OCR Interpretation

The Orangeburg news. [volume] (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, May 09, 1874, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026920/1874-05-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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Financial aku Bubikxbs i! akaokii.
Offl^ial l*U|>cr of tlic State and
. or OrnnKcburK Comity.
?8AT?WUUY, MiY 9, 1874.
-J^;^Qodcruftpyfpeople are buying laud
now a days, and many of them are buy
inglaw S?lls at tlie name iiujo. Per
hapsa wo, d of'advice as to the host
mo^e^of purchasing may not be out of
reason. Well, rdon't tako "bonds for
title"?don't tyke an "agreement for
sale,'-=?don't boW* into possession of
land and commence to work it merely on
an "underst anding" that the papers
will he made right someday or other
?4o.yftfi buy jointly with any boly.
clses.< jvJkJ
Thord is only one safe way to buy
l..Wuf and that is, to tuko an out and out
deed for it, giving a bond and mortgage
for any unpaid purchase money. Take
thjpr&cd iu your own namo and in your
own nanne only. If you buy in con
jufic'tioiVwith some other person and that
person dies, then the courts mty have
to be appealed to, to m ike pirtitbn,?
alto^vyiich costs money and a go^d
deal of it, or, the other person may re
fused pay his share of the money du*,
and so you may have to pay the whole
?your only remedy against your co
purchaser being at the end of u law
We repeat^ thoro is only one safe
way to-buy laud?every other mode of
purchase .is attended with risks to
which no ought to bo subjected.
-????>.- - ? ?
lift nnd Public Companies.
?vi J i
Pouth Carolina Rice Plantations Trust
limited). Incorporated under the
Companies Acts, 1862 and. 1807, with
limited liability. Capital ?500,000, jn
capital, as per terms stated hereafter,
i Tho shares will be entitled to divi
dends up to ?10 per cent, per annum, I
urn? .The bonus certificates will be re
deemable by annual drawing* at ?10
c?gp.j;. ?Euch holder of a share who may
have hin bonus certificate drawn aud
paid, will f-till retain his share, and-be
entitled to dividends thereon up to <?10
peg cent, per annum, until tho whole of
the bonus certificates are redeemed,
after which be will participate in equal
prrpovtion in tbc total profit of the
The remaining 25,000 sbares of
ei] ital will be hold in trust by the trus
tceai ?ot to receive dividend until the
totar redemption of the bonus certifi
cntes, after which thoy will be handed
overTIto the vendor for complotion of
purchase, and rank pari passu with all
other .shares.
After payment .of divi-'ends on shares
OO'.pcfrcont. of the remaining profits will
be lodged by the directors to the credit
of tho bonus certilieato Trust Fund,
which -fund will be exclusively devoted
to the redemption of the bonus certifi
es t er.
No part of the purchase money will
be paid to the vendor until a committee
appointed by the directors has personal
ly inspected the properties and the state
ments contained in tho prospoctus have
been substantially verified to the satis
faction'of sucb commit'oo.
Subscriptions to be paid :??2 per
*hare enr application; ?3 per share on
allotment; ?2 per share two months
after'date of allotment; ?3 per share
four months oftor dato of allotment. If
no allotment is made, tho deposits will
bo returned without deduction, and
where tbo allotments aro less than the
amount applied for, tho suplus receipts
Will be prcditcd towards the nllotmout.
Sorip will be issued in oxchnngo for
banker's receipts, whioh, when fully
paid up, will be exchanged for sinreV
<afad bonus certificates.
Julia Horatio Lloyd, Esq., King's
Bencbwall, Temple.
James W. OiToy, Esq., (Brown, Janson
and Co.), W?. Williams Brown and
Co.,'Bankers, Leeds.
Adolpbua W\Young, Esq., m. p., Hare
: . Hatcb, Berks.
s ih O. L., Chairman.
C. K. Priole'nu, Esq., (Messrs. Prioler -t
aud Co), Mincing lam, 'EC , Man:-.
jpg l)ir?ctor.
Thomas Gray, Esq., (Meura. Cray and
Walker), Minoiog-lane, E. C.
P. W. Haigh, Esq., (Meters. F. Wr. and
K. Haigh and Co.), Mincing Inno,
E C.
W. . Howard Russell, Esq., LL. D.,
Park-bmo, W.
Board of Consultation in South
Carolina. \
W. C. Bce, Eeq., Rico and Cotton\
Factor, Churleiton.
J. S. Gibbes, Esq., (Agent for Bariugs
Bros., London), Charleston.
Henry Gourdin, Esq., Cotton Merchant,
Arthur Middloton, Esq., Rice Planter,
North San too.
Andrew Simonds, Esq., President First
National Bank, Charleston.
Benjamin F. Huger, Esq., Merchant,
Charleston. |
The following well known gentlemen
of high position in the State of South
Carolwia hare cordially endorsed tho
undertaking :?
Hon. Win. A ikon, former ly Govornor
of South Carolina (Trustee for the Pea
body Fuud).
Hon. James Chestnut, Ex United
States Senator.
Hon* CG. Memmingfr, Ex Secretary
of tho Treasury.
Hon. J. W. Hnyne.'Ex Attorney
Gcncrnl for South Caroliua.
Hon. J. B. Campbell, Ex United
Slates Scnntnr.
Robert Adgcr, EsqiJ (Agent for
Brown, Shipley, and Co., Loudon).
R. II. Lowndes, Esq., Rice Planter.
C. T. Mitchell, Esq., (late Agent of
Duuuistouus, I iverpool).
Messrs. Brown, Jnnson, and Co., 32,
Abchureh-Uuo, London ; Messrs. Wil
liam Williams Brown and Co.. Leeds;
First National Bank, Charleston,
S. C. "
Messrs. Davies, Campbell, Reeves, and
Hooper,, 17, Warwick-street, Regent
, street, London; Hon. S. W. Melton,
/^'"Attorney General for South Carolina,
Columbia, S. C.
McFFrs. Lindow, King, and Co., 5,
Angel-court, Throgmorton-street, E
C.; Thomas Mcllor, Esq., 2G, Chauge
allcy, Comhill, K C.
T. S. Evans, E*q , 77, King William
street, Mansion House, 10. C. (T. S.
Evans, Bouchard, und Co.)
. wr ,*[,? i SherjnanxEsrL. . _^_
3, Market buildings, Miueing lane, E. C
1. This undertaking, which has the
sanction and support of the Governor of
the State of South Carolina and many
of its chief citizens, is for tho purpose ot
rehabilitating nnd beneficially develop
ing large freohold rice plantations and
naval store timber tracts of extraordin
ary riehuoss and fertility thrown out of
cultivation by the late wnr.
2. These lands are composed of rich
alluvial soil of great depth, yearly
renewed by the deposits brought down
by the rittcrs, and thus nude practically
inexhaustible nud independent of artifi
cial manures; thoy arc well known to
be among tho best rice plantations in
the Stale, nearly all being perfectly safe
from Irojhets aad salts. Their value
I before the war, with clean rioe at on :
'half its present price, was from 150
dollars to 300 dollars (?30 to ?00) per
aero, and their average production from
150 to 70 bushels por acre?i yield
which created a ud yearly addo I to the
-great wealth ^>f their proprietors, and
' which must be again oquullcd under
penewed cultivation with fresh capital.
3. Twenty-two of tho estates are on
the North Santae Rivers and three on
the Aahepoo ; thoy comprise an area of
HG.GGH acres of freehold land, of which
10,113 acres arc rico lands under bank,
with about 2,000*acres now in cultiva
tion ; 8,7"0 ncros of rice land not under
hank ; 2,700 acres oleard upland for
corn, cotton, &c., an 1 15,002 acres
wood laud, on which there are pine for
ests for rosin, turpentine, &c, besidos
'much heavy timber, such as live-oak,
whito oak, cedar, Sec , invaluable for
shipbuilding and other ootnuitroial pur
poses. Upon tho various ostatos there
aro 18 dwolliug for managars and over
eoers, with all nooussary outbuildings,
about 200 Sabourors' cottages, 30 baras,
and many other buildings, together with
10 steam threshing mills, engines, boil
ers, elevators, fans, and all uooessary
machiuery, to thresh and prepare tho
rough rico or paddy.
4. The rioe grown upon these estates,
known as Northum Rio, is the heaviest
and best that is brought to the market
i of Charleston, and always coiotniud* a
bettor prico tinu that grown further
south. From 19 to 21 bushels of Santee
rough rice make n barrel or tioroo ef
GOOibs. ol clean rico, while it requires
from 15 to 20 per cent, move ot the
Southern rioe to produce tho same quan
tity. It is the moat certain orop that
can bo grown. Excluding the accidents
1 of salt rim) frs^hcts (from which, us ho
fore stated, these lands are mostly pro -
teoted by their situation)' there oan,
with ordinary caro, scarcely be any
failure. {?( \f\
5. The preeeut price of clean ;rice iu
the Churloatou market is 7 to 8 cents
per lb., or just double what it was be
fore tbo wur, and, furthermore, it is
protected by a duty of 2 couts per lb.
upon all imports of foreign rice. But
iu the estimates herein given the price
nssumod lor tho rico (1 40 dols. por
bushel in tho (rough) equal to 48 cents
per lb. of clean, and, at the same time,
no notico is taken of the value of tho
pine and other limber lands, which can
be worked to gr.^at advantage.
6. Including whnt is now in cultiva
tiun, it is contemplated to have in seed
by the Spring of 1875 about 10,000
acres of rico land, and during that time
to put under bank some thousands of
additional acres; to repair and oonneot
two canals gving through tho estates,
and otherwise vigorously bring the pro
perty into profitiblo operation. Tho
result of forking the said 10,000 acres
will be as follows, and will thus pro
vide tho cash required for dividends,
drawings, ?fcc.
7. A large portion of tbeso lands
have produced, year afior year, 50 to 70
bushels of rice per aere. Estimating,
however, only -10 bushels per acre, thoro
would bo?
400,000 bushols at 81 40
. 8560,000
24,000 bushels of seed rice iu addition
to above crop, at 2 dols. 48,000
Straw (used for paper making), at 2
dols. per acre.?. 20,000
Profit from naval stores. 10,000
Kent and income from stores, ka
. 75,000
Sale of Timber.
Deduct cost of working... 320,800
Not profit. S3?2,700
The above calculations are based up
on the experience of old rice planters,
whose statements are duly sworn to
and certified by the British Consul at
Charleston, who also gives his voluntary
certificate! j[and opinion of the great
value of these lands and their profit by
8. The reports ot Messrs, Arthur
Middlcton, Kawlins, IT Lowndjs, John
A. Hume, nil old-experience I rice plan
ters, und of II. l'inckncy Walker, li-tq.,
Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at
Charleston, fully corroborate, by their
own personal kuowlodge, the foregoiug
9. Tho grea t want of the Socth, in
endeavouring to rovivo and develop hsr
enormous resources of agricultural
wealth, particularly the rice fields of
Sooth Carolina, is capital. By furnish
ing the capital tho labor is procured,
aud these Vieh rice lauds are agaiu
made to fproducc their valuable crops,
thus rendering the State nn osscntia 1
service, which will be h.iildd ;u a gro.it
boon by the entire people.
lfi. No difficulty ii anticipiti d in
procuring an ample supply of efficient
a ad instructed labour from the negroes
upon the spot. These people, warmly
attached to the localities whore they
were born, are peaceful, orderly, and
willing to work when honestly and fair
ly treated. They htvo iuvari ibly pre
ferred the rice plantation on account nl
the abuodau.'s of game, wild fowl, fish,
oysters, &t}., to be f.>u:id there (which
they have always boon permute 1 to
enjoy without restriction.) Many
of thorn arc mechanics, c\rp in
ters, blacksmiths. Ac, of remarkable
intelligence and usefulness. Since tbo
emancipation differentsystems have been
tried iu the employment of the freed
men, but it is now generally admittod
that tho most successful in attracting
aud retaining labour ia that ot weekly
payment of wages iu cash. It is this
plan which will bo adoptol, aud by pay
ing with scrupulous punctuality, the
directors are assured aud boliuve that
thoir supply of labour will bei ample,
regular, and reliable. They pr.ipo.so
howover, to introduce all labour saviug
machiues which can bo usefully and
profitably employed.
11. There is a contract entered into
j between John Chadwick, tho o.voor of
the property, on the ono pan, and J.
i W. Sherman, on behalf of the company
od the other part, dated 1st Oetobor,
1873, for tbo conveyance to tho compa
ny of 36,t3(>G aores of freehold laud,
with all improvements, catrils. banks,
trunks, gates, dwelling houses, and out
buildings, barus, labourers, bouses uud
threshing mills; steam eugiues, elevators
I and all the maohiuory thereto attao'.iel,
with the goodwill of the several stores
doi ig business on tho estates, upou pay
tuent of the sum of ?190,000 iu cash,
and ?250,000 iu fully paid-up shares.
These shares to be held iu trust until
each certificate holder (ia addition to
dividoots on his ohuro up to 10 por oent.
per annum) is paid back tbo whole
amount subscribed as a, bonus, still io
ta iu in;; tbe share, which will partici
pate, pro rata, in all future profits of
the undertaking.
12. Until the complete redemption
of the bonus certificates the nett re
ceipts will bo apportioned as follows:
1st. Tke payment of interest up to 10
per cent, per annum upon tho subscrib
ed issue of 25,000 scares.
2nd. 90 p-ir cent. f>f the remaining
surplus profits will form a sinking fuud
for purposes of the redemption trust, to
be called the Bonus Certificate Trust
3rd. The balance of euch surplus
profits beiug 10 per cent. thereof, will be
paid to the vendor utidot tho provision
of deed of purchase.
13. All the expenses of the forma
tion of the company up to the allotment
of shares will bo borne by the ven
14. The various reports, memorandum
aud Articles ot Association, and the
trust and contracts therein, may be
seen at the offices of the solicitors,
Messrs Davis, Campbell, Beeves, and
Hooper, and prospectuses and forms of
application for shares m iy be obtained
of the secretary, at tho offices of tho
Trust; tho solicitors; and tho bank
Upon application a copy of tho re
ports, fee., alluded to in this prospectus
will be forwarded port froo.
Forms of application for shares may
be obtained from till London brokers.?
London Observer Aprd 19.
at.'._ _ _? i ?
At a meeting of thoOran gcburg T.uthcrnn
Church hold on tho evening of AIny 7tb
1874, the following preamble and resolutions
were unnninionsty adopted: .?
Whereas, If has p\eafma Almighty God in
bis wicc providence to remote frv in our
midst Dro. F. OLDEKDORFF, we bow in
bumble submission to the will of .mi- boaven
ly Father, believing that our loi.s is his etir
nal gain ; therefore he it
Resolved, Tbat in the death of Uro. F.
OLD EN'DOM FF, tho Lutheran Congregation
of Orangeburg bus hast a. worthy member
and a firm ami faithful supporter of the
Church of the Reformation.
Resolved, That ou^ united sympathies are
hereby tendered to his mourning wife anil
ramify in this the nour of their sore afflic
tion. 1
Resolved, Tbat a blank page in our Church
book be inscribed to Ins memory: and
that it flin.Il ever be r. reminder to us of the
certainty of death, and the uncertainty of
Resolved, That a copy of the above pre
amble and resolutions bo furnished to the
family ot the deceased and published in the
Lutheran Visitor, the Oinngclmrg NfcWa and
Orangoburg Times,
Extract from I lie minutes.
/ Secretary L. G.
At a regular cornj^unioAtion of Shibboleth I
t--?.?wa,Ti .'?"????? ^^^iswheld at Mjixtonie
IInil on tho ilh A pril ihvs following
preamble and rcHo'utions were adopted :
Whereas, the supremo Grand Master of
the Universe lias cftnnnoncd another of our
follow workmen to those mysteries, as yet
unrcvcaled to us, but which we will all in
His good time be called to rcalizo ; and in
Iiis Providence has seen tit to remove
brother J. H. O'CAIN from our midst, we
hope to a aobler work in a belter an I
happier sphere ; therefore be it
Resolved, That in the tloalh of brother J
H O'CAIN, our. lodge has. lout a member
who has over exemplified his attachment to
the order, by identifying himself for yours
with its native workings and esteciaing it
one of his highest privileges to bo con
nected with the fraternity of the mystic tie .
Resolved, Tkat while shelling the tear
of eerrew ot t his gr?ve, no tendsr to
those who are idlicd to him by the close ties
of kindred our heartfelt syaa pat hies.
Resolved, That a blank page in our
miuuto book bo inscribed to his memory,
and that a C">py of these resolutions he sunt
to tho relutitcs of the deceased.
Extract from the minutes.
Jrangeburg 8. <'. May 7th 1874
F. S. 1)1 RULE,
At a reg ular communication of Shibboleth
Lodge, No. 28, A.-. F.-. M.'. held at
Masonic Hall, May f>th 1874, the following
preamble and resolutions were adopted:
* # * *
Whereas, Death has again stretched over
us his dread right arm, and again our
Lodge is draped in mourning and ouri.curts
greive for a departed brother. "The young
man may die, the old man must" for death
comes to all?and ho our brother FREDER
ICK FER8NER hating completed his three
score years of a life full of usefulness to bis
fellow men, and of lovo for our venerable
and cherished order, suffering for years
from a painful disease, heard and obeyed
the order from our Supremo Grand Master,
and having all of his life net cd by the
plumb, ho haH partuI from us on the square,
to take his journey through the dark vnlley
of death, we sincerely hope, to tbat fairer
and better land to which masonry with its
unerring finger points;
And as it Is our desire as a Lodge to put
uj ou roeord oor appreciation of our
deceased brother, therefore be it
Resolved, 1st. That while we can but feel
tbat tho Omniscient God, tho Supreme
Architect of the Universe, has done "what
secmcth good in his sight" we yot miss
sadly from among us the hearty greeting
and friendly tonos of our brother, and grieve
oeer his vacant scut, trusting however, that
his soul, that "immortal part," liko our
Grand Master Hiram-, has gone to
that baiter land" whete it can never never
nbvkk die."
Resolved, 2d That our warmosl sympa
thies *be aud are hereby extended to the
family of our deceased brother, and thr. t
a eopy of these resolutions be forwarded to
Resolved, 8rd. That in order more effoetu
ally to keep the recollection of him fresh
among us, a page in our minute book bo
inscribed to his menory.
st ? * * ?
Extract from th ? ftiirfiites.
Orangeburg 8. C- Mny 7th 1874.
0 B I TU A RY.
In Mkmoiuam?F. OLD EN DORFF, aged
fifty nine years onn mouth and 4 days.
It has pleased the great Creator of the
Universo to take from our midst, ono who
wae reapaoled and beloved by all those
whose opportunity it wae to know him. No
better and n o nobler heart ever coaaed to
beat; than that whioh made the bosom of our
departed friend a eanctuary for tho so senti
monts which lead to the cultivation of those
broad nnd catholio fooliags that at one em
brace the Scriptural injunction : "Love thy
neighbor as thyself."
F. OLDEN DORFF was born in Braun
ehwoig, Germany, April let 1816. In 1849
he settled iu Orangeburg, and it is from
that time up to his death that those who
mourn his lots amongst us, know him best.
He was Blder of tho Lutheran Church I
at this piano and one of its most consistent
nnd earnest members. It was his roost
tamest wish to live to seo the new Lutheran
Church nt this pHce finished. Alns! the
hand of an All-wise Providcnee interposed,
and the respected nnd loved Elder Olden
dortr is now shrouded in the cold and iey
drapery of denth. That voice whioh we had
hoped to hear join w ith ours, in the rejoic
ing which must follow the completion of the
Church of the followers of the great and
good Luther, is hushed forever to this world.
It is only at intervale that we hear thoee
death-notes pealed, which touch and awaken
the chords of sorrow in the bosom of those
ni'hio nations OldcndortT of Orangeburg,
his death is being mourned art sadly to-day
at Braumschweig Germany, as it is in his own
family circle here. Both were his homos;
one his native, the other his adopted. He
loveil tlipm together, their people and his
religion. Quiet and unassuming in mannor
he did nothing to offend any one. On the
contrary, the lote Mr. OldcndortT would rath
er huvw suffered himself, than by any act or
deed of li*?*> ?Wn to hnvt caused his fellow
man io feel aggrieved. His socioty nnd his
friendship were always sought aftor.
Frequently have nun gathered around him
to reap the benefits to be derived from bis
conversational gifts. 11 y his courtesies
and associations mnnj are indebted to him.
He is dead und Iiis friends will now innko
this acknowledgement in all sincerity. A
man is never appreciated in the flesh; it is
only when he it; dead that we wonder hew
the blniik he has loft can be filled up. He
was pre-eminently a man who nliendcd to
his own business. And yet he is gone!
Sorrow's purest sigh has been sent up for
him, and mourners, with hends bowed low
in grief nirl anjjuish, have swelled the funer
al cry which witnessed the covering of the
face of our departed lriend forever.
Those who knew him on this earth will
know him here no more, lie will never
iiguin walk among us; never counsel his
youthful friends and relatives more in this
sublunary world of 'rouble and ingratitude.
Those sober K*. sou-> of u isdum, and exper
ience which he was wont to instil into the
minds of (he young and thoughtless will live,
but his presence will no longer blesB thei
with that forte of truthfulness which his
frank face never failed to inspir?.
Mr. OLDEN DORFF was takon ill on
Saturday iu the forenoon and died early
Monday morning with that grand self-re
liance in (ini which cYfr robs "death of its
sting nnd the grave of its victory." He sleeps
the sleep that kuo.vs no waking, and that
face Wiiich wus always wreathed in smiles,
now iiiou'dt i'H I ct eath the turf in the
Presbyterian grave-ynrd, and all that is left
to us of him is a kindly remembrance of his
tunny lu.b.c virtues.
Unveil ihy bosom, faithful tomb!
'lake this new treasure lo thy trust ;
And give this sacred relic room
To slumber in the silent dust."
J. H W.
Delinquent Tax Payers.
Persons t> ho have fniteu to pay^tnSir
TnxcS will pay theiu only to tho Subscriber,
or to his Deputy on ezcoution issued by
him. T. W. GLOVER,
may '.!?It Co. Treasurer.
OnA.NOKnt;no Covntt,
April 15th, 1874.
The following persons have been appoint
ed as SUB COMMISSIONEUS in nocordance
with an Act, to amend Chapter XIV of
Title II, part ]. of tho General Statutes
relating lo the Ropmr of Highwnys and
Bridges, passed March 1!>, 1874.
Amelia?It. It. Duncan.
Lyons?Caleb (Mover,
t aw Caw?Thus. J. Cridcr.
Elizabeth?John S. Rowe.
Fine drovo-?lohn R. Wanna in alter.
Poplar?D. D. Vance.
Vniiees?Rufus Felder.
Providonce?L. H. Myers.
Goodbys?I. II. Felder.
Crange?V. D. Row roan, Joe Carson and
J. I). Bozard.
Middle?.1. P. M. Faures.
Cr* Castle?D. M. F. Huff.
Ney Hope?Thor. Smith.
Blanch vi Re?Andrew Pincknoy*
/.i n?Henry O. Sinoake.
Wile.,T-_\V. L. W. Riley.
Vnon?r. II. Hall.
Goullnnd and Hockey Grove?G VT Bax
ter, .
Htpewcll and Hebron?Martin Living
Liftfty?J. L. Oibsen.
By prdor of Bcflfd Cofinly Commission
Clerk of Board,
rn nj \ 3t
The (IDF. RS IG NED ?nkes plensuro ia
announcife to his many friends and patrons
Where hoVill devote his ENTIRE TIME
from ever^londay until Friday noon, to
in ait its De&dments.
Perfect SfflSFAPTlON Tguarantecd in
all Oporationantrustod fo his oare.
Charges MODERATE. He will be found
at Dr. FersneftOld Stand.
Very fcpectfully, f
may 0 ly
By virtue of
O'lietterson to
Orangeburg Coui
day of May at pul
May 9ln 1871.
mortgage from J. B.
ico. Vose. 1 will eell a
House on Saturday '2'2rd
outcry for cash 1 Gray
E. F
Road Notice.
Net ice is hereby given that in ihre?
months from date, the Hoard of County
Commissioners will 'appoint Special Com.
missioners to Lay Out and Open a Public
Road, leading from Rowo's Purnp te Rtwe's
Bridge, known as the Swamp Road, runsing
through the lands of M Robinson, Dempsey,
W C Reeves and William Ash, unless is the
meantime cause be shown to the contrary.
11 y order of the Board.
Clerk County Commisfioners.
County Commissioner's Oflice, May 4th,
1874.?0 3ra.
Road Notice.
Notice is hereby given that in three
months from this date, the Board of County
Commissioners will appoint Special Com.
missioners to Lay Out and Open a Public
Koud, lending from Rowe's Pump Westward
to the Oraugebnrg and Charleston Head,
near the plantation of John S. Powman,
unless in the meantime cause be shown to
the contrary.
By order of the Board.
C. C. Com'rs.
County Commissioners Office, May 4th,
1874.?9 3m.
AdminlHtrntorts Notice.
All persons having any demands against
tho Estate of Thomas Oliver late of tho
County of Orangeburg deceased, are noti
fied to present tho same duty attested to
W. J. DeTrevillc Esq., attorney at law, or to
tho undersigned, and all persons indebted
will make payment to
msy 9 187 4 3t
T\TOTIC!E. ? All Prrston? Im
J_vJ deb ted to the Estate of Dr. Fredsrick
S. F ersner, deceased, will make payment to
tho nndersighed or bis Attorneys Messrs.
I xlnr k Dibble, Orangeburg, S. C, und all
person* having demands against said En
tale will present the same prcperly proven
to the undersigned or his said Attorneys.
Qualified Admidistrator.
May C.th, 1874.?9 lm
HAS OP AN ED a SHOP at Rigg'a Old Brick
Store for the purpose of Repairing Watches
and Clocks. His work is guaranteed to
give satisfaction or no pay required. He
will be glad to serve his old customers and
the pnblic'generally. Prices modcrntt.
may 2 Bin 1874
All persons arc heroby forewarned not to
trade for a ccrtan promissory NOTE signed
by me, and payable six mouths after date to
Hamberg & Slater, for one hundrad and
forty-five dollars, with interest at twelve
per cent, dated March 80th, 1874. as 1 will
not pay said note, haviug a good and legal
defence to the same.
Aprial 20, 1874.
may 2 1874 It
Oranqrhuro Cobstt,
Orangeburg, S. C, May 1st, 1774.
A melia Townsh ip.
A P Amaker, 381 acres, 22 building*.
Samuel Bolton, 3 acres, 1 building.
Est W C Cofcr, 1100 acres, G buildings.
Miss Georgia Furtlck, Bcllville Rond, 20
nercs. 2 buildings,
J A McKenzie, 450 acres, S 44
James D Trexevant 1000 acres, G build
Daniel Zimmerman, 2721 acres, 36 build
Branchville Township,
William Lewis, 140 acres, 2 buildings.
W V Myers, 1 lot 2
Caic Caw Township,
Moses Butler, 5 acres, 1 building
J W Culler, Adm'r, Slate Road, GOO acres,
1 building.
Henry Footman, 60 acres.
Counsel Footman, 75 '*
W M Gaffucy, Columbia Road, 250 acte?,
8 buildings.
F R McRinlay, 240 acres,
C J Seymour, 24
Coir Cattle Township,
Collier & Myers, Ebcnexer Chuck Road,
105 acres, 2 buildings.
Est J W S Felder, 557 acres, 2 buildings.
Mary Huff, 300 " 2
Joe Jones, 30 44 1 44
nannah Kelly 6 6 44 1 "
Jim Rigby, Orangeburg Road, 50 acres,
3 buildings.
Wesley Stevens, rmnr Orangeburg Road,
100 acres, 1 building.
Edisto Township,
Mrs Amanda Dantzler, Cannon Bridge
Road, 100 acres, 5 buildings.
Morgan W Hughes, Cannon Bridge Road
185 acres, 4 buildings.
S T lzlar, near the Cannon Bridge Road,
(1878-74), 285 acres, 3 buildings.
Wilson Minig.m, on Caunon Bridge Road,
8 acres, 2 buildings.
Benjamin Pooser, near Ca.adon Bridge
Road, 470 acres, 6 buildings.
Benjamin Tuekcr, Canuon Bridge Road,
13 acres, 1 building,
Elizabeth Township.
S II Kenncrly, near Kdgeficld Road, 45
acres, 3 buildings.
Jacob F.Witt, on Bbickville Road, 125
acres, 4 buildings.
(iootlbi/'s Township,
A A Arant, 50 acres, 4 buildings.
Miss R 0 Bair, State Road, 380 acres, 4
buildings. .
D B Hozard, 70 acres, 2 buildings.
Mrs E A Bozard, 250 acres, 6 buildings.
M M Dantilor, 100 44 10 u
J W MeKolvey, ft 44 2 44
Join- Sellers, 5 44 8 M
S J Shuler, 50 44
F W Shuler, Guard 140 acres.
Goodland Township.
Argoe and Bolen, 1 building. . j
J W Broddy, 179 acres, 3 buildings.
Mrs C II Borbitt, New Bridge Road, M S
0 A Louts, near Davis Bridge. Rese", 676
acres, 2 buildings.
Gabriel Tyler, Davis Brflf? ft***,. 49
Jancea Williams, 109 aerea, 6 >ulldi?g?.
Liberty Township.
Benjamin By at, (1878?74)? 685 atffSJt. ?
G ? Bolen and L A Fogle, 222 aeres.
J F Bolton, near Hols*** Bridge Read, I
acres, 2 buildings.
W II Glenten, near 96 Baad, 200 ami, 8
buildings. : ' < r <>'|VT
J L Gibson, 0C Read, 640 aar?, 1 bailaV
Bufus Hoffman, 120H*s^81rnilaJuiffc\ r/
EetJ R Mil house, 628 ?ra?.'^ w 8 T ' *
Lyons T*trnthtp. ? -
Dave Adams 50 acres, 1 Vuif?|4?? cTH7
E W L Gates, 1816
T K Keller, 400 ? 7. . " .
Mrs Emelie F Magril, Oraagebarg &<ft4,
840 acres, 10 buildiag?. ^
John L Moortr, Bcllvills Read, 800 aorta.
Sam Warren, 6 Chop' Road, 80 aeres, 1
J J Woodward, nosr BellvilU Real; 9*0
acres, G buiidings.
Middle Township, j}
Samncl Frazier, 50 acres. r?j
John Stackloy, Truitoe, 6 Ckep Read,
500 ac.-es, 9 bnildingi. v .
Mrs M A E Tilly, near State B?a*7 186 :
acres, 4 buildings. ' . ?
N AVie i7V>j>e Township.. .&
E J Baxter, 300 aores, 5 huildittgS. ?' "t?
R Cooner, 430 ? 4 " I PZIT ?e
Richard Davis, 100 ?? 1 ** .ojn
B Dempsoy, 250 "
Mary C Rumff, 175 acres.
Tnomas Smith, Hone's Pump, 1 let, 8
Orange Towusk*jt% 8 A ,.
Adain A ikon, 200 acree, 1 building.' ' ' "\
Benjamin Byaa RtiSeell St., Beat\\ freTS*
tee. 2 lots, 2 buildings.
James and Elizabeta BrOrtu, AmeuVIf.
1 lot, H Buildings.
Benjamin Byas, Amslia $in 1 WtJ"3=^
buiidings, 1872 and 1878.
Manerva Clark, 1 lot.
A Fischer, Agt fon A A David, Hull
Swamp Read, 137 aores
C F Gehrels, near Bellvillo Reea, 892
acres, 7 buildings.
Addisoa Hatner, 25 acres, 1 building r-sss?
Mrs Mary Marehant, BrbUghWr Afc, 11
1 Building. -31.10.1 .
Mra'.M T Myers, Bay St., 1 lot, 1 PjtlMiag
Mra S A Fooser, Stage Read, I7f Berfa, f
Mrs- Rachael, 200 aeres, 4 bnildiego.
! Eet Absalom Strotnan, near 0 Che-j? Read,
900 acres, 10 buildings.
Jesse Thompson, 27 acres, 2 buildings.
Cephas Whlttemore, 781 Jaeresj J bj?U-? -
Cephas Whittenters, Ceurt Homo Square,
1 lot, 2 Buildings,
J D Wolfe, Columbia Read, 1 let, 2
Fine Otoi'r Tottnship.
Fogle Brothers, lt>2 acres.
Eft I rick, 810 " 4 buildings,
Joseph Jackson 1 building.
F W RobinsMU, 25 oeres, 2 buildings. \
I'ojHar' Townstup.
, Santee Addison, 50 ncres.
I'rol'idthtr Tornthip.
Thwnas Allen, 50 acres, 2 haildiaga.
Baxter ft Andrews, 120 airee. -
/'roi'tdtntr TrtSnsktp,
David T.nll, 226 aores, 8 Buildings.
Elizabeth Bull 400 '* 2
Santee Davis, 73 ?? 1 "
8. W, Evansi 1189 itf^**???* ??
Bill Fair A Wife, 40 " 3
Stanley Gaivin,97 ? ]
Richard Goodvin, 300 U
Frank Reeves, .41 ? 't:
Roekey. Grote Township,
Willie A. People, (near CelataMa ft'o") ?0
acres, tjtii So Oj|c3
Union Township.
lira. Elizabeth Brown, 1200 ?erst, 6
Buildings. .'Atffl ffe^liC
Eli Busby, (neat Btnlcksf Bri'ctf
114 acres 2 Buldings. ^ .T
Jim Manigaull, (Ba?weU R'd) 16 sufa*,
2 Buildings.
Goodwin Powell, (Benisksr Brl'Jj.-sVI)
23 acres, 1 Building!
Charles Walker, 40 acre*.
- <, '? ?IAS
> aneu Township,
*, . ms%i buaslM
Basen E, Shuler, 3l0 aer*s>, | ? ';ot*g*
Joseph Van Dyke, (State R'd) U aef W, $
Buildings. ?; > a ?-v grjjjjkl ?
J. G. W. Warneek, Agli 108'a^W?y?
Buildings. ?, ?, ? ,<* ^qqq ..
Willow^ Township, no fi'^a *e$
John Brown, 40 acres, 8 Buildhsgs.
Stephen Clemens 20 1
F. G. Gregory, (near lloltttan Bri'dg R'd)
151 acres, 3 BnilkingjtJ --v rv TTP'Vrjr fr
W. D. Biley, (near Holman BrVqg?'*)^
acres, 3 Buildings, ,
Joseph H. Thomas', (near Het'man Bri'dg
R'd) 20 acres, 2 Bfaildings.- ?
Robert Washington, 40aorea! 2 Buildings
zion frr^nesit^a
J II Bolton near Holman.Bridge.MsWm
114 acres, 7 buildings. ?_
Jacob B?rion, ?0 ae?es. ^tt?r/
Est John H. Felder, 250 acres.
Thomas B Sally, 90 Read, SOOgaer*?, 4r
buildings.; :>.:iM?lKt\8l?
Rachel Smoake, 87 aores.
Joha Tyler, near' Canaan Bridge ?aad,
GO acres, 2 buildings.
NOTICE is hereby given that the whole ef
tho soveral parcels, lots and part of lots
of Real Estate . described ^ in .:lha> t>x??
cecding list, er s? much thereof as wilt e?
necessary. to- pay the taxes, penalties.an<l
assessments charged thereon, will be sol* by
Treasurer of OrangebargAJoaatjr, South
Carolica, nt his allico in, said .County, en
.Monday, May 18th 1S74, unlcsa satid taxes,
penalties and assessments be pan&iere
that time; and such sales will be eaatiaued
from day to 4*1, p'tt^aljetrsatc^lfiresls?
lots and parts of lets ef Real tstsf ?an? U
sold or offered -feV aalrf tJsjfialsjfl aaata sa^%
May rat 1874.1 -; i**Jaa3? ,Jei^ . ,w
Auditor of OraegeburgtiS>ll&
may Id 1871 tf

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