OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, August 07, 1872, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1872-08-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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Th1ie Fairfield Herald.
I' 4 IC1.1 i l :i
.T'E R) " 'I wM UA IY.1) ).
It is Ctr; la . 1! how cr - aly cvery
Imd y\ fil! b( s ut a A .i0i Q lwrmm, nutd
st Ii ves ra isc 1 1 : vp, wiCt eb er i::1.
ly to keep the W'.<1 cree . 'T'here
mhust be iu instw u.e m III pro" e lniin
i1but if a perqmn .V.-d w ith a fait
er bther lt NI into tie recumb lit
n ,. d ut. t It 4 14101l illi. 1inelit. .
Iiuist have drive 'n nile toI h-41 I
aldy, faintin, wl upri-hat. j
jo l C her Ipul!. -- , y ite ali Ippa.
T M Y1 I , .1 1 I , e Q if I :A
1el:,41 : . n' im ( U .n r iil at .ie
. i V. 0I ' I V . V ,1 41 1 i
CI.<: d s on a ' 1 r l I 1 l4 twer
( l 4 I i A an1 I wiO e .\
t I ro l, : i. I~ , (h I
p of Iriend , I I f d i "I.-\Iu'y
h~~~~~~~r hcIiiy s f'IIb( j
T 4 1 . . e I:T 1 r o i- ' l.. 1: l
!,I.( .1- 1-' L t, the ' r4 , :
h e the 10 , E e e . ,
t4 4 i ) j 'I '' fiC 1 4'n cr 444b ai
C . 14 0o 4d t!) the
ln: iv.:od in 'w:.n th~e loron e n -
r V ow, Oh1 4 h 1m Ihimi i- pJrio
I - it i ill
I ' !w h'- fit
n .n w ,
ai ' lt
C\ 1
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v Iit :t 1 an
Pol~ ~ ~ ~ .1l. 1.V44,,11 (,
* 144 I -o 1" v ~ ' 44 i
1 *r-, I v III hor'4C'
tt . I- - -
lt \ t4C
'I ii 4'
Cl :1 IC 1 -. . 4
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1,).l. . 4444 ..4. I ~ l141'e
(i tui -41 4 0 4'* ti. itC )
(Ii t.'
6'l. 4 t .~
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j41'44'4a4:i 4'2C I
'J~:el~.:.'ro \4f;':' c-f(eC'I:n
J4i j!4.. i -'~l 4 wo 1u2.i
Chips from Chappaquo.
A great many old Democrats will
PZ') for Gra-nt. They will go for him
with Groolcy clubs.
There aro 222 lepublicans in
lI nesdale, Pa., and of the'se, up to
1 is Ii ime, 75 havo cono out in print
-rr GI U cy.
Two Cinre llpublican papers in
Miichigan, tihe Botle Creek Tribuno
and the Dcutur Re.-publican, are out
for (I reeley.
The Fievnian's Journal has given
up it. idea of t a itraigit ticket, ati(
IA;s it.i Dcnocratic readcrs to aid in
tll C'e'.tion t (.f reelu v.
Of tlim Fivy five 'epublicann in
lake Mills, W in., sixty-ono are Urce
Iey meln. Or the eighty-oue Dlino.
e its every one is Grecelcy.
The% Washington (10.) liepirter
ild (xliiiner States that the (.' itley
I wnublicans number hundreds in the
counity of Washilingtoul.
The prinughl Ropulilon gives
the votes, by towns, or C onn(e ic titt,
mid estimate, a najo)riy for Gireeley I
aid Biown -f ,0UU on the aggregate
An elect oral ichel fr New Jerey
i th 1,n selecte lit at Tr t.m Oi S l on e
emier i 11, which, it has been agYreed,
ipon, will be suipported by (lie D)emno
emaln aud the ILiberals unitedly.
Tihe Bapi t it Wathln iirn says of
(reel[' y hn ' "all parties unite i-i ad
iniing his ut'intryrny, fea.rt'los ilvoca%
ey of himi in: rightis, :1t anl order, :and
his dh'p seateud dexire to do gpod to
Tlle lonnington Free P re", one of
the alecst nesaesinl Vrnt,'
h: r, pror to the ll!tiioro Con,
V ill Grant anld Willon,
ham -hblhb. :n extra, in whieb it
A ne(w to),.vn, namred Greeley, has
in .b1 :zl wit, i an 0i4 (ui, oln tie
VlI' t eI river.
llrr Thimin thinkis (lit Gree.
1. W H riecis 4 .'. vle:i iral vote's
v, i in <onatin' 1 1(-'! of (iio.
Fh n.in( e 2l. .1 iiepub lins , l i e.
hIano , N. V., h-av :I si :I II ll.t>r
aa !c e l a 1, l toun n1olrctingj inl that
.leeley anHita lvIw ,
it is althol-ritatively denid Ilml t r
i c 11 l.'". h Jolm. . hf a S :sa id .
iI v. e fo i ir(1 . oir 0 has o t ex.
I man lIItt n 1t dor
nosecount ly. 'N. Chnd(arles
11.44 bsandy liill, esae r, tate,
hIve denlred against Grant und for
G 1 l'o v.
\V;1llace Tappanu, 1Esq, of Syra-!tt -,,
N. V., :I member fthil' bo ii
'i0i io aI i Ila S lCt1 t s i it 1 is resig
1otinl. iEatiln --he ani not uppo11 rt
G ranit.
Cit'. L.ahes one of 11.0 most
n i in t II l I ige t colored
(t. L1 ou(Ii.1, an d thle edjitor
llt I ..hler ot a newspaper, has
1i0 4h ilen ttllp for G'reeley and
li.'4 it about timo for (lie organs
to yublih th (1iat long prom i-d lis ol f
poiient lie eratui who have writ
n ti re. iA Gr L a1 ant delar ing
ti:eu- Itr ~sc fo tile e letinp ofor
h': i ni l? There ])is o lurv, fonl thr
hetal uf s anc htili abutitte
ii vbli i n-I*tu l~l I ixetn t. ~ i
A,:~tit lar;; treeley and Brownicam
p- lt.;: nt in numbering (ix itos
nd, wasIiIi held d t it ngorI~ plaine,~
t -u.a evenin . e..-- . - .- d
, a prominet. Repubi: mnt1ii~t ra tii and
gui: n:i there:(I wer t w nt y i
Vy iel41 l l'esdetl.e~~ls u,11(
lirt ring t a c~orrbespone ti of the
ti k \isrera, :id ia are itd overl
:.in ition ta t~ ia turneds (ut ithere'
rectirTe sltoy is o to uinin
of a wom~lerfull cavenCa of whieldl .
rci vi t dol not edrpasittherut
unhlw ltuil very thee haen then
1'4'Csever: al oy whoil wereahnd
hr $1mett. Cla thsv and nea r itson
tuilt m4L pof it wl ffcual
'Irtap itfl e r a fw ordos witten
Qiiewhi-hiQpr -ime im [tp~~ido beth
L'any lknuderer cos intis of .(r hnhve
terk tiorl-tta nlaotrall one hosf
-i I :.es' eaniis iforitass
ii rea'r ha. in mnd ior a on of Nr4
it uaud ; breatscae n, n
Intado fromu 50 ots. Call aind examino
I Uor 12 samples Bent (postage free)
7or' 50 cs. hat a tit itiok fotr $liJ, 11. L.
WOLCOTT, 181 Chitliatn Square, N. Y.
&G AMonth ensity nmado with Sten
20 3 eil anwl Key-Check D)ies. Secure
.rielarsu'x and Siaingles free. S. M. SPNC1a
lirattlebjoro, Vt.
Agen, we will pv yoi 8 per week inl
-ash if yout wtfl vilgnge %nith Ls .%-r os cv.
.vVry thing I' 1ii.1ul ail ex penses1inid._
Alrire is F . A EAL.i & t0, hiatlotic,
IWOO .l\ E-NT, wn o4-,1 f.e r our mosl ionen.
ivoi --I. Ik l-;:,0 I Y: 1;1:()\ N" and (tI IG.\NT
I )l N" ' alv .ign II ChAIln Iu . ihuln best
Onei oIll wen.O 4, Croia l .,. 1 111"114i sales.
-r1ge prolil4. L1.AS i & 1.U ilR I I 'rT
mpire Mlap uml t'hari lstabslishinent, 107
n Lery it i'tl N. 1.
4p s1'lfD\l.\i , or1 ,(UL clil .\..
IN:." llol w v ither sexa m11-1y t ' ' i 1i 1i 1.t
Id ;g.in Ohe love :11 d atlectilihs- of1 any per.l'
onll tey Choose, inlstantly. 'I his siinplo
nental ne iremen a l np e, silec.lb
nilh for 25, CIS. lo.7ther1 wVith .I martriage
rai' , E8 !yptianl Ornele, i m . lin.s to
'11lies, &c. A queier. e-xcitin~g book. 100 00
!ob.. Athdress T. WILbLIA..\ & C). Pubs 1:.
Agents Wanted I
.'or Ithe Autoiogl"raphly o( Iit .\ 11 R .;E G Eil.;
rEt. A Bok il.trated edition. now re-Ilv.
hvt thlis Ithe :1est on m ly edlilionl wrillen
ly himself a11l eVIA ' by IlhTiibune :
mil our 1872 CVWN. Al, \ A .\1i, or tll
lirt i ( ' n , pi ice i. i -0. On. \i' .g
10 1 81) il i I I . ci S, . ll Nieel Por
r'n-it of h-ey, S I 1. .: 1 it ami n11h m de
elin Ihe b v - N 1. Titti\T, Pulish
ro05 or I, N. Y'.
For 00? U3PIT EFD
Pros id ential Campagn Book
||~eari C.';,n irnsIt.
A n. for .\ I ( ".\ ' i4 N d gi t 1hlress
llol' s' ' I'm ll' bl 11ish ill,- ne,
l1 l. t., New York.
DO INO''0 11711
ei e ol yh:ihi'I 11i l'I': iengroit tor l" (
Welie oil' (f0 ~
ii'i1i'11 01t I) .ld I LI y lliil o~' nl t
Vih it- 1 ped al i mi l a eta l4h , 4. L 1%r ik
.r n a It 1 i 461'. . T h i-. a v a t a i i ure
ii:i uly o 1by . 60-i l e ii n iIet t. i hno'i.
v ti ll non app ie . I ULLER. W.\I:N
tO.. Wat er ( ,INIiv V jorK.
tr L PAV I I IS4. 11"
: i -t i.iwel. )-1 t ., 1r 1111 .111 -s
e Nu tn t: v e TLri-! I' S
ligeiioii II li iiI . 14 1; Va.Sxilii
'ss- 'I n ei':i l 'rie ii
Roanloko College, Sae ,Va.
TI wen ieth le5-' nl h p.-t h) isiv 111:111l0
E41 -4. s .1 . l li i
1 rnI.O n g .- , ;i Il c' i t li ll e'Ii v .,,r . .
~oi fhlii ali' e l -s tpini hitt,'uin in'
111111sk .m . 'iitll.ll
ui I o ni i pn.. 'il 1- 14*-[ ion, W dlub it 1s
1-itan, i' t l nl uell ' vih. ta':c'i In
hit't*h cont e of -- l ly,21 condal i f:
4111111,1W'. 4. lo ls inl allembnl.ce frotnl
Sourteen .,i rN 'a.,14les. i l for U. n.
'iiene irenkr .e Ic.,, Ice. D. i. 'n; oi.
T -: 1. 1 t~ii~. I1l 1nii . (
4IT -
0.0e niar slve.iidlno e: to el in well
1eing fhi' ( v li. nlloS is it doctoredili qui' ior,
wich.l umlr thecapopuelarn n 11 of1-3i.
pubic as oe eg eeis o ti
tuosd phoeru Thon11w3and ertive, po
no::need.so by t he legadng metlninlo for
ais, at. LodnadPr. n a enln
usb hams!uh phya s ofote
itre wi b wal'rfCred l result s.i
reains al 11he tidicinalres pecular a
jurn ie 22agent, &111
New Advertisements,
STItUTE, Nw Haven, Conn. Prepara
lory to College, Busilness, 8eientific Schoole,
U. S. Military and Navi I Aondeuios. Fall
session, Hilh year, begins Sept. 13. Por
Catalogue, addres Gei. WM. 11. RUSSELL,
Virginia Female histitute
tildlings contain over 80 rooms. Grounds,
nino acres. Pupils fron 17 M1ties. ''he
Course is coipr'ised in eight Sch1ool4. .o.
(iion befultiful And salubrions. Tel-ins
"'odernie- A pply (or Circulars to R. I[
PIll I M'1PS, Principal, or IV. 11. TAIS,
8ce'', Staton, Ya.
Campaign Goods for 1872.
Aeniits wnited for 1our' Va'n pign goods...
4 11 at sight. Pay 100 per cent. pro't.-.
Now ik Ihe (ine. Send at once fi Descrii
tive Circtilars iad Ptice Lists of our Fine
SSi ..l ingravings or fihe cautid idates, Can
Inugn iigraphics, Cla1-1u. Photographs
iaIgeo. Pinls, Flags, nnl1 everylhing suited
S times. TPell )oll:rs per dlay .esilv
Ina lo. Ftill eInramplO rcit for S. AdlreIss
Mooiu: & Gooomv: o., 37 Park Hlow, N. Y.
Ad.insters or' Cl~iasa,
Pl illsNoIllns, allid Rall1krupis
Gjen111's Muslamm 1-41
xf Io .owd Ss., Nt!%iw Yom'.
Un'a"&le'eeces of higheIt cin1eter.
Cenld 111r circullar.
$300 TO $500 'er "'i"'t ^ n
wantled. Ad~dress- Eat1,
: awi Mlaenix, Co., Bulflilo, N. 1., or
Chicitgo, Ill.
Money For All.
Biest businesq ever 4,11ered nirenis. Ald
dress J. CliOW El.L, L'oulibille, Ky.
\ (ENT.4 WANTIAn -Agenisike inore
ionley At wioirk bit us 1lhan at anythinig
V0se. a4tsis light1 and pes- manent(I Par
tihb'irree. t . Sr css & Co., Fine Art
ublilshers, lotlan-l, I 1alie.
PIAM N ' ., N. y Price
No Ageits. Circtlars fiee.
11joel nill 'iolent i'rtantives. They ruii
i110 tone.I of Ile t-4iwels nmict weiken the d*
Se'$ lion. TA till WN ir's ErI- 'av 11 ClET SI1 1.1 7 -
1;u .\li:tuI-LNT is tsedil by rat ina1 peo ple as
it means1, (it relievin all'11. deraulgunlets of'
the slotminelh, liver 3nti lin'estinles, because
it remoivis obtr'luctiO114onis wiIhoti. IOj0 1111 1
iltplrl vigor to thle organis whiclt it puri
ties an Ito eulat e..
Vo 3 ir any case of
Iliin, l:leeding,
t lcing or Ilcerat
ed Piles that. D
y ~11\0, 111'1P,1:~ 111.mt x
IIyv ril tIo cure. It is preparel expressly
it) core fihe Piles, And noth6ing els4. Eold
by all liruggists. Price, $1.00.
1 tidson Feinl lIstitute.
Marion Alao. Trho 845th Annn 011e!~ ssiont be.
Igins the first of' teiobet', with 1i5, tenchlers
ILfa hanelsomenwoiti t 10 01Ii jipariors, chaiipel
ne t Iwo organ'., icludinag 12 of SteolitI'
lide' adifd neow stg150ntruet lg
ne antsuits andI liettlec's spriniig beds
in tie dort it ies,. atnd floors en.tpteted(.
.Averntigo' ill tndaneo for 1 5 years, past.
200). Kr,.uenc.'s rodnced. Port ci'-enlair, nd.
Presidenit. juty 31-4w
(Iiril0 tte, Vol inuii iiid11( A llgwiL
Cail.u Ai, March 29, 187'2.
-i-go 1100 eifeet on this llenad on and atettr
S um iny, Ma10rcht 81.
Leoave Augustai, at f.45, a'
" ounhn . C., 11 'I5 ai m
"' Winntsbor'o, 1.52 p mn
" ('hester, 8 31 p mn
Arrive at Chtelot to, N. C. (.10 p mn
Leo'.*:e (hirilotte, N. C. at 7.10 a n:
"' CThesteor, 0 20 a mn
" W'tnntsbor'o, 101 6d a mi
" Cohunitbia 1 .151 p in
Arrive at Augntsta 1' 1.5 p mi
Nttt TR~iS--olNxu NOlTh.
JIenive Aitgttsta 1.80 p in
" Wtisbioro, 1.10 aom
" Checs oer, 2.89 anm
Arrive' nt C'harlot t o, 5.00 a n
LeIave IChla rlottec, 7.25 p
"' ('hesi er. ft -31 pim
" Cotbiaa, 1.-19 a mn
Ai live af A1gnitt. a,1.81) a tO
E. P. ALE NANDsl)I, Supt.
E. I 1) DoinY, Gtenet at Tce Agent.
at,1 27
form; the citizenos of ~'
u iinsborond FlIairfield Ditrietf,that 1lhave
oni hand a ful nitmnt of Wantc.
...,...ewelry, Cltcks, Speotacles, -&c., antd
nill sell at t ho lowest prices,anwod
r'~~eeciuly ask thle contimuinne of I he
patttronle (If myt old friends and culstomr's,
Al goodsitt wairrated't as represenited. I am~
prep'tarest to d1o at kind ol' Watch atnd ,Jew,
lry work tand htave alwarys a good itock of
good Itnatorial ott handl, and wvill guarantco
satisfaction. All work warranted.
Recond door fr'om Col. Ihi',s Oflice,
oet 8
Jw~xiit tO 7Ianic1.,
Fresh, Soda Edintburg Pio Nbc Crackers
and Wino Iliscuit, a nico atssortmnt, of
Fren,'cht Can~dies, Fresh Cocoanut Cream,
Plain Catidtes, all kindls. Also Jellies In
(lobleta, Tumbtlersantd 2 pond Cans, Deeli.
enited ('Coonntt Pickles, Sardines, Oranges,
Lemnone, &'o.
ani 13 0. A. WITr.
Three Oi'oss "PeO* Mid "line"
Ono itif MIb. (wctimber Pickles.
A lot vir.e - Fanily Flour.
wOodll annd W llon' Ware.
A choice assortmnent of
Dacon, Harns
Ternn~ al rtly CASlI fromii ?lais
da y.
.ly I
i ulc udersigneti having sold oiut their
entire inerest in the Bar, Billiard and Res.
I aurantii Saloon, to Thomas IV. Itab, findl
it iecessary to clobe their books. All per
soona knowinig themlselves to be in debted,
are earnestly requested to come forward
witout. DELAY and settle tip (if not with
money, by note,) nas the business of the
firm must, be closed. The books will be
left in the hands of T. IV. Ribb for a short
june 4 E. W. 0LLEYEn & Co.
NO ke
Fair andi honest dealing In Dry Gouods,
iin, Caps, Boot,, Sh~oes, Trunks, &c., can
be had at
New Dry Goeods Empn.irin', no si door to
fe', 1
"Where tTspnita Sa
(Aleln,'s Sprinigs. C
L TillS celebrated WATER.
INn i'LACEi witl b~e openi
-'' for visitors tho I flh (lay of
-lutnu. i ne niedical qualities of t his WViater
are rnot excelled, aund from the numerous Cii
wonderful cures that have been etlected by
the uso of I his Water, I am sat istied that
this is the place for all iihose condition can
be improvedl by the sahubileus character ofN
any Watr.
1B00M3 large and pleasant. Good and
attentive servants. TABLIE supplied with
the hbest, the naarket affords. Fancy Ital:s
dluritng the summer. Ten Pin Alley, lii. To
lhard and Unagabello Tables, for the amuse.
maent of gucests. Charges por day, $2.50;
por week, $18 00; per month $8500.
Got tages to rent at $25 00 andi $60 00 per
season. llaoks daily from Jonesville, after
the 25th Juno. WV. D. FOWLEtR
juno 6 imo Proprietor,
26 DO0ZEN Ilrades Crowns Ioes.
I Tierce of Whole Rico.
60 Bushols Meal.
Patent Cotton Black Bands and Hooks.
For sale by O
mar 16 BEATY & BIIO, O
S ST 0 S ETQJ "E8!
Car lohds White Dread Corn,
100 bushels mixed Oats,
100 bus1els nolted MeAl,
1) barrels new St. Louis Flour,
100 oncks hew Aughsta Flonr,
5 Kis Mackerel,
10 antels Sugar lionse . rup-,
l5,000 lbs. Whito and 8n1oked B1acoh,
ard In Can1s ahd OgM,
I lierces 0. W. Thomas & Co's dulden
nssed l:161e,
[0 sacks Java, LngWAyt-a and Rio Coffee,
I boxes gernine lidian Mnecaroni,
lest Gunpowder, Green Ten,
%tgarrs of all grndes,
smoked Pickled Tongues and Dried Beef
Pickled Salmon and Shad,
I ominy, 1ice, &1-.
FEnglish Crackers, assorte d,
IEnglish Pickles, assorted,
Plow Motulds, SIeel, Iron, Nails 'Mule
00s, 'R.
Hoes, Spades, Shovel's, Trace Chains,
And a large stock of Bots nod Shoes.
Call and examine our stook.
Ao00T & 00.
npl II
S P3 R1 1 N G
iRnow rceiving a choice stlock of
shi onable c t nd bple lDry (1 o'ul, ini
Ilch the huudies may'Ii ndl beatutifI'ul llac~k
ks, Japaunese Xilkc' !.inencs. Ml uslinsI
lue (lothI, (Grenedineo. D~olly Vardens a nd
ier Drecss (tioods. lElcgar.L Ia :es, ibi
as, and orther d ress I riminaigs.
kheeI ings Towelinugs. QutilIs, Miisnq'
t., Oil (lot hs, Mattinags and ot her huoas
apinag goods.
\~ goad supply of (anshmeres, tdnens
It onades. Cliin iig an tint hi for M1en
l 110ys, ias well ais ana t uunan targo ndl.
jon to their stoc k of' Fino Shoes and
enp shoes.
niwere, Woodenunr e, Crocer y, Books,
mats and Medccines.
T1ogether With
b leautifutl stoak of Wall Paperisg,
uadow Shades, &c.
o Inspection of thio Pulio is Invited,
pjd 18
ocst Assortment in Town 1
ssimeIres, Linenis and MhrllesIc~ ,
In. Bileaits !
get flARGAINS, as illis late in thec
3ring the Cash.
S. 8. WOLFE.
tay 23
Earthen Wahre.
LARIGE lot of Jugs and Jars.
Canned Ooods.
'enohies, Pine Apple, Oroon Corn, Cove1
(ers nnd Sardines. i
inc 13 U, 0. nuanOnnEb & .
I Car load Cort,
18,000 11 s. Flour in barrels am sacks,
8,000 lbs. Bacon and Bulk Moat,
151) 1tushels Ieni.,
Sugar and (o0rec, different g.rades,
A prime lotI W. 1. Molasses,
1 B:turel Freish Petrolun.
B3EA.TY &~ BitJOs
npl 13
J. Wm.u.sn Prr-ifo. r. it. I. Melt).o.At.11 A Co.. Iirugti.l
& tGen. A eSit Frand+.o,rnI..nyt 31 Conmnerce St., .Y.
IEIL.IONS Ilenr Te'miasovey to Slocir
Womimiere-sl Catnative IEfCSM.
Vinernar JkIttei'sm nro not a vile Finmey
Drik, Made of Poor Itun, WIN'aIskMy,
P.roor spir. itm null lteumtse iquorm, doe
tored, sapiced nnd mweetenetl to rleaso th tnate,
cnlled "1 Tonics," " Appetizes." " Rlestorers," &1kc.,
that Iead tii tipmier on to drunkeines ani rmin,
bit arc a true Metlicneo, made from tie Nativo
Itoota and Jivrbs of califoruin, fremo mrom sill
Alcoholic Stinimnlats, They are tho
(AIMiAT H10iO) P"'ItIFIlelLI unt A
LIFE (II IIN(4 l'lN(i PiJ, a perfect
Inoovator and Invigorntor of he eysten. earry
Ing off all pol.onott isnat terand restoring the blood
to a hitlthy condition. No ierson can tako thcqo
liitter.,; necoingimt to liretiont and remaivtn lon-c
tinweil. ritovilled their hones tire not destroye.i
by mineral pnison or other menti. and tho vita
organm wastejl beyont the roint of repair.
They itre it. 4115le Ptsrg v ivo ns vell
m i. Tonile, posse-ssiig, also, the peculiar ierit
uf acting as a powirful atent in relleving Congest
tion or Itiainmation of the Liver, and of all (ha
Visceral O:ns
FOL FE1illA I.E COM PLA INTS, wliether
li young or old, married or situ: le, at the dawn of
wtonanhood or at the turn of lifo, these Tonic Bit,
ters have io equal.
Foiri Innaimuit ry aiid Caroti lthenl
mtoni nit 1a1i (4nnt1, 1'yptpi( it or 1ir,
migestilon, 1li los, teli te mit nii;
Iint miet Fevers ilen'tnet or tt
Minlod, Liver, Illaneys tend Hlitirdeer,
these Hit 1 ers h1ae-1. 1een ItiI tntcessfttl. Sith
Dienaum are cant-ti by VitiatSemi Ilood,
whici is geerailly pro-Itued bey dernngetmieit of
the lgest ive4 Orgusk.
Itentinele, Pain inth vitionaltIes, Conghq, Tight:.
in-i of th Chtee. )izzine-u, Sutr Enoutaiosu of
Attack', l'.dalpittiont cithn I lenrt, Intmtammtatinnof
a hittlred t f-he mi infuit l sytmpt'nta al-e the oi5'
'They inigo~ramtm tihemtninch itnds ttimuttinto the
ttrmit is impart iuti t w mli andvgr itot to -
whotm ntmt.
FO il M li N DIrSE A SES, Fa aptins,'ftter,
liils, ('nrt nnelett. ihne-wrmsiii,< n.d Ifendi. oro
1evs.Etyiem' lich. Sirft. lmicolttrntionsoorthe
Tver minei mr ntii.atue m Ii miii ml i. un tp at m emnt.
it outmm ofi thstst:tn ht ni share. itmeiby them ue of
thettiOithl ri.iOn tiiettile mi sneht esist t willmon
(Cleaniite Vit itated lilomd whietnover'yttt tttd itsi
lo ipuities hurtist hig thriougih the skmi itniples,
Erut imis or Nmreuseennso it. whien you Stnd it
obsmt ructen amindliigishm in tho vehrit; cicanmso it
when'm it m iifoul,annd your feingts4, wvii1 ll youiwhen.
Keept It hetloodm piiro, tnnd time hetcmh mof to sysitenx
wvill folow.
PI N, T1A PES aol other WO RMS, nrking
in ime system itf so tunnty timoutsatmi, atro effectualmly
MtmlLi itY Al..L liitUm( isT A ND DEA LE RS.
Unii., noit M3 atnd 3i Conetmmte Jtreet, Now York,
Hats of all Styles,
Ior Meni and B~oys. Just Opened.
adics & Misses Sailor Hatst
try stock of' Dreimt Gooals is of' the neatest,
andm btest qutalitiest, nndo is offered at,
timo Lowest. Prices for tho CA8t!.
8. S. WVOL FI.
Juine 11
L ia.t. ia O 't O 3? y ,
JIAViNO proeonradi thd
ver'y besmt MeObaanics in
the country, I feel wvar
* rtanled in salying ihnt I
onn furnish asi neat BOOTI
' or 8I1108 as any 8Shop
in limo South. Alt work
rarranted to give satisfaction. My Shop
I next door to F. Gerig's Saddlory.
rnlar 10 5. M. G1LBnonT.

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