Newspaper Page Text
^ BY CLINKSCALIS & CHESHIRE. ANDERSON, S, C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1906. - VOLUME XLII-NO. 8 ^MMiw^iitf^Mii^^f^f |h|l|ll --ypyn iiiHtmi?imiiHHwtiymniii HAS JUST RETURNED from the Eastern markets, where he purchased for Fall and Winter an elegant assort ment of CLOTHES, SHOES, BATS *nd FURNISHINGS FOR MEN. It will be of interest to our many friends ff-. ? -, and customers to know that for the coming season, in all Departments, we will be better prepared than ever be fore to serve the wants of the trading public. As usual, thc NEW THINGS will be shown here FIRST. Bl O. EVANS & CO. |??. POR . ?Ji)/-:.V.'.->> feil I ESimi?^^^ . . I * I Rubber ^?lt. { ' ,. I * fecturadfor #$p:riceV For ? lower priced tyood, ?er 1 vic^abX? Belt wo ca? fimiish you our *?O?k?Ii,, \>x&n?< COLONEL m JKJJNHL Has Been Confined to His Home on Account of Ill ness, but Leaves Today to Push His Candidacy. CoL:l|^tP.;-T!ribble?'-who has boen confined -, to' bis homo on account of ill ness and - who has not been able to join tho campaign since it opened, has re covered hia strength oufficiently to make the trip and leaves today to join the party at Gaffney. The impression has been made on the public it is said by some of his oppon ents that he would never bo able to make the race, and that if .he made tho race and won that he would never be able to take charge of the office of Secretary of State. Cob Tribble is just like everybody ?he, liable to get sick and die and just as liable to get sick and get well. It iii ic ol talk to Bay that just because a mon has been down Bick for a few weeks that he will never get well again. Col. Tribble has too good a constitution to lay down, pine away and die for nothing. He stands just as good a chance to see the dirt shoveled in on his opponents as they have of see ing it thrown, in on him. Col. Tribble is about himself again and within a few days will be able to get about ' as lively among the voters of South Carolina as any of his oppon ents. The. name of the next Secretary of State will be BI. P. Tribble. . _- ? a *>? At Last. Although there is some doubt as to whether the Health Officer has a right to inspect slaughtering pens outside of the city, Officer Martin has made a trip to: the slaughtering pens. It is said that the officer found some of them tn rather bad condition. One in par ticular, it is said, was in exceedingly bad condition. .. rln^Anderson, as well as every other city, the market is the biggest item in the eating bill, and it is strange that tho markets of this city do hot receive more attention from " officers whose business it should be to make trips daily to marketB, and. where they find spoiled meats or meats not. butchered right, to condcrin them and. see that they are nr c faced on sale.: In cities w h i ce there are meat inspectors a day never passes but what great quantities of meat are condemned: In Anderson has there ever been a pound of meat condemned in the markets by .an offi cer? RealEstate DeaL The/' FrsiwellrKitaks' Company haye binghi from the Messrs'.! Sullivan the stable' building onDepot street, f?r? merty occupied by : Mr, Clarence Os borne and will at ohce remodel the building, put in heat/ stalls and run a feed stable. . ?^derson hhs bisen hi need of a place for some . time whero country^', people could.send their teams for a feed or where you could hitch your teams and feed -them, yourself.' The Fret well Hanks Company realized this and they will , provide the people .with whist they want . - . . ;"?, '?:.:,.: ' This does not meau that the Fret w?ll Hstnk? Company w^ , leave theb: old o,uar^ersi bu? means they are doing such a;big: holtness that, they ?ave to branch out - in brder *o : sescnimbdate their friends. Th^y will still .occupy their old Quarters and 'say' ??ey, will handle'.t^^^-hojr^/jand .mules and ve hides than ever before. .The feeding^stable > ri.Depot sfc-eet will be >0pen :to v the public1 about thc Blind Tigers at Piedmont - V -, ' : "?..'??--?;.- -->C\?S\ The r 1^ v-l^e , of the -Greenville Mpun^in?er ^ys: ' . ' " ' J:; It b??i% whispered aro?nd i that Som? one!hi lop in wits turning loose some- .blmd 'tiger liquor in thal comn^iy; 7 Chief ?Cureton direct? Constable Ja?^tora on Thursday ti go dow}? and v keep ,w?teh ;for severa' Qiifr^jk^^ . ? weni down and was.-' 1^0^-?^^:wr .C??stab^ J. T. pa^?S^^^^'. ^1o?l toland*' Wt?&r? ?oon got. evidence sorn G??$M?$iM?&$ Lowery,;; who' live' josi above town on the place of Mr. Linley ;j^,wns $v>n then tfteht oVe^l-te;':^tmrt' \w ftniwer to thi :tyo;etiti^^^ main ^^^l^b^S^?|^od'?'-?''fourteen and ) Ea!*||i?s:^ ?T^^O^^le ^^^?^^;and': vi M^ie?^ gt#B?? ct thia fro ffiK^Sfeg: the con stables. Low 'erv \\tJSi^^^^iw "some time bu? no reai" pro?f "c>nld be *e||^^ SALUDA ASSOCIATION LARGELY ATM, The Old Officers Re-elec ted-Honea Path's The Saluda Baptist Association met Tuesday morning at Honea Path. The j old officers were re-elected, aa follows: Rev. Mike McGee, Honea Path, mod erator; Rev. W. W. Leathers, Ander son, clerk; Caima O. Bu rr i GS, Ander son, assistant clerk and treasurer. The introductory sermon was preach ed by Rev. R. E. Small, Two new churches were admitted to ? the Association, the church at Bregon Mills, Anderson, and Chiquola church, Honea Path, making a total of 46 churches. The people of Honea Path entertain ed the Association in a most creditable manner and fully sustained their repu tation a? -..lovers of good things to eat and hospitality in abundance. Though the weather was uncertain, a tremen dous crowd was present and e"erybody enjoyed themselves. The handsome pebble-dashed Church just completed by the Baptists at Honea Path received many compli ments for its beauty and its arrange ments. A sumptuous dinner was spread in the grove around the church and the delegates and visitors enjoyed an hour partaking of refreshments, shaking hands and renewing old acquaint ances. A resolution was passed pledging the Saluda Association to try to raise five thousand dollars for the new dormitory of the Greenville Female College, and a committee was appointed to appor tion this amount among the different churches. Rev. Victor I. Masters and Rev. Louis J. Bristow spoke for the Baptist Press and Rev. Hair for the Baptist Courier.^ The Saluda Baptist Association com prises forty-three Baptist Churches, all in Anderson County, except one, the Little River in Abbeville County. These churches have an aggregate of 7,250 members and contributed to all objects last year more than $26,0(30. The Saluda dates back to 1803, when it, was organized at old Salem Church above Anderson. ; Following is a list of the churches and the pastors in the Saluda: Anderson First.J. D. Chapman, Anderson Second..Wm. Brown.. Barker's Creek...... D. W. Hiott. BeltonFirtt. ........W, T. Tate. Belton Second....A. L Vaughn. Bethany...../......A. L. Vaughn. Big Creek.....W. T. Tate. Broadmouth...R. W. Burts. Cedar Grev?............... I. M. Allen . Cross Boada..........'..D. A. Swindler. Dorchester........._.H. C. Mart?n. Eureka..-..iv..i..-....G. F. Lavender. First Creek..............R. E. Small. Flat Rock. W. W. Leathers. ?luck Milla......-.-. W. W. Leathers. Honea Fatb...-.-........ J. W. Ferry. Hopewell...............J. D. Chapman. i??owee...........O. M. Rogers. Lebanon...:..Lenta J. Bristow. Little River..............B. E.Small. Long Branch..H. C. Martin. Mispafa......N? O. Wright. Mount Bothel.M. M McQu?n. Mountain Creek.W. B. Hawkins. Neal's C rex ii.M. M. McCnen. Kaw Prospect...-.W. B, Hawkin*. OrrvMe...H. C. Martin. Pelaer.._.....:....-..........?. Pendleton........W. B, Hawkine. Poplar Spring....J. B. Herron. Riverside.r= *?j_,...".SS'; M. MvCusn. j Hooky River............G. M. Rogers? Salem..............C. S. Blackburn. 8hady Grove-;... .J. W. Perry. Tabernacle..............N. G. Wright Townvljiie.............W. B. Hawkine, -Triangle.-VV.....,...,..N. Q;Wright. Turkey C reek....'-. v... A. L. Vaughn, Union, i.-.'.w ; .H. E. Campbell. We?cobie:.:..............?.John Mahn. Whitefield..v^.-....R. W? Burta. WiUUhifcfon Rirat.. Victor I, Maatere. Williamson Second..H. K. Williams. ! Arkwright.............. Report of the Committee on Tempcr ;ance*?:v aifcj* i Saluda Association, 1 bi ?.'{|^^oti;??^?9ne?' Path, ?, C. Seventy-five years ago the crusade against strong drink j bad hardly begun ; prohibition was unknown. The ideas Of Jefferson and Jackson; as to freedom *^<kmc*racy were rampant in Amer ica, they had almost been carried to the extreme and the idea of personal freedom with many persons .Was prac-' tically equivalent to unlimited license. A writer in Munsey's Magazine (July ^August, 1905)shows that at that pe riod the; li^ nigh universal, ^favtmV counter'that there we re many hundreds of thousands f?^*-. . dran?t to [ ' a^c****; a??1 Were,'.many moro, b m dreds Vn^WrW; drank regularly, but with some moderation, and that the per capita consumption of Kqi? were rVery nmcb higher than now. ^?aredl'?'^'t?he';. conscience of the -fi?l? tion began to awake and corm?or. and American r/oannpod began to themselves. :vPntit?jt?t?n>ei^'Y change. . Everywhere from one of this country to the other, people commenced to take a truer and saner view of the frightful evil of drink, and for seventy-five years, led on by such pioneers as John B. Gough and Lorenzo Dow, and Inter by such great leaders as Frances Willard and Dwight L. Moody, the Christian manhood of the nation has marched against this central stronghold of the evil one. Open drunkenness is no longer tolerated j among good people, and it is no longer j regarded as the distinguishing mark of j a gentleman to sit longest at the ban I quet board and be the last to f ;o under the table. Prior to this awakening even many of the preachers drank, and they do in England and some other countries today, and nothing was thought of it. We havo had old in habitants to tell us of preachera of the I olden time who thought nothing of tak : lng their morning dram and who would even join their parishioners in dispos ing of a bottle on the streets of the town. What a remarkable advance in pub lic sentiment in America since that time! Today one-half of the American people have prohibition laws and the remaining one-half have re stricted the traffic in varying degrees. The article in Munsey's gives a map showing that all of Maine and Kansas, nearly all of Mississippi and several other States, and hundreds of counties in New York, hundreds in Ohio, hun dreds in Indiana and Illinois, hundreds in Georgia and Texas and in other great States have entirely prohibited the sale of intoxicating l'quors. In fact, in these great States and in near ly all other States except in the very far west, the Bale of liquor is now practically confined to the great cities, and it is plain to be seen that it is only a matter of time until this damnablo traffic must give way everywhere be fore the onward march of intelligent Christian sentiment. If we of this generation do your duty in the matter, the next twenty-five years will see an advance as great as that made during the last seventy-five years, and the century from 1828 to 1930 will mark the everlasting doom of this everlasting traffic. We look ba?k with surprise and horror upon the con ditions that existed in our country seventy-five years ago, and we think we have advanced-which unquestion ably we have-but our descendants seventy-five years from now, in study ing the history of this generation, will regard with equal surprise and horror the conditions of the present time and will be equally thankful for the cycle of progress covering the seventy-five years between our time and theirs. South Carolina, thank God, is mak ing some progress. Counties contain ing almost half of her population have said that it shall be no longer legal within our borders for men to sell tc their brethren. the poison that destroys them, body, intellect and soul, and condemns their innocent families to suf fer. Since this Association met las! fifteen counties have voted out thc dispensary? Union, Laurens, Williams burg, Newberry? Marion, York, Horry, Lancaster, Darlington, Ocone?, Spar ? tanburg? Greenville, - Anderson, Edge j field and Saluda. Two counties, Cher I okee .and Pickens, had already done th< same thing. Two other counties ?Greenwood and Marlboro,, had nevei i had a dispensary, so that nineteen o our counties, or nearly half of the to tal number, have shown t'jeir fetentioi ?.that the whiskey traffic shall not b< legalized within their borders, a?" ?gi i in Williamsburg and Laurens the elec i tiona , were declared invalid hy th court. , * For the first six months in the city o ; Ander jon this year there were 404 caae int he police court. The last year for i corresponding period there were 702 Fer the first six months this year ther WfcTO 140 cases for drunkenness; las year there were 339, For the first at months of this year, in the city o Greenville there were 337 arrests; io i the six months preceding that time when the dispensary was in op?ration there were 647 arrests. Other .?fui ties send similar reports. A-*M.ytjg? facta'are most gratifying to all ot.% who have lifted a . voice or cast a ba lot for thc p?/ity of the home and th peace and good name of our countie and our State. j But there is work yet to dp, and ! great deal of it. Brethren; we ra \ upon you to do your duty in that wy '^o'1 things now call for' your- ruo* prayerful attention as Christian cit zens- l. To do all in you* power to ei force the laws that we have on tr. subject; and (2) to aid . in improvin those laws. Intelligent citizens &t not be told anything more of the g?gai tic system ol fraud and corruption thi has grown up in this State under tl State3 dispensary system; they net not be told any more about the trio mous increa&e of the salo of liquor ui dei- this system within the past fe years: they need not be humiliated t pointing to the spectacle of their ow fair State engaged in the business < pushing the sale of the Wrea of vjfhi [ jk,cy drummers i and whiskey ' houeos < ^j&evides^ They know enough of these,things' '? ''. ready, and they have quietly made i their;V mmd>; as ^ to what . th< ?:$t?^?j?t?rikf'..?*o.v?dcy-; regardless ' ^Theo;eU cess of any politician means less to them than the welfare of the boys and girls, of the mothers and homes, of their county and their State. They have no quarrel with those that do not see as they do; they concede to them equal honesty of purpose; but with love and toleration, wi?h determination and firmness, with hope, faith and con secration they are moving upward and onward towards the only final solution of this great problem that is possible the right solution-the triumph of right and the suppression of wrong. Respectfully submitted, B. F. Martin, Chairman. Slabtown "News. Mi BS Addie Scott has returned from a visit to friends in Hartwell, Ga., and is entertaining a house party this week, in her lovely country home near Pisgah. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blassingame of Van Alatyne, Texas, are on a visit to relatives and friends. This is the first visit back since leaving here for Texas fifteen years ago. Their old friends are giving them the glad hand of wel come. It is not to be wondered at that the wanderers turn again with eager feet to the dear old home State. Why should not there be a home coming day for South Carolinians as well as Georgians and Kentuckians? There is not a better State in the Union. What it lacks in size it makes up in the extra quality of its people and its products. Mi's. S. E. Paxton and daughter, Miss Mabel Paxton, of Fort Worth, Texas, are the guests of Mrs. J. M. Browne and family, also Mrs. Myrtle Ahlman and children. Dr. Ahlman was recalled to Texas last week by the demands< of his extensive practice. Mrs. Paxton was a Mi.s Miller before marriage and a native-born South Car olinian. Like all others she loves to return to the land .of her nativity oc casionally. Protracted services will commence at the Presbyterian Church here Wed nesday night, conducted by the paBtor, Rev. A. W. White, assisted by the Rev. W. A. v Matheson of Easley. We hope the services will be well attend ed and productive of much good. F. M. Glenn, our accommodating Rural Carrier, visited relatives at Eas ley Saturday. Mr. T. J. Watkins of Nashville, Tenn., is visiting his father, Capt. Willis Watkins, who is still quite sick. Miss Ida Jamison, one of Pierce town's most estimable yoUng ladies, visited friends here last week. Miss Jennie Blassingame has returned to Pickens after a stay of some weeks with the family of her uncle, Capt. G. A. Rankin. We are glad to note that Mr. John Prince is able to be out again after a protracted illness of six wotks. The rains have held up for the last few day h and farmers are busy sowing turnips, and putting in the long delay ed last wbik of laying by crops. The continued rains has caused cotton to make a large weed, but it will be found ut gathering time that the July crop will be short. . * Senator Hood Withdraws. Hon. ' John K. Hood, who filed his pledge as a candidate for the State Senate at the eleventh hour last Fri day, has withdrawn from the race; It' has been known all along that Senator Hood did not desire re-election but he would have made the race had Cant. Sullivan not entered. Senator Hood was very anxious for Capt. Sullivan to \ run and after he learned for certain that the Captain would remain in the race he then with drew. ? " ' In withdrawing from the race Sena tor Hood writes a card to The Intelli gencer which explains itself: Fd i tor .Intelligencer: When I filed a pledge for the Senate the other day just a few minutes before the time ex Sired for filing, and after learning that Ir, Breazeale had withdrawn and that Mr. Watson had entered the race, I had no intention of making the race if Mr. Geo. W. Sullivan continued in the race, as I hoped he would. ^Mr. Watson and I disagreed so se riously during the last session of the legislature with regard to certain men and matters connected with tho dis pensary that I felt it to be my duty to file a pledge, under tho now conditions so quickly occurring so as to insure an opportunity to the voters of this coun ty to decide between Mr. Watson's vif .wa on those men and matters and 'ie views of those who disagreed with h-m, ahould Mr. Sullivan be unable to make the race for any reason. Hence I filed a pledge so that Mr. Sullivan, who was not in the city that day. could be informed of the new sit uation,-and as he has written that he wiii remain in the race to the finish, I have withdrawn my pledge, and, of course, will not enter the race. . J. K. Hood. I -- 'j* * - " - Automobile* .Repaired, adj unfed and weened off. Havingworked in th? larg*, est Oarage Sooth. I feel competent In tbU line. Jes*. Btrlcling'a Machine Shop. ; LOST-Dood to 165 aarem In Hopewell Township, Orr Mill Htook ?1,000, F. <fc M. Bank Stock, 15 abares. Formerly prop erty ot Harrison Tooker, now Mary A Tucker's. : . . 2t When you want high-grade Build ers' Hard ware, such as w*U add to the attractiveness and convenience Of ?our house* buy it from ColHvan tarawara Oe. . v The Cheapest Mower that you can buy is the one that will laat the long? eat? ron; the easiest and cost least to IG HUI MEETING AT TDHHiE NEXT The big railroad meeting to be held at Townv?Ile next Friday, August loth, promises to be one full of business with some fun thrown in to keep every body in good humor. The people of Townville want a rail road and are determined to have one. They propose to project a line from their town to Westminster, and of course it will have to run from Town ville to Anderson before it will ever be a success. Townville is one of the best sectional of this county, full of good people, good land, good timber and many other good things. Many people from Anderson will at tend this meeting, some of whom are interested in the building of this road. It is a well known fact that whenever an Anderson man takes hold of any thing that work will soon commence on the project. The following is the program: Music 8 to 9 a. m. by Anderson Cor net Band, led by Col. J. W. Trow bridge. Match game of ball between Town ville and Seneca, 9 to 10:30 a. m. Music by Band. Railroad speeches by Capt. H. H. Watkins of Anderson and Hon. J. E. Boggs of Pickens, 10:30 to noon. Meeting of stockholders of railroad, 12 to 2 p. m. Dinner on ground, 2 to 3 p. m. Music by Band, 3 to 4 p. m. Match game of ball between Town ville and Westminster, 4 to 5:3Q p. m. The public is cordially invited to ate? tend and bring .well filled baskets. The town authorities will have a number of deputies on the ground all day and tho best of order will be as sured. HTATfi KEW?. - Every candidate for county offices in Oconee county is opposed to the dis pensary law. - The rains in the lower part of tho State have delayed crops two weeks. ' - J. J. Harby was shocked very much by a live wire at Sumter Tuesday evening, and Eugene Moses met with a similiar accident in trying to relieve Mr. Harby. - Bethel Methodist Church in East Union was dedicated Sunday. Rev. L, E. Wiggins is pastor. : - R. N. McCain, an employee, waa killed by being mangled in the flywheel of the engine in the oil mill at Camdon. - A. H. Keen of Philadelphia, baa . been appointed to succeed G. H. Ret te w as superintendent of the Greenville Traction Company. - V r - All the business men of Pickena except one say that they are pleased with prohibition and do hot desire tho dispenenry restored in that county. - It is likely that Mr. Brayn Will be invited to attend the State fair at Col umbia and make an address this fall. - The Third Regiment has returned to their homes in the lower part of the State from the encampment at Chick amauga. ( '-. The people of Hartsvillb are much surprised at the arrest of D. L. English for complicity in the murder of Mose Hughes at Union. They believe he will be completely vindicated., - Frank Buflington, who escaped from the Sumter jail last week, has been re-captured. Munn and Collins, who escaped at the same time, were recaptured the night following. their escape. - Wv P. Pollock has withdrawn from the race for congress in the Fifth dis trict on account of prolonged illness* This leaves the contest between C?n fressman Finley and ex-Congvessman traight. IX . - Senator Tillman stated at John ston that he understood that Lanaban's ' agent, whose name was not allowed to be given b 7 Mr. Parker in* the investi gation last spring, is a member of the investigating committee. ; \ - Frank Harris, an oki negro, claims to have been poisoned by "Di*. Staulb" of Aiken, who drove into the country with the negro in the latter's buggy. After poisoning the negro and leaving him unconscious Staulb took the horse and buggy to Aiken and tried to sell it. He has not yet been located. The Speaking Last Thurs? ft There were probably 1,000 or moro people at Bunea Vista park Thursday when the speaking commenced, shortly after ll o'clock. T. Frank Watkins, Esq., presided, and Rev. J. D. Chapman, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist church, offered the invocation. Senator Tillman was the first speak* er. He was greeted with a hearty round of hand-clapping as he was mtroV '-?,\ duced. The Senior Senator dwelt along the same line that he has been follow ing all along-defending the State dis pensary. It is the opinion of a great many that hardly half a dozen voters? were changed as to their opinion of the dispensary. i -V . After Senator Tillman had finished Senator La tim er and Congressman Aiken and Hon. Julius,E. Boggs ?poke. >. - Card of Thanks. WW.? wish to thank our. kindred an??<' | friends for their many acts of kindness