OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, March 27, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1890-03-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL. XIX. I~1CKENS, S. (2., rFILUItSI)AY, MARCH 27, lM9O. NO. 27. I
-- --- trin
:-. a ler-t to, bw Notiunteel -"aptain vit
i isnatn Irr"I,-in - "1, ir. iSt of tib.. lince Sc(
l'o,av rui g',.r. fat
( t s~ "'v IIr ., \'tw , U'th' tlo]
Iii evi -n (I rtn(0
In VieV of the 1)re:4ent state of af- last
fairs iii SIate pol()11 i(e1, the 1)r(senCe in1 gui
the city ye.;terdcay of Capt. G. Wash
Shell, of Laut'ens, chairmanul of the li
State Fatirl('rs'Association .Ud signer ev
of the now ialous' "Manifesto" and the
call for t Ia lrch coiveItioI,eoUld not gr
fail to attact som11 attention and set
M1)etnlatin11 to work iii local 1)olitiCal by
eiirlles. Cap1)ttain Shcll ecetup inl the I
morninlg andi r 1eturned('( on thie after01- lon
noonl train. 'Wh'iile inl the city, ie was of t
inl ('onf("eCe, at the oflice of the '1
State Allince Exchlanlge, with Mana-. 0Ce
ger Doinald-'oi, of the Exclange, 188
Chairmanu Lonard \Williamns, of the a 0
County Fuame;s' As;Ociati<m, and 1)iti
n11i11l)e's of I he delega ii nm to the hi
MairhI C nvent ion. Thaitl d uringics(
Captain Shell's visit ther(e was a talk a
in regard to ii 'MJarchl (On1ventionld
Wl'; aserht aed i'oiii () oversations real
with gent lulm'n who met lim. but
further titam iIat the gentlemn had "an
notlhing to say.
1 (eerring 1 (a a stat emien1t. which has li
1be'n rep;':eaely male im regard to fomtl
the oi'gin:al enll for the March con
Venition hitatl ''i the 110 lPeenCe of I
several gentlm'' Iltt len Tillnian
1)osit ively h;ul ulotling to lo with the
lnrlet:rationla lo that c111 anid that he otlt(
kneaw naothlnim: b)eforeihand of what it. oiech
nb\(intl. Captain Shell also ex- to
p ' (l I Ii ' oililoi 11 1 a iiajoity ("ltt
of fi the unno) atruc'tled l'legas('5 to the Dm
\1areh colivelln ll w Vi Vote fOr 1101111- of 1
111a101n5. -
, all
A1rO 1;(; o the '01Conil' ftrllters
('olvan1ion ' repo'te' for the Daily kil
News l( y'a1';esterlay that a letter 1
hats b'cn r ;ived -11m1 (Capt. Ben /.
'I'allal.i by 'I ; i ntle an11u ini the city (iltc
wo enul wr oln tU limi regardig his
eta-lit.1OV ia1)1 thIn' (-overnorslap, m thi
wlin ('.;i:1i1i Tillm:an ea'irnestly he
ui rgtii ii ('4r:'es)(on1delIt not to allow Lew\
Iha 11 mi to ba presented to the con- hon
Veli 1i n,:t c'an(ldte for Governor .llii
1ain daclaring that. he was not, a cami- his
dlidtlt. ('1tatin1 Tillmantl Wenlt on 1 tool
sf at;' f ihai wis ('onc1ious that there
wVe bin r anin In the State whose to t1
c01151 Vaii 411 it sell i:adc themll niuch i
1hlet)ar <arllitie11 1'fo' the )lae than aou
hi ustli. H1( de('carea1 1hait the ac 00ion 1
of the I':I.'tieldl eonlVention in lnmi. T
imt bi l:l l e'en directly against T'
hlis wishes :eaal that lie uenitiol of will
his nnl)' 1 1tit' 1 Larn'ls ma1:1ss meet.- Tex
ing lul I c n )rouhtli ablaot. by Cap- 1111
tail Sill ti'arellV wit hout li: knowl- fare
ed . be f
Th'les". hav". been1 inI1111rous pred'(i('- Lan
Sions S14 Ia) \\ 1imt t ha' M:rlh (Onven- Bit
ti011 \will tl. 'There is One man of thr(:
ationl wh; a his b''1n tilked of in1 a For
(1.0. wa' :t9a hlihe ien miost pol'olli- whii
ni('1t in - a u .i:lh ao na!veIntioni lIove- ratu
iieiti :lil'1 '.' a 1hi hits I)een rec('eive 2
viil th ::a st tavo by those who n11 (1
Itt; a'Pall . 1.1 i; Si mlucli that it is deh
not all;i= 't Ii .1' u"ss work to say that the
the ( oiivnllt iol will in all probability, ear'
ialof it. Th'e ala' I ha best of rea- (ial
sou. ifor Ia! lving' fhad the 1lIm hits oi
rec:'IVed: tIh" eio 1n of the10 active will
work'e in i h 0 convenat1}i m.ovemen., lt this
in hdifa'arent seat ins aof the State. to t
.luforni:l' I on aof the schem'lie, of which can
noathaing'a s, ba;sn said imiblicly here-. nun1
taotfina-, i emS indirectly but1 fromi ai whc(
ty. A aol11a4ina Iii his twogamma~ e. thle ('Oi:
tha' Conlvnt ;acihelald ill Cohmiibia on1 01n'
thle 27th iunst.\will meat, lami, first oIf raI
atli, 1aop ha stroI 5lnig :un( It utspkeni aho
plat~ fiorm. 1a) witl eni l i nom ita can
I bea b1! appoliinte~d o hant111 ainiiugnl,of
u nulaigmlg tll' niiSs mleetiwi' msi all thes
parts1 0f t hea SLtt tl whaich lila 'oil
va'nbonaI IS ch-nie( tal'r Goviernor' and1
tall at her; St at ae otilaas whoia naiay pre' )~
senat I hiamsela'vas willh speak. Thiuse
enmalai wililabe ill ad(vance oft the
Auaguat a'onavenltion,l alf cour11s!, and( ,
will bae wvithi a view tal seenriing the l'
endoralsement' of ah le ii Iineeas oft thea 111
Mar<h ia comentio It bylII the('Allgulst coil
la is mLlgt-'a ill halilf ofaa this plan11 t 'i
flait it wolda l''l'lla ovro il 5thstongest
oiVeatill urgedlSi 11ains th ntioii n~
tio ofa comlte'ickt v he
.:a h m !lIa''ll :ina in fita (i(Stint aof ar
onI iha'8 tIe tickael, it wouild brinag to
ha:l)I aupot ofIt the F'Il'armers' Move-()
no pat form :l ti nominees111 th( Ile full l.l
strenagth o all Ithea ennadiadates fori thea ac
place'as left 11111uk aon thle ticket. a11
Af i bedlmr'ture' (It Capt auiin i
ai 11 tfrom1 thi c ity ye steray, ane of. -I
thea' Gwen'lville dliegaltionl to the i
ai 58ssured1. ltha, 1Ben Tilhua 11iL will(i1
nat ab' the naomliinee (It the Maich ('Oiln 1
ven Iln, if anybodalay is inomaiinted.
* :1~~~ Negroa P'.'lensiner. 1
ah e s a negro( ill Georgia driawi
n1e: 1 1 ~a asin aof twenty-five dllnars a p
mon)th faaom thie govermiiia'nt. His 1)1
ianne is I talary Sllold, and ha' lives ini art
Paenaialal, Gre;aaen alcounty. Satlold, it er
sa'aims, ran.1 away froma his home iny
arm Ias an1 at.1 ften'ldanit upon)1 a1 Uno oil
shher ii. HeI cont.aetedl a disease in
theia tamy wiebc 11as inaacaitalted him
tall woark sin -e', and1( thle otheri day,
aIft ar: woi;rkintg on the matter taor two of
yea ts-, MrI;. (Carlltona sneeeeaded in gat- Eu
sinag his namie on thle pension roll. tV
ThFle Dukea alt Oralanis wr'lit(es that cit
hte is 0jopoed to the p'esenitaltion to S0
_______ Praeside'nt CarnJot of a petition faor his~ H
rn relaftse. wI
Man Who Hired Nehrecs to Mlni
Is Own Father-A Revolting (iriate.
)ARLINOToN, S. C., March 20.-Th
Li of Joseph V. James, clarge<
ht hiring Lewis Williams, Willian
>tt and Robert Arthur to kill hii
icr, which has occupied the atten
i of the court since Tuesday o
week, ended with a verdict o
'he prisoner's counsel may tak<
case to the Supreme Court. Jane:
his accomplice were colnvicte(
aral months ago, but, on appeal t<
Supreme Court, that trilbunal
aited them a new trial on th<
und that the judge in the lowel
rt had tIliselded his proviln(
?larginig on the facts.
'lie correspondent of the Charles
World gives the following history
he case:
'lie murder of Joseph .James, Sr.,
irredl on the evening of Iay 8,
3, at Which tiime,1 directly after In
e from the supper table and wat
4ing out of the dining roomn douor,
vaS fired 111)011 by a party or par
iii the yard. About forty slugs
1)uckShot passed tlhrough his
,killing himl abniost inistan)tly.
malitn Jamies owned consideriabki
estate, and the theory of the
ecution was that JOSeph W.
es, Jr., had him murdered in or
to come into possession of his
elty. Over $3,000 in ensh1 was
id upon his personi when hie was
Owis Williams, onie of the partie's
'ged with the crimlle, Wits trie(
found guilty. Bob Arthu11r, an
'' party ac(used of being (oi
('d with the conlspiraey. has il('il
)arts unknown, lad hats so far
!ed the vigilance of the oflicers.
ing the trial William Scott, one
le defendants, swore that Jos'h1)11
('s agreed to pay to himltself, Bob
mr and Lewis Williams 860) to
his father, Joseph W. Jans, Sr.,
that on the strength of thtt
emenlt he loaded his gun, by thl
ti i1on of' young James, with a heavy
'go of slugs and buckshot, and
011 the evening of 'May 8, 1888,
ogether with 3oi Arthur and
is Williauls, proceeded to the
e of Mr'. Harmoni Howell, at
'i house the old man James and
on boarded, and Lewis Williais
the gun loaded for the occasion,
l('1eed it Oil the balust'er railing
lo piazza, aid shot old man Janes
e Was passing through the dining
ai (oor.
e Soul Iiern a p1 t is Couvnt ion.
he Souther'n Baptist Convention
meet on May 9 at. Fort. Wortl,
Is. The aInounicemlenlt is made
delegat('s will be p1assed for one
for the rounld tlrip. Tli would
i'om Augusta $30.35). Te Rev.
sing ]ur'ows, pastor' of the First
tist, Church, proposes taking at
ugh .Pullnl (ar from Atlanta to
t ,Wo't h without chalge, 111)011
-h the 1oun( triip cost, going and
rning iii the samie ear, will be
85. 'his will be the most pleas
mtutl l.'ast disagreeable way tor'
gat ('s . tothe Convention to go, as
rar wvill be( 'omnl)led withi othe(r
('n route anld form1 a solid spy
Baptist trai through without.
ige to the place of iieetinlg. It
1)0 necessary to secur'e )e1'ths in
(a.r, asu the muni,.ber' is r'esti'ric'ted
lie se('nr('d if the increase oft the1
heri goinIg warraniiits it. Delegat es
are( anious to joini this party in
special train wold do well to
'. TIhie latest intelligence wm'
.5 thle e'xpectat ion tent te raite
F"acts Abiout CJotlon Seed Oil.
'or liuunan food, olive andl cot toin
1 oils ar'e far' sup~erir to laid, oi
my otheri animald fat. Olive oi]
held( that rank iln the estimatio01
('ienItists and1( meidical menn f'roni
(ear'liest period of recorded hiistory'
only of late years that analdyser
-hiemists, e'xpeimenits ini dIi't bi
nen'lt phyisicians and1( pr'ac'tic'al ust(
o demuonstriateo thiat ini (every re
'tanid for all uses the oil of tht(
e'. This fiact oncve estalished,
'ket will 1)e mnade for pure cottom
1 oil thalt will be c'o -(extenivie wit l
t no0w occupied by olive oil. 11
inideed, bucomie its co'mpet itoi
]ll parit.s of the world. Thel Mani
e'turr'sl Recor0)d of Bailt imo re, bie
South shiouldl mallke a vigor'oi
ve in beohalf of c'otton see(d oil, ini
u1 oif simpjly ac'tinig on thie defen'1
in the re(peated assauilt s nut1d(' b
igress omn the( pur1iit.y of this oil
umuiiilated( I a mass of informIllation1
1 pr'oposes to piulislh niext weel('
firstl of a ser1ies oft article's th1 a
l c'over' tIhe whole suibj'ct. in the's
villibe shiowni beyond( cont r'overs,
shado(1w oif dolub t t hat. col ton e
is the 1best saladl oil in the woriih
i that, it shouiIld be put, upon th
iket oin its mer'it s, bear'ing its ow
nie, and1( its exceellencee foi' all ('Il
>vall andi enters 1into as' uni 'lvrs
iele's, which will r'uni throulgh sea
tI maonthis, will prove of inunen(sll
nie to the whole South, by greatlI
].eninig the maruket. for' cotI on see
-Bismarck has resigned the otlit
prime minister of the (Gerumin
pirhUe. Ii'recon cilable oditem's h)
[1 step.
--Chattahooche county, (a., is e
ed over' a contest for' the Stai
natorship bOtwen L. Harp and il
to is T. h? bh i!.in-lawv.
Ain Esiish Uunudernk'r Undertrl(en [' (
v Much on II Own tle.son,bIIiity.
Peeuliair notiois of pro1wiet1y :ti
Witertiuned ly som4e E"nglishl undei
takers, am1(1 the veiry ollic"ious coldlIC
of the unldertatker Mills of London
who0 b>uried MS.inister Linc(olni's1son
haits ausied ir. Lincol lilc i011anoy
antce and ('rentted m1uchl (:Olllnent h]
the Aniericnn colony iin Londoi
It is aui old etistoin in ':t;InI(
when the famiily is 1 hcrenved 1(0 s( I
out Imem)oritl ca'ds with'l 111111ning I
intimate friends. But 31r. Linicoii i
not ai Englisluna, ul (1d(id not 01)
serve this cust OIn. So t ioler lake1
Mills d('ci(ed to do t i1'or hlimu
While att Mr. Lin1(oln's hlOut;t' a11t ('u0d
ing to the dlet ails 1f the ftineral, h<(
1u11t iged to get noecess 1t1 I(w Visit in
card1us of (itll('rs 1111(1 1(11('15 ( If iost
who had sent m(ssigtes of Sympl11th
(uring his SO1's illn('es. Hest' in
cltdt' 11early itll l't Ai':mtii- i1
1tldo. T1h('S(' Americanns wV(r( a5.
totishetl to rc' i i it I biilli t, 11111
enr(1, wcitht .ilt r0;,., :)1nnOm11(-i2. Ih<
dleintI of Abraham111 ISin(iln. Il
als5o (0on1tains at 1'Onl;1l(iiou'm::
t.i:;1ment1 of A fi1lls,the iiud:rn k: ,;1:
his sho1).
In 501111' 01 tih (nt'llh 5 Viers
I)'iliIt'(d o i Of 1t 11 Iyiv 11.S ilu at
the finiendra SierVi(c', whiichI was5 -;trictly
it private ntil'nir. Beiii snl 'it ii h'
enrds(lti, it See! e1(1 as0 if all hi(I ie)(
SO it lv Ministor Lincoln. (1 wi ii his
knowledge. 'I'his was f(ll\owel y: an
('qutlIlY \ide (listibuti<lm of 1,rO1of
sh('t exta' 110ct1s from11 an 1ne(l(rlak
('15 w('ekly joirinl. notifving the
Amer('ie:uis in LiOliOn Ihuat \iill>, h)\
rea':sonl O' Is seies as5 undtlll(Irtkcr
to .1al1IsSS('11 J Lwil weion his
Vif( di(d, :aiid to \r.in,icol, \aS the
liot)r1' 15: to1 ('inlOy when. v ak
en byV w\-h;t _llills entll, "their 11a5! :111d
biitt(r(5! en('mv."
'c N arsrow tv ,1n) )e' n I1as'Sele '- TI' nii
Ncr I uInrIstn.
Las1 F'iiday eve'ni'('nllllg th1(e ;se r'
,.in of clhe Portl ROylJ nli(d \\ '.t 1rn
(aroliut I:tail;.' '. \:11'bh lft u'ush
for 1.a r n ,rn t11(1t.(t101011n _\r i w L(SI.d
at horrilI( ;nd t1nt inui'1y ti(nt h. Tlhe
trotle ws at 1rok'n 1ai at \\'iim'
lust', a)outt thirty 'ight iniles tlove
Augusta. wlih t h train was only
pr('\(nt('d fronl pass5inI O\'.'l> t) he'
lrave aet of liss (aroet, a 1Oune
w\Oliiau \Vlo live(s 11en1' Wh'ite 11-tie
Miss ( Garnitll dis-'oveed ithe 1brohken
rail alit! :1( knew it w\as abou1t I111)
for the ut) atini to (5)1n10' allolig. anid
h \wits greatly il.i"n',1. k1nowing
that it. waiSS) sur dsct rut;(tion if ithe11
tratiin passed( hatt i:thal s1x>t. The'1 o 111"
thing to b)e (lot' Was to stop1 I he t'ai11
b)ef'or(' it. ('ould( ri;achl the' ht'ke'n rtil.
D)onVI I hi' I tclk, 'o.Und the ('turve'.
?liiss (ir;t;u t rnlli unt il she trot it'v("rnt
buiudredO yard(S froin1 tl1( l'r1 ken 11i.
T'''r(' Sle stat ionil i'Se('1S'l o11 the
track. with a watculil ("y(' :11)1 i:tt (ll
in h:nd, :ui she eninind('(I wa') Xinl
the ,l te( 11 n; :O(, ats ihi shilli
wh1listle of thei' lo("coitii ive soIu nh its
itj p l'ol ('l l.
W1h(1n th(' trailn rOlliilS O\'r ilm,
rails he 1.1n c1o,ine'r :aw ti he ru h1) 2' 1 aulV
fron at dtcish:in('( on lh iii rl;w(k siit;al
brave gisl. 1iss ariwti e11111 tIl
gei: thlat was jist aht:al. Tl'lm ew
of th' 11;iln w"lhe up tI lt hick :tui
1h( ro)1)enI ril wa(,u a us:td 11 1 All
ai5n-etd that. i\liss ( rntiii hIad samXl~
1th(i' lives :u1(1 pr1evenh.td a wn-ekl'.
A c'ollec(tion w'as takenlii upi nian' 11m
p)ass'iees, wIioW> t were 111h (tf lir
dollars was i'aised 11un i preset'ited Iby
Condut'tor St u:it to 3iss~ GIar'net 1.
To's AIholishI t' e T)ol>nero Ta.x.
feT p' 'the lu lu :0omlwis oth<lX'
abt''out site on theirschenw Wil tall
reduct I ix on. Te irnl reven'Iu<'4 t')
feature oft' m b111il ll-eI ai fo llws
Thie entir'et' nhlitioni' l of alt'l srini11)1
taxes upon 'denh-r' of1 a 11 llS hl comli
uponsnul wilslt' repnb'J fame
mv the1 Iliberty4. it X'l tI whomso'ilt
isposeuo nyoheen.ui fh
. Te P~rop' o dMst'1 ri1nMII tin 1)11 '5I)) ti i nte
FunctionM b y T1h(. I- 'trral l: vt"r
Repre1(senitative HenryI CnIhot LOdlg
of MlSstCl1mSettS, as the ('hirm1111
of the House Coimallitte C
t leCtion) of .'resi(lelt tn viee Pre
1.1t1 1111(1 r'lpres('liltat"iV'es in (o
SiltrioduLIced1 a hill to reg1
late i( UIS of re)reseitat iV
-1 IS. sa volutlilis inll O:' ; \ ii
n N((t iH1s. Tlu hill is a (:m111101
1ion ot the Austinlilan syst(I wit
I (dil cent rol of e rle1ti01 5. II
tu , l 1i 1n system alS b1 force inl Ma1
: nehu-:et Is, is adap;te)+ 01nd flppli('d 1
ihe\cll1(' (l 11111 IV in all (ontgressioi
atI:1 I l'rsiden(' tia1 (lectiOIS.
01 SIX jll(igeS- 01r i' )'1'CIsu1'S. Illl't
III i (11(1 jug O(' il irst , ( 0 1\it
al10 ( O(Hise([uen1tly (011l0)1 lli:ttk tlle.
OwII 1 iihe-ts. In1y. IliV(' Ii(l(t s IIirk(
prO;n1(1e of a111 (Iwr he1e1)('niin-Ug Si
1 1mi it lb t11(0': fuOlil 1' '(')'e (1l i1(10_ I11
1 r11 iiar il elt i(i ar i (I) crttt'
m n il' )i lle i i:eI \ whe1(0 1 1 i nI l
11(111he ii ttii 1111.wui'l h Ie \ 01 m
beh01 1. bu 1 n a pe,IIl otiii<m Otf OO VOt('
Il 'iny 1 d ist ri2 t h( i deti(1(001 gl ve t
i(l1 t w ill :l-til l I ll ':ll iii fullletlu1lls(
th(' o1tat; :ntl tnw:htlu ) )lte con1tr<
) i- polls 1l11(l(T" ilhe isal:( ( regulI
1iiOlon w 1ich :tp ly to 1I1lI(' (tate c n rl(1.
( 11N \(NS (>F e()N(: 1:31":s- llN.
'.Il a' sl lilli ti ll rl1T' :,X) ai 1 ('le t (
i ii s t :t un.'aOeIiltiu p l i t h
Iotm'4 hern ie that,i 021 whille hlll o
le i l I II l liluOlla (14 l('tU11 1 'I ll1
)u l11 1 1 1 1 1101.'nlit i \';i 1 x ' iilk' l l l) O'
it, 1fa1' 'a)ies tO appl ito 1h 1( h111
(0oun)1it ry ii\tl aslonly imte lnd for tli
\\Olh1 ii 11(1 11ly1 ltirt' th ill l1
In n11 Not her SI)OI')1 tlte t111 sa
wol tt iltitI t i da t ol 0 V(' 1iiue
tO take; .' na(h: f thei1'11('r 'lection1S. I
iht 1u1111t. hOw tever. it is (l ifh'r'n
nO tr ull wl bi11 t " ("Nlti'ri('1ne(1 i
1tinI Li : su(ll a it s11 )5 tho' 1)w i
] tY,', int :110 lim 11 '. I O( .t 'll 1'' fO la e
I li y O it wcill b ' only a:1 1)lienlte( ti
ilthe So it' . IIer( a' ie )iniO1s <
1i) 0 1((lei Ili. 'o tlirl1n .)eioerati
ntI t'1 to m night:
\Iul. (.lx11n:11.
" 'd' . iit1t is an24' extoiioly part
5111 itnSure'(," sanid1 11r. Ca'Indler <
(1e2Orgia. whIo wa11s cthinill 0f tim
sl m'tl0 t I '0 mie t (O lilt('(2t 111til' t 11
COI nre's. "I'ho hill itis) llainly ii
t('1It 1 I'Or 1h S10iouth 1l(ne. '1denm
--11m'up 'rvisOr i d11(i un1m1l1 wi15 110' nly b
a1Oin1te1 inl til th(lt. One will 1
It iinl:ally t U l)lhuliett: Ian th(
('2222italV al I)enio r1't. t 1o10th wVi
h o('22 lIol lS Who 121 SOOil sw' .
NO (IeIt Dimclrat twl bO1 ppoitn
( . T' ele(t wvillb tl( it wt itl i
(i0t1 : a ('Oilt ion11 inl t(w Ot h1 Sillll:l
t( 11ha1 of1 tho- 11e'("n-tr1u(tijOn pe(riot
:1ii v:ill O l rl t 1(5 1 in alienai ting ltl
1le( .to t l(1 'm'l' (1) 11(0 1"Ili' 11' 1 )11(
tof' Ie 221(' 1:wh i 0 ' rne . l ihe' t (( id a o si t:
rOundiln tl h it h :i I'ederal 22 nu11
<1hols Of' ther ty])e we usll lmhve i
Ihm St b.1 is e:is edlt(us int l ffe t, l
t 11c' mt1tl1 t12 111 i 011ii tin O 'I t ., i ht ('l
is n;reat :1i 2 e o11 riot :11i 1 blo11s'e
:ti t tht ) mOlls.
" t i-l w' hit' p('ol ( Oi the .211
wh..,(1'.r they mun er . 1or .th n.t
hh -h or22 'I t l lt Hoin>:'l.(tIu'
22tof %4 mlisiipi. Wis deign to pn
ven Inegr2112'o"4s it. vot1ing thei 1)In<LI
int iet N Ii t'. IT)u 1' 12deralt su er
I ihjlnuthei21 negroe. The hil iisx d'CCi
but tl(' its e"vilS will be clearl\" de'
olstrated, and will reiet uo)01 the
R- That portion of the bill providing I
the Ielrll gOvern'llent to Ila
charge of tlh' elections is ctrly' i
tildidl for th South, 1u1 the Sou
" only."
Its lassagi" sund Seu9to I3'r1
11 of Ar1'kilnsas, ''will (r1te gr(eat 1r 1(
11 1)10 inI tIe South . A Wori'e la\w Oil
oul('d not be passed. IoweVIct
Io1u)1ld it 1ass,Ihhope to see such a i
l_action tlutt We' will 1sWee'p the ('ou1m1
'i '92. It will in)"jure the irospects
the South in ev''y a."
(iEORGE T. 1A1l NsE.
"The0 hill is intended( 1 to' e ntirec
I1 srcf ional,'' said Mi'. I trn('s, of ( h
t(' gin, "II 1laces 0111' ('lect i01 iii 1
nSoulth ('1ntirt ly ui1i1er the contlrol
o the Fe er't'lull itl i11(, l i t 1erly ignii
in g the rights of the Stoates. Its i
tinttie ohject. w\ill 1)4' to l('1 iv' il
;1)4 ocrat f1 tle eletionl of )eni
't cratti(" l1'- rn':entattiV" inl 1 m: y1 $outl
" r d'.1(istric'ts, and at reltlll'n of il('1nl
i it w\"ill fail iii 1)lnt' l i o I nttioln, 1)
(l it will rc(iuirt' nmore active pV' )1
11 ti(cipatfion Of ouri 1)eop)l(' inl Feder1'
"' (1eel eions. I hat\ str on gi. i hop('s 11
b)ill w\ill be( defea('ted(111 in he' Se'nate.
1MO. lANE.
"It 'm110iot he of1en ttiVe ill 1
North,' sai1 Mi'. tIlinu' of Illilliois.
is ('l('aly1V inltended( for the Soutli.
1 \il in'ei gr':e t o111rage 11.1)11i th )i,
1pe of the Soutlh if fssd('(. Ilowe
r('1, I (1)111 if it ever h'e om(s i h111
It is unde(l('n;ne'ati('. a slf1 Iowar
(<( Int111.l/a io , and11 is at dlire('(t strlOk
f at 1 .>11 cell f o '11 1111(o1vit."
' Tii'' (uilly Pairi t . (ittip l.
n1 T'.>)intothIs 51inc1, lllwa ; c(ount1
e T1en111.. wa115 sf iii''d i p treme'll'1l(n sl
4' OV'' 2a senisatf iOiutl ('h)1)('1lop'1 ,ili wh1i
i. flt' hel)milet Of1 ( J111' olli' Hlous
, ook his 1112 nd hr'1' t1hr('te sniiiill bo):.111
'I went otl with a farnlirr, 11n111e(1 . I
y Brown, wlio left 14( hind hiiii a wi
u S 'arh'i 1218 1('411 111 141 v tIh' dlesr'i'l
L. llhsband 11( \\niwif' for tih' faithl('
1 s])Utls('s, w\hoI111V"'ii h v ail\ 11(4 11111
Ii ail hi. 'lh(ev were :ipprehin(leI, Ii
-, ig a1s122n12121l wifte.a:t (Coneonl, Ten1
by Sleril' Brown malt his lput v.
If 1((1 ('h111t V. wi o4 t o1k th2 ('l p r's I
; Dayton, tel' (' t y11)1f (111. en, llel' Ill
will )e air'1tiO'l :1111(1 1 \('rV se1is
tiolad trial will l'ollow.
' ILut(ery'ITicket Spe('u1at i(In.
*Do you kiio>wther'eare4 mlore lot he
i tickets s01(1 in W a s ling 1on eve
1 uni t h( iiutu in)1 ti' te r 5' i2ty in 21
l ork(i'(N1vv ive'bod Iies LtIe1m. 1
t the ('ighltcen Ihousand10 goverm ne(
S lV('1'e ('listier, iat t el V 41 11
21' M e r lult11 wl'i('1l s014' o(12' l
r , iu l b u yI ; lot.ry 1 ikets it tht' y 1.1
t Iill 1t' 1'12i111kiug "jo('112ill "1 will
i s no,00) to iow. lit aito in:
SI)o St'ti;ttor 4 1l)1' 14)((" (I Iitk('ts. 211
I ep'es'111atives byrte I1ore atit
\\aclas 1u1r111 elteir he('ts. othr' n2n
.( 1ei s W('r(4' ('(21)41 ht11('(1. 11111!i 111 1 WI
(1 lutg111)1)(''. I let b('1', of ' six
se'lyi Iriet'ts <('lr1 1hn Soutliei
( wIlt fi'1 heir 1'pk Tih ni 2.
.Ihr wee cohued and'I4~ ai <C.l
ai sup. Howe'4l12v, of21 thel22 six y14
11outh14 CarolllinninInbr 1 and1 enClls 1211
4) - ahnto eir
Ie 1)112e<1t2I f'com a IiN 114's 5Vitl.
WIn tClay tco'nty,~ 11A lh:ana,'l' SIo<
er,2 <lied olfIhyropbi, 2111u1jll'ingII
iost ishoi a18ony 'bfe lw di<eI
Hlis death s thei 11111l' of4 a'(bit', 2
whoI'21i hi one11 of his ('(114.rs to1 1124 ~I2
i niN ting '8 ui(I gly 2411 ial21. T1141 111n1
bel 1)un8 ut11e24 Then1111\ the:I Iswelli
cotinuedl( up the24 in, andg4I Winally 1114-l
2 as eu' i'na ..w sh11h.r 1 S<o
4114'al days ago11li48 (yin ti'/1 of drop
iaI <'l)velope, :0 21 (liVlil rapidl go
oftlysi 14'2(n 1 ronofed itl a (-ase
wIt 12i12s1 lookna lue (21m1 ne1(1 n
his' l uIbi ng111 Il 21 ue4- n co105lor, a
1124e 1li agIeerl b11 11hat the1 b''i
sIt, ag (yIha 2his 11241' hegn
il41 s 02221l probably2 atl>alis
hery141 aur1ay ni'('1ht1 oin(I 114-la
3i oann('Hi, Tenn.' .lgohn' Cun1( an'efin
-h( ef the 12'4012 toath ls ciizn of11 ('11a
iltoni 121unty,2 was' dr8'iving n5oos b
Ia uta ,is to14 his( h44w, ni14 ('22 lh4
111 l'u, whn1 wolg w ym n jn
he1 la.vm a unonsiouscorlit
or A trong iruonvillo Man (lut of tho Rnco
for Vovornor.
n- G1IEENvLLE, S. C., March 12, 1890.
th To the Editor of the Florence Tiucs:
As you Were kin1d enlougl to sug
g('sL tily lalile I'or the oflice of Uov
Y. ernor, I dein it due to you thaLt my
1- position 1e mulade knowi at this early
is date, iii advance of anlly action on the
'r, part of others with reference to plae
('- iug (':unlid:tes in the field for this
rV high oflice. As I have already inti
of m1at('d to you in11t 1)1'iittC C''i'ri t e ilul i
('atiOln, I all not an1i aspirant, for 1)olt
ical hionors of any kind, and in
('ltirt'ely ('0111(it. with Occupying the
si ation of a private citizen. tryuig to
11di..lI1u-g(' tile duties of cit izens5hip
11wit hi pr1ope' regard for the interests
r of of hlers uid always entertaining (a
protouial1concern inl mieatsuel'(' af'ee
I umft' welfure 1Rid prosperity of
outh Carolina. lut I. have 110 desire
b for oilieitl sIatiou, niid inuclh less
I) iu'linati n to enter u n 1011 111 an i'tiv('
r. (ullpaiii i i oelr'l' tO Seclu'e it. I'he
dein:nds of a huge lbusiil(ss interest
r ilr sul' feienit to o'(p11W iny ('nltir'e
il tin w1e, an it it, \ 1(l I til ii hg aside
1( otroni a well def ined ur1 oiise ini Ii fe
:i ( 1h 11i i ('Ot genial eiployin11011 to
Sie'k ('ng: t,n t in'11 an1 11 ncerta''IIinl
)C(liInu t bII1est, wh1il' 50 1111. Its I.
i(' ('1411 Se' t Iere iS 110 511lici('it r'easoni
lor so doing. I hloldl it to be true
i t lit the State hts a right to the4 ser
vi('s (if its ('itiieis, 1111 1 N Olne of 111(111
I iutlst ie('essarily fill pu1)1 ie ofli"(e'S.
" but so faru' I 1l Itve es('a)(d t he duty
u1 privilegr of renering ('rVi('es i
a ll) ili(ial ('a i ty( (1V, wVler'e I was
(ln'uden t 111011 its (inolutl('its for a
living. I. will lie glad to con1tiite
('e l1pt 1'n)1) I his line( 0f dtty, :u(d
have no d14(oubht liny f'(lloW ('itiztinis wvill
- gatif; sue ai rieasonal)hie (('Sir.
atllOwing ui(' to r'enlutinl iii the 'aniks f
Y thlose w w10ill stiiive ('arnestly for the
( rlin t in o ood011v4n1Ii g toineti h
"uIt. w\e'( aig the I(adg(e of olie. I
I' 1loi iuost highly those Who rend(to
S suh1151 s erVie with ti(1('lit ( l 1)atr'i
'1 )15-.nut w 1itlh tan eye single to the
1('StS uit(r(Sts (f ( 11(n o nwliO ealth,
Init it i oin>' tny wlish to joinl t l il o
ralet ft )it y of thli(e hier,1 atd
1 o eertlainly ('11 1n1ot b' ' i id (edI to
('r ol' i'Vself:UUe' fnn ih' tlice seekers.
1 nas 1not ins-a'nsil,('o howtV , tio t'h
it 11rit (cn'( b1(1' 1y yourSelf nil
; t he1S in suggestinlg 0i for the owlite
of ioverlnlor, anld bneg to express my
hear:u't If 'll tltliks for thlue tll'feritd'(
('onlll)i11wn t , 'esecially fromt lil ti nanlty
'5 of ny ftl(lowV jonnalist5s, \wos good
ry nill 11151 (st'('u1i 1 in proid to (cl niu
wi a1tr nealyil lineshr of n''l cotm-iy
l(t ffil(1"I' 1(1. O)l('t"L)tl o i L tlu,f)) t"(;
)f l ts 1) n('i e i (' nt. i (int it rial l1i 1ar.
it Teit' nesiia'I ( f 'S of teit ' Stati, atllow
u- 1)1e 1w 1 atl, liltv(' ul ti('s d 11with
1t luoul('ing 111id gu:u'-ding pub)lic sent1i
"' whant, we as I geiul rule 'thet' p1reS
r'( of Sioulth Caruoliu:a huts atlway}s re
S 1u:niu'ihi st('tl'asi t ill p)riciiple' tnd
'i (Olurl'a eo ii l l in s of peril. I [ it It
1 hiih privil'gt be associated with I
" sun"h tru(' r(iiptrusen tiiV('s of the 1)r0
it.essioy.willassured t Itpil ro
( I '55 1 1, I' 05 11( I fIn .I v 1 et
it o e'tt ( ost h irtiy inll i ul(e(r
wf fill tCio l to <h-'\lof t ut In1'O51wr 01' u ,
idi It'o tt, :utI it is ny uItlt(ra
at fiU'rei('t o' f ti' 1)elltnciratig i c par't yl v
i (I ':uis till pr, i (t i ofs ie s l dehsintw
' ('e 4 1el. 1W1 l' i d(' tif'i i o g l ur
>r feis is to it 4) fo itng n ( insl'reS, hall
'n 1 :I ( o' n 4tii ite (Ifiuost(t Irnes tly 1 or
L" 'oittl'we'( 1con1ceive o b s riht, 1:utno
li- true~ tIll)eien ll e opi1ari the
i vhsfll' i ows.iv~ flintv ff'ct l( utmost
'y fea tha Il la- ill Ie led1 inb>'JIti( 1oliti
11,t- l I wh n :II lOIS. Tll>r ut is till' thni('
<h. tflr refleio. WM'iiitsincererard,
Ill : I Very' t rul yon-s
w,hiare ot,'enetolls a lilly,e.
ii\\rIu TIn' wets ago, in ihe llgeriini01d
tI 11ou11 of'tn Shelby count, aoI negrol itas
i ii fetnie t'o lsierv' 1three vei u it theiigi
a1 t I initnt if fir stealing'l it love
of itntiaryl fo tling on blilliarbll
as' in reeny ad tiuleno't breacho rit
A t3tatemoint of the Political Couditlooo
Which Confiont tho Uood People of the
COLUMBIA, S. C., March 14, 1890.
Upon the re-organization of the
Executive Committee, in consCquen'co
of the resignation of its chairman,
Hon Jam1es F. Iziar, it is deemed
proper to issue a brief address to the
Imnocracy of South Carolina, on the
eve of an active and important cam
paign in which <Iuestions of vital con
cern to IIe State will be presented to
the I'eOple. anid in view of the stubl
bornt fact that we are still coni'Ont(1
and mnenaeed by the enemy from
whose conit.rol the Stfate was redelmed
in I87t. The existence of this enemy
is none the less a matter of fact,
althioui4h as an organized and active
foe to good goviernmentit it is not so
clearly secl ats in forimer days. But
the dlOmnimuit parUty ini the Fedler'al
(IOve'nent('111, liulshed'(1 Wit Ii Is restora
tion 1 cXc('Utivo 111(1 legislative
1o'er, is just as dleterlie(d to-day
as ever to w'(est from our haluls the
contitrol of this Stale, n11d as it lose5(
giound ii, oth 1' sect 101 is of the ('(211 -
trv t\ he ne('essi l y be)('ome m1(5 ore im1
erati ive to reg:in a foothol( in the
Soiu th(rn1 St at('s, ( whee (' the idenIical
11115:; Of igoinluitit viiters, so loig used
to out' disalvanita!ge. are ready to
r(s)Old to 11' ('111 Of t('heir Bepul)i
ennu lenders, wh leneviir anU op1)Ortmtlity1
is given for their r('sus('it1iO11 as it
i iiitienli. Ver. T'I threate.ned in
torfren('('ce wit ii on' 1(duct of ee
t.(,in ini 1o eri0 )VState 1;Is, whIich i)1
h m adrOoitlV uid p1(1sistentlV
ur"g((d n' this linine ini the (ongress of
the Unite(l Stat( inutler it highly
inpor frtiii i itt. VP sh:ll n(ot (lOSe' 011
('yes to the (log(1r of the sit ualt! iOU
or" resl snpitn'ly up)(n ft' VictOrie1('
1%e 1ast. The(' irimeical maiijorit Y
exists in South a(itroloia to day w\lihich
m:uade po)ssib le the O;)pr1essiOlnuam
1115r1 il(' of th(' (il]et 15) gVerl11men ts
and it is oiilv wit.ing a suit abie op
))Ort unit y 1( 1(' wielde1 iginilist lie
ilt(lligence all(1 id he v\irtue of tl
StatP. Henc1i(e, it, is iinemnilhelnt 11)011
us5 to r'(minu wa;ttchful and v'igilanlt,
n'v"er losing sight to' 2a m1ollen1t of
the Over'llist(''iig 1('(sessity we ar'e
ul'r to 1)r's('rv'e t' lunity ' and1 in1
t'gri ty of 1)w DImuooretio parIy in
this State, )ecauSO its oveOrf bro'
mencul5 disasIer ('nd( ruini to the hlighy
('st' inter(',tts of ii all the i)ople.
'T1-he Executive ('oiunitt('(', ree
ogiiizing the fiact, tlhiat 1here m-''
(illl'('nr('s oif o)inion aid to a
t'erta1in t'XI ('lit (dissi1tisfacti 1n 1111O1ng
)elocrats as to the ad1iiiist'a
tion of i the gov('r111('11t, in tlin
St te, i111 1beli('ving it is (onduc(1tiVe
to at heiallthy publi) setimnlt, ltht
Ihuse Iiili'r tit''s shall be1' freelv dis
('tussed, yet iii view of 12the m/om51en1
Itiu isu11 s ilI st:1ke. we would ipIpel
to ill that tieV sli1ll settle such miat.
tors strielly withIin the line s of Ourl
par11ty or51anization1, lot' it is vitally
iun1)>rtant to hatve the active
axertion of (\vcr,y true il unselfish
.1)'onitt, in pr"es('v'\ing Ihai, solidity
wIhieb'l is ('ssenlt ialtI 1.2good2 govern
ment111 mi South Carlolhuit. Invokinlg
the ('o-opera':t tin antdSi support of every1'
'21:11mn II w ho lims tO 1) b a Demuocr'at i'n
or1giiltion21, thle EX'cuitive (Conmmit
tee would re spec'2t fully urnge that21, 1he
1res oinsib il it y rests uponIO all 12) heari
lheir sliure ini this~ paitrioti'c1 wok, as
the ben12efit s necrin1 g fr'omi11122 'mst
share'(d by atli. The r'ead*ine(ss an22l
he-inesstiii'8 of all (lasses 11ier<- tofor a o
r'en dr fa' ithuli ser1vice' 2 ini his).espect
iS a 1iunnot112 (''112 tlmt futur' exigenci'(s
wothtIy son1 ofI 82uth1 Caro(llina.
J 1u2:8 A. 11 for', C(irman'i21.
Wu-2. : 'JON:S, Seeret' ary.
~110(1<'' EI "ilM N(4Or'.
Neai'ly a1 yearl a1go Fisherman W.1
'1'. Vani Dy~ke, whihe iurinig his o'
('u1)ation 21 oIshOre, in ivitinughVly threw
(2u2 a1 fishuig 1lin4 with itwo well ha2te(d
books1i. Presen2'2tly thI ere was a21r
t he 1bai11 hadu ''ook.'' Van1 t)vk(' was
hauiling 11n 1h:222 over'i haml1(, whe1(n
811m1len ly 11he tenision 2 2n'sed' 21222 1the
lin wa "s graiefl]ly ma1 adri't1ly
wh,li>1ked 1221o t 122 hont11 Iiiu both1
hooks. Last tfall Mrj. Ynni Dyke, in
<eniityVing 221e of his5 1ponds of its4 owr'
('nlt.ives a1 'lig'1 i1h and a1 sea bn2e.
uni1 2lt' 2y a bit ofI fish ('ord, whlieb h('
remlily'1122 h-iiled 21s 1his own. A hook
12u21 J((ne(tr1at'<1 the2 jn1w of eachl 1ish2,
al, becom'in1g iinhe<h(d there), th2e
li'sh2 12:12 gr'own2:10224 nromul'the ir'rs,
1(ositi201. ThusI, held12 to2gether'2 for
1242121y2a t.w(elemont h, t hev ho14 ('(m-s2
('21 h122 biny ini doubl22 (':1o, heM1( by2,
a1 sin2gle twviin, till death i ciii thei1'r
1i'emo (I hf le in2 t wain. Thie ske4leton1s
Simnlese tw\inIs, logeflher withl. Jhe
biooks ma12l lineC, wihichI ('oistitiite(1
their 82214 diomest' ie 11i', no(w adorn11
th2e walls1 of 1122 lish2 hloise oif Mr'. Van1
D lyk', on1 Oceani avenuile, oppos14ite
North Bath aLvcIenue--Longl.. 1l1ranch'
Te recen 2(1'lt frost1 :a T1 nmt1i~lll.
viritual 2 omplet'(122)1 ' the2 rin'1211 of' thle
~At UmiatillIa, fuhe banner' sIhippilig
j2oint1 (21 (Lk counf yt', the2 (Ihuna1ge 1s
very2, grea2t . The24 ('22 ir 1 r4' ''of ear(ly21
ve'(gtabl1e1(, e'xcep't enbba2):ge', is pra'cti
caly wiped1 out. OranlIge l~osoms
nr1O nlot dIamJag('1

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