OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, August 09, 1894, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1894-08-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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Only a friend-Yet a year ago
- I loved you with eye and heart and soul
I thought the skies had no stars as brigh
As your beautiful eyes, os black as night
I thought the gloam in your gypsy hal r
Defied the moonlight shining fair.
On some crystal lake, I loved you then
Yet now-only a friend,
Nothing mnore
Only a friend-yet can it be
Tiat a passion so deep, so tender ant1
Could die in a year, leaving no trace
On my mind of your beauty, your woman
ly grace? -
How could I forget the dreamy nights
Illumined above by the heavenly lights
And below by love. Ah, I loved you then
Yet now-only a friend,
Nothing more
Only a friend-how cold it seems
To write those words of you-my dream
Every thought was a poem, a beautifu
Full of love, sweet love-so deep, so stroni
That 1 swore it would last till the worlk
was old;
Till I, and you, dear, in death were cold
Only a year ago. I loved you then,
Yet now-only a friend,
Nothing n:oro
Only a friend--we can meet each day,
And my hand does not tremble-l love j ou
not. -
A year has rolled over, the firo is dead,
And all the sweet thoughts of love liave
)id you know that I loved you-who can
I thought that I hlid my secret well,
Yet perhaps you knew. All, I loved you
Yet now-only a friend,
Nothing lore.
Only a friend-how saI it is
That a love as strong as mine should die
In one short year. Other men love,
And their love is blest by the gods above,
But I-ah, well, the dream Is past,
What folly to hopo that sue:i joy could
For more than a year. I loved you then,
Yetnow-only a friend,
Nothing mnore.
What Job New About De itistty H nid the
Eoaimac1l of Teoth.
BROO KLYN, July 29.-Rev. .)r. Tal
mage has selected as the sub ject for lis
sermen for today through the preas
"Narrow Escapes," the text being taken
from Job xix, 20, "1 am escaped with
the skin of my teeth."
Job had It hard. What with buils
and bereavements and )ankruptcv and a
fool of a wife lhe wished he
was (lead, and I do not blame
him. His flesh was gone, an
his bones were dry. Ills teeth wasted
away until nothing but tlieennmel secmed
left. He cries out, "I am cscaped witti
the skin of my teeth,."
There has beeu some difi'erence o
opinion about this passage. St. Jeromli
and Schultens and Drs. Good and l'ool
and Barnes have all tried their forcep
on Job's teeth. You deny my interpreta
tion and say, "What did Job know%
about ile enamel of' the teeth?" Ife
knew everything about it. Dantal sur
gery is almost as od as the carth. The
mummies of Egypt, thousands ofi vears
old are lound today with cold filling
in their teeth. Ovid and Horace and
Solomon and Moses wrote about these
important factors of the body. To othber
provoking complaints J1ob, I think, has
added and exaspeorating tooth ache, ani(
putting his hand against tihe inilamet
face he says, "I am edcapedl with ti<
skin of my teeth."
A very narrow escape, you say, fat
Job's body and soul, lint there are thous
anids of men who maike ,just as niarrow
escape from their soul. Tihere was a
time when the partition between them
and ruin was no thicker thlan a tooth's
enemel, but as Job finally escaped so
have they. Thank GodI Thank Godi
Paul expureases the samne idlea by a dif-'
ferent figure when lie says than, some
people are "saved s by lire." A ves
sel at sea is in fim mes. You go to tne
stern of the vessel. Thej boats have
shoved off'. The thames advance. You
can endure the heat, no longer on your
face. You slide down on tihe side of the
vessel and hold on with your fiogers
until the forked tongue of' tile fire begins
to lick the back of' yonr hand, and you
feel that you must fall, when one ol the
lifeboats comes back, and,,the passengers
sary they thinki they have room for one
more. .The boat swings under you; you
drop into It; you are saved, So some
men are pursued by temptation until
they are partially consumed, but after
all get cfl', "saved as by fire." Bunt,
like the figure of Job a little better that1
that of Paul, because the pulpit line'not
worn it out, and I want to show you, i
God will help, that some men makeinar.
row escape for their souls and are sayved
as "with the skin of their teeth.
It is as easy f'or some p~eople to look
to the cross as bor you to look to this
pulpit, Mild, gentle, tractable, loving,
you expect them to become Christians,
You go over to the store and say, "Graei
don joined the church yesterday." Your
business comrades say: "That is ,jusn
what might have been expected. H
always was of that tur of mind." In
youth this p~erso~n whom I describe was
always good. lie never broke things.
Hie never laughed when it was lmnproper
to laugh. At 7 he cold( sit an hour ini
church perfectly quiet, looking neither
to the right hand nor to the kfs, but
straight into the eyes of the minister, as
though lie understLood the whole discus
sion about tihe eternal decrees, Hie
never upset things nor lost them, lie
floated into the kimgdom of the God~ so
gradually that it is uncertain just when
the matter was decided.
Here is anothsr one, who started in
life with an uncontrollable spirit. Hle
kept the nursery in an uproar. H'is mo
ther found him walking on tihe edge of
the house roof to see If lie could balance
himself. There was no horse lie dlaredl
not ride; no tree lhe could not climb,
is boyhood was a long series of plredlica.
menits. is manhioodi was reckless; lisa
midlife very wayward. But now lie is
converted, and you go over to the store
and say, "Arkwright joined the church
yesterday." Your friends say: "it is
no)t possiblel You must be jokingi'"
You Bay: "I4o. 1 tell you the truth,
He joined the church." Then they re
ply, "There is hope for any of us it old
Arkwrlght has become a Chriatianp'
In other words, we all admit that it ii
mere difficult for some men to accept
the gospel than for others.
I may be addressing some who hava
cut loose from churches and Bibles ani
Sundays, 'and who have at present n<
intention of becoming Christiens them
selves, but just to see what is going on
and yet you may find yourself escaping
before you hear the end, as "with the
skia of your, teeth." I do not expect
to Waste this hour. I have seen boati
go off from Cape May or Long Branch
soid drop their nets, and after awhili
come ashores pulling In the nets wlihout
hai Caught a single fish. It was not
a ofy orte had not the right
excursion today. The water is full of
fish; the wind is in the right direction;
thle gospel not is strong. 0 thou who
t didst help Siion and Andrew to I i,
Biow us tooaIy how to cast the net el I
the right "ide of the shipl
I3omea of 3Cu im coming to God will I
have to run against skeptical notions. It <
is uselc.s for people to 1ay sharp anid I
cutting thmwa to these who re*jlct the
Christian relimion. I cannot say such I
01 in' s By wi it proce8s of temptalion i
or trial or tetrayal you have como to (
3our present state I know not. TI ere i
are two gatcs to y( u miture-the gnto I
of the head iand th.e 1nte of the hIeart I
Tlhe1 gate ( f mir head Is Iocked with
bol's and bars that ani archantwnel eould
not bresk. but the gate of your heart I
swirgs eneily ol its hings, It I niasailted i
your body Aith Weapons, you w4.u1d r
iueet me with weaipont, and it would ha ,
sword etroke, for tsivr.l vtroke, t
aid wound for woun 4, and a
I tlood for blood, but it I come and kucck t
at the door of Iou hope you open it and y
give mec the best erat .a your parlor. If a
I should coMe at y-1 today with an aIr -
,unent, you wouil answer te with an11 U
argumetl; if with sarcasm, you would s
answer me with Larcasn, Il.w for blow.v
stroke for stroke, but when I come knd e
knock it the door of your heart you open A
it alJ say, "Come in, my hrother, and 1
tell mue all you know ahut. Chris, and c
heaven." 11
'tCII to tWO Or tIr(c quertione: Are t
You as happy as you used to he when t
you believe(d in the trulh of* t!c Christian v
religiot ? Would you I k to have your I
chilren travel on in the road in W h:ch C
you are travelint? You had at relative
who profbesed to bo a Chri-tian and I
was throughly consistent., livimg and dy
ing in tho faith of the Vospel. Would
you not like to live the same quiet life
im1t(I die the saime peacelul deati ? I ro
ceived a letter sent tme by one who has I
rejecte(d the Christian religion. It says,
I am old enough to know that the joys
and pleasures of lite are evanescent, and I
to realiz) the fact that it must, be com- <
fortable in old age to believe n some.
thing relative to the future and to have a I
faith in sone system that proposes to I
save. I am free to confesa tiat I wOuldI
be happier if I could exercise the isimple
and beautiful faith that, lW possessed by
many whom I know. I am not willing.
ly out of the church or out of the faith.
My state of uncertainty is one of unrest.
Sometimes I doubt my immortality and
look upon 1,he deathbed as the closing
acme, after which there is nothing.
What shall I do ,hat I have not donre"
Al, skepticism is a dark and doleful!
Let me say that this Bible is either true
or false. If it he false, we are as well
ol' as you. If it; be true, then which of
us Is sater?
Let me also ask whether your trouble
has not been that you confouided( Chris.
tiatmty with the inconsistetit character
of' some who profess it. You are i law
yer. In your prolession there are tuCan
and dishonest men. Is that anything
nigainst the lani? You are at doctor,
There are unskilled andl conternmptil)le I
men in your professionl. 1s thalt, anly-|
thing againat iedicmte? You are a ier
chant. There atre thieves and defraud I
era in your buiness. Is that anything <
against merchandise? BelolA!, then, the I
unfairness of charging upon Christian ity r
tihe wickedness of its dificiplee! We ad.
mit, some1 of the charges against t~hose
who profess religion. Somei o1 the mos08t
I gantic swindles of the p)resenlt day have 'l
been cairriedl on1 by miembhers 01 tihe
Ichurch. Thedre are men01 in the churches
wvho wouild not bie trusted for $5 without
goodl collateral security. They leave
thieir business dishonesties inl the vesti. t
bule of the church as they ago in anid sit;
at the communllion. Having concluded
the~ sacratment, they get up1, wipe the
wine fromi their lips, go out and' take up
their sins where they left, oil. To servo
tihe devil is their regular work; to serve
God, a sort of play spell. With a Sun
day sponge they explect to wilpe oil from
their business slate all the past week's
inlconsistencies. Youl have no more
right to take such a man's life as speci
men of religion than yell have to take
the twisted irons and s plit timbers that
lie en the beach at 00oney Island as a
specimen of an American ship. It is
time that, we drew a line between re
llgieon and the f'railties of' tho'e who pro
foss it.
Again, there may be some ol you who
in tihe attempt after a Christian life will
have to run against p~owerful pasionls
and appetites. 1%rhaps it is a disposi
t~ion to anger that you have to conltend~
against, and perhaps, whlile in a very se
rious mood0(, you hear of something that
makes you1 feel that you must swear or
(lie. I know of a Christian immi who
was once so exasperated that lie said to
a mean'culstomer "I cannot swear at you
myself, for I am a memilber of tile church
but if you will go (Iown stairs my pairt
nor in business will swear at, you."
All your good1 resolutions heretofore
have been torn to tatters by explosions
of' tellmper. Now there 1s 110 harm in
getting mad if' you only get madi at sin.
You need to bridle and sadd(le these hot
breathed passions, amid wilthhem ride1
down injustice andl wrong. There are a
t.housandl things in the world that we
oughlt to be mad at. Th~fere is no0 hairim
in getting redhot, it you only bring to the
forge that, which nleeds hammering. A
man who has no psower of' riighteousiness
indignlation is an imbecile. But be eture
it is a righteous iud~ignaltionl anhd not a
petullancy that, blurs andI uniravels and
depletes the soul.
There is a laraze class of persons in
midlife who have still in them appetites
that were aroused in early manhood, at
a time when they pridled themselves on
being a "'little fast,"''"high livers,"
"free and easy,"' "hail fellows well met."
They are no0W paying in compound in.
terest for troubles they collect ed 20 year
ago. Some of you are trying to escape,
andi you will-yet very narrowly, "as
with the skin of your teeth."' God and1(
your ownI soul only kniow what, the strug
gle Is. Omnipotent grace has pullled ot
many a souil that was dheeper in the mire I
tihan you ate. They line the beech of' I
heaven- -the mnultitudcir whom God has
rescued from the thirall of suicidal hablits, I
If you this (lay turn your' back on the r
Wronig anid stairt anew, God will help
you. Ohi, tihe weakness of' human help! t
Menl will symp~ath)iz for awhile aind then
tulrn y'ou off'. If' you ask f'or their par
do'i t'ey will glve' It aind say they will
try you again; but,, falling away again
under the power of temptation, tihey ~
cast you oil forever. But God forgives ~
seventy times Beveln; yea, seven hun11
d cred times; yea, though this be0 the ten la
thlousandttl tinme he la mnore -earniest, S
more sympathetic, more helpful this I
last time thani When) you took your first 11
I If, withl all thle~influences favorable
or a riugt life, men make so many mis
takes, how much harder It is when, for
Instance, some appetite thrusts its iron
grapple Into the roftls of the tongue and
pulls a man down with hands of de
sitruction! If, under such circumstancs
he break away, there will be no sport inii
the undartakring, nn hnliay noyentae
but. a struggle In which the wrestlers
move frotm side to sido and bend ana
Mvist and watch flor on opportunity to
ret in a heavier stroke', until the one fl.
Il e f'art in) W'11c the muscles are (ig.
ended, and the velns Ptand out, aild thie
)lood starts, the swarthy habit tal!s un -
ler the knee of (he victor-esc-pel ut
at, as by the skin (,f[ his tooth.
In the last (hy it will be found that
lugh Jatimer and John Knox and iluss
n1d It'dley were not the greatest mar
yrs, but (hristian mon who went up
nerrupt from Iho coniainations and
wrt h xities of Wall street., Water street
.arl street, Breal street, State street,
Lhird street, Lnmibard street and the
oourso. Oa earth they were called
irokers or stockjobbers, or retailers or
inportors, lit in heavenu Christian lie.
oes. No fanots were heaped about
heir feet, n1o ir cjuisition domaned fron
heen recantation, no h)ldier aimed a
pike at their hoart, but they had men
al toriures, compared with which all
hysical conuming is Ni the breath of a
pring nninriluz.
I find in the community a large class
C men who have been so cheated,
C) lied athut, so outrageously
rrongIed that they have lost fait,h It ev
rythin;. In a world whore everything
eems s, topsy turvy they do not, see
ow there can he any God. They are
onfounded and frenzied and m'santhrop
Efaborate argument, to p'ove to
bem the truth of Christianity or the
ruth of anlvthinu. else touches them no
viere. Hoar me, all such 'non. I
>reach to you no rounded periods, no
rnametital discourse, but I put my 'and
>n your shoulder andl( invite you into the
>eace of' tho gosel. Here is a rock on
lich you may stand 1km, though the
vaves dash ngain-st it harder than the
ktlantic pitching its surf clear above
'ldystone lightlh->uso. Da not ciArge
ipoin God ail these trouble of the world.
1s long as the world stuck to G od God
tuck to the world, but the earth seceded
rom his goveroinmnt. and hence all these
)trages and all these woes. God It
,ood. For timany hundreda of years he
ins been coaxini 4 the world to come
>ack to him, but the more he has coaxed
.he more violent have men been in their
:esistance, and they have stepped back
itd stopped back until they have
Iropped into ruin.
Try this God, ye who have had the
ibloodlounds ifer you. uld wlio have
thouight that God had forgotten you
Try him and aec if le will not help. Try
him and see it he will not pardon. Try
hiin and see if lie will not save. The
llowers of spring have no bloom so
sweet as the il..ering of Christ's affee.
tions. The st hath no wnrmth comn
warmth conoared with the glow of his
heart. The waters have no refieshment
like the fountain that, will slake the tlhirst
of thy soul. At the moment, the rein
deer stands with his lip and uostill thrust
ito the cool mountain torrent, the
hunter iay be coning through the
thicket. Without crackling a stick under
hiis foot lie comes, close by the stla,
rim13 hils gin, draws the trigger, aid ihe
)onr thin- rears in its death agony and
alls backward, its antlers crashing on
ho rocks, but the panting heart that
Irinks from the water brooks of God's
Promise shall ncvar hou fatally wounded
Jad shall never (lie.
hle InltetingA Wi~1ookly Jiullntin of ti:o
Staun linireau.
Cormu ii aA, A..urr. 1.--State Weather
)bserver .1. W. Bauier yesterday issued
he following interes9ting buletinm of the
voather and crops for the wveek ending
The temnperature wvas imurch below
tie normal on the ist two dlays of the
veek and rangedl nearly normal on thme
'emainming days. Time highest temper
iture for thle week was til reportedt
rom Allendale, and (Greenwood on the
7th and from Spartanburg on the 28th,
L'he lowest was 60 reported from Lees
rille on the 23d. There was a marked
Leiciency in sunshine time first of the
veek and partly cloudy to clear
weather generally the latter part.
There was less rain during the week
previous, although showers were nu
inerons, anid In some instances heavy,
md well distributed over the entire
state. It should be borne in mind that
,he rainfall has not been excessive over
he entire State, there being many 1o
3allties in the central and western
soutnties that have not had the normal
Jtuly rainfall and to such localIties the
adverse reports dlue to too much rain
hio not app)~ly. T'hese localities are nut
merouts, bunt of too lImited areas to
specify each by itself; their aggregate
xtent is however, large, and ini these
places all crops are In most encoutraging
mud promising condition. In f'act the
3rops are goodI over thme ent ire State
with thme exception of' cotton, and possi
bly peas1.
Cotton oin sandy soll has turned, aind
is turning, yellow and shedding too
freely with indications that growth hats
stopped; on richer soil the plant is
growifng too mticht to wveed and fruiting
too lightly. On those two points the
reports are more pronouincedl than on
the previotus week. Considerable rumst
.s also nioted. The conitintued wet
weather has made it impossible to keep
:own tire grass and it wvill be necessary
o lay by somne fields in the grass; the
3orn needis more cul tivation for its root
ievelopmnent. Those are the sources o f
Llpairmlent which tihe crOp has en
3Ountered during tire week, but the
larmage is as yet not very seriousa ex
sept fin some counties where It its said
hie crop has fallen oig from one-fouirth
o one-half since Ju rly 1.
Corn hars rnot sifeored much, if' any,
mpnlairment from tire wet weather ox
sept that some corn of quite late plant
ng on bottom lands poorly dlrained, is
lot lookfng very wvell; but in general
hle crop Is considered made. Two cor
espondents thin k it is over-estimated,
lilt the preponderance of opinion is
~hat the yield will be very large. It is
lnring some ini places and earing high
rp the stalk, the latter inclined to be
mall. Fodder stripping has already
iegumn, or is about to begin this week,
ni tihe eastern corrnties.
It is thought that thre wet weathler
ras injured peas to seine extent, but
rot seriotusly. Pea forage and~ crab
rass promise a large yild in the nor
heastern counties.
Sweet puotatoes (101ing finely, although
osslbly growing too umutch to vine. In
)harleston county the thlird crop of
rsh potatoes is being planted.
Time northern shipments of melons
ontinuies heavy andl the quality ars well
a the size of time melons is better.
Gardens continue to ilourishm and the
iarkets are kept well supplied with
easonable vegetables at reasonable
rices. New sweet potatoes are on time
What few apples escapled tihe March
reex3 are dIropiping badly and miaturr
ig a small sttated fruit. ]rarly varle
Los of grapes a complete failure. No
rno naltive fruits in thme markets.
There were a few wind-storms in
!arioums portions of the State that did
lighit damage anmd some bottom lands
ubmerged with trilling damage; other.
vise rps suffered nio physical injuury
1101 ilMES IN UNION.
directed to the crowd, was drowned out
by the loud cheers for Tilliman.
General Butler explained that he had
prepared the article which was in the
News and Courier to use at Laureng.
Ile had given it to the reporters to copy
and mail to their papers. The Courier
correspondent had mailed itto his paper
and that paper had prematurely pub
lished it. It was published without au
thority. Governor Tillman knew the
circumstances and yet took advantage
of it. Notwithstanding this he sees fit
to go out of his way to make flings at
General Butler got warm again and
said: "Ile (Tillman) talks about my
mouth being a vehicle for filth. God
save the sewer pipes of this country if
his mouth is not worse than tiny sewer
pipe I know of."
This was greeted by loud cheers for
Tillman which cortinued for a few sec
onds. Resuming, General Butler said:
"The figures on this Dispensary matter
I secured from competent authority
and not from the whiskey trust. Why
doesn't he answer and give facts; say
whether they are true or not and not
indulge in nonsense and idle stuff
which has no reason in it."
Tillman: "I have denied what you
General Butler: "I have secured
these figures from proper sources and
when he answers them 1 will have
something else to say. Ile intimates
that 1 am not paying my debts. If I
had the Diepensary at my back with
the hundreds of thousands in it I w6uld
pay my debts and feather my nest, I I
wan like some people. Any man who
says that I do not pay my honest debts
says a falsehood. Tillman talks like he
is a rich man. I am a poor Iman and I
can't help it. I have done my ditty to
mvslMi' and my country."
The cheering for Tillman had gradu
ally grown louder and more frequent
during Butler's remarks and it broke
into a fury all at once. When the yell
ing partially ceased, Butler said: "Ile
will need all the hollering you can give
An old gray haired ex-Confederate
said to Butler: "You used to lead me
right in war. Ile (I'illman) leads me
right now, and you don't." The yelling
for Tillman continued. I did not re
gard it as a formal attempt to howl
Hutler down, but as an expression of
the feelings of the people for Tillman.
It was at least annoying to Ganeral
Hutier andl he shouted to the crowd:
"I understand this thing. You have
been put there to howl me down, but
you can't (10 it."
The crowd vehemently denied this,
but continued to cheer.
Intler: "If you will meet me one at
a time I will settle it with you."
This caused more confusion, a variety
of noises and a number of verbal shots
at Butler on various subjects. With
ilushed face and powerful voice Butler
yelled: "Come at me one ata time you
blackguards, and I will give you all you
At this point "hell broke loose in
Georgia" sure enough. Three or four
men shouted to Butler that they would
meet him. Men pushed and scrambled
to the front, cursing, sweating and
tuming. All kinds of noisei rent the
air and the excitement was at fever
heat. From way back in the rear a
man named J. M. Mobley, an executive
committeeman, and a candidftte for Su
pervisor, came pushing to get to the
front. ie was stop pod. Another man
p~ut his hand to his pistol pocket and
held his hand on it. H~e was a Butler
man, however, but did not pull his gun.
The four marshals were powerless to
stemn the crowd and to allay the excite
Governor Tillman advanced to ask
for quiet, but Butler peremptorily told
him to sit dlown.
Chairman Lyles made earnest efforts
to restore order and these efforts were
finally successful. B3efore older had
been restored, however, General Butler
was shouting above the noise that he
came hero as an invited guest and that
lie intended to speak if he stayed there
all iight.
Vroice: "Go ahead, we are going to
B5utler: "No you are not. You didn't
come to listen. You come here to howl
me down."
General Butler shouted that he had
not said anything that lie wouldn't
stana by'and he was going to stay there.
"There are not men enough here," lie
said, "to frighten and intimidate me. I
thought the men of Umnon were 're
markable for their courtesy and chiv
airy and L believe a majority of them
are, but some of them have acted tihe
blackguard here. I want you to un
derstand that I see men in that audi
once when times were more dangerous
than now, when bullets whistled around
heads and cut down men by our sides."
Voice: "We would stick to you now
if you were all right."
Butler: "That shows what you are.
I sat and listened to him (Tillman) andl
said nothing when lie foully slandered
mec. When 1 come to repay his hench
men try to howl me down."
Voice: "Did you call this crowd
thieves ?"
Butler: "I dild no such tiling. I want
to say tis to you, some of whom have
steod by my side0 whlen it took brave
men to dio it and 1 am going to say it.
In 187u; and 1877 1. took my life in my
hands a huindred times to redeem this
State. I thought that when we got ridl
of those thieves we would have free
sp~eechi, but now whien a man gets lip
to express hisa honest sentiments lhe is
howled down. Th'lat don't work in tihis
country or anywhere else and won't
win. It will bring untoid woes if it is
persistedi inl." TIhen General Butler
continued his speech talking on nation
al issues. Cheering and counter cheer
ing broke loose and there came near be
ing several fighlts.
There was never perfect order from
the time Butler began until lie finished
and the gubernatorial candidates be
OTlHlciR S~I'J.lH Es.
General .Eilerbe opened his speech by
repuidiating the charges which have
been made against him by papers
friendly to Eh'vans and refuted them.
ie said that they aire foul slimdners.
ie did not believe his opponlelit had
anything to do with these slanderm s, but
it was low and mean that such schemes
were being resorted to to dlefeat him.
All he wanted, ho said, was fair play.
Gantt ought to prove the charges lie
has made or apologize.
Wiie talking on these subjects a man
said: "You wrote too manly letters in
favor of T1. C. Duncan for the Legis
Ellerbo: "I am glad you mentioned
that. 1 did( write several letters and~ I
am not ashamed of it. D)uncan was my
friend. Ie said lie would support the
Reform administration and Governor
Tillman, andl pledged huiwsult to that."
Soeeinterlocutor: "Did(1 he prove t~o
be0 a Reformer ?"
Elierbe: "I don't know. You can set
tle that among yourselves, but he was
my friend and I never go b~ack on a
friend." (Applause.)
-interlocutor again: "We are going to
vote for your cousin Johnny."
Ellerbe: "I'll tell you how you can do
that. Thn next Lngaturie wil eleor
two Judges. He isa lawyer. You oar
elect him one of those judges and vote
for me for Governor. (Cheers and coun
ter cheers.)
General Eillerbe said he was going t<
be ellected Governor and is going to en.
force the Dispensary law.
Voice: "I thought you were weak.
ElIerbi-: "No man can accuse me of
being weak.kneed, Governor Tillman
and I are both in favor of reopening
the Dispensary, although I differ from
him some time. If am elected I will en
force that law." (Applause.) After the
men with plenty of mouth got through
speaking General Ellerbe discussed Al
liance demands and national issues.
Senator Evans who followed said he
did not pay anv attention to the pitiful
little newspapers and inkslinger. There
are measures of importance and they
ought to be illscus:ied. Senator Evans
told what he had done for Reform and
said lie was going to be the next Gov
Voice: "There is a report around
here that you will disfranchise the poor
man and keep him from voting."
Evans: "That is a lie and is intended
to hurt me, but they can't fool the peo
ple." (Appluse )
Ellerbe says I have got all the poli
ticians on my side. Well they are. but
they see that the people are going to
elect me and they want to be on the
winning side. (Applause.)
While discussing the Dispensary
Senator Evans said The Columbia Reg
ister jumped on me Sunday and said
prove or retract because I jumped on it
for criticising Governor Tillinan for re
opening the Dispensary. Haven't I
got as much right to criticise it as it has
to criticise meI was simply defending
Governor Tillman."
le took a band primary on this ques.
tion: "All who think that the Gover
nor is right in reopening the Dispen
sary and that I had a right to criticise
Thelegister and stand to the Governors
back hold ip your hands." On this
double headed question in which Gov
ernor Tillman was mixed the crowd
voted overwhelmingly the way Mr.
Evans desired. None voted the other
way when that side of the question was
put. "That is vindication enough for
me," exclaimed Senator Evans, and he
went on with his speech on the Dispen
sary, arousing a good deel of enthiusi
asm. Evans begged the peoplo to vote
for a constlttiti6iial convention.
Dr. Sampson Pope spoke in favor of
his stand for a Reform primary. lie
talked to a small crowd which did not
seem to fully understand all he said.
Dr. Pope declared that he did not ex
pect any advantage from the Conserva
tives by the position he had taken. On
the Dispensary Dr. 'ope said the Su
preine Court, which was composed of
honorable men, had decided the law un
constitutional. Governor Tillman was
not acting according to law in reopen
ing the Dispensary now and the people
should not follow him when lie was
wrong. Ile apmitted that liquor can
be boughtanywhere in the State but
said the Governor or no other law of
licer has made any attempt to enforce
probition. Dr. Pope insinuated very
strongly that ignoble ambition Is guid
ing some of the candidates for olice
and that they are freezing vith fear
ful tenacity to Tillman's coat tails.
Tillman at Aiken, he said, declared
thit lie would get a coat tail big
enough for Evans and 01llerbe but
never said a word about Tindal or Pope.
ire (l'ope) was glad of it as ho did not
hang to anybody's coat tail.
All four of the Congressional candi.
datep, Parley, Wilson, Dunncan and
Johnson, were here to-day and spoke,
belaboring each other and discussing
issues the least of anything else.
Col. Collards Caughman attempted to
speak this afternoon from thle balcony
of tile Union Ihotel but the crowd
would not let him. They took especial
pleasure in cheering all he did't say
and for this reason lhe didn't say any
thing. ie stoodh on the balcony over
half an hour with a colored man hold
ing an umbrella over him, It was
hotter do wn below thanm it was aba ye.
Andrewv Jackson'g Grave .
NAsHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 1.-Infor
mation was received to-day from "The
Hermitage," where General Andrew
Jackson's remains are buried, that his
grave was disturbed last night by some
unknown person or persons. A hole
eighteen inches in debth andl three feet
in length was dug at the head of the
grave, but the parties were frightened
away before they accomplish their ob
ject. The Hlermitage Is twelve mniea
from this city.
The desecration of general Jackson's
grave wvas discovered at an early hour
tc-day and the fact Immediately report
ed to the Ladies hermitage Association
A long plank was left lying beside tile
grave. Suspicion rests upon a well
dressed negro for whom the authorities
are now looking. He went to the resi
dence of a white man living haif a mile
fromn.tte liermi tage yeserday afternoon
and borrowed a shovel, which lie re
tulrnedl this morning. While near lihe
llermitage he made some Iiquires
about .Jackson's tomb.
Trouble at (ioUslem
* LEMSON CoLLEGE, S. C,, .July 28,-.
For some tinie certain parties, 1not stu -
dents, have been trying to remove P'resi
(lent, Craighead. For several days tihe
report has beeni going round that all the
sti~uents but obout six hail signed a poi .
tion asking theo Boardi to remove the
President. President. Craighead met,
ihe issue equarely at, chaupel :exercises
by asking those siudlen ts who wished
him for President, to rise. Almost the
entire body, over 350 arose. A few,
prohmably twenty- five, did not, rise. some
of whom gave as their reason that they
dlid not care to vote as it belonged io
the Board to decide. Thie parties who
oppose the President, are enemies of the
collen, and their ellor'ts to remove him
will bI- ill vain.,
How~ to S~sve $50 ,
.950 can actually be savedl on a Piano
and~ $10 to $20 on all Organ by purchas
ing (luring August, September or Octo
ber under the Special Midsummer Sale
now annoulncedi by Ludden & hates
Southern Music Hhouse, Savannah, (a.
This well known house is making
SIx special Summer Offers oni Standard
Instruments which buyers should care,
fully investigate. They offer also a
Spe'cial MIid Summtr pha.n of Payment
--which ensures to buyers the Lowest
Spot Cash Prices-with only a very
small Cash Payment and the balanice in
November next, without any interept
whatever. Rtead their advertisement
elsewhere In this isue and write thoem
at once for fuil particulars. T1he offers
are good only until November 1.
CoLUMuus, Ga,, August 1.- Young
Chlam blish, stenographer at tihe E'mpire
Mills, this city, and .JImn Corbett, col
lector for the Bee Hive store, ha:i a
pleasant tussle tils aifterncon at tihe
mills. Chamblish st~ruck Corbett rath
er severely in the eye which nettled
him and he dealt him a blo0w over the
heart with all of is power. CJhamblish
fell to the ground and expired in a few
moments. The deceased was about
eighteen years old and it stated suffer
educonsiderahly with heart afretn.
its columns so long as the present edi.
tor remains at its hElm. It is a piece
of brazen impertinence on the part of
that committee to designto middle with
this paper, while condoning, by silence
in their own organ just what the'
Headlight is charged with.
The proceedings o' the State Alli
ance convention plainly show that it
was captured in tbe interest of certain
Politicians, and was used to defeat
Governor Tillman for the United States
Senate arnd to crush every man who is
his friend and supporter. This was
proven by the great interest that the
old ring and H1askellIte organs mani
fested in the proceedings, and when
these papers were given out news be
fore our own members were informed.
And we are also told that "more than
four-lifths of the delegates were Ellerbe
men I" Well, this accounts for the in
justice done the editor of the Dead alght,
and the attempt to pull him down.But
we accept the gauntlet cast at our feet
and intend to take up the work where
that so-called "investigating" commit
tee left OJT, and lay before the people
the facts and the testimony. Our Al
liancemen will then see whether or not
we have made any charges against
Manager Duncan but that can be sub
stantiated by reliable witnesses.
The money to start the Exchange
was taken from the farmers, and they
have a right to know just how every
dollar has has been expended. Tho
Alliancemen of Georgia invest ed over
$71,OCO in an E'xchange, under the
charge of as honest a board of directors
as ever livea; and yet their manager in
three years' time had gotten away with
more than half of their-entire capital,
and only $1,500 in cash were found in
the treasury when theexpose was made
Now, with this lesson before our Alli
anceinen, we do not believe that they
will rest content with any such white
washing reports as that made by the
committee. We do not charge Mana
ger Duncan with appropriating money
that does not belong to him; but we do
assert, and can prove, too, that as the
State Exchange is now, operated our
Alliance members must use outside
competition to batter down its prices.
There are now $17,000 in this Exchange
belonging to the farmers, and we learn
that about $3,500 of this sum is due
Spartanburg county. Several of our
county Alliances have asked their
share of this fund returned to them,
as they feel that they can use it to bot
ter alvantage than Manager Duncan is
doing. lut this claim, so we are told,
has been refused. Then we do say, if
our people's money must be kept back
from them and against their wishes,
and they petitioning for it, then it is
right and fair that a report be made so
thateach Alliancemai can know juist
how every cent received by the Ex
change, under its present managment,
has been expended.
So far as the principles of the Alli
ance are concerned, they are firmly
implanted in our bosom, and we shall
iphold and defend them as iong as life
lasts. But when we see our movement
turned over to politicians, and the niost
palpable acts of injustice (lone a mem
ber, then shall we expose the outrage
and shame. Our principles cannot be
tray or mislead us, but men can, and
only to. often (10, betray and i Islead
JIIvnrronn, Conn ,T July 29.-The
three Gumnan children who strayed away
from their h omc on Broad street, this
city. Thursday afternoon have been
foUnd, but all three are dead. The chief
o'f poli1cc gave order ithis nmorning that
all cars about the dlepot and the freight
yards ba thoroughly searched. A few
minutes after 10 o'clock Policemen who
had been searcbing cars in the yard of
the New York, NIew Ihaven and Ihart
ford for about two hours came to a ca
boose from which sickening odors caine.
They burst open the door and the stench
which had been strong before became
almost overwhelming, Keeping on at,
their wvork of mnvestigation the oflcers
traced the smelL to the closet which the
trainmen use as a clothes press and
breaking open the door they found the
three little bodies naked and1 mangled
by rats. Freddie, tho four year-old, lay
at the nottomn; on him wan ihymond,
9 yearn old, and on top of both was L,
roy, 7 years old1. Under the three bodies
here the few garments the boys wore
when they left home. At the antopsy
this alternoon nothing was found to in
dicate violence. The condition of' the
wings indicated dleath by suffocat on and
tue absence of contusion or other marks
on the neck lprccludes idan of strani
guli tiom. The theory is that the litLe
fellows ran into the car to hide from
a p~aestaig policeman Tltursrh'iy afe~crnooni
and that the dloor of th ae -'' ' ' wung
to and caught. them i 1( - . - sprine
lock. The closet is live tect, high and
its Iilor space is 28 by 15 incles. It is
inmpossible that t~he little boys could have
lived long in such a milned sp ice and
the dlocto)rs think they becamo une n
scious in about 15 minuues and they
did not live more than 50 minutes alter
the dloor was locked on them. IL Is rup.
posed that the three boys hadl taken oil'
their clothes to play goliig in swlmmint0,
as that idea was in their mind when they
lef t home
A Shanckcing Orime.
PA RKICRsnn, W. Va., July 28. -
rThe news ha~s been received here of a
terrible crime whIch was committed in
Lincoln county the other day, the do
tails of which arm so shockmng as to be
almost beyond belief. Franklhn Valen --
tIne, a married mani with a respected
family, lhymg not far iromi Grantville,
Calhoun county, has been keeping up
an improper Intimacy with a widlow
namedl Mary Trader, living in the same
vIcinity. On Sunday last Valca tine and1(
Mrs. Trader decIded t i hva lie coun-.
try, the neighbors hauv..g mn.ile it uni
comfortable fo)r them.
Thetmatter Wa.s dlicuissed in the pres.
ence o Mrs. Tfra lr's d -year ol I chll.
TIhe little gIrl did nt want to gn and
ran away from homd., golr g to Valen
ton's home, where she told Mrs. Valen
tine that her mother and Valentine were
going to take her away. Mrs. Valentine
broke up the intended elopement, which
so enraged ValentIne and Mrs. Tra-fer
that they decided to take revenge upon
the child. They tied the little one to a
tree ihi the woodls. piledl birush arniund
her and set, it, on tire and left the child to
its fate.
Fortunately Ira J .hnison, who was
hunting, heard the child's screams andl
arrived ini time ino tear away the blazing
wood and release the child, but tnt tin
ti1 she had been horibl y burned ironm her
knees to her head, Thme child1's clothmig
was burned away, her hair burned oil
and the skln over her whole bodly burned
so she can not recover. The country
people arb aroused and are hiuntimg the
guilty couple, and will wreak vengeance
upon them If found. They are supposed
to have made their way to the OhIo
Mugleal Bones are Happy Romos.
fave you ever noticed It? Oall
mind the homes of your friends w
Wye a good Piano or -Organ in
ht-lis. Are they not brighter a
more Attractive than those where t
(livine art of music never enters?
be suro itcosts to buy a good. Instr
heait but it iastsj many years, and wl
Pay Its costs many a thousand tim
over by interesting the young folks in
their homes. Don't make the mistake
though, of investing haphazard. Post
yourself thorough by writing Ludden
&.Bates Southern Music House, 8avah.
nab, Ga., the great music house of the
South, established In 1870. They have
sup lied 50,000 instruments to South
ern homes, and have a reputation for
fair prices and honorable treatment of
customers; and they represent the lead
ing pianos and organs of Amerloa
They take pleasure In corresponding
ith you, sending free catalogues, etc
Write thel,.
V~ P:(Aft ~'.ts Fdm fr GaalI
ard s What Yes Ca Som
$69 *'-'M '$37
-nt I.t. nfirogate tlhe*an.
No fot:ht pa ! lot o'1,11 ,1 or
* ~ goj (rgan or nanuIt~y re
; i fuTd' c n - n
Thi- No
W . -l ' $46 Will dlive
' , "- fitt th
T . - -e -III
a b.. .dellv .
to ~ ~ ~ &*o fcoro al yg.
env te y
userit 3 NoA freigt pa
wvb lin ia f' la-- . or
0- ON .Y $1 m
.. /Pr
7'1v.r' ae :;nI I.I4 Ct th
OLA eu Ha-nte(- ev Hicy onoe a
N r taapt paid
-- -THE --~-- -
ik4*fvrfr4! V.os# Wi~Rt
W, IUeA!L1_ Ii (f.( 110
For tor -
tural aGrinu
4 oral Pl tation
UssL e, have earn
Sed their reputa
5& tion as the best
on tne market.
For Simpflty,
- Durabilit and
- Eoonomy in
fuel and water
Has no Equal.
Spea SaeSme 134 h
tietoby ha' ndEsy i
Special sumr - r ta oa h
Smnera Pl uer10. RynAustSpTe
P$aoo $0 ol rgan Ogan.nx oe
be~mr l'th. Jner ym i wuantd.pO~i~
Rl~ant toamet all. Pano $5 to a1
mionibily. Organs $2 to $5.
Our Ml0d-Summer Offers save big money
0n all ptlansa of paymnut.
Now Fall Leaders ready. Bleauti.
raul and( Cheap,. Temptin Bargains.
Wr'ito at one for Mid-Suimer Of..
fors. Good1 only until November 1.
D)on't wait.
'I'O l'14A.UC YOlR OR)EitS-FORt
Thiresheors !
Andi 1. Soil the IUnst iln the Market. Write
to me Bufore Buying.
Shingle Machines.
Stave Machinedi,.
lirick Machines,
Planing Machines,
Swing Sawa,
lland saws,
(Gang liip Saws,
andi all kinds of
wood work hug machitnes,.
Irist Mills $115 to $25~0.
5a W Mills $i190 to $400.
Watertown Engines and Boilers.
Tialb~ott Engines anti Boilers.
Seedi Cotton Etlevators.
(Cottol, Gis and Presses.
V. 0. B&OliAMI,
(JOLUMUr A& n0

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