OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, May 24, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1871-05-24/ed-1/seq-4/

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Isolated Afflection
AN A1i.r.OitV.
-Tile love. ,i ill I t n (f hof :i ncen i b
wT III wing :
Avil 1 iel i1 enilih, it p!umies lilt-ih n bach
agail- Anid So we lose t."
In tihe bosm(44i of at southerin fore-t
Hower of that, loily irepki. I-avHVs
of the purest, white, uoiliting fur the
fist tiio to III(e w llId n iritl. anid
revetaling. .s th-ey did so, the ih.v a1ti
delieitlreIirpings of vile t and1 pir.
pie, whicb, Iike so mo Iau huadeIlln
wealth, had lain in its boison. IL
order was most exquiite ; ind no
flower in all that forest could eqnal it
for swemtnss or for beauty. In ex
ellence as in I osition it was eiuAlly
But its destiny wa-s not. to be thus
alvafs ii.t al one Ihere caine to it
e0 nirtin;g early in May, a polhlenl I
butteirfly-ita over animong the flouuis
--a aucienat, robber of their sweet.
("ailly did be Ily his flight tiaroniph..
out the fore-t, naow here and therei,
sportitng about in a sort of weary, er
Tut uncon.sciouasies. It was not, lon!
before le iihaled tle odor ; it was
long befo.ae he saw tie pure, Iovelb
leaves, aid lookeil down, with an
amh orols eye uplonl its rich dr Tpiotn.
of purpleand violt, whih LA in
the pure Alito and bptlesa bosom of
the ono flower. Flying aroiiil in
mazy, coitraeting circles, I.c gazi (I
long upon the loveIiness of the flower
and ach momin t he grew more and
more enamoic d. "urely,'' thought he,
Ithis nust be a flower by itself
love'8 own flower-blooui 'g it- i
nidding for may eyes only 1anik, deinied
to all he.ides. It wasi my good for
tune to have found it--I will drink
- I'll tuest le in its bosomi- 'l enjoy
it" chaimsw, as often have I i joyevd the
charms of a tlous.aid ot hers, as lou- i!
as this."
Evein then with tie tlought came
the quiet ret h e . A not her iiiocnt
found hiii l ing cliu, and pressed
upon the boso ina t lie flower. There'
hut, a slight ef'ort to estiape from tht
etibrace of this int rudir. Tho flowel
mturinui a t weak dis-eat, but the noiar
mour dies to i soft sight, and is iihalil
as so Much ncctari by the close press
ing lips of the Pitieilly. lie sing,
to her it story of his love, and s:alle.I
aill ! the younug low 'r bellie - . hi
.4by Waftr day ho c A (h he shleti
cibracec, every day beonA.ng ihon
and [uote foid, the hone flouwt - eve
looking forthi to receive lim. -;hl
iuritientlerel her very soul ti his ci I
an11d her pure leIaves, greentiagei uit
his goldent ringlots, whilo his kie
ittained with yellow tle pure, delieta
lnvoiies- of Ir iI.S. 15it i-ho heiia
ed not I-is, so long as the eminra
weie [-- %uOit -tlh kiss still W.Irari
the return of the Ilittertly Certain.
Bit whlnen u as loue i I..in t not o,
ten. Whore the lover's a " 1hattterly,
Hout there eate at -hang' liver th
habits of the rover ; his faihn gui
ioil atin li fell (T grail 1aa I ill I .* -
teat i~s, Ilt. it'ase diof e eiCt lqune i
Itiin to undt ivaluo its artillisitai-l
CnM d.,y le ciame l.rter andi later, I
s with the 1i.wer tn each rei
ga-ow iiiore aniii inire z-i.ut . I l-a t e
ings5 peivedI thie e.t riigt Uii lit liii
I-tei- ht-ii re-asi in:tiht her toi ti l .
on or undiler-t tad it.
At length 8heii lutrituredl, liea.
proac les aniid lie ga-ievtat .-e i ust I
gireat when Ilivi wtill vitntuato tiif
"\V hy ," said a-lhe, ''Oh Whiy luau
thou ligier.i aawaiy so long ?' \\'l
dust thou not nitw, tas betfu tl, vie it
the sun in thly advances. I have lock,
for thee~ ii vauiin. The yellow beeti
has beena all the mioinng bu--a i
al out mie, butt .i frowneuId nimnii I
at pp- oaches, thle graeein g ranihi pi
hiad a song underneaith mny bush, aa
told mo a dll story of love lie hi
t',i ime ini his bosomii anad more tha
<>neo, the glittering hiumig-birid I
Songia miy emacett butt I ehut leni
ag iiaint him i--t hou ha is been sltiw
seek me-Thou whomi I hiave long
so inuch to sec. Giaily) thlen lie bl
terfly rieplied to thlese repriache~as,
as hie sptike dial he hited t he Ilait, I
inecai-ing paln-s of the fluon
"a0'er a tiouisandai forest I hav b -cli
plyinig, eachi ins betautiful ais thea
and a thousanad fliwers I have bi
tenidinig, nuone less lovely toi the si~
thana thou. llow could theta tdre
that with goldlen ringlets, board, 1
itad beautiful, like, mainae, in a
gle lone spot [ should hiuger, of
wide world unknaowing~ aughit 1
no, inle is an excursive spih it, 1t
thousaind affecttin made ; wo
thou have tme like a spider work
still to girdle ini myself.
The isolated flower madhe a na
miurtang sad areply, aind li ved
- long after it lia-d madeo it. "iAhl
I know my error-having no ii
myself to mnate with a lover who I1
-Alas ! that I shouldl huave loved
fondly and1 so foolisly ; for whilet
hiax gone over a thousand forests
ing a thaousandit flowers, I livo kn<
-only looked only lived for a siti
The tal.-e one was far away a
thais to etothier fortest ; for his car
ed tnot repronohecs, and lho had somi
not feel ing enough to see that t
'were mosta justly uttered. T1he fic
notedl its departure, iad its last
wa8 tan audible wiarnitng to the yc
bud which it left behind it.
woodl - paris haard the sign antd
wrarinag-ad wh len the ltiud ha
to expcand int thea warma stunashine,
T puraua led1 the black-browed sp
in the tick buhes that hung ar<
ito manyii wreth anton utters
tiler thig who co-ming to pray
ininoent aff'octi-o, lecameO entart
and ?aa..jtatly per-ibhed in the ga
ian~et-wrk'thzir.i ised op to-pr
New Advertisements,
iEtI ill's 1lSvil eS'm C('0 i' .
A ,"'olihen institution lovanied at
':r n iz t n ollne linstitution, anld the
ne-4 -'chools 1,or theo Ilrneti-nil. i--ettil
. alu ism tdf Y .)Iung \1 en, t rtinIinIt I IllIem firl ,
It 3eiv c u c s u I StudVI, fIre nil-.
killted iv ry week th~y inl It yer.I''o
ossher ~ ~ 11 -riulr O tw cout-sef ! :0y
FOR $1.00 PER LNE,
N* will in g it at a lvertierneni
I t i t F~ . C :
11,11t~ ('A . P. 0111 NA x L 11 Il (JO,"
. e. OlT3EG l tv, wT Vi~ c
1 I ,l .W1I 'in I -'l mi 11 .i t
u00' P'.l B.\lt1J. . i
We- reeft-I uble I'f, theilN plowr
d wh i ourlil (Iei ..?V nli l is w ll0 il n
-itil iti , i witifi S w titi :t. tutC ' i
AyLver Sa 1:0i. , RO/1, &0110
P-mils 111-aler te teltll it h1fielt.c
Il A Y ORlii A 1. . 1, 1
Pi 101.54 1vL titiIl httthid '.i
..11 1i i l 'r h N o
in) ai l::W' i Titt * it--'tl '. .
/ W.1/,lt/.iTe obi inn d : g ir i4
ro t-bs :it. 01, ?11141ion i" E ll 0y .0 1
an og il lt ;ll miri ihmi , gi r e~i itlitt , itr
1., in i t , wit hotu.4 M . ti hek1:t . i ty I IJlo
ll t14 l 1it-.t hie. Solii by l 6ru .gist' nui
qI. : : w in r it Walree, twilY., N' .:i lleP
iow. ill- I(-ii\ lt\' )-' A ltti i - thi al
Ti oo1ls14. -1. A fress 4 A. E. Grann,
tktCO.t Cituttia, i~p . 111:1Yiss I:1j~,, lii
Ayriglie tarllt
tilt Ath &WW N WARiMli' It't.i ,al c t1111t001111i,
\ ls (N il ( lrw 1OuT i t'n tr".. it Ifur is -
.t , tpense s idl. . . edith: i A eil.,
Agenb; Iten d h Its "II
tint or utjlu~uaiiss l, t f i l'' tuc (1111
We' wltay .ns, ia Ilti y o f do, l'eti
week1 Auai exgi1' o r llo ' i? l a c ii
in vis i nt'll eltttls'su .I sse i otle s u1. ti ssletl is
ve ti . tlett'es .\. it .\o Tu ctiit r t't).,
a n o , o r s o e ulitie di i va i l t e h In e i A
St ix $011) orI LL .\R l kiT.ies, 1'.\ 1IIEI
i& i' l.. l'lini yi c i t, h . n11yll l OI , S. ,
tTh it io epu t io ihis :
A al i cellent melriee enjoys,01
1g 'tli h ld, all tierl ie tt e fi its enre
ihg ld itt fli-vet I t i's, m wil ornil'o f it
SIt i lrmh , cille r rup te itpo iolnhave bolt
uriiti at erel b i
,.T EIS''tni~ t lartr awh-htn e ogt
turilt in uc grtt ittmk wr (in'e u g.s 4v1ry seeu
lion o Mathei lountry, thato thMpi seneel ne&.t
tot ieill~ t tt~ virl Ar lus s~a
I o'. Fnlors poiso ison ofithlo s flesrte
0 iview J)s f u race.'O , Ih'le nP en
wc :. ,.ial . reln aI suspicionN , of.
.I(rohot tihei brtyanot m iitnonie tivorn
oeenioaii ll eo intoonr ors Lth erfi
e milein the Yung ok eato r form
.don Ah OkIn, 0or Wou InitIo onsmUArt
th"oaer ee he1 ovendinalne fn ot
et Jvesyt.roms o aende ppor. Paersos
tht rm, Nti bled Io1nTYoraKo-|Oe
* oeI;rnov1 te7 eutos rvsbl ot
Extract Catawl a
vnq'un.'m I'ar it--fluid Izhract fuitbard
ald Fluid Extraet Catawbas Grap
or Liver Complaint, Jnundice, Billious
AlVition4s Sick or Nervonis liendache,
o-vnesset. Pitrely Vegestablit, Von
ltiiiiiig no Mercuiry, Nilneral or De1o
t.rious5 Li.ugs.
Thp1. IT'. are! Ilhe mn-et delightful pleali
ni I t e, 4nto- e e, ling c ttiorir fil, s34ts,
IngtIftaIn, fie. 9 . 4-- sioh n n r e
ej.4:4h'n to Ithe sini..41'. They give lionle.
till e4:4.ose 1e1i1h.r i .mi'l or -..I ipinlg Iaints.
i- yV ave ce3po44e41 I'' 4h--fn ' eil.'
filiv .1 few d vy,' n--o IX theon- itb .11 in1
4 r4 ion 44) Of 1 e I t.o i4 e y i': ;k .s pl -
it r a pp iiv - II. I ' 1-I 4 - w 4 1 td
t I 444e . w I;r I ' I' ii'l i I 44pr -
4444444 lii-'I 1:. 'r'i' 4 '44 s a C 3.i l'i'141
Ingne co-e- Pi4t do . . I I .t Ct I i l
Ir tp (14 I t.1 . '. n luce' the fisi e-d I in ef .
.11 44s 1e atil od 44 <4, !-o 4. $'''' 3 i .
14.ng--'arv w c:0 1'4 . I'I Iiet y . I Ce pery
l1';h' 4/ o'44 If.1 1i iif'4i4
-roI W-1. '. Ih '. SW Ver '. UICN3
3lno lr.e ili', "k44n l)isenses', 8al1
ill 1111m, kuers, :1itniing ' 11fro 1 he lI ' 1te,
\\ bile Sw.e1ihugs4. I 444m4.42, tii'erous Aifee
1 t1.118 Nodes4: kkwkv4.4 l i i ul r wellings
Night Swentls, luoh, Tefter, liltn r i t of it
Kiillds, Ch r-onie lUheum11:1 i -111. 1) 1 s epsinl
an.1, fill 111 enses. 1h00 hot'e bee etalihe
ill lhe ...yStem '' I C r1.
loving prprde e yfi Iihe aboive enit
p'l:44intsi is 131.1 ' 3'or4 i43yn.3. pro" 'r1 i ar4.4 4
414444 4t4a4 444.y ouir1'e4a:44)on of 244r
s ' i lla. 11 ''4- )t 14ph 4l. a I.-'In
.1m111 hea'n4lIy col t ni.d re-tlores till- pative
4) 'a !A e 4 f 1w14-11 :1 444:.. I''4r pi4
ig he h i I low\ inIi-g .I: ,hII t 444e44
ilint ionl 1 :--1ni o 11ro s an1 11111-1r
1:1 v 4.1f llt 144443. na l. 1 4te only 4reh4 ll
'm e'llet t o'i'4:r1 ktiwn tei.di y fio'r Il:(. vure (
Pkins and443 -welling f Ohe le on' s. U.eer
14t. in of the TlI t na 4i. 1.eg.. llolche>
Pi l esi4 oni the lv' e. E 'ir sieas 11114 4
SA4 l, 14r4pli43 I s . 4. 1 lIn, at d .e 1nt I
!ying h l t C'oml ie 'i4on. I': ict., $1 .7W l44
ll t le.
I4$,\ 'IA.4 '. A* I.' to
'4') 1, :-. 1:4 F4 %4r11'UIt4 I4 W4.
34se44 Curl'ed C. - . ' 4i t-i'e S inl whit
it h:1,< 1.I'!I g I is I I4 I illtionl o Ihv Neck
(Ihe P IIad-le lnihtnu nn o the il
1111- l' 111n 1011 I'll thel- Ki3:ne s T141 lII.
dle.. letenti'iionl of Urie, l3 i4 l 1
t4.os4ate3 (3tIInna. SN i'ti, ill lise Bliblder. 'n
4niusl)4. (1ravel. it 4ie3 ust I p) s i, n44d NI
u4ts 4or' NIiI1k.y I S b. 44:11 g 444, a .1d fr11 .f eli
-4 n '444 leliente ('44n rei ensji4 44f .oth Sext
a1 .1114 e wli 4th :le I f 11. l'h 41 -ymptomls e : I
displo 444ll to l44'. )4on. .4.ss of Pow
h . M4 en, . V. Ditli 11"y o li r 1 ih4i4434
Weak Nerves, 'I retaling. Ih I vor oIf Ib
e n:- , 4 aktIW IS4 4 ' . 11 ilti.'"s of ' Vi,.i1
Pain in lhe kti , 1, 1;114 li:l ls43. 3'u-hinig
the liindy, 1hy) .e4' of Ithe Skin , -:ruti
f4n4 44t4 '444'. I ..d 4 4'4' 44nte e, 'ti'ner
I L:.-Sil ode of the .\4 enbu- S)-b.'n. ele
U'SIA boy pet -onls fi-'lnt the wyes fit' vig
4l1en4 to twe nty, '.ve II'' 44 fromn t3idl4 fIve
I W'ig-tylive or it h4 le i cl ille o44 4chn4444ge If Ill
Si ir coliwn('ins ti t 4 It . hol ' p44iin4 * ed -w
ting inl child4' 44.
c :nu !4tod-3L'inif ;ig. :,iil ene4''4 all 4di44e.4
9nri.4in4g from44 huitI 4'f dic~j4ip i-4. 44444 <
1 4of 43he bilo.:d, ese ,44 34uperseintg 4 '0op- hii
.\*~tlection 4441 or44 wh4'ijib3 :3 is us2ed. 444.43 . p
- i r i'.'d as in 414'hni 44 or4 3ielention(44.
as 2'chitr l' tate of4)(4. lthe 3'4rns. 3.,i-:'r'h
44itntent to the, 44ex, w' hoher 3 nr4'fl sin14g fr
'. i:,ea'4"4'e0s or )14 it. j
', ()
II .IT II el1bohi'4 E~x I Plie Bue
44n. 4'4t'44 1444 nisi 444s .14:.4Ni I',iiM I~4'Ufl
0on 1214, it.1444 iS (''444. n ':.rA4 44 N. 44re.,
ini all 31hei4' Sta;ges, . 4 itt3 ! e4~ xpen'1e, 1it4l
) II, T, le llmbob3I's 11mpfom'i~ Ilon Wa;
cannot1) he i' 4 p4-4444ed ias a4 34-' 44 4n-1'. 'nd4
hie fan nt 4h4e only3 44 pitic H ine-dy1.33 p4a (
4ipeies 4440 o t 444444444u Affee 4lon. 14 s
NI y er(adientes4344 Pimple14 S 3o)4s, 2'e4ort144ic
44444s, 1 im 1r3iur tons 44f th. ('on4taneou44" 3
braine. ete', di4speb: 3iedness4i4 and44 34nes
I irv e:'. of.'~1:alp 44r .M1in. Prost b.ites.
aI pn:'p.oes f'or'a' which1 SiveC or' Oinem
ae 11sed4 ; retore4(s thel sh1in 3o a But
eat. n ie to 4 the 'innes o it s 44)
nond ~'ninert. thi4 h4.. ee '4v 1h44n4ble
remedyit fo xii' 'n ('4444 n4) 443 ,4a f 4he si
T lelm ntds l. ah hasb44441-' oiu
t M. 4n4(44Mie wheb ude
' i..let ApTi n .'4ag ' e of 1 0 2') Snr'pei
414m'( Con'gen-4'41 244ni ~ cha 4. *.444ohii) .g i
C3legan44 t'titrmabt 43hoe4 prom.4inen't re4'4i:
Is a '41fey and't) 44-:the444e 44411.- 4nv4 rinb
'. 4aiv and refre3her 344f the 33Com.4.ple4x i
33 4st an0 4 4.1,,4b n I .0tion tor dli
iif a S'yphilbie: N4'il'e. and( 41s4 at4
n~1'. g.'ns,' arisig 444444 h.alis1 44f d1i442ips
used14444 inl c4o44n,~ eri withI the Exirneta 1I
su1rpa12sed~. Pric Otne Dlar Per Boi
Fitll and ex plicit -ilvect ions soDompet
E~viden'4ce of the most responsIble~
Sliable cha4'racter0 I4fnished ou ip pli
hI wi' t h hundreds14 of ihonannds of livin*
fo!nc$4es. 41nd upward of 80,000 irns
frcer'tifica4test ned recommendltorg %
- ,.4nny n3' which are from highest. son1
, ''chttng e'einent Physici ne,. 01ce
Henry T. Hehtb 1d's Genuine rrepara,'
Delivered foaly address. Secure from
Established upward of Twehy Yers.
Sold by L'rnggisis everywhere. Address
ttIlers ror inirnsAtion. in confidence to
IIENIVY T. IIEIalBOLD, Dauggist and
Only DepoIs I 11. T. U1EUABOLD'S Drug
and Chemical Wai-ehouse. No. 594 Broad
way, New York, or to 11. T. IIELMIBOLWS
Medntln1 Depot, 104 Fouth Tenth Street,
Phil0ade0ph:1, Pm.
Beware o Conhiterfi. Ask for lIEN
it V T. IEILMBOLD'S I Take no other.
feb 18
By J. H. OCHENCK. St. b.
lan y a h1hian behlet lais jla,4e41 4tog f4 Whoso
t 1 irt ren4sumnI unnt h . Un ttel tof i
it.Ovnin and Ininpi IbIV 1roIett lle-Al4tis lit t'10P.
'i'ioso near and tiear to fani ltv at)lt flidtis are
h-eping l1te dtreanIless slulmIer inato whicht, had
I lcy clily adopted
t ni4 nMi44d thein4,l\'443;r.f v..wdh.etrfily otlica
cimits mentelnes. ihliq :11 e liave failll.
Dr. Silwel tM 'In lits own e'ie prover( that
wierevi- Aill rlent Vtalit I'ienni.n., that vitalIty.
by lift; uieelenes iiahi il directioni ior their use, 6a
c ilekonett Ilnto heti1niti vi;or.
I iItis %fette nt itere I. tiothluig presumptnoutt.
TIo the faith of thv Inval1d1I, i mnde no representation
titt 14 not.n t.houiind 1i1es sn4tathlliited by living
nid vialble work. tue theorv of fat, cure by Dr.
8ieick's niedichitas is ns hA npie 0- it is ninftiling.
10t plilosophy ret(Itres no .rgunant. It Ito self-as
Fiuring, self-eonvineinig.
'Tie sea-we4i Tontic ail1 Mantiralke P114 are the
first two weapnni1 with whilh tie cititlei of tho
tanalady i asnitet. 'iwo-ti1rdi of fi te enes of Coll
situi pt in orli.h:nit lin .in 'ininit and a fnitinltally
disorterel liver. with this cot.ditiontI 1lit? briiial
tibes "syniliitr" with M Iii' st-.nt ar-. 'I'ey 11 rc
spent to tihe mltlertti ontlftl 4'the lir. 3i I're thel
conies the c n ititultii wi'.it : ithu !istting InI,
Witi all its d1rtreing s4YiiioisIf Of
tON?1'.' E'TION.
. 'l" Manranke r t l'ti e conipoisel of one or Na
titre's nol~lest gith lotoph1i11un1 Pleltatumil.
'they posses fill t:. loot14enrehbtt, alterative
properties of enihmiel, hit,. iiIlke- cantisuw. they
* 41A'M NO NTING 11-FE.111 I ."
Thu wvork of* c3re :4 wit) btgluni m. T'e vitinted
Ained n1111-01.4 .h, -!ts [it it' b iiwel. in l in iiii all
- te0ttary elliate 414' cjected. Tile IWv1i M!e r A 0-k,
is wont1d Ili). t aren:, iti -I its . * 14 3 the
i titoicii net.-i r espuili .24. <)tud the lil4.ent. Itt lns
to feel tint he N getling," at 1%%t.
A 144'16*PE.N OF G414OD 3t4000D.
'lhe taen-weetTd ''ic, in cotiju.liii w%3llt the '1111s.
I terinletes And it ae-il'oi .A withI it! foi3'. Citylil
* .'.2a. on o roring 4wthist iti' lriviolns tor
-|tore!). Dige'stionl becotneos tnlss ulid thet cure In
I4e4tn to lio At h:ini. 'Tir "h no mo're !titllemco. no
iyxneerltitii iof the sto.nneti. A nii u''i"eit' setS In.
. im tevitittu the 1rent.st Bloo-I l'uri tter ever yet
ivq!ei bys en in".iit ather it suff'riig ani.
I khI-ncii'k':s li'ulmeto leirini to per e:-m its
'it itn n:td i l'astin a.l tcomlte tite ettrg. it
enters at .n.. i3pin. itt winr!. Natin enn tnt bie
eietsaed. It Collects and riileiii the lipiired aitd
diesi'a~si loins or the II:I. tiho Aoru1 of
athierii:3,. it re1pnres thent Air expectoration. anti
In A very 4133 ri t e, the i:.litly4 ia vtililt aIiil1
h I It el l roni 4 tilt It oeit'l'is I' rpovap t i ndta
nmacde new, nli.e th p:tlictil, InI hit the orI9tnitr i t
-i::iCne vigor., teis forth to enjoy the mitthiti t or
Swolmnlhotil that w4.ts
(Jlt'1N I' A; T.OST.
T'he s-cnt ilI hi1nit Is. the patie.ts uti3st stay In a
' wartn roont unt!l they goet well; it is 4losi4t hiiiio
stl1l4- to prevent taking coli when th ittgn are cis.
e enset1. but It. Illisit tie prevented or it cure etn not he
* ci11tt-d. Freshi nir and riding 4341t'1 espeliiy in lhis
stietton of thit country, ii tte Cif tid winter en
- on, tre all wrotg. 1'hysicins hvito reconniimi
t n 4 't cottr 4 lose t eir pati'nti, if their lun S arte
h1nelly en ani yet, beennse they art, i the
line they iist iotsit 434 n ilt3et4; thwy Inistlwaik
ah4otit (11' ronti)m as iiit inel a dast as the strength
* ill3 tnear, 4 t3 etiup a gtiuoil trtationi of' tiori. Trhal
1 4 itall.4 iti l otsat 1h +'p hi, geneot ilpirit--he diet4u ieriel
1o ge't weil '11114 i i 21 t uit1I'ili 11 dO with thle
Al1 p4tit, a .t1 lihe great' point to gain.
'. 34lei4ir of cur nter such evitences of Its pos
flbihty it le wor.4t enmss, Anti mora certaity li1
all other' a sinfitl. Dr. 'eienek's personal sifle
mient to ti FacuIlty Of his owU cure was in thest
meodest wordls:
". any yeari agtl I was in the last stagle of con
141n m)p t ~i n : ('41 11 2Iin 1 1 to s 'y t.Ii , an l it o n e ittm e m y3
1h1 ysvitli thilighti 1ha ititt nt livenweek; then
I ik %( a ,rowi ti ni n iti1 titg at et 'raws. I hrard 01
eud ob1taine'ii reait' h1nr.ifs whlih i now nler it
I lie public, Atd1 thit i eii a ierfi-et cture o' me,. I'
4i sceniit ft - 3 tiitt I contii feel thent pewtrato m)
oIl' s)teitn. 'iey3 soon ripedl lite mntter in mn),
- I 111K,4g rn I cifMti1 spit t1p muIore then a 111tofolfen0
ve ytilow iftir 3Yy inorin for a long ti3e.
" As soon nm that14, ,t . 41o e. ,ny 41ot114
It' fever. pnins, nin inifgiit- 'swet4 4ll w4aan to l2413 i net' t I!
Ailny iylilt b1'.1nme so ritat hint it wias witli
fill' ent4y tht enIeolIl keep froi enti;ig too nilll
I- t 1 Roon gnwi any MrieCt I, 2nd1 Ined avegrown In les1l
"I was weighed slortly a'ler my recovery." addee
lthe Diotor, " then look ing like n mere skeletont ;
weihlt w4 (4n'vlynine.ven lounds; ny preseti
n - weight 1% two hn ri.lAtI twent'y-"ive (225) pottn:
.anci t1or yenars I :Inve)enjoy 1 -4it iterr 4tip1t health.
... Dr. Seheneck lin dihsomnnmed Whi lrfession....
. visits to New York And toston. lie or t1s sot. Di
.4. J. It. flchenek,. Jr., still cntinue to see paties it 9
their 0111t, No. U5 North Si xth h44 reet. Pi ladel pih
11, ('very f:stui tty h t 9 A..l. 1 1 1t 11 it. rhose ty i
i11 wl-ti a 1ttoronlu e.santiion wit1 the Resplite
me4te'rwIi li beeI)nruect $5. ie( ltelLpiromenrlel tt'art
1n the eaet condition of fille 4lgitg, an413 patiel cn
,3 remi.lly learn whether tey3 ire etwible or not.
11te 41ireet10ens for Inaking the nelilines are nat4p
ettto the intelli2ee even o a chilit. Followth io0
1 lirections, And11 k Ind4 Nature will ti le rest, exc't
Ing tiat insone 4se 110 iMandtrake l'ills aire to I
t43 taken in incre sed closes the ti ree i edicines n e
no otetr accon3panlinents than tIhe aniplo instrui
ti)s that accompany tinem: First crento nppetit
et - O1' returning itealth, h2inger Is the most welcon
symptom. Vil1,t It contes, as It will coie, let it
des=aring at onee b of good( cteer. Goo bloodt
nllo thte conigli I Co tloosen. tile II--litt-swent
1014itrdOna ot tinte biot of110 these morbid symn
t ic Drl~. 1iehen01ck's4 med41ies are cotnsfantly kept
(en3'ofthousan3.33e, ls'amitlte. Aa alaxattveoor pl
se gative, thu Mtainirnke P'ills are a stancitardt prepal
tfin; wh 'ile t i22o l'ulmont11ic isyriy, as a cnre of cong
an1ti enttis', may hit' regiarnet3.a a prophiylacl:
14S agalist consumgiptionl in any of Its forms.
- Price of thu Pnimontc l5yrnlp and Ren-weed Ton
Iln .5is bot IeorS7.530 a hldoz.en. Miaiako I'll
I. i. - cents a box. Forasale by all druggists and denic
r. IIl'1'iOIIRR. purifites Ihe bl
of' 4d curest'f SCroitful, ypi'lis. Skin 1
'r5 , liihenmatisin, tii-eonses of'
wai, e 1. and all 143nic A 1ecC2jtis or
n( )loId I.iver't und4 K 1rell4's. 1hoe
I is any "honsnuds of turi best ciitize~n
iit',uid I he lestimn2 or Phlis 44icians1
l uents wh~o have used liosadlisl s
.n ..nr' i'0lofdli4 Untide In I t'fti I I
ov eln~niaii for' 11his year3, which
\ t lish for' grrl iiou distiii on111
- ii giv you m't i ich valnbie intler
ili tir. RI. Wi . Carr, oIf I.1altimrno', 94
24 i lke p4la1're in r-(1)3 commenith12 3
4'adlih uS al very3 powel tuil la 31
havre seen1 si ni-ed Ii. Iwe54 ca-cs
' or pr., ppy~~ Feni- one in a ca-te of' seli
no i .y sf pihlt, itt whIch 11he pitatuoni
111y . .* n. eetd h'inlf cured liler' ha
II Ient five b ttles of1 y'pur me14'lictr
'' e3 oter i ia c~ase of)1 m'crofula2 of
'-'wnui 1g, whli ch is rapidly impl n
,E .do (10) use 34, and3( 11he lidilioatis
blut he psitient will souon recove1
'C'-y j'3 .. whichl your1 10osada1lij' is tmadle,
edti. %d41 it and exc'lleni Comopon~ld of a
),y alive4211inp4.dienlts.
14em. Dr. i'parkslt. of Nicshoiasvillet,
.ient 4nylie hi)a n4ed liisaidalis int eas
be, eotnia anid Beonldary 3' p jhis
and ~ sa; tiieoiy resulIa-as14 a elennlue
ehsthilnood I know no tietrerremedt'Il
011f ''inuuel 0 Me Ladden, Marf'Ireesl
1., 1(e' 6 n15ed .seC 634tfea of Nos
14s- i, intd CM enmirely eni' di of Rho
hit iism ; send no fourst bouleIts, 1as I w
a ! for my bro~her, wlt h es soroftui3ns
S.i eyes.
MedlP Benijarni 1leeitts1, of f.inia, 4
nay~ wr'ite's, I hirve ioferetd or twet'ay;
ta !w th 1n initeeri~? e 'iof 6'e
live whole b-od;' ; a short tithe stince I
n1 inn e'basedC a bottle of ftoadals ad il
si1es, lected ai pe'u feel enire.
- r --toaaluis is soabI by all dlruga
eseLboraltor'y, 01 Exchiange liace,
'n - tinmore. l)as. CL4EMI4NTS & Ci
eno mny O9-ly Proptieto
neni rj' f'hiEE montlhR from dato applicatioi
s, in I be mndo Io Souith Western RL 11
t be Bank and South CarolinAfRail Iloadl
tie. pany,7 for' renewal of eerinefnteI, dIrte6,
nmber not knownfohr eight (8) abht
suaid Stock, Also for renewal of certifi
date; and nummber niot knoen n'for eigh.
*y heebrea In siahi Rail 14qad comp'nany.
.vertificates standl* in~ 1bel vme, @f '
ir'As M3orniiteh. O'rfgtn~tl lost or 4esir
aon, lch 1.-x'hm D)AN'!. I AL. , Ex
wi- -.--__:
itierg, ' adfC 14Yk
yte A1 S arCored H1anml.
ajI 22 '1. I. P NNIE1
j. wA mI.Hn, tur. It. 11 .teNN..AsI' A 0... ItUlstisb
A llen. Ast . i I . .1 ,Sw aml a1 CVlunmete 51., N.S
lkMLItbEEis liens 'itestisaiddy to esleir
Vouaderfeel Corative Etffettis
Viniegari Ilitters are not a vile Faeucy
brliulk, blade of Poor ILuutu Whisikey,
Proof Spirits Itild itefn4d .ititiores doc
torod, spicid and sweetened to please the tasta,
tlled 1 Tonles," " Appetizers." 1 Itestofets" ecc.,
that lead the tippler bit to itrwintkcenhes 'id irtin,
but are a true Medicieo, Inade front the Natrd
Boots and Ilerbs of California, frso froin nit
Alcohtolid 14tituulal, Ti'y aro the
(OtEA ,1 IlOOi PilitJIVIEl and A
LIiFE (IVING PLtINCII'I.El a perfect
Renovator and invigorator of tho Systom, carry
ing off ill polsonots matter and restoring the blood
to a healthy condition. No person can take thse
)litters according to dirctions and remain long
unwell, providod their bones ane not destroyed
by inineral ptilsoti or other nians. and the vitst
rgans *:seted beyond lt point of repair.
orhey tire a (entle Pimurgntiva no wyos
n i Tonle. posseissti also, the peculiar inLrit
of acting as a powerful a.;ent in reilering Conges'
tion or Inftlanmation of the Liver, and of all thd
Visceral Organs.
VO lt VIMI A lafI VOlt PLt'A I Ss, *isotitor
In young or old. nitrried or sinIgle. at the dawn of
woinilitod or at the tirn of life, these Tunic Bit
ters have no eqal.
For Initlesasnsmsttodi aiti Ulil.titide kilt ttla
Msntiln Sieiel (,olso, i)yspeptit or in.
digietfnit lii llots, tesiilitest and
Interititent Feverse, llusennes of tisa
ilood, 1lver, Itldnteys aid laldder,
these litters iave been niost successfil. Hatch
Miseateb Pro canstid by Vittiod 1l1ittd1
whilh is generally piii(eimed by derangenicut of
the liigestive Orantss.
itenblnche, l'aht i inihe .-ltinaito si. Uongli, Tight
iens of the Clet. Dinzziess Sour Ernetations of
the stosnach, Dad T'anto itn tho ioth. Billous
Attacks, 1'.0ly'atison of th lenrt, Iniunnat'i t of
the Iatn'. , l'ait is ther glots of th. Kidiseyst, ond
a Iittnetrid title r painful synsptonsa are the off
Sspinilig- of )y41spes:t.
'iwy inivigorito the Stoniach and stintulate the
torpid Liver nstd owels, which resider then of
I nel 111ed etleay in cleoitg the blood of all Im
purteis, Istil inipartisig stiuw life and vigor to the
whole sYtpssn.
FOlt SK IN D ISEASE., Erusptioni,Tetter.
Falt Ithenimls. lilotelles. 15pots, imihlples. pistiles,
i.,il'. UntIts, Itine- Woris, S 'd I leadAla' d
I %-es.1 - yipselis. Iteh. esnrtA. Ois- oloratilons of the
Skill. liit-t t 1tii M- as of the -kil, of what
ever inno or natureT, atre litirnllv slig up an' car
ri it otnt of the system it i hort Iionhy the ease of
these Ilitters. Oie bot Is li itch eares n ill con
visice the mnost inicrensillois of their cutrative effect.
Cleanse the Viainstes Blool whetiever you find its
inpurities buratiig throngh the skis In Pimples
Eruptions or Sores; cleaise it whien you find it
obstnteu nisl slggish in thu veis: cleatisit it
when it is fonl.nnd ' sour fei-liigs will tell yost when.
Keep the bloot lure, atitil ti hea'slth of the system
will follow.
PIN, TA PE, nissl other WOR MS, sirkinig
In the no1tem1 of so mantisy thonsands. are effectually
di st,-s e'd uit removesl.
OL1 I1Y ALl iljlorlsT AND DE.\LEiiS.
J. W A1.K Fh l'rpietr. It. II McDON A LD &
CO., Ds,gsists nsl ;ielt. Avetssl. anl Fraeiscco,
Cal., amitt 33 and 3i Coninerco Street4 New York.
latay 11
(TIAr1LE33 A. DAUA, E~ditor.
A Newspaper of the Present Times.
dI Ititondd for Pooplo Now on Earthe
. neltiaing Framore. lcehanIos, Merchants, Yro
0 fessional sted, Worikers, Titinkers, and a.l MIs
i nor of nonest Foi'ks, dad the Wives, Sonai, and
Is DaUghtore of all suobs
sOr less thatn One Cent a Copy. Let there be a
S50Cianbat overy Post Office.
of the P:ime size an-1 gener..1 c'.taractor as
-THE WEEKLY', buit withs a greater-variety of
iniIseellancous readinr, aad fornshinsg the nn'ws
*ttfissouscribets'twith ftretor frossness, beecause
6.t comies twice a week Instearl of oidcu utf
p sre8'nlnently roadahle tnewspfipet'.rwItt the
- ,fo o.rdurft16tls i ihsd wonsl ree. lado
petlot and I ear es Iti politics. All theo ness
fom everywhorq. T ,sl centss a copy I by r.salI,
ush 60 cents a sout ofSG a year.
im -
nai ''TRMS TO GLUI3.
FiveocopIes, one ydar, sdtsratel netdre*5s'd
ndour Daliars,
osik Ten copIes, one yeot, senorstele addlressed (a..d
wo anextra copy tete egetter u, nrcia),,
;Ot we yte0 oed fenff, Adyaratele addrsossed
lifty dopi.I~.Ote yeat, to dee a'dd? QUhd th<
p Bemi-W eckly one year t' getter u p of club)5
Fsr ifty copies na ear epaatinrse(n
it'. tie Bem.* eekly one yenr to s'etter us . e'int ),
-i On uiie ois Thirty-Bve Dollars
ntl hudrd 15nes nnVoAf, to t-na addrer
(andi the b~ai for one ye.sr to the ge'ster nus
o iO),. Fifty Dotbars
6ne hude ot e yeasr, separately iad
IIg dreascil cand the Dahy ber olc year to a no Lretot
.- pof club), Sixty Dollar's
Fiye coples, One year, separatehjsaddorene'
I en cotnlcs, one yesir. separately adncressetd (ai
aisiis an vextr copy to geuit op of clu51),
istid ixteen Dollars
i ? e5*(flsE4 OteOofneks or drafts oni We
K~ or, wherever eC..nvensienlt. .ftnt, then regias
J'' 15 letters contalung n~oaey, Addraess
it" o L W. ENGLAND, Pnbtliebev,
will en omfneew 'iortc City.
r of miay 13
' Commission Merchan
)h~io. AC ENTS l'D R MA RY 1.A NI) S'1:
,eairs .8UO4AR R RFbIR HY. prnpriceof . m
ta c,fUR F~c1,U I1lIkr MIL i,3
ur unihalgraidesof t'ressh GrudF
e-1st bart'lu or saet Also' prepanredto in
Gal isng' fhait pertinf I C troodte tushtes:
Sthe lowest, ssaerket rateos. Vie offer e
rs Iiitcemsaents 1o oostlty merclhats int
nishinig. Siand'asrd refined Sugar nt.
Price Cost to lay pIotn Hate. Mercbl
wl oulid do well to send for price list.
Road nrir 4-t~m
oa le. 1'Ld0J', 'I' FEES, Sui aa C'n
helf Oystera;'FValy So~p,% es~n~ , biel
Thet and Ch6aletg Tdhude, &0'. A ismo,
I~nca. 1 Barrel Dutford'stFine ltye Whiskey,
Os4. jansI, W. DLG3POllT1
~j AV~es orth i argilp.Te
tIM atMAST~It I.'liIC
Just Reubiived
Tle Unide'siglied ivgy to 1nforni
thle Plante1c.ris of F.,11-01144
Th:,t If.- is .'gvt for -nie of 'le 1ol lo-win
Fertl i :zer-t,. wil l e ti has it .- lire. II fl
i- rIaily 1o t'lniish I1hei ai1 the iantilif-to
(turer's pric.wNith thle t71oi.thel andk drvayngt
lidded Call midl em cirenbirs.
Produieohil Il1erensed from I t(
300 per cent. by their use.
100 Tts Ctrolina.
25 ' oluble4 -Pacifie.
8 .* lnglhs. Raw liile.
10I1. " Zell'sue- 111hospha11.
8 . Alliantic 1'hs phi nte.
5 ' MiryIninii Aniinatiiiled.
6 " Coitot Food.
I -, e thtI Sen.
Peiviln t1iiuano.
Landl Plaster.
Compoutndl \cid Phosphale for mixi
wil h loit ton sed.
Cittom inhi in ekohtingd for son
of tiiie, delivered tex fall.
JMIN 11. CA 1'llCART.
mar 30
Dry Goods, &a
On iland and to Arrive.
41.000 lobs. Prime Baon ide-i a
lo ltibs. Louisvillo nild N. C. Flotir,
I ,00 linslhels Corh.
20 Bb!'.ugnir.
10 libis. N \-% lasseg.
4 lIbl- Syriup.
5 Ilhad W. . Mlolnasse,
10 lloags of Unff ee.
liarr es mid lleif Ba'rels Mncker
Ten. Sntp, l'Obaca'o, Salt, Iran. Tire
Chaeins. PlowS nde l Now Steel, li0es, Wh
d.il. 1Itpe. Shoes, Osinhirgs. Striped f
Philip. Slhirting. nud leavy PIht tnt
olls, with v.trim otier articles oni Ia
i ll hl lie sold itS lo* ft ialt ais (he I
noilirle.< ennl be tfurldshed ly lAny of
1atties wanting any of lhe anve,
nl'tdl ;i t. their intte-rest t on L ll itto e l
mny stock belore pulrchtatsihg
JollN ii. CAtieA R1
hatvin~g recenitly petrtnn
nts.* p~ireparled] to do all kinid4 of litePsti
Alhcrse Shtoeing, &c., inl the nenical r
best style. A. F. GOOING(.
npi 12 Propriel
Just Reecived.
ECT Cnn'ipagne MlcEwatna Sparl
A)Ale, I.nn-dil'ot P oter 2,00 utine unmit
atnd D).mest~ ic Segira.
tmay 2:1 R. J1 MoCABiLE
Just Received,
(1 R. BACON4 and Shiolders, t
\ i , e nii, Ort niid Hemttiny.
I nyrx 18 D. IR. Fl.R~NN11f
. :OAil RtLI treh supply oft plha tnO
cy C)Pantdie~s, Orei'ges ('ncinnltles. 1
b-nza.,niee linzeli Nt..- English WA
d . _ _-_----_
SMil (eiirint,Shaff in& Pull
*inr~a4S Oid ( Candy ! Candy 'i
6010 lbis. Assorted - nnd ,1 (alh,
ny. Fl and lephan Prim ijnfe, C
3, ne ocaif, emiiaing of Fret.h Penehbos,
fr. #f Jellie-s In Tomblere nnd Oseblels.
the iineq, ailuso a fine lot. of C tgisrs, antd D
$moking Tioba -co, Crncetera or aill
ietS Pickles. Almonds. Butter, Pecan andi
Net.. 2nglisht W~alnuata andl manufy
AMituee numeorousi to mnin,~ at
mar 0 IR. J. MoC*R i
BBLS. f FineOld Neoiase *his1
R E~fil from Milling's Mill. A la
.iof Good Family Fionira Short
B Secondi, at Mo'INTYRE A
1V.E R S .S H A VW
[Ls retUrued from purchasing th6
MiIlnery and Drog Goods,
At n1Ri.ATLt
RmedaOBd P2?ic,
A. is one of the logest, and thost
:et- (ertd in this hrinltet. Ail of
whiuh witl be sa'd for tb Caeh.
Fresh and Gunuine, tit lf thd
usui price) at
np20 .
CONSI M1%'. T of edttofti Aed Me1,
rd fresh frti t d Mill at Uolurtbla. This
al 'eal is highly rt'eumetided tit food foe'
nil kids (f sttfk, espebiaIly fot MIloh
a e *ill putiHIame Crdttti 6ied At - eta
ce pet bUshtl.
nd :,an 28 OITCHIII & tOttRTWSON.
i I.Avery and Sale
- A. rs G i,
- ~ PitoPIITOR.
IKEEP' eutitfitnffy oft hand firfe fRaddlen
an tti isrnesis llorea. Also broke and
unrht ole Musles, as gtvod Ab ever blrUught, to
Cnrriages. Bgiu, #dNgena, and Sairddle
is fliertses always ont had, fu hilfo onr the most
rg iheret .*ints de 22
ord ESA SED 1859s
- c i liSECTAt~JLLY in
fortht the crlienrs of'
d ing tidholrco rtnd Fhitfteid Dist riot, that I
haevetn.it a ful.l nuosrtrneiif di ~dek. Jeweltf,
('locks. Spectacles, &e.. alnryS ts hand,
y an. 1 i!i wi'l RI the liwesi price'., aind would
.__rei.ro tfully askl thet dontindanr~rce of lihe
patronrrge of mfj cld friiewds find cittorners.
All goods War~rtre as represented. I am
bted prepard io dio rut kitrf of Wntoh affl Jew
. e'lry work nnid he af~uuys a guood , took of
N.mat eriai off hrand. and will guraantee satil'
---- tudftuthAll ltork *nrrnrted.
8eocend dor ft rr 0ct. Rioffs Offree.
inn 86ETflNG NICE,
can,. -''ULTON Market Corned Beer, Siwoked
"'iii. To'ngrue<, Best As~ eriet o'f Crack'
0. erc int markret. For rale ebrenfr bf
ED LA-n~ ir.a e i Q 0 ,
1 A M rnow preparedl to do work try
atire latest a heet styles. ''y'
work is ny.s. wn-rranted. There
is nio neessity 10 gLO out of townl to have
trmrr de*e rn lecan maike as goond BOO.' or'
,na~ , II/l~ na nybodyv. Otnder's soliilted for'
ftioe work. 8. M1. GILBiERLT.
9 ,MOR ugarrs, C'ofh'e, Tea. Savailnenn,
.Canrdles, Crannrd Fomtee'.- .Jlies,
Unnnr~re't Oytetrs. (Cakert andr OMvolhers, #'epei
par, dilger, Ahseploe, Vloves' INutmeltgb
l'icktes. Starchr, 80np. Bod', Concentatn
lyo, Paeth. lllnokieig, Brdkaing Brauela'.
87n0 wui ard,French Mnrard,.iEscenc -s, agart'
rottn ed. 8trAotinrg amie ulie#trg T'oilacco,nfra On
Green kee IMonionu.
rhtam A large rot of Frrnltrure~o o riling of
knds. Lorunger-, Sofarn, Book Cases,# ng LDesks,
llazel all Wnaindft, 100 as orted, Sl nn Doubhle
other testeadse, 10)0 WYhite Oak lIt Bottom
Ihtning Chairs, Pmrlo'r 'Chn',. Wardrohes,
EY.CotageSets, nd eve? W nu.II
----ket in g ' Furnuttare hng' i Mdos to esui
rhe purchtaeer, for cash, 'uok'Ing Olaqses,
put int old frames or m~ to order. Our
ey-- tirins are ca 4 *W sell for the oosh.
Call ih see on r 'nst hrriveid.
~RS. Jan 20 *tNTYRS& ('0.
Fres almon.
rge lot fOVE~ OY8ST1( 19ek Pepper', FAmil
C arnd '. Boap, Sugar 0oft~e- 'Jditt receile
00. at K. W. DE8P~itTh8.
noy 17

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