OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, September 16, 1868, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1868-09-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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Latest by Telegraph.
From Washihgton,
WAsHiNUToN, Sept. 8
Internal revenuo receipts to-day only
The Chancery Court of Toronto, In do.
cidIlIg the case of the post OfficO stamps,
captured by the Fllorida, o.old in Europe,
sent to Canada for sale and ulimately sCiZ
ed by the United States, declares tliat all Uni
ted States property captured by the Con
federates during the war, no mat ter where
found, or by whona hold, is the property of
the United States.
WAsnisoToN, September 7.
Schenek, to whom, with Spnator Morgan,
vas left the quostion of calling Congress,
in September, has written a lotter delreea.
ting a September session. The b)est in.
-ied parties 'says there will be no ses
SenatorI Pinehback's threat to bilrn New
Orleans, is regarded with horror by hl par.
ties and classo here.
The debtstatement sliows an increase of
coinbearing $8.11191.000; increase or ctirren
ay bearing 1,11M.000: decrease of matured
dobt not. presented 5,4:)3,000; inorease of
debt bearing no Interest 2,082,000; issued,
to Paoiflo Railroad Companies 8,101,000;
increase coin in treasury 9,100,000 ; de
crease currency In treasury 11,683,000;
increase public debt 12,070,0Q0; tren8ury
Warrants during Augut, civil ani diploma.
tio, 12,000,000; Iifterest 4,830.000; war
11,800,000; pensions and Indians 1,600 =
000 ; Alaska purchase Included in civil and
diplomatic amount.
Colax telegraphs the Secretary of War
from Denver of terrible Indian outrages
A special despatch from Hayes City says
the Indians made a da9h on Fort Dodge,
killed three and wounded 17. The Indian
loss is unknrwn. Gen. Sherman is at Fort.
Ex Gov. Tihomas II. Soymnour died at his
Vesidonen, In Hartford, Conn., on the 2d,
of typhoid fever, aged sixty.one.
WAsHINUTON, September 9.
11601procting like courtesies, l'ecretary
hieCullock directs that. registered tonnage
of British vessels shall be taken as correct
in American ports.
The revenue receipts to-day were $260,
It is officially announced that tobacco
maq now be shipped for export in bond to
tie eitport. b-mnled1 warehouses, lit the'tltir
ty-second distrtISe New York, and third
district, Maryland.
It is stated that Conmnfissionbr llollins
demands Solicitor Binkley's removal, but
Secretary McCulloch refuses to interfere in
the matter.
There is no prospect of a compromise be
tween MeCulloch and Rollins.
Tke investigation in the cAso against
Rollins and olkers gives no pointed develop.
smonts. S. N. Pike, of opera.irouse and
whiskey fame, a brother-in-law of Genral
Schenck, chairatan of the Ways and Means
Oommittee, it mentioned in the testimony
of witnesses.
WAsItINGTON,,Septenber 11.
Colonel Sames 1arr, nominated by Coin
tnissioner Rollitis, and strongly recommend
ed by leading men of both parties, has been
appointed snpervisor for Alissouri by Secro.
tary McCulloch.
Commissioner 'Mix, of the Indiitn Bureau,
has navioes that the Indian troubles at Fort.
Ea,rah, Ark . originated with two drunken
indians and a lying wagon-muaster. All is
,quiet now.
Acting A(torney-Goneral Ashton decides
th)t ho Quartormnster-neral, under Ih
existing law, has no authority to allow
compensation for promises used at. the South
for army purposes duaring the war. The
test case was i hat of Elliott, of Tennessee,
whose premises were used for it hospital.
Under this ruling $30,000,000 of similar
claims now on fale in the War Dtepartment
witi be ignored.
Solicitor linakley presented a report of
his New York proceedings to the President
1Tiher was a full Cabinet meeting to-day
except Secretary Browning and At.torney..
General Evarts.
News Items,
- SAVANNAIT, GA., September 7.
Bra Iley, a colored man lately expelled
from the Georgia Senate, held a Republican
meeting this evening, during which lie said
the qrpet-baggers and Yankees arc net to
be ase dvided the colored people net
to trust white people -carpet baggers and
Yankees; who were t.he meanest people on
the earth, iIe doubted o'ver if mulattoes
culd be trusted; the white blood in their
veins might gain the mast.ery. Heo said the
reocent action of (lhe Georgia Legislature in
in turning out the negroes 'would Increase
the majority for Grant. At Arst. it was
thought the negro members would draw
(heir revolvers anid assert their rights in
blood---which would have been a help for
'.he Denmocrats. iIe w-as glad theoy had done
otherwise ; lie thought thme coming election,
wlhe5r way it went, would cause blood
shedKTh%,whole speech was of a rambling
and centrdicitory character.
WII.n,INToN, September 7.
On Saturday nighm ina Clinton, Sampson
Oousty, a'negro man, fo*'i*rly a member of
theo League, but, who recently *a,andoned
theta ofganisation and j oinedth qqjored
Democratic elub, was called out o' the dAor
of fils house, and shot, through the hear(.
- The matter created a great deal of feeling.
'ihe whites'generally, think the lIepublican
party are determinred to bring emn a collisIon.
Heretofore, ther, has been no Ku Klux
Kihnl er otJhem secret Democratic organiza
(len in this 8t,ate, but It Is' now understood
and bolieved that, energetic ef'orts will be
made to organise some socret order, as a
matter of self-defenco. There can be no
doubt of enO thing- that the great mtajorlty
of the people here long after pece; .It ls
all they ask, and all they want, bu.t the
coolest and meosti,etal ##ind. he* .sioned
~ri at the 0cselo that, thie immse
re is fraught 'with most nlostopt
cue issues. It Is the sentiment of praclical,
thinking men here, that pr4minent North
ero meni, of conservative vipwe, like Mtillard
Fillmore, should conie Sotith and addrss
the peopile. Everybody here favors peace,
but the whole thinig lacks definie shape.
F'oreign News,
Lmyanm'oom, Septemrb or 7.
Adiees from -Europe pot- sL6hmor state
that the storm of thme. 22d ult, was very
destructive. The beach was istt'69t with
wrecks. '7wenty three lives were lest by
the sinking of the Fara. A ti rge yfosel1,
naatie t known, went dewn:!.~ 6fnb
Lightlhouse-all lost,
LoNmoo, %eptembe 7
lItpm,the antipapal a Itator is. an
nou ~dfrParliamnt from Ma'f6 ester,
mA, agtheb,lsth candIdate. .~ meeiing:fum
hIs b6halfttuumbering .sfi tmiil was,
dlspersed, after an hour's O~INb~ Stlhh
Otathol(e--many,hurt. TIhe , hl eredro
order, but disitrbances wore roed diriog
the night in several quarters of the town.
The 7Twas in a leaing editorial, eviy the
annexatIon of Mexico to~ the United Slates
is desirable, but the time is net yet ripe. It
-could not.' be accomplished nod Writhout
iseedioe expenditure of life and tremasrire.
The Georgia Legislature.
ATLANTA, GA., September 9.
The Senate to-day amended the relief bill
by striking out the second section, which
includes monO. in tihe s0cdule.
The House passed a bill giving aid to
the air-lite railroad through Northeasterv
A imessago was received from the Gov
oi nor enclosing the report of the couinittee
on the cases of persons applying for the seats
vacaled by (ho expClled negroes, and giv
Ing the names of the persolis \vho had re
ceived the next hig est number of votes.
Accompanying the report was a longthy
protest from the Governor against the ac
tionlof the House in expelling the negroes,
lie reviews the constitilonal question, and
argues that. the Constitution clearly gave
negroes the right to htold olice.
The regding of this message - was inteer
rupted by a motion to lay it on the table)
as it was a direct insLilt to the llokio 'The
motion was lost. The following is the nil
.ion :
"llesolved, That that portion of I he coni
niiani ion of tle Governor reileeting upoli
ihe notion of Ih1 h ouso in decilivg upon
the eligibility of freo persons o' color under
he Coins.titution be (urned to the Governor
with the following:
"lResolved, That said communio.ttion is
not warranted by the resoltition upon wieli
lie Governor was requested to act. and
that the members of each house are judges
of the qualifications of.its members. They
ave the keepers of their own consciences,
and not his Excellenoy."
A resolution was passed to swear In the
members having the next higlies', vote who
are eligible under section three of the four
teenth amendment.
Several of the new members were sworn
in, and took their seats.
The Tennessee Trouble,
WAsHINoToN, September 11.
The Tennessee delegation had one inter.
view to-day, are to have another interview
with the President, and will themselves
tplegraph tlie result to the Tennessee Legis
lature, They express themselves satisfied
with the result so far. In their address
they urge Imnimeditte reinforcements to the
Federal troops in 'Tennessee, to act wit1i the
civil authorities in preserving order, enforc
ing the law, and the prosecution of criii
WAsHtINToN, September 11.
The report of Tcnnessee Legislatre's
delegation is published. The brden of it
is an appeal for aid agaiuist the Ku Klux,
whose exploits are narrated at great length.
The delegation think the Stat e Govornent
eould protect itself, but the Federal soldiers,
having no local prejudices, would better
unintailn peace.
RE.111n1TAAN q-raT,r CONrVE-rIO.--Aft er
spending three dyys in the perfection of
the ob, the Couiveu11ion has finally organ
ized for the campaign, in the interest of
Catnt and Grabtax, on the following basis.
Chairman of the State Central Executive
Committee-lion. Reverend Senator Burnt
District Negro liandtolph.
Chairman uf the t*irst Congressional Dis
frict-,Judas K. Jillson ; Second District
Jeremiah 11. Dennis; Thiid Distriet--Am
tile N. Boozer ; Pourth District-Liberty
Wimbilush, negro.
N For Electors of President anl Vice-Presi
ent -D. RI. Chamberlaiti, (len. Charles J
Stolbrand, carpet-haggers at large ; First
District--S. A. Swails, mulato; S-cotnd
District-A. J. Itansier., mutlatto; Tiird
District-l1. R Randolph, 1". D., half-breed;
Fourth District--. 1. .\lrtn, plain.
Tux VERoxrT li.,crox.-The news from
Verimont, says the Washington Express, is
exeedingly gratifying. Tho (olegraph an
nounces that in nearly every town the Dc
nocrats have increased their vote. Tihe re
turns show an Increase on tleii side of fifty
per cent., white the liep ublican major-ity,
as was stated recently, will beoabout 20,000.
In 1864, Lincoln's mnnjority was 20,098.
'LThe result is particularly gr-atifying, as but
little effort was made by the Demnocr-ats to
reduce the radical majority. There are no
Democratic papers in the State, and it. was
giveni over by comtnon consent to our oppo
nents. It will not require as lam-ge a gain
ini othier Stsaes to seenre the ehection or
Seymour and Blair by a very large miajority.
Still our friends must work and wvor-k to the
end. Let ad over-confidence induce them
to relax their efforts to bring peace and
prosperity once aga to our distracted
LnE YustTriD nY seME or Hiis Or.n 80e.
DiEuts.-Sandy Little is at the WVhilto Sul
pihur and wr-ites to his paper some speaka.
ing letters, frtom one of which we exiract
the following:
''The list of' notables is long. Lee amnd
Beauregard, and Maury and Stevens, and
Stuart 'and Letehior, and many more, Lee,
primus intr pares, his beautiful character,
which has ne parallel in history, tsres, totus
quae rolundus, wins Anr him universal love
and admirat ion. A 'doegation of his ~old
.goldlers, some armless and wounded, called
ou-.lml Saturday, and the tears rolled down
the 61d:chiief's face and fell upon the tioor1
Ah I thAttender heart, why didn't it let
hium burn tredricksburg and Durnside and
his army in 1862, and end the war then.
THnNATs OW Nano .IN5UR RoT[oN.-The
savage threat, uttered on Friday last, by
Pinohback, the mulatto whep was recently
installed late Mr. Jewell's place as Senator
fromt thme Second DistrIct of Orleans. Parish,
LouIsiana, let. a startling conflrsation 'of
tho.barbarity attributed to' the~ negro when
his head is turap4,.and his venl-.y is sel
len by (he'perliioipsgin- -of piewer.~.
The fiendish upiri6 which kjndled the.ihir
wors of St. Domingo blages.forth in'Pinoh.
back's lurid prophecy of "the dawpt of kG.
tribut ion,"' whmen "10,000 torelles will tbp..
pled to this city,"' and Now Oricapis "iwill
be reduced to ashes." Nothiing can exhlbit,
mere clearly than this dreadful threat., the
titter unfitness of the clasa which Plnch
back is a 1y pe to be "Senators" gnd rulers
in the and .-.. Y. Ieraki.
Tra LxinerAU,-Thie only thing of
any public interoqt whIch transpired in the
General Assembly, yesterday,. was the pas,
sago, by the, Senato, of the bill to, enable
the (Thathmam RaIlroad to extend its eharter
to Colugibla.-+which was done after three
hour.' hard fighting and Aillibustoring. No
material anmetdrisents were made. Deyond
this, the setings .asd doing, of the great
unlawful were-net worth the-notovley they'
wealIIattain by being;tromiol,d la thqee
oo\umus.-P h -.-. :
."Surpriso, tdings" are the latest
novelty at e-Clveland, -They take
place at pie ntos, cataip-moetitgs, Oxu
cursions. and the like.
None but cowards, snenk-thieves and
camp-followere make war upon disarmed
men, who have taken their paroles and
trusted to the honor of theii, enptors. Yet
(to whole radical party are daily invoked
by their leaders and Journls to keep uap
their war upon tle Southarn people. Thc
true soldiers of the Union army--the l M
Clerlians', tle Ewings', (lie losenoranIVs', I lie
lialpines', the Ilancocks', the Blairs', and
all other bravo lenders of the Federali hosts
have given the order to "cease tiring.'' It
Is only the ureeleys', the Fortlys', the
Bullets', and tle rest of lth'se who did no1)
fighting when file war was going 'on, wil
want to dlo (le fighting, now that lie Sutht I
is disarimnd1.
'A t'mitm.eii 01 A O (m i . N i :oiat vrit I".k,
TIV.L.-The aitiVorsarv of tle olopit iot o
the (onstitultiOnl of the United 'tateP1 will
be celebraieel inl Washingimn, ;). I.. wi i
great listinotioti, on the 11'h in-tani, by i
mostor iniss ielitig. This great, mvetin,g
will 1ake pin1co utider tle aspiet.s# oI the
Jackson Uemocraitit Association, atkd in the
detail of aI'rangemlents and Ihe claract er of
the speakors it will be made an important
movement in (te campaign.
It is well mail by tho Louisville Journa/,
that if the ltaulilal parlty had dono its dity
in the war, fle war would not havL, lasted a
year and a half I aid if it had donle its dutly
in peace, all cur troubles would have eloel
nearly four.years ago." lIut (lie ladicals
protracted tie war inl order that Ilhey nailght.
steal and pluntder, and now they are mlaking
use of peace for the samse purpose.
TEltntasr.Ya\n. --Thae radical joiur
tinals are evidetly begininiatg to see tle
"hailnd-wriit inlg ots tile wall." The Ohio
State Journal, a violent radical heet, frati.
cally exclaiis:
For lleaven's eake, frienls, work ! Work,
from this day until election, or we are beat
on in Ohio, in Indinin, in Pein'sylvania, its
New York, and inl Ilhe Wholc coutlilry
A Ca,ra, JotCV.--The (incinalairltli Cpim
neril gravely commences a p,lit ieal dis
se'tation with I he 1ollowin, worlk:
'11T ilnestion anets us at t lie onlte...
lins Ithe getieral government, inder, ourt
limllitel system of federal powers, tle conl
stitittioal right to itnterfere for tle regula,
fionl of railways ?'
Five nlegrnes are inl jail at I nloer, I. ,
l'or laking one of their own rco to tle
wood, tying him1t to a tIree, whip-pintig hiii
until all were exlauistei, ad themn ulhminjt
him, Icaying him for deid. The tilor.
nato negro managed to crawl home, Iaid
uponl his :eatli-be-J gave iluriaiton ,f tih
deed and names of' the murderers.
The liichmloid lI'/iy says tlist 'it. ha:
reached us in a very direct, way, altt I Mr.
Seyiour has exrss4Al tie opinliotn tia. :a
ceriithi speech of a dist iiguihed Souliiiei'
L;ost file Deilocrallic party ct tlie No i In'
huitdret ihosa aid vote!,."
MIL. EIT-on: Please aisnounce ,':lpt... A.
lliantt as a canldidate P'> Tax Collector of
Fairfiold District, and oblige,
1P BtSONS want ing this coolitif, llensatn,
should avail thaemaselv'es of this, thie last
of doing so this SIMASON.
Fresh arrsivail of
Toilet Artiec,
Pecrfutmery, ete.
l'erams Cash ! Goods Warranted I
sept 12 LAtH) J3RO5.
B Y Virtue of Suindry Exootionss to mds di
rected, I will of'or for sale at Ferirfieold
~'ourt House on the first Mondaiy and the
lay fbllowing ini October nsott, within the
egal hours of sa'e, to the hIighest bsIddet-,
for Cash,3 the following Real Property.
P'urobtasers to pay for'titles and sta'nps. To
All thait plantation or traGt of idnad gitu1
tio lying and being in (lie County of Fair
bild and State of S|outh Carolina, on waters
>f Tom lBransoh, watei's oft Little 'Cedar
Dreek, waters of Broad- River, contaInIng
live hiundr'ed anad eighty fr"e acres more or'
less (beinig a part, of as tr'lact of lind ownted
by thte hate Gen. Willieim tdt'othert) Unal
bund by lands of Tr. 0, Ilobertson, B. E.
,Thomias Iobbs, and Thoais rues,
IO~ tWon as thae property of Satmuel
fit~o onf Uahe Suit of Juas. P. Adatms,i
'Oneo irget 6'f '460 n:oren, more or less, of
litd In'th* .Cotng oNfaar.feld adjoin ing
Itands of Johai t D. s6t,% hojs1. Jenakias,
John-Barke~r, lands belongliug .to 'sjato of
ThomasNelson and othie s. AL6Vicd.jport
asth6 'p"oileri of Jeseo 1f, Dolladiy,atthc
si1t of Tlhsomas WV. Nelson tuti otheras
One tract of 816 acres, 'more or less o
land in Fairfield County, knoirn as the dar.
lIs loatid Peter Mason Tracts, on flho'iaterA
of Morris~ Creek, bounded by lands of -Re
becca ainsson, estate of Rtobert Jloyd, estatw
of Joh~n Ro9binson and Sainiuol Crawford.-.
E evied ulo as thd propersty of Nicholas
(,Vr'ok, at'th4 suilt of Rebieca Muasod.
Shofifft's Ofilo.,
Sept, 11), 1808.
. liitES UGO0 ERIES.
3 UAR,Cofes,Molasses Teoa Canadles,
3 StacSoap,Viega, oder, Shtot,
LaAd, &c., &v us eeil by,
Fictor anid Coinissioi j eant,
10:? EAST D\Y,
Part iietlar ait ention viv, t,) ihe sale and
Slip)ping of sen 1sald' ann' I l-Ini Cb .
biJeral aldvtanes tl., 4il I bnign ent.
fo Sle in this Mb-ket, or f*,rI 8himen.
sepjt it:I
Commission Merchants,
No. 9 Bo)ye' W har
. . . I. i V i I Kt
Sept 5 Agrent Air .\nb1rvy & ('t).
A N I) you 1hve ignally I rafI.l . 1om f r, ;
be CePhlinl to s111 inl to i ,orr t- i -l p ''
llave Vt on~I donet lb No b: Ibt. b' Ib..
w-1 .l ply nbow, ybn In v h: I h: tIc l
puirchaseil, vere nty "n a few 13 ti "bb.
nl'b it t you saib 3ont ub b hI ill t b l
1,m1411row, as, you1 plussed bl." We deCsire 141
-1bbllishl ol slf-h, :1ne1 bl i ill be uIII wrv
impossible I-, o ,I , kblb. iIt .1tt willi 'I.
what you c,we.
e I1 3 JO N NIvtNTYl E & t
IVmII. I. tobert.on, AI r. bI I'st.ite of I.hlr
A. iibh, c'.. als., x.. 31:Nth a . IIl:b, et,
[ liillrols of the ESe of Eber A.
U Labtb, dldd., are herlt ltbbbtiiblt i It
they a1re hlereby requlirell 1.1 pret aille.
tiblish tht ir dellmll.is beflo' b ' Oil omllils
simt-r in -tl ity, (oil or bel t b fir.st. ( y
at I)cto.e tniext.
Gullet's Patent Steel BIrush
10TYTON ginved onI Oahi in -...1 in
() Charlesslonl awI se:lFon,. :k: 1.ne 1) l1vo
cets 111t'r putnd ine thl antt thb Ow b b of'
Coill n ginil oil Owe 'm li . dj G il;jl , I i ,w
"vinllry . This s[.Ifemlenit i' - r- ti;t b
tw tt. ivv otlhel prinlcipl-1 br( r ab ,
bIl.ver in C i'h:letfo , ri . ix t per.
- aw f"r *'asht or. Civy ncp. ,. .m
rcu lar:. C. 4; 1.1\ I.: .I:N,
Nn --2 B - ity.
Sontihl ol,f hl'li tP lblt( .
Ibrt i blbeyb t'aen i'l n; rh . ItIi 'ibafulsue
trat hi l - vlb :nIcid mbi !I hi',l
.inly I - a s!
' W N to tho onscttled rem,liiion f MY
ow dvilltls l,d1 to tle prI'bbbm1i'vs 44of Ibbl
t have illi-t ibe alfer uil u ito l ;1 t
tb in10btr.r goo'Ib un1lbss I le eIsh i' t1, lb6 '
1 re hatn . I mil :klway3,s :nx i,xi a itl sell 411.d
rve any holy but now I will havi. the cnsh
>r bIb nothIingI.
sep 1
"ON A F'' J1 PS TI 1 I."
p Youl Owe its 1Intillhing oi pntrmise f('I
P.SS 1Y, call andt. bill sb) as' vont have
passed it .- veral tbI :ineb
se'pt 1 -1 IbI
Tis theo ur'gent hItty3 of et~erychistian
..' who i$ not unttasstturahlo, a y' rensbon Ill
hist'aie or other Ibbb dis itaiig enub'ses, tol
broemtte wViht de tf lay,f' i a Poicy of aissur
meec, itn the
Equitabte Life Insurance
Tn favor o'f those dependen(('tt uponbt huntf for'
mppbIot. All are'( lia Ible to tbecobie unassur-btt'
ible otn ttnty day, theroreb)' nth in tg shitI
>e liermia ed to delayt3 thIisiialIf mpotan tity.
Jio. P. Matthews, *Jr.,
Rttg 27 A gen t.
(10N'l E MIPLATING temoval on or about
U (ho first of Octohor, to theo NEW
BTORE, now under constru'tction, in the
sentre of busliness, and furthter to mako
l'o'm fat'-ti heavy FAIA,~AND W1INTER
5700CK. I tnow olier thte remtain.ddr of mny
Thea abovo offered stook consits of' aI com..
pleto0 assiortamont of
D)ry Gloodsa,
Boots tand Shtoes,
lat s andtl Ca ps,
and mnany othter atrticleeo too numtearoaus to
me~nt ion. Thtis raae opiporttuniy Isa now of
Corod to
On.o an,d. .All,
safhopo yout will avail yourt'eIf or It by
orilling to examino these goodls. You will
lied tho prices t sait ttty and everybody,
and you will be convincoed that thte Obatpos.
goods can be bought. at
. s H. IHAlUCJ['8
- owY Store,
aug 1A gent for Mrs. 8. 8. WVOLFE.
1'7 PERt MONTII-[ to sell theo NA
MACiIINI4. Tis Machaino Is equal to the9
standard maeh9lInes In oveory respeor, and i~s
sold1 at (Jac low prico of 320. Address NA
burg, Pa.
July 2A1hn
To Planters.
SON I expect to linvo UINS, with por
(able P11SSES, employed in Uinning an11d
1teking Cotton,. at lie f'arm8 of thloqse who
may wisi ito have Ilieir Colottn Gied and
Ileked. The (oil will be what is usua!ay
cIIrgetd by thoe who revuiir tequi colt on to
le hItiled to (their Gin ouses. My G in
vill go o anly plnltrationl where Ten la'es
enn11 bo GIinned;f Wlihouit moving
I'visonsq wisheing their totton lWillied Ivill
lno :Itillets toe at Ol'h stor. S. C.
N tA '-' -n d.\.\MES PAGAN.
Eintenlt ie shielvi n, and
%V ilaill.. 'obbilolls to omr 81ore f*4r
(lhv Fall 1--.ole. .\r. L,igonl willem n nc
:Iboti I e first olf stlibti11'er. Ill order to
:1av 1111111h ro""lh ;I- p.s ,ible. Wt. niferolnt'
stock of,
lii' t t andSl.se
li:uls t #'b I.
I-' ( || (I f N Ii
/ A 1111i)8.
We are conlst(altly receiving
friesl r he t tddit s or tine
w1hichl we offer 11 ('oblillin: price! . All
(1ood, warran.11 ,
.btil,v 29i
W 1,\ i)l 3il
T.T T3 .A. TZL1
R1es" Suierpiospllae ol' Liim
Will increcase lthe yiehd 50 pyer evnl. No p14er
4in shoid pllt:i i tcre if Whet wit.hiou1
ising 2410 or :30() ponitios to Ohw aere Aip.
>ly to 11. W. KINSMAN.
l ' a I t y Ch:a-lestonl.
ovii. ill f I; C.
J UfST Rt EA.(X: .
1.1 In le t.iiV ftti Sup r . . .i li PII i', el.
A . '4o.h. C'rckm nnd* mixed C'ratckets.Chowv
'h1 It' i-lit ki ahim re Goil e V . l t i ill
--1- vs. . A Ns P I
,4.:t' 1.nrd4, L.iverpmll S;01, While Ivinle
AIvee, N otineg, jiit mid 1hi ek I'veppir,
y D. 11. FL.ENNMKEN,
gl. f,r Airey & Co.
Nerry & P'erry. AIdmrIS. vs. .10ohn Penry, vI.
,it 1!wlrnnlice of nul order of Chanleilor
J1 oo , made in tihe :d sp,
het, credms (1f vrryt J ( 'ery deceed. nre
SnolitI to) Ipr4ti c an prove their
lailk before Ie. it liy tillien i i el,
ltmb r t h'tiv e -tih.i1 day fill etbe next,
I- ie debarred from il t 1 bezieil of, faid or
Cer J. K.. 1)N.
O00 11POWNPVS j(IFI received,' nr,d fllr
u ile low or the B.loo.
Co 1 adl'veCffe,
Suga med xrlamegfr,
SEI? 28 ISN FLUl for fnaing the
Jo, ndred forbakig and for ae
In11ife tlhe .A(feniltol' 4hell
'P'o r Ti1,; 1 \11( 1 T (
41 4ai13 3A oom
whic the
Necte by the people it
~ lp _A I-. u IE
ThS E4 1 e is rod i ieya
A'l' 111,,8
Th.it will iline all persons 10
sept 28
FIJ(''1 I'~It N rr112 u~ll02 it 1-441 '
M211 Ao liil II):it u It i,si s' ,2
&c., &c.. Ike.
vi m:ir or. 1t111l't. ii 1 urder all kinds
.ly. 'alvl l o1 14, Wn.l'h r will i lways hie
41n1 1h:14. 1v, Nh y h!-. ive l ee lhorollgblly lestedI
foir 114. h l-IQ 1 1 1w11ve 1 1 1s i yli,y sill. public,
a l in ll cal. ha!vt. gIvell 4.11ir" -1lisile.
ton. It is 'iin (llil il c,, s-In' eti. l, mll' able
ual n it li:Oole to- get 1111 of (1rder,r it will
w:lh :ix S1 6114hi , e 1 11h1111i t l l ivk 1s in
five m ilnltes it' It d -orcl..ilig tos dilveliolls,
I invilt't he cilizo lls of \V in n o oanl -.
'oulldingr counlry 11o c:Ill :111.1 examilno ilurv
w I-. l Ay I1 :h lavlb o,is ItIh -
1)1 1111 S ill - 0 ih 'litti 1.1ii 1 \' lif 121 . i I l l .
Iitoi nI i ex ii ii i 1 .1 ar3 Sa in% 1 .a
iht do leolgve eintirt, tat.is I* Il , 1,0 1,1.
Ilheni:any tl im wvpc l;1 it h- -11 t .hs all- will
1n11111 i he money, a1. t m:r lklia everl-y lit a
Winnls!lb -o', .1. C.
This is to corfif ,y 1h:11%l .t w:i-1uing F.
Ililet alet- 'l11her Watho.: it is i.,
ni1l n1. lialv 1 p-1 mII If orl . l, )e
11 '(1011111 '1 11 if 11) li lt I) - ! 1, t.1 Ie g-t
s:1vi olb, hi . -s in juviosliimt l o ie
tap, hi thn l' he~2 UCIld,21 5 o-b-> l ' I w hing.2iii
. t Ite r C t Il ien. i C All' s el I
Ill% , ll.\ ster, WiniAlli l, . C ', Ql's Sam
sleven.1m, rair-fivhl DisirieL. & N', 1i.4
lIII-Iron, VnailrliI Disiliol, C', Nlv C'
Keenedy, Ches(er. 8 ', Ii- .1 . Obe it,v.
Ct sti'. 8 C, M rs Calehl -lires, Colahi.a1
S C r sJ 1. Yoniglu., Colion ib hiS, o('1ap
LP & . roprietor l-nquirer, Yorli-ille,
SC. aMrs. S. I. Clowney, Wimisbor.o. S. ..
It. W. Briocei Pastor ,lopewell Ch.7urch.
hilt o' sStlth a 15 Ioilla. ~i
wh m N Tc lly of'lto N deoa. tJ:.\ ni'1.
b. Aev. I fr.o be s.. . C. 'ese
rato inst te 1efenh'dan wh11., (asit ies
sOai) i1s absentjfromi:tl wiedtho te lii
of this al.to rOil has efither2t wife no ater
noby know wi. i H18 th samo~ upon wh an il
Cleris ffloo,r Ordered,I4 thatrihoL i
lo 11n orP beore Cthe e uiglgdymf Itio
A. ien.wi8hi,gotherwistyfinal wil tabsoh
tldgmiy wllnthen bel gite ond awd mte
f'iorttie Pantifasf dgnn. him.gQdinu~
a~ari. ttprs.ont. 11'L orNY,~ i ; O$.LP.
aI Leon Mrs. WP.e-o' Sot hing~ Jr
Cliaro If c and IS. C Railroad.
Cam-mui..Ag ,118
0 N aid after thik difo, thie Tr1-ains ofh
Ohis Rimad will run 1a1 fo', :
e IIt:Nui:~ TriTAIN NOtTiH.
L.eave Co11lumbia 4.15 o t
" k( innsoro, 0.10 p m
1Chelter. 8.00 p in
.\ime -It Char-1ott1, 11.00 p in1
I'o e I . 25 p) m1
h t ert . 2.16 a n
* li s.0. , 4.0 a t
Arive a: C u mbitnit) ilO) it iI
*A ' Ay't1,.i I AIN nAt INLT, 1:,VN A4 llt.
" Wit'bor7.o. 10.15 t it
"Cthester, 1.-18 I in
Arvivo fit Chalol tte. 1.;r p t t
. 'llesilays, Thur:41ays and *aturdayp:.
l.em 6v 'alol,(.00 a mI
" (h st e , IJ O -. :I
" Winlil0 'r.), 1.410 p) m
Ariv' im ( '11u 11"0in, 5.04 p m
duper it ntldeni
(ht:sn;t u. S tI':ltnIx-ri N t -'s ()mioE,
riestn, S C., alrch 26, 18iti.
til --ler Stitlity, larch 2911h, the
P.9l'iegri Tratinls onl thle Noth curo1i.
wai:tlo i l l ru1n1 :. I'o m s, v,I-.
.'OlttA tU(at .I.T 7.A. p
Lenve ('harlestoni, 6.0.( n i'l
.\rrive Ill .\lglisla, ;l 31) 1 mn
(4v tiln-rle41 onl, 7. 30 11 ml
Arrk,v.1 .1 64 it III
- tTIv at (ugo inti,Ita 's.-2 a in
I.:I rt 0 (h1.1a rl i f, (1.00 n m
Arrive it C lm1b111(il, 3.10 p fi
t'llve Cr t on, .0 ip m1
\Avrvive at Uohitt hinl , '.20 a i
1 aivv'.11 wt : ,, 0.00 a li
AI'rive I hat h't'e tl, 3.10 p m
I,tn.t'v .\IguAla, 4 10 1)m
AI live i Charledoto, d.0() a m
I't-.ve Columbill, 61.00 It ml
.\rrivo fit VhaIIle.donl, 1,10 y) li
heave Cohuilbiai, 6.;30 ) p1m
Arrive at CharIlesionl, 6.30 a fi
1,ave 'hai le. soni , ! . ,1.0
\lrive a itil' vilk, 6. 10 p 10
li' e tume i, '7.20 it m
\vrive a11 Char-lestonl, 8.35 at mn
.\AN l I1) hN t li -Nc lI
fln J.wida.i, WeNd1w.Woys and Satturdiayp.
iti2.20 ) t
\i-rive :1 C:mI'ln, 5 00 p m
,olle CI nlen. t. 10 i l
\irrive at Kinig-ville, 7 -10 at fi
it.itARt, i . ili i e ' Sup't.
R.U.,1,TO PLA EA),
i'' At eo1ly ot lit L tu) dt'i 8'lla hu C Ttgt,
S'iki't'll0'810 01"fia
V.%''ielt I. Iti Pt I E ' LD aD IST IC T k;ani
hms iK. 11abb vs .1lmh Willinghamn Athnoh
t I 1 R .4 t Ihe! liniltf didl oni t1e six.
\V lepthi (hy of Mlarch, A. D). 18(t 8 file
t8 l 0tli8n 1it , 0h ilefen t. who.
as it i;zt id ) i 1bsein(t froi anol without
ho tiiii of thi, State and h . neihller wiV'o
rl r ' ,isn \% Wilhin 0 h1Sam1 u po
flom a op.y (oithili siid declaraol might
le servell.
If im Ilherpfor-0 Ordlelvd, 11hat lihe SaIrl
heeAnt11111do appolar nod plend to thle pnid
lcl-nt lol onf or. before t(le moven t ith
liy of' .N trh A. 1). 1869 o herwit flina
in ls tle i udgment will then be giveit.
fi awarded For OwPAoillthPinitif ngninl. him.
o. 11. 4i 4 WlIY,'N uo . C. .
litacst of ictou Cl r D oftrina,
a it 1'iiiil tr tjr a0 t i o lima ,
hos J.Chtik . 13. CL.WBoyl, A C.lP.
ViniasA S lho l'ntif I ddL on8 he07. h
U. day1 oftt 1co3,' .D 187 fl
Sis sid) Ois ~2I absntIon itY wAithout th'
ITore IX IA Ycknow thi the odolt
U I opyt or then sai doolanlin: mightcb
Co to,Ioalevell
Mtistth~l"eefor orderoug, hoat ad .
aation on oflhorovet) Inb2thu dayof Oco'.
lOr, . D.ilois and1 ohrse fltinl hsinto
I.h1 a)o Plnitt iff'ttj ngnins uhi ,at f O
sm.ts1too CiWo NtIjit I9Vlt, C. C.tP
nos borc.t.o.,2t of ct.,mo1 86.aoh,t
IVwi8A oLY l okdy of at a athet to doi
wi rlor Ma th 1io M o,fly Amtoa; dovIted
10 cOiinl St num ois Stco s,'hi
ltre ois gnd o' poa, Houseold
witaitertm jofnTh ot, or:usolbn
oator osp (nldi po dpr.
lienith Aulo A6 musiteont&s,6 to.,I t h
t'ln Ntoern7, Emrtdaldry,Noit4aYort-,
Dlhor seuand M:letniiyink Yoter ameir $
AhouIwif, or lady ofhjnst onaf& tOo6do
witlin uth Mriodel. I Motl. Sileo
O Ents; bqe nu Iora, aJn &pe mons,
ihroo coi2 s -~ f. ' an
r4r A ne6wv (Yeee & snswn
Machin f,oo 204 lobscriber t )bok 944.
getI$4, withAS oJm 4 SpgIWf e
ANT IE sipl rtfetfdn
just arived

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