Newspaper Page Text
L?CAL NEWS. WEDNESDAY MAY 25, 1898. rennel Dead in J all. Last Thursday Dight the giuhouse and machinery of E. H. Simpson at Iva was destroyed by fire, and it was the work of an incendiary. Suspicion rested upon Joe Harris, Asbury Harris and Elbert Harri?, all negroes, the first two beiDg half broth ers, and the latter a son of Asbury. They were^arrested and committed to jail by Magistrate Jackson. They were in charge of Constable McCullough, and on the way a posse overtook them and gave Elbert Harris a flo2ging. Wnen the prisoners reached the Jail Friday night Elbert was very sick and Sheriff Green immediately called in Dr. J. C. Harris, who bas been visiting the prisoner twice a day, giving him every attention possible. This morn ing at 5 o'clock the negro was found dead in his cell. At the hoar of going to press Coroner Nance had not finished the in quest. Dr. Harris had testified that he found marks of violence on the prisoner's back and leg, and believed that his death was caused by exhaustion. There bas been considerable stealing and several at tempts to burn property in and around Iva. A few nights preceding Mr. Simp son's fire an attempt was made to bum A. G. Cook's store. It is believed these negroes were guilty of all these crimes. Since the above wau written and pnt in type the jury of inquest bas rendered a verdict that death was caused by exhaus tion produced from causes unknown to them. . BELTON'S HIGH SCHOOL. 2?he Commencement Jt. xe rei sen-The Clos ing of Another Sncoeasfal Year. Last week the Belton High School suc cessfully concluded its annual session. In accordance with the custom of recent years, this important event in local annals was celebrated in a manner appropriately impressive and duly entertaining. A program of exercises generous itrquan tity and varied most pleasingly in its literary, musical apd other featuns was provided to tempt and regard the public taste "and attention, and the public re sponded to. the invitation not only by appearing in large numbers from the town and adjacent communities', but in liberally displaying. the earmarks of a genuine and hearty interest. Under the management of Prof. W. B. West, who bas for the last three years been the prime mover in its direction, the School has steadily advanced in the matter of attendance and in the extent and quality of the result effected, and, aa a consequence, commenuement seasons are with each recurring year more and more anticipated as occasions of well arranged And meritorious exhibitions. The audience room, which includes the entire opper story of the school building, wan the scene of the commencement pro ceedings. The initial series of exercises was given Thursday evening, the participants being in the main students of the primary de partment. Though much might justly be said in commendation of the animated and comprehensive manner in which the program was rendered and of the indi vidual excellencies of many students en gaged, the list of the evening's exercises is given without further comment as follows : **Tne Gypsies' Festival," chorus of boys and girls. --Echoing Trumpets,1' piano solo, Miss lionise Breazeale. "Four Celebrated Characters," Misses Ethel Wilson, Leda Foore, Ladle Geer and Annie Shirley. "A Sight Misunderstanding," Miss Blanche Green and Master Leon Rice. 1 -'Ferns of the Forest," instrumentai solo. Miss Dot Sanders. "A Baahfnl Boy," Mr. J. D. Hunter, and Misses May Hunter, Mettie Elgin and Hattie Wilson. ?-In Behool Days," recitation, Alias Mamie Clinkscales. .'Coe I Love, etc.," vocal solo,.Miss Ethel Wilson. "Bob and bis Sister," Miss Nannie Mat tison and Master Si an Mallison. "The Owl Critic," recitation, Miss B?s ela Mattison. "Cascade of Pearls," instrumental solo, Miss Leta Geer. "Mattie's WantR and Wishes," recita tion, Miss Mattie Yandiver. Instrumental selection, Mis-e-i Daisy Bice and Idelle Klee and Master Bex Bice. ' Drill of the Little Patriots, Mies Daisy Vandiver and twenty little boye. At the conclusion of the program. Prof. A. G. Holme?, on behalf of Miss Jessie Sanders, who ba* bad charge ot the pri mary department, presented to Master Hulon Campbell a prize for having m?de avery fine and the best record during the session along certain lines of study .-among the younger pupils. Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock a Jaree number of pupils and friends of the School were treated toan address of un as u al force and practical wor*h hy Hon. M. L. Donaldson, of Greenville, who is well-known as an original thinker and fearless actor in tbe politieal and educa- , tlonal field. The Katbering was called to order by Prof. West, Mr. j. A. Wakefield follow ing in an introductory prayer, after which Mr J. T. Cox, one of the Trustees, in a few neat y phrased and happily chosen remarks, presented to his auditors the speaker of the day, who was greeted with applause and heard with close attention Co). Donaldson's address was delivered in the straightforward and earnest man ner characteristic of him and was full of suggested ideas, which, if properly ap plied, would have an imp riant and ad vantageous bearing upon the lite and conduct of any aspiiing youth. The central though' rising out of the dis course "Was the asserted faut thut while the training and develo, ment of the mind ?nd th? moral nature are to be desired, ard, in fact, may be consider-d absolute ly essential in the equipment of prepara tion of the younger generation for tho duties which will l e before them, still all that will Le of lit'le or co avail unless tbero be within the developing mind and nature that ambition, that uplifting und moving impulse, thtt inspiration as it may he called which will lead on to and render possible of accomplishment mat ters of the highest importance and great est moment. Anthe light of the sun is essential to bnugipg out the full capabil ities of organ.cand animal creation, as tho mind and baud of th* skiled mechanic is necessary to the orderly movements and control of intricate and powerful ma chinery, even more sois the source of worthy and satisfactory accomplishment in any field of endeavor requiring t* e exercise of brains and education to he found in tho moving power of ambitious mental and m or? J inspiration. In elaborating tb? main ideas sought tc be conveyed, Col. DOOH deon ga^e utter ance to many expressions of a most interesting and valuable character, the whole address being an U'nsuallv excel lent lesson for the instruction and edifi cation of his hearers. Friday afternoon another series of exor oises no whit les? entertaining than thosn prpcediog it was giveuas follows, Prof Ilolims presiding over the proper con duct of tho same: *u??'Mf t* stephanie," instrumental sola, Miss Daisy Bice. .?Wisii't 1 wuzaGurl," recitation. Miss Mamie Clinkscales. Speech by Mr J. S. Acker. Mr. Acker is ono of .those young men who possesses th? happy and fortunate faculty of peins able to -say something when he talks, and on this occasion his effort was such as t-tropgly to confirm this assertion. His subject was the old theme of "What's iu a Name?" but his treatment of this prob lem wan original and vigorous, and the moral power and force of a good name as shown forth by his argument is obviously great and far-reaching. ' Little Boy Blue." chorus. Vocal solo, Mis? Ethel Wilson. "Flower Song " instrumental, Misses Daisy Rice and Idelle Rice aod Mr. Rex Rice. At the conclusion of these exercises Prof. West announced that of the three scholarships which had been offered ?o pupila of the School, according to highest average standing, two of them had beeu awarded, that to the Greenville Female College to Miss Jessie Geer and that to Converse College to Miss Dot Sanders, of Chester, the successful competitor for the Fur ra an University scholarship not hav ing yet been determined upon. Prof. West then thanked the trustoes and patrons of the school for their cordial support and co-operation at al! times, and referred in commendatory asad grateful terms, with the unqualified endorsement of his hearers, to the thorough and highly satisfactory work during the session just closed of his staff of assistants. This staff embraces .'rof. A. G. Bolmes, of Laurens, who bas labored faithfully and with rare good understanding among the Institu tion's more advanced seekers after knowledge, Miss Jessie Sanders, of Ches ter, whose patient, competent and con scientious work at the head of the pri mary department has not only materially enlarged the mental capacities but has broadened the finer natures of her youth ful charges, and Miss Mattie Brown, of Belton, whose instruction in music, vocal and instrumental, has produced re sults most gratifying, bringing within the reach of the naturally gifted the pos si bl i i tv of inspiration and wonderfully soothing the disposition* ot those hitherto totally unaware of the divine afflatus. Prof. West was too modest to refer other than casually to the part he has taken in the accom plishment of the season's work, but the interested public was aware of the face that the 'community recognizes in Prof. West the efficient head of a pros perous institution, capable by supeiior ability as a manager and an educator of furthering the substantial growth of the school in attendance and influence and of guarding and upbuilding the moral and intellectual interests entrusted to his care. A reception in the afternoon and a lawn party at night closed the exercises of the season. C. Calhoun Items. After an absence of a few weeks we will come agaiu and give you the news from toi* section. The topiu of the day is war. Two boys from this community have gone to co lumbia and joined Capt. Watkins' Com pany. A good rain is very badly needed in this section. The gardens and crops would he greatly benefited. Mr J. C. Acker and family, ol near Anderson, visited in this section last week. A large crowd attended the Cooley's Bridge pic nie. Everything passed off quietly, and all went home tired and dus ty Mrs. W. A. Clement, of Belton, visited her grandfather, Capt. J. S. Acker, last week Several young people of this section at tended the closing exercises of the Belron High School last Thursday night and Friday. Mis- Mary Acker has been spending a few days with relatives in Belton. Mies Ellen Gordon spent last Sunday with ber sister. Miss Janie Gordon, of Honea Path. Mr. J. Press Acker is on the sick list. Mrs. Mamie Holland, of Greenville, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Henderson. UKO AND INO. Pendleton Items. Rev. O. T. Porcher attended the meet ing of the Episcopal Church in Charleston last week. Mrs. O. T. Porcher is visiting relatives and friends in Charleston. Capt. John C. Gantt and wife, of Broyles, S. C., visited Mr. B. P. Gantt Saturday and Sunday last. Mrs. L. G. Walker, of Summerville, S. <'., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Holme?. Misses Mamie and Laura Davant have returned home, after a very pleasant vis it tn Augusta, Ga., and vicinity. Mrs. J. Dawson has been quite sick, but we are glad ro say she is much better. Dr. R. W. Sandern, pastor of the Bap tist i burch, bautizad three young men of Clemson College Sunday afternoon. The hour for prayer meeting at the Presbvtorian church has been changed from 5 o'clock in the afternoon to 8.30 at night. Professor J. G. Clinkscales, of Clemson College, is expected to deliver an address to tbe children at the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning. Mrs. Hugh McL"bs bas returned home, after a few weeks stay at Pelz-ir. The Mayor of our town reaped a nice little reward Monday morning from dis turbances among the colored people Sat urday evening. " Tell Tale" forgot the day of the week, so he did not get in for last week. Too much cotton and corn and grass coming, so if he fails you can know the reason why. THL? TALK. Substantially Remembered. Last Friday the ladies of the city for warded by expres8to the Anderson Volun teers, now in Colombia, boxes containing abont 500 pounds of delicious viands of various kinds, which cannot fail to allure tbe mont fastidious appetite, and the fol lowing M ter- was sent ab>ng with them: Capt. H. H W*tkinp, Company C, First R'-c: merits. C. V., Columbia. S. C: Djar Sir: The undersigned, in behalf of the ladies of Anderson, beg the acceptance bv the Anderson Volunteers, who com pose Company C. and any others who may have cast their lot with them, of tho br ix'es expressed to vonr aidresa to-day, as a slight token indicating th?t ihn c >m tort and well being of each mouther of the Oornp?nv inconstantly on our heart-. VV e beu also to a-su r? tho y onngsold'era t'>at the patriotism and courage exhibited bv them in responding no promptly to ?he ?.all for volunteers, coupled with tho fact that their manly conti oct resmHed in their selection HM the color Company of the First Regiment, has awakened in the hearts of the ladies o' Anderdon highest admiration, and, during the remainder of the war which wo trust will soon be over-tho con due- of the Company will lin watched with keenest interest and our prayers MIIHI] ft'wnys embrace the petition that Ood will b? with you in the many danmor* sud hardship* incident t >'war VVH ar*\ proud of Company C. and do not doubt that tiuir bravery will reflect credit upon anderson, not only in emisi?e j ment with the oneinv on the battblield, hut in individual conduct aud manly bearing in ca-np. Miss DtTMA Gll.MKU CIAUDO PRK? osT. *' Ll/./.! F. ' KAYTON " A LICK CLINKSCALKS, M KB. Du. J. C HA tims, ? Nun mutee. Uncnlons Aruta;; Salrfl. The best solve in (lie v.,rid for Cots Bruise.^, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheunt, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand?, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It i& guaranteed to nive perfect satisfac\ion, or money refund ed. Prise 25 centH per box. For sale by Hill-Orr Drug Co Denver Items. A much needed nun ie'] last. Sunda night, and all vegetation has taken on a new lifi-?, and wo all feel invigorated. "Unele Dock" Kl rod is still a great suf ferer, with but little hope ot' his ultimate recovery to health. Mr. 1). M. Scott, who moved from this community years ago to Sand Mountain, Alabama, and has been visiting relatives and friends in our community, returned to his home yesterday. Mr. W. T. Browne and wife, of Fair deal, S. C., visited bis brother (A. E. Browne) last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Hampton Johnston, book-keeper for the Pendleton Manufacturing Co., visited friends at Denver Sunday, A child of Mr.- Phillip-*, living on the plantation of Mr. J. D. Mo Elroy, died yesterday. Desiring to give credit to whom credit is due, we beg to mention a few colored persons in our community who, v?e think, deserve credit for the manner in which they conduct themselves, and the manner in which they control their chil dren. Notably among them we mention Albertand Perry Williams, bot h of whom have homes of'their own and exercise the good sense to stay in their proper places and attend to their own business, and are thriving, industrious, sober peo ple. Also, Lawrence Dawson, living on the farm of Mr. Joe Major, and Rev. V. G. Longshore, pastor of the A M. E. ( hurch nerir by, all of whom deserve the good will of the white people. We men tion these people (though this is not all of them,) because they are exceptions to the "g?nerai run." and we feel that they should be encouraged by the white peo ple no long as they conduct themselves as they do. Mr J. D. MoElroy, Mr. Ramey Hughes, engineer on B'.ue Ridge R. R., and Mr. Will Doyle, of Seneca, are nfl" to-morrow on a hunting and fishing tour on Seneca River for several days, and when they return, if this scribe can get to interview them, we will have lots of fish and snake talks to chronicle. Thanking you for space furnished ns in the INTELLIGENCER heretolore, we are, as usual, lNCea. Corner Creek Shiftings. Miss Nannie Martin, a beautiful young lady from near Donalds, spent last week in our midst visiting her cousin, Miss Lelia Gassaw8y. Akter a long dry spell of about five weeks, we bad a good shower of rain Sunday night which refreshed the crops nod gardens. Mr. S. L. Shirley, of Nevs, spent part of this week here visiting frieuds and relatives. Misses Ada and Gertrude Pruitt, two charming and lovely young girls from Corinne, visited their cousins, the Misses Gassaway, Monday and Tuesday. Several of our young people attended ?li? closing exercises of the Bonea Path High School M ?oday morning and night. The exercises were most enjoyable, all of tho students acquitting themselves admi rably. The road machine bas been in this sec- ! tion the past week, and, under the man agomentof our efficient township super visor, Mr. J. M. Hanks, has all the roads in excellent condition. We think the road scrape is the very thing to have good roads with, and the next thing is to have a good township supervisor, such as this community has. Mr. Hanks certainly understands how to have ? the-e roads worked. The right man in . the right place; a man that deserves credit for the ?ay he has served the Honea Path township i'i giving her good roads for the past three years And we will just say that if Mr. Planks was known all over Anderson County like he is knowu by the people of this township, he would be our next ?'o un ty Supervisor. As men are being suggested for Supervisor, we suggest Mr. J. M. Hanks to the voters of Anderson County as a suitable man for this office. The farmers of this section are progress ing very rapidly with their work. The majority have got their cotton thinned our. Wheat and oats will soon be ready for harvesting. The grain crop is very fine in this section. Pie nics and campaign meetings will soon be the order of the day, and oh! what a time we will have then. TYRO. Why pay exorbitant prices for Bicycles when Sullivan Hardware Co. can fit yon np at real, honest value? I have arranged with manufacturers and dealer? who possess unlimited capital, to offer Pianos and Organs for cash or on easy pa-tiai payments. I am offering the Chickeriog, Starr, J ?ase French. Rich mond and S'uy vest Pianos, and the Pack ard, Jesse French and Putman Organ. This is my old business. No one can offer better inducements and for less money. These prominent people in this County bought of rm: Fleetwood Clinkf-oales, J W. Poore, Peter G. Acker, L E. Camp bell. J. H. JjneP, J A. Hill, John Hill. ! B. D. Hall, R. bert C. Chamb e , Mw. I M E. Keefe, J, S. Fowler, Col. J. N { Brown, W D. Brown, L. H. 8eel, P K S McCully, Harrison Tucker, Presoyteriau Cfjurch Though sold nearly IS yeara ago they are still giving perfect satisfaction, j Instruments direct fiom factory to pur j chdben*. Address L. E Norryce, AudersoD, S. C. [ Sullivan Hard ware Co. baa sold a tre mendous quantity of Hero and Crescent Wheels-doubling last season's big uusi ! nein. Wn\? Tue peop e have learned ' tbatSuliivau Hardware Co. is on tue in side track The C. A. Beed Music Home Are offering some special bargains in Pianos and Organs at this time. It will certainly pay any, who wish bo purchase an instrument, even io the remote future to see and investigate their magnifioent stock. Sullivan Hard vars C J give an absolute guarantee on (be Hero and Crescent Bioy oles-no foolish nee?-all fair and square. Hubbard's Corner will sell, for part cash Fme S tda Fountain, Good Family Horse. 2 Gillon Milk Cow, H ?useano Lot on Kar e Street, Budding Lot on Earle Street, Store Room ou Main dtreet. Sullivan Hardware Co. keep up with all bicycle rtipaiis, sundries, &c., buying at quantity prices. Tney retail at wholesale h ti u res. Foti KKNT-The offices recently occu pied Uv Bonham cfc 'Aatkins, in tho IN* TKLLIOENOKK building. Apply at this o Hi cu. Great drive on handled Hoas at Sullivan li :rdivarM <'o A our load gong ut (inures tu a&tou'tdi the buyer. Poor I*.ut? hing cames sickness-io get tho no?t plumbing dune, go tu ?aborue ?v. | Ciiukscales. Improvements may never cease. Cres cent bicycles a-o ai wavs up to tbs highest rung ot the ladder. Tan reliable White Mountain Ice Cream freez-rs tor sale by Osborne ?V Clin K; eales. No experiment-a success1. [.,"'.7^. Sullivan Hardware C ? do th:dr p.irf to satisfy purchasers nf their B cycles. Tue Orescent and Hero wheels du their part. Hence all parties concerned are pleased. Cut Flowers. Pot Plants anti Palms for I Kale. Mus. J F. CLINKSCALES, ?42 Matu St. Sullivan Hardware C >. can open your eyes on Harro wi- i hey sell the Terrell, tho Rom in. Klondike Frix and others. To i/'nro ? Cold In One !>i?.v. THke l,i!xaiive Bromn Quinine Tableta. All DrUfj??i-Ui refund the money if ir. fail* to cure. 35J. For tale by Kiana Phar macy. I is A revelation to rea Sullivan Hard ware < ! line ol 11 arrows and tremendous stock of hoe-. Take your ehnio ! 10 tVr the ('omit?, (a home-made anice,) t?e Josh Per--v 14 I floger, or..?her 14 li oner G.ain cradles at Sullivan li ire'ware C t's. Have you seen the new Klondik? Har ro* sold exoltihiveiv in Andtrson by fcul livan Hardware Co? FOR MEN, CH WOMEN and This week the Big Store will displayTCorsets and Corset Waists. We want to increase this Department of oar business, and are handling the very best andTmost popular makes. Our Main Line is Dr. Warner's. This Manufacturer makes so many different styles, lengths and prices that we can please and fit almost any customer. Dr. Warner's No. 222-six Hooks, Long Waist and Small Hips-at $1.00. Dr. Warner's No. 333-five Hook,Lomg Waist, Full Bust and Hip-at $1.00. Dr. Warner's No. 444-Long Waist, Large Bust and Hips-at $1.50. Dr. Warner's AAA-Medium Waist, Small Bust and Hip-at $1.00. Dr. Warner's Eclipse Nursing Corset at $1.00. Dr. Warner's Perfec tion Corset Waist, with Hooks, very comfortable, at $1.00. Vigilant Corset, (made hy E. & G. Corset Co.,') at 50c Best we know of for the price. Full line of sizes in Summer Corsets at 50c. We also handle other brands of Corsets. You will find the above to be good-fitting, comfortable and durable, and feel sure you will be pleased with them. We always try to get the best, in everything, for our customers, and feel that we are prepared to please the patrols of our Corset Department better now than ever before. Agents for Standard Patterns. Tours very truly, J Head-to-Foot Outfitters for Men, Women and Children. T. F. HILL 8. M. ORR, M. IX W. H NARDIN, M. D J. P. DUCKETT, M. D. Hill-Orr Drug Co WE hope the people understand that our taking these Doctors into the business doesn't mean that they are all to live off the Firm. The Managers and Clerks, of course, are dependent upon the success and profits of the institu tion, aa they have no other risible means of support. These Doctors, however, get their living physicing folks, and their principal bases of supplies are those who imagine they are sick. S Our purpose is this : The good old days are past Com petition and new methods have done away entirely with the large profit feature in all lines of business. It is the volume, properly managed and directed, that leads to suc cess in aoy line; and we hops by a community of capital and influence to so iucrease the volume of our business as to compensate for the decrease in net profits. Wc shall carry EVERYTHING in the line, Whole sale and Retail, and arrange so that you can get what you want from us any time-day or night. We confidently ask our share of the patronage. HILL-ORR DRUG CO. Tte is i? PF \ ul li J 5) Ul The SMITH & HARPER is the Best. They arc going fast. Quality and prices set thc pace. Now is thc time to buy, und remember we arc solo agents. .Competitors will tell you that they have something "just as good.'' Wu sell that kind, too, but where merit and quality is the test the Smith Harper lias no com pe'i tor. They 'nive 1 lie cor rect set, proper shape and thickness, made of thc best trowel steel, and riveted to a good smooth handle. ICach and every one guaranteed. CRADLES, CRADLES, CI Not baby cradles but Grain Cradles. Buy the Improved Josh Berry 14 Finger ('radie, and avoid that tired feeling. They tire light ami strong, cadi fitted with a ground Blade, made of tlie finest quality ?d'English crucible steel. We also sell thc Counts Cradle. We have the. exclusive agency for the old reliable Terrel -the best Har row on earth. \ Imus-ands of imitators but unequal. Wc; also sell t lie iloraan ami the Eureka. Wo have just received a big lot of - Ice Cream Churns That we are selling at prices never heard of. Wc have a lot of Gauze Doors That wo .arc. closing out nt a sacrifice. Our time it? yours-we wait to serve you. YouT truly, BROCK BROS MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC! PIANOS, ORGrAJNTS, And Snail Musical Instruments, of Every Variety, at THE C. A. REED MUSIC HOUSE. ALLOW aa to call year attention to the vital and important fact that Masic ls the most refining of all educator?, and we cannot afford to allow oar children to grow ap in ignorance of this elevating and refining influence; hence the great impor tance of procuring an Instrument of some kind. We have at present some GREAT BARGAINS in Pianos and Organs which *e would be glad to show yon. Though it is hardly uecessarv to make thia statement, we allow no one to super aede as regarding Quality, Price or Terms, and every representation that we have ever made regarding our goods have proven correct. Tbe many unsolicited testimoniale we receive corroborate this fact We can certainly mike it to the interest of prospec tive purchasers to natl and examine oar Stock, or write BS for catal?gaos and prices. Respectfully, C. A. REED. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. . _ ... ^TTsaasg?? WE have jost received a Oar Load ot fes^SS^P^"' COOK STOVES. We keep ^^J^^Si^ Forty Different Sizes, ^Sm?^^(^Km Forty Diff?rent Kintfe, ^W^^m^-? Forty Different Pricey ^f^^li^PW??S5!\ Forty Store? and Raines ' n^^^^^^^g^^^^ Pot op on our floor to edeet-?rom. Aa Remember, we buy Stoves in Car lots and give our ??*tonwrs &e advan tage of cheap freight and cheap prices. All Stoves Sold by Us are Guaranteed. S&F Call before buying and inspect 011 stoek. Yours for Trade, OSBORNE & CLINKSCALES, Headquarters for Stoves, Crockery, Tinware, Etc. THE SPIDER AND THE FLY ! WALK into mv parlor said the Spider to the P:.y But tho V\y is not always ?ugt a big fool ns the spider might nuppo-c. This reminds us of a gr?a* mat? merchants, advertisement?, scheming, and winning ways to entangle tho poo*t peo?A into their Stores ir. the name manner as the Fly wonid be caught ina 9 yid er's net work of weS. onlv to bo caught. THE RACKET STORE Says down with ilonble pviri>* HUI! big profits thu. h-ive for ?*o tR*? pe? p?*j ilown, which i? t-q;iai 11 robbery O rs K I* R* ? C SS TO . V ? Ami 10 per cens, profit la gOo<l enough for MOO??l A LUCAS. Don't be deceived by people who try lo imitate os, but utr pricer. On earth for tho i:ton<-y. We have the Ira/ie ia tili?? line. Our Millinery Bepariment U small, out nm- Low Prioesj ?tun? eompsUfcua. Work doae with taste and neut . ness. Bress Goods l''or Skirts, An. Mnsiin?, Lawn', Dimitbs, Whii?e ti.? id*, at l'-.west fc'io^u Sheet i hg 25 ; Cali??t: 2}c, 3o an ' 3?? per yard. Agaui wo (?ii ?ihaini :'.r, 2|c yard. Remnants figured L>wn and l)?m;.t>e*? '?hiyaro\ C?othiu? at loweri prico . FOR OUE CE3?T. H ShcetH Paper, 26 I5nv?(npevt 25 S'aie P^ui-iK Box blacking, lix Blocing, ft Loa I Pencil?, Cake Ltn?:dry Soap, I'M Pm?, Paper Needle*. !2 Bdla Th><ad, and ?h< ? Niuo- of nth i r useful artti Ivs You wi'l bu treated ruht. Yous money back il yon watt* it. >hE & LUCAS. RACKET STORE. Cheapest ia the State.