OCR Interpretation

The Fairfield herald. [volume] (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, March 31, 1875, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026923/1875-03-31/ed-1/seq-3/

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Rev. J. S. Connor was interviewed
Tuesday morning by Mri Green
Pool, who desired to form a inatri
imonial allianoo with Aii-s Elizabetb
Only. Mr. C. administered the
oath aftor which thay went their way
When lie stcoumbed to Cupid's rule
And whispered, "O.aly be a Pool,"
Sito ho"blit he Wlas'I half so Greek
As many a follow she had soon,
Ai d said she'd be his Only.
A I AIntIAoE NoTicE.-Married iWi
Dc ampul is, A lia., on the II th inst., at
the Ji."jcol'al C11u.ch by *Rey. Mr.
Mart oi, Mr. W. I. Egluatou of Cali
furnia (fGrmterly of South Carohua)
aAd M8iss Sophie 8. Lyon.
The itany friends of Mr. Egleston
will conigratulato him upon this au
spicious event. Mr. Egleston has been
living for .overal years in California,
and we are pleased to learn is pros
pering well. To hiriself und his fair
brida we offer our best wishes in their
distanthotno in El Dorado.
'he County Commisbiuners have
4accepted the bridge twilt over
Young's Branch by Mr. 8. \V. Ituff,
conditioned upon his making bonme
shight chiance in it. 'itho channel of
the creek has been narrrowed by rock
abutmeats to twelve feet, and the
bridge i. supported by seven sleep
ers 4 by 14 iuches. It is said to be
very sub.tantial although not dis
playinig much at chitectural beauty.
Ol Thursday a colored man, Collin
L,ocke, was soliciting aid from the
white men of Wiunsboro to pay his
taxes. This same Collin is said to
be a violent partiznnl and sees no
;,ofld in a white ian about election
tia, . Ti 's the w.ty. In their
stupidity theyelect rulers who grind
them down, and then they ask the
very men they abuse to save them
from the consequences of their igno
On Thursday, Sandy Thomas,
(colored), of liidgoway, applied to
Jtistii,ce Mackey to link him in mat
rimonial bonds to Liura Ann Ri.h
ard-on. A large number of the curi
ons thronged the office. Unfortunate.
ly, Sandy said he had already b.-en
married, but claimed that as his wife
had married another fellow, he was
free to contrPct another engagement.
Justice Mackey cruelly differed wi r.
hiu on this point and refused to per
lorm the ceremony, much to the dis
tppointuient of the expectant couple
and witnesbes.
There w .8 a lively fight Wednes.
day morning be'ween up town and
and down town for the possession of a
foot hall. In the general melee, the
differences of race, color or previous
condition were entirely iguored, and
acting in accordance with the decla
ration that all men are born free and
equal, merchants, bankers, newapa
per mien, police, boys and loafers
kicked the ball to and fro with o do.
lighatful abandon. Victory had perched
alternately on the banners of either
side, wheni broken shins and business
hours put ana cnd to the game.
Mr. Jamtes Moore, agent ot the
Siner's Sw inig Machine performed
somea fezats Thu ad ay ont thle College
camous that. would h:ave intade the
celebrated equestria n Jno. IHenry
Cook ashamed oif him.,a,lf. It seems
that this 3 onaa horseman rode his
pony "Stockinag Legs," out on thc
camipui. to witness a g ame of baseball,
then pa) ny became disgusted with +,he
hall ganme and made a ball of his
aider. Parties who witnessedl the
runaway and fall of the Singer Ma..
chine man, say that he turned twenty
son:ersaults iin a se.cond. TVhis ba.ats
Cooak., and we recomme.nd M-r. M~oor.e
t o BL.rnuna as t'hafbest c questdian of
CX'l. Y,rastuis W.' Everson, Librarrian
of the St4ate University, arid formnerly
the edicient, "local" of thec Clumnbia
Unaion, is prepa ring for the press an
accounat of centenarians living in
South Carolinta. IIe wishes a list of
those actually a hunidred years old,
and thaose nearly that age,. Ue
wishes to colleet the recollections of
these centenar4is in regard to revo
lutionary evenate, t:mavel, trade,
manneira and cu,omis, means of comn
mun ication, wa) s ol amuszament, anad
aniy evenats ini thenir live which will
go to ill::at rate the progress of the
country fronk their early days.
Snch a book we feel assured would
prove o f general interest. We hope
Fairifield will be represented, if she
have any centarians living. Any in..
formatioan on this subject may be
communicated to Col. Everaon in
Columbia, Mr. A. M. Mackey of
WVinnasboro, or ourselves.
In the absence of the proof reader,
who is skilled in deciphering the eali
graphy of the editor, several typo
graphical errors crept, into Tuesday's
Nr.ws. We were made to speak of
"foolish lawyers," whereas we have
too high an esteem for thle fraternity
.J'O>40WL 8SC.qL.11oS.
SW" We are not responsible for thoopin
one of correspondents.
AlW- Communications to this office
will not he tioticod unless noconpanied
by the real unie of the writer.
ftp Hereafter no LOCAL NOTl(IS
w I be instried in our colunsud oxcep
upoll paymetiel of THN C EN S a lino
Ni.w AVERrts8:.:rNTs.
williney-J. 11. Brown.
Notice-W. It. Peake, A. F. C.
Mlatzoth-Kiosmlanl Bros.
ila1f-11. J. MeCailey.
Citation-Jilo. J. Neil, J. P1'. F.C.
Read Notice County Commission.
Family a1d Plantation Suppliaps
WY. It. Duty & Go.
New Store-Itoseniheiit & Co.
latig Out Your 13.uneis-Danneri.
berg & Co.
Pay ip your autiteription, and
don't let it run so lung.
Mr, John ). MoCarley has just
reeived a cask of fresht Ale, % I ich
is pronounced by anl old friend of
ours as good.
D. I. letmllike't rata inlst reveived
a lot of ilack well's Dui ham Snl -
ing Tobacco, which lie cileia for 75
cents a pound. Try it.
While playimg foot ball Thursday,
Mr. J. F. MeMaster severely stiained
his knec, and will be laid up for sev
eral days.
Mr. S. F. Cooper has et up a irst
clas saloon at the stand beneath the
Winnboro iLotel, where Ie will be.
glad to serve his oustumers. Give
him a call, yo lovers of the "rosy."
Fo u Colored wontan got religinon
<n Thursday night a:iii v.r borie to
their respective homes whil- in a
religous swoon. A powerful revival
.- i: .ug on.
Dr. Ftirnan deliveied 1it; lecture
on Ce;nty on Wednesday evening.
Tie le,.tute was very Ene, but we are
compelled, from want of space, to
postpone an extended report to
another time.
Our yotng friend, Mir. S. K.
McDonald, the Western Union Tele
Praph operatist has Just received a
large lot of segars which lie is Eelling
at live;cents apwiecc. Ca 1 and get some
tor we ca.n testify to their being
Mi. 1. RosUnheittm, attr.tted by
the reports of the advantages of
Wininsboro has removed to Ehis place,
atid olpels a first-elass btore in the
Catheart building. We welcome him
into cur nidst.
Sheriff luvIl has not been heard
of in three weeks, and the general
Opinion ext)ressed is that lie has for
ever shahen the dust of Winnsboro
fromt his feet. lt is repouiteal that
Coronear Rt -f, will soon take charge
of thec Sheorifl's tflici'.
Ani invitationa haas beent extended to
the F'. li. E. Comat'p:anry to attenid:the
C'entenniial ;at Chaarlotte. We htave~
nto dhiebt that t he tivittion will be
~accep?ted. Sonth Carointa will par..
t icit ate gl ad ly with her sisteor State
ian the C.enatetnnial celebrationu.
'The claover sent us by C'ol. Rien
uus the second year's growth. Th'le
lac era e w as so wed in Se pt eamber.
Ar.13 11 . Flauntakena comes to the~
front i.h '.neerume 19 inches ini heig ht.
nan withbout manure otn his lot itt
October last. ie al-o brirgs Oats
36 inchtes high. Wh'lo heats this f
I ieaary .Alurphay and Tomn Irowna,
two co'loriedl Spor atn had an i intoerest -
inag little skirud~sh aiuiday mtortiing
at i;lirer' lall. T-eplic'ii)i.emtan en
dutty beitag -a lit.tle la-ate did nit
.a.rrive ont thle biattic giounid ut til the
pnugihlist had dopart ed, cotseq uently
-.at were mt ade.
.Jon Green was iga in before the
llayor' Satnrday, fur dlrawiing a las.
tol oni another negro. Th'le Ma yor
very properly lined J oh n fifteen doal
lars, but not ha vinig thle greenbacks
he proposedl to le,ave towvn for' twelve
anortths, whtich w as accepteda.
Stnnay. beiang Easteri Sunday, St.
Jol.hr's Churchel was hanidsotmily dleco
rated~l. Festoouns of cedtaris and cross
es uof ever'gr'eens andh flowers reliev<d
the sombre a ppeatranoc of the walls.
Services were pet firmedu by R1ev. W.
Hi. Campbell, whIo waIs v'iititng
W itnaboro, assisted by Rev. J.
Ob)e ear. Tlhe cold damtprness of thae
day rev'ted( thae uisal a tppearancee
of mKighit neCw spig Ihabit i.
Pint aYTKa:aAN CinUtreH.-Tliere
will bo aervioce in Scion tPresbyterian
in this place oan Wednesdtay ar.d
Thuarsday nights at 74 o'clock, on
Friday afternoon at 4.j o'clock, and
on Saturday night at 7[- o'clock. 'rThe
R1ev. N. W. Edmnuuds, ia expected to
preach ont Thursday and Fariday. The
pulic, especially the young people
in this coamtounity are earnestly rcA
njuested to attend theso serv'icce.
I poets.
He then discoursed at length upon
moral beauty, und piotutod in glow
ing oolors the beauties of the Now Je.
rusalem. In the last great dty when
> all earthly beauty perishes. when all
animated life shall feel the touch of
death and decay, when landscapes
fade, mountains fall, rivers cease to
a flow, and the mighty ocean is di iud by
0 .orvent heat-in all this change the
I moral beauty stamped upon the soul
is not obliterated. It is sijected to
no change, knows no end. Beyond
the tain ed atnosphere of earth li.ei
a land all beautiful beoause all good.
a There the river of life is fl jwiug and
trees immortal bloom. Th.3re is no
3 sea'with its ttortus, no natural tight
with its gathering shades and gloomy
a darkness ; in that bright land love
never grows cold, passion never rages,
!ust never burns, sihne.s never dib.
treo.,es, pain nAver agonizas, :age
i never enfeebles, death never destroys,
parting words are never qoken,
I larewell tears are never shed, and no
ieformities obtrude themselves upon
the celesti-il vision, to mar the
beauties of that land where all is joy
and peace and love.
>rThis is bAt an imperfect sketch of
this beautiful lecture. It 0a) only
be sufficiently appreciated by hearing
Dr. Furntn himself. We bespeak
for Dr. Furman, it large audience
wherever he may see fit, to lecture.
alzoth will be manufacttured this
year under tho sup-rintendenue of M R.
8. AAYERS. Orders for- samo. to socure
attention, must be sent in by 10i h April.
81 M arket street, Charleston, S. C.
mar S0-tixI
Notice of Land oiedenption.
Fairfield County, March 29 1875.
3 N OTICE is hereby giveu to J. T.
Siewart, and his a8signS, that the
money has been dep.elted ' County
I TrJ.a- m; -, a Irfieid County for the re
demption of two hunidred and seventy.
nine (279) of acres of land in Township 8
sold as the property of the Estate of Mary
Vaughn, deceased, for taxes and b,ught
by the said J. T. Stewart, blarch the 8th
A. 1). 1875.
mar 80 Atditor Fairfield Connty.
Executors' Sale.
Y vhtue of authority contained in the
Will of Abram F. Lumpkin, do
ceased, we will sell at public auction, lor
oic , on Friday. the 16th day of A pril
next, at the Boulware plaeo about sixty
bushels cotton seed, an anvil, a vice and
a lot of old iron, and at. the home place, on
I the following day, about seventy bushels
of cotton seed, a portable grist, mill, a lot
of old iron, about three hundred bushels
of corn, a lot of fodder and other articles.
8Rale to OomMeUco at 10 A. M
mar 8l-x2t2
S 2ECUREI.D (fronm the City of Baitm ore)
a first class~
I ndw oifer to the laies of Fairnild the
most Fashionable, Beautiful anal attra o.
live 8tock of
ever exhibited for sale in this place.
Mly stock is now complltO in Dry Goods
White Goods, Fancy Goodls, Notionis,
G.oves, llan,dkerchiers, &c., &o.
And a splendid stock of Trimmings,
Embroideries, Laces Edlgingsa, Braids,
Frillings, &c., i nclu aing all or the novel.
ties of the seaso n, Please .call and see.
Very Rtespecctfully,
maar30 J 11. RIOW~N.
ROS E N H ElIM & CO0,,
~CUIULL Inform thb uh-.
I,le in general that, they have opented
the store formerly occupied by J1. J[,
('athcart where they intenad to conduct. a
general stoek of merochandise, consisting of
Fair and sq~uare tientment to cac .1 and
ever.y one that, will call on tus,
marcha 27
lot extra Suga- ('ured Uimanvassed
14, eY. )teOa2.*:Loy.
to allude to them in this orue
maniter, We were after the "foollet
logislatot-s." We were also
made to invoke a "blight"l on the
Phwalk, whereas we wished it 4
prooperous flight. We were alsi
mad#j to affirm that "passover" weel
was religiously observed by the R
man Catholio and the Episoopaliar,
shurcbes, instead of saying it was ai
Iruelitish feast. Of course all w<
good Episcopals know that this i;
pa-sion week, and will pasq ovei
this mistake without getting into I
plibsion about it.
By the way, the mistakes of prin
ters are enough to run editors crazy
were the errors not frequently ex
tremely ludicrous. Some time sine
oorrespondent of the News men
tioned that % certain official was i
gentleman to the manner born. Thi
proof reader interposed just in tinI
to prevent the startling annuunoe
rcent that this individual was i
gentleman to the "marrow bone.1
We are not sure that the compositor'
expression was not wore forciblh
than the original. Hundreds of suct
mistakes ocour, some of which ees
sarilyescapo the proof reader's eye.
Ye uncircumnoised Philistines whi
carp at typographical errors, tak<
charge of the proof reading depart
ment for a month and then say i
is an eaiy position, if you can.
Last week the elements seemed il
in a tangle. Rain, hail, mud an
lightninj held high carnival in Norti
and South Carolina and Georgia
The lo.s of life and property wet<
immense. But those atmospheric phe
nowena sank into insignifioance be,
side the one we are now about tq
Chronicle. It. seems that as a citizei
of this county was retuining fron
Winnsboro by one of the numerou,
roads rAdiating in every . direotioi
from the court house, all on a sudden i
dense black 0ln1d appariid above the
horizon and swept towards the zeniti
with incalculable velocity. Th<
citizen fearing a tornado turned t
fle, but on looking back discovere<
another cloud appearing from th<
opposite direction lashing itself int<
still blinder fury than the other
Appallnd he awaited his fate. Ot
and on thle clouds rushed to meet ir
angry confliot. The soughing of th4
wind changed into the howl of thi
hurricane. Far off could be seer
0) ing timbers and boughs of treei
borne before the angry tornado. Ai
inky darkness palled the earth
illun.inated at intervals by forkec
tongues of lightning. When des
truction seemed inevitable, and
when the thunder gave forth a ter
rifle peal, in an instant there was r
pelfect calm. The two cloudi
stretching from horizon to horizon
stopped just before meeting, anc
left between them a rim of clear sky
resembling the dry passage acros
the Red Sea, with walls of water oi
either bide. This elear space wai
illuminated by rosy tints as if of the
Aurora Borealis. While thme niti.
zen stood h:alf panralyzed with fright,
certaLisn umiinous nob ular spots ap
plensied ini thmis helt, wh ichi gradummally
ass.uming definite shape presented
to his wondering gaze the following
enitenice, "In. this sign, c.>nguier.)
While lie marveled muchly at this
atrange sight, another peal was heard,
and the words disappeared, only mc
give pilace to others mnerd sta tling.
F'or euddenly spreading ever the
whole belt, from horizon to horlzon, he
read the following;:
Tlhmen there was another rumbling
anod rushing and a more blindi iy
filase, anid then he opened his eyes
sa1w the blue sky above and the
bright day around, got up out of
the road whore lie had been lying
took anothor draim out of his com
forter, atnd wout home a soberei
and a Iwiset miab.
Rev. D)r, Furman <ielivered hi1
lecture on Beauty in the Baptist
Church in Winnisboro on Wednesday
evening last. He began by defining
beauty as "cOonformity with ideal
perfection'' and 'claimed thi8 defini
tion to be universally applieable
[n propirtion as any object conforms
to our idea of perfection in thai
samie proportion exists its beauty,
T~here are two kinds of beauty
intrinsic beauty, which is ultimate,
anvd relative beauty which involvei
the idea of the adaption of the meani
to the end. The lecturer then dis,
cussed at length the beauties of
nature, of art anid of morals, and this
portion of his lecture was fvery skill,
fully handled, beauty of Ideas har.
monizing with beauty of language
and expression. After the beauti,
ful in nature had been fully discuss.
ed he treated of the beautiful in the
different realms of art-nusio, sonlp,
ture, painting and poetry. He
analysed poetry into Its varied eleo
ments of beauty, and proved con'
elusively 'that while there are many
rhymesters there are but few truE
Special Notles.
AiRICANS are a Nation of Dyspepties.
We live fast, dissipato and fill early
graves. We drink all kinds of alcolholic
spirits, and swallow, without mast ication,
pork, greaee and every kind tof lifegde.
stroying, system-clogging, indiget-tible
food. Dr. Wilikers vegeia4tle Vinegar
Bitters will remnove i'hs evil 161ect, an8
the recovered patient. with pure, vitlise'd'
electrical blood flowing through his veini
will have as cloarer hat-d 'and a ovol'er
judgnient, whiich ndded to experience, will
can:-e hint to abstain it the future.
How -ro lX'STRZ Tior PROSet-Ty OV
TIC SrA-rr.- Keep b oor motiey at home.
Do 1ot .seid awayfor alsythil)g which you
can ohiniii o-t wt-ll lere as elsewhere. We
dot nit adv4scaiiat p.ying $5 for I hat which
you onn buy abroad for even $4 90. but
when yott can buy yotir Blank Book" of
tho iest. grde. at prices as low as New
York. then, sent it) Walker, Evans &
Cogswell. Cha leston 8. C., land purchase
what you need. All their Blank Books are
n ade in Charleston. aid your onoourage
mnent will sust ani a worthy manu facturing
IoNY SAvF)n, MOXSY MADS.-Ii is noe
lonver n,-cessary to pny two anl three
prolis. M.\esrs. I tirchgotL. Benedict &
"o. bc g to draw ntonti,on to t heir immensil
clising abut w-de of $500,000 worth of Dry
Goods, Carpets. Furs, etc., which taket
place aainually belween Janu ary Ist, amid
Februanry 'rth. prior to pitrolinei ig Ilheir
Spring stock, at 275. King streel, Charles
ton .. C. 6-1. b'hho Htall "treet, Atlanta.
Gi., and lay street, Jaicksonville, Fla.
Samples sent Unl applicailon. Remit per
Express or Po,t Olice Order, or goods will
ie tent C, 0. D. All retail orders over $10
will be sent from t.he Charleston branch
free of charge.
Anmong our now advertisements, is that
ofone of Ithe oldest. establishaents ins
Stnto. Estahlislhed in 1832, it has main
t.tinledl the first platoo ini its II e ofbu iness
With large experience and unsurpassed.
facilos, ilesar.. Walker, Kvans & Cogs.
well aro prolpared to sustain the reputa
tion of their establishinient. Like A. T.
Stew-irt. they believe in newspaper adver
tising, and take this means to.annotunce
I hant they have this season addedl very
largely to their stook -of type and
machinery. and ore better prepared than
ever to please their customers. Wo wish
thern every succes.s.
cuI aLus fro, S. 0.
Oiler to th pubic at I da:'a4 i n genera
an imutataio and well selectel nlook o
Dry Go Is, Carpets, Oil Clothr, Mattings
&, at the lowest, prices. Herewith ihey
annex t he prioesof a few articles-Calicos,
from Glo lild., Long Cloths, froin (ito
l6c . Ilrown Hloinespulasi, extra heavy,
frou 7l t1 teo., Joatns, frot 2cc. up.
wards. Cashsiaeres, front 40o. upwards,
Flantnels, frotn2) to 40o. ladies', Misses'
aid Clent' it, )do..75.,. , $2.00 per
doz. and u.>wards, Suspendors, $1.40 -er
doz. and tiiwards. Ladies' and Goits
Pocket liandkerchlief, from 60c. per dos.
and upwards. Black and Colored A lpanras
20c..and apwatrud8, Dress Goods. frotn 25o
upwards, Ladies'and Gents' Furniising
Goods, lIfnsekeeping Goods, Fancy G iods
liiblons. Notions, &o., from 16 to 26 per
cent. cheaper than elsewhere. Samplek
sent and orders pronptly filled. All
retail orders from $10 00 upwardi, sent
per Express free of chargo. A liberal
discount to wholesale dealers.
Dr. J. Walker's California Vin,.
egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable
preparation, mado chiefly from the na
tivo herbs found on the lower ranges of
the Sierra Neovada mountains of Califor.
nia, the medicinal proporties of which
aro extracted thorefrom without the use
of Alcohol. .The question 1s almost
daily asked, " What is the cause of the
usnparalleled success -of VINEGAR liT..
-r ns R" Out answer is, that they remove
the cause of disbase, and the patien'st ro
covetrs his health. They are the great
blood purifier and a life-gIvIng principle,
a perfect Renovator and Invigorator
of the systent. ..Nover before in the
hsistory of the world haa a medicine been
comp Iounded possessing the remarkable
qiuahties of YIZ(ttOA a B3sTTxas in healing the
stekc of overy disease masn is heir to. T'hey
are a.gentle Purgative as wvell as a Toni.,
robievmg Costgestion or Infiammnation of
theo Liver and Visceral Organs, ins Bilious
D)isoases. - .
The o 'perties -of DRn. WALKaER'
VtNHGARt 1lT ftR'rs are A perient, -Diaphtorot.io,
Candnative, N utri tiouis, Laxative, D iurotie,
8edativo, Cousntr-rIrritant, Sudorific, Altera
U.vo, and Anti-Dliious.
Sa. a~. teIuuNALD) dr Co.,
Daruggsts rand tOon. A gts.. Sans Fratnctsco, CalifornIa,
acr. of Washin ta-ton and Charton nta., N. Y.
Sotd bay all flruggists anid Dealer.
Brratnch Agency of the SINGER sRurWIN
MA (IIINK COM'A NY having been
est ahiishsedl in Wt'innmshtoto, I am' now pro.
parsed to suipply the
of every lady in Fairfieldl withs atn article
which las psoren to be very usset'uI. It-is
thse inger Sewing .\anehie whtich is
do all nork better II ans any,~ other machine
oft'aed. My hosedanarters are at
Mc.IASTI5 dR )- fl!OkS3.ry Oods Brore
can go withs perfect propriety. I will
diuring rh7 ntay -
f'rnde for all old &hachines, giving a liberal
a lecounst.
I sill oni TIOfE or few the CA SIr, and
with take great pleasure in teaching any
onec to use dhe Mar'httne. Manhines of alt
mnakes repaired.
One Wheeler & Wilson.
Ag2Bt for FiIrliald County
smar 201
01eec of UOunty CommitssIoners
lFAtaRFDe.D County.
WINaonoR, 8. C. March 23d 1875,~
S'i EAJ,l'D proposals will be received at
this oflice for thitty days fo's' the build
ing of a bridge over Cerdar Creek at
Smiths's for'd. All bids 'must, be acOom
panied with the names of two or more
suitfletl sureties. The commissioners
reserve tho right to reject any and all bIds
if in their judgment the interest of the
County requi'e it, For de tail of plans and
speditiestlons apply at. t ais offie.
~o wEiB
p esiie 41. lill Ilk 11110 Aldo. Smoi m os i 11103
eni for rheumatisim. Tile staItmloh is itffot..
bowols in general costive, mtietime.4 al.
'ith pain, and dull, heavy s!insationl ,4)o,
h painful sensation of having loft tintd.
Ofton complaining of weaknoss, iebility
Lbovo attend the disease and at other timow
ly the organ most involved.
"I h-ive never soe or tried such a
simple ollioacioI, etisfactory and ple%s.
ant. remedy in my life."-1. 1lies, St,
Lui s, Mo.
Hon. Alex. H. Stephens.
"I oloasionally use, when any conditioi;
requires it. Dr. Simnions' liver Rtegula.,
tor with good elfeot."-liou. Alex. Ill.
Governor of Alabama
'-Your Rtegulator ha. been in Ilse in my
family for soie limtle, and I at purstided
Ii is a valuablo addit ion to t ie Iedical
science."-G- ov. .1. 0ill 8 iorter, Alit.
11 have used [he Regulator in my fami
ly for tie past meventeal yelrs. I cank
safely recommend it to tho world as the
bei medicine I have ever usual for that
c'ass ot 'disoises it purptorts to ouLtro."--,
11, F, Thigpen.
President Oity Bauk.
"Simmons' Liver Regulator has prove4
a good Ian4 elicaoloul rjedicin,"-C. A.
j N ting , Druggists.
"We havo been acquainted with Dr.
8iii-mous' Liver Medic nt tor more han
twenty years, and know it to be the host.
Liver Regulator offered to the public."
M. R. Lyon and 11. L. Lyon, Bellefuntaine,
"I was cured by Fliniviois' Liver Regn.
latr, after havinig SulIered :1v0VOal yeanir.
with Chills ad rever-"It. V. .Anderson.
"I Have boean a dyspelic fir years ; be.
gan the Regilator I wo year aigo ; it, has
acted like a o4a-m in mjy case."-Rev. J.
C, Hohnes.
Ladies Eudorsoment.
".[ have given y oir imeldicine 1
thorough trial, and in no case has it failed
to give Watilactionl."----Ell Meachatm,
Chattahoochee, Pi1t.
Sheriff Bibb County.
"iT have used your iRegula or with suc.
oessful effoot in Billions '(lia and Dys.
pepsil. It, is an excellent. retinedy and
certainly a publia blessing."-Q. Master,
son, Bibb County ga.
My Wife.
"My wife and ielf have 'usedI tlhe Regit
Intor for ye%rs, anl testiy to its great
virtties "-Rev. .. ier, Perry O(lit.
-I think Simmoin-i Liver llogulator ona
of the beet mvdiiniiies ever muaue for the
Liver. My wife andI manitily ot hers, havo
used it with wondet ful elect."-H. K,
Sparks, Albany, GI.
M D.
''jltave nel tie Itegniotor in my fami.
ly, also in mcy'regaila-r' practice, and havo
foutr,d it ia mm-t valunatbIt and sact iifaoctory
metdiolne, and beljiave if it was usedn -hay
the profaassioin It. woubal beo cf service ini
very manay cases. I know very muach of
Its comnpontiint parts, anad certify its mei..
oinal qualit ioa ara perfect ly harmtless."
BI. 43. G-riggsa, M. D., Macona, Gai.
.matrch 2-xtim
ini hoots & 8Sl000
at Lanud ekers
at L: e kr'es.
at L:at kers.
att Li t kers.
Shoes, at La:'d cers
at Lan de'kers,
ial Qualities, at Lande1 ckers.
aind Shapes, at Landeckers.
3 Bhds. N. 0. Clarified
Sugar, t0 Bbls. N. 0. Molass.
have given general satisfaction,
Give Them ai Trial,
BEAY h1Q,970N
The 8) nptonis of Liver complaint are u i
the pin is in the sfiaulder, and is mistak
ed with the loss of appetite and siokness,
torating with lax. The head is troubled v
viderable los of memory, acoompanle4 wit
something wh Oh ought to have beeni done.
and low apivits. Sometimes many of the j
very few of t hem ; but the liver is general
= O322.4 3 .0 3..
Is warranted not to contain a single
particlo of Mercury, or any injurious
mineral substance, but is
confqintng, thoseSouthern roots and Iferbs
which an allwiso Viovidenco has placed
in funtries where Liver Diseases most,
prevail. It will oure all disonses oaused
iy derangimeutle of the Liver and Dow.
Simmons Liver Regulator, or Mediomne.
li eninently a fitaily medicine, and by
hing kept. ready for imtiediato resort will
save naty an houir ofaniffring and many
a dollar .in ti-ne aid doctors' bills
After over Forty Years trial it is still
receiving the moist, unqualifled testi.
nonials toits virtues fromu persons of tlk 0
highest character and responsibility.
Emnent physicians Gomenotid it as the
Effeotual Bpeoifio.
for cansumpti n, HeRdache. Pain in the
shoulders. Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad
tnusle i-j the mouthi, billiout4 attacks, Pal
pitation of the Ileart, Pain in the regions
of the Kidneys, despondency, gloom aund
fitchodings of evil, all of which are the
ofTspring ofa diseased Liver.
. For Dyspesia or Indigestioa.
imed with this antidote all climates an.I
chahges of watvr and food may be faced
witiout fear. As a Remedy In ialarious
Fevers, 1Iowel CoMp1nints, resLIessness.
Jaundice, Nausea,
Itis the ohenpest. purest aid the best
Family Medicine in the world I
Buy no powders'or Prepared .4immosns Tivc*r
Regulator unless in our engraved wrap
per with Trade mark, stamp and signrluve
unbroken. None other is genuine.
J. I[. ZEILIN & 00.
Maoon, Ga., and Philadelphia.
Simmons' Liver Regulator.
For all diseases of th' Liver, Stomach and
Spleen. As a remedy in
Malarious Fevers, Bowel Complaints,
D)yspepsia, Mental Drpression: lies't.
lessntess. .Jaundico, Nausea. Sick
HZeadche, Colic, C'onstlpa
Lion andl Biliousnesu.
It Tras Er3Kg-1a.a1
A great
Put some -
A 1( nd ake
All thle Best Goods,
All the B st Styles,
A14The Best P.at,terns,
All tlb e Best Gaiters
All theO Best BuiRnese
All the Best Boot:
All th Substat
A'.l the Sizes
OL.D and Silver WVaI-hen. (the very
'.Wbst timne kee pers)80oMd G old Chnins
hoil Phated Chains, ltings and Siver Bnb
Chaine, which t uuarantee. A iso, Breast
Eins Collar and Shirt Bluttont, of all dlea.
ertptions. A ret of beantiful Clocks. # hto
miii beat them t Repairing done in a
workrnan-like manner. ESaisfaction guaran -

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