Newspaper Page Text
MILITARY TBSAI. [CONTI a. I. ?:?<.] Fmr.i\u:v 19, i860. The following c?n?iiutiic;Ui..n ras |eaj?j?y {be Judge Advc-eafc, aud^'on his motion; ordered by the Commission to bo spread ens* the record of its proceodings: " V" > .Omen At-Tixc Jt t-ur. A t.-v-'-c. Chahiestos, S. G., February 15, I8G6 J LitUt. Col. A. J. lYillard, Jitihjc Adrocate Military ?w .' ''?,?>. Coloxki.?It. is the desire of the MnJoiSGe'ner?l commanding this Department that tlie Military Commission, of which yon are the Judg? Advocate/, '?should spread upon The Vrc-rd of its grScecTiings, lhatuo order prohibiting thc cunasrl f^r the t:c cuscd'froin having free access to'tiYc-rr client, while :4**x>?fin'einenr nt-the Ohnrkston Jail;Trnic?5 in the presence of an oiheer, Las eve;- emanated Anu the "Tbttft; orfrom these .headquarters. Very respect fully, your jRt sarvit, : ? JAMES 1'. UOY, M.'-jor Cth Im as: try, Acting Ju'dge" AtlvocaUSj Depr%rfineni of S. C. ? ' Dr. J. M. Pili-jl -.ivy, awilti-ss for t he pyr.. . who had testified before, beinj? re^Il^l,'f?pose?' ?fWfollows: ?> - . Jlavc made'experiment with a view waethor firing a- Brown*? Ferry could be Jbeard-at .?>:?%? ab' house. On Wednesday, the Ptii inst.. myself, Incut.,Ashe,.Lieut. Hall, and three privates, went1 to Brown's Ferry for the purpose of investigating .flu? mnUcrV cirectcd Lieut. A she, with'two guards', to proceeti to Stowers' liouse. on the Geor? gia side; they left the ferry at tor. minufes bcTdro one o'clock in the night. I remained witlrLicut.v Hall and one soldier at Browji's Fi rry. (TJie time appointed for ^the firing lo he done was from half past-one to two o'clock.) Lieut. A;dic v-as to re-. turn from Stowers' liouso t?. the Perry ai two!? The stars were shining ; there was" no pefcq?fibTe wind at all; everything was stiil. At hal^nst qn?, Lieut. Hall discharged a Colt's large- army revolver, charged with ball and cartridge of large size... He held it horriwmtal, and pointed it up to (he. river; three shots were discharged in succes? sion^ at intervals of fron? one to two seconds. The night of the murder was very similar, except as to the shining of the moon : and I lie ground was wci I ' at t^xo time of the experiment: it Dad been rain? ing; and dry on the night- 01' the murder. Lieut. Asho returned to the fcrrj at half-past two. The revolver was pointed along the hank of lie rirer: Stowers' lib?se is some to the lefr. No wind was blowing that I could discover by .'repeated bxpeti mcnt with my handkerchfef; it was perfectly slllL' LieUt.-J. E. As'ic, another witness for-the prose? cution, being sworn,-testified as follows : My name is JohuE. Ashe; am :J? years o?" ago : I am first Lieutuiaul Cc. "C," 1st Maine Battalion, and'Quartermas'er; staiiuned at Anderson. Went to the house of the accused, F. (.5. Stowers. 10 listen for the 'discharge of shots, fired at Frown's Ferry by Dr. Pillsbury. We left the fciryat minutes, to 1 o'clock, on the Georgia side: I went directly io Mr. Stowers' house, which took um minutes.; I was directed by Dr. Pillsbury to ivutni j ? at 2 o'clock, and dune. sg, but l hoard iio>h&**.at all; when I got to directed by the doc? tor, a n^egro house wirf? ose room, I should say some 10 or li feet square : it is in the rear : tlx re is an old-fashioned loom in the house1, with a web of cloth on it, and a j. art of a-bedstead with one side of it gone ; I think this is all it contuined ex? cept some straw ; it was a;lit?e in tho roar of Mr. Stowers' house, from tltc river, about two rods in the rear and about six rods to the foft: i stationed myself just outside the door of the house, and \ cry near it; I remained there til: '2 o'clock, "1 ho fiiiio . appointed for, uic to go back ; llhtfrrc-was one. man with me: I heard nothing while there, no s Kind either in the house or outside of it. 1 ffhs on the side of the house towards tlic ferry, and was inl-onj listening if I could hear any sounds: nothing un? favorable occurred to hearing them, if they had j been'audible. The night was quite c'.ear at that time; starlight; there was*no wind at all: 1 was listening to Lear the sounds of pistols. The 1FH arc v.ery- high botwecn Stowers' house and the j ferry; one bluff is particularly high ; also the land is high all the way; ia going to Mr. Stow.?rs' liousj from the river, Iiis house is to the right ; the laud is high from the road on tho right as far as 1 could see up'thcriver. I should think there (?a? ground between Stowers' house and the ferry high jr thag tho house. Tho counsel for tho accused announced that they had no questions to ask the witness. The Judge Advocate stated thet he had no fur- | ther evidence to offer hi reply, and rested his case The accused, through his counsel, ?sts U r?i ??:? two Of fho wilne^fos, vn: J. G. Ricliard??:i Ephraim :DickiTiscu, to examin?; '.hem Iis to the country beiweon ?towers' and tit j river, and to re? establish the audibility oi cjus of 'tfRc witnesses, callod for ti-.c defense, whose njaiimouy. lias been impeached as tollte following fao?s?fhat Stowers had bViihcly, and did bring it to the river, to be cin-ietl on the lrotir; anc also as to the description of the horses ol' tho g tard. Tho.Judge Advocate objected to the tcsritnouy on the following grounds : 1st..It was competent for t!ia. defence to intr>> duce testimony ns to the situation of tlie ground, a3 part of their defence, and therefore it cannot properly be introduced at the present stage of the trial. --? 2. It is incompetent for them lo contradict Ed .jnttud and Squire as to the brandy) as to the point 13 one wholly unimportant. It is also incompetent for the samjy reason to contradict Edmund as to the desoription of the soldiers' horses. The' Court was cleared for deliberation, and on being re-opened, the Judge Advocate ann?iincod its decision, that the Commission allowed the wit- j nesses to-l>e re-introduced. Ephraim E, Dickinson a witness for the do'foncoj being recalled, deposed as follows : Oacof the horses of the guard at Brown's Forry was a chesnut sorrel marc, one was a black marc, and cac other was a bay horse. Tho soldiers of? fered to swop horses, and this induced mo to no? tice them. ThU concluded tho testimony of wifness DicVin- j sou, who then left the court room, and was suc? ceeded by Jas. G. ELchardsou, ano.'her witness for the defence, who was now re-inlrvdimvJ, and de? posed as follows: Stowers' brought some brandy to Brown's ;'<: ry on Monday morning about 0 o'clock,-I don't kno w exactly when'; there wore several there, ffrmlnng of it; I don't know where he brought it from. 1 suppose it is about a mile aud a half from Stow? ers'houso to the ferry, by the road. The 2 J-jl .jtauds by Mr. Shiftlett's : whish is half a mile from the river, and a mile from Mr. Stowers. I; is ' about half a mile from Stowers' to the futks of the I Elbcrton find Hartwcll roads ; the ground may be a I little rising from the forks of tho road to Mr. i Stowers' house. "The ground U cleared from Mr. | Stowers' to the meeting house, which it probabiyl a quarter of a mile from Stowers' dywn !?> the river. ! This concluded tho testimony of witness Rich? ardson, who left the court room. Th": counsel for the accused announced that they bad concluded their testimony. Tho ?ounsel for the ac.-used r.s'*t>I for time to pVyf !C8 UlCri K. which v.. ? i-.-:-?:c-?i.- V:,? Go?tuiSsr?'n, a'eoonli'ittrlyj E^djannicJ 10 loj.-t :.g.->i:i .1; II, A. M.. on Friday nest, the 23d ihsl: ? felMhS A. iiOY'i', i'j?;To;:. : -.<H?a AGI?. Ii? ?CSAEISSI.'.i". Mr. TnoM.ts P: St.ipur.. ut liio MHlsi House, is ??om-only.ftuthorired A~?nf jti the-'City of Cli.-.rJ;s-" ton, to receive ndvejaircmcttts*-jiorcliants and j others in ?!c n\ctvopoiy can ascertain im ais for ad-' vcrlising by calling 1 j -n him. ATT ESTE??. C0K70CATICiI j ;'(>r B?miiT^-l?t!sIr.!'h:;p{cr. ?7o. 7, Tl. A. M.~ wilT be boiuVuK>a' Batnnlaj r.R^n.oon. at'-iw.-? o'clock^ Compir.;. js nip liOiiil^i. io- be pwct'utti In at tenda:-."". - : . . ? 2I0:?e jOPP.HAI. ? lij A)'o !ji .''Uy place upouiSur exchange list this pu jjeri 1 ivcekU*. Its world-wide reputation' aectJfi no endorsement at pur Lands. Suffice it. that the U>;iic Jourml-ls eminently deserving of patronage from our people.' anil" wc trust will receive it.? Published in New York Ci.'y. by Vi'im'.;.- StpmLina, at Three Dollars per annum. Subscriptions re? ceived at tliis office. . THE TRIAL. In furtherance of our purpose lo give Ihe read <frs of the Ti&dligcnccr a brief"snmmrtfy of* the pro? ceedings in the cnsc.of V. G. Stow::::;;,, the condln ding portion is presented this morning. Tlie Com? mission assembled on Friday, when tbe Hon. Ac'ij?TuAP Ii rar, counsel for the accused, delivered an able and elaborated defence, and on Saturday 1 lie assistant, counsel, Con. .T.*.:-:i:s Co.XXERy fol? lowed in almas'/efly argument for the innocence of Stowkrs. Thes'?*ei*F?rts arc 'entirely lob lengthy |*for our columns, or we would rSlccgrcai pleasure in ?.-?prcading^fhcin before our readers. Tlio Court adjourned to meet.vestcnlay, when the argument Ijtcar. Co!. A. .7. \Y-u.r,&itp, Judge Advocate, would be.heard for the prosecution. ? DEATH ?F GEE. STjBPEEN ELLIOTT. This sad and unexpected annouucetneiit reached ) its a few days since. Gen. Elliott died in Atkcu, j Rurriwcll District', on Yt'tdncsday of last week, in tiic "Cth year of his ngo*. Ills tnroe is indjesoiu bly linked with the me&bfabTc deience ofChavIcs :cn, t'.jid the State lores one of her nm.-; chtyalric Vns in bis demise, fron. E. the sea of Rev. !?i!i;s Bi.raoTT. of Beaufort,'and brOtftsv of the , of (trace Church, in this place. .Ifta Eev. ?To;. . 'I. Ki,Lto?T. In common with his numerous admirers, wo .sincerely deplore the untimely death of Oils b.avc" soldier, courteous gcnl-lemhii and consistent Ollnsrtan. Fn the hoiirof bcr exfremi iv. South Carolina can ill affordM give up one so ^ftcd ami estimable in all 1 lie relations of life.? 3nt " ilia ways ara not as our ways VI A PEEAS?HT ElffTEET?felHENT. . SooiaMifo in our quiei vill?gc sold?ni aiTorda a parftgi'aph, for the uewsinorfgcr, for bo it known thai amusements, in the most restricted sense, are lew and far between. Uut it. was.our. privilege, a wees or more a^o, (o wisncsa a pleasant apd agreeable representation oC'livply Chaivdes, at iiie residence of on't of our bospit.abtc citizen.". T?" eiiaractcrs were weil and fitly chosen and admira 'biy personal?d. and the sniail asschil>ly evinced decided gratification at flic entertainment. The ;;e;-iiis of Success in that line '.rere suliieieutiy de- j voloped by t-tvciv.l of the actors, to warrant tin j suggestion that they attempt 1 he production . sonic of'the minor plays, farces or comedies, i the Way of private theatricals, 'i'iie in?o'nliVe to study nnd fbought might prove bchoficir.I; nnd certainly iherc is something gained by a fan\Uiarity v.-ith tjie use of language before an audience.? VYlial say you, ladies and gentlemen '.' X2E wLcssiofsra 'EXAfur:. ^ aafa gziTeral .G?lAM'S Ql&tm RcconHv tlie publicatioii oi tlio dQchmond L'r omwvfas suppressed by viriaj pfrmilitary au lliorily, and thu cd::- look Limsou 10 Vl'asliing leu in order to pro lease from bondage.? Ti;i:< was effected, "n uppra'dng to (lie President", upon the condition tliaf be would moderate! !': tone of menace affd abas., lowarditthc Federal oili ci;ds in SUcJtBiond r.nd clscwLere. This is briefly the history if a transaction \vhich has vdeited ca?siuor.'i'Jic comment ih aewspaperdom. imo-iiv of 'be I:.. in?ntr loT:.*i'rds "all tho world and the rest of n: iiikiudv if they dared 10 differ trot") sage conclusions, was thoroughly evinced' duri'g tho lifc:tinie oi" I ho bite Confederacy, and wc arc not at a!! surprised thai its bitterness and free use of,iuveclires liare brought that journal inio trouble; Pcrlinps Wua icssbh, while wo tfb net commend the applicaiioh' may temper flic irate metal of our cbtpmporaryj But, 1 p?u the of this transaction, comes tho (k'licrai Older of Lieut. Gen. Giiaxt. and videh is published elsewhere in our'columns to-day. If the impru? dence and want of dignity in a few journals has been (he cause of the Order, strhigenl nnd im i|iKilified. tiicu how orach oiighl we ail to deplore the existence of thc'j-e in our mid-; who wiil pro? voke the issuance of siieh sevcrc'iucasuciBS. There is food for roJlectioa iii this njutlcr, an I we leave the rer^i^r so contemplate its depth and mcsining. ? THE CHIIXCIS?l? OH " BILL AS?." Tiic rcider doublless observed in our last, issue an article severely criticising the humorous oddity yclept -"T?ilt Arp.*' By a singular omission,:(lie aforesaid article failed to roceir'o*]? pr per credit, and for fear of misHna<rslantling. we beg leave to state that Ihe remark;; appended to the opinions of the Augusta CoiysliiationaHst v.ere from 1 he editor of the Charleston jnnca. V.'hile 'endorsing the scnCynent thai ti:? remrvned ??Eill Arp" forsook the line of u?c&ilness and popular appLausc in fgrecing tp wrllc fm-a stipulated amount, never? theless we arc not c?yctous of our noigliboir's thun? der ?ad t'lcrefore make Iii? Ipn'eh?t Homrablc in tins iinconrcut. In connccKoni too. wn might ap ? . j riately lefer to the disicn?ions C? {Wends and tfi. , d.jagrecmt-nt will? tids opinii i; of "ilili." %$ft\i*g$'. i'1 '''is free country,;caeii oaa is t:*.;i *tlerno Iiis er her opinion, albeit lliey n;:iy not I Jiave ihe. unrestricted privilcg^of giving vcatila tiou to their iiloas upon all 8irb*jccts, is .of COUISC probable that many of Mr. Aa/s '?numer? ous and ititt 1 esting" adnijrers will demur to the verdict of our cotempor?rics -mvI declare in favor of his writings, oven for emolument. Tut. liiere will be a reaction, if Mr. Au-' pcreist?ui being fanny at. so much per column, and tlie brillinnt. off? hand sclutiilaUons of wit and cunning savctism wiil be overshadowed by the murky, jar-fctched and lame attempts for ii.e. isajto of filthy: lucre! j^Ye sin'ocfely depioic tue wiio'.v; mattes, and hon estly wish'that. '-1?1!" may revoke bis r.oulv.ict j and return to letters only "when the spirit moves j him." ?r?v .'.p. cnthusia: tic meeting was hold in Lou- J isvillc, Ky., on the night of the 'j:Jd. in honor of ihc ve'o McssM??. , ? 1II_TiT.'?LTiE3 Cr J( ^MZSEi j . St-Iie members ?i the editorial fraternity 11.u?Ii - out Um South, nrei at (bis; particular juncture; ; placed in an iVnenvmbic petition, ii is c^eeding W uiincu'l to cuter for the want? of an nngraiefii? rr.aV rity r.a.ler any or I he mast favorablo circuit? . i.iucL's; U'at existing facta reader it still more diC?i -Irkult. 1'spcriuily l? this lute of one whjo had i:ou?8 cf.'.y ct.gagc i In-the Use revolution rind given hifc '-scrvlcea to the maintenance of a cause destined lo I grief? With singular unanimity, the Southern j press advocated ffnearly restoration to allegiance ^:cith Liio. Union, when-Um Confederate ca^lc'di'ap?" peeved so suddenly .Vom tiic horizon .Jin d w,cjuA "C'ftr.icFliy'tb it ort in netting, it sentiment of loyaV; ly and peaceful submission to thti '? powers thai he.'1 But when the llatUcrd. wing of.the Republi-t '"{&'& pa. ry offered Impediment's to RecchsfahtctioaJ -und a reneival-of thai c.l'eghtieo, i: v.-?>.-?? i:;?ii i'uraf to ozpoci Ihqtyournatislti hi ihc Son Iii would keep silent before thoir self-Styled masters and trncu lentiy Ksfu.so40 bend their fiirr^ic, to the support of ihe Executive,*who ha:l proven true lo the Cqor s.'iiuiibn Knd (lie enforcement of the laws, fur the expression of BurcU opinions, they have been denounced ns disloyal and the fomentors of discord and dissension. We might go on lo cilc a nn'mher of parallel instances, proving conclusively that ihc Southern press have been aclualedby a high eonsc of duty iu denouncing abuses and correcting evils growing out of the state of Ihc country : but we were speak in]; of ihe difficulties in ihc way of journalism at this time; and have only adverted to these unjust charges to illustrate a single point of the question, namely, that an independent course brought censure upon the.pres--, instead oY eliciting praise from those who are so blatahl for .universal and unqualified freedom ! Our able and excellent cotcmporary, the Charleston Next, has so fully disposed of'iho subject before us that wo re-print ' its admirable remarks; The Xcrs, in r. recent edi? torial, says: " Tlierc are few of those concerned in Ihc ox .pression of public sentiment at the South who are not conscious of much embarrassment iu the proper performance of their oliicc. It is not possible for 'them lo witness llic efforts mule by ihe Radical ! party at the North to drag, ihem down to greater depths of ruin, without some feeling of natural resent meat. Nor cau they speak of-that parly en? gaged in the ta.;!: of dragooning the Government to compliance'with their mumm er, in terms of per-1 feet courtesy and respect. They cannot witness-, the ruin thai has been inflicted by fhe authorities! of the Government?apparently gratuitous?nunc- j cessary-at least; apparently"; to .the military ob? jects contemplated?without a feeling of asperity again.: these u lib were its immediate nmhors.? Nor in their hearts, can they yet acknowledge that they were wrong; that, charged wit it the trusts of a firm of society commended to them by merits, it was wrong to take ground for Us defence; or thai, iu the theory of nur GoTerrimcht, there Was not the recognition of ihnl sovereignty of States upon vital questions which authorized, fi>r sufficient cause, the resumptiqn of their dclegative powers;1 in li is state of feeling, liiere is the natural im? pulse lo retoft, abuse, and vindicate the ab atract right of our fallen cause. 4i But, while this is so, there is still the eon ."?ciousncr.- tint ppwer is with our adversaries; tiny have vindicated Iho right of their posi? tion by at least the conclusive logic "of success; thai we are, in fad, al mercy: that, if Ihc victors shall accord rights tu us, ii will .he from consider? ations'oririt crest, io themselves; without respect lor our ftbiliiy to n-vert them: and that our utter? ances of fooling' therefore, in this depressed con? dition, are ns unbecoming ns flioy are impotent.? V.'e are conscious a proper sense of self-respect re? quires wc should bt'nd to the storm wc cannot hnaat; that upon its .'??ii! arc incumbent the re? sponsibility bfour own lives, and the lives and well-being';6f our wives and children : and that in just-rccpec't to these, it is fncu'm'behi -itpon ns lo adogt no course of conduct, or form of language; 41ml may bo calculated (o impair our ability, or defeat the efforts |>y which these remaining obli- I trat ions may be mot. '?So circumstanced, il is difficult for these who speak at all, lo speak properly. And those whose, office it is to addr< ss the public', co'ii?tn*itly find it scarcely possible to no always right. Wc are onr . o..:i-ciotis that much v.'e have said might have been letter said, aiid much with propriety t.milted. Il is noj Air us lo beard power. It is not for us to repudiate lite acts of our people, which we are conscious have been sustained by a sentiment of patrTotism, as pure as ever fired the human heart. Wc cannot, in 'conscience, lake, success, however it may be Ihe criterion, lo be the Iest of Wo ciumoi declare our cau*-e. iu its moral nature, to be diffcreul from it would have been if it hall been crowned with triumph.? Nor have we the simplicity lo Mi'pjioSo that such repudiation of our cause and conduct will co'.n mcu'!. us lo ihe hotter portion ef the adversary ] -.wer. Some there are, peinVaps, w;.o won! I bo pleased at such a <Gi:rsc. but fee,-'.d believe us sincere, or, ace:.ting iIi?? treason, would nut still delect the traitor. They would have, littlo charity for those who have had flgcncy iti the tearful ca? lamities of the recent conflict v;ifhoul proper moral motives to sualaili them, or who shrink in disaster from their share of ihe responsibility that agency ''Iii'speaking, therefore, in the present condi? tion of onr-JbrliiUcs, though there he much to bo said, there is lirfle to be said lo advantage. We' cannot assert ourselves without seeming to beard, power :?Jb cannot always exhibit a jufct respect for power without an .unbecoming abnegation of ourselves; and, while we believe tiiat the.-pirit of journalists at the South has hem admirable?while they acccpi the si.uation, not from foiling, bul ?from (lie highen! rcn^c of ike moral obligation it .imposes?it is not e.i: v for those, even under this scmse of obli^at.iyiij to preserve the tone proper in the occasion. There arc few who are satisfied, wiih the utlerauccp of others, and few wr;o would not gladly be relieved from the ncecssily of utter? ance Ihe'uiselveB."' IiTTZHEoVIKO TO JTLIvSPAI'irilS. The following circular wr... issued on the IStii to the commandants of military departments.: Ut:.\n4'r..-.. ?uicfss or lr. fe., V/Asi'.'.vrtTo:;, PcSr?ary T7. V'-.t: wiih plt'ftso send lo !;:?;???? Keadqnarterir, as Sjoon as praol.teaible; and fl-drh time to thnc locscaf^ ler, such '.opioii of neV.spaj ers published iu your department as coulaiu scntimenis of di: loyalty Mid hostility to the Roye^uuicut in tiny of Us 3iraa?h(s% I and state v.hethor such p iper is habitual, iri i^s Jntloranccs of such ^ntiinctltsi Tho p'crsls'eni j publication of articles calculated -to feVfep up rit" ! hostiliryyof foiling between life different aections of the ou'un^ry pauuot l o tolerated. Thia ir.i'or DiatlOU is o:i'tied Jar'i a vier; to. their KUppres, sion, which will bo done from thc-e lijeadquariers only. . . ; I'.v command of Lieut, '.'ion. Grant. .r. As^tant-?djtvUfnt General. tr"v- 7 :J.'. S7 balmprai skirt? were made in tho T'nlted Stale,-; las! ye:u\ If llter.c were tl.r.?c amongst usdjspcSc:l (o'd&ioi I ho firmness, patriotism ami hVttjgriiy of Axurkw Jou.vsb:;, recent message to the Senate return inj^Iic Jhttcdomn's Bureau Dill with' bis reasons for'clisi'pji: 'oval, lias plainly demonstrated the Vtu ? ort fa.; ttai he U no; wanting in either of the fiaali.losT: tetrcd to. By the exercise oft&is velo ; o\Y\ :---ieterp<:. ;ng pic siring arm of tho fcxieu tivo against what "he iHcms an unconstitutional and unwarrantable measure of legislation?tlie Presidcnl has arrayed the entire strength of the ^(OileairngTtinat liim, and must cspecfc'a vigorous piufeuglik from the; < p'poscrt of his policy. Tho s-i'-^agT itfri'if R m our judgment. anYrfrig the .ablest papcrs-wiiich.lns emanated from the Chief .Mugltli iiie. -y.;d dc ecv tt admiration an;': praise for) 1 its'concise reasoning and pungent, forcible iirgu !Tra?*nt'. 'iRuf.lLc eiileratir&b o|Tjing cffecl width it has .produced?that of drawing the line of (Icmar . cation'betwixt ikei'iesideia nnd tlie Radicals? will-Tic most commented and acted upon, and itr. importance augments.''! by ^hc ultimate results of ihe issue ihus lirudy made. Assuredly, the South may well rejoice that the' retD3 of power arc hold by so steady a hand. f~tzjr~ It must be decidedly pleasant to live at j J3rownsville, Tesas, as wc see it stated that the common remark there at the breakfast table is, ?Well, who was kilted lasl night," or, '.'were there any bodies found floating in the river yesterday '."' ; ?' _! ?^7/" Gen. 'iVui. Bclknap, of the late Confederate army, has been admitted to practice at the bar in Ywishitiodon. Unless stated otherwise, the prices given are in currency. ANDERSON, S. c.; Feb. 29, 1866. C-jtton.?Demand moderate. Trices ranging froin 2'' to 23 cents, specie. CHARLESTON, Feb. 2?. j On Friday Inri, lnYcon sequence of unfavorable j European news, the sales of Cutton were very limited,- amounting to only '50 bales during the day, the transactions exhibiting a decline of about nue pent per pound ou the prices of the day beforo On Saturday there was more activity, but at still lower prices, the sales of the day amounting ! to about one hundred and seventy bales?Good ! Middlings bringing 42c. \ lb. ami some good Ordi? nary were disposed of at 31c. ^j) lb'. The rales of ltic two days show a decline of about, two cents per pound. NJJ.W. YOU it, Feb. 22. Cuito:! in fair demand at buoyant "prices. Mid? dling-; 15i to -17 cents per lb. Gold. C'7^. A?GVSTA', Feb. 10. The Cotton market quiet, haiders being unwill? ing to accept present rates; Middling to Strict .'diddling is quoted at So cents. Receipts are light; ?ter50ii ^prices (LuiTcnf. CORRECTED \YEEKL V. BY BEWLEY, KEESE & CO. North Side of Iho Pabiic Siju'arc. GllOClSMKS, o:''. Bagging, SO-cts.; Bult Rope, .'N> to ">0; Ademari' ibiedandles. Ai) to ?d; Rio Oofi'iic, 4jU to 5?; T<ca, S2.0at?'S2.5?; Rice, 10 lo : a*. 0. Sugar, 25'; ( C) -Sugars, 2S to 5",; Criuk "d Si'gar, 8Q lo 33 ; ?V/.', per sack. Biverptf?l SlO'OO : Irtin, Swede and King's Mountain, l? to IS; Casting'*, IS; Naiti, I?-; I'otsdcr, $1.00,to S l>25; Lcad}'80?' >%?>', :'0 : Indigo, $2.00 lo 53.00.; J.' /. . ; lilae Slonf, .'!.">: Uic'^er??quarter bis., $0.00, halves, $12.00 wholes; ?22.^9 i^Tobqrxo, chewing, ?o to ?.1.50; Eaclpfii: Thread, S3'.75' to ?J..;i>: Sl.iriiiy, US, ?3-3 c. per yard. Country Produce. Fif.ur, $WM to $13.00'.; Corn. $JoO; Pea*. Sli2y ro s"'l.".f); Lard, 'J-i tii 2.o; Bee . J ; ;.i 2": r.'/'y.-c. K>; Biilterl 2!; lo 2">: Egg's Ii> to ZO: CJticl v.r. 20 to 2-i: Beeswax, 20 ? R,tys. 2.1 to 3. IilRiiM LODI.'E, No. C-;.;. A/. F.'. ?.!.'. A REGULAR COMMUNICATION CF HIRAM BODCTE will be held in the fjoilge Ro< in on MON 1 DAY MIG.rFl'. March 5th, ISflG. at h'ilf-pa'sl seven o'clock. Brethren will take due notice ami govern themselves accordingly. By order of the "tV.-. M.\ JAMBS A. HOYT, Secretary, .fan. '1. 1800.: 20 3 1 Biirmhg Basil (',ia>rr. No: 7. I'.-.A.-.M/. A REGULAR CONVOCAT10X OF BURNING V.VSil CitAI'TER will Lo hold in ihe Chapier Room on MON BAY K1GI1T, .March 12, IS(J6, nl half-past seven o'clock, pompanions will assem? ble without further notice. . By order of the M.-.E.-.H.?.!>..? m JA.MI'S A. ilOYT, Secretary! Jan 1?, ISfifi :'.! :] r*r rr. "jr. ?r~r.~ :?? corn roil sal ; APPLTC AT THIS OFFICE. March 1, 1-86G :'7 a fe'.y new a'Ni) choice nr:;v.7.;c-.c,l^ s;.l;^a y/.vrt.nE5. Fov SaJo by \7. K. HARRIS, .M.. Fail.ling. March 1, I860 37 ?i^Mstg?f?rJs Sale, V.'LI.Ebe koM be,*-1 ? iliij Courl flmt^door of An ? !??; ' i S. fj-.l ori Salediry in Marcli (iVionditjr next!) ?! .;?: ."Ia i;?esk vvagou and a i.<>r of old IRONS', as the properly of i!ic E. t?lo of Wynti Smiih;;dc?e.isod. TERMS OF .SALE. . N-itcs.v>iih 11.oajiproved . uri'ic.-. interest from date, a'tfd due December/ith. i" i''>. sp< J. B. SMlTfl, \ I i:in'(or. M nch 1. ISoG ."7 .1 2I?ITT?U3 6 CO., AND IM'FORTrlRS OF .xinuuif-;, ??ttete; Al?:?, iSncARf.;, Tob.'.cco, for the celebrated . ' ' 4 syAir.-'Ai.irrrj sitecs V(;:;acco. ?"r'T" Orders faithfully attcuded to. ? ^.i VKTOt E cox ' Corner King and Dodiely Streets, Chtuleston, S. C. Mfocli 7. ]8?rt 37 3m 1866: - 3ET/LUY, HEESE ft CO. 42225 ItECTAYing A large an] \Vel!-Se!cc,e:i Sleek of ? Sjidng on)) ^uinnitr. (imht COMPRISING DTzr goods. Hardware. GROCERIES, NOTIONS, CORN. FLOUR, BACON, LARD, d-c. IHO!-J AND CASTINGS, A LARGE LOT, ALL OF WHICH WE WILL SELL jL.O"VT DFOI? OA.SZ-I. EEWI27, E2E3E 6 CO. March J. lSOfi .37 TWO AGRICULTURAL PAPERS FOR G2 50! THE Southern f/nltivarer3 D. REDMOND AND VRtf. N. WHITE, EDITORS. E@xl?Li^rlEp IIS* 1343.1 Volume 21 Commenced January, I860! Moni lily, fit.?2 00 per annual. Six Copies for.10 in Advance. By special ?rrnngcmcul with tlie MARYLAND FARjIKR. another excellent Rural Monthly, pub? lished in Baltimore at $1150, both papers will be sent one year ioiv53.W'; six of each for S1?.00;' a of. each for$25;00?giving each subscriber in this ease both papers for :!..");) ! Address WAL N. WHITE, Athens, Ga. March 1. 18GG 37 HEAI5?UAETEES, Military District gestern So. Ca., FOUKT-B SEPARATK BRIGADE. Columbia, S. C. Feb. 10, 1360. GTR C. ULA R NO. 2. It is reported thai jiiwlc?s filjeh in this District, who have been and -ire committing ihe grossest outrages upr;;i \.!,''"- arid bbTcfcs, and who have, in sonic instances fired upon United Stales soldiers: stolen Governmeal property, Sc.: are harbored and aided by tiie cltit''cn? of the Dl'striefa in which they operate: Ail iim-.e ?persons who wd and harbor s'ich lawless men, will be arrested and held in close confinement ns iiecotnp!Ic?*s<, to be tried by Mjltinfy Courts. This will nut he considered as applying to ihc future oa/y.btit to the pasL The authority of the Government must prevail. By order of Brevci Major-General Amks. J. A: CLARK. A. Ai D. C. and Act.' Ass't Adi t Gen'l. M?rcTii.lMi 87 2 TI?Z SiA23 07 SZYiZH C/.RDLUJA, - ?&D8M&? DISTRICT. IN E^OTTTv Ex V.r.-:,-?:,. V. Elccd; Solicitor Western Circuit Hill to Pep'ettjafe Tfefimonyl The Solicflior of the Western Circuit, having (his day filed his D ii im onforjnily with I lie -provisions nl the Act of Ike. General Assenthl^pf this Stale, entitled -An Act in provider mode by which to perpetuate testimony id rd.eion to Deeds. Eil!.:-. Clio Si 5 iu A iio:i, oilier papers a'd records, dc Ktroycil be lost^hiring ihe recnt war,"* ratified on the SIsi day of.Deceinbor, A. D," IfiCG: It is ordered, that any per. on or/persons inter? ested i:i preserving . !-e evidence of the contents of any su.;h doctimoHr& papers or records, have leave I? appear in this lieA'?rable Court,under ihj term of rlic Act ttfbresaid. and iiave taken, with a vieo to its perpetuation, all fetich evidence as they shalj pro lie-a. whicli may be regarded material to their interests. w. w. inrviP-riRVS. c.u.a.p. Commissioner's Office, Feb. 1853;, - I :.\ Eiq?i t y?>'a. i: c c>i*tao :j. John.r. Millford and Charles Millford by res: friend .lohn Herren vs. WilHnui Millford, George Nelson ami wife Mary NcJsoB* Maltnda Damp inn, el. ai.? Bill for Partition of Land, vVc. Ii appearingio"my satisfaction that the Iloirs at law of John E. Millford. deceased, nVmcs and num? ber Unknown; (lefeiiflauts in ihe above slated east, reside beyond (he limits of this-State, t hi mat ion of Harrison and Whithm^/CemplnTn inlfs>>olie;t?ri?. Ordered, that said pejendauts do appear and plead, nutwer or demur lo Comphiinaut's said Ui!i ofComplainl within llirbc months frojri the publi fciori iiei eof or iiie same wid be taken pro'eun/ist? aguiust lie m. A W. wr*K?tMPirkEYS; c r...\.n. Commissioner's Office, Feb. 29, IStid. 1}7 ;>ui THE STA1E OF SOuTH CAROLINA. A MJEXSON DISTRICT. Wli I'lillAS. Matilda Brnnynn has applied to me for betters of Administration on the Estate of John A. Briihyan, decease i: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the. kindred and creditors of j??>d doeeasad to be and appear at my office on the lull day of March- 18UIJ, to show cause, if any^tKcy can. why said Administration should is t bo grunted. Il?ilHERX HA.Mldt.SL', o.a.p. ' March 1. 1806 o7 " 2 NOTICE TO DI^iiLL2?^3. THE Comxnjssipncrs of Public Buildings,'hereby g?.vo notice lu ii peresoiia l-ave been ougi^cd in ilNrb rig I pi. ^ IV.mi grain, at any lime since the J'.-: Dct? liibor last, that they must come for? ward :ind lake oul i lu ir iiceiisf. before Court week, (_?! M.n 1 ;y in Mare!:.) prtliey will be mdfeted". Marcii i." Iaii? ,;7 ^ 11r.>:::::ar. v::::int;.:;i?ext*3 Orncc, (?-.>,.r:;::i.\. s. c. Feb. 21,180C: ON and after . nday noxt, 20t!i hist., tin: through freight business wilUbc r^siinicd upon this Road. .I.-..-J. il. Li.?.'.ALLE, Heu l Sup:. March I, 1808 ??7 DR. W. Pi. PIIF.RUY, Surgical and Mechanical Den!ist; wid be iu Anderson on75th ti&L Tobe found over J.esjcr's Store, opposite liHellijcncir O.lice. March r?jJtl 87 1 ALL persons ituiebicd to the eataies.of Thos. J i' .-r> >nter and ^ol;n T. Carpenter', deceased, will please couie forward and make payment to John my auth.'S-ixed agent, at Anderson C. {f., ?r't? myself. All persons having demands against these cutatej will pres-mt them legally at tCitud. F. G. CARPENTER, Adm'r. February D". 185C 8-> " 3 Address of ? G. SCHWARZ . TO TILE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" OF APO^EISSOIN & ViCINITY. Your Attention Is Respectfully Called to tub -f ;. yjr. Largc and Varied Assortment OF FAKCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, T\"o. 1, Gx-sLizitc Row, COSSISTIXO OP . _ Calicoes, DeLaines Mcrinocs. Alpacas." " Black Bombasine, ... ' ** Fine Alpacas. Flannels, white, colored and red, Veiling, blue, green and brown, Jaconets, Muslins, Lawns. Brilliants, ~ ' ' " " ?"***^ Cambrics, all colors, Ginghams, Shirt Linon, .?..,. Handkerchiefs, silk, cotton and girig h'ams, Canton Flannel, bleached and un? bleached, . Ticking, Toweling, ic, Homespuns. Sea Island, do do do bleached, Cassimercs for Pants, Broadcloths, Hoop Skirts, all ^ sizes; Ladies' and Gents' Gloves, Balmoral Skins, Balmoral Hose. White Hose. Half Hose, Brown and Colored Hose, Hoods, all kinds, Basques. Fancy and Common ELaii' Combs, Leather and Sxlk Bells, Belt Buckles, ? Scarfs, assortment. Ladies' and Gent?/ Collars, Needles, Pins and Ilair Pins, Coat, Pants and Vest Buttons. ChiUivns' Fancy Hose, Hair and Tootl/Brushes, Clothes do, Fiax Thread, Spool do colored, " * do do white, . THESE GOODS WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH TiV ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR A Large Spring & Summer Stock, . g. schwakz, jS?. 1 Granite* Row. Feb. 28, 1566 37 . JUST OPENED! A LAU OK STOCK OF i7A3XILY GROCERIES, Comprising COFPRR. SUGAR. TP.A. CHEESE, MACKBRBLs CliAC'vERS. SODA BISCUIT. SO A V. CA N DL KS. STARCH. PiCKLES.SODA.&C., ALSO, ... An extenshv assortment of i?? BSE BY KP FKUITS, in cans and jars, BRANDY PEA GULES, ^ TOMATO CATSUP, SARDINES, OYSTERS. ftC. Too above articles will be sold at tho lowest prices for cash. G. SCHWARZ, No. 1. Granite Row. March I, 1SG6 37 Cll?OKEEY! % ilS GREAT VARIETY, For Sale by G. SCHWARZ, * No; 1, Granite Row. March 1, 1866 37 Housekeeping Articles! THE attention of Housekeepers is invited to m}-selection of Articles suited to their wants, all qtY which are now offored at very low prices. G- SCHWARZ, No. L Granite Row. March 1, J SG? 37 TINAND PLATED WARE, For Sale for i ... I'/.'IIWARZ, No. 1. Granite Bow. March 1. 1S63 ' S7 Cigars ! Cigars! THE FINEST BRANDS. For Sale bv G. SCHWARZ, No. 1. Granite Rc March 1. I860 37 BOOTS AIVI) SHOES, OF EVERY QUALITY, AT G. SCHWARZ, No. I, Granite Row. March 1. I860 37 HATS! .-HATS! TJIF LATEST STYLE OF HATS, .? Cheap for cash, by ^ G. SCHWARZ. No. 1. Granite Row. March 1.1.?CG 37