OCR Interpretation

The Pickens sentinel. [volume] (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, August 30, 1894, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026913/1894-08-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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A QuIet Man Who 11a 81u1ddenily I
Pretard lita-lt Up1Os the Puil-A 1
PreseIstation of Ilan QeiltmnUi 11tbt to
Well Worth Rteading. (
GREICNVILL.E, S. C., Aug. 23.-",Ioe"
JohnEon, as everybody in Laurens
calls him, made a quiet canvass r
for Congreps in this district In 1892.
lie strictly toted his own skillet, but V
received very little more than the Con- 0
servative vote because he frankly t
avowed everywhere that he was not a t
Tillman man and did not intend to p
vote for Tillman.
This year he is making another quiet 1
canvass, speaking often to small gath (
erings at country places. The people, a
however, have suddenly waked to the C
conclusion that in this comparatively ,
little talked of candidate they have a
very able man and the one who knows t
more about the all important financial p
question and talks better about it than
anybody else.
The following is a synopsis of Mr. t
Johnson's speech on free coinage which t.
was declared by Governor Tillman to d
be the ablest, clearest and strongest P
talk on the currency question he had 0
ever heard or read:
Upon the proper solution of the fi
nancial problem depends the future (
prosperity and happiness of our people. e
T'hat solution demands thorough v
knowledge of all the principles under- h
lying money. t
Money is not only a medium of ex- C
change but a measure of value. Sugar, p
coffee or nails give so many pounds for d
a dollar, so that the dollar measures all 1
human labor and sacriflice. Money has d
its price and is bought and sold in the j
markets. The rule that prices are fixed
by supply and demand applies to mon- c
ey as well as to other commodities. If 1
money is abundant dollars must be 1
cheaper; if it is scarce dollars must be I
high. John Stuart Mill says that the a
price of money moves in reverse ratio c
to other commodities-that it rises as r
they fall and falls as they rise. If that t
be true the proposition follows that 0
when money is high more labor and r
sacrifice are required to get a dollar 8
than when it is low. In 1870 the salary p
of the Governor of South Carolina was ,
83,500. When the tax payers went to r
market to buy that $3,500 to pay their f
governor with they carried thirty-five f
bales of cotton for it. In 1893 the gov- c
ernor's salary was still $3.500,but when
the tax payers went to buy those dol- E
lars they had to carry over a hundred (
bales of cotton to get them, represent. 1
ing three times us much labor and sac- f
riflice as in 1870.
All political economists have -recog- t
nized this principle as the true one on e
which to base financial legislation. t
The trouble of having limited money d
or contracted currency arises from the
fact that where one man has money to t
sell ninety-nine are trying to buy it. 1
Legislation which increases the value t
of the dollar belonging to the ona man a
who had it to sell must decreaso the
value of the other commodities, the a
labor and the sacrifice with which the e
remaining ninety-nine men must buy g
the dollar. To show that the volume 1
of money controls the prices of com1- a
modities the familiar course of wheat t
may ba considerd. In 1882 the wheat a
crop of the world was 500,000.00 bush- .
els more than the crop of 1893 and the v
surplus brought into 1882 was great.er i
than the surplus brought Into 1893.
The supply of wheat in 1882 was h un- r
dreds of millious of bushels mom Ihan i
In 1893; the population of the world
had increased enormously tro. 1882 to
I893. Yet with a lessened supply and
an increased demnd the average p)rie
of wheat in New York in 1893 wais 69
cents a bushel against $1.13 in 1882.
This cannot be explained on the overa
production theory because there was
less wheat in 1863 than there was in
1882 and more people to buty it. The
one fair and reasonable explanation is
that between 1882 and 1893 dlolla in
creased in value so t hatt1 ihe m~mvho
carried wheat, to mar ket to buy (101lars
had to carry mnore of it t o get t hemt
with. So it was with cotton and allt
other commodities, for there is a geni.
eral range of pricls which in the first
instance are fixtd by thet supply or
money, or In other words, by the aver
age amount of sac-ilice in all line s of
business that, is riClred to get a dol
Te effect upon t~ho country of' a con
stantly countracting ciur rency is a con
stant fall in the price of Itabo; and its 1
products. People have fixed lhabil'ties c
to meet which rcquiire so much more ofr
the results of t heir labor to satisfy that
nothing is left for comforts or luxuries j
or to meet current indebtedness. in
this country since 1873 there has been t
a persistent fall in the price of com
modities so that the people who depend
on the sale of those commodities for i
their livings have been unable to meet
the debts they had contractedl and havet
been sold out. The census statistics
show that many thousandsa of people
who were land owners ten years ago i
are now tenants. These facts rouse in 1
the people the spirit of disconten~t and <
unrest, such as We have had in) bouth
They seek to apply local remedies for
a general trouble and by St ate legisla-1
tion and changes to remove evils which I
are as potent and as patent in Nebras
ka, Louisiana, Texas and Kansas as in
South Carolina makes it low in Missis- I
sippi andi the same causes make cheap
corn and wheat in Kansas andi No
braska. t
Another difect of the increase of the
value of commodities andl property is
that it prevents men from investing in
and dleveloping enterprises and nd us- I
tries. Tihie fact that money is steadily I
gaining in value induces those who'
have it to hoard it and lock it up. it
is withdrawn from the channels oft
trade and the laboring man is dleniedi
the opportunity to earn support. '[Tiat 1
makes hard times. All commercial
history shows that whenever for a so- t
ris of years there has been a constant p
fall in thme price of cornmodities hard a
times have come. England had an 11- t
lustration of this, when, in 1819, she I
demonetized silver. She had tihen 160,- i1
000 real estate owners. Ten years later s
she had but 50,000. The peeple wore y
sold out,ruined in the steady rise in the r
price of money. t
A great deal is said about "honest dl
money." The only honest money is y
money which always mneasumes the a
same average reqluirement of labor or d
acrifice to obtain it. A money to bi
ionest must keep pace with the in
rease in bisiness and population
Vith any other kind of money then
nust becontraction. In this countr3
vhenever a railroad is built or a facto
y conistriietd or a mine opened th
noney to pay for the work must bi
aken from some other line of busines,
nd thereby contraction results. Ai
usiness increases the facilities for do
ig business should increase. .ohn C
4lhoun taught that if the country had
n billions of property and a giver
uantity of money and the property
ras doubled, unless there was i cor
esponding increase of the money sup
ly the money value of the property
?ould not be increased. Blackston<
no of the greatest thinkers of modern
ines, said that a horse might sell foi
3n pounds at one time and twenty
ounds at another time, the difforenc4
i price resulting from the differenc4
i the amount of money in the king
om. If a man give his obligation t(
nother for one thousand bushels of
orn and the government should after
rard change the bushel measure so ai
D require 112 pounds instead of 56 t(
lie bushel to discharge the obligation
aying the enlarged bushels wouk
lace upon the debtor a burden lie nev
r contracted for and give to the credi
Dr an advantage that lie was not en
itled to receive. The principle is noi
ifferent when the obligation is ex.
ressed In dollars. A striking exampl
f this unearned profit appears upon in
estigation of the public deb
r the United States. Thai
ebt in 1865 amounted to $2,803,000,Ot
nd 14,000,000 bales of cottoi
iould have paid th6 entire debt. W
ave paid on the debt in princival, in
3rest and premium more than $5,C0,
30,000. We have reduced the princi
al to $635,000,000. Today the balanc
ne calls for more cotton, more (lour
iore labor and sacrilice than the entir
ebt would have commanded in 1865
'lie burden has grown no lighter.
One of the most eminent bimetallist!
f the country in the early part o:
873, before the United States and Ger
iany demonetized silver, wrote that
i case any country of importanc4
dopted the gold basis, a persistent de
line would set in in the prices of coin
iodities, money would appreciate
hat times would grow harder, a spiri
f unrest and dissatisfaction woulk
ianifest itself and would result ii
trikes, idle workingmen seeking em
loyment, &.. The history of the pas
wenty years could be no more cor
ectly written. This prediction wa
ollowed by another, in almost th
ame paragraph to this efTect: Variou
auses will be assigned such as, in
roved machinery, new invention
nd over production; some will als
laim that falling price and hard time
ave resulted from local causes, bu
ew people will realize that the trui
ause of the appreciation of money ani
he depreciation of property. Our owi
xperleuce and observation that al
hese causes have been laid hold o
uring the last few years.
The remedy, however, is the impor
Ant question. The Democratic part]
oth by its platform anti by its tradi
ton is pledged to the restoration ol
liver to the mints. That platforn
rys: "We hold to the use of both gok
nd silver as the standard money of thi
ountry, and to the coinage of botl
old and silver without discriminating
gainst either metal or charge for mint
ge." At the tine of the adoption o
Ils platform in the hlouse of ltepre
nitatives of the United Satas seven
apresentat.ives to one hard voted in fit
or of free silver and eight to one it
hio senate.
Whenever a propo!ilion is made Ui
r-sore silvrr it) tne ininis various oh
c3ions are urged against ii.. For in
ta nc11e, 1 ln III o ppe la in I hat. the iII
riscve iof thei i le inI a dollar i
ot worth a dlollar. Th'lere is no sucd
hing as intrinic value. 1itrlnsic
leans to lie in. Silver has propertiles
Lch as hardnes.", which accompany 11
rhierever it goes. Value is not a prop
rty; value is a concep~tion of the mind
is something that resides in the mmn
f the person andl not in the objec
right. If a man was on an uninnhab:
.ed liland arid hard no hopen of ever get
ng cif he would prefer ar bushel o
hleat to a bushel of goldl. So wvha
he intrinsic value advocatos realle
rieani is commercial value. 'The comr
nercial value of gold or silver Is al way
qulal, at least to the coinage value.
lie mints of the United States wer
pen todany for thle coinage of siyve -a
lie rate of 412% grains t o the $1, tY sa
vold h)0 its valttie for all other pur
loses, because if a mnl)( hadilvel
nough at that rate to coin one hun
red silver dioliars, that silver couild 1no
e purchased for less than one huindre<
ollars, for so long as tile purchaser die
ot olfer tire owner as many dlollars a
lie silver could coin t he owner wouhI
inst mak e dollars ou t of11t.
Tlhere has never been a time wher
ihe commerciai valure of a morey metai
eli be-low t.he coinage value when thi
riints were open to it. TL welve of thi
blest men in Great Britaln alter
lost thorough inivestigation re'porles
C) the liritish government that Franci
and kept the commercial value all OVal
he world at 15% to 1 fonr a period o
event~y years, arnd that France, 10ng
rind, Germany, United States, or any
thor leading cournti y coukld malin
aln tihe value of silver a
vhatever rates it might fs
ablish. If value Is a conicepion of ti
find, it may be asked whether it cai
0 created by law. N o it can not. De
nand, however, may be~ created by lawt
nd that makhes the value. T1o illns~
rate, suppose the United States gov
rnment should prohibit by law the
se of any kind of horses irn this~ c0opn
ry except yellow horses, time result o1
uchr legislation would be to destroy th
lemanrd for all otheor kind of hiorse
,ndl their value would go down. O)
ho other hand there would be a largel
ncreaseed demand for the yellow hornier
hat is precisely what the United State
lid other countries have done whre
hey have declared b~y law that the pee
le could only rise the yellow meti
or money.
It is to be observed that all reference
o the repeal fall in price of silver neve
o back on 1873 when its value was de
troyefd by legislation. To Put whit
orses on an fequality with yeliou
orees, the law prohibiting the use o
rhite horses must b~e rep~ealed. To pu
liver on a parity with gold, the iaw~
rohilbiting its use as money must bi
spealed. Another ob'jction urged ti
rie coinage of aliver is its cost of pro
uction. A few silver mines havy
felded their owners fabulous fortune
nd in those rare Instances, ni
oubt. silver hite hbeen mIned at a ama]
i cost, but that %roves nothing, for some
farmer fortunately circumstanced may
produce corn at a very low cost, but I
that would not prove that all farmers
in the United States produce corn at
the same price. These alleged statistics
of the cheap protuction of silver are
misleading, because they do not take ti
i into account the tens of thousands of e
silver miners who are working at a loss P
I r you ask why these tens of thousands LI
of silver miners are working at a loss A
the answer is that "hope springs eter- re
n1ni in the human breast," the mining gi
business is peculistrly fascinating and o
every minor in the lRocky mountains
expects to strike a fortune to morro w.
The tviith is that the value of silver in 0
a dollar does not depend upon the cost .c
of production, but it depends upon the d
amount of sacrilice necessary to get the P
dollar. Common lborers in 1818 and f(
1849. made $8 to $10 per month in di
3 mining gold, but the commercial value g
- of gold remained at the mintage value. 6
It is argued that if silver were coined ti
free, the world would be flooded with o
- cheap money. What is cheap money y
I but the opposite of dear money ? What
is inflation but the opposite oCcontrac l
tion ? The floods will not come, for if a
I all tile gold and silver in the world
- were coined into money at 16 to I there 0
- would not be a per capita circulation a
of $5. b
It is also claimed that we would be b
the dumping ground for the silver of al
allcountries. If the silver were brought it
here the people would hardly give it to al
t us, and they could not leave It with us p
in exchange for property we wanted L
to sell and where would be the loss ? cl
i When it is claimed that a silver dollar
B will buy as much sugar in any store in
the United States as a gold dollar, the a
gold basis adv.cates admit it; but they
insist that it is the credit of the silver
dollar. If it is the credit of the govern
ment that sustains tile silver dollar,
3 why such apprehension of the govern- (
. ment coining a ezvw hundred millions 0
of silver dollars ? At the close of the war C
i we owed two billion eight hundred 'I
C million; we have now doubled in popu. L
lation and quardrupled in property; is
, we would certainly be able to 11 at a n
debt of three billions live hundreds -
There is but three billions live hun
dred million of silver in the world, so P
that the United States is able by its c
I credit to float all the silver in the
i world. It is a remarkable fact, how- 1
- ever, that those who are so apprehen- '
t sive of the government injuring its C
- credit by putting its btamp on silver r,
s are very anxious to have the govern- [I
B ment bonds. What is the difference? r
s The bonds draw interest; silver s
docs not. Tile bonds prevent an '
, increase in currency, and keep products
a low, while the silver if coined into
s money would increase the currency,
t and make products higher. Every ar
3 gument that is now used against free
3 silver has been used against free gold.
1 In 1848 to 1850 when the gold mines of
I Australia were yielding large quanti
1 ties of gold, it was then claimed, that
silver was the staple metikl and the I
people's money. In 1856 Germany act- V
r ually demonetized gold upon the c
strength of such arguments. The truth
is that between the men who have dol
t lars to sell and those who have dollars
I to buy there is a conflict of Interest.
? Those who have money to sell wish to e
i make dollars scarce. That is the under- c
lying principle from which either me- e
- tal is kept out of the mints. 10veryboby p
f in Congress claims to ho a bi-metalist u
but nothing that is don or proposed (
ever meets the approbation of the gold q
basis advocate nor does he ever suggest j
anything except international bi-metal
lism. International ht-met:llismii is an
inpossibility. Mr. Gladstone it it
speech Iefore h111 house 01' comm1i1ons
said that, the world owed E1tglamd
. 10,000.000,(00. on which the annui hal S
, interest is $50,000,000. lie further ~
istated that any step which would in- t
Screase tile voluime 01ofmey and thlere- I
,by depreciate the value of England's E
claim against tihe world would be op- .
.gpsedl by any E0nglish goverment hay-i
, itlg dug regard to the interesis of tile
j 10nglish people. The statefumanship
t and dliplomacy of the world unite in
.. the conviction that 1no valId or binding
aigrcement on currency can be mrade
f without the friendly co-operation of
1, E0ngland, tile wvorld's greates9t commer
cial power.
. A dlistiniguished international himet. I
s allist hlas dlefined very accurately arnd I
f' distinctly wheon international bi-met- if
a allismn will be possible. It will come, lien
t said, by the wg.d.('s common consent,y
t, when the wo1~d is uniting in gin effort
. to extricate itself from universal and
e overwhelming r'uiin, prodisced by persis
- I once in the egfort tO (d0 buineiss with
t, an inflexible and inadequsate supply of
I mfonley.
SAnother relmedy p)rom ised by3 t~he Di- .
a mocratic platform 1a the repeal of thi e
iten per cent, tax upon the Stato banks
of issue. Some people oppose this on 1
thle groundl that they wYant a money
I whiichl will be good all over the world.
3 My check for $10 M 011ld be0 as god in I
a Laurens as gold. I t wouild not be good
Sin mLondion, Liverpooll or Milwaukee,e
j but that fact would not lessen its valuet
a or its us~e as a circulating medium at
,iLauirens. The people wan', not 'io muchir
f a currency to enabile them to transact
. their business an:l move t~heir crops '
, withouit going 1.0 the great money
.centers. A niatlinal money naturally
t seeks national cent~ers. Tihe State bank t
.currency would b)e locail in its1 chiaraicer y
a and there might b'j a money center in 1
every county whilch would decentralize 1
.money. TLhere are 9,000) banks inl the 1I
, United States, all wvith dieposit aic- Il
.counmts ini New York amnd with their
.basis or credit depending Oil their aver-n
:iage dleposits. The banks 0outh1 and1( c
. West have to keep balances of fromi r
$l80,U000 to $20,000 in New York, concen- I
a trating an enormous amount and deC
s privinig their home customers. A local N
a curency supply would obviate the ne- j
y cessity for thesce concentrations. 'There
,wouldl be no lear of wild cat banks
a wIth the railroads and telegraph wires
a Keeping tile Paucille and Atlantic coasts
.andl every coroner of tile country in a
.1 closs contract, withl exaict advices of y
commercial coniditionsm everywhuere in r.
e the country accessible everywhere else L
r at almost any minute of' tile day.-Th'le c
- News.
A New IDanger.[
e l(FF~uisoNVI I..i, Ilid., Aug 23i.- c
f LyL man .lar ki, tweinty years old, son of I
b D~r. Filovd Th'lomais, l)irector of the mnd- h
'lana prison South, lost hits eyesiht yes- e
3 terday throu4gh tihe explosion of the ;
peneum at tire of huis bicycle. l'arks h
- was an route to Corydon, wvhen in some (
s manner the air tube 01' lis wheiel ex
a phoded. After having adjusted a new s
Sone, Parks commenced to inflate the I
I tube, and thisto expeed
,x Thousand sout1 at Pitmitan in Need
ot Breod.
CICA(4o, Aug. 21.-Al'ter making a
trough investigation of the conditions
Cidting among the eX-employes Of the
alliman Con pany, who pirticipated in
e recent boicott and -trike, Governor
ligeld, tonight Isenued the following
liet appeal: To the ppople of the
late of Illinois and especially to those
the city of Chicago:
Thero is great distress growing out
the wont of Food in and around the
wn of Pullmar. More than 1,000 fara
es, or in the neighborhood of 6,000
30ple are utterly destitute. Nearly
ir iliths of them are women and chil
:en-. The men have endeavore:J to
Bt work. but were unable to do so. I
ave made a personal examination of'
to county and learn from the olii ers
f the Pullman Conpanv, that prior to
te Btrike they had 3,260 names on the
>ll. Yesterday they had 2 320 people
. work, but over 600 of them are new
ien, so that 'diey have only about 1,600
F their old employes at work, leaving
I)out 1.660 that have not been taken
ack. Several hundred of these have left,
ut the remainler are unable to go away
.d have nothing to eat. I (ud that
amediatelv after the beginning of the
rike a relief association was formed to
rovide for the needy and the books of
uis associations shows that 2,463 appli
,tious wete made by the Pullman em.
loyes, mostly heads of families to this
isociation for ai(. In f ct, nearly all
F the employee, except tihe few hundred
'ho left have been supported by charity
)r nearly three months. As a rule they
re a superior class oflaboring people in
astrious, capable and steady, and some
r them have worked for the Pu1lmnu
ompany for more than ten years.
'hose who have bean given wark can
At food, but are still in such an impovar.
bed condition that they can't help their
elghbors if they would. Reliel cociety
unable to get more supplies. Oa last
aturday it gave to each family two
ounds of oat-meal and two pounds of
)rn meal and having nothing left., it
uspended operations, leaving the peo
le in an absolutely helpless condition.
'he county commissioners of Cook
outy as overseers of the poor have
Bndered some assistance, but owing to
mited appropriations, they can furnish
elief for a short time only. We cannot
top to inquire the cause of this distress.
L'he good people of this State cannot al
ow women and children by the hun.
Ired to perish by hunger. 1, therefore,
,all upon all humane and charitably die
)osed citiznsu to c'ntribute what thel
-an toward giving relief to these people
[ am satiatle(d that any contributioni
ent to the Pullman Rtellef Committee a
Censington will bejudicinusly distribute<
find their treasurer has given bond Cc
oroperly account for all moneys re.
(Signed) JoirN P. Airanr,n,
'The ov ;rior also sent a com muni,
Wtlon to tho commilsioners of' Conk
ounty, appealing to tem1 a3 the oll1
ers upon whion devolved a duty of
roviding for cases -I this kind to the
imost in their power to lurisiih Ininm
inte assistance to the )!o,)le in distre is.
'lie correspon] deice hetween Governor
L hturehl and George M. l'ullman, inl rela.
on to tho destitutiotn inl fhe town was
veii to thn press hv the Governor. It
evaun last Suuday, vhlen the Govuauor
iut a tole..'raml t Mr. I'illbrmnal riom'i
priueiebl, inl repi).Isn to a fn nh:ir of
lplenisa made to him b~y strikers for ai
ituen, In this dbspaltc, thi Governor
allIs Mr. i'allm'um that au~lhough~ the~
ltate of Illinois has not the innut desire
0 medIdle in thie a fl.tirs of the company,
cannot allow a whole community
rithin its borders to p~erIshi of hunger,
rad informs the p~residbent, of' the coin
any that unless reliof comes he would
ither hanve to call a special session
ii thue i.'ilature to make ati appropria
ion or else iseu3 an appleal to the hu
uianc people ol the State to give broad
,o the companny's former employee. I1e
Lddes: "'It seems to me YOU would pre
er to relive the situ ationi yourseif, especi
.lly as it has .inst cost, the State up.
rards of $50,000 to protect yu'ti pro)pr
Three Lynche d.
,JACKSONVIr!Jd, la., Aug. 22. -N4ews
as rea':hiett here from Mayo,
''la., to the effect that thre3, Ins teadi ot
wo negroes, were Jynched for the rape
af MIss IPert, last Tuesday. After the
wo, who confessed tat thfey hiad comn
nitted1 the assault, had been strung up,
inother negro was founld in the vicinity
>y the avengers. Th'iis negro was sus
Iectedl of comiplicit.y in the crime, and
ho suspIcion was~ conllrmned b~y strong
dircumstan tial evidence, aund lie sharedl
lie late of the other two. The three
aegroes wern unknown In this
aelghborhoodl. They were tramps
mnd claimed to lhe from GeorgIa.
'here is no doublt that they
yore guilty of the assault on MIss
'ert. 1I, is saidl that, alteor the bodIles of
he negroes haid hung awhile, they
iere cut dlown and buirned by the
nchiers, F0xctement over the alfair
i running hIgh, and rumors of other
ynchings are in circulal ion, but it Is
rnpossible to secure partIculars. The
eople here regret that It has become
ecessary to take the law into their
wvn hands, but they are dletermined to
lake an example of every man who
ys violent hands on a woman. MIss
'ert in still in a pitIable condItIon.
tne .o' y never recover from her in
it r Ies.
a Fatat Loa1p.
IUJCIMOND, Va., Aug. 23,-Col, J1. M,
Vlnstead, presIdent of the P~iedmont
ad the P'eoples' banks of Greensboro,
I. C., committed suicIde here this
orning by jumping from one of the
aiconies on the Oity Ihall near the
lock tower. The plunge was one of
Inety-lve feet and the body was im
ailed on an Iron railIng. The cause
f the act Is not kno wn here. When
Ir. Winstead got the key to the to wer,
e showed no sIgn of nervousness or
xcitemnent. lie was about sixty years
f ago andi( marriedl. Bsfore jumpnling
e throw Ils cane and shoes (Iown.
~olonel Wilnstead'sa nep~hew arrived
ere from D~anvlle to-nignt and
tatedl that there was no reason why
is uncle shotild have corn mitted suit
P'rastident Atlt--- O.hor New Oficer
iR eoiution or Tihic.
PiAwLEYS Island, Aug. 18.-The
second day's. meeting of the Souti
Carolina State Press Association ant
in fact the last iession of this ineeting
convened in the Barracks prom ptlv at
10 o'clock this morning. All the jour
nalists present on the Island were in
After some routine business was
transacted Mr. N. G. Gonzales of Th
State, made a motion which was carried
that the address that had been appoint
ed to be delivered by several of th<
editors be postponed until the nexi
meeting of the Association on account
of the absence of several of those wh<
were to speak on the different, themes
Following this tihe place of the nexi
annual meeting was decided upon. Mr
Gonzales gave the Association a mosi
heartly invitation to come to Columbli
again, while Mr. Osteen of Sumter in
vited them to meet there. As Column
bia had been the place of meeting hist
year several of the editors thought Mr
Osteen's invitation should be accepted
which was done.
Then came the election of olilcers fo
the ensuing year. The following wer,
unanimously elected: E. Ii. Aull pre
sident, II. M. Ayer first vice president
11. G. Osteen second vice president, C
C. Langston secretary, F. Melcher'
treasurer,.8ldt II. Brown chaplain, am
Messrs. Gonzales, Clarke and Browne
the three members -)f the executiv
After the election of olicers had beei
proceeded with Mr. II. M. Ayer offere<
the following resolutions which wer
adopted after which the Associatioi
adjourned subject to call:
In appreciation of the courtesies ex
tended this association on the occasioi
of this, our twentieth annual meeting
be it
Resolved, That we express a vote o
cordial thanks to Vice President A. 13
Andrews, of the Southern ltailwa
Company, General Passenger Agen
T. M. Emerson, of the Atlantic Coas
Line, W. ). Craig, of the Port Roya
and Western Carolina Rtailway, E. I
McSweeny, of the Charleston and Sa
vannah Railway, and other railroa
officials for transportation generousl
granted on their roads for the editor
and their families; to Capt. 11.
Cordes and other oflicials of the Sout
Carolina Steamboat Company, an
Capt. .1. T, Ilubbard of the steami
Planter, for their generosity .in alfor
Ing us transportation and unusu
courtesy shown us, to make the tri
by sea as thoroughly enjoyable as If
in their power.
That our thanks be extenwded throul
this resolution and through our broth
Josiah Doar in person, to the hospit
ble people of Georgetown, and espm
fally to Capt. Springs of the tug Con
L don, for their attention and for ti
I pleasure afforded us durirg our stay I
the beautiful little city of Georgetow
That especial recognition 1s de I
us to the hotels of Georgetown for the
exertion In our behalf and the ente
tainment given us.
That thanks be extended the Man
gault Light Dragoons for the use (
their comfortable hall for our meeting
That we recognize by special vote t h
thanks due to Mrs. Winthrop William
for her kindness, and courtesy to th
association, which has made this mneel
ing so delightful to us all and that w
shall be equally generous in spreadin
to the public at large such reports o
our treatment here and the natural ad
vantages of this resort as will convinc
others that l'awley's Island is tit
choicest of all stimmer resorts, and tha
Mrs. VIlliamns Is a queen among host.
Tlhat a copy of these, such part,
parts, of' those resolutions as effet
those whmo have contributedl to ou
pleasure ho drafted by thme secrtetar
and sent In the name and under thm
seal of the association to thoset
whom we are so much indebted.
itesolutions were also adoptedi 10oo
lng to further agItation of thme impoi
tance of these meetings andI the propti
preparation for profltable work by th
members anti to the securing of mtor
hearty co-operation of the entire purem
of tima State. Also resoluations of al
preOcation of Mr. C. II. P~rince's wvor
as aecretary. Also the following:
Itesolved, That the thmks of' th
associatien be0 extendled to the people<4
Sumter and Columbia for their cordli
Inv/itatoin to us t o hoil our meeting
with them.
Swail,ted Wives,
l'A NA, Ills., Aug, 22.-Judge Williai
l'rIce married Mrs. Elsie liarrisoi
aged 30i, to Edward Munday, aged 4
anid Muss J~tzzle McIermott, aged :
to 'Thomnas Ellison, aged 53, at the r4
spiective homes of the bridied. And bi
hind1( this prosaic announcement ther
is a story. Monday's present wife wi
the formuer wile of Iallison, andl ElI
son's wife was the former wifte of Miiu
dlay. illison was legally (divorce
f rom his fIrst wife last Wednesday, an
Ora tihe same day the new Mrs. Elliso
was divorsed from Munday andi restoi
0(d to her maiden name. The contrac
ing parties are all upon the best
terms, andl are, in fact, intImate assi
ciates. Th'e present Mrs. Ellisoni mad
the wedding gown of the new Mr
Mundiay, arnd vice versa, and~ the wc<
dined were all plannedl before the d
vorces were obtained.
llown tr 'tecea.
BU;FFA 1Lo, N. Y.. Aug. 23.,.Josep
issinger was drIving along G rac
street this afternoon with a ioavl c
ammonia umsedl for making ice in brew
ornes. One of the tanks containing thm
stumf exploded with a loud report, hurl
ing IBissinger twenty feet, throwinig
him through the bows of a tree, wvhic1
overhung the streets. lie came dowl
on the opposite side of the street. ill.
hands and feet were torn off by the ex
plosfon in his Ilight through thme tree
Vie was instantly killed. No reason fo
the explosion 18known.
IHA-roN ih)Io, Ja., Aug. 23.-News
reached the city this morning of a dii
tressing accident near Hatonm ltimge
which resulted in the dleath of thre
estimable youngr lirdies, and which ha
cast a gloom over the entire capita
city. T'he unfortunates were Mis
Mary Lee lRead, Miss lielle Chmmmber
and Miss Elenore Garland. The young
ladies were bathing in the Amite ltivei
when one of their number got beyon
her depth. She screamed and the othe
two went to her assistance and all thre
were dhrownnd,
About a Personal Letter Made Against
Dr. Ityrd.
COLUMBIA,8. C., Aug; 2.-A copy
of the following card addressed to the
editor of the Register, was yesterday
given to the press for publication. The
clrd is rather sensational in its nature
and makes very racy literature:
Columbia, S. , August 24,1894.
To the Editor ot the Register: I have
noticed your coup d'etat in a recent
issue of your paper and your editorial
comments thereon, in which you pub
lish a personal letter written by me to
the Rev. L. 1). Bass, on June 27. Mr.
Bass was at that time a Butler candi
date for the State Senate and the let
ter, containing, as it did, some sugges.
tions and information from "Butler
headquarters," as you express it, was
made much of by you and your politi.
cal sagacity and activity, as demon.
strated in securing the letter, was em
phasized to commend yourself and your
paper to the movement.
Now, Mr. Editor, in the ilrat place it
Is due Mr. Bass to say that in a letter
received from him recently he says: "I
was never more surprised than when I
r saw the publication of your letter to
me of June 27th. I regret it and as
sure your that I am innocent of the
thing being made public." So much
for Mr. Bass. A high and honorable
gentleman, by the way, who smarts
under even the shadow of inference
that he would break conildence in the
way indicated in your comments and
by the publication of the letter.
But here, Mr. Editor, is the part of
your great political and sagacious ac
tivity, which I want to make public.
I am reliably Informed that very re
cently, Dr. Byrd of Florence county
(an ex-legislator from that county) has
spoken more than once, on the streets
of Florence of having found (?) a let
ter written Mr. Bass, and that in i1s
publication lie, Dr. Byrd, would make
a ten-strike. 1 am further informed
that when the public speaking took
place at Timmonsville, in Florence
county, that this afitute Dr. Byrd asked
a number of candidates to his house at
that place to dinner. That at the sug
gestion of the host the guests took of
their coats in the bed room and retired
to the sitting room, after dinner to
smoke. Mr. lass had the letter yot
have published in his pocket when hi
h went to Dr. Byrd's house, it was "ou
d of sight" when lie left.
r The letter, 1 am informed and b
lieve, was sent you by Mr. McCall o
Florence, and was given him by DI
plByrd (our hospitable host). In you
editorial comments you say: "The lei
ter has been sent to us by one of th
most active and vigilant Reformers I
er the eastern part of the State." Alloi
me to suggest that this "activity an
vigilance" is taking a very dangerot1
9 turn and this very "active and vig
lant" individual and host may hav
n been down into Mr. Blass's pockets f
paper of more commercial value for a
we know. Not finding that, lie seems I
r have taken everything else in sight an
r- let his find of political paper act as th
next best thing.
. You are welcome, Mr. Editor, to a]
letters gotten at the houses of peopl,
from the pockets of their guests, whei
e coats, by invitation, are hung in an ad
s joining room and the guests lure<
e away by a cigar, are out of sight.
have written Bro. Bass to take warn
0 ing himself and to memorize the fol
? lowing lines and repeat them for thi
f protection of his people:
- Will you walk into my parlor? said thi
e spider to the fly.
Well, hardly, said the insect, and h(
t winked the other eye.
You parlor has an entrance, 4ut of ar
exit it is shy,
r So i'll stay on the outside and remair
I, a little "fly."
r This communication is written oli
v the supposition that Mr. Bass and my.
a self are correct in "placing our mnen.'
0 If we are wrong, let him make an lion
orable disclaimer.
-All names desired will be given or1
-applIcation and the untcersignedi is per
r sonally responsible for every line ci
A this commnitcation.
a Very truly.
'J OHN G . CA Pi'RS.
T{Ilim an speaks,
COL UnIA , S. C., Aug. 20..--ly re.
e qunest Gov. TJ.illman delivered lo-nighi
f tan address onMain street to about, threc
ml hundred 1)eopl1, about half of whom
a were reformers. ie was well receivedl
thiough at times lie receivedi many jeers,
lie spoke of the city of Columbia in a
caustic way and ridIculed its manage.
n ment as. being undeor the domination of
1, men who wvere antagonistic to the
'whole of the rest of the State. l1e said
lhe proposes to criticise l'resident Cleve
. land as often as he violates the Demno
,. cratic platform which lie had spit upon
e Tihat Cleveland had betrayed his party
a andl had bauiked the D~emocratic sena
~. tors andi representatives in Congress in
.their desire to carry out party pledges,
dl TIhat Cleveland was in league with the
(I powers of the northeastern section of
n lte country who were Intent upon
.keeping the volume of currency as
~. small as possible. That lie thanked Ghod
f~ that he would leave Columbia in a few
~. months, buIt that his p)1acc would be
e filled by a man who would keep the
~.people dlown as he had triedl to (10.
.s uggar niapgingt
Nm~ X' Yon , A ug. 21.-Many letters
having been received by the Cotton 10x
change both for an d against th6 use
of sugar bag cloth for LDaling cotton,
ithe boaid of managers, after a lull diei
0 cussion of the matter, have passed the
ffollowing resolution:
- lesolved, Th'iat many of the inqluiries
0 having been received by the New Y ork
-Cotton E~xchange as to whether or not
the use of what is known as sugar bag
cloth in covering cotton is contrary te
ri the rules of the exchange, the secretary
be instructed to advise the Southerri
-exchanges and others interested in thu
-matter of the fact that cotton covered
' by such bagging constitutes a good de.
livery under the rules of this exchange
A Narrow Egcape,
MAmDSONV I L LIC, Tex., Aug. 19.--Al
Midway in this county Mrqs. Luncindi
,Alien was seized with colic. P~hysic
ains andl nurses after six hours of at
tention pronounced her dead. She was
dressad and1 placed in her colln ani
i just as the contege was about to star
1 to the grave a neighbor asked for
laist look at her. She (the neighbor
, thought she disqoyered signs of animii
ll tion. The supposed corpse was take
r from thme coflin, placed in a tub (
e water and soon revived. She thus ei
caped being burined alive.
The Aiken Cape Agroed On for the Pur
poseo aLd the Suppeome Court to be Oelled
In Extra Seusion--Tho Points to bo Ar
aue d Apreed On.
COLUMBIA, S. C , Aug. 23.-The Aik.
en case is to be the one which will de
cide the 1893 dispensary law and which
will forever settle the coI'stitutionality
or unconstitutionality of the famous
law unless it can be gotten into the
United States Supreme Court.
The State and the city authorities of
Aiken hava made an agreement that
this case shall be the test case before
the State Supreme Court. The agree
ment was made in Aiken on Tuesday
whila Assistant Attorney General Bar
bor was in that city.
Of course everybody will want to
know when the case can get before the
court. The truth is that Governor Till
man has requested, and Attorney Gen
eral Buchanan has joined in the re
quest,,that Chief Justice McIver call
an extra session of the court as soon as
possible. The request was sent to the
Chief Justice a few days ago and his
answer is expected today or tomorrow.
If the request is acceded to the extra
session will be held the last of this
month or the firat of September. The
court will consist of Chief Justice Mc
Iver and Associate Justices Pope and
Eugene Gary.
The case is to go to the court on ex
ceptions to the. decision of Judge Al
drich and the points to be argued have
also been agreed upon. They are av fol
Tie relators except to and appeal to
the Supreme Court of South Carolina
from the decree rendered and made
herein by his Honor Judge James Al
drich on the 18th day of August, 1894,
upon the ground that his Honor erred
as follows:
1. In holding that the respondents, a
municipal corporation,could set up and
plead that the Dispensary Act of 1893
is in violation of sections 1, 2 and 41 of
Article I of the Constitution of the
State of South Carolina.
2. In holding that it is competent for
the respondent to set up and plead that
the Dispeneary Act of 1893 is in viola
tion of the 4h. 5th and 14th amend
f ments to and of section 8 of Article 1
of the Constitution of the United States
r and also in conflict with the inter-State
1 Commerce law.
B 3. In holding that the Dispensary Act
I of 1893 is an amendment of the Dis
v pensary Act of 1892 and unconstit u
s 4. In holding that the said Act con
stitutes a monopoly in the sale of in
toxicating liquors and is therefore
r void; whereas he should have held that
1i the exclusive sale by agents of the State
0 is a proper police regulation regularly
I passed by the Legislature in its wisdom
F in furtherance of Its judgment that
such a measure was a necessary re
quirement for the regulation of the
liquor traflic, to protect the health,mor.
als and welfare of the people; and that
the execlusive control by the State of
such a recognized subject of police su
pervision is constitutional and valid.
5. In holding that the said Act is
unconstitutional in providing for the
exclusive sale by agents of the State
and forbidding all other persons;where
as he should have held that said Act
providing for such sale exclusively by
agents of the State is a constitutional
exercise of the police power of the
State over a recognized subject matter
of police supervision.
ii. In not holding that the Dispensary
Act of 1893 is a valid law and in no
wise violates the Constitution of the
United States or that of the State of
South Carollna.
Attorney General, for Relators appel
The following are the exceptions of
the respondlental:,
1. Because it is respectfully submit
ted that the relators herein had ample
remedy at law for the correction of any
grievance of which they complain, and
therefore they were not entitled to the
writ of prohibition and his Ihonor the
Circuit .1 udge erred in not so deciding.
2. Because the said Act of thme Gene.
ral Assembly oif this State violates sec
tioii 8 af Article I of the Constitution
of the United States and also violates
the Act of the Congress of the United
States regulating commerce between
the States and is therefore null and
3. Because the said Act of the Gen
eral Assembly of this State violates the
4 th, 5thm and 14th amendments of the
Constitution of' the United States and
is therefore null and void.
4. Because it is respectfully submit.
ted that the ordinance of the city of
Alken referred to in the return herein
is authorized by section 1737 of the
General Statutes of this State; that the
same is lawful and of binding force
within the corporate limits of the city
of Aiken and his IHonor, the Circuit
Judge, erred in not so deciding.
5. That his Ihonor erred in granting
the writ of prohibition and deciding
that the respondents should pay the
costs of thme proceedings herein.
Attorneys for Respondents.
We agree that the foregoing shatli
constitute the "case" upon which this
cause shall be heard in the Supreme
Court of South Carolina and that a
copy thereof shall be used in lieu of a
return in the ofllce of the clerk of said
Attorney General for Relators.
Attorneys for 11esponden'ts.
A Horrible lind,
Pm'T'rnUnow, Pa., Aug. 21.-Thomas,
llarris of Esplenborough returned to
day from Mount Clemens where he had
been for his health. ie found his home
closed and after considerable trouble
- broke in. ie found the dead and de
compose~d body of his wife on the bed,
I and by her side slept their two childreni
t aged 2 and 4 years respectively. The
woman died last Thursday trom hem
, orrhages and the bed was saturated
-with blood. The neighbors supposed
ri that the tamily was away. The cili
I dren arein a precarious condition ftrns
- lack of food and breathing the contatt.
inatad atmnanhaete .o long.

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