winterS, the
tlit ions iptroxiinate ihose at t le nortth
ditl tihe resits iurt' stiiiewliat siinilan; but,
nituiinarily uland is none the better fur
t'ing plowed in the fall. I;reaking just
tfore ui:ttiniug, if the grotinul is not too
ry aiil ote lias the tii aind Iiiue to do
is lie best phai. Au except in may
t inale iii fivor ti siidy soils, thise ar'e
ttIet'r too tett tan li(ise itutiitdiately
flt r p lwing, tutl it is well to give ti ine
t' t.tim to ie stettled 1ty rain 1before
lsttitng a cir ip oi the it.
iout, it iay i at-ied, it' sadtlv latis
i.' tioo loosi :aft'r t ly hiave be'pi ilowed
'vi y Iplo\' thel'l i at all ? oiiietiines a
lallow tni'iung is desirable to liry and
ii ix withit the soil 'tgt11tlt iattletr wihich
S on t li' si f sace. .1 (it, inasniuebI as de
)ii]psit Iii goes on more raJpidtly ii an
pen soil tlin in a deise (elity I one, the
iirijig in of et'liN:l'e matter oil light
tntly soils sliotiti ever ie doin,' long in
dvaniie of paiitinig a crop. Ater the
ist (tl' .hiiuartly wonhl( l lbe lnple tint,' for
iring ti\ter siiidy soils. Again it is
mii'tin's 4 desirail t tttrn ovt'i it 'oil
repty, io Iing 1btaek to, ir li' n, the
irfae "'itiliziig sblstaiici''; wiili Jmave
ink tlo, a iii tlit soil. 'lire is a con
ant tt i-tn"i:t y ftr such siinking, esle
tlly in \et I tsitlS ; attl it is greater i in
uii liii in ciiy stiils. An oittic ioal
'p t tiing ot' ti-lt i'ou ier is, thii'e'rfore,
'tiltdly Iteicial, provideild it.ioes lnt
riiig sonic olj'ctinnilt law suilsoil to
i' siir'ttc . \\'. .I. J
Iu ti i th n 'i linb he n tsia-hlt m l the
i't' otiti 'hv thme tut yn se isol
li' n ther t(t5de5 ray ioit a poiion~
i liif, the I voonslitler s she t oite
iletteiliught' by uthe l tit it 'he isohl
iI>'s h i t losses ai nley ioney 4 'xs tknowls
uretIly howe lutich tshe lors it heretii itOis
veslltei s'ritl wha iti ought. yearly ts
ring in. y' this til atoh dayuld
tel' ian bu'ie , rolteris' to heeks,
ivits and sii on --aul t atstilt iuch of'ti'
ade 'ltt:i 5, iseciall toi ''threeg)olen
t5Ih'ss i' which I havvrne liceptianonl:
a ll sfl; IiruSt n inenrthyour isoey,
ithuit. isecuity, wic~0hy' ougtt tod be
riet1 hts ase mtiel neet. iI iei deare'sllt
-icalfs as kilwed n itiiivilt, nd, it
Je a' lyu losfu day toefboye.
>-11norrow.g The jilo of et yig) hug
iiit. su'ci ntheruiml esity aIs.so a o
Ioni It in Powlble, With Practice, to Foretell
Weather Probablilite.
(F romu the Iocheeter Dewcorat.)
The magnetic needle is quite as sure
an indicator of the condition of the sun
as storms or telescopic observations.
There should b observers throughout
the country. They will appear in tine.
They will find it the most interesting
study they ever entered upon. We
would advise all to provide themselves
with a Targe magnetic needle. If observ
ers do not care to obtain anything elab
orate, an old file that is not too heavy,
say fourteen inches long, may be em
ployed. The cutting portion may be
ground off if it can be done convenient
ly. Tio pointed end for attaching to
the handle may be broken off up to the
point where the cutting portion 'egins.
1'his file should be thoroughly m net
izred and suspended in a box turn on
its side, the opOn side being cove
with a glass, although this is not neces
sary. A tube of brass or a long wooden.
box, say twelve or fourteen inches long,
can be fastened on the top of the box '
over the centre of motion of the needle
and through this the thread for suspend
ing or balancig the needle should run.
Loosely twisted silk is best, as thoro is
little torsion. The striu is made quito
long to avoid torsion. '1 lie point of sus,
pension should nearly correspond with
the middle of the file.
The box with the needle inolosed
?hould 1)0 placed where it is not subject
:o jarring. If an iron rod is placed n a
'erpendicular position to the right or
eft of one of the poles of the necdlo the
lCedle may respond more readily to the
arth currents. Th'le rod of soft iron has
>olarity, acted upon by the earth cur
'ents, and becomes an electric magnet.
When the earth currents are strong it
ittracts the pole of the needle strongly,
tud when the current, falls releases it.
l'he rod is not necessary, but its ordina
'y attraction is a constant force, so only
he changes in the earth currents can
hange its attraction. Iron in the vicini
y of the needle should not be disturbed,
tnd iron articles should not be carried
lear it. A small glass mirror, say a half
n1eh in diameter, may be cemented upon
lie centre of the flat needle so motion
iay be detected by the shifting of the
mage of a distant object reflected from
he mirror to the eye. It will be inter
:sting to watch the behavior of a heavy
ncedle as above described before and
luring an advancing storm. Great dis
urbance may be seen in the needle for
meve'ral days before a storm approaches
the plaee of observation. There will be
regulr l'otions of the needles at sun
rie, at the time the sun crosses the mag
ietic maeridian and at sunset. Observa
tion will show what are usual and un
usual motions if proper prceautions are
taken. Until the ''habits" of the needle
ate observed for some time there is dan
ger of false alarms.
"'\A "'I tI%( IIIIE ('IONI).
EdL n Hooth imttipro i on hhnkr.penre to (lie
ilel)rit ol n Virginia A udtence.
From thb Iutao Times,)
Once, during the days of his carly
truggles, .13ooth was '' harn-storning "
lown in Virginia, at a placo calekd Lee's
ILanding. The imp)rovIscd thcatre wa a
tobacco wareiouse, 11(1 it was crowded
by the planters for miles around. Booth
td his comlpanions had arranged to take
he weekly steamier, exilccted to call late
it night, and between the acts were busy
sacking up. The play was '' The Mcr
anliIt of Venice," and they were just
oing on for the trial scene when they
leard a whistle and the manager came
-lluing im to say that the steamer had
urived and would leave again in ten min
Ites. As that was their only chance for
week of getting away, they wore. in a
eiriible <)IidarPy.
"I f wec ex~plaiin matters, sa1ia tihe mana
r,"they will thlink they are being
heated and we shall1 have a free fight.
Lhe only3 thling is for you1 fellows to get
ip somie sort of natural-like impromptu
hidng for the piece and ring down the
uirtain. G.o right ahead, ladies and gen
Iemien, and1( taike y'our cue from Ned
iere," and( lhe hlurried away to get the
uggage ab)oard.
Nedl, of course, was lBassaniio, and he
es~olv'ed to rely on1 the ignorance of the
irginlianls of those day13s to pull him
biroughi all right. ~So whien old George,
tiggles, who was doing Shlylock, began
0 shiarpeni his knife 011 his boot Booth
vallkedl straight upi to him and solemnly
ad :
" ou are 1botud to have the floah, are
-on1 ?"
" You bet your life !" said Ruiggles.
"Now, I'll make1( you 011e more oifer,'"
onitimuieod oothi : ' "In addition to this
tig bag of duicats I'll throw in two kegs
f mi ggerhlead terback, a shotgun and
wo of the b)est coon dogs in the Stato."
"'Iim bltamied if I doni't do it !" ro
*pondedl Shylock, much to the app)roba
1011 of thle aLudienlce, whIo were tobacco
misers aLnd coon huniiters to ai mani.
"And to sho0w thait there's 110 ill-feel
pu, it ini P.ortia, " We'll wind up with
\mirgmnmy reel."
Whlenl thley got oni board the Steamfler
lie capltaml, who( had1( witnessed the con
~hisioni of tile play, remailrked(;
"I 'd like to seei the whole of that ph y,
~entlemien. I'm blamned if L thiougLit
hat fellow Shlakespeare hlad so niuch
F"ell ICrom ,the,4 Great Pyrambi.
'The accident whlich recently o!Curred
Ett the Pyramids was very shlockinmg. A
morp)oral in the Armiy I lospital Corps,
wvho(, poor fellow, was1 juist going hom111,
hlaving served his time, lhad ai p)inic to
the Pyramids wvithI some1 of his comrades.
I 0 aiscended to the top of the (reat Pyra
mid, anld was seeni to pauso0 whlen about
ai qiurter of the way downi, and miake a
signal as if for help. Suddenly 1he was
seeni to shilji ak against tile step) or
block below hliml, and thien to rebound
fronm each s uccessivye stepJ. Th'le peculiar
ity of the accident is that tho bod(y did
niot roll or tumb1 le from eacth irregularity,
but bounlded1 inlto the airi as5 it struck
hies' ill suIccession as if aittracted thereto;
n fact, a s(eries of phaabola were per
ormedC(. 'The corplse wVhen1 it reached
hel baset was1 aL shalessJl' mass. - London
)ai'y News.
oni salulted lun excurli'&on party with the
arnug, "Genits, take partners for the
TIhe govermnen') t palys onut M;,()O in
wnC onSt)i every hioui'

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