OCR Interpretation

The Anderson intelligencer. [volume] (Anderson Court House, S.C.) 1860-1914, November 08, 1905, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026965/1905-11-08/ed-1/seq-8/

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PARTIES having Faima for Bale will lind it to their advan
tage to lit* mme with me. Having connection with one of the
iargeet Real Estate Broker Aesociations in the United States, I am
Kirepcired to reach prospective purchasers throughout the entire coun
try; tfteseby iusuring better prices and quicker sales than when en
direly dependent upon local purchasers for a market.
JFy ?IJ i ness ia conducted strictly on a commission babia-no sale,
mo charge for services.
Corieei.ondence solicited ; ami whon in the city, come to Bee me
amt leX? talk the matter over, no matter whether you want to eell
tKiw or at -eomc Ju tu re time.
JOHN FRANK, Real Estate Broker,
*Fhon.e 246. Watson-Vandiver Building, Anderson, 8. G.
Tho kind of shoes all stylish, well-dressed
men are looking for-they are style
They are "shape holding,'' perfectly flt
ting shoes, made on custom lasts*
Made In Patent Colt, Russia Calf,
and Velour Calf-all soft, pliable and
dressy leathers.
throughout the country for style and wear
-and sell everywhere for $3.50-$4.00.
All men need them-you need them.
Come in and let us show them to you.
You Have
.V . y ix.
?v.: it SpA
M \
'. M ] ?
. CA?--.
Just what a good and well-selected
Stock is until you visit our place ana
look through. It's a fact we have very
nearly everything* that makes up a
swell wardrobe for those that insist
tra being well dressed. Then the
prices throughout are very reasonable.
Why not make this kind of a Store
your shopping place ? Doing a big
business in Coat Suits, Jackets* Coats,
Purs, Etc. Millinery Department
alu ay s on a boom. Bress Goods , and ,
Trimmings of every description,
Heavy Goods of all kinds. Blankets,
J&ssiery and Underwear. Bemembor,
la all vycur wants can be supplied from
cour Stook, Come in every time you
?gk ha^e'?onr Carnage aud Buggy Repaired and Repainted,
li ^
Local News.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1905.
Woman Aeronaut Meets Horrible Death.
Mrs. Maud Hroudwick, '?nile assist
ing her husband iu preparing for bal
loon ascension at I'uena Vista park
Thursday afternoon, was accidentally
curried np in the balloon and when iu
mid air Mil to the ground below, meet
ing with iustantauo?us death.
Tho circumstancesattending tho ter
rible tragedy caused many to believe
that tho woman in a lit of despondency
niter having quarreled with her hus
band deliberately planned her own
death. The carnival people said that
Mt. und Mrs. H road wick had been
quarreling and that tho woman ha'd
asserted that her next ascension would
be her last one, and they pointed out
other evidence which tended to show
that it was & suicide and not an acci
dent. Whatever theories may be ad
vanced, however, ia explanation of
her death, it was doubtless due to an
accident, and this opinion is now ac
cented by people generally.
Hrondwick and his wife were ex
perienced balloonists, and ono of the
principal attraction? of the Reddell
Carnival company was the balloon as
cension and parachute drop which
took place overy afternoon at A o'clock.
Tho man was preparing to wake the
ascension alone Thursday, and Mrs.
Hroudwick was standing by to give
tito signal for the release ot tho ropes.
.She gave the signal? btit the spectators
were startled to see hur carried up with
the balloon. Her ann had been caught
between tho ropes ami she had been
carried swiftly upward before she
could tree hciself. When thu balloon
hud reached a height of about 20O.feot
tho woman full. She was between the
balloon aud the parachute bar below,
on which her husband was sitting, and,
as her hold was loosed from the ropes
she cried out to him to help ber. Mr.
Hroudwick could do nothing to eave
his wife, who strack the bare, ground
almost directly on tbe spot from which
the balloon ascended. Uer neck was
broken, and the body was badly crush
ad. Death was instantaneous.
The body of Mrs. Broadwick was
interred in Silver Brook cemetery Fri
day morning, Dr, J.D. Chapman con
ducting brief funeral services. The
zarnivai company suspended until
if ter the funeral took place.
A large crowd waa on the grounds
when the tragic oven ? occurred, and
hundreds of people looked on in help
lessness and horror while the woman
fell to a shocking death.
JjDeath or Mrs. C. Frank Molt.
Mrs. Launah Bolt, wife of C. Frank
Bolt of thia city, died in Safford, Ari
sona, last Wednesday after a lingering j
illness. In April when her health be
lan to decline- abe was taken by her
i?aband to the dry climate of the West
in the hopo that tbe change would re
itore her strength. Mr. Bolt waa with
lier during the entire time and waa en
sonraged with her condition until a
few weeks ago wheo she began to fail
Mrs. Bolt was about 80 years of age
iud was a daughter of W. F. He win,
ut this county, ?he was held in high
esteem by a wide circle of friends wno
will be grieved to learn of her death.
She is suryived by her husband, there
hoing no tduldren.
The body wa? brought back yester
day and the interment will take place
in Silver Brook cemetery this morn
ing, the funeral exercises being con
ducted by ber pastor, J. D. Chapman.
Court of Common Pleas.
The third and last week cf ihe Court
of Common Pleas began Monday
ing. but owing to the nubile enies
court was adjourned until 8 o'clock in
tho a?ternoou.
Tho first case taken up for ?rial was
that of Adorne ve. The western Union
Telegraph Company, au action to re
cover damages in the sum of $1,000 for
failure to deliver a telegram. The
case weat .to the Jury yesterday after
noon after argument by counsel?
A non-suit was granted in the.ease
of W. S. Forbes agatrsr W. M. Elli
son. % x
lethe case of J. J.and J. E. Mad
dox against the .Saluda Mercantile
Company, a consent vt vd itt for*"
80 waa given.
Dispensary Election Ordered for Ihe 23th
; /. of November.
In accordance with an* agreement |
groviously bsd between the Cuunty
upor visorand tho Central Prohibition
committee, tba election on the question
ot vdjapenear>" or"n? dispensary* ima I
been ordered for the -Soih. >of Novem
ber. ? ;1? " - '
The movement to vote out the dis
pensary waa started io the eu m mor,
and there have beet) ninny delays in
bringing the matter to a vote. The peo
ple of the county, however, have'bad
an opportunity to consider tho situ
ation carefully and to seo tue inherent
rottenness ot. the system. The delay
has been beneficial. Thc election will
fall on Saturday,' rad the mill people
particularly will lia ve a better chance
to participate in it. .. j
. y^vt, y
Organization of New Baak. ~
The subscribers to the capital stock
of th? Anderson Banking arid Trust
Company met and formally organized
last week by the election o? tho fol
lowing directora: W. F. Cox, H. C.
Townsend, T. Q. Anderson. J. M.
Evans, W. W. Sullivan. W. AV Wat
son. G. N. C. Boleman, T. Li Clink-'
-eales, Jr., ??d T. A. ??!!U& J?V Tis*
directora then 'met and chose the fol
io wing offlcers: Vf. F. Cox, President;
H, C; Townsend, Vlce-Ptealdent? T,
Aw Batt!ffe, Jr.. Secretary; Quattlebanm
cc Cochran. Attorneys. -An advisory
board waa also selected, consisting -.of
li. E. Li goo. (*. M. To Hy, John : T.-.atoV
Cown, J^hn T, Jjong and J. S. Mc
F?ih- ?? ? ^-,v:-:'?: -v-",v:- ? ? .
: The bank will begin toeineeewith a
paid, up capital Of $l^,OQ0, with >the
privilege under its charter.of-increaa*.
mg it to double that sum.
. The new bank will give thia , city
five banking: institutions, and includ
ing the smaller banka within tho limita
of the county Anderson can lay claim
to fifteen In'a?. In point ol bamber
her record is cot su rpa&ed i n the State,
and i? the aggpefjate amount of capital
she ranks second. ? '-'^^
- ..- . .v., fo/y ' -v
gallouaieft, when tft? job waa doa?.
November Sgtesday.
The public sales on Monday attract
ed .? large crowd of prospective pur
chasers, and several valuable tructs of
land were sold by Judge of Probate
Nance under the order of the court.
The average price of the land sold
was perbapd the highest ever paid
at a public sale in Anderson County.
F' -liing lands have been steadily ud
v,. clog in value for several yeats,
and there ie e?cry Drospect that they
wiil continu/.' tc vise.
The folio vi og sales were made by
the Probato Judge:
In the case of Joaepb N. Brown,
plaintiff, against W. JL. Davis and
others, the Davis land on Pea Creek,
waters of Rocky river, were sold In
several tracts as follows:
Tract No. 1, containing iou acres,
was bid in by Sen:-.ix>i- A. C. Lutimer
for $0,050. Senator Latimor also
bought Tract No. 2, containing 100
acres, for $3,050; Tract No. 3, con
taining 00 acres for $4,000; Tract No.
4. containing 57 acreB, for $2,000; Tract
No. 10, containing 70 acres, for $1,075.
Traci No. 5, of the same estate, con
taining CO acres, on Three and Twenty
Creek, waa purchased by J. J. Fret
well for $000.
The remaining tracts were with
drawn from sale, the aggregate pro
ceeds from tho salo of the other tracts
having satisfied the demands against
the estate.-.
The lands belonging to the estate of
'.be late Robert B. Dean were sold as
Tract No 1, containing 14S acres,
situated o.i Ucneroatee Creek, to W.
L. Dean for ;?5,009.
Tract No. 2, containing 82 acree, situ
ated on Generostee Creek, to W. L.
Dean for $4.300.
Tract No. 3, in Varennes Township,
containing 354 acres, to L. ?. Dean
for $8.430.
Tract No. 4, of the old homo place,
containing 50 acres, to W. L. Dean
for ?2.080.
Tract No. 5, of the old home place,
containing 102 acres, to U. H. Russell '
for 88,570.
Tract Na. 0. of the home place, con- j
faining 131 acres, to J. Lt. McGill for
Tract No. 7, known as the Crow ]
&Iace, containing 25 acres, to Jno. W.
rown, for 8830.
Tract No. 8, of the Tribble lanie, 1
3 milea south of the city, containing '
30 1-10 acres, to J. T. McCown for
.tn f*
ro,2<o. ,
Tract No. 0, of the Tribble lands, ?
containing 51 acres, to Mrs. H. H.
Russell for 80.000.
Tract No. 10, of tbe Tribble lands?
containing 54} acres, to Mrs. H. H.
Russell for 83,450.
In the proceeding brought by W. P.
Bagwoll and L. F. Roberto, plaintiff?, ?
against B. T.v Gunnels and others, a
tract containing 180> acres was sold to
C. C. Shaw for. $1,325. Mr. ?haw then
assigned his interest to Dr. J. F. Shir
In the cate af L. A. Earle, plaintiff,
against J. E. Earle and others, a tract
[>? 144 acres, was purebaaed by J. E.
Earle for $2,515.
Killing at Starr.
Arthnr Litioair. a negro who lived
oear Starr,/ was killed Friday after
noon by another negro. Sam Prince.
Lt is not very otear how the difficulty
started, but Prince says that Lt. wei
going along the public road with ^ gr.n
in his band when he met Latimor, v? " o ?
J re rv his piatol ina threatening man- I
uer. Tho shooting waa done. Prince
alleges, in self-defenoo. There had
been no previous quarrel butw eon
Prince'^rom'^?l1-* surrendered himself
to the "authorities and la now in the
county jail charged with mordor. >
" ;- "r. ff ?"-r
Judge Klupfc Belasso, to Interfere in
.. Election.
Sp?ri?oburg, Nov. 0.--When the
news reached the city this morn i?g
that Judge Kl ugh refused to grant an
injunction restraining the dispensary
eleotion which Will come Off here tor
morrow, there waa general rejoicing
among the ranks of - the prohibition
A boy carried a banner - about the
streets, on which waa inscribed in big
lettera that the election "Dispensary ?
or "No'. Dispensary," would como off
tomorrow, lt seems a auie prediction
that tho dispeoeary will bo over whelm
.togly: voted ^onCv;:^
Dispensary Funds Still Worrying Coop*
Columbia, Nov. ?.'-An important
opinion yriven by - the assistant
attor^py general today confirms the
idea oC tho comptroller genorai aa to
the distribution of surplus dispensary
school money ip counties that ! have
voted ont tho. diapeniury: It will%
remembered that attention waa oail,.
to thia phase of tho law and tho fsct
that certain counties will contest tho
non-distribution o? funds. Tho opin
ion bf the attor ney general hold*: v
^ "That in my opinion : the Brice act ls
clear in directing that any county vot
ing out ? dispensary should not re
ceive : any parc of thia surplus. The
statutes providing fer thia distribution
by the comptroller gene? at ref or to the
distribu?an ot these funds ;aa they
conic into tho State treasury subject to
his ' order. It doc3 not contemp!ato
bia undertaking to ascertain when or
where these profits were 'earned.34
Special to Greenville News. 'tW$
' Burgess Bridge. y
Nearly ; o)l the >c
community has been gathered in tine
! condition and much less than uauaUS
lying around tho homes. ;
Some ot our farmers are wisely ; soap
ing -'grain .{'.<'."..-.
" Lv Lil fl?rrlh ia S*?*l!!Sf h???^*1*~?
L Themas Baientinlv'; "E ?l Key a, "Pr*
Sanders and "others.
Farms io thia -neighborhood are to
have mote and better ballding? on
thM?ss Johnie Griffig of Balten, took
ej*rg?of; the Whitefield ^
'?4 ISSevV Bl Burta' ?will . nreabb; ' nt
Whitefield on the first abd thkd Suu
^aya.: :^; ?^ ; -;V.J-.;.
muna bas rendered Yahl,; -o^raioa^iVac
wh?ro sheriff?, magistrat*? ?r ?\he;
officiais make sci RU re s io prohibit JOE
counti?s ih?y ?ra-eatitlei; to half Ol
tho spoils for tho seiaotea they. bav'<
*ao>. : .':-vy., ?./? ?
trill b? v k? .
Tu?t?ayi yfov? Silat, toS?t*at
Dead, But ?ot Mourned.
Muecatine, lo^n, Nov. 4.-Reportera
called yesterday at the humble home
of William Clarke, who died of deli
rium tremens. The wido*v and too
children were*, gathered about thV
kitchen fire. When asked for particu
lars the widow took pencil and paper
and prepared the following noto for
tho presa.
"Please do not soy that the family
deeply mourn for their dead. For
years he has been husband and father
only in name. For affection given,
only blows and curses have been re
ceived in return. It ie better for him
that he is dead and bettor for na. Now
that the long dark chapter Iz ended,,
do not make ne hypocrites by pub?al:
iug that which is not true.-'
FOR 8ALE~500 bushels Virginia
Extra Fine Blue Straw Wheat for seed.
Piedmont Drug Company. ?
18-8? Piedmont, S. C,
?. B. Burhaee Teatifiea After Four Yean.
6. B. Burhane. of Ca ri les Center, N. Y,,
writes: . "About fem.' years ?go 1 wrote
you stating that I hat.) anti rely oared of a
severe kidney trouble by taking leu
tbaa two bottles cf Foley's kidney Care.
It entirely stoppod the brick du*t ?edi
ment, sad pain and symptoms of klcVioy
dlaoa'ift disappeared. I "ara glad to My
that I have never had a return of any of i
those symptoms daring the four years
that hu. s elapsed aud I am evidently
our?d to ?tay curnd. and heartily recom
mend* Foloy's Kidney,Curt? to any ooe
Buurtring from kidney Or bladder trou
ble." Evans Pharmacy.
A tremendous stock of Enameled
Wiure, Tin Ware aud all kiud* )f Kitchen
Hardware is carried by Sullivan Hard
ware Cc.
Na Cases of Pneumonia on Record,
We do not know of a single instance
whew a cough or cold resulted in pneu
monia or consumption when Foley's
H.mey and Tar had been taken. It cures
coughs and bolds perfeotly, so do no? take
chances with some onkn?v?n preparation*
whleh may contain opiates, which cacao
constipation,* condition that re tai da re
covery from a cold. Ask for Foley's
Honey sod Tar and refuse any substitute
offered. Evans Pharmacy.
The great Oliver Chilled Plow ls. today,
us it has always beso, tho {standard Ploy?
Df the world. Ic will do work that can
bs done with no other Plow. For light
ueaa of draught and ease of operatlun
these Plows cannot be approached.
These plows are sold by S alli van Hard
ware Co. '
Cleared fer Aotioi.
When the bodv ls cleared for action,
by Dr. King's New Life Pills, you can
tell it by the Moona of health on the
cheek*; the brightness of the eyes; the
urmneas of tbs flesh and muscles; tho
buoyancy of tho mind. Try them. At
Orr, Groy <fe Go's, drag store, 23 cents.
Pirating Feley'e Honey and Tar.
Foley & Co,, Chicago, originated Hon
ey and Tar as a throat and lang remedy,
and on account of lue ereat merit and
popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar
many imitai ?cao are o Sored for the gen*
nins. These worthless Imitation* nave
ol miler sounding names. Beware of
thsm. The genuine Foley's Honey and
Tar is in a ywOw pna?sge. Ass for it
and refuse any substitute*. It is tbs best
remedy for ooughs and colds. ' livens
.Should Old Aoqaatat&noft Be fergot
And Never Bregon! to Bind.".
When voa need anything us a al I v kept '<
in nfitj^storee don't forged W?hlte
eb Wilhl? ere geu?ral?v open from 10 a.
m. to 5 p. m. Imea? Paint*, as good as J
the beet and as cheap as the cheapest, al-'?|
ways on hand. V
A Creeping P'aln.
Blood poison creeps np towards tba.
heart, causing death.. J. E. 8team?,
Bella Plaine, Mfnn., -writes, that a iriehd
?roadtully injured * blB-:hand, Wblob
Kwniied ui? like blood: poisoning, ; Baok
len's Amies Balve drei^ sus thc poison;
healed'.'the- wound, and saved, hts life.
Best in the world for burns and sores,..
25;*. at Orr, Gray & Co's.-drug store.
I MOSEY TO : JLGAw. for oumo .'olientja;
od easy terms.
. Simpson & Hood,Altortiej^^
; Slugnlafe Liver, e. Fee l? AMOMOB.
, You cannot sooompllsb very much if
your liver ls insertvo as. you fse.I dail?,
ypinr eyes are heavy^ and alight 'exertion.
exhausta yon. Or?uo Laxative Ft nit
Bvrup -.stimulates- the Uv sr and mnuoa
iybit fiel bright and active. Orino Lax?.
dv# "Fruit ?yrup docs not nauseate or
Sr?pe and lo mild andvery pleasant to.
tske. Orino is snore effective than nilla
br ordinary eathatlos. Reiuse substitutes.
Eran* Pharmacy.
When yod : want Bale Ties get the^?i
from ^uittvan Hardware Co.
MOKB? ?O tOAN^? ?aw thoUaadd',
dollars to laudum Land fo* elledtfV?Ap*;
ply to B. F. Martin, Attornoy^t-Law.
Terrific Baw WHIi BBaW
B?lph F." Fernandexi of :. TWA^^fci
^?.erlblag his fearful race with death,
leine?, but got no benefit, until I borfaa
to use Electric; But*re? . ^ wonderful
was ?uel? eitecV'thAt ia r^iee^dsya
felt lik?i ? ^aew^men?V and today i
Xike foy you to sse the Garments ^ ar?
" ' ? / $7.50,
to you readily. .; :>;;:/;D;;^^

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