OCR Interpretation

The Anderson intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, August 13, 1902, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026965/1902-08-13/ed-1/seq-6/

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Exp?rimenta Looking
The South Carolina experiment sta
tion, located at Clemson College,
which is under the charge of l'rof. J.
S. Newman, has lately issued a bulle
tin that ought to interest every farm
er in the South. The bulk-tin de
scribes a new method of preserving
sweet potatoes, which has been tested
and proven to be a decided success,
and we give herewith the substance of
the report:
Three years ago the solution of the
problem of how to introduce the sweet
potato to commerce was undertaken.
There were two difficulties to be over
1st. To render the potato less per
ishable, and
2nd. To reduce its weight and thus
render its shipment to distant markets
The question of varieties, fertiliza
tion and cultivation has been exhaus
tively studied. That large crops can
be prod?ced at small cost has been de
That they furnish cheap and nutri
tious food, not only for man, but for
all classes of domestic animals is not
As a market crop they have thus
far fallen far short of success. Why
is this?
First, they are too bulky to bear
transportation, even to our own large
Second, they are too perishable to
bear rough handling and exposure to
freezing weather.
The problem, therefore, which we
undertook to solve was to reduce the
bulk and weight, by drying off surplus
moisture, to sterilize the product as to
exempt them from the fungus disease
to which the green product is subject,
and to accomplish those ends without
impairing the edible qualities of the
dessicated product.
In 1891? the roots were peeled and
sliced and dried in a movable evapo
rator. This resulted in removing the
excess of moisture and consequently
reducing the weight to one-fourth that
of the green roots, and rendering the
product non-perishable, but this was
accompanied by a practical destruc
tion of the flavor. The surplus mois
ture was removed, but the re-absorp
tion of the moisture was not satisfac
tory, and, hence, when cooked, they
did not resemble in consistency nor
flavor of the fresh potato.
In 1900, Mr. J. Sam Pickett, fore
man of the station work, learned that
Mrs. E. F. McDowell, of Franklin, N.
C, had succeeded in producing a sat
isfactory article by boiling the pota
toes before evaporating them. Acting
upon this suggestion fairly good re
sults were obtained, and a merchanta
ble article produced by boiling in an
open kettle, and using again the fruit
evaporator. The work, however, was
irregularly done, many of the slices
being over-cooked and hard.
A sufficient per cent of the output
waa properly 3 repared to demonstrate
the correctness of the method, and
that satisfactory success was attaina
ble with a Suitablo outfit skillfully
handled. To test the keeping quali
ties of this output, a part of the pro
duct has remained in ordinary oloth
sacks for seventeen months, having
passed through two winters and one
summer in a perfect state of pr?serva
. tion.
In the fall of 1901 cxpertM.mts wore
made with thirteen different varieties
to test their comparative adaption for
the purpose. A box of each of these
is now included in the Clemson Col
lege exhibit at the Charleston exposi
tion. ,
A room was equipped for steam
heating in connection with the can
nery in the horticultural division of
the experiment station, by means of
which the work of boiling, peeling
and evaporating could be more expe
ditiously and economically performed.
By rasans of a derrick UHed iu th j
cannery, several bushels of greeu po
tatoes were lowered in an iron basket
into a large boiler in which the water
was heated by steam. To secure uni
form cooking the roots should be
nearly of the same size. Those
weighing from one to two pounds re
quired one hour for thorough cooking.
Six to eight hours were required for
evaporating them at a temperature of
150 P. An ordinary laborer peeled
and sliced one bushel per hour.
In summer can be prevented
by taking
Scott's Emulsion
Its as beneficial Insummoraa
In Winter. If you are weak or
run down. It will build you up.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
409-415 Pe*rl Sireet, New York.
50c and f i.oo; ull druggists.
; to [Production of USTew
cial Food.
I'nSer this system there can be no
loss from rotting during storage. On
the contrary the evaporated product is
not only not perishable, but contained
only 3.42 per cent of moisture, will
keep for an indefinite time and bear
transportation to any part of the world
at any season.
To prevent hardening of the product
it should be packed in close boxes us
oon practicable after removal from
the hot room.
Soak tbe slices in warm water for an
hour and prepare as dressed or can
died potatoes. The dessicated pota
toes may also be used as are the fresh
roots for puddings or custards.
In commenting upon the discovery
of which the foregoing bulletin treats,
the Charleston News and Courier
makes the following timely observa
The value of tbe process which has
been devised by the station may be
estimated from this account of it. It
insures to the farmer the perfect pres
ervation of one of his most prolific and
most important general food crops, at
the same time fitting it for safe and
economical shipment to distant mar
kets heretofore closed to it, and effects
these ends by a mode of preparation
which is so simple and cheap that it
can be employed on any farm. When
it is noted that in one caBe stated in
tho table an acre of land yielded 357
bushels of raw potatoes, which in turn
yielded 105 bushels of the dried pro
duct, tue possibilities of the process
in the way of developing the culture
of the vegetable in the South and in
troducing it to tho world's commerce
and comfort begin to appear in truly
vast proportions. And it is to be re
membered that 357 bushels of sweet
potatoes to the acre is by no means
the record crop for this section. Mi
J. R. Mattox, of Cinch county, Geor
gia, once made 1,445 bushels on one
acre in one season, and doubtless .some
South Carolina farmer has done even
better than that. At any rate, the
world would be glad to get our pota
toes and pay well for them, if it wer?
at onoe made acquainted with their
excellent quality, and Prof. Newman
und Mr. Pickett, it appears, have
found a way to bring them to its at
tention in good form and condition.
It is a good work that they have done,
and it can hardly fail to prove of im
mense value to the agricultural inter
est of ttiis State aud section.
Accompanying the copy of the bul
letin sent to the News and Courier
was a small pa kage' of the product.
On inspection it was noted that the
slices are cut across the potato and
are about an eighth of an inch thick.
In color and texture it is very like
dried figs, but much firmer, one of the
slices resisting a considerable pull be
fore tearing. When cooked for table
use according to instructions?as for
"candied potatoes"?the resulting
dish could bo distinguished from one
likewise prepared from fresh roots
only by reason of a scaroely percepti
ble degree of toughness remaining in
the dessicated product. Perhaps a
longer preliminary soaking would re
move even this slight difference, which
was scarcely noticeable at the most.
The test was successful in every way,
as it proved that the dessioated pro
duct retains all the flavor of the fresh
roots, and can be used for them at any
season of the year with perfeot satis
faction to the housekeeper and con
sumer. The experiment station has
unquestior aoly opened the door to a
new industry of enormous proportions
and value for the South, and any agri
cultural community can employ the
opportunity at its own discretion.
There can be no question about the
demand for the prepared product. It
will make a large market for itself at
once wherever it becomes known.
He was Dead at Throttle.
Middleton, N. V., Aug. 6.?The cor
oner's inquiry into last Sunday's
wreck on the New York, Ontario and
Western railroad at Horton's, in
which four men were killed, is now
in progress before Coroner Johnston
From evidence already adduced it is
believed that Engineer Ady O'Neal,
whose disregard for orders is alleged
to have caused the wreck, was dead
on his engine when passing the sched
uled stopping point. It is believed
be received a fatal blow on the head
by comiDg in contact with a bridge or
other obstruction some time after re
ceiving the order, as he did not slow
up at either Chiloway or Horton's
although Conductor Ducoton tried
every means to signal the engineer
- mm . ? -
? Lots of girls get marr'cd^erely
to gratify their curiosity. /
? No artist has ever bejn inspired
to paint a bald-headed "Dffel
? A lazy man never gftls ahead un
less some one pot- a head/on him.
Ulen* a Way Out of Prison.
Nashville*, Tonn., Aug. 4. ? Armed
with dynamite to blow his way out of
prison, G us Hyatt, train robber and
desperado, led a desperate band of
sixteen convicts to liberty from the
Tennessee penitentiary to-night. Fif- I
teen of the escaping party got entirely
clear of the premises and only one, j
Edward Carney, a safe blower, sent up
from Nashville, paid the penalty of
death in the bold undertaking. Joseph
Loss and James Work were traced by
bloodhounds and captured, but the
rest of the prisoners had gotten so far
out of bounds that by midnight no
trace of them could be had.
The prisoners were furnished dyna
mite from the outside, which they
used in blowing out an opening in the
main wing of the prison. Hyatt stood
off the iosido guard with a brace of
revolvers, which had also been fur
nished him from the outside, while
the men preceded him, and Carney,
the prisoner wh'j vas killed, imme
diately preceded tL train robber.
The dynamite was laid by Doe, the
Manchester train robber, and he made
good his escape with the train of pris
oners that left by the opening made by
the explosive material.
Six of the prisoners that got away
were Government and the others were
State convicts. Men and bloodhounds
are in pursuit of them.
Train Robberies are too Frequent.
Mount Carol, Illinois, August 6.?
A daring and successful train robbery
occurred at Marcus on the Chicago,
Burlington and Quincy railroad, five
miles north of Savanna about mid
night. The fine vcstibuled passenger
train of eleven coaches, conductor
Emerson in oharge, was flagged at the
little station, aud six masked men
boarded the engine. The engineer and
fireman obeyed the imperative orders
and the robbers at once uncoupled the
engine and express car from the train
and ran them a quarter of a mile up
the traok.
They then blew up the express car
with dynamite, ran the eng''a north a
distance of a mile from Rauover, and
the engine becoming dead the robbers
abandoned it and escaped. One of
the highwaymen was killed, being shot
above the eye and also in the leg. He
met instant death while in the engine,
and his body was dumped to the
ground by his companions as they sped
The express messenger Bye claims
to have done tho shooting. The de?d
was done quickly, the trainmen and
passengers making no defense. Six
sacks of money were secured but the
amount is not known. The passen
gers were not molested.}
Ab the country is adapted to suc
cessful flight the robbers easily es
caped. The work is evidently of ex
perts as they went at it coolly and me
Officials of the railway say that
only $3,000 in silver t?as secured.
Conversation became reminiscent at
the lawyers' club the other day, the
late Judge Jarnos T. Brady being the
subject, says the New York Times.
A veteran practitioner who knew him
well, said:
"Brady's first attempt at practicing
law was in very humble quarters, in
the rear of a cobbler's shop in Fulton
street, near William. One day an
Irishman who called and inquired for
the cobbler was told by Brady that
he was out. Peering about the room
of the newly fledged lawyer, scantily
furnished with two unpainted chairs
and a dcaj table, he inquired:
" 'I say, boss, what do you sell
" 'Blockheads,' promptly replied
Brady. '
" 'Humph!' said the Irishman,
'must be doing a good business, as I
sco you have only one left.' "
Hot weather saps the vital energy
and makes the hardest workers feel
lazy. To maintain strength and ener
gy use Prickly Ash Bitters. It iB the
friend of industry. Evans Pharmacy.
? AU a man needs to do to get a
woman to do something is to find out
what sho wants to do and tell hor to
do it.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy has a world wide
reputation for its cures. It never
fails and iB pleasant and safe to take.
For sale by Orr-Gray & Co.
? The most painful climbing of
fortune's ladder is done by people who
have been at the top and are compelled
to olimb down again.
Henry L. Shattuok of Shellsburg,
Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble
with which he had been affiicted for
years by four boxes of Chamberlain's
Stom ioh and Liver Tablets. He had
previously tried many other .remedies
and a number of. physicians without
relief. For sale by Orr-Gray & Co.
? An elephant has only eight teeth
altogether. At fourteen years the
elephant loses its first set of teeth and
a new set grows.
Stops the Cough and Works off the
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No oure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
Adopted 22 Children.
South Haven, Mich., Aug. il?Mr.
and Mrs. John Shandrow, of South ,
Haven, have adopted a whole orphan '
asylum, 22 chiidrcu in all.
The 22 children are not all infants.
Some of them are bright, rosy-cheeked
youngsters, already old enough to go
to school.
Mr. and Mrs. Shandrow have made
more than a competence on their 100
acre fruit farm, and it lus been their
life-long regret that children have
never been born to them.
To please his wife Shandrow wrote
to the Smith Foundling hospital in
Minneapolis asking them to send him
several children for a summer's out
ing, with the privilege of choosing from
them in case he should want to adopt
a boy. The Minneapolis institution
is a small cue, and the managcujeut.
promptly forwarded the visible supply
of children over three years of age?no
less than 22 boys and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Shandrow are devout
Methodists, and an amusing sight was
enacted when they discovered that
part of the children had never been
baptized. The minister was promptly
rummonedand eight of the little ones
christened at once. They have just
decided to adopt all of them, of
whom they are excessively fond.
Having a Wood Time.
Most people are disposed to make
the best of poor circumstances, es
pecially if they are stout and good
natured?the people, not the circum
stances. The humor of the situation
appealed to the two travelers and they
began to laugh.
"Say," said one of them, addressing
the driver, "my friend here is the
ehief of police of one of Alabama's
big cities, aud he has come up here to
have a good time. He can't do any
thing at home, for every one will know
it. Now tell us what you do up here
to have fun."
This question interested the driver
very much. He still had some some
sporting blood left after thirty years
behind the plough. He dropped his
reins, turned round to face his passen
gers, and kept his back to the mules,
which continued to plod their weary
way just the same.
"Wael, gentlemens," he said, "I'll
tell you what I do to have a good
time. I just gets on the train and
goes ehher to Birmingham or Atlanta
and buys me a jug of whifkey. Then
I comes back and drinks just'as much
as I please, and then I goes out in
the woods and hollows just as loud as
I can, and I had the best time you
ever heard of."
Forgot to Explain.
A looal. Episcopal congregation
takes a great interest in a day nursery
for babies that is run as a part of the
organized charity of the Church.
Mothers going out to work or having
other reasons for intrusting ohildren
to the care of the nursery for the day
receive a numbered brass check, cor
responding to a tag hung on each baby.
The nursery, located iu a workingfolks ;
neighborhood, is very popular with all
classes and denominations, the charge
being marely nominal. At a recent
Wednesday evening service in the
ohureh, the pastor told the congrega
tion that the day before a strange wo
man had left her baby, returned in the
afternoon, asked for her child, and
was refused beeause she had lost the
check. The matron in charge would
take no chances, but told the woman
to come around later, when, if there
were an unclaimed baby remaining,
she could have it. The woman called
just at closing time, and was told the
only baby left was a negro. Here the
pastor was interrupted with exclama
tions of "Oh!" "What a shame!"
^'Dreadful!" "Poor woman!" etc.,
from the feminine members of his con
"I forgot to explain," he went on,
after a moment, "that the mother,
too, was black."
Judge Knew Women.
"What is your age, madam?" the
Judge inquired, and "Whatever you
ohoose, sir," was her answer. She
was under oath.
"You may put down 45 years,
thou," said the judge to the olerk.
"What is your occupation, madam?"
"Sir," said the witness, "you have
made a mistake of 10 years in m?
"Putdown 55 years, iLcr?," direct
ed the judge. ''Your residence-"
"Sir," exclaimed the lady, angrily,
;<my age is 35 ytars, not 551"
"Thank you, madam," said the
judge blandly.
The Deacon's Resolution.
"The deacon prayed fer rain ?ix
d tyn an' nights on a stretoh, au' when
the rain come?"
"What then?"
"Drowned two of his best cows, an'
washed the foundations from under
his bouso. An' now hs says that
her :ifter he's a good mind to keep
quiet, an' jest let Providence run the
weather to fuit itself!"
Speed of Dogs.
Greyhounds are the swiftest dogs
known, and scientists say that they
are tfie swiftest of all four footed
animals. Trained hounds can trav
el at the rate of eighteen to twenty
three yards a second, which is about
the speed attained by a carrier
pigeon. These dogs are bred for
epced alone. Every other consider
ation is lost sight of, and only thu
machinery that makes for motion
and endurance is cultivated.
Foxhounds are also very fast trav
elers> going at the rate of nearly
eighteen yards a second. M. Duso
lier, the noted French scientist, has
pointed out in his statistics on the
speed of animals that little fox ter
riers trotting along with their mas
ters who are driving or riding a bi
cycle cover mile after mile without
a touch of fatigue or distress.
Many animals akin to dogs show
even greater endurance. A wolf can
travel fifty or sixty miles in a night
and be ready for a similar journey
the following night.
"Book" Muslin.
A correspondent asks, "Won't you
oblige by saying why the word
'book* is applied to muslin?"
The idea that book muslin derives
its name from the peculiar manner
in which it is made up for sale?
namely, folded in yards and each'
yard doubled in again on itself in
such a way that the process of open
ing it strongly r?: sembl?s the open
ing of a book?is ingenious, but in
correct. The word has its origin in
Buke, which was erroneously writ
ten "Book," the district in India
where it was first made. It was not
until 1780 that the manufacture of
British muslins became a rival to
those in India. India muslins are
still famous for preserving their
Wire Used For Pins.
Perhaps as striking a figure as
can be adduced in relation to wire
is its consumption in the pinmaking
industry. With but few exceptions,
all pins arc made from brass wire,
and the daily production of pins in
Great Britain iB placed by compe
tent authorities at 50,000,000, of
which Birmingham supplies about
three-fourths. How this stupendous
output is consumed affords matter
of no small wonderment, and when
the proverbial trifling value of each
individual pin is further borne in
mind the interest in this branch of
the wire industry will be stiU fur
ther augmented.?Chambers' Jour
_ *
? When a man proposes he doesn't
seem to realize that it may result in
his losing control of himself.
? When a woman admits at thing
she expects a man to admit that her
admission doesn't count.
? Often a woman is so inconstant
that after making up her mind as to
her age she is unable to stiak to it.
? It is easy for a millionaire phil
osopher to tell a young man how to
live on $6 a week and put money in
the savings bank.
? If you see a couple walking ?long
the street and the man goes on while
the woman pauses to look in at the
shop windows it's a sure sign they are
? An appropriate present for a girl
is anything . she oan wear; for a boy,
anything he ean eat.
For IfSfSSti?i Coestipetios.
ftktoy Troubles.
Evans Pharmacy, Special Agents.
ONE TRACT, four miles 8outhwwt
City of Anderson, containing about 200
ac?en. Also, nor SflU Truer/water pow
er, with 50 acres of land. Terms upon
application to
July 23.1002_6_\
TWO VnoMieief.il? the State Beneficia
ry Scholarship ar? to be swarded od com
petitive examination* for thl<?, Anderson
Countv. Blank forms or application
should be applied for Ht orn e to C >). C. P.
Oadtden, Chairman Bn?rd of Visitors.
Tbrsa applies lotts, fully um?)? out. must
be in the bands of the Chairman on ths
31st July in order to receive* attention.
C. 8. GAB*DBN,
Chairman Board Visitors.
Hpartanbarv. r*. C.
H. N. 8NYBBR. M. A., President.
Full College Courses. Favorable
surroundings. The best influences.
Necessary expenses from $160 to
$175 for the year. For Catalogue or
other information, apply to
J. A. GAME WELL, Secretary.
Wofford Coll?ge FF ttftg School.
Mpartaabatrg, H. C.
Elegant new building. Careful at*
teution to individual student Board
and tuition for year, $110. All in
formation given by
A. M. DuPRE, Head Master.
July 9, looi n
D. 8. Va ST DIVER.
We can make you the CHEAPEN
Flour, Bacon,
Bice, Coffee a
Your trade is appreciated.
People's Friend ?
Who?--The Dollar !
DON'T full to se? th* grand Axel Ma
chine that W. M. Wnbaew bas purchased
to save people money on tbeir Buggies,
CirrlinHM. ?fc<\ Tbis 1? tho greatest Ma
ibine that bas ever bn-n invented In tbia
oouotrv. It parts you putting on new
Axel Points. Tbl? only conta you f 2.00
to make your old Buggis* ride It ko new
noes. Don't fail tn cowo to 0?. Also,
will shrink your Tires for 87io eaob, and
guarantee satisfaction. Horse Shoeing a
specialty. You will und us below
Jail, on tbe corner.
CAN tighten your Tires while they
are cold without taking them off,
wheels or taking out bolts. Leave
the wheels in perfect shape and dish
just right. Can do the work in one
third time it requires the old way. .
Don't wait 'till your wheels are ruin
ed. Bring them on and see how nice
ly we can do the work.
Watches and Jewelry.
Watches and Jewairy of all kinds Re
paired promptly. Give me a call.
Money to Loan at 7 per Ot.
I have several Thousand Dollars that 1
will loan on Farminic Lands iu Ander
son County at Seven pt-r cent interest.
Will Iohd you any amount from Three
Hundred Dollars up.
k. G. McADaMS,
Attorney a.. Law. ?ndeiBon, P. C.
j. ty 9, 1902_ _gm
Cu?i.i#nseii >clit-Utile In EflTeot
Jane3iith, UUl.
t<v. OMrleston ...
" ^ummervilio.
1 Braiichville..
" Orrngeburg .
** Kingville.
Lv. Savannah_
" Bam well.
Lv. Columbia_
" Prosperity..
*' New berry...
" Ninety-Sfx...
" Greenwood..
Ay. Hodges.... i.
Lt. Abbeville
jr. Anderson
Ar. Greenville.
Kj Atlanta, (Cen.Tlme)
$o. 15.
11 UJ p m
12 U? n't
2 00 a m
2 45 a m
4 05 a in
12 ?0
4 13
4 28
a m
6 00
7 14
7 80
8 80
8 60
0 15
a m
a m
a m
a m
a m
a m
8 85 r .m
0 40
a m
a m
a m
"8 65"
p m
No. 11.
7 00 a m
7 41 a m
0 00 a m
0 28 a m
10 24 a m
12 80 a m
4 18 a m
4 28 a m
11 80 a m
12 20 n'n
12 85 p m
IK pm
2 C? p m
2 25 p m
1 45 p m
8 20 p
218 p m
4 25 p m
0 00 p m
No. 12.
Lv. Greenville...
" Piedmont...
040 a m
10 OS a ra
10 25 a m
Ar. Anderson
6 20 p m
8 00 p m
7 12 j> m
Et. Belton ...
Ar. Donalds...
8 15 p m
11 15 a m
.Abba ville
7 85 p
8 05 p m
10 45
11 10
Et, B?dg?s.
Ar. Greenwood.
* Ninety-Six.,
* Newb?rry...
" Prosperity...
Columbia ..
9 O? p m
" Barnwell..
8 20 p m
8 60 p m
0 10 p m
10 15 p m
10 83 p m
11 60 p m
"il 25
11 50
J2 05
1 10
1 24
2 40
a ni
a m
p a
p m
p m
p m
Lv. Kin g vi lie.
" Orangobnrg..
M Branch ville..
Ar. Charleston...
2 52 a m
8 07 a m
4 60 a m
S 52
8 07
4 60
a m
a m
a m
* 32 a
8 45 a m
4 25 a
6 57 a
7 00 a m
8 40
? 42
6 25
6 43
7 80
p m
p m
p m
p m
P m
7 00a
7 41a
0 00a
0 28
10 24 s
" Summer vil le "
" .Branchvilla. *'
" Ornngeburg "
" . Kingvillo . "
11 80s
12 15 p
1 23 p
2 00 p
2 22p
2 87 p
8 10p
8 40 p
7 15*
jV .. Savannah.. Ar
" ..Barnwell.. "
" ..Blackvillo.. ?r
N ..Columbia.. "
" ..-Alston.... "
M ...Bsntno... "
" .....Union..... M
" .. Janesville.. "
" ....Pncolet.... u
Ar Spartanbant Lv
Lv Sparenburg- Ar
Anhovlllo ...Lv
No. il
7 80 p
6 42 p
5 ?5p
4 42p
a 16 p
1 25 p
19 15 p
11 87 s)
11 17 ?
11 06
10 SB al
10 28 a
7 08 si
5 67a
4 25a
8 46a
8 82a
4 60S
8 07s
0 80p
8 60s
7 40 p
7 10p
0 43 p
0 15p
0 00p
"P"p.m. "A" s. m. "N" night.
Pullman paleos ?lesplng cars on Traisa 83 saA
?, 87 and 88, oa A. and O. division. DiuingcarS
an tbes* trains servo ail usais en routs.
Trains leave Spsrtanburg, A.sO. division,
porthbound. 8:53 a m., 3:87 p.m., 6:18p. m*
(Vestibule Limited) and 8:65 P. m.;, south*
bound 12:20? m.. 8:15p. m., 11:40 a. m., (Vso
knie Limited), and 10:89 a. m.
Trains leave GreenvUls, A and O- division,
po- ihbound, 6:55 a. m., 2:34 p. m. and i?:18 p. m.,
(Vestibule Limited), and 5:55 p. m.; south
bound. 1:25 a. rn..4:S0p. m., 12:40p. m. (VaseV
bols Limited), and 11:8? a. m.
Trains 16 and 18?PnUman Sleeping Oars
between Charleston and AsheviHo.
Elegant Pullman Drawing-Boom Bleeping
^-s between Savannah and AshevUls enronts
ly between Jacksonville sad Cincinnati.
Trains 18 and 14 Pullmar. Parlor Care be
tween Charleston and Ash o vil la.
Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Gen. Pas. Agent,
Washington. D. Ol Washington, D, GL
? V7. h. tayLob, b. w. hunt.
Asst. Gen. Psa Agt, Dir. Pas. Agtt.
iNDERSON, B. C, April 9,1902.
I T % ' v- ''" r>->'
JT price in this section on?
Molasses* Lard?
ad Tobacco*
VAND.VER 81*0*.
iR BROS., ,
? the ?
J. A. BROCK, President.
JOS. N. BROWN, Vice President, \
B. P. MAULDIN, Oashisr.
m th
THE largest, strongest Banfe
Interest Faid on Deposits
By special agreement.
With unsurpassed facilities and resour.
ces we srs at all times prepared to so
oommodate our customers.
Jan 10,1000 20
MR A. T. 8KELTON has been
engaged by the Anderson Mutual The
Insurance Co. to inspect the buildings
insured in this Company, and w?l
commence work on tho firot of July.
Policy-holders are requested to have
their Policies at hand, so there will
be no unnecessary delay in the in
Barred Plymouth Rock.
White Plymouth Rock.
Silver Wyandottes.
Brown Leghorns;
Purity guaranteed.
Eggs for sale. Carefully packed
for shipping.
Anderson, S. C.
Jan 22,1002_31_6m
E. G. McA?AMS,
jar- Offlee In Judge of Probate's office,
in the Court House.
Feb 5,1903 33_
tho moat healing salvo In th? world. '
in effect July Oth, 1002.
Lt Augusta..
Ax Groon wood-.................
Ar Andoreon....................
Ar L^uronn...
Ar Greon ville.
Ar Glenn 8prings_,......?..
Ar Bfiartunbur?....
Ar Srtw.ds,..,._.
Ar HendersonTlUo....
Ar Anhovll'j..
... 7 16 p?
Lt AshevUle.
Lt Spart an b?rg...
Lt Glonn Springt
Lt GreenvhlC).
Lv LaurenB..
Lt Anderson.!
Lt Greenwood,,:,,
Ar Augusta...
Lt Ander?on..<
Ar Elborton...
Ar Athens...........
Ar Atlanta..........
7 05 pm
12 01 pm
10 00 so
1315 pm
1 65 pm,...
.I 725 sa
2 Ci y tat.- ....
S 20 pa U 85 >
7 25 am
1 62 pm
2 83 pm
4 AS pm
Lt Anderson..,
Ar Au?uota................
Ar Port Royal............
Ar Bcatn"brt................
Ar Charleston (Sou)....
Ar SsT.innah (Cofga).
725 am
1185 am
6 60 pm
6 SO pm
7 50 pm
7 8.- pm
Close connection st Cafhoun Fells for ?11 rotai*
on 8. A. L. Bsilwsy, and st BpartanbuigforBou.
For any Information rolctlvo to tletets, et
Kcheduloi, etc., address . _ .
Ernest Williams. Gen. Pass. Agent, Augu ?t a,G o>
T. M. Bmnrson .Trame Manager.
J. Beese Fsnt, Agent, Anderson. B. C.
Blue Ridge Railroad.
-Effectlre April 6.1802._
Wo. 4
Lt Walhalla_
" Eenecs.
" Cherry.
" Pendleton*.,
" AtUun.
" Anderson-.
Ar Bslten.m
No. G
P. M
7 45
8 05
No. 8
No 12
A. M.IP M.IP- M.
2 80
8 00
8 03
8 26
8 51
4 11
4 23
4 85
f 7 03
I 7 SO
2 4S
8 10
A. M.
h 00
8 35
8 6T
8 47
8 66
9 02
9 09'
9 80
No 8
no. 6
No. 7
|No. 11
No. 9 DaUy
Lt Bel tor..
" Anderem-....
" Donver..........
M Aatnn.
" Pondlcton-....
? Cherry.
' Seneca_.....
?. M
8 25|
8 55
k- M
9 es
0 25
\. M
10 27
10 87
10 47
11 02
11 01
I8 60
~ i t 28P
A. M.
10 80
11 15
?. M
8 20
5 45
8 er
4 05
4 11
4 18
4 95
4 40
6 0
Ar Walhalla....^..|.|....i i *2t?22?2} ~ j
Will alto ttop st the following stations toj***
on and let eS passengers : Phlnney'*, Jainw,t?d
H. C BKATT1B. Superintendent.
_, President._.
If y>?u contemplate a trip to
FioricW see that your tickets read via
the? *
Pullman Sleeping and
Dining vGajr%d
, Through trains operated on con
venient schedules, etc.
WYite? '
Ws j cBfisa.
'Gen. Passenger ?g*>
WilrAr|tor/r N. C.

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