LOCAL JEMSc NEW AD VERTIsEMENTe. if urniture-R. W. Phillips. Just Opened-I. N. Withers. New: A'ives-D. baudrdqt o ow Goods-U. G. Dec ortes. Tea and Oats-Beaty3ro. & Son. Now 0ooda--S." Landeoker & Co. New Dbpartr e-James S. Elder &Do. Read thps tiqdf opening 4olo in another n' Aladdin So y i -. W Sonls. Dissoluttion--J nrK o .d Plantationgp Notice-Per FancylGr ocerie P sr t Dentist--S. Hage]g' A'ot of h e inlyv flab r just received at D. R. Flonnikens. P. Bacot,- [isq., has a ;lot of supn rior cigars on hand. We have tried them. Mr. Charles Broom has the thanks of the office for some very fine pota. toes. We call attention to our market report in anothoi column. It will be corrected weekly. We are foiced to put Mr. Major Hamilton's "communication" on the outside this morning owing to the iress of advertisements. S. LANDECKER & CO.-Has the largest stock of Bleachings in town. Don't fail to come and see them. * Jon PnINTING.-Having purchased a large lot of now type, we are pre pared to do all kinds of job work with neatness and dispatch. All we want is a trial. S. LANDECKER & CO.-Beauti ful line of Mens' furnishing goods. The Windsor Scarf, the Broken Plaids, among the latest. * PIO-NIC.-The Scholars of the Presbyterian Sunday School intend having a pic-nic on. Timrsday next. We hope they will have a good time. * We call attention to the card of Dr. Hanckell, in another column. He is a fine dentist and fully up to the improvements in his profession. BOLOGNA SAUsAoE.---lr. John D McCarley has just received a large lot of fine bologna Sausage which he warrants to be free of dog and cat. A shooting mn itch was held at Jackson's Creek on Friday. The matches, a friend informs us, will be hold every Friday, for some time. CrIAnLEsrON ILLUsTRATED. -.- We have received the beautifully print ~,ed and very interesting book, bearing the above title, and are ready to is sue them out to parties holding cards. A TunE EcLIPRE.--Don't fail to rise early to-morrow morning and wit. ness old So] creep from his hiding p~laco dressed in a neat suit of black. DEBATING CL~UB.-Some of our young men have organize:, deba ting club in towvn, with the ~olloig officers: T. K. Elliott, President and T. H. Kitchen, Sec. and Troas. All young men in~ town are requested to join the club. NEv STonx.-Th~e two ned stores of Messrs. J. 0. Boag and Thos. Laudordalo are rapidly approaching completion, and in a very short time will be filled with a choico stock of fall and winter dry goods. Col. D. W. Aiken has written a letter advising farmers to endeavor to make arrangements with their merchants to -deliver only a' portion of their cotton at present, and -pay interest for the privilege of holding the balance until the price rises. The Editor returns thanks to Mrs. W. H. Williams for a pair of beauti ful picture frames, manufactured from native burs, acorns, and berries tastily finished, and with the pictures enclosed forming q1uito an ornament for a bachotdr's sanctum. FURNIrrJan.--We dropped in at .the furniture establishment of Mr. R. W. Phillips last Saturday, and were shown the 'handsomet lo~t of furni hure we have ever seen in this town, We cordially recomnmend Mr. Phil. lips' goods to those of our frien&i dot Suay. afternoon to welcome d'~ dour young friehd Tno. C. SO''r, of the firm of J. C. Squier & d0 ihohahr boon' absent' several we ke in, othom, pjirohasing new go"ds. Johnnie is the picture of gobd health. . xo--ix.-he colored firemen end celebrating to-day, their soc-. da nnivorsgry, with a pic-nic, and Uto have a jolly time generally in the6 woods. They 'uiderstand how to get up good dinners as well as to put out fire. " We wish thein a good time. Littlo Alice 1Iorris came near Meeting with' a- 'serious ' accident Thursday aftornoon. While out riding she was thrown from the buggy, the wheels passing over her n4k. Fortunately she was not badly hadt. M2RE TRQoPs.-.A battalion of 450 U. S. Trfnpe were,to have arrivad in Charleston Wednesday evening from Fortress MIonroe. We are at a loss to know the object of sending more troops to this State. - Everybody knows that we haven't said or done anything since the boys serenaded H onest . John -Patterson last fall. But such is lji3 ! TRIAL JUSTICE COURT3.--MOSes Jeter and Henry .Williams were be fore Justice Robertson Wednesday for refusing to pay poll tax. They plead guilty, and paid up in prefer ence to going to jail. Sam Egleston was bound over the court of general sessions to answer the charge of malicious mischief. WHOLEsALE HousE.-By referenc to our advertising column it will be seen that Messrs. James S. Elder & Co., have opened a wholesale dry goods store one door north of F. El der's. These gentlemen intend doing a strictly wholesale business, and will sell goods as cheap as can be bought in New York. Don't fail to give them a call. S. LANDECKER & CO.-The handsomest stock of Mons' and Boys' Clothing in town. Don't fail to call. Familiar faces are always gladly hailed among us. This is certainly a fact regarding Mr. P. P. Toale's advertisement which appears in an other colunn. We can safely say that Mr. Toale is the Champion Manufacturer of doors,- Sash and Blinds, to which he adds a large list of requisites for the completion of any building. To the needy we say "send for his prices." * Monna STAR.--This well knownm saloon wvill open for thme fall and winter season on Friday. Mr. Groeschel, the proprietor, informs us that lie will keep constantly on hanmd, oysters, fish, game and every thing else that can be had to tempt the appetite of the most fastidious. Fred has -charge of theo cooking do partment, and every one knows he fixes things up in style. Ayss.IN. L4URE~s.-,The latest news' from ILaurons, says the New 'b ry IHerald, is that Washington a~nd Walker Scholl, brother andI nephew of Dr Sh61, have' been ar rested for the murder of Crews. It is said. that there are no less than hventy.'olid iarrand~ ready 'to be served. And now begins again the reign of terror in that unfortu nate County. TAr JUsTICE CoURTs.-Hannah Cork and May Walls' voe before Justice Robertson on Saturday the former for the hog stbaling, the lat ter for asstau,1. and battery. Both were convicted, but paid fine and costs in preference to going to jail. On Friday Wilson Jeter' was tried before Justice Robertson for wife beatin.; IW, ~vas "c9n'victe, -"and' turned over to the tender mercies of the jailer for 15 days. Jmwisn YEAR.--The B0th of Sep tember, 1875, is the 4st day of "'ishri in the Jeowsh calendatr, and iAlnmwn as New Year's Day, being th~e first of the Jewish year. The 9thm of QOto ber will be the Day of Atonement, which is the strictest fast day ob served by' the Jews. On that day, b~eginning at 6 o'clock the previous evening, they abstain from all food anid drink, ujntiW4prk gf the 9th. The postal card fator'y at Spring field is now making cards of the new patterai at the rate' of abont 600,8OO a clay, bit as th;g-at 1ill 2,270 000 in the vauitjtht public will no do any oOr spoding on, the nie cards uddtIlie mo1t0. Tl4 card base fine 'surface than th old, and can be used for copyin with a press, .It is heasier tha the old car1, .but is calendered a thoroughly that it is somewha thinner. "S. LANDECKER & CO.-Coni plete Stock of Ladies' Notions, Co larottos, and Hamburg Nading, Everything to please the eye. * APPLICATION FOR IMPRISONMENT. Wilsow Jeetermado application t Sheriff Irif-'hrrsday night to b put injail. for wlipping his wif< Nto said' he kuowed he was in d hands ob. do law, and dorefore corn and give himself up. Joter wa turned over to the. jailor' who cor ducted him to a sell.' On entering hi quarters he requested the jailor t furnish him with a bible and geoF raphy. We are at a loss to kno what ho wanted with two books, bu our devil suggests that he wished t find the shortest road to that borun from whence no traveller returns. Senator Dub J. Walker of Chest( passed through Winnsboro yesterda on his way to Cohunbia. Th reverend Senator was convictodi a the present term, of conspiracy t defraud the County and was sec tenced to 1 year in the ponitentiar' When School Commissioner tw years ago, he and a board of schoc trustees forged a school cortificat for $80 we believe. Credit is du solicitor Ma:Lckey for his conviction It is to be hoped that Walker wi: not be pardoned out. Scribner for October closes th tenth volume of that popular magi zinc. This number is unusually it teresting, containing an interestini account of a trip to the grand Cino: of the Colorado, that wondorft region almost entirely unknown ; very diverting extravaganza on thI adventures of Pierrot, Warrior an Statesman ; an article on Poi ascribing his weird originality t insanity ; and other very interostin tales and sketches. St. Nicholas for ,October is als Iull of interest for the young folki It is the most charming magazine c its kind we have yet seen. Bot: magazines published by Scribner 1 Co., 743 and 745, Broadway N. Y. TRAMPS.-The papers everywher< but more especially North, are to,; vith accounts of the thefts, and some instances mur'ders, commiittec by the common tramps who ar prowling over the country from Da to Beorsheba, and much good advic is given in regard to thoem. Therei an astonishing increase of vagrancy and thousands of idle, vicious cren turea,, who are too lazy to mak bread by honeost toil, resort to ever conceivable evil practice. The prowvl through the country in ever kind of guise, and it were well fo pecople in unprotected situations t keep a sharp look out on their at tions. Watch such characters a cats watch mice, lest they do barn and do niot admit them into you houses without due precautions. SERENADE.-On the 20th of laii May when the Fairfield Fire Engin Company v'isited Charlotte on tI: occasion of the Meclenburg Ce1 tennial, they w~e most lgospjta~b) entertained by Dr. Isaiah $irqjsp bf that City. On Monday nigli last the Citizen's Cornet Band an many citizens took advantage, of visit of Dr. Simpson' to Winnsboi to pay their respects to him and mal somne acknowledgmneht of their al preciation of his kindness to thren The band discotursed some deligh ful munsi,'~ 'after 'vbioh the part were invited in by the recipient the . serenade. An abundance < refreshments wvere laid out, of wvhi< all partook heartily. Compliment ry toasts wore drunk, iind mirth at jest went round till a'late hour. - TI city fathors an'd many leading cii zens were present. The afl' passed off most pleasantly. Thi is orie ef the, first fruits of the "ce tebnial peace policy." Pr. Simpson's professional visi to Winnsbor0 have caused him to, 1 widely and favorably known. S&t cess attend him. ANNIVE1sARY.-ThO colored H0< and Ladder Company celebrati their 2nd anniversary on last Satu day. They formed' at 4iheir trat house at 11 Ai. sr. and mnarch< through the principal streets, head< by the colored ' band, to the pin near John D. Smart's reamae whero aU !4 e iO t pheyn,* ---ptanr ioe V j)o ter, with several friends croppd 7 igas he ge4erally dose, and partook e of the hospitalities of this company g with whom he has fought fire on a ,sveral oceasions., A handsome o speech was delivered by Capt. Tiacot It of the IEngeno conay, complinont ing thorn upon their handsono ap poaranco and their promptness in rushing to the resmue Qf the proper ty of their fellow-citizens when the . alArm of fire was sounded. After dinner the company returned to tho town hall and held their annual elec tion. The following is the result: J J. D. Smart--President. e . Willis (ood-Viso-Pesidnt. Center Gibou.--1st 3giraetor ; T. 0 A. Good-2nd Director'; William e Woodwarc-}4rd . Direbtor- Ypcoe s Butler--44h Plrecton - .. C. R. S1 thr, Secretary ; 1Ienry s Jacob, Treasurer; Sam Garrison and o Sam Johnson, axemen. Poor x & HUNT, of Baltimore, whose ,t reputation as Founders and Machin o ists has become national within the the past twenty-five years appear elsewhere in our columns in an ad Aertisement .of their well-liown and highly regarded Jas. Leffel Turbine r Water Wheel, as well as in enunera y tion of various other lines of their manufacture. We invite, for. this firm, the favorable consideration of t those of our readers who may be in o need of anything in their line ; their t machinery, wherever used, best speaking for itself as regards quality, durability and capacity for the work 0 designed. Send for their circulars I before purchasing elsewhere. 0 H How -rO CuE FEVER AND AGUE. If any person suffering with FEi4VlER 1 and AG UE, Iuteruijttent, or Bilious Fever will call at the Drug Store of McMuster & Brice, and got a bottle of AGUJ' CONQUl ROl, their im. e mediate cure is cortalo, ani the chills will not come back during that season. It contains no Quinine, Arsenio or other Poisons, and aftet tnking one-half botttle you will feel n better in health than' you lhve felt 1 perhaps for years. It entirely a o!enses the whole system; purifies the liver and other secretory organs. Price $1.00 per bottle try it. Ask your )ruggitt about others who have used it. * 0 Attention ! Fairfield Sabre Club Y OU are hereby ordered to assomblo in Winnsboro on Friday, 1st October next, at 10 o'clock, A. Ml., in unifo'rxa end prJoperly equipped, for drill. There will be a business meeting at which nmatters of special interest will be submitted to the Ii club. Members must come prepared to pay all dues and assessments. By order of the President. W. J. HERR1ON, sept 22-x2tsept30 let Warden. M. S. HANCHELL, X. D. DENTIST. CAN be found at Browns .. Hotel until October the 4th. 1 sep 25 Y - P. P. TlOALE, Manufacturer of , DOORS8, SASH ES, HLINlDS, lLO00RIN C, &C r Dealer in Bui deris' Hardware,. PAINTS. OILS, &O, 4 sol.E AGENT.. c The National Mired Paibt Co., The Great eAmerican F"irc E~xtinguishmer Co., Page Ma chine Belting Co. y. OFFICE AND WAnEnooMs, n Nos. 20 & 22llayne, & 33 &25 Pinckney eta. 4 ~ FACToni AND "ARlDs. d Ashley Rtiver, West End Broad st., Ssept 23-ly NEW ARRIVALS. >f NE of the largest stocks of Millinery and Fancy (Goods that has ever been hi in Winnsboro has now arrived at D. Lau dordialo's. TIhe inspection of theoladles in. - vited. Our general stock is full in every ad line of goods which we usually keep. We guarantee our prices to be as low as the elowest. D). LAUDERDALE. i- sept28 _________ ir 2 57e c ial ticytios, ('sAu.xs LAet, EISsAYver . denotmne . nll sp irituoust li ruors as 'W Damnation.' Poor follow : lie kne tg whnereof~ he spako. by end expereta, an If living, would apply the same to Aleo e hobo Excitants, adver:,ised as t!urealis. c- Hut, there i one TLonie and Alternative it existence-.the best tiho woral hafs aevier known.-which contaIns no alecohol. It Is D~r. Walker's 1)allfornia Vinegar flitters. STsAxt Powna PalNTINoJ --Ptmphlets of d all L in:In 'are cheaply and e x pst iorualy -prinited by Walker l',vs~ & Cog.well, (4harles'toni, S. C. 'I loir ;.ream' sri'e in k fll bat on thai-, cine's eI wisu a, br still their l'acilitie. m. so gitent th,,t the, oi. CI al way ',s r''i o t fr imine wT or k ',-. 'ec..li1s6 d or Mo~reiig, (evenstient colh.y'e ton. S I rtenconents, $peoches,- tiri -f, &e., &o., . ar~e executed In the best, style and with ges~Aa istch.as fthea 8initooos of lAver coplaint. are tte the p:iln Is in the afoiulder, hpd is 9pistak ed with the loss of appetite aeit siokness, teratingwith lax." The head'is troubled w tlderahle lo..n of memory, accompanie4 wit nomething -wh oh ought to have ben done; and low apirits. Sometimes many'of the a very few of them : but the liver is general T119 FA UORITE Is warranted' not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineraml substance, but is PUREILY YEGR'ABLJ, containing thoseSouthern roots and fierba which an allwio Puovidoueo has placed in countries whero Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure nil diseases caused ty doraugmems of the Liver and Bow ela, Simmons Liver Regulator, or Medicino. To eminently a family medicine, and by bAing kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour ofsufferiug and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills \fter over Forty Years trial it Is still receiving the most unqualified testi. monials to its virtues from persons of th e highest. character and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most Effectual Specifo. for consumpti in, Headache. Pain in the shoulders. Dzziness, Sour Stomach, bad titato i the mouth, billions attacks, Pal. pitat ion of the Heart, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, despondency, gloom and forebodings of evil, all of which are the offspring ofa diseased Liver. For Dyspesla or Indigestion. Armed nit It this antidote all climates and chatges of water and food may be faced without. fear. As a Remedy in Malarious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, restlessness. Jaundice, Niusea, IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is the cheapest, purest and the best Fiamily Medicine in the world I Cfau.tioxa. Buy no powders:or Prepared Simmons Liver Regulator unless in our engraved wrap per with Trade mark, stamp and signa-ture unbroken. None ether is genuine. J. H. ZEILIN & CO. Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, TAKE Simmruouns' Liver Regulator. Por all diseases of (lie Liver, Stomach and Sf.leen. As a remedy in ?ialarious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, D~yspopsia. hiecntal i)epression Best. lessness. Jaundice, Nausea. Sick Ilcadlehe, Colic, C'onsipa. lion and Billioumness. O to Juo r um ESTABLISHED OLDEST CR t837j Being now pre.psred for tihe F\~LL T RAIU morobints to mny large and varied stoek of CHIN A, GLASS, EAR'l Olasses, Keoroseno Gooil A great nart of it IMPPO'RTlED DIRECOT always keep a large stock or } REJN(J[ CHINA Mty thorough knowledge of the busines Years. enables meteo bumy at the lowest ig' a hich (lie retailer can realize a harndsome 'W MA . 'Ea." 128 Meetl aus13 )-2 an. J ust Received. A comp'etc assortment of Fancy and lieavy Groceries oosisaing in part of ilacon, Lsrsi, 1ins, &Iolasse., Flour &c., 4anned Goods, Pickles, crackers cheese &c, A lot -f thie finest, Llquws in town, Corn, Rtye, Biarbon. l8herry and Port Wines, Dr.ndi~. of all kinds. Iwish to state to mny friends that I ~aavereopened my lBar, where they can aliways find a Airst clnss drink. A LAO, A large lot of tine Chewing and S nick ng Tobacco and Cagas, low for Cash, sept. 20 It. J. ,ecarley. Clover Seed A Nf Lncerne, and a good assortment ... of Turnip seeds just in timne for the~ next rain. MoMASTE~R & BRIC1C I .an 18 ATOR. iea pess aut p iai in tihe side. 8omoti in en for rheumatism. The stamaoh is affo o bowels in general costive, sometimes a ith pain, and dull, heavy sensations con It painful sensation of having left undone Often complaining of weakness, debility bovo attend the disease and at, other times y the organ most involved. TESTIMONIALS. "I hwe never seon or tried such a simple eflicaoious. satisfaetory and pleas. ant remedy an my life."-II. Ilaines, Louts, Mo. Hon. ;Alex. H Stephens. "I occasionally use, when my conditie requires it. Dr. Simmons' [iver Regula. tor with good effoot."-Ilon. Alex. il. Stephens. Governor of Alabama' ''Your Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am puirsuaded It is a valuable addition to the medical seience."-Gov. .1. Gill S sorter, Ala. "I have used the Regulator in my fami ly for the past seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine I have ever used for il class of diseases it purports to curd I. F. Thigpen. President City Bank. "Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good and eflicacious :ediciue."-C. A. Nutting. Druggists. "We have been aqualnted with Dr Sin-mone' Liver Medio.no for more than twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the public." M. R. Lydn and II. L. Lyon, Dollefontaini Ga. "I was cured by Simmous' Liver Regu. lator, after having suffered several years with Chills and Fever-"R. F. Anderson. The llergy. "I Have been a dyspetic for years ; be. gnn the Regulator two years ago ; it has acted like a charm in my case.' -Rev. J C. lolmes. Ladies Endorsement. "I have given your medicine a thorough trial, and in no case has it failed to give satisfaction."--Ellen hleacham, Ciattahooohee, Fla. Sheriff Bibb County. "I have used your Regula'or with eao cesful effect in Billions Colic and Dys pepsia. It is an excellent remedy and certainly a public blessing."-O. Master.. son, Bibb County Ga, My Wife. "My wife and self have used the Regu. later for years, and testify to its great virtues."-Rev. J. Felder, Perry Ga. " think Simmons Liver Regulator oqe of the best niedinines ever mano for the Liver. My wife and many of hers, have used it. with wondoiful effect."-E. K. Sparks, Albany, On. M. D. "I have used tlio Regulator In my fami. ly, also in my regular pract ico, and have foutnd it a most vnluable and satisfactory edicine, and believe if it, was used by e profession, it would be ef service in snany cases. I know very much of mponent parts, and certify its medi ual ities are perfectly harmiess.".--. Iggs, M(. D Mao n, Ga , 2--xO, PRICE REDUCED FROM $1.00 to 50 CENTTS.As DO, To moot the demannd for a Safe and Reliable 'EVER AND AGUJE ANDIDOTE A-r A rnsiou witin the reach of all DNTIRIELY VEGETABILE, NEVE~R KNOWN TO FAIL. PH YSICIANS PRESCRlBE ThIEM. lever was Medicine so Ddservedly Peniali 111am L.s Webb, 128 MEETING STREET. E FOIR I876, I wish to call time atten lon of 'HEN WARE LOOKING A, Japuinnil Waro, &c. F ROM RIOPE. Besides staple goods,) AND CUT GLASS, s, acquired by an experience of /Iwent, tres, ad consequenutmy to sell at prioo . ng Street, OJHARLESTON, tS. T. R. ROBERT9ON, Talal Jesstice. OFFIOIE IN REAR OF COURT IJOUS . WINNSIIORO, S. C. 8&-Al business entrusted to him wil receivb prompt attention. 11. A 0. AILAtr,. R. Ml. Davn GAILLA3D ADAVI8, ATTOQRNEYS AT LAW, NO. 2LA W RANGE, WINNSIBOlO SOUTH CARIOL1NA Cotton Will Not t. ay ! T iIE REFO)RE buy Etiwati Guano Bradley's Phosphate, or Efareka for Wheat and Oats. For sale by McMA$Thir & JIRICE. sept 18 A-iE8II lt jtst received, ept 7 , 5BATX. DnO. 80 JUST OPENEID M Y stock of Fall and Winter Goode is now complete and open for in spotion. It comprises a choice selection of Dry Goods of all kinds, I eidy-Made Olothing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hate and Caps, rookery and so forth. The prices shall be as low as any this side of New York. Goods by the Plece at Wiolesato Prices for Cash. Ladios'ELinon Hdkfu. from $1.00 to $3.50 or oz. CalioOOD from 61 to 10 ots. Blonohod Domestios from 7 to 19 ots. Brown " "+ 8} to 15 ots. Suits of Clothing from $3.75 to $35.00, and other articles in proportion. A Ano as sortment of Gontlomon's, Boys', and Ladies' Custom Made Shoes, warranted free from shoddy and guaranteed to givo in6tirfa,Oti.Ozu.. Give me a call and you will save money. Groat inducements to cash buyers. I. N. Withers. sept 28 SPRING GOODS. W.II.Flenlien& Co HAVE Just Reclred a Full Stock of SPRING GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF Prints, Linen Lawns, Cotton Lawns, 0Grena.d Inca I.hinoso inen, SPercales, Swiss Muslin, Check' Cambrics, Corded Jaconots.. White and colored Piques, &Q. & Clothing, Hats, Mens Furnishlng; Goods, Cassimers, Cottonades, H osiery, Gloves, Trunkas) Wooden-ware, and the beat assort went of SIIO'HJS ever brought to th is market, aillwhip1h willbe sld ooapfor N. B. A few pecs of da.amged Dress Goods at 12) and 16 2'S:eentg. per yaid. W. H. Flennlkeni & Co, p17 OONNOR& CINDLi --NOW OFFER -A-. COMPL ETE ASSORTMIENT --OF SPEOTAG 2B --AND EYE GLASSES