OCA L I fNIS. Ios-T Omo Houns.-..The poss .lie will he open daily (Sundays xcepted) from 4 A. M., to 12 M. .nd- from 2 to 5 P. M. Northern and Southern. i il clonse at '7 P, M. precisely. lV Mai ' dolivered on Sundays from ;9, to 9;8O, A. M1, ol*g. RmnIO sCnEDUlm.--Tho trahib on C. C. & A. R. HM now leave Winnsboro as follows: Going north 11.55. p. in. Going south, 1.35, a In Accommodation day trains : Going north, 11.33, a. m. Going solith, 12.12. These trains moot at Wi ifns boro. NEW ADVERTII'ssMiENTs County Convention-Daniel Bird. Domestic Wine-It. J., McCarley. Bank lloport-S. B. Olowney Cashier. Old iOWspajpersH suitabl( for wrapping goods for Oul. at this office. We ackno*1osige the receipt of anl invitation to the tourtiUntet and ball at 3lackstoek last Wi'dncsdty. We regret that circumstalcos pre vented us from attendin.. Mr. R. J. McCarley has the thanks of the (fli(c for a bottlo of very fine, good flavored Catawba wine. He has some more of the siuno sort at his establishment on Congress street. The legislature will' contitt fin sossion a short (?) time lolgor. The honso on Wednosday night reseindel the resoltion before rtdopted, to adjourn on the 23rd nst. The :emato ham concurred in the resolution. The county comnmissionlers paid out upwards of live thottsand dol lars at their regular molting on the 151h inst. Of this amount oVor thro thousand dollars .ws paid on the past indebtedness, and the balance on current expenses. The Columbia .iegister is now brought to Winnsboro. by carriers, on the accommodtion trein--thius reacehinug subscribers on the day of publication. The legister is an ex cellent newspaper, and this new ar ringemient is a great advantage to sulbscribers. Tmua STuE'r LA pS.-We hear constant complaints respecting the street lamps. It is said that, owing to short wicks, too little oil or some other cause, some1 of the lamps frequently burni out early in the ecening, or at least givo a very] poor light. We trust tho mnatton will be attend'elto at once. "The gre it cry ini Charlest->n is "water ! water ! water !"-E&c ch/antie. The gre'at cry in Collumbiia is "whske !whiskey ! wvhiskel " The rea cr inWinnsboro is "whiskey and wvater !whiskey amnd. water ! whiskev and waoter !" Mon i Annis-'rS IN CJISTER.-The Columbia papers meontion the arrest of Senator D~ublin J1. Walker on thie charge of complicity in thme -recently discovnered school-certificate frauds i". Chest.r' county. On hearing of inC arrest. .Judge Mackey, wiho was at the timn in Columbia, ordered the relea';o of Walker upon his own recognizance to appear for trial. Mr. Jamrues M. Blrawley, thu county' au ditor, hais likewise been arrested on aL similar charge. Mr. Brawley pub lishes a cardl in the Frnin, e-l in which lie pronounces false and unjust tihe statemen~t that ho is im plicated ini thme re-issuo of school oerti iceatos as charged againsit Lilly, ~ocumn and others. Hel states em p)hatically that he has :nove'r even dealt in county p~apor, n'nd challenges pr~oof of his guilt. Theu,wholo mat ter will, we presume, be disposed of at no distant day. Tux TCL5Tc~in AFFAIRo.-Tn hht charge to the grand jury of Chester county at the recent turin of court, Judge Maey mnade the following statement of the action of the grandl jury of Lancaster, which we think pr)1operV to give to the public : "At the recent term of the court fo Ch county of Lancaster, thu p ~residing judge of this court pre siding, while the court was actually sitting, a pistol shot was heard. Trhe crowd rushed from the court house Groat nontibers, already taido of the court house, were somon hurrying in the direction of the placo from which the shot pro ceeded. The to'urt instructed the the sheriff to make inquiry of the cause of all this ; and it was found that a notorious desperado, nam~iod Gardner, had shiot aL worthy citizen, the b~all entering the buack of the head anid comling ouit near the left eye. An indictnmnt w~as at once laid beforo the grand jury, and ac cuompilanieod with a statement of the fac ,, I have recited. In the face of all this, and with the dogs lick. ing the blood4 of Gardnor's victim, the grand iur y reported no bill." AmD FOR TnB FIntEMEN.-Arrange' ments are now making by the ladies . of Winsbo'o, to give an entertain miilt early. in May next, in ai4j i t the Fairfield Fire Engine Company. a It will be remembered that the con- I pany is still in arrears on Che amount t agreed to be paid for' their engino. It is for the purpose of lifting' this ) debt, that the proposed entertain n mont will be given. We are sure b that it will receive from the towns people that, encouargement and t patronago which the object in view C deserved. That the Engine Como fi pany is a nxtat idispensable or ganisation, and that it has already 1 provod both its readinose and its capacity to do good servico in case of nood, all nuist admit, It is tlimro fore but ia sintple rfecognitiotl of1 c those facts that the enmpany should (1 be liberally aided in their presetit fc necessity. We trust that all our a citizens will do as mittcl possible to R aid the ladies in their latidablo en torp)ise, and that the entertainment t will be a ifltancial Stteess. The prosollt hitention is to have a "Lady v WashingtoI Tena-Party," The sove ral maangifing committens will be an flounced here.'ftor. 2 It must be good, for everybody 1 recolnmends it, and the doctors pro I, s i'bo it. We mean Dr. Bull's Cough 8yrtip. P'ricc, 25 couts. lnocu.'w'err, MEETINo.-=At a met b ing of the Groon Brier Demnoeratic Chub, held on tlho 18th inst., the following-namo gentlemen were h chosen delegates to the county. conventioni T. W, Woodward,' N. C. 1tohcrtson, W, H. Padgett, Thos. McJinstrv, W. L. Orier, 2 Jamnes H lathcock, W. M. Cittlee, S. W. Broom, W. P'. Broom, S. W. Jackson. 'this is a most ex, k cellent Solectiol. It Wren resolved b at. the meeting to extend at cordial invitation to all neiglhorinig townr ships, especially No. 4, to join the; Green Briers in the cluse of honest government, and in the effort to a redeem South Carolina from her presenlt degr'adationi. It is truly gratifyin- to see the citizens of the township walking ip with a dolterli nation of ridding our people of the oppressive and disastrous rule to d which they have so long been P victims. We trust all the other n townships will follow the good t exanple of the Green Briers. A Dis-rnTIous FIRE IN (CHAnLESTON. ----T1he Kewsa and (Jurier givoA the particulars of an extensive and dis.. astrous fire in Charleston about 3 o'clock on the morning of Monday,. the 20th inst. Starting in a section " f the city in which there was litt!o t or no wvater, and fanned by a fu rionisly high wind, the fir~o soon) got L entirelyibeyond the control of the lir'e department. It continued to f rage until about 10 o'clock, when it $toppecd oldy because it had burntb itself out. Thhe exact origin of the ire is doubtful. It started in ther store of a Mr. Greeber, and it was rumored in the city that it was the ii work of an incendiary ; and some elvenl suspected the store-keeper1 himself. There we're about one himidre] houses dlestroyedi, rnd'the 1 loss is estimated at $250,000. The sntferers arec mostly people ii n mOde rate circumstances, some of them being very poor, and tihe sufferings 1 caused by tihe lire are no doub~t very great. A telegram states that 'there were many heart-rending scenes during the progress of thle fire, and we have no doubt that those nowv deprived of their homes are in great destitution. The N~ews and : C (ourij~r appeals to the citizens to comltribuite mlonley and other nleces Raries for tihe relief of tihe unfortu nates. Messrs. George W. Wil iam & Co., tihe wueli known bankers innd merchants, have subscribed five hundred dollai s for the relief of the sufferers, and one hundred for tihe liremn. The number of families muade homless05 by the fire is esti maited at two hlundIred. Altogether, the lire was one of the muost terrilhe ever witnessed in Charleston-a city that seems11 to be0 particularly unfortunate, having hdmn ag and djsastrous conflagrations. SvATF. Amu ctrITJPlA r SOcIETY. At au mleeting of the executive comn Imittee of the State Agricultural and Mochanical Society held in Columbia March, 21, 187(, the following reso lutionis were adopted: R~eno/nied, That tihe sutb odinate graniges of the Patrons of Husban diry be reqjuesteod to send three delegates from each county to meet at Columbia, on tho 6th of May next, to conUfer with the executive commnittee of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Society of theo next fair of sido society, and to aid in arranging for tile sameU. J.en'olved, That~ a committee of three be appointed by the chair to p~repare( a circular to be addressed to the grangors on the above sub ject. Committee-Wmn. Wallace, J. B. Adger, Jr., and J. N. Huff I man Resolved, That the president be equestod 4o invite Colonel Bacon, loneral Hagood'and other' 'gbetle. ion to meet thigeonmitteo, It he same time confIt 'it thei a to thu practj bility of; r 4talk shing racing in connection with he fair, if . the same shottid bo coined advisable, Rcatlded, That the next state fair e held in Columbia, its November ext. and that the citizens of Coun ia are requested to aid it in every 'ty possible., On motion, it was ordered that iese proceedings be publishled in the olumbia and other newspapers :iendly to the objects proposed. Adjourned till 6th of May next, at 2 o'clock in Tix BLACKsTOCK 'ioURNA.MENT. 'he Touriunent at Blackstock on Veluadaf last was a decided sue ma in all its arrangements and itails, About 10 o'clock in the >ri'lool the knights, 16 in nuimber, 4semnbled it fronteof . Madkorell's tore, uider the loadersbip -of [arry Hotspur, and shortly iereaftor proceeded to the tilting round on the north sido of the illage. After three rides had been flowed each knight the following ore declared the victors: 1st prize htke of Blirminighau, S. F. Cooper 1 rid prie.-Kuight of the Lone Star, [. Y. Milling 1 3rd prize-Harry [otspur, Jno. R Craig ; 4th prize [ighland Chief, B. P. Mobley, Jr. he prize for horsemanship, a fine ridle,was awarded to the Knight of ituall-M. H. Mobley. The llowing named ladies were duly oh'ord with the Criwni ahd ircathm t Qtten of Love cnd Luty, Miss Nantni, Stroud t 1st [aid of Honor, MisS Ratio Mbley: ad Maid of ioinor, Miss 4idit [obloy 1 3rd Maidi of lHonui'r, Miss [ittic Rabb. After dark the nights and their lady friends etuok themsolves to Johnsto's [all to engage in Torpsichorean dzrciso. About ten o'clock supper as ann otmin('I'd and the assemblage paiired to MatekurOill's Hot.hi, where bountiful repast Was spreatd,whichl 1 course of time received proper ttention. Afterwards dancing w1ws 'siuned, and was kept up until prortly after midnight. Wiinnsboro 'as well represented, and bore off ie chief honors, as she has often one on such occasions. Our re orter tenders his acknowledge ients to the supper committee for ie courtesies extended to him. ''Won thou art old aid rich, Thou bast neither heart, affection, limb or-beauty. To make thy riches pleasant." Sis surprising how few books have b~eenm ritteni on thme di~.easO4 incident to old age. i'e knoiw of nio work that would be more eneradlly rea.1 by the medico-legal world, r in fact by all chitsses, than a 'T'reatise ni the meLdical manaugemnent oif old aige," -ritten in a plini ustyl andii freec fromi all 'chnicalities, nor do we know oif any ,edieime t smt is moure hsappily' ad'apte'd t'o the alle'viating of th jpams anid aches of .me aged than l~tn. TLu.-r's LIVsn Ps.a.s. 'rieahe ac.t proumptily they' doi nmot 'rech thvsst. mi or shock the most on .obld constitution. In cases of gout, neumatism, kidnaey' diseases, torpid bow Ii, ind(igstionf, loiss of appetite, their oiling prmoperties are truly woniderfuli. 'heir offect on tho nervous system is romept. qieiiting rest lessneiss, impartin.. 'fresaing sleep aind vigor to thes whole ystem T1het el iand young will be alike enefitte'd by the use of this truly estimia le me.dcino. Ta ELKms' CoUsrPY MAP --W rave examincd the map of Fairfield eoenl~y prepar'ed andl )1 pblished by~ lessirs. Baylis E Elkin and Williamn L. Elkin. It givcs accurately th< >oundai'ies of the several townships he several creeks aiid rivers whici vater the county, the railroads, th< hur'chos, stores, etc., at the samnt imne indicating the location of th< ar'ger and mrore important planta ,ions ini tihe county. It is wvell exc muted, and the accur'acy of th