OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, August 25, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1892-08-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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--Mr. Walter W. White, of Anders
is at Capt.- Thoruley'p.
-Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McFa
on the 22d lust., a daughter.
-Miss Dora Folger, of Easlcy, is v
ting Judge Neivberry'-s family.
--A party from this place and Ea
left here Tuesday for Ceaser's Head.
--Let every conservative turn out, oi t
80th instant, and vote for hit. rights.
--Mr. W. T. McFall ias becen conti,
to his home by sickness for several da,1.
-Mr. A. M. Morris is now a full-fled.
candidate for Supervisor of Registratik
--M~j. B. F. Wliticr of Ander.on .
in town last week 4-11 proic;onial bus,ine
--J. T. Waldrop lost a child last W
headay. It was buried at Secona Thi
-We will carry this county if ev
conservative will go to the election r
--Mr. V. J. Gillespie has sold hii- fa
of 139 acres oun Prater's Ureck to Mir.
1). Moore.
--Tlie last State campaigit mcting m
lcid it f,urens last 8aturday. 1I pa:i
off quictly.
-A smolske at Mr. Joa) Mauldin'n a
tuill last Sunday, made his friends feci
---Twenty-one name added to the She
pard and Orr list last week. Lel the g(
work go on.
-Miss Mattie M.:d1o-k, a charmi
young lady of Princeton, is visiting N1
8tella Newbery.
Juius Uogswell, oi k-,narieslon, Epent s
eral days In town last week with friends
-The ladies of the Biaptist ulii
have postp'iied their ice eteami entcrte
plent of which notice has been given,
-ii party'tro. Fit Hill tassed throz
here last Tuesday to Cesar's I!ead, B
Yard aIrd the FrenL BIRoad valy ou
pleasure trip.
-It is your duty as well as your pri
lege to vote. The:a go to the polls U
vote for your rights by voting for Shepp
and Orr delegates.
-Mr. W. 11. Murff and Mir. n. Ha,
of Greenville, were at Judge Newber
last Monday. They left Tuesday for (
sar's Head anil other.mountain resorts.
-0. B. Martin, of Cential, Who rrw
ated from Furian Unliversity in Jtim' w
the degree of it. A., has been eleeied pm
cipal of the high school at Donnulds, V
has accepted.
-Judge ar.d L-s. 'imionto came o
from Greenville Saturday with Cot. I
good, and spent Sunday vith Mr. J
Bruce's family. Tbey left Mono
Flat Rok, N. C.
-A protracted meeting will com
in the Presbyterianu church at P
I'hmusday evening at, 7 o'cilock. D)r.
-Recv. Wm. It. liichardsoni, of Sp)art;
.'mrg, will dleliver an address at blhe
?ridty nlighlt OH proh)tiit-ion. Th is is<
>f the issues to be~ vmted on in thec
ar(otchinlg electh>on anid Mr. Richardsons
last Sabibath ('eenintg b2 y the 1mn;a'go
twoi of its imost popular me(iijmers, Mr.
IH. Callahaum anid Miss Es:,ie (Chao
The1 cercinonly w~as pterfo rmiedI at the het
of the biride's step-fathier, Mr.,J..Wek&
hy Rtev. J.'T.M Mcride. Dt. I). (em
Ilasit anmd Es;sie will accept our most hea
-A partiy from ,ibnity. (coniin'.m:
Wakelini and daughter, Miss (heco, M
Ballie Chimlin, of Spartanbhurg, Ir
Boggs and( sister, Miss LelAa, Ch amp1
kins, Warren (Oriflin, 1R. 0. Robijnsonii
sister, Miss Bettie, pa.ssed throu mghi he
Tuesda.y omorning on their way to
-.-Newis rea(-hes us that ie e camp
meetinug at I'msh..y w.as nit 8s quliti
shou)tld hav~e been.. It i.-1 ai dho a
listiuffT iMas inidul.ized ini by severalat
which albno(st broke~ up thle me ietinug. '
is all wrongi, if politiesi was- at thl hou
of it. ,Every3 1lman is enitlied to his pc,
cal opinion, andt no0 one sh'ould fall
with him for it.
--The following hans teen dran fr
*this~ counity to PCrvei as graind and pe-tit
tors ini the Uni td StaItes cot in ii b i
ville nextI. Febio.ry; Orandi Jar .1m'.
Major, John Natty, E. W. Comm'iiin.i
R. Olossett, Baylus A rtlhr, TVhos. Wa mlk
anid Whit IIamilton.
Petit Jury---Johnm B. King, W. A. I
Iey, Jr., and t. T. IL'lmino
--The annual re-unaion of Orr's regim
and other commandiiis took place ait Sai
SprIngs last. Tuesda' mand Wmedniesd
N4one of the expected speakers were pm
ent but tHon. M1. F. Anisel putl in an
pearance amnd made a very flueO ad ress.
.goodly number of the old soliers ws
presenit andi reme wedI old associautions is
old frienmdships, andi aitogether had ai y
pleasant timie.
--We callecd to see Mr. Aarion Rogps
his wife last Saturday. TIhmey refreeile
anid ours withil a hauge ineleii amt deii
and exhilemratiing templ3eranlce drtiks'.
and hiki wife are hale andi he'irty. Ie
as fine a field of (otteni as we have ii
this year. At the- amie thnie we lhad
pleasure oft seeing Mrs. A. Johnti Bitg
whose malHny I.'ickeins ft iiends will het a
to hear thant shel is in the *.njoymen:zt
perfect healt.h amitnd hapiness,
( heap 'I ekots East,
0., A. IR., Wasingtonm, I). C., andl N
Review, Btalthinore. -Onm these occa.4i
the Rlichmuond & Danville railroad will
from all Its coupon tieket otllceas excuire
tI'?kets at one lowest first.-lass fare for
round trip. On sale September. 1:ll
20th Inclusive, valId returning until-C1
her 10th, 181)2. Tils gecat. system
made exratordin ory prepaa.loons to hanm
thIs Immense binsliness better fliis year I1
for aniy pirevious Encam pament. Full
tl anhy aIgent
toad. Be]
92, thec RI
I will pi.ut
miomer exc
.Saturday last was a galy (lay at Fort
.. I lill. Mutual friends trota Pieckens, Eas
lcy, Greenvilb), Anderso ai uil acica ail
thei' gusts numlberiig in all between Sev
cnty-ive'und a hun.red, Il-t at Fort Hill
>t ada royal pic.,ic they hwil. They assm
bUd ait 10 a. it. and time was call d at 6
p. in. Joy reigned supremc. As tlf,
il, writer and his sweetheart hadi no courting
tu d, t1:y Lud the pleamuir of being
ishown arouwd by Mv. J. F, C Dupre over
tue Clenaon C lege Farm Mr. Dupre
took charge vi lAbruary la' ani the re
[ey sult, 11bun1dantly 1Show that i beside!i great
energy and Uat lie has brought with hin
hi a ript. experic, both inl b(riculture ILa
agricilture, Our time was not ifllicent
t take inl all of e;ither departmtI, buL
xvdl wht asakvoted to thes dprinm
w ill inr us' a h inl.jnilme davidelld.
Mr. 1)uprv has experililented 'with fifty
"iX vriLetiCs of Irislh I)OtatoU aXUJ obLuinld
- most. sat.isfactory results. He was eng.igei
vas ha:t Saturd:ty ~lent ti; a secon*!d em i. Ir
a w1ich ho v.ill 4uNe seed fs r m:xt,
The tibt, crop beconies too dry and lo,es
d- too much of its vigor to give the best re
rs- suits when1 used for plauting th1 next year
As soon as opportunity oford s the fa' m, ers
rv will have the icincbt (if a ful! report on
ud these a%d other tiAs.
luld .ga, spleba em
c , and wi ih en ing fromc ihe echij ia
r1tu he now 111u o.it ]WOmIi,NiM!re n te
- under Way. This is :>mdhi; new- aw
uider wt q;n. ije :id j'rujinj: ) ti
tom atO's ecesary fir V;C'ply me 'm
i Vc:ts and scing immy, as we]] i ot ..
to laidlies uriaid town, he
has and will Put ilp for i%inter u:e mauy
h.uldrecd cans. 'Iey have in operation a
AInling hiact"ry th. ci"aacity of wNhich thf-v
ie'-Id to keep ad:nate to he proiticts of
the. 1aldel and orozchard. la prest *IL, ca
0 Imaly N ;'ut A0 eftels a day thy have
had beais, cz:.bag(- and illumbr in
I abwudanec -md pI!eity to sell to all w%-o
wisihedl but in addition to this, Nr. Dupre
ia- .t;,wed away severai barrels of all
tVhee : eget.bl for -tyinler ts.. Tl.e
bea; lie ;ys, will h(e; . O that Ohey will
be quite as nice and palatable as if they
w(re fresh. Hi.3 Crop 4A all kinde If uin
i.s has been very succesiull. Thec
an be considered.0103, as kill ildex to Ii.
'ardening. Vhnm opportuity affords our
*eaders shall have a full repo-rt.
Mr. Dupre has certainly broken the rec
ord on plauting out fruit trees. Out (f
1,300 set out. only four failed to live.
Clemw>9n will soonl have one of the linest
ch Orchards in the State.
il- There are threc hinidred and fifty acres
in- planted in, peas. Thesc will pay u g.yo)
dividend mn a p.1%a, call and also in ferti1
ah Zing 'si. for Lbc next crop. T.:-re i. a
lie ro of~ cornt ('Ini~ thbt toms. Th'!e
I ihld pser o he saperb. Tnj hai
crop Ia% been gool aml an abunidalnt, -
. 1yof ensihge &c ha been irovidchd for
!Ihe winr. en The silo; 11re wdll il:kd. Col.
,d Newman will ecrt-jitnil ake the farm
,rd more thjat self sut,lwuoiig. Illked it
only a mat ter of a siort time bcfore he
e will m1ake it a pa'y a handsome dividen(ld.
V* 'I'here is one hundred and twenty acre; in
bott.om in one body. It is divided Into
many sections, on which are growing corn,
sorgham, mdllet, p-itatoes, peas, and a
Ii large portion iu Beramu,da gras- from whici
a crop of hay has been (ut. Tiis anid ail
11- the ftrn pimper is tinder t he personal s.i
Ud pCrvision of Col. J. 6. Newmian, the Pro
fvbsor of Agriculture. Ii aiddition to this
V!'* he .ha 169 aerc.3 of new grouad corm
la- wlich if no diiaAer happens to it will
n inmke , I:. r. , .... ..,
hie 4."' .i" (i\erinan tail !aatm is sure to give
.i t'd\ LI? with th bu emi:asis, the le.c ns
.ii he et. Noitellunt farmax r. oh
iim '. D*i I ) a tNit 'u wih.at ding I
ch -i im iai to im 'z a nh
lied e-:h .Tran thi~ hP c isi rad ie Liat,
'lif Io 'li3Ct mix to no to th salin itr
ani,c.if thI at ii. wnan ag i Mr. Dupo.
of'nt'-..S varcimies of b)lalning th'raeru.4 ha.
n SpaeLe forid ach further re'port, at prescnt
but you snall have miore anon.
tI uenut~1y un ('ie tiry in menei.
tt By farie miO. lirillit,t ga4therinug
1ea ,q :it.i :I' c l 1. ( h:i h ie ca Pi2'.
311n 0 1mcsi. (u had (en en i; .ite ver,L
'i.an],! Theioi I rs:, dr- a
iti- .Ihced It: i1.he I (w a t ule , n,. ; era
ou ive let thir i chau i ). c i w e l i,t
of ' jo.JaThe huile..-si iitendanoe wht.
idm .c Miss5 l:tle Feuse.Con, pinivle,rt
L. hiit, avei, c. ''rouwa'atyc
LubMis i gtSng let, Gre u!', whiesil.
A Miss Jadnie Mli,et,t UCarlso, crink ura-l
cr oal. brele lu trin.inut
cu is atia Turner, Geoian, wik nilk.
MNis .nJame Ferguiz, O3irtenvIile, wite
uni iirginy.
)l iSS Httie Fergusonk , Greei' nvillee
-ea. is Fer.lim JoThxa een~~y nun's vll-~O
Mp. ntq (Katr GweInay sy Le. hy it
Alc Mis Aie TLlv)t Ocrga cea uu
er . ryaliprie pIshin.it,Liktu
md i:ss Hate Glad,i ies, ink, nui's
MI' 'iss M~agguie Darig,o, Cbarltour, prnk
Kt Mis sutte ar, Picleri, wvinte mn'l.
ca Amld , Halofutey,vncae
M ilgrtrde.r H'agood.iE. e, ra
Mi.0 Al~uri Poiekeiswo ,Peas
N,h- Oliv Thou rlPckes anbd
Mia Melne Thriley,Picen, wit
Henry Grmly, Pickens.
13. 1). Stewart, Pickens.
11. A. ltich;y, Jr.
At miin;iglt the music ltiiheo.d, h dlan
ing cesied antI Ull but tihe sweet iernry
of a delightful evcin11 wat.4 l>uried inl 4(cle'
aud daikut:ss.
Fublic Spteakiis.
In view of the fact tuat the execttivo
colmtlce Iimic 10 1 >pooinlt'lleIt for tihe
County calmpaigln ill Pulill6Intoynt towti.
ship, tho execut ive. coiUiv,e of tho con
selvative demIlocra'y lhfoU'.ht it rigit aml
proper that tie eople of this Section
IShlitld be tre .t- :k- fairly !!:i r e o[ otil.
cr scetionm ill Ilb. vOt-lAi Atl -haV ap
poilitc.1 3atuid:iy, Au i ' *'vit ,. as : dity
for tit- p t:It,- a . i llf e
c.aupaign aih:-t.y rt, Let, e ver~ybouav taltIe
it .- ol W- tiii to i b- (al Itmi- l W e
I cordiaiy innte atl who ftfiffr Nill' us to be
ime .aUt zad l... ou. side of tile nuitter.
" rot!Jucno speakcri will be preselit to ad
d'k" 't i n:". l'"impk..in'aw a)t ()oil.
cuoy c*iurL., Atu' .L, 'At %. Il.
J. .L Bo(it, (lairimal.
Our 11oIday.
From the 1st to the lit11 of August we
li:ad tli most dAlightful Iolilay that, h:t
ever slhcd its fragrice upan our busy life.
4 "t 'i ill up'rll an th :a:.:n
ill th,e rlcar fut-te. For the nent, poii
tic., tne am:t i te f-iid i fizrher mae ni
lioll. I ieave sie<l sireAh of luncgs
tor aute5, 1an1d p'Wer of dig:.stion for le.
feat. N'..xt Tiuady WI detcrmine v.h'ech
we will 1cedl.
... -
Ma. Enil'on. Ple"Ie anc mee that a
mday h ~celebir;ationt w.Nill he hell at
Ooldn" Crech Cburch on the ftou.h Sat,
urday in this ithmb. Mon. 13. J. .),)in
stonl, tY.j. J. M. 'Stewalt tud Rev. T. F.
N-mn will he piresiiit and in:tl: spf-eche-.
Pr(,f. J. C. (surret, will furnish miaic.
S. W. lowAam.
--A ni1) X4 fe that. gives you the pic
tilrc of all the 're!identll and their auto
:ruphs from Washjington to IIaniison,whe
and oan WiUat issues each was eICcted, altsO
tht. electoral vote ail popular vote of ev
ery caniidate for presi<lenm, the polmationl
of the United States for every live vears
fi ouni the first to the last census, with the
largest, and no.A complete inap of the L'ni
ted States ever published. I'rite 5.00.
c with th S:Nasi. foroim cts.
Al rver.qv!rs on ptulic roads i,a Pickrn.;
COty V, are hwroiy not;iJie.1 to ptt inl all
the unexpired till. (if eiglt dayS on all
public nad int tlwir eharl'e, et once.
By order of 1.!ard. 11. A. JM.'?,kNa,
COK Mki. Co. C om.
Ail land ov:m r iin it:u w_ to i of T w- i.
Mile river aid Wolf crat.', are her-eby n..
tilled to ,t:m i olt all tras.h. rif'!% anM t:ti:
ui f all kii.ds that r:;y b in :-aid w%1'M':
k:1 thCil land. B3 order ob B1(a il.
II. A. D;:::x e,
Clk I. Co. (.omj
The practice of hurying pearl. %ith the
dead trust have been, if it. is not al.present
very common, as Chinese ingenuity h;
bcen exercit-ed iti devi.ii ar it-hods for re
sto:i:g tlae lu.,ter of those founld in1 t'ab11.
h'le fullowing directioms are from a lli.d
btok of Arts, for ienioving the distoloa
tion ociaonmd by g sins eiana'ions of
decomnpsin. bodies: Tak,tl.e r~ atery ex.
tract of Yi Wing gr.-rc atd somc roa,,'-.d
Withl the stainledVie pnils ill
dt work the lnin tLe hat
>lor is re.,oret."-Phihaiel
i lu-rn for Cftaoi.
lev d v.
SA fler bth
.er appljy thi.
the stachimt
l'a P. 0., S. (2
Mvy .Soi-lla.
i>tt.am, waalaaen. e <(iiu C w,t: zad I ash
Iyoiu toa pulish thais for the bene-fit of oth.
e 'rs AaiWerin. ian like Jnannaer."
Bectter Than an En.
A Caatnplete 11i aLry af aur Goveritnment by A 'I
h ne 6 0in-e iiv i -ve arid'l Moun
I t. I a \ ;; ,y . .i- it ft:3 s I al . Itv t: 'i I at.
'' r'.: ti d iar ('' t' yv --i, 't'.' it i te e i ti
TliltS D nli.; i P '(INT I N :
A Jiaa:'er; .'....: iL of th Poa3 lillegat Part
a3 l.ta. tx i.
'- ie. C'u ai t ad the tresiden:ta tan
A fllai.naa,a1na'i:w the l'Nieatt C-a;aaa.,n
iiai N iait aa.h
F-thN :sti r et.
A D,i:u:rienn lhoi 'the * Nie,a Tonr.o
A it of ' N t 'i M l i.
A cttp ,i I- j.Ie, N :heta oli W t.i~ 1xo y
\ ' -w..p o ett'a, ri ft an'ina I te t? tiat
A .'.aiaaof t- 'a!'t oi .\ a(i St.a Syux1 t0 . .a~
Ar aah'tyo f .\l'edn. : ..
1At Miaip auf So.t b. ' ra. tx t'l'.RoXi 1o
A af A fiIpe Nbia au-liti >Sh')r.ibs
AI:~I \ ia.tirof I'er.da, Afghatlana <l itab ,h
A i' : om lt-> a of : t. t.hn So la ystm- 1t e t
'tlttlhi - : (l AiL L Ti. ta I.CllilNT Fg
1: ih att at' 41 i . i bu .
The. liitoaaafaa b iatary oftth ''ofedertion
t. !Ti..atr fteU .Goenin .
Thetd:ta4t t .a the at? . ''.? byt \mi ni (e,itjt t 'w
cA tra tA ia.:ty ittt be Leee Gilta.I t:t.4,it
ai a ahmv-.is : n e en e
\i'n ale :-bit stit;auin eie:
d'Ia Ha.for l(!.fa allP-iai'arerw.eh
&: . tta-ii t'a c'nt v
p F4.l''nt fVoa n g ineo-.eryof\4.i
eoiidrngis eu 'dnJ w.o in ,dnedi r
stun Lz Va.
. s !t l ij . t T -l' - hr ir lit
A nd . 1 l
W't' 1111V . At . '', . 1( 4.1J ''
.'I ' a--'.. It t i : I It t
T , i :Il l
\\ : ,t i ld a l- ,t of 1.
-'V . T. M . - u A
EvI-! l l oul I-m-'
% 1( 11: Iir ow ). - , i.. Iv wr
F l't'-1 wi 1 : I ;
% il sru.. i t '. In .: ..I ,
n ;d Li, -v ith r i i -t, ,ut;
-\rst i:AO I s %dt' il'; b w 1 It
W il t ;i-3 (. Vt U. molIo(
They l i . ). :ln w I.t1Ib( hI v T 1Is
Of t 3'.. .3 art ('LI (it 5 li .%!!I t Il
tq:s -a~ Fi '.lit %% fir ll, I ua iv ', I.'rt. '
.\ %< t '. tun l i t flit'. w i.
P'),%..' I stil t! TqW .i-.t
A- 'I'll,L~i " 1:.
v. ..ri,
An ot: -siltl ib :
W[. 'T . m ou'.Eu.
\ ~ ~ ~ ~ f k1mik rn: tw 0m:- , .i
Fil. 4 et v it rt . '..-3 . e:4."...,
1its otPii::iiE .
-ej - - Vi .
M 1 ; oi . I. m
lie 1: sesi o 'in .i W
Wrt ;In's o l .144 n 4'.'441 ''.t.134
$&(,7? a'.' W.' i..'. b r4 i . . *~144 ..'4.14I'up.
WR'P. TIr. Mc' F Ab.?414SI':.LL..441brt
*31t *.t v A mI' o'.'I"'' tvt i4. r4e a.
A''4.1 t, . .,.'4 ..'.34 .ANi'n'.a'.. .".',~rn~. l Ig s
HISljJ NElGH'BOR'.~ ..'.~'.gj~.Me.~
- Son~i hunhi
ON L Y $375Vt,PIfP~.0be
frrn J.C AH llTT (hitt .'. .C...,.
cS, c
In Bulk and Packagej. 1l varicties. S
Mason's Fruit Jars, -The 1
The Chee.p.;t aid the Bost. PUR SJ
-Strong Apple Vinegar The Fine
'For Pickling.
Wo have somo bargnius in Good Shoes. Making room for the beit sto-k
The but Goods fur the least money can alwnys be had at
Turnip Premiums.
Largest, - $7.50.
2d, - $5.00.
3d, - $2.50.
All our Turnip Seeds Tested.
Carags buggies_and Wagons,
We offera isea lE'! '1!:cs,
Cavrriages, JB?uggi(Vcs and Wao.;ons.
(cour, rXAUuNEL A?4F ft Y.
The Greenville Coach Factory,
H.i1~ C. AR LEYPropitr
The firan of Mori. Ma.uo & Co0. haa been dissolved.
I have boughit thme en2tire stock of well selected Driy
4Aods, She hats,. NotIins (reerieq, &<-.
Foe. the naext Nlxty D)ays~ these go.dm will be soldi
at anid RA1A0bW C'ONT. I rnuut have rooma for new
go(adl- This Is the opporitinity of the seaso. to get
Bargal s
I sell strictly for CASH. DJo not ask for Credit.
N. 1R. IParties indebted to Lewis & Mnorris, will 6e 6*
pected to come with the money and SET' lAL AT ONCE.
Tdrii31 ~2 IcensM. M. C.
The Electropoise
is the greatest effort of modlerit science for the reb'ef of
suffering humanity. It is not a patent medicine; not an
electric battery; not a mysterious or iiraculous cure.
Sunply a scien:tfic instrumnt for supplying thee system wvith
that li/e-giving dement of nature--Ox~ygen. I f you are
a sufTeret from some- ph'y?ical ill whiclh has baffled physi
cians, medicines, change of climate--everything, it wvil
pay you to investigate the merits of the ELECTROPOISE.
Full information, tc:;timnonials, and advice, Free.
Atlantic. Ekctr-nnnica Co ,.
Lot Steel Nails.
ir a '
est tha
st Line of Tobacco
In the Mtrket.
CE & CO'I,
J .A L;W i'.1l-a: ,
The 1'1ekens Larl '1 . y hala t
thle !tollowing defisiridbi, boe'I
aajacresa, l' II, u tih-be ., I i a -
a. bilL'h a.Iala to f r h v
dweVllitlge 1111i ,nh. I, b.
N11111 neu r i Wa i..
tirul il I a .'a Ii a.l La,- tivI. I Wile i s 0
PiCkoia od Fblley road ; Cm thit pept, :- ..
water 0wbr with giiet nil 1'41tton7i la
pres, a1d double met wool Card" with hin . aw.l
all fixtures; all runi by LefTol water
d weliling Ioui witl well (af woud waate. I I
uaeeamnary out 1111l.1 agn; aliio lhINO for Yi, "
d eIrablt ataid ;0fiotitablpliaO. T. na. .
15 41.-6VI o i w r ' (111! :bii . ' - "Ii:
a1a. 'a ul-i I i xv o; I nill. awt .
er nl ' Iol.<4-nl , !'41 ,er :).LIF:I, gri;.' ra
er . 1 1n . l-i a.erwdiow:
llflyu:lt'i- o i mh nr.ec:
22 a '.n an aaa ar''d! l r.ald to p p k a .
it ih-:. tie' a a ''a Puades.al 4 ( aa ao wine'd . ,
culat ;antion; 2.5 altra'; bc:-t Tw'.elve ier-,;
toml. G->dAcottountind gralln 11a4,0d.) Led
(Iw0clingand ono good tenmat 0f 0s. T aad
.an V. I baoml di4cmnutt! ifit 11li h,Hwa Cab.
to,(Pu a res nomu tntin aitid: goma l f r r.:.. ,
71nIynnts, orchaids, etc. Flunely ti;boh.
170 ances on waterg of Stilulat river, I w11- f.Im
P lutult,ad G.rove t-ahurela el;(a! wlalocil I.. -',
aeres 1leared laitl, 11 avie. bratefatu a het. : Cn
'llaan it.' Grov all hurebatl j u*: scholt (:. e
pulil rowl. m % ia e ; - . *htof, e.l,
:I5 ere (a f uil l Ili r aaa riwi* ' n
liiaIlk. -11 1i l :- I u rh tiv i a *a ..
' a i A, il4 bl ingi. i Ut l bist Uv ti.
at - -er eIt.
4U acea 3 mil v of' Libecrty on t'M r-'t.t
.e t 1. ! , ".. C - 'l-a ; , .
ti1t; 11.0towe i!n .1.1,j :wne ..n!,i ov.>. tlh.* I
d1! h t ; , .W :tur tn-:.,.d
met, v or: the ',l-e 1 a1 . a I).
.\ hol. Q Ua . a1 0.a w i
66an l i n : ..aat.
VIII~ ;Z1- tW
h k a ; - t . '
r t o: a' a. ri :w
J l'.t-tl .
'I a a ia bargui ala eIe aRc
:r. a 1 a a ot -,04-: 1."0:
ia nere 4 1.a u' o
ru ,i rev'a .. .,.. vt~* ''C . ..
her'a il tini: P1nn.1 hIe ta;.j
..'d an .'eseata alia ' r 'aIr, 1 ato-'
a,nation,a 10 ac,rea bottlnaa I1 :i'ra" aa
*l .lla '.t:*haa foIr f,aur bora-..a'lo- a
.vatara ti amai e' b.ani.aa. aaa ~'
a ie1I1 i-1 ia ''; .-ae
: . C:in a a , I. ::, n. t
lA'r f.tt an 'al I - a | 5
hai e'ba.t i1a
taaltr i a ; - l . -I Iaa
r.4 ;, .:- a Ca -a -I )a$
tllaw;ai.- ji latain ' 10 a l' a ',a
well1 of ate)ar anada tlO e1 n-1 Caauar
eIasy ternna'a;apriace $I .j
-or ,,n a '' .
1. 'a . La- avi ae e-,. b
ts.I * . ;; *- --
.O.ebri -a:-t ' -.ae
hra.alIf.in 'iwlf
ha 'It ha I IIe' ra. a a
Ilaa a llT 'itne.
rll.. ,) ..
urt bttonII h - a a3
to: prh1ie
we 14r.- a,b toa obtla a .,. a
bo,ok, anaaa paro.poaaa to fa.a-a
oaar fuaaaaaaraIbor..
tachooal ntiaa tau ii -;:a hul?a
rilp !. Va . t --a
,"~ tafalie have'a lfkedl if thiaa tat ren)'
nlial Webaatoar's Untabr)dilcd itiat
the ublishera the fau't that, thisa
wor oMpeteor. whica about foar
ronlrs of t hea aulthIorl life we'reo w)a,.1
e dire, d tiiaics a i-al; II
.aaflaa % W 1h ltand:l d siaaa.:-.e, ac
I ada! aaan-th naoti'o '.( walid lur' -. '
I a, 'I a, anay: naew' S ssriber.
-:i, 'ia umaa reneh'.aa t-naoscariber-'
Ad, 'I", Any hlu.lAei,ah naowa, iIIL'a ' . .'''
up tot .Iana. lati nett,.att g)a fOlDWaaa,(Il*a
I' tall eloth bound, gilt t.ide -rata 'a:aI..
Hialtf Mo, occ.o houanda, gilt s
Full !fheeap bounad, le.ather iaaho(l,a'a .o.
I lja,liver,' C: 'e froN n - o a tle,'.
fAea e.xtia..
lweadh:eaall w'h'r Ileto th avaalI11al
this great opporlitunaity to.. attend:Q a. I a
I be itirn han t et -:
the ",honju" ta. t'all ih a.'1
n'I(' II ma a .Itta. a 0 ,~I aa.aa'a '

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