OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, June 12, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1872-06-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Our Agent.
The advertiting agenoy oC Messrs.
Walier, Evans & Coguwell, represent
ted by Roswell T. Logan, Esq., is the
only authorized agency for this paper
in Charleston.
Scluedohlle C. C. & A. Rail
Traids going North-leave at 1.45
P. M. and I A. M.
Trains going South-leave at 10.45
A. M. and 11 30 P. M.
4m Cui. H. C. D.avis having de.
clitned.to attend the State Convenitou,
M1r. R. E. Elison Jr., has been ap
pointed in his stead.
gg"~ Great exoitement was caused
in the Streets yesterday by a mule
running away with a buggy. The
buggy was considerably smashed up,
and the mule badly seared.
Fine Clmwluff Tobacco.
Messrs. Beaty & lBro. will please
accept the thanke of the office for a
sausple of fne chewing tobsco. It.
can be safely recommended.
Alarin of Fire.
Toe fire bell sounded the alarm
Tuesday afternoon, the chimney of
Dr. McMaster's house being discover.
to be on fire. No damage was done.
We continue to receive cheering
accounts of the corn and cotton crops.
Only a few sections are suffeting fur
rain, and the general prospect is
very fine.
Horace Greeley Ian Towa.
Not in person, but in "counteifeit
presentment," in the Greley lidt,
which will be found at the Dry Goods
Enupoiium of S. 8. Wolfe. Call and
buy one before they tire all gone.
Sumnnner RecceatoAn.
The amateur theatrical corps con
template giving several entertain
monts during the summer. It cer
tainly will be a pleasant means of
recreation during the dullness of the
warm season.
Still AnothIer.
Judge Willard, of the Supreme
Court, has been addressed by a num
ber of persuns from Charleston to al
low his name to be used for the next
Governorship of this State. ie in
timates his willingness to run, pro
vided he gets the regular Republican
Public teetiug last Saturday.
The meeting bold lost Saturday
was butslimly attended, but consid
erabl'e interest was evinced in its
objeots by those present, and a proper
appreciation of the character of the
times shown.
Renmarks were made by several
gentlemen upon the situation and the
duty of our people, aill quito apropos
to the occasion, and susoring of the
right spilit. Col. Davis announced
that he wans no Democrat, never had
been one, tho' offiliating with that
party, and was di-posed to await fur
tiher dev'elopmente, before connecting
himself with any party.
With singular unanimity the Cin
einnati platform was heartily en
dorsed, and the determination ex
pressed to support Harace Greeley in
preference to Grant.
A narrow guig3 railroad Is to be
built fromn Lenuir, N. C., to York
.vile, So. Cu.
C2ol. 8. C. Crittonden, a staunch lie
former, has been nominated for Setia
tor from Greenville County.
The Laurens Herald says :The
weaother continues wvarm and dry, and
the crops generally are suffering. No
rain for two weeks.
The Charleston Courier of Monday
says :There are rintars going about
the city of a terrible ease from htydro
phobia. The victim is said to have
been a young man about sixteen years
George W. Sturgeon, State Sena
tor elect fronm Orangoburg, has been
committed to j ail on a charge of forg
lng an order for $137 on the County
Sanders Smith, white, a school
teacher, was killed at Anderson
Court Hlouse, Saturday last, by being
crushed between two ears, which were
-being shifted. It is sopposed he was
under the influence of liquor.
PfalIladelplaa Nlonulneen.
By referning to our telegraphlcald
umn our readers will observe that U.
S. Grant and Henry Wilson,: have
been nominated by the National Rad
ical Convention for President and
Vice-Prcsident "of this glorious land
of liberty." Itis unneeessary to say
anything concerning who Grant is.
lie Is already too well known. Henry
Wils6n Is at present United States
Senator from Maessachusetts, and Is a
* na~1repraeseantativeao atheA 'Puitan
stripe. He is looked upon as a man
of considerable ability, ;a Id has had
largo expertence in pulAic fe..., The
cry of the great "*unwabed" will now
be, we presume, Qrant snd Wilson,
thesynonyn of 10in ainil Watar."
Sad Deain.
It is with un feigned..regret that 'we
feel called upon this 'moruitg tq re.
cord a death that hat thrown into
deep afflictieon the family of our es
teuied friend, Mr. Julh D. MeCarley.
Thurbday evening lait. Johnaic Bruck
ett MlcCarley,only child of Mr. und
Mrs. J. D. McCai ly, aged about two
uad a hhl .f eari, a most prom iing
ald interesting hoy, breathed his lat,
and his pure and innocent soul paas-cd
away to awake again in the spirit
land, and sojourn forever amongst the
angelic cherubs that flit around the
throne of Heaven. Several days pro
vi:us to ils death, Johnnie suffered
agonies fiom eroup, and at luat tiat
fatal malady trium hed. To his be
reaved pirents we tender manny warm
assurances of our heart felt synpithy,
and utter the t-ieout pra)er that
btrength iniy be given them fron,
above to lear the bereavement that
hab cone over them.
Public MeCtug.
A meeting of citizens opposed to
the reelection of Giant, and in faor
of the adoption of the Cincinati
platform, was held Siturday last in
the Court Ilouse. On tuotion, J.aS.
R. Aiken was called to the chair, ai.d
T. It. Robert.-ou rcqnestcd to act asi
Secretary. Brief addrenes were de
livered by the Chairman, Col. 11. C.
Davis, and Ma.j. T.,. % Wuod ward,
Col. D. in opr.obition to Lending dels
gates to Columbia as Democrats,
Messrs. Aiken and Woodward in fa
vor of participating in the State Con.
vention n% th a view to sending dele
gates to Bdltimnore to prevent a Demo
oratiO niominat ion.
A motion was then made and car
ried to appoint a comimittee of five to
nominate four delegates to the State
Convention. This committee consist
i-ig of H1. A. Gaillard, D. R Feister
R. E. Ellison, jr., I. N. Vithers, and
T. G. Robertson, after consultation
suggested the following names which
were ratified by the meeting : Jas.
R. Aiken, T. R. Robertson, H. C.
Davis, and T. W. Woodward.
It was understood that the dele
gates should go to Columbia withtut
any instructions, further than to act
for the best interests of the whole
Mr. T. R. Robertson offered the
following resolution which was unani
inously adopted :
Resolved, As tie sense of this
meeting, that we fully endorse the
platforim of the Liberal Republie.rn
party as enunciated at Cincinnati.
On nmotion t~f John A. Fraser,
Eaq., the nmeetinug the a ljourned,
T. Rt. R onv.n ren. Socrm n, y.
Slid Affiir lii Li..
A correspa.n lent nrating to the
Sou th Carol ia n ian info rmsi us ofC 'a and
aff.ir which occurred r eCcently in Patk
ce ceunty. The 5cene of the eci.
dent was a mill-pond on Brush Creek.
Four young ba'ys, W Vm. Jt E jtlIIt o
and brother Andrew J , aged ten and
twelve years, anid their coulin., Lee
and Willie Cuneh, aged tame ated ten
years9, were found dtead fr om di owa.
itag. They h.ad g'ane to bathe ina he
pond and fond a watefry grav'e. A
colored maan tub-eCiving m he~ir clot I'e,
upon lie banks o ~f the t-nnd , g.. ye the
aaInrin to the lpai'entt. Upon d raiaiang
the pound. four boadies wtere Ca td to
gether. It is selldomi that we~ nre call
ed upon to :ecord an accident soa sad.
Columbus Repubhicenn for Greiey.
The Columbus (Ga.) Sunu note., t hat,
with the exception of a few ofice.
bolders in the post office and inaternsal
revenue departments-a tuere hani.
fuil - there is. not a Repubbeana or
Radical in that city who fdvor., Grant.I
All go fur Greeley, including thie
freed ipon.
Tribuite ofrlespect.
At thle regular convoci onm of Flint 11111
Chapter, No. 2. R.-. A.-. M.-. held on Mon
day evening, 8d June. A.-. L.-. (872. A.-.
Ino.-. 2402, ihe foleowihg partabe and re
solutioens were unanimousl y n'dopted :
Whaere~aa, Is has pleased f ho Orandf Arci
toet of the Universe to removo from our
midst our beloved comnpahion. 08.\OMli
Rt. lBROWN, thereby depriving us or one
famiiar'f'ace, andi one faithifuat memiber;
andemuhereaaa, it Is proper, for this Ch~ap'er
to testisy Its regret si the( urtainelv det
of onr companion. TIiuerefore be it
Resol'rd. 7 lat, 1fe ilea b of tiompanion
Osmond R. Bro wn, Vlnt I intbnper lase
been bereft, of am mejnber whose loss
we depldre, andl whose moiniott we will
evei keep alite.
Re.olverd, That we extend our warmest
and deepest sympat hies to tiae faimily of
our departed eomnpanohn in their sad.' be-,
reavemient of husaband and parea t.
JResolved, That a blank page in our bl in.
uate llook be suitably ineserlbed~ o flas mim.
ory, and tlat the Statfr Emblems be
draped i mourning for thIrty days.
Resolutd, 'f'hat a copy ef this prenmble
nnd resolut Ions be transmitreail to the fami
ly of the deceased, and be publishied In 'has
WirNi#soa Nhtvs and IhRaLiu.
JA8.' II. RION),
M.'. E.-. HU -, P.*.
Joir 0. Souis, See.
nne 8-.Jh1
Special Notices. e
The "DPo Da s 'Nand thikDag I. n
At ttis seasor or the year, the blood Is pi
apt to become impure: the appette poor: 01
the skin sallow : the body enfeebled: the e1
system relaxed, making it, susceptible to
atztnckuof 'hills and Fever, Rheumatism, 01
eruptions or tsie skin and the development 1,
of lho effects of tie injuluicioue use of'
'nlomel. All this trouble may he avoided ti
by the nivo of at fiv bottles (.Pr. jottI 's i
8neniand Qtlieen'si Delli ht. IL Til _
hartless in its effcots, btt a powerful ens- fr
mly to i disenses. Try it, and you will ht
6s1d it a friend in need.
Dr. ruli's Livar Pills moves the Bowels
to a lienlilby action. nqL noting as it were fo
niechanoitly, lint they 'timulate lhe score. ni
ions, an' in a healthlsl and iatural man- in
freel expels all impurities without. weaken.
ing the body. .
Dr. 'uW flair Dye Doei' Not Inajure the ri
Iair. F4
Tis .VILLAOC CUsncIu.-It thould not Cr
look like a barn or storehouse. It should N
he a builing. lite very sight of which b
wiould cause devout reeliigs an the breast. 0c
A well varvedi cross should pnint to heaven: 1t
niassive pannelled doetts should impress the
solenitiy or Site pinceuinto which lie Is en- W
terinsg: siniied glius ehould, tilrow a niys. of
lic light tliwart the i4e; pslpit., 'ilar, I ki
coiling und itllerles shotfi be ornnmentid rn
with tigurative notildinge, and the columins fit
I lint sitiporit lite galleries, and the balus- t
ters iliat rail them in, should be of classio Ml
initernsa. Any contgregntion wishing such
at cltrch should send ilheir oiders for TI
finisling mnterin) to Mr. P. P. ToAL pT
importer of' Frenc'h i inined gnss. and man. al
titticutrer of ard denler in Doors Saeles, b<
Blimtls. &o , No. 20 Ulayne street, Charles
I ot. S. C. 4
D:AD ot Dviso -Where the h-eir is un.
nna t lly dry. 1s osy be sure flit it is s
dyintg :omtl tluhas nii-ficially vitalized. It
will soon ba is dead ias leavet in Novemsber. o
Fued lie wit hering fiieri' st1nd stimisjte11 tile a
ter' hlI stll w.1,you's (-st h'ntir'an, and "i
lite evil, whiticht must otherwise snt cittuli
naie in lit'bess. will ne p r-edil- etnedied. l7
11 is tibsolut.ely 'etu"sary frr f tin heatfit of
ihe htni, iati it be kps iotlertely mpisi n
with n lreptrtion cniab' if nourishing oel
und invig-reurs it It. I.oem's --KIitagijon c
ritills tiiese cond its, itid is tie only ar
uele t hut ticnilly pit.s v.cv life into the
unpiliry inles. liostough which lite natural
tteusinoltrihent has e.-:sed to paifsR. This pure
itui l 1, t i bl- -.4 s vege4tib 'e p l ejti tt io n is ab .
storlbel t y the ski of the hend to the roots
o' ile It-,ir. n-i p!4-s. into the filaments 0
ty tlie force iuf apillnry ntiraction.
lit Mn Sntttatst.Y 01 IIC.%IT DisEASE -
Sllow commtnoi Ith I- oniouncement, Tho-w.
Fnid- nt-P smidenly sept itlo eternity by
th;s fatal man(y. This disease generally
hns u origint usatne itloud fittest wn tit
iij i nn. poisonous timternias. whic, ci.r
eulai ting Itrottgh the heart, irritates its
delicnte tissttrs. hotigh the irritation
nity at first be only slight, producing a
little palpita.ion or irregular action. yet by
anid by itediacsne bec'omes firmly -aeated,
itnd inflammatiop or hypertrophy, tfilocen
ing of the lining nienbrane or o the valves
i produced. Hiov wiso to give early at
tention to a ense of this kind. Unnatural
tlihrobbing or pain in the reeon of the
heart should ntadmonish one that all is not
right., anid if you, would preserve it front
'ther diseasen. you must help it to best
iightily ly the use of such a remedy as
as -halil remove tho enuse c(f 'he F
trouble. Use Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medical
Disco er.C befo-e the disease has become
too souited, and it will. by its great blood
sIntrifying and wonderful reguliing '.pro
perties. effect a perfee: cure. It contains
mei'dicinnI properties which act specifically
utpon the tiesites of the heart, bringing
rboiti a lieiltlty action. Sold by all first
class drugisis.
A Painful Condition.
It is a sail thing to pass through life only
half alive. Yet tliero are thousands whose
liabitual conditiona Is one of languor an
deability. They comupain of no specific
'li-ns: they utttl'er no posi'ive pain ; but
Ithecy have no relish tot- anything whici af'.
rod tietnt tal or sensuoonts pil nst e. In ntine
cnn-s out of' ten this slate of lassItude atnd
t.y' ari'se< fronm a motratid stomach In.
dlugewlinit destiys thte energy of both salad
inot Sitdy' Wthien thte wa'te of nature is
ntot siupplit'd by a duie and regttuar assimut.
hlIon of food, every orgian is starved;
everIy funtci ion Inletruipted.
Noiw, what does cosmmona setse suggest
ui dert tibeao-eircusiances of' depr'essionti
'hie sy stemtinee .s rnuusinig andl a'rengthlen
ince : not merely for an hour or t wo, to sink ~
af''-warud into a more pitiable conditlion st
titi ever (its I' ansaredhy would do it' an 1
tur-ititry nicoholie slimuhatnt were resorled "a
to.1 hu rittadientlly itnd permainently, i
Ilow is thbis diesirnble object to bteaccom- iii
l-lished ? Thte answer to tils question, at
foundeudi rn i i the nar3 ing exp'eice of a Ii
qsurter'it of ce'nturiy, is eusily given. Ina bt
t sow vigeir itnto te tdigestive organsIi
bty ia ettiue itt liosietter's Xtomach Blitti-rs. ti
l~ut not w' astoe imne by admainis'tein temtpo. fi
n'y tremuedits. bitt wv ke thto system tip by tl
r'e'tonoi st g thle fountii-he'ad oft phty- Ical oit
' s'tgth antd eergy. ste gret orguin tupon t i]
whicht atlt the elthes' organs depend lor their th
nuture sit..port,. he
Ily the ime thast a dosien doses of fir n
gre'at ve'getable sonie aned inivigorasnt have er
beent iaken. sthe feeble fruamei of thio dyspe'p- al
tic wvil begin to foel its hcntgri intlusence.-- of
A ppei to will be created. andu wish appetite fo
lihe caplaceity to digest whaut ii crav-es. Pe'r. de
us'ver'e niotil th li cu~ire its compt~lete -utntil
lhenhulf'il belondi, fit to be thle nmates lat of
flesh anud ituscle. bone aind nerve nt hri-nA
fliws triatght tIe chaninets of ie-ulint tott.
insteail eof the. witery pituuhni with whIch.
shity hatve beens hetretiofoae beeni imperfectly
nour-ishied. juate I '
Fs.Avost two Ex-rIt AarS ar r. titniry im
piorince it e -eking; isitd tit all'aticles or
STasAtin L-x-rn.wrTS. .pretteel by Joseph
itirunin & Co . Ilosion. are preonou~nced lay
le dintg etnisiniears-Protbvor' Blot atolig
thme numiber-she pure'ist andit beet.
lit'AN Wntis.-Every iday and Psoqir
we meeet with br'okent dhown speeltthens of'
ltumtanity-wreeks that seem. past'ho'pe of
sahltnge.. At leat ei'ven-efghsths of thiese "
init lie filled wish lted vitality, hya
rceeurse of iii. WA.gsu's CA.svrnsurA V55
F'(ina Ilsrts. Unlty are suifferig'rom ~
laho renes ion of rai.ollujted b ters or pow
er-ful minerals. Jt isi4faariteteristic of Dr'. se
Wall's.' G rent lea'sttive that lt peutratl
li'es thte etrect of these mius-called'remedies,
and acoompliheu, in due time, a perfeet
NAYUBIIJrvI.S us TF'.iT'W, but she dciii
not pr'esei'e arnd'pprify thteni. Thtat must a
lie dlone withI Pragtennat 8sdons. Thie'den
tunl bone 'indl its enamel cnineg nrq 5mmde P<
iravulunerablo to all destructive in Unerpes pe
bey theo daily usee cf t's beni8,oent prepara- T
$50.000 Dor.pga1I REwano grrs, Ds PAto e
fpr anty remedy wIlch will cure (hronie~
liheumat ism, Ptalna~in t be Limbs, Iach~ an in
Chest, Sora Throat, Insect Atlags, Crouap,
D~ysgntei-ya Colic, Fpruiins an.1 Vomiting,
qtuioker' titan 5Dr. Tolians' Venetian Ldi-l
mat s; established in 1847: never fails --
fiold by all DruggIsts. Depot, 10 Park
Place, New York. . 'n g
PaATT's AstRALr On,.-.-4ore soodents se
ccur from using unnasfa ott.. - stiaa ftom
eamboatsand rIlroa'oombine. 'ver
0,000 families eontinue to burn Pratt's
it NA 0 dt dir .%r18
re XT burn . bqr
g d use Qhaf s4
Vt d Yow T. o.
a'oy o, oeton, agent r Bouth
A BIRAUTIrUL WHVtvT soft, amooth and
ear skin is produeWl .6Ay using 0. W.
uird's "Bloo'n of Yout h.'' It removes tan,
sokles, sunburns, and all other disoolor.
onst fr1 t.skio.- leavict A oplex
nbrantad 'beautftu I::'.oldat.. all
uggists. This preparation is entirely
as from any material detrimental to
JUST T ItR1sspy Nsopwo._-Thanks to
rs. Winslow's Soothing 8yrup, we have
r years been relieved from sleepless
ghts of painful watching with poor, suffer.
jr. teething children.
Fot DYs9'waMa'.-Indl etion de esslo.:
spirits and gonu-ral detility In their va.
ius forms ; also..as a proventive aspinst
aver and Ague, and ot her intermit tent fe
re The Ferro Pbqsphorai ed Elixir of
6lisava, made by Caswell, litzard k Co..
.w York, td spold by all Drugglst., is tie
ist tonic, and as a tonic for pntu-nts te
vering from fever or other sicknessos, it
is no egnal.
Ristr'ys GUt'ANr GoLnrN TINALCoLooN
ATIRn according to theo.original formula
Provost PariW, so long and fav'orably
town to the customers of IIavilqnd. Bar.
I and hiAley and their branclhes, for- its
e fragrance is now made by II. W. Ilisley
id the trade supplied by* hs buocessors,
organ &Rilev, Drrggist's New York.
TutnsToN's Ionv PRAnL TOOTH POWDa.
to best article known for cleansing and
eoerving the teeth and gums.' Sold by
I ltruggiata. Prico 25 and 50 cents per
It le. F. C. Wells-& Co., NewYork..
CAnnoLIO SALvr unequalled as a Healing
1tupound. Physicianp recomme9pd it as
e iroml wonderful remedy eve' known.L..
ice 26 cents per box. John .F. Henry,
le Prbprietor. 8 'ollege 'lae. Newt Vork.
CnnIs-rAnono's IIAa Dru.-This magift.
tit compound is beyoned 'c'ontingen-y. the
fost and most relin le Dye in existence;
vor failing to impart to the Hiir, uni
rmity of color, nourishment and elastici.
Manufactory. 8'Maidea Lane, N. Y.
8VAPNtA is )pium putilld of its siok.
ng and poianous qualities. It ia. a per
t tnodyne not produeing headache or
ustipat ion of bowels. as is the case with
ter prepantions of opium.' John Farr,
emist, New York. June 0
Rallied at * Wnire's' Cbnectiolary, as
)n am Ihe number of chances (24) is made
. Chances dfty oeuts each. Call find
D it. June 8
Hats of all Styles,
)r Men and Boys. Just Opened.
idies & Misses Sailor Hats,
r stock of Dress GooJs in pf the neatest
anl best qualities, and is offered at
the Lowest Irices for the CAS!.
june 11
Notice to Contractors.
011103 or CoUrTT CosssuusegoNnn,
,Juno 7th, 1872. ,
E ALP.D proposals will he received at
this office until t he D'h day cof July, for
a huildintg of Kincald's ilridlge, across
Ile Rtiver M~gi'Drkigqshtatli be a Sn.
nsion Br'itreand, tina (t'h' huttments oni
cast hank of said river s-hall be raised
roe feet above their present, height, and
the west bank so muchl as to bring the
Idge -to a level with 'te enst bank. Said
titments to be ,built, of stone, andi said
idgq'acrosa main stresim to be bult. en
et fnew lumber, and also a Contract
thue building of' a Trtustle Bridge from
e east bpukl of the euest pier, to thte foot
t'to hIll. The contractor .will have
e privilege of using the old lumber for
a Tirusulo hlridge. Atl proposals shall be
accomnpantied with the names of two or
re sufficoient suretilee. Tihe C, mmission.
s shatli reserve the right, to rejost, any or
i bids. if in their jutdgnment the iterest
the t'onnty requmire it. Any further in
rmnation wanted will be given by tho un
Chairman Doard County Corn.
juno 11-t2x2
IJ AVE onltand alarge stockc of Blrades,
on.!!"s 0, 0'0 tad 000, whioch I will'
li at very low prigep,
soy's a~d r ssBlageScythbe Stonein
dp a I~ep, 1:4 ad dl(,d, 8we ps,
.el Screws and Open Links, TLable and
oket Cutlery. A large variety 'f Oar.
niers, 8boe Makers and Blackstmith
ols Somethinug which every fair~ily
g or In any way iuguring the Cloths.
2 Bozes Nine Obdatag'.Tobaco, 1 box
right Navy'obacco. Bring thi oee ad
eote bargans.
jne 8 .~ 0. R. evTUOr'ON.
1 Car load Corw.
18,000 It s. Flour-in barrels and sacks.
8,000 lbs. Bason and Bulk Meat,
150 Bushels mea,
Sugar and Coffee, different grades,
A irime lot W. 1. Molasses,
1 Barrel Fresh Petroleum.
BDA.TT & BJ?0.,
apl 18
TIE undersigned having sold out their
entire interest in the Bar, Billiard lnd Res.
taurant Saloon, to Thomas W. Rabb, find
it necessary to close their books. All per.
eons knowing themselves to be indebted,
are earnestly requested to come forward
without DELAY and settle up (if not with
money, by note,) as the business of the
firm must, be closed. The books will be
left in the hands of T. W. Rabb for a short
june'4 E. W. OLLEVER & CO.
Best Assortment in Town I
Cassimeres, Linens and Marseilles,
Iza. Muxltm S
ro get BARGAINS, as it is late in the
Br'ing the Cash.
8 . S. WOLFE.
,nmay 23
Just 1teceived and to Arrive.
O NE car load choice Augusta and one ear
load1 of St. Louis Flour, one enr load
prime White N. C. t!orn, Iihds R.. and C.
Rt. Blacon Sides, flhds. Rt. and C. Rt. Dry
Bait, Bides, choice N. 0. and Common Mo
lasses, A, ea-C and DemararaSugar, Fancy
and Common Rio Coff'ee, Youing Hyen nn
Gun Powder Tea, Whole Rice, Cheese and
Americoan Club Fish, a superior artIcle
of tishm, muoch chen~per and belier than Sar.
dines. Big Bug, Little LIzzie, Jockey Club,
Gorilla and many other favorite brnnds or
Cigars, Fresh Candy. Assorted Pickles and
Jellies, Baltimore City Soap, ihe best Fami.
ly Sonp in use, For sale by
api 4 RI. J. MgCA RLEY.
form the citizens o
nuboro and Fairfield District, that I
have just returned from New York and
kave purch-used a flli assortmsent of Wat ch.
oh. Jewelry, Clocks, Spectaoces, &c., nnd
will sell at the lowest prices, and would
reajpecfully ask tihe continuance of the
patronage of my old friends and cutomners,
All goods warranted as represented. I anm
prepared to do all kind of Watech and Jew
siry work and have always a good i tack of
good material on hand, and will guarantee
atisfaction, All work warratnted.
Recend door from Ccl. Ion'apil1o0.
. A.ri.:ales
4RB. LAUDERDALE has just retnrned
I from New York and Baltimore with a
very full and varied stock of Millinery, La.,
dies hat. and lionne's, trimmed and un
rimmed, Ribbons. Flowers. lhuohes, Lace,
lidgings, Whie and Colored Piques, Mum,
lise, White and Colored Japanese Clothls,
ILenos, Colored 811k Poplins, Grenadians
and Poroales Crape, Litnen and Lace Gel.
Iut8a mped Uown and Chemeise Yokes,
!filnsin all yarioes, B s~le Skirts, 4gor
fs0loves. Parasols, Uflibrela, fiAnd.
kercbief's 'anW Hosiery, Linens and 8 ring
Celioots, Ladles and G~nts Shots and Gal
lers. Dreitd Cigoons and Bwitobes. Also a
Mui line in the rocrety departmnent, as well
as Hardware, Crockery, Tinware; Station.
ary, School Books and Medicines. Should
ypIp..oetsr light.oal for Lamps, P'etro
ou m and4 Candle.
O NE rowte eheat of thbat Bole UKCOLOR.
.BD JA PAN Z84, wb~oih ioe gIves
such uniesaU asiotion wherpm ped,
Giwe It a trisl.
feb27 e- ? DATT PROB.
C ONSISTING in part of Bureaus, Bed.
steads, Bedroom Hotta, Chairs, Walnut
Writing Desks, sonet hingq now for this mr.
ket; Solid Walnut Book Cases. Wardrobes,
walnut and stained, Walnut and Marbletop
Tables. for parlor. Saloon Tables. Siss,
&o. We are determined to sell, and sell
cheap for Cash. Those who wish oargains
will do well to call, as and buy.
'Let those now buy who never bought
And those wh'o always bought, now buy
the more."
Of that new and elegant Furniture, low for
cash, nt
api 27 TAcINTYRE & CO'S.
Livery and Sale
at STABLE. #Pa
j KEEP constantly on hand extra fine
I Kentucky Horses and IMules. Parties
In want of good stook will do well to give
me a call.
In connection with my Livery Stable. I
have ipened a Carriage, Buggy and Wag.
on Factory. All work neatly excouted and
warranted, Give mo it call.
Jan 18
25,000 LBS. C. R. Bacon Sides,
Dry Salt and Swoked. For sale low for
ossh by
Notice to Tax Payers 15
BY a recent Act of tho Legislature, we
, have been commanded to pay an addi.
.a T : .E W9 B 3 .
In order to meet. this detnandi, we have de
ternilned to inform iho citizens of Fairfleld
County, t:at we haro on land and are con
tinually receiving Liquors or all grades.
which are to be sdd at redtced rates for
cash. We have "Ohld11ountain Crown"
that we put against. the aSine.-in point of
quality ;-nt a price that. will suit all lov.
erq or a pure articlo. Also several Ba-rels
of Pure Corn Whiskey. Wine, Gin, Rum,
Amity and While Wheat Whiikey. A pro
entneut artioto of -Old French Drntuy,"
which we recommend for medicinal purpos
es. Those in search of a genuine article
of 'blhkey will be sure to find it by call
ing on uts. U. G. DESPORTES & CO
upr 23 Corner No. 1.
NEW 11000US1
And have recently opened a lot of
Special attention Called to a
Non of'ered at thme low price of 60 cents
for each article.
may 10
Candy ! Candy!
PlICJKISS, Green Corn, Fresh Tomattoes,
Shal mon and Lemons.
Bed Castings, lied Rollers. Table Wheels,
Assortd Pad Looks, somem hing new to
keep the money from coming out, and
apl 18 EicItTYREf & CO.
111E~ 1ntendant end WA rdans of the Town
LofIV Wnnsboro, in Council met, do or
dain, That the ordinance of April 10th,
1872, In reference mo ttme tax on the sale of
fresh mr ats be modified, Ac that the sale of
any hog, sheep or goat, weigblng over 26
pound.., the tax be 60 cents, and any weigh.
in g 26 penn da or less. 26 cents be the tax.
Also. that any beef. weighing over 40
potunds to the qudarter, the lax be Si, and
any weighing 40) pounds or lose, 60 cernts
be the 'ax.
Don. in Conoil, In the Town Af, Winina
boro, this 16th day of Mfay, 1872.
JAb. W-LA W,
(L- S j Int endaui,
D. R. FrasmoKZ, Clerk of Ceunoll.
june 1
Awis, BrIlstes,
SHfOE LASTS, Doot Trees, C'rImping
BJoards, Awl Plmndles, Resps. Sho.
Thread, Tacke, &o., just reeelved be
feb 20 Man'rn 0L .
flave lately made large additioes to tbeir
And are now prepared to execute la the
best .tyles
Law Blanks,
Letter and
Bill Iheeds,
Visiting and
Wedding Cards,
Posters, &o,,
As Cheap aan behad Aaywher.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
mnar 28
1 Barrel of Old Cabine6 Rye, 18Gb.
1 Barrel Blaok berry Ite'andy.
1 Barrel 0 lnger Brandy,
Rasmse's Sctoh Whiskey.
Stuiars Irish Whiskey.
Marvin's Ale.
Also, a good atoek of' Gwrt..ie, en .
lag of Sugar. Coffee. Rice, io lasses, p.
con. Lard, Dreakke~t Strips. Stigar (fnted.
Shouldera and name, Jars, Ptnb Eye, Ear..
ly Rtose, Goodrieh and Pabh 3)ow Pota,
DLOW MOVLa~aaa 14tat lef 4 -
.4. ware. Also Turpentine Boap,
Osnaburgs and rBrown (fteepas.
feb 1 ' M4ATER & l'ft!O.
ed II ame,
One oar foe4 t1f4 1 Vhjee
A lot f dnt ied C

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