It. MEATSS DAVIS, Editor, Weinesday 5loruling November 1, 171. For Congrcsman 4th Con.' dtrict. JOSEPH B. KERSHAW, The Ncw York Ilerald .says that Nuibo dalm"), the Ki Klux out. rage mui., ik pagycr'ain ring. lItmom. bor ths Gen. J. Bi Korsha*. G]en. Korshaw, while always maiu. t- ininig the dignity of his own race, ha1 ever been the consistent friend of the colored man. lie do. sires the weIfare of both races. Ile has spi tless record. iIc pos:-esses ifluence in the North. No breath has' ever been raived agailst, him. 110 is tie choice of a vat majoirty of the intelligent and huiet tax;ayers of South Carolina. Merrill is figuring as a white league catcher in the West, lie will doubt. less vigiticer another $35,000 job throt.-h the legislature. 11is ight boIwer Iles:er, hla-l come to grief. lit was recogniz :d ly C.apt. Summe as an oitmped i irderor fronm the (rew of the Alabama. Whilo at G3ibryltor he hilled a nmosmiate anld desertel. Ile is now iilibiting a coll in thit jail bo ititenlded ftor Soeite iniocenLt Vit man. Tihe mills ol the Gd. grind .lowly. The 'niin Ilerahl is still h:1rping on the Black Cole, anld opposes (ireeun and Korp-haw for having voted for it in I-65. It noglects to iention th:1t "Black Code" Wallaco vited ngiust the repeal of the most ob. iox6i:>s section in 1866, a year later. The rasmn that other radical lealers are n(st recr-ordedl as impporters of ti.s vo(eIv, is that under the old respecta ble order of things they could not COMO within gunshot, of an1 oflico. That is all whiuh inves thom from a recortd like that of W allace. Mr. Chamberlain is out inl a char. actorist ic letter to tle New York Tr iiume. As lisua, lie niakes use of <1itible well calcliated to dectivo er111it actIlnaiit"'d with.1 the pa:l:t b1i.-tory of' Iimselelf and his part V. We will gi%e the Imiiost1 c ha racterist ic pcienof Mir. Cham111berlain', s llanl. ner of dtfe-ndirg hiimsvlf. ",I mighl, go on to sh4ow othcr iistan. ees in ytour corre.-iondent's letter of whiat I think should considered itn partionable inacetavy ; as, for ii A ineue, li statemnoit that "tlte lgis. Iature at it? I e(Xt se-so r titdi ated the Cir in..t.. f e1t. av, rion hinds." Whereas iihe ia:t . b at, the legisla. (1ur* ait th1At S si 1, inl-teild (Of reCp' diting thC.-o bonlds, fol tally "vahda ted"'' thei by an act to be found at page 278 of tho fifteemhi volume of thle aelec u-*1% dif 11his o. The effect of*' tie above on persons who believe ir. ChnIalberlaina, il t4i malce (hem think that the bonds refer. red to wer tiever repldiated, and that t'ierefore tao blae1110 caln attach to the fiiacial hoard for issuiig them. IEvery ote in South ('arulina knows that, althoglh the Venal legi. lat ure ,,1 182 .1id pass a validating nut, the! next Iegi.,lattire, composed hargely of ite~ sn. e inad iv'itinah, repaudiiateda thc blonids t ha t1 had een issued bay Mr. ('lhtambe'.a:in~ antd his colle'agues. Thc dlefencne set up byi bi r. Chambeilir. hain is titorthyi of a persoin who i a caiat e for Govuernor of Soutl, Mr. Wamllaco and' the Black GOde, Thle only atrgunittt used by Mr WValltaec and his brether rad1icah ,ginstt Green andt Karshaw is that ir I 865 they vote ot Xr the black cotde, Now, wve are ini favor (if baurying thn-e i a Is ill ee. tv T it. was decide.d inthl Iniltativv. Yea, d 43 ; n.) )s, 4 7. Aoong I ie votes recorded in the n)ega(ive on a call fur the )eis anod nays appear.i that f A. S. W.LL, BY this it. will bie . te tha t Mr. Wa a l.ce w ais one of il e lay t men in Soith Ca ro I i to a11 cord any rights to the co.or -d moan. III IMO h has11 hi.i voin re mriedl ag:i i..mi 111.1ui I, tihe colo' e i 1. n n11 n111 h11t.1i d , ght J, 1nd yet h11 1868, he rm.s for 'toigre,. its it ie rai nt t anl consi.stent I ictid of tho color -d m.11. There is Co publi Ilinn ill S4oIth (itro sin 1.L o 1hits U u Oe It V(I d, :1 far ats thle --luritd v.:m it, e. liele (ae thiau Wall.lave. In1 18.58 "Ind 185,M lie persis elitly ei. avo ed to .I free menn ito slatery, usa io Is8m he ondeavolt.. to plcettt oourtd .e from emr, rt,it,g hsom lvey Ano yet the co,se 01 people elbog i, I hil. (riheele, "I 'ra1ck (od i d .-e. " )t 1. iurely cant; t t pI a l ill if Wo (111h on. wortliv Con s f tie4t L)ist, riot, "Black Codu Wiallac. Why We E ave Opposed Mr. Wallac,. MIr. Walhico allegei Ihat thle coil servatives olipe him merely- heenae lie is ti0 fri d, 1111d ti y are the ne:niCe,.of the coTOred m11an. It) sho w t itt our oi posit ion to I i it Hri still ru ther widou the lr.auh U ar.'fy 6X iting but wVeLn For thi. reasila ie i, a d Al.crOuil per.onj, and cannot, lt! -ppol ted b-y aly voter wiro desires th1e Wcl*.ie o tIhe who.v people add the pro'lurt) of S,uth Uarl.. nA. F>r hm- rjaaij i e p.,so i r. r. \ iallinc is a ipho.', il the blb1., of Cougre:,s. We caibo 1uppoi t a cipher. We vannot vup ot Mr. WAl. lau.; We 1--ve ful3 d..nonstrated that N r. \\ :It. co i., imt I ,ally the frik i.d of tihe to'- , nin. WC i.Lave hI ,V va tionl ti oilil is decri mentul t. tihe t i te 1' oi thj.- S:ate. A