OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, August 25, 1869, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1869-08-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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FArgn Ne*e
Aio ijmiAti 17.
Thebbr6.e been a great riot 'nong
the minors at She$ieW.
80,Qth r0 ag d monitrated at
Clowe, Ireland. iResolutions were
adopted denouncing the dis-cstablish.
hOME, August 17.
The Popo has decided to hold a
universal exposition of Christian art
next year.
MnADo, August 17.
The papers deny that thero.are any
negotiations for the sale of Cuba.
The Government desires the restora
tion of order in Cuba before consider
ing the subject. The rumor of a pro.
position-looking to an Iberian utaion is
offiially denied.
HAVANA, August 17.
The Government is conscripting all
between the ages of twenty and fifty
fivo. .1,500 were raised by consorip
tion in Trinidad.
MADRID, August 21.
Notwithstanding in vasion and ..insur
1caon stori ', it is now believed that
the Carlist movement is ended.
TjisnoN, Auigust 21
It is rumored that the mail steamer
reports that Lopez is at Ascurra, with
twent.y prisonwrs, but short of war ma
teral. The allies captured Villa Rica
and wore prepariig to storm Asourra.
PA IS, Augusi. 21.
Tll, Empress and Prince Imperial do.
part iist ward on Monday. The French
anthorities arrested twelve Casrlist lead
era While attempting to cross the bor
La France says Cuba is lost to
SPainl ; the wVisest thing Spain canl do is
to take adyRitage of the present situt
Fromwa inton,
IVAlsi :oT , August 17.
Secretar 114 7'ys Qanby will ntot
exact the te't 6al froin. -t .Virgmia
legislatons. ''
No idications of the teported change
im the Cabinet at the War Office.
Internal revenue receipts to day
The Revenue Supervisors of New
York 'Vensylvania and Illinois are
here, consulting over the whi'skey frauds
whici'h appear never to have beon so
gross as now. Rollings has determined
to prosecute to the tttmost extent every
violaliolt of the law.
Judge Dent has written Boutnwii'l a
remonstrative and denunciatory letter,
in which he says': "By some stang
dextwrous management of occult politi
strategy, you have sq worked upon
conli-lence of the Presitlent, 'as to
cause him to flourishi the club1) W:th
which you iniend to break his head."
The Commissioner of Citstoms writes
to th,0. olecLor of. Customs at Now
York, forbiddiir clearance 'by officers
,-ollecting other fees than those inpoped
by Fe4eral regulations.
Further advices from Ciba to the
9dr.h, taes that in an etIgagement near
Reinedos, the Cubans deFeated a Span
ish forei while proceeding to Nimevitas
reinforce fasca. Tine forte u Jor
"an attacked ne-ar Trinidad ad succed.
cd in defegligg the ..Span~iards. 150
Spaniards deserted, joined the Cubans
and took part, tm the fight. A Cubhin
convo~y was captured near Sagnta Lie
Girande and other small party near Puer
to Principe, Ttne last were immediate
ly executed.
T1he steamer Tt-legrafo, 'an alhnged pi.
rte, wvhich the Senutihe was age' after4
wssok1on accounit o f the crewv, but
~aterwards condemned as a prise by the
British authorities ai, Tortola.
The Treasnrg Department hns advi
cesof extensive black-n A iiing operateons
twhou Jem alyMs ahggmd revenue
It ts. rijmred 250s~ .per departed3
Soufthu-aVruet'y grue- 'for Cuab
WVAsIlND'ror4, August 21.
Tfhe' report the disorganization of the
* Spanish volunteer foreep as mtplete;
fight have ccurred..
1 00 reeruits from Newpork bar
rhAt,iibeen ordered to-S d gl
A comparative statement of the
rr nudskows Sn 'ibefoese 'of $10,
foges and e AItihfvo4wen
The' tobaceo faetor of Hen
r f Diljn
viltioupswv. .,
-Iuisziteted ton 'fl elib* ?UAIG
noted Confehate pf riL pjl i~
tuet QOpt btrg sijenti oation Fuet
ing. The ConfederdtE Oentl#
desire tend ) klas Anqeting because
a.16. ia ovalor.. herh ful
d a.
a a d tUtii
were hung by the nshe~ .
Shi ments of -t nal outrenc7
somel,' btaeIIati ~ tg
Uh~yew 'Is sema ii I1MI 5 s en ia
elrji nsiii*i
iae ne * e / Ne4
The r *b 1.Prodpt S'gst is at Si
Marks,,ar ihgtho Columbia and Del
phine, to."attaek Salnavs .166t. J
gold dollar is worth $1,000, 111 papr,
News Itama.
Pue niLArILt#I, August 17.
The delegbkion.. se op the Labo
Conventioti 4!niediB' ., Anthon
a seat..: !
Thi ean Cobl; ~ e jumpe
frot , vingndw nnd wa
kil1hd., He Was injanft.A4 imagine
he was esoaping fro6 '.a Briteb rison
* CjitiA~P, zgl et 17.
Gytlek grips Gozt. Grenville M
DAdge, tenidering him the Secretary
ship of War, vice Rawlings, who - de
sires to retire on aceount of ba(
health. Dodge is Chief Engineer o
the Union Pacifle Railroad.
ST. Louis, August 17.
Allen whipped Gallagher in nin
rounds. The men were badly punish
Cain Mahony and two others wer
killed yesterday by tbe. falling orf aI
embankment uiOder yhfeh Ihy wer
excavatinig'for the of air
and Vincennes Ratilioad, near 9oun(
ve persons were&,ar r
nia, Ontario, on T hTI 4 b th
capsizing of a boat. '. heirciaiAi'es lir
Mr. Pannel, and wir'e and child, o
Strathroy, and Mr. Sageman and wife
of London, Canada.
ST. JOIfNs, August .17.
The barque Odd Fellow, for Green
land, was lost at Little Placepta an<
plundered by the wreckers.
A recent interview with Genera
Lee, regarding the proposed meeting
of* Generals of both armies at Gettys
burg, next wdek,'for the identiflcatior
of the battle-field, leads to the belie
that Lee will eventually atteud-noi
that ha wholly approves of the moa
sure, but regarding the meeting as -
fordgono conclusion, he thinks his
presence due.to the men he command
ed. af the imaAtino will be history, and
because he desires to avoid the mis
construction which would be placed
up'on his refusal by the enemies o
HELEN, A RK., August 19.
Montana advices - states that the
Black-feet Indians are running of
stock. They killed Malcomb Oorl
and badly wounded his son twertj
miles from here. They threaten to
rid Gallatin Valley of its inhabitants
Much excitement prevails among th<
settlers.... .
SAN FRANCisco, August 19.
Colfax, Senator Stewart and otherE
have appealed to Boutwell to allew
drafts on the sub-Treasurer of -New
York to. relieve the money stringeno3
here. The appeal is unanswered. I
has transpired that Boutwell petmit
ted one firN hpro to; drawNfti'di'fron
the San Francisoo sub teashy. Thi
i.akinog #dvantage of the public he
cessity, Bout well's action is denouno
ed by the press and creates the indig.
nation of, the entire community.
The steamer China has arrived, ani
brings.j. Ross Browne-,and 1,000 pas,
sengers, including eighty-five' Chinese
nruvAD iaurA, August 1.
The creeks have dwindled into pud
dlqp, several disastrous fires hav.'occurr
ed. Much apprehenuion is felt f'ron
want of water.
New York Market.
Naw, YoRK, Aug .21, 7 P. M.
Cotton quiet, with sales of 600 bales
at 85. Gold'3I}.
-Ohialeton Mrhet.
C&airAyIon, Aug.2:
Cotton flrtiwth sales 2 bales, new
a5 854.; old middlings.83;, receipts 59
Ivegnosi NMarket,
Lrrunror,, Aug Al,
Cott49n a shed.a. case-.pplanid
18*; Orleans l4R.
petit~t has tol4 .Y f' fthe services-h
rendered.biggqountry in, the latewar~
Lotiumq'tbliyou';that . 4 too, *eted'at
huablepIrt Id~ tl' rnmoragajle cen,
es.Whdnihetoosin 'of w'ar'stzxzn
mibned the chivalry: o the west to ral
ly tt1e d.*%Qpg~of tthe'natioal honor,
T, fellow-citizens, animated by thae
patrioipo ~ 'rtsibggd
fo lkh 1.onwy of thal
:Sali9jOp I4 r~hing otieths-bankei
hopd tat siil result would at
te the eletions i es~M
'vative part yough61i to bewformed ou
of th moderate a 11' ,iskinI
with the oeremooy-of-brealo grouna
~ an whd fermnerlr oar opr whol
reaoad u *
asman a 4# ,A
ne~b 4
he qu gota of 'ar~te tt*
. 10IATTON, TO' Qaggag-eorgi
is holb. out inducements. to immi
Latittiespeiili to $niWd, ' tid th
FVi-st Geriban nm nilatn and Mann
facturitng Cornipav'' hastjust been estab
lshed w th a capital tock of $50),00C
*itli dlvidend into 500 shares of $10i
r each. The intentdn is to settle a cole
ny ih the pine tegions of the State, t
mnvestthe capfail iti land and mnchine
ry, arid to niannriicittr& tar, ship piteli
S"ber pitch" mnd turpetitino from pine
and pyroligineous acid and tannin fror
oak. Nd shareolder can own mor
than t wesnty sharef, and the design is t,
make the company co operative, and t,
indentify eve-ry laborer ;vith it. Ti
success of this company will lead to ilt
establishment of others on the same o
a similar plan.
A flying Load has been brouglt t
Washington and placed on exhibitioi
This curious reptilo (o fish) was captur
a ed in-a seine off of Cape Henry a feN
days since. It is of most singular con
formation and of. beautiful variegate
Shues, measuring about six inches. i
length, with-a perfectly flat., bony bae
eyes wide aphrt and in the centire of
circle, capaeions month, and' fins a
wings about the centre .of the body'
- And all' around us, in whatever di.
i rectioi we may glance, we find thi
3 great truth, gradually, but susely assert
r ing its snpremacy, that the words peo.
ple and Government are one and svn
There is to-day a higher an'd brighte
future for our race, and a' more univer
sal equality, intelligeice and happiness
than the world has yet seen.---Charles
ton Courier.
The list of premium's to be awarded a
the State Agricultural Fair has beet
piblislied, and embraces premiums foi
nearly everything valuable in mechani
cal and ngricultural industry, art, science
and taste. Copies of the list may bt
obtained from the Scorotaro, Colonel D
Wyatt Aiken, C'kesbury, S. 0. Tih
Pair will be held in Columbia on tht
10th, 1 ith and 12th of November.
A negro child, aged about five
yeas's, living on the farm of Mr. d
ward Coles, in Albenarle county, Va.
a few daya since got into the hog lo
on the farm, and caught a young pig
by the tail. The old hogs, attracted
by the squealing of the pig, attack.
ed the child and literally tore it t<
pieces. One foot and one arm Wor
entirely eaten off and the body other,
wise horribly mutilated..
A freight train on the Augnsts brancl
of the South Carolina Railroad ran of
the track yesterday, and two of the car
were turned bottoit up in-a ditch. Thi
conductor, Clarlie 'Relo, was, it il
eared, seriously,.hureg.MPhwaix.
'Geaoge Peaod has donated to thn
trustees of Wfashington College, i
wiich Gen. Lee. is President, $,O000
td establish an- additional professor.hi[
rfcently proposed.by the General.
To gather a crowd of. people
Raise a plank'in the sidewalk and m
terior after a rat. To disperse them,
oitoulato a subscription paper for the
benefit of a poor family.
An ambhiiious fellow in Conneotioni
appeals over his signature : "o the
mchle~s and~ laburing men of my
native. towt. I. will represent you ii
the'State assemble, irrespective of
politics, relijion or edicashun."
A couple of fellows who were pret.
ty thoroughly ,soaked with bad whis,
kep got ivjto the gutter. After iown
derimg, about fqr a few wItputea eone
of them spd-f~m lets go to anotb,
. r -- -er
Weea io~y of NCeokuky, rown
fias'aeventy-one. acres. of .grape vines
making the largest vinoeyard In:Iowa,
iey are trsinod in wire, Theofitting
1fl 9sLtu o ,000.
* ~oru eaysAnd retest. phessure he
derives from the wploomo be receive
attheo opening; of ,thfe Fre'nco Chmun
be, is j s~ibggeph benown suck
welcome wilt gI~,tliedsppevrr.
jg. * 4 ~ 4,~ diit ise
ual I # of thi
nIdd wdw
best and cheapest. Contains the lItest
improvements Vox I&rMdvta and V6 Jubi.
ante. J. ESTEY & .CO., Sole Manuf'rs,
Drattleboro, Vt. aug 45
$0 A Day for all. Addrens A. J. 'tJIL.
MAN,N.Y. aug 25
-MLYJ ENT thatpays. For partieu.
yU las, address S M. SN & Co.,
JiAttleboro, Vt., aug 25
SK your Doctor or -Droggist for Sweet
Quilino-it equals (bitter) Quinino. Is
inidWo oily by F. STHAtAs, Chemist, De.
troit. aug 25
WORDS OP WISDOM for Young-Mei on
' thle Ruling Plassion in Youth & Early
Manhood, with Self.help for the erring
and unfortunate. Setu in senled envelopes
free of charge. Address HoWAno AssootA
r MON, Box P, Philadelpia, Pa. aug 26
T IIITY Y lCA it8' Experience in he Trent
Imont of Chronlo and Sexual Diseuses.
A Physlological View of Marriage.-The
cheanpest book ever publislied*-containing
nearly 800 pages, anT 180.fine engravings
r of the anatomy'df tho human organ. in a
- sate of health and disease, with a treatise
) on early-erroro, 'its deplorab.e con0*quences
upon the mind and body, with the author's
plan of treat nint-the only rational and
sticcessful mode of cure, as shown by a ro
p~ort of cases treated. A truthful adviser
a to th-t married and those oontemplating
mArriage who ontorta in doubts of their phy.
sical condition. Sent free of postage to
any address on receipt of 26 cents, in
stamps or postal currency, by addressing
Dr. LA CROIX, No 81 Maiden Lane, Alba
ny, N. Y. The author may be consulted
upon any of the diseates upon which his
book treat, either personally or by mail. and
medicines sent to any part of the world,
0 ung 25
Great Distiiration
By te Metropolitan .Gift Co.
Every Ticket Draws .,Prize.
6 Cash Gifts, each, $20,000
10, 4 4 9 10,000
20 o " " 0,000
40 " " " 1,000
200 " o"f ' 600
800 " " " 100
(60 Ruegant Rosewood Pianos,'ench $300
76 Elegant. Rosewood Melodeons eaoh $76
to $100.
350 Sewing Machines, each $60 to 175
500 Gold Watches, each. ', 76 to 300
Cash Prizes, Silver Ware, &c., valued at
A chance to draw any of the nhove Primes
for 2Ge. Tickets describing .Prizes are seal.
od in Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt
of 25c.'a Senled Ticket. is drawn 4ithott
choice and sent by mail to any address.
The prize named upon it will be delivered
to the tloket holder on raymentof One Dol.
lar. Prises are imnmedlately -.' to any
address by express pr ret urn 1n;1)
You will know what your Prize is before
you pay for it. Any prize, exchanged for
another of (he same value. N ilanks 'Otr
pa.frons can depend on fair'dealing
RsrFn*$Que:-Weselect th6 the follow.
ing from many who have Iately drawn Val
nable Prizes and kitdly permitted us to
publish thm: Androw J.aBaynt,' Chicago,
$10,000; Miss Clars S, Watke,Pttitmore,
Plano, $800; James M. Maftrbews, Detroit,
5,000; John T. AndrQiav- Savannah,
$6,000; M4is Ag nes ,.ixpmor Q aarlespo,
PiA6, $00. We publisl no'names' with.
out perimission.
, OrINoN or THE Pawks.-Thplirm is re.
liable, and deserve tliv ineuess."- Weekly
PiAnne, Jfar 8. "We have kno in'them to
in a fair dealing frm.'-N. Y. Herald, fagi
28. - "A friend of ours drew a $5.00 prize,
which was promptly received."- Daily
delws, June 8,
Send for cirenlar. Liberal indhoements to
Agents. :SatIsfaetion guaranteestj. . Every
packago of -realed Envelopes ct, ins osk
cAsh IFT. Six Tickets for $1 4 for $2 ;
.25 for $5; 110 for $15. -AlI letters should
be addressed to
pug 25 .1'78 Broadway, New York,
Send for Cironlars. G V Y
- ..Agent for the i'ate,
. 504 Fst Bay, south of thle old 1PfLofse,
aug I0rlim Charleatop,8Se0.
MEARIS W8 A T ElT LOCIC T f l, uanso'r.
D psseli by any"'te' yett manufaefnred1
*,6'r neatness, strength and durability, this
Tie has no eqnal. Having sold-thest Vdr ther
part t):ree years, we feel that. we- ean ,eor
dially reeommiend.themn to all Ffanteracm as
the article thecy want For sale by
101 Factors, Charlestoun, 5. 0.
rgO~pa, d.C, Au 10s Iat; f
WJib tefb1142d t *
th ds,.i ht olttt*'O h
i'b'ettt n5shy edt
~aedomthe urehllem af- et will be1 I6#
er . atpye de, ie se', afoias
toge henv~ a~nd woili ~ to91 t o ake (
bys iafortteaDrbdthbopt~ed. gf ais
aue4fpwheins wohae L dh wilsleo fi/
tawllt, iynd wId'ln peIb o
~o ne o t for th ),alof sale?
to P LESLI8,
M~iJ4 'ur17+22 JViM t r,
K14EII constantly In Store a targo o
uent of Ladies' Dress 0oods anti Tfti.
tilg's, Houso Vrnishing Goods, shoes,
Iloots, i1ts, Goods for Mons' Wear, Ready
Made Clothing, Crookery Wooden Ware,
Basketsi, Tin Ward, helf Hardwiaro, also
tron, gtebl, Ilees, &d.
School Boo4l and Stationery, Juvenile
Books, Paper by Reatn or Quire, Wall Pa.
poring, Window'Shados, Floor Matling aud
In tle Drug Room, they keep a full Stuck
of choico Medliines, Oils, Paints Varnishes,
Window Glass, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, &o.,
&c.&o. ,june 10
E have now on hand a full supply of all
W kindsof Wines and Liquore, Ale, Porter
Bnd Lager Voer, which we will be pleased to
furnish our customers with wheneVer they
may think proper to give us a cull. Also a
well aoelectod st9ok of Family Grocerles,
Consisting %f several diforent brands of
Family Flour, Sugar, Coffee, 1Moeo, Bacon,
Lard, Fish, Tea, tlandles, Soap, Starcha,
$ardines, Oysters, i'rackors, ITilsins, Plk.
les, Molasses. Pepper, Spice, Nutmeg Gin
gor. Mlace, Citron, Currents, SHuaes of al
kinds, Tobacco, Segare, &c. All of which
we will soll low for Cash.
4C01:g.-g& 3M/E is furnished with
ICE and we are iprepred to furnish all the
Light Wines and Summer Drinks. Such as
Lemonade, Sherry Cobblers, Claret Punch,
&c &c.
iuay 291
Turnip Seed I
TU"'A 11A6A 4mi several 'other kinds of
Th p,*i Seed. Just. received.
6 lET0lllMN,'MoM A STElt.& BRIt%
July 8
is White Lead. Just recoived.
KETclilN, lcASTiR & mUCE.
july 24
Assuraftce Skiiety of the UmS,
92 #ROADWA Y, N. Y.9 .
40 rmoth Ate)Iy Divided nmong the
(o, 20 of (ur oukhohdIers.)
EXamine the System of 111 Equitable.
SbDvildends Th'ee Tiies as Latgel
As .have hitherto been declared by any
non U 'P I I sGao ,
ItoMAS 81-1,
$640,04900. 10 000,000.0o..
.'-TII8.orpordt ion oein heo said to mark
AtwI d In~gitsh the conmfimecint of the
re-coit, natloumaig prbgteys in tho Life In
stWaucon lion. Willia~ Junrns, Suporin
tendent of tljeNew.Yorkit nsuirane- Dspart
mont-Report, 1.8t8.
The foliowing jio the unmes of a few who
itre-inssteed in Patirftd to whieh we refer:
Goa Johty lratton1 HI & Elliott. lMari,
ljtqry 4 OaillardI Hemuwel Cat heart.,
'O~ AW$64~r& as ADrice,
ReihDS Kl4am~, Riev T WV Erwin,
IOr & OMeans, Mra P 0 Mbobley,
.Qp1 2 MheansJ Onyt 8 ii Chownoy,
~etchin, .. . Jro.A Frasor,
1 dT J/dIs'Just viooived dirii froni New
"'To Yb a%11fiI,Md d dmplete ak
~e i~entr et Ireerea, H ardWare, &d,
gt*l,dofe Lard~ ysoi Tso 'Black Tea,
e yt MMA . # 10%
,,uq fnfor
rail andr Winter !"' jtafion.
3 3t 3B B.S'3 4
Millinery :agpt .,;1.1,Q -
287 & 239:Baltior'4rgt,
IMI'OOTMIS AND, *Otiuanobte
Bonnet. aid Trlimtning Rlbbon, velvet; bd
nlh Ritbb a en B1& ilked, a* 1d
Velvets, l I lllou ds d*1esA1,n
os, Ntis and Crapes, Frenl Yl grs
and Feathers, Straiw -d' gts a
Ladies' Hats, trihmd and. un,
triuminted, Milk, Velvet. and'
Fol Bonnets and If ate, 1tan.
downs and Shakor.Uoosos.
Tho lalgst Stook of Millini Goo n
this Country, and in e110
variety, which we off'or ;1Atriods'hat I I
Jefy competition.
Orders Solicited.
nug 19-1t*
A Pretty Assortment of ladles
D A ES9 40
flleached an4 rown .: Ds)ro 4
Mens Hate mn Caps i
Call Mitd'edo
ap) 15
T H bs ribereecifully lutiotfilde
that hobas returned wIth f' full tAbk
of G'-ocerles, Dry Goods, Bootst- Shoes MIl.
linery Goods, &o.. which ho will sell, 6this
usual low prics. '
Millinery Dipartnent..
I1s Mfillinery Department will be ,undhw
Ih. minnugemfctit of his aielur. Pi ~haw,
who, Wilih ooinpolent assitatitl, w lzi4,
voi to givo ratisfactiert and kepp wii
the fiha one.
Labor-Saving hiacines.
His tinsurpassed Laborptvlqg 0.4A ed;
siolt na Clothes W, iherTshorns, "Ib
Kneader., &o.. together with 'hi li
stook of Furi.itire, Itoparing, &o:, wi t*.
coivo close atlentlon. _ , :
Everything warranted Ai reptesente, i
takon book, Call and see fot ormel
jno 4
BARRFLS finJe . 0. WbhjskY,
consiting of Parq Corn, ore Bye,
Rootified Cqrn and feotifed y
and both veryftne.'
Retail Liquor Dealots, partiettlaqy
those doing buinem in 'thi bu,
canpurobaso their Whibkel of,%e
lower tthan any plaqe .pyLto i
as they htuy It in a 1 jd4, .
Agt. "!Old North 8tate Distllerf.W'
nay 18
Mord, Gco0 S 1r0Ios
8tooks of Sprmng .and Sb'ner (Goods'bver
offered it this mart 4l a
offer extra indpoets a y p -
Sr , 1 p
I Q r.te n ndeMiet
94qioIpes~tann ruta Jste
-stei~ b -t dgooi * tla e*4 ha
' made with
*, ~ so
A NoTrouA1ta I PA -JTht 'ouid way of
appeastg to a Wan's reason,Is through hbil
eye. T4 thdse busy times" men are deipiY
imiorstod 1n the enduot-of: Wagttlficnt
projeois, -that 'they- forget all about the ton
ditiou of their systems, and hence ilos that
the' Prdprietors of the-PhAfiTAToN BMi1Has,
-whieh oures Dyspepsla, purlfes the blood,
improves the tone of the stomacIt, regulates
the bowels, and, Indeed, itivigot'ates tho
whole liter ninn, are so activo In advertls
Ing. ItW fact, advertilente aro tnerely sky.
rookets toit tij to attfact attentioni to a
really-good artolo.
MAotordA WAar..-Superlor to tho best
imiorted German Cologhe, atid sold at, half
the prie. aug 19-tx1w
Srsci. Norims. -To parties in want of
Doors I lasles and liuiiidr,.we refer to tlia
advertisement of P. P. 'oale. the large
moltiurngturer of those goods in Charleston.
Price list fturulshed on application.
July 20-Igml
A Ourp for this Disease my b foun I in
' he itse of
I have used The mnedigine knowy asPER
In n "fainiIfy for tife 14C1 t 9 ino'nihe.
atid havb feat j1,itseure i .tiItyi t6 Its
vcry valuable proprties.' I 4Uld - bot on
any account'.bo' without'it. Durin the
oi stance of the Cholera last year Ivted
haw medioine of any sort but the lei
a'lthough ' myselfand sovori members of
my family were itaokedb 't seerily, ar.d
I am happy to say that th VAin klllot was
equal to every emef'genoy; it was both a
preventive and a certain cure. I consider
should not be doing my duty to the coni'
munity did I not say this much. If I were
attacked by the Cholera -to.day, the Pain
Killer would be the only remedy I should
use. I Lavo thoroughly tested it, and
know it can be relied on,
Galena, Illinueas.
Proposed Cotton Seed Oil Mill.
IT is proposed to erect in Volumbia an Oil
'Jill, for pressing oil froin cotton seed.
$16.00 already- stibscribed in Iichland,
$6000 waited in' Pait-tiold, and we will take
suosoriptions payable In Cotton Seed hy lat
Books opets. for .biiption qLCto -i.re
of John P. Matthews, Jr., who irIll take
pleasure in giving an i4formation wanted.
E. P. A LEXAliD~it.
RvPr.0axp.--Col. W. -R. Robirtson,
Genl. John Blratton, Col. J. H. Rion.
aug 19-t2xl
Tea Tea!
F NEST Black Tea, rinest G0utt Powder
Tea, Indigo, tooking Soda. 1uliieg,
(anidleg, Soap, Best Rio Cofee, Muscovano
M.olasses, Shot, A and Coffe Sugar. Just
received by'
aug 17 -
Mony Santd is - ,Itosley ade.
IEN0'l1 CA LF ati Kip 8kIn,.Aoriohhn
Snd English Ilemioak. Fole Leather, a
complete assortment .of Shoe .-indings and
Shootnaker's Tools.
'Voi can save money Ity bttyiug your
Boots and Shoes from .
Juno 14
L~ 0 35 G T 0 W'2sr.
HAVING eposed of'm~ entire stock of
Gooe i Wiasboro, I have retpqved to
-Longtown, (Flartlso*u old itatidy Afid' opefr
ed a' firsi, efa 1by Goouls and GJroeey
Store. -Where wIll be found every' varIety
of~ Dry Gooda t'he es~t of (1r'olet a andI
finest of Liquxors.. -The-puibio are request.
ed to call AntI esanShj io stoclh
t ,$,N
aikaCnv~ 'J esg 9 ii)'. 'b
it." h' V j Agt "si a
segeed e6rg

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