OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, June 15, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1893-06-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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PIU K R.NS U. I.., S (,;
11o(0GS, proprietor
Xhtered at l'ickenk I'ostolIleO asg etoI lass
~ViIeRIproN StI tter.
BVISCRITION PRICI. $1.50 per Year itivtria
bliy i adv-tnce: for six inouths,5 cents.
Audvottiselntents hiserte4 at one 'hoMa r per square
of one Inch or les for the firt hisertloi aind
iTty cets for eC,h Hul>segn11enlt insertion. A
I bral disontit noie to inerchanti mtid other
live-ltiki for six motthi, ora vt'ar.
t' 1'OS'TION A)IEtTIsENTiS 1S2'1.
TI Vil,Y Nclr 'TAKEN.
Obitnary Iotl(.Q. exceeding five linc, tributem
of '-4,.peet, commilnetionm (of at pwrsonal
cliait'ter, whe ttnilmissable, will be citarged
or t.; .ivertlwitients.
Oh I where shall "Reform" be found?
In Webster's Ictionary aiona the It's.
-To, what extremea wvill thfa -Ti11nm. bAc
tion not go? It is said that in order to' 's
tablish a dispensary at Barnwell several 1f
them who live in the count'y have chipped
in and bought a small lot of land in town
so that they could he called fraehold, vot.
Edwin oothl thr! grva% trageditn, died
at his appartientm in the Ilayer's Club last
Wethiesday. lic nzs a world reowned
tragediati wttl admnirably Inmpersmnated
Sihakepiarm-ani ebaracters whib elicited for
him the b0elic-st praise. from the ablest dra
. Mr. W. It. Va!!.e'e, editor of the New.
herry O!,rrer, find!ne of the ablest writ
ers in th ta i:.; to ietire from journal.
isi. N ie h,a :aclited a profssorshlp ir
tl ( 'inhibiu Fuale Culluge. 1114 -wiN
wili '-tpy :.noithor eimr in the same in
Stitlit.iol. T Ss lo)s'Aes oile of the mos
intlependenit. Vuiters ) and thuiIkers inl tie
We hur)v i#ea will rcad ant re
read and stittdy nid digest the wise word,
Mhi1ch e prin from thatvlt.mient jnd ,
-idilldsn lier n' zs trud ~i,t
)llwh hn Vw : I... i.. ; 1" S" l',
. t il Tw 1:A T , . 1' i nwf -:
th:l a .ro i :1 e . -etillue bll. c"t
i 1 hi: e :: . t. I I-%V I I
h, r 1 1 . .N Vw t Ib a. " , .. 1 -1
fort h c l 1 a " lief wm i o I s N...: ia i
nuvtsli~ite -oiimagi wlorn th.e who awwo
ily. improve riu it. T1i d - -)f thaLt
paper ;In 4-iighsnw , y-s.
"iht is at rt:hit lhin- \VC I!. i~ with
tilll 1 1
the cliril d hh-,. -Hr, .. -oll.
brav alt miten lt :) i :w ! h:e wnawou
A fticii a i ad i - e ii-i: t mlrt,
hil l-Ot Lm a~ l-l Sii) Ilit'ii ill i'? ll( li! ie
paiyw ' n id iiiinii. 'I ,i t.'n io he
.Thati tit l:'iitr. twe wf t.. Btee,
N-?ext yea t.* hey Iiv li'i approri auy
March con l-iin w hen ti\ i ioverIo Tl m
%as first iminiliatt i lth f ip uitnI
anoemet,'nd'asiea a'ry Rofronit, 'of it
al :l, ing: thei tridiu tamefo teunitioh ofl
thel ipt. itio o his t heoijl )ilr, theyi
nowl fwant Ii' to nt hit hiid trust an it
ced in! :thited i te very t f inn thlan
Iwi"wi nie h eint. Trle hn her on.
wonal 'hwrly ni sowy tiriet' ink natal.imun
"IrV Iti"I th tine rs th:titn. 'fthe prie)
'i ho y a g'll:- o? hsey 've been lwat
pen- .30.. lw-e t they ne. ohi hre i3.
uarhin lke he bJougtatWn a10 nI NI'orth"
'J'l..:e Th:w ior io r husentrvjut his
.(al andlth ii airt ti o,ennt tho's'e.wh
hill z n a nt i S a ef rth al g d
3r' mhiin t itis fivoth rtes lt t f fo I the' lar-t
' i g C'. bi''toi- ite tte haK 1s er known
he. onl a n solet I tject' i ' iestbihng3
dt ipesi, is tod rep'en'i . wasited freaii
nothing likethe ~ "Relawin and Rform"
harly all the~ i--: ? -r.4 oi ru;Le by tile.
griap h <ith ''v, ;t m 'it t :i ret'ip. ih))
ofthem f hor rep-a, o ivtliy he~ 5'' i ni
ilt ii"
uovund a ."I i'n favor an incont. l? ''
t3rd.um rian~ Iavor reea ofn ithe Sj',ate
IttllO SIliL u' I "0 ii r lresentties
te he e .tfL:im' til( tl
gch r /1. a rer i i ve. I lij'r ' ori
w* lo - ) t!I i t'
ic in hw , Dx 'n Stt bak
and inity av.c i . T es i r u I l tven ip or
erat tii ad I1re,I Ml'aiitihd
*r nMS o he h'.a 1:13' iusowr th e'
ofd themb('iforiF witlcan
unlied hi bitc
Very- authentic nows from Washington
states that the Collector of Intelnal Revenue
will be appointed during the present month.
It is als).said that on account of the offen
sive partnership E. A. Webster, the pres.
ent Collector will be removed and. not .
lowed to serve out his four years. Pref
iient Cleveland has been informed of Web.
ster's aggressiveness and activity at the
Minneapolis Convention, and the eager.
ness which he as the leader ofi the Repub
lican olice seekers of this State sought to
turn out white Democrats and replace thein
with Republicans, black and white. Web.
stor and his cohorts would like to see the
controersy. between- the Tillmanites and
Conservatives continue for tin indeflnite
perilo, hoping thereby to retain their oflees
in tlc mneantitne. But we hope that in
this he will be disappointed. We have at
ways believed that to the victors belong the
spoils and that they should enjoy the fruits
of their labor. We do hope and trust that
President Cleveland will as soon as possi
ble remove these offensive partisan iepub
licans and let ub have a Demnocratic ad.
mninistratian pure and simuple. These Had
icals have no business to enjoy the fruits
of the labors of the Demnocrats. Yet there
are many of them in oflice in this State
who ought to be remnoved and their places
supplied with good Democrats; for this i
a Democratic State and there are scores
aid scores of good Demoerat4 ready and
anxious to take the otiCPes, which they
fought for and are entitled to.
Ex-Congressnan G.eorge D. Tilinan has
heIn given the grand bouncesnid pluced On
the politivd death roll by the Colunbia
Register. The list is-lengthing. Nex't,
Judge Kormhaw.
Full.of ofyeari ai honors, Judge Kers!haw
has retircd fron the I.inch. The lawyers of
the Oundoii Bar mid him proper respect
yesttiy w''nwl they p it on record their
high alpreciati-o of thE services lie has
reeIiert-l the Stt. The Ihneih and Bar
wili lo)nie rii;iinlber hi0n for IIhe un1varvinli
rillemn-,' with which lie has di-charged
hi;.-; 11l1:1 f-1r. III great dignitjiv With
iUb '.n1-litions of
* I bI i ' ! wishes of :11! his
- t hi inc *ru tiblu .bui.e w ins haosi
%.vrniliitit 'iwt or bleiin.
i f hi- b.onk;: th;.i kimid)-bcar-ci
w i - .1 privilege t nlow.
\ I t 'i: V ,.r Jimve 7th.
1*41i 1 ,11 ;t. Wlhitv (aps.
1n th" D:1 us'.ill. sectioli of PicknIls
cnilty then is a linnilv onsisting of a
ht 1auI l14 ngr iilsh;and and two
uiit di..hte; -'Two yuIIng white
it II hI en- vi!itinlg there soine time
t . they were returning
1!wli -w " t- ' isits thcvyi met in a road
wh. wiomen- A lIttle turther (oin
I u iv; vn1 i\Vr w1IM1 %\)n e;izvd theinl. 1111
it- i I' .;L sioire ,f W mii en Sw mi
vn itheni t"i ! lhP-41 thill doNIwI and held
beln. A Iinher of long and tiotigh switch
were then pri)Itieed and Were Oied wi,th
vior of ft-iniiihi arnis. The womien are
said to have relitvted each other anid Ink
en1 turns at. tk i- xercis until the two inon.
hid very little skin lefi. oa ilhem. Then the
Cai't'eS were releae<i anl the women.
who hA not stopped to gossp or ixchange
views itunchl, dlispersued to) their -homes.
lhey had1( evidentlyv arrangedl tho, afair to
avenge and piut a stop to a public scandal
andi( iiffentce. They wvarned the men not to
ap[war,qj in thle settlement again on pain of a
r epeLt inOn oft ht samne heroic mo(raj treat
A very amusing incidient is told on
at Tib nt Trial JIustico from St.
S .~tephen, int thtis Staite, who took his
conitstale anid went into Georgia. ar
rested1 a negro without a requisition,
andl(, wheni the negro refused to re
turn to this Stato, under'took to try
himo inGorgiat. But a Georgia Jus-.
tiodi ot propoiso to have a Judge
from this State 1hold court in his bailhi
wick, and1( consequently told teSouth
Carolinma man that he could not hold
court in Georgia. Whlereupon the
Jutdge fromi Xt Stepho1ns got mad
anud saal ."I'll seeC Tilhnuan about it
m114 he'll fix it right." Some people
seem to think our Governor supreme
anywhere. They know lie is in South
C'aroliha.-AndI(erso:-l Intelligencer.
W'ith thme third part of "Omega,"
the work of the French astronomer
Flamuario n, which appears in The
Cosmopolitan for Jtuly, tihe reador is
aibie to) gratsp something of the great
putrpos.e of thef anthor. "Omega" is
decare b thsewlho havo rend the
eniework toi beQ one of the meost re
ma)trkal e writitngs of the cent urv.
While pretendtingvh t e niove, it 'is n
a wtork( hatvitng a deepilly philosophi- L
md1 purpose)$(, asH is mlore fully' develop. 1:
i.i int the bIter eliapters. It isi some'- p
i ng I t,tno fairly intelligent per
501Ion nn h a llr noit to read, mn114 is
sutrely destinued to become a classic.
Ini a rnecent nttuber of Thle Cosmno
p~olita alii sto,ry wvat pubilihled, entit- (.
ledI "Thce I louse of the D)rago-m," o
wh! ich recived wide crit ici-m 1becautisC
>f the imiportanee fof the lhfe probi
(imS in)voIv( (. A d-mighter of Bish.
>p Potter, we'ho wats for some1) timio
v- rk .ti11nItng th e wiotrig girls oif M
New 'm irk, hm t:ed' raken to) reply,
liiI i ii.neuws til>thIer a.ide. of thme
oltit ii -n j thbe .1ul mlvi unbier.
a.i 1utifreing4'l nrt'icl ''n thme "'City If
t 1 " 1 m t ' x'l ims of liL-wutl lio
er s" ' teien r ofte DruEs
a et i-ti i:.ed meIimers; a cur
4st r ofth so u est, j~ by pi
a~e an, p In he many'ii imlSp('n
I era of bm .' une thse. Bi~'e,
A- hai ., of- Ark iss, wh 411of tsn
i iri h sL; - ht le s o p e. , iv naive~
Pol-sitions. lim coxn a wene 0
i.L ~h.,of freAiin Frksts io lusl
cant,~ in Lth countyiiLi of ieeneg. CSi atv
of each, counLty Ad rs, . .- Oi N
~ sitoN, Pr aidetcimm C gmn two s l -
ON LY'-S1.00.t- Ylmt.
Beat Conidensed News,
Best tor!es,
Best Wonet's tid .Chilkteu' IA
partnient, .
.s est Answer" to Correspoidloats.
Ilest Editorials. .
It gives away a valuable premium:
every day for the largest club re-,
Sample coplei of the Weekly Cou rier-Jourto
will be ment fr(-e to any ilt(lrests. Write to
C01 WIR-J,URNAL l Loinile, Et
.19 1 V E N; A. W JL y".6- . :.
A.valuatile ,o r 'aD Vnsrpi d- -.1sIuoes
Mani.. -- -
-A lIWA1UT71'.111
81 000N.
Offers to every Yearly Slistriber .IT:H ER cf
Lte aj(We Preitnuimn .
The Weekly News atid ('ourier, 1 year
(with Preiiiiiniin). ....... O8.0
lhe Weekly Newn atal rourir, a V inoth
(withoit ,Premniun..................... 0
wVook1y Nowg Con;er
ClVCimrle ton, S4. C.
I t1~ (~?,t~(~ St' ItiIiltI.[ts
111bb0h11-4 lItA.\thinfta. G;.I
T lIE- FA 1.\I :!,*S F.' IEN-: D.
lIaN A re. ly 156,001) Sti cri-pr, t he 1,nrg
-t Cireubit!-n opf ao 'vkly New-piper
- 1 Ats.Mrtenitus-al DeparuItnaIent
I t%e beest inl theil lke. -
It-4 WVom1anTA nu14d ('1hildreun"'
1-linius are( 4f luulual <don (e i tere-t.
14 c1i-leattlureIS I'list hore
mlloivey thanl is paid by ANY T'EX. Smtwh
ern papers (01thimi-d for gencral ruaig
It,.4 Newm Volstuim Cover t1he
Dill Arp 'it's for it.
Dr. TallilagI prcau ftv ror, it.
Joel Chl(:Iler Mars (Uncle tem1),
Walavr 11. atidtan< Fiaik L. Stanton -are
regitdarly vimlytivia by, it.
A. M. Wier(Sarge I'linkttt) has a wek
ly IettAr.
Macomh ,alht.n ind ther boslt liteay
yu ftwor ldtsi conriute o its ol
REND GIvintg the ad<lreases of yourself
REX Iand five neigbors who *tant freu cop
5A M I es. tgT'Write for agent's termg.
Rt9-Ulubrg of sIx for FIve I)ollars a year.
. A thdre,js
Better Than an En
be Most W4onderful,tblleann ever inst erol. -
ri5l're a rI Iul c -I - '
A ?anorms of America Iistoryr
A ('ompl'ete lII Itory oft outr Gov'erineuit hty1AI.
lina 4', %dinebes' thir'gest Ev'aer prInted y. Monn.
lby spe.oti n rrlngiientsI'II withf the pubtl ishers
onre a 4-., tI obI,tI ttai iuh'- (If Ifth' ttbove-t
Ont iotte.I N Maps nil.lOt )ropose to I fuarn ish enrte to
Lh 'of ou ltr '.ub,itribaer. Tiis Mtp is a ndei,usI
in every - .0nne. hu'heInal or lI!i,e and11 will -be eN
's'ally l es.IinblIe to refe-r to. lhuly cl aritag tite
aiaig Inslital 'ninpign, ast it l t est,' .at a
'itotry of otir t'nnu~try 14111 .A tterican pol1It ies. J
TIlIS Dt'EIlI.l: 31,\t PiN't'4 I NS:'
A 10 ugrato Shaowintg all bf Ithe IPolith'aa Part'
ext. Itxcti,
.4 1tIta. lriwhuig ail the I're-t it t . ua
.\ iagrin MS >in'tv g I hie PItt Iti-al (otni le x.it 1
A )at.r'tin Shawingu thae C:rt.il of ly jatiI
A4 l)ia.ratI Sh iltg the SI,tl.iig A4ran li of
.4 libt traIn Shoit W 1 the -N'an t lat o (f
' 'N -lly '.tap ofth'Prel':43
.4 %'Iultq M p oftt t he I 'i i te1t3.n Ia
N4 ! ~1 a of 51 1 .4 ria lx .
4 p Nt'.(f l'"bt,a 4'i taia . Ptli'n'a~,t
\11 tafS ntdfin n 11
111'- I It n It u tl i.es o \ y
tnte 11\ill * ~ ''t III1
'T( hF.I It I ; .'\ .11 lirt1,1; p ;g tIn '3,
I- AIb4ill' s I NttI Tll IItl 0. N
lal it tI t,ota. i,
Itp~t''' | '.i Ift ' b i. e h -
I ''): 'll ll . 1 4t tt I.T n Iat ay i - I Itet,aa i
1Te 'ilistory E-ofi e (iIt'. , o en - ' . t - 9 .
TI. ' h tuay oftl.tel. .ae by t \dr.a riit a i '
\4 tIe'bh t-lt li. -s ion it eIIs. tIe wI i
\'Il atb'. a ot ta t s' itt I rt's e spenit il
Alil t Il',.enit wni Noh;.'
Th l.t:yof Itikca toitalaiI l toha Ft
Ali :broar :i ta ot :;it- n f thy ii'l t ini
arteth '. Staent froly Ithe laItco y t At t n-'
stia,4trn t in '. -rilbt,ho wv ittr -r O epo st of15 an
-Itt 8. J nytnew E.blIriber -
Lt.aotutya-diew l ;ihteibe
A Popular. Ljne of the IL
Amtittmited Vair4
m st bthe Stoi
ation and Ah
- the BEST
3Vg sro ofering these indniements1
you eker :8a%. ;Qualities 88 you
Latest. Assorimeit Miiiphte, and all
splendid Stock and take advautage- of
And Gents Far
Af theLatesb and Nicest Styles of the
the Worth and
PrIdes the FPqrest you
,We Itfae* Profit and Pfeasure't
our r cAi It Provo a- positive savin
our Goods can not fail to Please in Qui
iwIt is Impossible to make a Mista
lect from the Great Fair Priced Stock
March, 30th, 4 m93.
1)EA .\ I IN IN
Plin arid Fancy fxroceriem !
CANNED 11811,
ih-w- to ie rompmi-ero hy our Picke'
mi e every oifortt ilvan- tth Im
ar2#-931f Greenville, S. C.
We have moved our Market and
Restaurant to the Lesley house where
we will .t1pIeased to serveor
Wo have several Sewing Machines
which we will mell cheap for cash or
edalange fipr Pork or Beef.
Call on us and we will endeavor to
marnd9. -PICKEFNs C. H., 5. C.
n hialn roct. '(GREENVTILLE, R. C.
(Gas gIven ever1 Thursday anid FrIday, brid
eti ejted op~t paIn.
oveyr-WtmorIand Bros & D)uke's Drug
~laitf oREENVILLEF, A. .
over Westmrlaridvv Itoa'. D)rug Store. AIr
qr dkoie by thve invilnvtaneous- process. A lao
iak'o enlargemenit, fromv v.ld JvietiresR to any
7AI iie.r v vivra, cray(i ot Ida Ink, oil and
s~?(i v nin w.,red atl all hiours.
* EaMIey, Sw C.
'olleite y'vvir lpattonage. Will pay yhou 3 per
nt. Iitereht on vlepos,lti for perIods of three
vithsv andv (v per centi, for perIods of aix
tii.. nvterevt to e olnlioeie en firs of mionith
eis are pniynl'ei oni dleiinand without
Ri. F. IL EN Il A RD')'. V. P'residlent. (
Wv. C. SM IT'it, ('iekr.
I,. C Iv. ' n I,EY.
V E RV, FEED and
Easley and Pickens, 8. C.
4 arriegv, lI 'g..[Ie 10nd Svuvld I' Ivvr.(v att hei.
uthilvj autes. Von r l 'at ronavige SolIcitevI.
The Great Engleh Remaedt.
arorphean' potneanent
e all afsoen. Askr~
ewamnoa EM m ti'?Aaton *e
** wtt enarerlbe o .8
Sod n ices andtd. rnouhere by
LI responsible Draggists.
mav 1193-1v.
&test 4rig Attractions!
ty In-verybepart
0e, tAe Determin
lilty to.Make
vith the bosb ani handsomest Spring
like them. Styles and Fashions the
right prices. Don't fail to see our
the inducements offered in
ishing Goods
Seasop.. Honest Goods that Possess
Honest Meri'.
Have- Ever Kinown!
Every Custpoer. ,Profit, Because
g to the Buyer. Pleasure, Because
tlity and Style.
ke in your Spring buying if you so.
Greenkville, S. C.
Call for one.
Greeniville, S. C.
Mu'ris' Locals.
Tiour ,Sugar., Coffee, Rice, Can
0o<o4, ipe~ Cjackeru,and Candie,s.
Dry Good.'
Cottoniades, Cassimere, Pant.,
Shirts, Cravats, Ties, Suspenders,
Notions, Coatspool Cotton, etc.
hfardware !
Plows, Sweeps, IIo.q, itake., Axes,
Nailu, Bolts, Tac~ks, IWiles, Rat and
Mole traps.
. . Tolbaceos ?
Fine Tobacco, Cheiap To>bacco,
Swoot Tobacco, in' fact nearly all
radles of Chewing tobacco. Nichols'
Long Cut Smoking Tobacco, the best
or pipe and cigarettes. Dukes' Cig'.
irettes andl as fine Cigars as you can
md in any city for 6 cents. Cheap
cigars andl Chtaro'ts. The best Ker
>sene oil, and Castor oil by the gal.
oin Or in bottles. Turpentino by the
rallon, and in bottles.
Spies of all kinds. Come to see
ne. --
)rugs, Freshi
__and Pure.
All kinds oif D)rugs onl hand at all
imes, and all kinds of Patent Medi
We are openf all (lay and cheerful.
y respondl to all n ightI calls.
A lot of Fine Cigars sual To,bacco a
This is the place to1 get your D)rugs
h eap.
The Misses R~oss have juant return.
*d fromin Northern Alarkets withi the
atest nloveilies in Millinery and Fan.
y goods-with
Lowest JPices
"All are cordially invited to examinec
heir Stock before buying.
No. 126 Main Street,
o.r. a!. *EuII
a eWILbout aufIgea
ad prl ftampey'9 otom. eo
whpenyou buy.
He1 everiwhere, $
sold at I
The i
Wi ve excluelve nte to iobe dealel
gf.aim Wairwili,ti otgue, Ufnot for Soule 11
ad. .e..me. Poise Free.
W. T. McIF
F. W. iidekoper & Rolit iomter, Recivlver
Ill \'IS ION.
Condensell Schedule in 4-treet .ine I, is93.
Train4 run by 75th Meritin TinLe.
STATIOi. No. 11 No. 13 No. 63
Dhaily Diily Mixed!
Lv Colu nibit..........I 1;'stm 3 .hi..
" Irotit'm Mill.........11 1 m i 1 0 ........
" Montgomuery'u Mill.il 23an -1 07pu.
" Bookmann'm . I ti 2 4 IIru1pm.
Wallatcevillo........ i 39u 323pn.
Aliton ..............11 46tivin 4.10pin.
Peake' .............11 4am ............
Pomaria ........ .. 12 051pin................
Pron Verity ...........12 231mn................
New erry...........12 37pin................
" lelenial..............I1- 4 lpm ..............
Silver Stret.. ..... 57pi.
SItiia )jI Town...-1 08pn.
" Chilppell'ts --.--'..... I 2-!pml . . .. . . . .
" v)Wn's ....... ...... I 3!pin
Ar Nitity six.......... 1 45 t
11V Nin1ty Six .......... 2 M p11i .. ..n.. .
New Market ........ *2114p
" ' th ran . ......... . . ...
1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 01 1 1 . . 4 .pi n
" f lf: e r I i . .. .. . P - Pil . .m .
Ar IIv . 33-:p .,
A 1i t ilnl:4 .r
''Iver .. . . .
A iun ... . .
A r st-iw I .~.... . ..
r -. r
Lv 'en..
A . IN..... ..
tii rw i 0.p. . -otu
A ,'Ituil ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. .. .m. . I '
I u
A w ler o u .. . . . . ip l
.r Ikl .!
rgu o .. . * - * p. .i .
Av It i :. . 11 .m1puI
Iv Ien3 's 1 .. ......... . ..,im
" ib'i'iin ... 7 I.nnpin
" uthriti P . ....... .... '11pn;t
A N4 M ........ ' ai .............
A Nilet . .x ...... IS II
L,v Nh ivf%Sn . ...... .. . I Om.lnm
Ce nunhi'p . ......ii 2)13 t.1
SitthrI,i l. .. . .. . 9 4- l tin
" ilGrnwor .. .... i '. 5, t i
" Ne Mtiiarke ...... 9 5 .
Ar Neietyri .... loni
Le ietySrix...... . ( 4 .
"i lu'tn', ... . ..... .1'0 10am 1 14)
"rSaluda OkmI Ton.I. .;:0am~
"r tilvorj) Stret..... 10 .)mitta I
" Helt ui- -.........) .4. 11 1-inn Uilll
"o ~ h Ne brr......I InS t. 1
" Pomaria............l 4.. ..52 05pin
"44 'pak's..............q,*....p ...
4 st'mn..............c........... 1.m
" Wam4h..evil........i........0p.n
"5lipman'...........u .t. ...I- 3pm
" Moln..-....n.r...41 i. ..1 1)
" Fro.t'l....ill..... i . .. 45u
6 iij o . ..5. 4.A C o p in
ti ipm ~ r 51ihr.tttl ii 30p144n
4 1 .~t*i. . .it-i12(4 1 p 1i i
12 511m .lv Nwlierr ,-.I lOm
Ar t'imbia....... ..ea.... ......j, .i OO-a0p
Iflet.w...n....paulnat<and .... un.bn..I -5i
3503pmn.........L... Colt1b...A.r...... i 2pm
430!pn..........-....ltil.............) I40pan
2 47epr............lia jt,n........ ....3. ~Otr
454i>mn ..--..........trkter..............1 5i
No 4 p . - . . .. . .' la rs . ......N... . 1 2 .
50'2rlm..-........v ..Sh o n......... .. .. 1 0n'n
5 23pin..............cirarnilw ......4 4amI
S5 p n' ... ............. ......vu I ..i 17 1
5I PM.-........... in an........ . j.ian
I 10pm.........,ri n ile.
I6')pra-1....... ..i lh l . ....... )p
Ag4in. itI giv ... .. .. r cbi. ..........lo:i)i4 aim.
6ll04 m .......Ah r cxp~li nrg i l ..-. ....g h.10 Ipe.
11 tu0n1;.1 a elt1)1.vlw
409P ln............. N l/. r..... ... . . .9 e a
Uti 44 4 I.. .G,e4vle i 1G. 4)... . . r : I
4 55lein . 4 . rG i ren illt .. A .Ais. . ..17) u
No 15.) A i'.'/> S.~ ~ 0 I16.
I 1 58 m . . ... vNe h ryAr....I 1n
j1 444p n .. .. .... 4 inn d. . . . . . .0 n
215m..........iinon...'. . tt14 , ....... 950am4i
2 50p n.... ... Ar I,u e Irv.... .... ..9mae
lIR. 1)1 MON I S xe'.M ll. I(.: .4TN
25tin ......,....iJ,4 i l de r .II 1 414. ie a 9 5 in
3'Ieerp ila...........I.b in44!l ot Il50nra,. yt
~ ~I 144 tigep. St li iieete. Mixe etliI,1
aron? l,j......4 . . 4rr iught. ......I I .. Ni 5pn
A t wll gildaiv alt mu tliity podbr nii
ae nsspper ly bdltetini ner
ewed shoe that wIN ad, rip; -Ca
w, sm>oth Inside, noir 6otnfortbl.
and durable than any other shoe ev
he price. Everysqle.- i4quals gustoll
koes costing fronW to $5
Wowing are of the same: high standiV$
ieand fs.alsin Caltf Ilandiw
So Police, Farmers ana LettereCar eW,
1.80. $0.21'and ft.4o (br Workinigewb
Si.oe and $.7@ for Youths and Boya..
$3.00 Itand-sewed,
11$2. an 'xo0e Dongo1gLo
C-7asfor Miwoe-.
s MU A voltr you owe
so gft the best value - E
MOney. 50SOASS. in V
Swew by purohaxing
present the beSt ve
titt te prdoes adr.u 1'
-"as 1400"n
.o. gou
a and genera emve
i I e t e e
4LL, Pickens, S.. C.
ntral, S. G.
W. lluldekopir & Reubin wobter, Rece
Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line
S44hedu1l1 ill effect June Ith, 1893.
.TAT NION0. o. X5. N0. 11. NC
Eastern Tline. Dally. Daily. I
v. Charlotte.........10:0pm il witn q.;
I.oit o . .......... ......12,1
e l ............ .......
..... 10.6-pin 12.33pmu
B1est4viier City.............12.47pi
ing% Motuntali ..........1'.57pm
(rover . ....................Mpn
lllhtck-,burg. ....... 361 12tpn 10.
GIIney.. .......... 150 I .40 n .
Thieketty................. .61 p .
" Cowi it;1 . ....... ........2 0p w .
"I wi l ............. ..... . ,pm
"Jpran tr uc'n .. .. .. 1.*15)
"'llir 1-orest.. . . .
". . . . . ne I .rd
m (r ..................... 91)ui..
...... ... ......~ in
....... ........... ... . 3~a .V;lA1 ..
4.411)111) ...p h
4. 11
-.. u .. . . b
........................... f.ipul..
...... .... ......... ... ..... lopin .
'owery. r.. c........... .
.. . ... .. . . .. 7. 10prA .
...j iIu......... .7. j1 Pr
li wird
t h .r rae... . N 2 r
... . . .................. .....
.................. .... ...... .03t)w ..
Si iv... .....83*S.1p1 M
D1:1afl,l ..o............ ................
N lo( 5h- ..... .... g p .
D;,r,lvf;1o........ ............... ........ ..
........... 1"... ...... ... ... ..
.. ............ ..
D..Da. m
1.~~tIlil10 L.bpm 1a m . ;
. .. 12.0:n ...
S. .... 12.3oj...
(.(TI,.. .. . ... 12.pm..
I10.57pm 12.33pmu..
('bvp\1lo~....... .... .... 127m.
............ . 25p .
j*f 1L6cIo.......... ...... i.7pm..
Welioo.......50>.n...40p ..
Ilucana.......... .... S.5pm..
(.jeri................ 2.0pm..
Tayor.................pm ..
(1r~nv1le.......1 a ....2.opm .
l.Iiuiy........ ......... E 9m .
r (utal........ ..12p ... "5pm ..
~)Ot............... .typn .
a...........13O.20u 25p14m .
................. ... ..1pmi
'Iaco,L....... . .1 .3p 1 . l.4.lpm ...
SM n1.258pm...
\t .v Ioaland. -........ . .nh.
- 1e11 1 ..
4. owor~ iracti.. -....n .0':m ..
Sutymao.e............. l3ara .
IJulall,....-.-...... pm..Ol ..
....................1 37o...
v. A(lo ial sei~.7O 6. 850pm.
"TAloNN.. 17.p;
.l.L. ...l7..iimm.
V laariol n...............65ISpm..
'ait itj~j.............'35m.
laiaa......... . 39pm- ..'n
Ill)IIllI)8.5.pm ..Jtn
r.)Ixna .....T ...) .5m ...73am
..trn Tim...........7L7
r. (tharloto.
Il: it............7ri
4 -tn.itob ...........8-0
......'....., ....m..er ~ Jz
........: ....' .......8Mlm
Alartonur ~i ......... Idl
ar -(Io 6rekt' )...........S ina
W elford . . .......8
I u an.. ... ~ia.. ..dil
V a lra..t ... .. .... ... ...S (O hI
- a lrs . . ...........6 4ju
IroAAwll II . . 6 i0,i
aIll . ..nF ,J.I
. Richhan<a .
" Watmis
"4 Fo0inm.
" Ay .......y....iinIii
ar .\ y (I.ttIio 1.t
Iv : it I 'At . t.at
.'l lill 4on .. a.,
"aa o:lita ...'.'...
1'ars Aarnesvillm.
aIaI(r Odell'sUgOI
" lo er rIl nlIl~te ~oimtn
"h lauluff4.I(). jOialo lcy~~
" L.toravilleo

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