Newspaper Page Text
A Little Girl Found iiy her Mother With a Rattlesnake in her Lap.?Dennison, Tex., Jute 21.? Mr. II. P. Heddeo, who resides Southwest of Dennisoo, brought to the city this morning his little child Sallie to be treated for a snake bite. About G o'elook this morning the littlo girl left the house with a pail on hor arm to gather blackberries near Stono Spring. The child was expeoted to return homo soon, as the family was to leave early to pasa the day with a neighbor. The child being absent something over an hour, Mrs. Iladden proceeded to the spring. Tho child was not thare, and tho mother called hor name loudly several timos. Receiving do response, sbo 1 _ ?L ! 1 ll 1 iL . icit mo spring ana waiseu into mo blackberry patch to hunt up tho child. Passing through the patch sho saw a scene which made her almoet faint with horror. Tho child waa sealed on a rock and in her lap waa a largo rattlesnako. Tho child waa carrying the snake, whose bead was slightly elevated and moving to and fro. Sometimes the snake's head would almost touch tho lips of the child, who pushed it away without appearing to anger the snalce. The child was so completely under tho spell of the serpent that it paid uo attention to tho mother, who screamed so loudly that her husband heard her a quarter of a mile distart, and hurried to the scene. When Mr. Iledden appeared, tho snake placed itself in an at tlude of battle, and the air vibrated with the noise r .t ...J.. nt_ li iv _ i _ v oi ine rames. nir. ueuueu auvancou upon tho snake, the child fell back as if, in a swoon, and the snake struck it on the thumb of the right hand, aud tlieu sprang at Ileddcn, who killed it with a stone. Ileddcn sucked the wound, which, ho is confident, saved tho life of the little girl, Salaratus was also applied to the wound. Tho hand aud arm of tho littlo girl were but very little swollen when sho was brought to tho city ior treatment. The child Bays that sho was sitting ou the rock picking berries wheu the snako appeared, and that she was unable to move when sho looked at it; that she was uot afraid of it, and when it waved its bead to aud fro in her face sho felt like going to sleep. ]Jimned ins Wealth.?Franklin, Ky, June 21.?This town is ngog with cxnitouient to-night. William .1. Milton, a woilthy and miserly old merchant of this city, who is thought to be on his deathbed, to-day staggered out of his bed, which is back of his store, and went into the store. Me was followed hv an old neero. his attendant, whom lm - j -? r? i ~ ordered to tako a certain nail keg ana put it on the tiro in his room. The keg was headed up at both eDds, and he told the negro that it had a few nails in it and souio old paper that ho wished to destroy. The negro did as he was directod, lit tic dreaming that he was consigning to the flatnen about S!U),000 in greenbacks nnd government bonds, hut such was n gentleman went in, nnd seeing a large pilo of burnt nails in tho fireplace, and what seemed to bo tho smoking rcmaius of burnt paper, and suapiciouing that nil was not right, began to make an examination of tho ashes, and found what to tho naked eye was plainly visiblo, a hugo mnss of burned grceubacka aud government -I per cent bonds. Mr. Hilton has a wife and one child, a profligate son, who has given him a great deal of trouble, llo and his wife have been separated for some time, and there is now pending h suit lor divorce ngd-alimony against him by hi? wife. A great deal of bitterness ha* grown out of the suit, and it is thought lie prelerlcd to see his property in a>hes rather than for his wife and son to inherit it. I lie is not expected to livo many days, apd is now too feeble to talk and refuses to divulge anything. He has a great antipathy for lawyer?, nnd hns said he feared that his wife would get all he had. A guard has been placed around bis store to-night for fear lie will har,t. it in flauics. Legal proceedings ^ ero taken'out to have hiui declared a 1" ai?atic this evening, but the jury found tu 0f sound mind. , (,?eu. Stephen 1). I?.?n I* i~..? ? JVBKIUUl UI j the Agricultural aud Meeha uioal ('ullage of Mississippi, has favuutU y anuouuccd 1 caudidacy foe \ba Democratic uouiiuatiou for (Jovctuor. l\o declares fur white supremacy ?? Mississippi and throughout the South, but thinks that the race .juosliou it uot the leading issue iu tbaa Stito. I ndustrial progress is what is needed. Whatever tends to make the peop) o prosperous is of the tirst imporlanoe. Manufactures, improved systems of agriculture, and the en courageuiept of white immigration, ho submits a? the matters to which the pub lie attention and the energies of tho people should be directed. These ' arc sound views, though by n<> means new. (leneral Leo will certainly lose i nothing by the adoption of so broad a platform. And he would make a ui"K : excellent (jovernor.?H'yistcr. A Nkw Yikw ok l?ai'tjsm.?The llcv. M. L. Martin, ot Texas, a prominent lJaptist preacher, is causing a sen bat ion in his denomination in (icorgia with his peculiar views, he bidding that persons who have concluded tl at they were ijoi truiy converted when baptized should be rebaptized. Many old church members are accepting his views, among them some preachers, including the llev. J. A. McMurray, who was at one time pastor ol'the Central UaptistChurch Atlanta. Mr. McMurray has been summoned to appear before a board to answer for his irregularities of belief. 1*0UIt Movs A Co.MKAI?K.? ludiauapolis, Ind, June 'J.V? A Loy named Snider thirteen years old, residing at Highland, near Terro Haute, was murdered by lour boys whoso ages range from nine to fifteen. J he boys are two brothers named I'curman, and two named Douglass. Saider s boiJy was found in a creek, lie had been stubbed and . shot. All tho boys areuuder arrest. IRc JDeelfy 'Iftiiiou lime? R. M. STOKES, - - Editoi S. S. STOKES, - Local Editor Friday, Juno 28, 18S9. SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 l'ER ANNUA P08T OFFICE DIRECTORY. The 1*. O. will he opened for busiucsi from 8 A.M. to 6.110 1'. M. The Money Order Department will b< opened for business from 'J A. M. to 4 P. M The Northern and Southern mails wil both close promptly at 1 P. M. Any inattention or irregularities shouh he reported promptly to the P. Jd. J. C. HUNTER, P. M. tadr Mrs. 11 ayes, wife of ex-Presiden Rutherford B, Hayes, died at Fremont Ohio, last Tuesdny. Posey a l?ruf; Stare! (Jo to Posey's Pruj Store for your Drugs anil Medicines?Tonics Chill and fever cures, Anti-Billions Pills Liniments, tic., Sic. Btif" The 1'. S. Mnrshalship for Soutl Carolina for tlio next four ycais has beet settled, by President Harrison appoinlin Gem-go 1. Cunniugham, of Charleston, t that important position. Ice Cream, Soda Water, Milk Shake FruJ-Miz, nod Glenn Springs Watei a OA Kit HIT'S. The first cotton bloams were sen us this year from, Charles Harris colored of Pinoknoy township, and Mr. W. Ci Kit b; in Goudeysvillc township. They wer both plucked on tlio 1th. - ? Btnju We call special attention to the ai vcrtisemont of Lipscomb ToUesoti, leadin merchants of that growing and widt-awak town, Gatfney City. \Te intend pviblisliit* ahort business biographies of these splendii young businessmen next week. * * * ~ a. ' - - it you want a real goo, o 1 Lemot mlc or a Milk Shake, made with pure inil from a Jersey cow, call at the Little Uree Front ? KMX,. Tho trial of Dr. McDow. for th murder of v_up'. Dawson commenced o Monday, an<l 'he Charleston papers ar crowded with full reports of the tostimonj The jury consists of live white and sere colored men ? . # - - t'tiy" I he sharp u>e ef the Republic* administration lur fallen upon tho neck c our esteemed old friend T. Stobo Farrow nnd his head rolled out of tho Chief of Div sionof the sixth Auditor's ollicc last Tueada The Huh of this month was a fatal day One man and out- woman were hung; Toi Wixdfolk was sentenced to he hung, an two Carolina officials were decapitated i Washington, Don l fail to call at tIAi 1 IT'S Crca Saloon. /fekT And still anothor. <?ur nlerpri ing purveyor of good things, Mr. J. < ^VW9,dtvduG',/rtlt.!,"fTj4*Oi,dn8>lir:P UWI tablishment. l?y which he can provide fami lies, in town or country, with bottle. Sod Water. Ginger Ale an l I'rui-Mi/., us ires and pure as at the fountain. We u? ?in family !;;>vc iricu ins bottled beverages :iu pronounce I hem ti r?st <[ttnlity. ?" . .? Our dew yottug friend, Miss Mntlii Clifton, ol' Cross ICey.?, will please ucccp our tlinuks lor n present ol" delicious earl, l'encbes and Apples. Mntlic nml ourscl were great Iricuds when she was a briglt littlo pupil in the Cliilord Seminary, ami tlihl is only two years ng??, and she kindl, keeps our friendship fresh and green bj sou ding us every Spring, the first and nices fruits I'rot.i her orchard. ~-w? HICK'S WAX.? l'etsoiis having good Heo : Wax for Sale, can tiiidu put chaster by cal liit^j en 11. W, Tinaley. It. U?*X? Col. I. U. McKissick has been quit unwell for some time. but. like a proiul pa rent, lie had to attend'tho couuiicucemen exaro'nscs of (lie State University and wit ness the graduation of his son, Foster, wilt distinction lie standing only second in t large class. The Col. hud the honor thrust upon hin of presenting diplomas to two young met of the graduating class. A col 1 wave struck this section last Monday, with high wind, and by night tirce and thick clothing added to our comfort. A drizzling rain commence I just before dark and light showers fell until after midnight when a heavy rain commence 1 falling which lasted until daybreak, with high wind. TutsJay morning it felt more like hleuk October than genial .litoc weather; thick shawls and cnits coveted Summer under clothing, and good lire* were necesiary tc keep us couit'o,table. We expect to lieai v/. umiiii?c nuns 10 crops North < ( us hy frort ami 11;iiI Monday liiglu. - * I'151'IT .1 .V IIS. ITU IT .1A US.?We havi jlist received ii iiice U>l ol .Masons Fruit Jars which we ? t!?-r at lensouahlt prices. Filer A I'arliant. It - ? Court The Court of < ifneral Sessions mid t'oni inoii Fie is for ih is County, commences ncx Monday. with .lulgeT. 1>. Fr.i/.er the pre aiding Judge. The Sessions ?lockot will he pretty heavy un ess the <ir:,n<i Jury throws out a grea many hills S. of T. Election At the last meeting of the Cnioii hi vision No !!:?. Sons of Temperance, the following officers were clec'ed for (lie ensuing <piur nr. w. I'., Til OS II. Jim cr w. A.. John J Kit ou. II S., .1. 11, llunier. Ass't 15. S., Miss <!'.une Whitvsiile. F. S.. W. S. McLuPe. Tretts., Jos. M. < oiieu. Con., C. K. Tins ley. Ass't Cen,, Miss Carrie J une'. Chap., W. II. .Miller I. S., Auhrey 15ice. 0. fc>-, A. W. Uiuen. A Cotton Factory and Oil Mill, Both. > A new impulse is moving the people of Union, from which we believe a Cotton Fac tory will he evolved. I<ast week we suggested that the subscribers to the Oil Mill hold up awhile and take hold of the Cotton Factory ; hut the 01T Mill men didn't like the suggestien at ^ all, and even went so far as te assert that our article was indiscreet and would retard, materially, the progress of the Mill, while 4 it could not advance the prospects of a j Cotton Factory; for it was out of the question to think that Union could stand two ' such enterprises at the same time; and I further, that the Oil Mill entcrpri?e had progressed to a point where it could neither stand still nor go backward. The raachia" ery had been ordered, and some of it was I on the road: and further still, the men having the hi ill enterprise in charge, did not intend to let it stand still, go backward, or be merged into any other project. I ^ was a good thing for the town, county and i stockholders, and they have determined that it shall go forward. All they ask h that the Farmers of the county identifj II themselves with it, and give it their en1 couragcment, by subscribing to its stock, 15 providing it with nil the seed thoy can '' spare from planting, in exchange for meal for feeding stock or for fertilizing thcii laud, or for cash. '8 t They, however, will place no straw in the way of a Cotton Factory, but aro encon rag in s it in evory way possible, andsomi 1 of the Directors ef the Oil Mill are noe ' the largest subscribers on tho list for a Cotr" ton Factory. In fact, the Oil Mill men an 1 now among the prime moving spirits of th Factory enterprise; so that we hav reason to hope that our suggestion of las week, instead of doing injury to anything e lias made the Oil Mill inorc solid am aroused the factory advocates from thi I lethargy into which they had fallen, who ! embracing the opportunity presented in th prevailing spirit of enterprise now animat | ii g our citizens, a~e again at work will k i renewed hope and deter ined oncrgy t< ! secure subscriptions to the capital slock o I a Cotton Factory here : and it is truly grati o ' fying to loarn that tliey are meeting will n I meat encouraging success. Wc understam c they already have over half the ameun r. I subscribed necossary to commence work. U | The Johnson Rifles. The Jolimson Rifles arc preparing for i Q Pluino Drill, Target Shooting ami a Picnic, f on the 4lh of July. Probably no Military Company in tb< j State, has bettor material from which t y form a good Compauy than the Johnsoi Rifles of L'n<on, both in the character of it m men, and its military with a little drillin j as a Company, every dtill afternoon, and n< u) a squad now and then, as we hare eeen < late, it could become the banner C'ompan of the State. ,,i It must be very discouraging to tli officers to prepare for a drill, and go to th< armory, and find hardly enough t? form I H* squad. } Spur up. hoys, and on tho picnio day an >.* imiIikji trnod showing, j. J'rof. Rolfe's Address. |a Prof. Rolfc, principal of tlie Union Urn 1, ueit seliool, delivered an address to the pu j pils nf the School last Sunday moruiug, ii j the Methodist Church. His subject Was, Christian Ethics, or tli rule of .Moral Conduct. Prof. Uolt'e han e died this important subject ably, and as bi t address was bis parting instruction to hi y pupils, it was full of thought and christiai [f n Ivies to those who have been under his car t for tho past two years. I The subject was a very appropriate on > i igr me mini ouu lue occasion, as 1'rol. Kolte y ' walk liefore before his pupils and this coo l uiuiiity lias been such (hut advice from hii on Christian l.tliics can be accepted an fully appreciated by all who know hit ' personally. ? - ?? - ? # o ??. Suddeu Death of Treasurer Bamberg, The following sad and startling telcgrac e was Hashed along tho electric wires la; I Friday, the 21 st : ( ".Siato Treasurer Isaac llambcrg droppci dead at his home this afternoon, from hear * ' disease.'' 1 ! Of tho deceased the Xnrs un<l Courie v very justly says : The death yesterday of ('apt. Isaac S i li.imberg, the State Treasurer, will cans { deep regret, lie was a man of tho highes character and <>f tho ni?st earnest devotiot , to his people and his State, lie was faith [ ful to every trust, and it is not lo> tuucli t< ' say tliat his loss is a public calamity, for i 1 . was to tho public that he gave the bes ! years of his honorable and useful life. - ? A Imstinui ihiiko S)i!TK Cauoi.ima; - l) ? Washington, I). C. June UO. ? (Jen : A. (.'. Myers, l ue (Junrtcrm isler General o \ the t'onfederate Army, died at his residouct ihere this morning. He was a native o Jsontli Carolina, giaduuted at West Point it t I!, and served in the 10th U. S. Infantrj . ! until November, IKJ'J, when lie was pro ( [ moled to r captaincy in the quartermaster' i department, lie served in the Seininoh I W i r> i ?, .....I ? . ' - ? * ? * ..... ... > .v.. .-to mm III llir HPXIC'IM war ' i being brevetcd-inijor in the latter far gal | lantry in the battles of P.ilo Alto ami lies, i :ica Pelft I'aUnu. ami lieutenant-colonel fo i> > gallant conduct at Cheruhusco. General i Myers niarrieil a daughter of Genera j David I'i. Twiggs, a Soldier of the war o I lM'J, and commander of one of the lw< ' divisions of the regular army in the Mexi f can war. t - ; Tin: Titr.srnN Or m auk.? Trenton, Junt \ HI.? Press \ ounce, the unfortunate younj t J in an who was eo brititilly shot by Murrel . | ami Carpenter last Saturday evening, diet I this morning at o'clock. \ ounce had four skilled doctors attending him, hut medical aid could not save him. t j Mitrrvll was nrrcs'cd on Sunday evening. : Carpenter went to Kdgefield yesterday and surrendered himself 11 the sheritf. lie did this in order to savo his neck. Incitement runs high in the neighhorho -d over this deplorable atl'air, and if Carpenter ha I been at 1 large to- lay and could have bean found, lie evidently would have paid the penalty befiro his wr.ting. He is safe now in jail, j wliero he i n 1 Murrell willUe teudcrly oared ' for, an 1 in a short while wi'l, > doubt. | he free birds. . -- - - T11k 11. & D'sLosq Kkatii. ?Ailunta, tin., June If A special from Winona, Miss., .-ays iho last spike was driven lo-tlay in the Georgia Pontic Kail way. one of the lease I lines of the Richmond ami Danville Kailway Company, thus making one continuums . rail hue ? f eleven hundred an i ten miles I ftnai Washington to Greenville. Mississip) i, i via l.ynelihurg and Anuiston, llirmiiigliuai, i Ala., Columbus. M s.,aad West Point. LynohUf a Worthless *#fTo. Last Thursday afternoon, as Mr. Dai Gall man, a young whits man, was learin town, hs took Andy MsKnight, a worthies negro, in ths buggy with him, as Oallman on his way horns, had ts pais McKuight' dwslltag. McKuight, for no causs what srsr, kieksd ths dashboard off of Qallman' buggy, and on being told by Galimai that hs would bars to pty for it, Me Kaigb^^^ftftBs snrased and abused Gall man oc^lftously. Well man struck at hii but missed him, MoKnight dodging th blow. They started off again, and M< Knight again became very abusive an used threatening language to Gallman whereupon Gallman drew bis koife, an cut McKnighl's throat, but not dangerouslj I McKnight jumped from the buggy an i picked up a rock and threw it at Gallinar Qallmen then put the whip to his mule an ran to a house close by and got a shotgur and as McKnight came up Gallman told hi I to stop. MoKnight said : "I am going to k: i you, or you kill me," whereupin, Gill J man emptied the oonteuts of one barrel ' ths gun into ons of McKuight's arms an his breast, inflicting only a slight wound as ths shot wers small, i Saturday afternoon McKuight start< I with a friend to a physician, to hare tl r shot taken out of his arm and brctu Night ofwetook the party at Solomon Cook' i near Kelltn. Nil long,after the family hi retired for the night a party of men c ' tered the house took MoKnight out aud ca ' ried him to a colored graveyard near-b; and put him to death, by shooting hi b several times in Iho bowels, c Coroner Gregory held an inquest ov e the body, Sunday, nnd the Juiy returui 1 the following verdict: We find that Andrew McKnight came 1 .his death by two gunshots, by parties u 6 known to us. It is reported, that previous to the di( e culty with Gatlman, McKnight had uia< - some very infamous threats relative h some respectable white ladies in the ncig 9 borhood. f Personals. a 2 Miss May Keunely, one of Jonesvillt 2 most popular young,ludi es, is visiting re lives here. Mrs. W. E. Thomson lias gone to Spi . tauburg on a visit, v ' Kev. B. O. Clitford has returned fr< I i i Davidson Col lege. t \r:?. r.iu n i. _ . a a i * * i iuisa ivmic luuruui'id rciuruou iroiu i b J Greenville Female College last Friday, o ! Miss Helen Nott, of Spartanburg, is vis n ! ing Judge Wallaoo and family. ** 1 Mrs. Leroy Townscnd, of Lumberton, g C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. E. Hi >t Messrs. 1J. F. Townsend and F. S. Itobe >f bod, returned from Davidson Collcgo la 7 week. Mr. George Whitlock, of Mt. Tabor neig ic borhood returned from Capt. Patrick's Mi e tary School at Anderson, last week, a Mr. E. L. Stackhouso, of Marion Count is visiting his unole, Maj. D. A. Townsei d and^r 'ily. - /I ?-?rrin and family aro on tjPwrs fPerrtn s parents, Mr. and Mi S. M. llice, Sr. Master Porter MoMasler, of Columbia. I* visiting Mr. S. M. llice and family. Mr. J. T. Moore has gone to Texas, on prospecting tour. Mr. W. H. Young has returned to Atln ht. Master Charles Clifford returned fro Davidson College last Friday quite sick fro the effects of poison O ik. Mr. R. F. Stekes of Charlotte, spent ti days with us this week. Our Probate Judge slipped off last we 8 and returned without lett iDg auy one kiu where he went to. Just like him. Mrs Foster, efSpartanburg, is visiting h son, Capt. A. H. Foster and family. Mrs. George H. Oetzel with her litt daughter Mamie, aud Miss Mamie Oetzt have gone to New York. a it Local Items. W. II. Sartor has taken down the hca 1 fence in front of his residence and put t light and tasty one in its place, which it great improvement to hit premises. Mr. B. F. Arthur is pre paring to eoi mencc building his residoncc on (lie corn 0 of Church and Main Streets. Judging fro t the plan we saw some time ago it will be 1 very pretty building. , It was reported that some one had pen: t cd water into the org\n of the Baptii * Church last week and ruined it but. wo ni informed by the pastor of the Church, lie s B. C. Lampley, that such was not the cas but through neglect a window near the o g?n was lert open, and I lie organ not beii f tightly closeJ the dampness only had arte ted it, and he thought it weull he all rig) in a few days, as soon as it dried out. ? Looking for v Lost Sister.?An ndve ti8ement was published yesterday askit that Mary Farre', who left Columbia S. ( at the close of the war in company with M and Mrp. lines, com nunicatc with Mrs. lln; ?r, her sister, of No 200 West Forty-tin . street. Miss Farrell left South Carolina i - 1805, intending to sail for Furope witli M and Mrs lines. It was subsequently repor 1 ed that the ship on which lliu parly was I sail was burned at sea. Mrs. Mayer coul not ohlaiu accurate knowledge of (lie burn L> ing ship, and she is of ilie opinion that sh , met her sister and Mrs. Hues in the street i j New Vork about seren'yeara ago?Xeu- For I Herald, Junr 21. I There is nodouht in our mind thnt Mif Forrel was burned, and also Mr. and Mrt Lues, with whom she left, on hoard a vesst from Wilmington, N. C. Mr. and Mrs ' Hues were our neighbors in the Sand Mills ! about three miles from Columbia, and on ! fywrfjjes wero quite intimate. Tliey wei very intelligent JvoglWIi people an 1 heistc the Hritish Flag over their dwelling euppos ing that it would protect (Item from Slier ' nmoa thieves; but it was respected about a nuchas an old Mama's checkeied head 1 hnnkerchif, and tho fellows "went througl i the house like greased lightning." >Ve cannot now reineniber where we g?i our ;nf?rmation, but we do rememhe ; thnt posiiivo proof of the sailing of .Mr. an 1 .Mrs. Hues on a certain vessel and that tin vessel with all on hoard wis burned at sea j was received kin Columbia soree month aflorward. New* from Nortu Paoolet. a Etta Jaki, June 24 ?The failure of the g Timkh te reach this office last week was a s source of disappointment to its readers. , We have been led to believe that our mail s arrsogement were perfect; but the frequent t- complaints we hear make us think otbers wise. It is ungenerous to lay the blame a here or there, without proof that what is u asserted is true. Accidents will happ^(|( 1- sometimes: but we sec no reason whjr ^ m papers should fail to cetno by next I ie when they miss the regular day. It c- pens sometimes that the printers fail toHH J them to the postofficc in time for the i, going mail on Friday. This is easily and d satisfactorily explained; but when bunf dies of papers come for some of tho offices d along the line and others are left out, disi. satisfaction is the result, and no doubt, ind nocont parties are often accused of neglect, i, While the Timks has made several atm tempts to "whoop up" paying enterprises ill among the people of Union and Union I- county, we can't see why it is that the ef monied men don't see the propriety of putid ting up a few cotton mills. The illimitable I, water power along our rivers and large streams that might be profitably utilized L-d are practically valueless. A first-class facie ory driven by steam at Union would be .4 A T ..1... * 1 .. A - I 1. > 4 ft...4 1 _ ii. vi gicut iniuc, uui uuiv uic WWB uiu iu s, the whole surrounding country. It would *<i give honorable and profitable employment n. to hundrods of women and children within r- the county who can't earn a decent living /, at anything else. This suggestion, coming m from an obscure source is none the less worthy of consideration, er Most of our farmers arc getting ready sd for the rains, when they set, in by getting their crops worked out. The cool nud to wintry breezes makes the cotton look sickly, n- The Masonic Fra'crnily will observe St. John's day at Uowdeyaville to-day. Wc refi gret our inability to be present and seo and io hear all that is to be seen and heard : and to more particularly to sample some of the ;h- good eating in store for those proseut and welcome. Mrs. Mary C. Estcs has placed us uuder many obligations to her for a present of the , finest beet we havo seen this season. She j is too modest a lady to wish her name daunted before the eyes of the public iu connection with so trivial a matter, or we would say something more about it, as well as herself. Sullies it is to say that, The beet that beats that beet, beats ah the beets. 119 Reports from what seems reliable authority, say that Hugh II. Kell was shot nud instantly killed near Fort Worth, Texas, on the Gih instant. He was the son of Dr. John Kell, of York County, and marricd Miss Mary A. Donald, daughter of ^ James A. Donald, Esq., of this county. Many of our readers, no doubt, will reI member Hugh in connection with his j. shrewdness l>y which ho escaped the clutches of Major Merrill and the U. S. Court dtiriug tho incarceration and punishment of the Ku-Klux, in lt>71 and '72. A succint history of which the writer proposes to give in his "Kominiscencos of Western r's. " ' " We have received a polite note from Gov. Heaver, of l'cnnsylvauia, acknowledging the receipt of our Sunday School's coutribution to the relief fund for the benefit of the llood sutl'erers of his State. We trust u that all our Sabbath Schools will put themselves on record in this good work. The Bubstanee of the answer to our m Scriptural question of two weeks ngu is found in Exodus, 12 : 40, together with the context : "A boue of him shall not bo no broken.' ScoSt. .lohn, 10: 10. j. The time past noon is oqual to one-iifth of tho time past midnight. What is tho hour ? er Speaking of homo enterprises calls up the fact that Messrs. R. S. Lipscomb and I J. W. Tolleson, of GafTney City, intend, on I the first of July, to open a clothing storo ' at that plac?, which for pri"C3 and material will bo second to \ons south of New York. D lL! * 1 j-jwrj uuDg ucionging '0 a gentleman's ward robs can be found there, from a necktie to vy a first-class wedding suit, and all at rockbottom prices, Beth in looks and manners their corps of clerks would bo an honor to a New York house: while "Sutlic" and ,n* "Jack' will see that their promises ar<er honorab'y vedeerae 1. \?? m - . ?a from Kelton. Kklto Jun 2! ?Tarts of tl i- sec:ion is yet dry. V c ' v,c had partial showers Jt around Kelton, hti -rops need vain now. .c The weather is c.,o! for the time of year. v Cotton is looking tine, as a general thine, hut where there was no manure or fertili cr I r_ uicd it is small and of a yellow cn'ojg Corn looks very well, but need- rain c_ There has been a large amount of < cn and lt corn planted after wheat and oat-, which ! think is a wise move of the farmers Tall oats were good, hut few wet so n. Tj ting r- oats are not good for the want of vain, but 'g a large acreage was sowed this Spring. Tl, ' wheat crop is short, but turning out la ar than once expected. A smaller a i >t than usual was sowed, hut the grain is vci; n good and saved in good condition. r* (Jrass is scarce in our section, except on t(> some farms. This lias been the most favor d able year for cultivating crops 1 ? \er ? * 1 1 pcricnced. I don't see why nny one should e | he troubled with grass this year Some i thing wrong, farmers. There were many sail ones areund Kclton s when they licar<l that our rail rond had j fallen through. I think we have done our rl , pari in trying to buiM the road. ami if we ' i. iloii t gel it we em do wittiont it : so we i, won t fret about it. ' ,1. T. A. r at Ciiiitcn iiv a Woman. -Sardis e Miss., Juno IK.?John Williams was shot ' and fatally wounded on Sunday at Btncry Church, ten miles Kast of here, by Mrs. Mi.ttio Campbell, The shooting occurred in mediately after religious services, and Wil- i * liams died the followii g morning. The j * i provocation for the killing wai a cha'ge h j made by Williams thai he had criminal in| tercourse with Mrs. Campbell several months ago. upon which statement a bill for divorce | is now pending, r I #. I Act'tiikstai.i.y Shut IIimsllk.?James H, ,, lllelsoc, a young while man of Wards while cleaning a pistol to-day accidentally ' shot himself through the arm, about eix * inches below the elbow. It is a llesh wound ( aud not at all serious. Santuo Doing*. 1 Samtvc, June '24.?The Santuc Division l'? 8. of T. met here Thursday evening find has elected Its oflioers for the next quarter : but J", as 1 was not foriuuatc enough to be til ore till 1 can only giro (he names as (hey m ere 1 given me, as follows : i ;t W. P., J. 11. Randolph; W. A., J W. | mo Gregory; 11. 8.. J. C. Sirtor; Asst. 11. S., ( cm ffii" Mowii- Fiirr: F. S.,J. Jeter: oqs moqM. oiljwjt,., JOJ .. . ?ump JO aimo j, . BMBfl be long remembered. T' .no w.' i a d?5i{m~" a fu! ruppct given, at 1 all preset enjoyol > n?v themse'ves lii'ge'y. mo S ?.T'IM.A7, th- -2d.? 'I he S iutuc 1. .:. mo ers Alliance held its regain mon hly meet li ing in the .Santuc Aoxdc: y and h Id i- au- c nual election ef 0' c. s wbi h e3 tilled lu .r very fur; changes I s of: ; r for the ac.\ year, beginning Jun .'J, a o as folloi s . "?: Pres., D. I'. l\ir.t A ice Pre* ..ol.: Vi". C-u Gregory; Scc't'v , 1.1 . Jeter: Troa 'r., Dr. John 1*. Thomas: < air . J. li. 1. in- aiil dolpb : Lecturer, John < . 1 Jt; r: Jss . Lucturer, J. McJ. l'ant Dv< rk< epcr, .iu , cot drew Mitchell; .H I. Doorkeeper. W T. ' J Stokes; Sergeant at ; a. .1. C. Jeter The following brethi ou were h ;ea uyle- . agates to represeu th.ati.c - Iliac. in the ? County Alliance iVr the ncx rua.te -'a! Dr. (leo-ge Dorglcs John C. 1' Jeter, ' J. McJ. Fact and V ? oLes. Thin AMiau-'e hav u lerir.iot J not to use jut", bagging i nd.r any coosi- ara ion, but arc going to use c? tou covering instead, * so far rs they Itrvc 'o bit;. an\ tl inr. 'i hey do net know ; et who: o t'ley will }*?.t the: baling, but think I hey will g : it from the I'acolet Mills, o- they made a vciy g od covering last vo.isoa. J t I t! oil to, a v. r< large quantity of cott u tfi- n hare ! sc'.d a 1 and manufactured there. Many thanks t> "Migr.oue j" for her compliment, lor ' was very fearful that bush fulness was r.'so a rep.each t youth.' u I was at the Saatr.c School 1 ic> ic and cn joyed myself, but in a r nor. 1 s. ppose, a i great many would have ti. ught dull. Fat it was not dull io ue ur.lil 1 g t out in the rscorching says f old 1 to go home with a severo hcad: che I intended to, and did t y 'e write i t -,s the picnic, but by some ir.c n i nevei a; pcared in print Fit I c u f. tcr : ysv'i lot by knowing that was he :s cf try litters the lvliter ever Mm v. ii 1 tl c ad- d waste basket. - 1 Last Thursday nig t :cide. ally gut J entangled in a grain ir He ar.'l v. bca I came out of tho entat glca'.< ut tkc to t! c had succoedrd in u ivk:ng it? i-?r . 'Jo It is with regre. tl t ! h e to c' ven'ele j! the death of little ! arr 1 hoi;.: s, younge sou of lion. 1'r. Jehu F a , t.' o < d- p-0 last Tuesday cer.i: g. at* r a week of groat hi suffering, lie ;; bright littlo bn a: d a " , , , jy I loved scholar of h'alen. Sunday be oct, where lie loved to attend, ns ' is chri-.tan , mother, who pre ceded liim to their long ha home a little or.ra )\ir ag; 1: d taugl "a him. God doeth a'l tk'ugs well, at d calh f^r h\u spiril, and a I.V it <*OTO Oil fall'.O.. j H sisters and brothers, anl lovh * iriiuds r and relt. ;vc had to ;. ive hie. p llov. ha? Will ford : i . an County assii'.i. ? in a pr fra-ted n. ;ti: r0) Consequently tl ct *.. -j no p ; l.iug \. Salem yeslcrdav . ai Mr. llob rt Vi'illn ; d, . ! rsi.r.v,-, i in e, | Saul 110 : pr ;p< ctlng Vil Mrs. J 5- Crews cf i/' , p.tia : visit < f a few d yj >.rs. N. r . Ifo! t u. Mies A1 ic 1 ri of Co. bi , : nd M 1 * e 1 Snl'io Hufl cf 1 a rf Id arc v itiug t c t j rf'nmilv of He .1. V I ri y 1 \. J. Ii> . LG.o .'?7 .lite**....r . 0" O* .10.Vr>\ 11. Ji, o t -V. > 1 ;i ? !.o. 11 rv i for some tin. , br.i I day v.c 'o one r ...... ... wa rf une'e 1 c..o ..03 ri s s rt c. rains ? ? I a c i ?dri.- lj* d .. cue- . t lia' y.o i.ce ?- CJt cJ. Crops nrc iu fcood conui icn d re dy sat :o receive t! c ~?nC sho'-a. When nn.l a 3 r. hot;. 11 lie. vestc : Q^( : ml the '.lire have ccminrnced hei wo..;. I to*, of lli ;c crop. nrv lij' t, l.ut a' ! otfc- r i p? 0 p;-i Uy <:ood, so lar. 1 ca.h ; ca and B'.atkb; rries ; 1 in aba.da- ec an . ' 1 otli.r frail;- ' olio. . so 0 are gica! y bios cd by ivlr.c i ro\idetic n ehouk. h be hank:" 1. on V. lii'.e he pai r el on clc a gr^ many , tl albs tin onghou th bind. are enjoy ci he bc>t dual n 1 I:: ven '. no d ;a li lo I re ord, r.'.0 - 1 . ' ' c j eapic There . : as bee ; fcv. il itii-- ntuing he colored p. op , ion; li ' C'.t C .*CS, such 3 ? !! an puum lion rof 'an. .'pi: /. i fov r. Wh I 1J 1 so [ l ast ! . Id. y n 'li ll 1. it tini in a j1' he '.uahe v oj .'car : I;a i a bold end daring , ,, :o' l ry in Jou il' jrnc ; c on . r i - r- oi 1 1 c -..e ovblcnil; 100 than c- l re 1 so ?ral 1 -:<j i IL window ; hi!.l !; I i 1 . 1:11 ..'jl.nlj storehouse, v;cT by '.l.ov o- en. 1 o i do" . v.. ut in !ii. a...1 he |>c! ;1. t (o ." ur, h i, ' :vt il I of < ' he i es small '' th . The'ow of Union y put a slo; . 1 l> lit a few of ! j 1 id i: th. L ' think' 0 do il '',c 11 1 lion wh , . -c '_h. _ ,| !'r. I . 1 >'. a .11 .'. W hillock ,|e,.. boili 1 e linker n he '/ and fee build- (he ing sin el;. U'* J S* v- ral olh<". sioreliomts hist i . i w"3 :ir? II f"'i' ! ; :.? sc oiu town ... J >1 i- n i ilea*1 :*. a t j' ill, but 11 j Movinr f"i . Wei!, v.i li .vc 1 ia ' Iio.v in .Jonesviile. Rgee The T."it I'r. a s a::'! c inn my lhat travels nn,{ by | i iviile cjii".g vo us I wo jierfui in . city. anc iv' ' Tney e general satis- e;' " fiction, mil v?"r<* ell i lenstil tliciusvlvc ^"e UIl o Willi their i t ami pa r :?nj"\ gjn0 We heard of a lynching nenr Kdtnn Inst ceivi Saturlay night. but have ik.' learned the the I nan icu ins inir I be cause. We know ibe !.?a ting in it ii ilini was lj iicbvl iiinl know luni to boa i|l0 bad tellnw hi ! in 1I111I w:i3 always reai'y wlici ami w I'ing 11 ti-stify in tbe I'. S. Con it both ngaiiisi any nii.l every I n'ly prosoeutcd there ,n ' lie wai n ready swill witness but even in ' nc'11 such a del used en? I am in 1 in fa.or of Tr Lynch law. S. C. Tki ii r , now yestc A Ni l.1.1' Kn i i ii us a Wiiiti: M in ? his si J$crry l? mean. a white man living about fill, r seven in e< lb of Hilesbnig. shot and Lullc killed a neg ' mm nune'l I napkin C ilev locati last night, about 1' j lock. baa 1 Jain. Crops, aud News at Biver Side i\Kit Side. Jim e ii-l. ?- A heavy win', icon blowing the day long from the N. The i louds aro da. k and lowering end a >ng'- in the woather seems imminent. Rain is badly needed new on early plan, i i aru, and without it for two wreka ro it mu suffer heavily. We aeo aoiuo ^ ;n now lookiug badly worsted. rh throshers tell uatho v/heat ia turning j^H^^^&mcrcha.'.l at ?. nion C. II. rerigl'. Y heat nr.d^^EzsS^Sfl^H (|^c5 f.r one nionm^|H|H|^R .1 on li e farmers ; but it ia the rorlheb*3. The farmer a, however, aro ro determined than ever heforo to ho lh- :t?-m self-supporting, and we 11 b-L disapp >i:ited if timc8 with them i not v y much belter in the near future ; 1 n .v. Wo know of two farmers on ; liver, who c::pect to make, with averi sea* n- , from J, 500 o 3,000 bushels of th. ; he cottm crop is looking well in places, 1 grill average sont. Iking better than last iv . this ritiog. Wo have seen one ;ou com t!i s yen:, born on the 21st t ^ So one complain of the Postmaster for obeyi .g the law in reference. *j l!.o a.n L it if the scorning obstacles r ho surmounted, Mr. J. C. Hunter will ry great %y oblige his many friends in the .nlvy Ly I nding a helping hand. People ! c country 1 ;.w~y fr ai railroads 0 heir ma I matter as fresh as it can : d. Mi:, hi... jo Miorkoid, f l!owdeysvillc, ?n a visit :o her brother, Mr. W. A. or!. d, t M . Til. r. ^ t!I : 1 !ln ' title* k 1 \s returned from ,hs jc. v'.l! v male CoUego Commencement, 1 th? e cc vent of Patrick's Miliu litnl at A 1 crson 0. II. h . V/. J Mcorhead, of tho firm of T. l/oouant i Co of Hickory Qrovo, is a \ .:i a o hi t old frioudo on llive^*"* Ic. Mr Meo.k .id sayi Hickory Qrovo oyir.g s-did j:ospe it jr. >t?' u* n. itz::-. "oiiow on the c. h - ' c u . ' j : ?cr " derate show* i ii i v mmmtmMrn? : g' l\OTl*?r ,1 .shoetn to ... Allinns, Vt. : i . afs oa t -? ad for t". c reaper, nu i,r"V. 1 :i; \'ov. boat he of these ' .'.ShOT.'C Tho f. !c :J c;~ (leer e Whitlo k and Miss l la Moorkc. \ v. glad to welcome them mc.'w in on t'.cir rvlur" from Colicge. Joii. \ ' ? S 'J'. U i.R UAMBKBO. lumb.a, J' i c 2 .?A gloou. , ns cast over uis over ig by ti c announcement : i.'t:t e Trcr-oUrc ' a borg had suddouly :d There v -,s no 01:0 more beloved by 1 bians. The simplicity of the man, fc'u ,-h. r d' s, his s'crling qualities, ve all endeared 'in not only to thoso 10 knew 1 ii iutiiua'.ely, but io those 10 ad to it slight acquaintance with liiin. 1*. 15 ml erg v a- quite ill last year, an 1 * ever entirely rccoicred. feince ths rent c." . 0 he tc * term he has been feels j quite unwell, md was advised by liig y canto visi 1. one of the Viigiuia Springt ho wo.hi ' ot I save his work for a lone O'.'yh rri d 0 do so. To day Treasure 1*' niberg went home to luor as usur.l, ate a hearty dinner bi t r>ou er fel: lino vomiting and asked his wife for ai n.u .arid and water which he hoped * d -J.ii. ,e im* I'c lay down thcbcJ but >11 began to feel worse, and a fainting jpcll mi. 0 !mm an his wife calh: i her next ijji-.b- 1 . in a few niinutc< aftei the arri. of Mr I f;' on! a- ' .Mr-, Ilocztr, Mr. mler 1! ' eforc Or. Talley readied the 'lii ninit-' ate cause of Capt llamberg's h wa, hear disease, a' the certificate his a oding physician Or. 'J aylor shows. ler. c.i r. 1 other, Cap!. Frank M. Damg, and ' . r.c hew of Ii. F. Slater, of ang. burg. Ca t. Uanbcrg had several lie s of u - ;ii" ie on his life, one of which s in 'ho Iv.q-rer Co: pany, of which he a- g tr mar > irs ago. He leaves n fori "bio fortune for 1 is wife variously a ted a 0 0: . i.x'y Lo eighty-live thou d "iollar.s. pt I -us S. i'.'.ubcrg was elect oil .Stato a tir-r iu lbXi, ii"d has made a faith I'll I I eflicicrit ofticcr. He was a native of rnwell t'c nty .and "vas what is known as '.-c t de .. an." having accum inula ted ough his i ntrp- am1, skilful ImStnesmr&TP^' niient a en. siderab'.c property. ... H 1 I1f..u: Si on ?Charlotte, Juno < r iS considerate excitement iu Union 'nty on ace.-unt of n ! oar that has been ,ni; g in the woods !' r several days. The ir is vai l to he extraordinarily 1 irgo. irly n' 1 the ..egro farm laborers ore comis'y fi L'itei. i out. of heir wits and rec . j ;;Q ini :!ie f?dds > work. Veslori a ? iriy ? !' ;i huiidi - I men was crgaed and being armed v'th pistols, rifles 1 si:i ; nil- ?'?c* * suirtod mouiitc I, detepcd to cap: i; he vicio: menst ? . About air i'.venty dogs put on the bear's track 1 lie anil . il v. us soon f- and, but before coui ' he killed be Mew all the dogs and 1< good 1 i escape. The bear was cliusi:v?> 1 'ncistti County, South Carolina, lay, an i pursuers say they are doterwd o capture him if they have to chase i to Clmrlc to or Atlanta. The brur i hrough a odtoii field where some ty negroes were hoeing and ploughing, y dropped cy'.'iing and took to the is completc'y paaicstri ; ' e Itev. J. i'?. Mack. I). D., of Fort .Mills, th Carolina, has been elcctc I evangelist 'ayettevillo l'le-sbyleria: in tliis^tate b/ committee appointed to make a salesi. lundi-eds of visitors arc flocking to llenjonviile loi'ilic sumine:. This is due to big advertisement the town recti v&^^ summer by kil'ing out yellow fever tl^^B dumped into the place bv carloads froi^^ ida. to F<u or Two Uuiiiiii Dors.?Fhiladeli .lone y;t ?iiiir. t/ .....t win:..... i........ I I.", and 17 years, were killed yesterday arc victims of their mechanical proooTliey wero invent ivo lr t and employsuch of thoir timo running a sm til eu'i'hey liava been generating steam in Id boiler uint conveying it to their en by means of a gas pipe. Tliey oonpd the idea of attaching tlie engine to family ice cream frto/.er and iheieby way with hand They were getup fire for this purpose yesterhiy in smaller brick furnance nr. Icr the boiler a a terrific explosion took pi ice. killing boys and injuring Mrs. Floa Kuicso little Henry hnivse, wii > were standing *>y. " 9f ie Siiootiso ot I*. 1'. Vonck.?Johnston, . Juno 10.?There is a possible chance that I'. I'. \ once, who w is reportjd irday as fatal.y wounded, wi 1 recover, nlfering, however is iiiiense and fenriii.l must last for weeks to come Two is are yet in Ins body. One has been ml but the other has rt'. Carpenter i'. t ycl| >. .a c p.u:.