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The Charleston daily news. [volume] (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, July 25, 1866, Image 1

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VOLUME II....N0. 292.1
New Yobr, July 24 ?Tbo Btcainship Scotia, from
Liverpool on the 14th and Quceuatown on the
15th, arrived here last night.
The Atlantic Cahlc.
Queenstown datos of tho 15th say that the
Great Eastern is paying out I ho cable, and that
-tho roports from hor on Saturday afternoon wero
that one hundred and thirty-five miles have bcon
laid, and signals are perfect throughout.
l.t vi riJiiol Market Si
Cotton.?Sales for tho week onding July 14,
9800 bales ; Bales ou tho 14lh, only 7000 bales, in
cluding 1000 bales to speculators and exporters.
Tho market is dull, with but little inquiry. Prices
woak, and a doclino of ?A. por pound, Middling
'Uplands aro qnotod at about 13jd.
Bbeadstuffs steady. Corn easier.
-In London, Saturday evening, July 14, Consols
< closed at 87? to 87J. Five-Twoutioa at 67J to 08.
"War News.
Tho Parie Moniteur, of tho 14th, Bays that
negotiations wero still ponding, and that the boat
feeling prevails between Prussia and France ; bat
tho latest advices acorn to indicate that the war
?will continue.
Tho PrusBians have occupied Prague, and are
?3till advanoing.
Benedek'b army is reorganizing, and is 160,000
strong, exclusive of cavalry and artillery. "They
-tiro on the line of Olrautz and Brunn.
The Prussian headquarters on tho 12th were
only three milea from Brunn.
The Prussians ander Manteuffel attaoked the
'Bavarians near EisBingoo. Tbo latter defended
their position for ten hours, and then retreated,
'to tako a position on the Mayne. Tho Bavarian
commander, Zolleu, was killed. Lobb heavy.
The Vienna Press, of tho 14th, eays that the
.proposed mediation of Napoleon has ended for
the preaent, and that Austria mimt truat to her
own strength and resources. She is resolved to
fight to maintain hor position aa a great power.
The London Times declares that England can
not follow Napoleon in an intervention calculated
:to aggravate tho present evils.
The Moscow Gazette assorts that Russia does
.not want a change in European boundaries, and
oannot submit to the dictatorship of France. Bub
>aia is dispatching troops to the Silceian frontier.
The Italians havo occupied Paduoa. Notwith
standing the French fleet has gone to Venice, the
.Italiana persist in advancing toward that city.
Alore Kallurra In Kngland.
The Birmingham Banking Company baa sus
pended payment. Liabilities ?2,000,000.
Cholera at Savannah.
.Savannah, July 24.?There wero 29 deaths from
?cholera and 39 iiotv cases among tho troops on
Tybao Island from nine o'clock ou Monday
.morning to six o'clock this evening.
New York, July 24.?The Board of Health re
porta only two casos of cholera to-day, and three in
Brooklyn, two fatal. Four cases are roported to
.day by the Board of Hoalth in Philadelphia.
Admission of Tennessee.
'Washington, July 24.?The President has
-rjignod the Joiut Besolution admitting Tennessee,
but saya'tbat tho preamble consists of statements,
: some of which are assumed. While the resolu
tion is merely a declaration of opinion, it com
prises no legislation, nor doea it confer any powor
-which is binding upon the respective Houses, the
Executive or tho State.
He further says that the right of each House,
under the Constitution, to jndgo of tho qualifica
tions of its own members, is undoubted; aud that
hia approval or disapproval of the resolution
could not in tho slightest degree increase or
diminish tho authority, in thia respect, conferred
on tho two branches of Congress. But earnestly
-desiring to remove every cause of further delay,
whethor roal or imaginary, on the part of Con
gress, to tho admission of tho loyal Senators and
Representativo:? from Tennessee?notwithstand
ing the anomalous character of the proceedings?
ho affixes his signature to tho resolution. At the
samo time his approval is not to be construed ae
an acknowledgment that Congress haa the right
Jto pass laws preliminary to the admission of Re
presentatives from any of the States. Nor is it
to be considered as committing him to all the
atatementa of the preamble, oonio of which are
.without foundation. Among them, he states
-?that there is reason to behove that the Tonnoaaeo
Legislature baa not ratified the late amendment
passed by Congress.
Pa? of tho Message was greeted with derisive
danghter by tho Badicals, and with applause by
rthe Democrats.
Subsequently the Committee on Elections ro
-portod favorably on tho credentials of tbo Ten
. neasoe members, and on invitation to come for
ward to bo sworn, Maynabd, Tayi.oh, and Stores
appeared and took the oath. Thia waa followed
by much applauec, and the new members received
'tho congratulations of tho Speakor and other a.
Washington, July 24.-?The Senato adopted an
amendment to the Miscellaneous Appropriation
Bill, increasing the salary of members of Congress
-to $5000 a year.
Tho Senate did not take up tbo Tennessee
Tho Honso Comraittoo reported a bil? to pay re
wards to the captors of Ji:ffekson Davis and the as
OBBBlns of Lincoln. Among the anionnte proposed
to bo given to tho capturera of Booth and Habolo
wero $17,500 each to Detectivea L. O. Baker and
E. J. Oongob, and $10,000 to Maj. Aokman for
the capture of Atzebut. For the capture of Jbf
febbon Davis Lt. Col. Pbitchabd receives $10,000 ;
oaoh Captain $729, etc. The rewards to the cap
.tors of Patne range from $10,000 down to $250.
Mobile Ncwsi
Mobile, July 24_A largo mooting of tho citi
zona was held hero last night, to appoint dolo
gatos to a Rtato Convention, which adoptod tho
following resolutions :
1. Approval of tho Philadelphia Convention is
tho only moans by winch tho Constitution can ho
preserved, and the equality of tho Sta'ca main
tained, an A the South roaiorod to her original and
proper placo in tho Union.
2. That, laying asido all past differences, bury
ing all auimositios, in good faith and sincero de
votion to our couutry aud liborty, wo proposo to
meet with the people of all sections of the United
States to restoro tho Union and the Constitution.
3. That tho Chairman of the meeting appoint
twelve delegates to represent tho County of Mo
bile in Sulma at tho Stato Convention, August 2d,
to appoint delegates to tho National Convention
at Philadelphia.
Saratoga Haces.
Saratoga, N. Y., July 24.? The Travers' Btako
race, 1J mil s hoat was won by R. Alexanders
horse Merrill. Time, 3.29. Five horses ran. A
second race of two mile heats was won by Bu
fobd's Onward. Time, 3.48J, 3.49$.
Sickles Won't go to the Hague.
Washington, July 24. ?General Sickles has de
clined the mission to tho Hague, and General Dix
has boon nominated for the position.
New Orleans Market, _c.
New Orleans, July 23.?Cotton stiffer. Sales
1500 bales; Low Middlings 33 to 35. Gold 49.
Rod River papers record two more murders by
negroes. Appeals to tho Commanding General
havo been ineffectual. The citizens have called a
mooting. Neither life nor property is safo.
New Orleans, July 24.?Arrangements have
been mado to arrest the oonvention plotters, if
they attempt to assemble on the 30th inst. The
ohargo to tho Grand Jury ia positive.
Cotton market easier ; sales 1200 bales ; Low
Middling 33 to 34. Gold 48|.
Sew York Market.
New York, July 24.?Cotton heavy at 38 to 38,
Gold 50}. sterling dull at 10} for Sight. Texas
Wool quiet and unchanged.
second dispatch.
Coupons of '81,109; Coupons of '65, 104}. Gold
60}. Cotton steady; sales to-day 1000 bales. Sales
of tho week 15,000 bales. Prices unohanged. Re
ceipt? of the week at all the ports, 7000 bales.
Exports for the week from all the ports, 7000
bales. Flour deolining; Southern lower, ranging
from $9} to 15{. Wheat dull. Corn advanced.
Whiskey and Lard dull. Sugar 10j to 11}. Coffee
quiet and leas firm. Turpentine steady at 74o.
Rosin steady at *2 75 to 8 50.
_?.test nim-ket Reports.
Cincinnati. July 30.?Flour dnll and prices nominal;
superase offered at 7 to $7 50 for city made, and $6 for
Ht. Louis; extra Is held at 0 0 to $10 25, and family 11
to $11 5). Wheat dnll aLd prices docUnlng; old extra
red. crop of 1801, was offered at $1 30. without buyers,
and new white, crop of 1866, at $i 25; extra spring $1 80
and nominal. Corn unchanged and qalet. Oats dull,
85 to 40, Nos 1 and 3. Rice 60 to 65. Whiskey steady,
$2 25 doty paid, and 27 In bond. Provisions quiet;
nothing doing boyond a limited jobbing business, at
previous prices. Lard held at 19 X, but no buyers at
over 19. Grooe-ies etea y; Sugar 12 to 15 raw, and 16X
to 17K for refined. Ooffoo 2t to 31. Butter 23 to 20.
Gold 149
July 21?Flour and Wheat very dull; prices unaottlod
and nominal In order to make ?ales of any magnitude
large concessions would have to be mado; it is there*
fore uee'ess ?o give quotations Corn dull and dcollnnd ;
Unlit mixed 61 to 62c, whito 73 in elevator. Oats very
dull, 35 to ?He for Nos 2 a d 1 Rye dull, 60 to 65c.
Firmer feelin? in Provisions, but without any activity
Mesa Pork held at $3 i. but about 300 bbls were procured
at $31 75. Nothing done in bulk meats, and therefore
prices tiro nominal. F Ir cousumptlvo demsnd for ba
c-n at 17, 19 >; and MJfO. Exporta ?leollned ;4bey wore
OM) hhiln bacon. 577 tierces d?, 1720 bbl- pork, 931 bbls
2u0 kt-ge of Lard. Groceries Armor. Su^ar (fair) de*
cllned at last quotatl -ns. Coffee in a shade flrinur, and
a tiood buslu? HR doing at 25 to 31c. recording to quality.
Butt ra d Cheese uuchauKed. Go d 148.
Louisvil,!?, July 20.?dalei of 111 hints tobacco at a
decline of 6" cts on lugs Superfine flour $7. Mixed
corn In bulk 68c Cuts 44o Me-?? Pork $3J 60. Gro
reries firmer. Bacon sh??u dors lC^c; clear sides 21 iic;
hams 23. Rhw Whiskey 21.
July 11?7 30 P. M. ?bales of 63 hhds leaf tobacco at
foil rates over the declino of yesterday. Superflue flour
dull at $7 for extra family, $10 fur prime. New wheat
$1 '26 Mixed com in bulk 68 Oats 44. Ba.glin; and
rope higher, former 33, ro o 18 Bacon should-rs l???,
clear B.des 21?... M? ?s p?ik$32 60. Raw whiskey 25.
St. Locis. July 20?Klonr still uusettUd; Uprmg ex
tra $7 80; Fall extra $10 60; double do $w 25. Wheat
doclinoa 5c; fuir to good $1 80 to 100; prim? $105 to
2 05; choice $2 10 to 2 15. Corn stiff ut 71 to 02o. Oats
firmer at 44 to 48o. Pork $33. Bacon?Clear Sides 21o.
Whl-key slow at $2 10 to 2 20.
July 21?Flour downward, but not qnotably lower.
Wheat do. Corn aud.
Tub Choleba in Tybbe_From tbe Savannah
News and Herald, of tho 23d, we copy the fol
We had an interview last evening with Mr.
Arthur McOaig, who yesterday morning, while
going with his brother-in-law, Mr. QMiland, to
the lattor'e placo on Little Tybee, with a boat,
was hailed by six United States soldiers, in tbe
marsh between South Channel and Tybee. They
were out of food aud water, in a suffering condi
tion, and as an act of mercy, Mr. Mcuu.ii? and Mr.
Oilliland set them acr?sB to Wilmington Island,
wbore they now aro. They stated that they had
left Tybee in the morning and had swam Laza
retto Creek. They also saw, but did not remove,
some twenty on Decent Ia'.aid, a part of Tyboe,
and about a duzen on tho mud fiat. Some of the
soldiers communicated with i. ta tod that two who
had started with them had been left on the marsh
to die, having been taken with crumps. Measures
will promptly be takon to prevent any who havo
left the island from oominv* to town.
Jeff. Davis and Qreelb?.?Tbe following cor
roBpondeuce is published in Waukegan, Illinois:
Waukeoan, III., Jane 24.
To Hon. Horace Greeley, New York:
Dear But: I would ?specfully ask if it bo true
that you have offered to go Jeff. Davis', bail for his
roleaao? Also, if tho abo vu bu true, why you did
not try to obtain bail for Wirz. keeper of Jeff.
Davis* slaughter pen? I ask these qaestions,
not from importinuuee or idle curiosity, but f.?r
tho purpose of obtaining your views on so import
ant a point. In tbe meantime I remain
Very rospcotfnlly yours.
[Signed] J. WILSON, Jr.
Yes, air; I would bail Davis, or you, or any
other culprit that the Q?>vurnment would shame
fully hu on in j Ail mo o than a y o ir, runls ting and
denying his just and legal demand that ho bo ar
raigned aud tried or lot go.
Yours truly,
To Mr. J. Wilson, Jr., W*uitegan.
_? ?a
A "League of Honor" has beon formed in the
Valley of Virginia. Its main objoot Is charity.
mow von it i.K'i'i'icii.
New Yonn, July 17?Oh, tho torriblo boat?
tho boiling, baking, roasting, stewing, frying boat
?tbo aoorohing, parohing, melting heat. Oh, the
morciloss sun, tho cruel, sultry, sweltering sun,
cooking ?b as wo walk, and as wo ait, and as wo
lio down, as wo go out of doors, or remain within
our hot bonsoe, as wo cat, or drink, or sleep,
cooking nB ever, never ceasing, over increasing?
parchiug us, and roasting us, and showing no
mercy. The thormomotor marking ono hundred
degrees in the aliado?ono hundred and eighteen
in the aun,?ovorybody melting with the intense
heat, and yet too hot and Iaiguid to givo words
to their sufferings?friends met in Broadway and
epoko not but in pantomino. Mr. Noakos walking,
without cravat or collar, would meet Mr. Stokos,
innoceut of vest and making an impromptu fan out
of his porspiriog hat, and looking at him wonld
sigh, as who should say: "Qroat- Jerusalem,
what horrible weather," in reply to which would
Stoakes' hot lips iudulgo in a faint pantomimic
movement suggestive of a naughty adjoctivo bo
ginning with tho letter D and terminating in
ablo. The hottest day in ton yoara?torribly hot,
suffocatingly, uncompromisingly, hell-auggoBtivoly
hot was yesterday. Tho me-thinka aixteentb of
July, 1860, and aa I writo to-day, tho seventeenth,
ia hotter still.
On Sunday last, when the great war nows was
reooived from Europe, tho Herald ieaued an oxtra,
which came out at 11 o'clock, and six of the nowa
boya who were selling said extra wore arrested by
a Captain of Police, in the Fifteenth Precinct.
Bennett is of opinion that said Captain carried
hie religious scruples rather too far, and also car
ried the nowaboys too far in taking them to tho
station houso, whore they had no doaire to go,
wherefore the great newspaper man has brought
a suit against tho religions Captain, who will
probably be made to sweat even more than he
must necessarily perapire In thia hot weather.
There waa a feaat of danoing and a flow of beer
yesterday at Jones' Wood, whore tho German
oabinot-makera aasembled to celebrate their an
nual pic-nio. As there are no lesa than twonty
two hundred members, and as all of them are
first-class cabinet-makers, they ahould send a com
mittee to Washington, where there seems to bo a
general smash-up in the "Cabinet."
The knights of the cae held a meeting yester
day, in one of tho parlors of the Metropolitan
Hotel, and formed a National Billiard Association,
to hold regular annual tournaments for the cham
pionship. The first regular tournament will be
held in this oity, in September next.
Lieutenant-General Quant, with Cols. Badeau
and Paiikeii of his staff, arrivod at tho Metropoli
tan yobterday. They are not, however, going to
fight it oat on thia line the whole summer, as it
would bo mach too hot a lino, bat are en route tor
the placo where e t binet-makiog wonld be a capital
business at present.
The American emigrant ship Monarch of the
Seas, which ia known to have sailed from Liver
pool on the 19th of last March, for this port,
having thuB been out four months, bas not yet
been heard from, and great foara aro entertained
that she has been completely wrecked. She had
on board eix hundred and aovonty-four passen
gers, besides a crew of fifty-four men and officers.
All are supposed to be lost.
Yesterday, a polico officer who waa on duty at
pier No. 80 East River, seeing a carpet bag float
ing ou tho water, proceeded to fish it up ?
vidions of wot greenbacks floated in hia mind's
oyo as tho carpet bag floated nearer towards him.
Now he has it?in basto he opens it, and Oh 1
horror of horrors, he finds a dead baby. Hoaven
knows how many such carpet bags aro sunk to
riso no mora, are sunk to hide horrible crimos,
resulting from tho truly depraved state of morals
In all classes of society in this groat city, in which
thero aro moro mysterious closet skeletons in
ovory family than wero ovor dreamt of in Thacke
bay'b philosophy.
The New York Fire Department will be well
represented at tho groat Paria Exposition, to be
held in August, 18C7. A first-class "stoamor,"
the boat that can bo nude in Amorioa, will be sont
ovor, accompanied by forty picked and gallant
fire boye.
Tho Italian Opera Troupe held forth last night
(in Ernani) at Niolo's Garden, tor tbo bonofit of
GAitinAi.ni. Tho audionco waa protty fair, oon
aidoriug tho thormomotor, and the opera went off
well. Thia, howovor, is no weather for operaa or
tboatroa. Nevertheless, tho theatres are still
doing aomo little business.
Trovatoro to-night at Niblo'a; Octoroon at
Olympio; Dan Buvant at Wallack'a; Brougham at
Winter Garden; Bues lay Family at the New
Bowery; Theodobe Thomas' Concorta at Terrace
P. 3_In your agent's oool office, thermometor
at 2 P. M. ninet"?7-nin? degrees.
New Yobk, July 20.?Everything must have an
end. There mast bo aa end to pleasuro and an
end to pain, an end to sorrow and an end to joy.
The war oven came to an end, and there is.no toll
ing bat that we may ono day boo the laat retiring
coat-tails of the Freodoion'a Bureau. Tho heated
apell we have endured horo has provon no excep
tion to the ralo?the hot weather haa been driven
away effectually by tho thrioo bloaaed thunder
storm that came to our roliof on Wedneaday.
Taking duo advantage of the moat agreoable
chango in tho weather, people esjoyod themselves
yesterday to thoir heart's content, and crowdod
tho thoatres last night. Fivo thousand lovers of
tho turf turned out yesterday, and turned into
the enclosure at Fashion Oourae, to witness, en
joy, lose and win groenbaoka on the great trial
for three thousand dollars between Dexter, Gen
eral Butler, and Toronto Chief. Doxter waa tho
winner ia throe straight heats, made in tho un
precedented time of 2.24.}, 2.19, 2.22, beating the
famous boats of 1'lora Temple, in the great con
teat with George Bf. Patchen, m ado in 2 21, 2.24,
2.21 J. The shortest time made (2.19) has never
been beat?n or equalled, except by Doxter himself,
last summer, ia his trial against timo, when be
made hia mile in 2.181-5. It must be borno in
miad, however, that these races were under the
siidd'e, and that, in harness, Flora Tomplo's timo
hsB not boon equalled.
Damo Rumor reports?and the Heraldpnblishea
tho reoort?that one of our worthy City Fathers,
who had made his pilo by successful oporations
in the gold room, till said pile amounted to forty
thousand dollars, has rocontly lost it all again at
an innocont litllo gamo called faro. It ia also
whisporod about that a well known politician and
nowspapor man of this city did, on ono ovoniug
last week, engage tho tiger caged in John Hb_
ri-sey's museum, whonco he carao forth trium
phant with sixty thousand dollars moro than ho
carried in.
Joun Morrissey's miiBOUm is located in Twcnty
fourth-streot, opposito tho Fifth Avenuo Hotel ;
tho room is ?nmonso, and most magnificently fur
nished ; tho supper table, which is always spread,
is supplied with gano and tho choioost iiwiUb and
wines ; and here, after you havo lost at tho little
table at tho oxtrome end of the room, enough to
pay oven for a dozen such suppers, you sit and
partako, determined, at any rato, to get some
thing for your money. Tho apparent nonchalance
with whioh many of tho players would tako from
tho pockets a couploof bills of the denomination
of five hundred dollars (as though they woro
shinplaalors for car ohango), invest thorn in a
couplo of stacks of chocks? fwonty in oaoh?and
then lose the chooks in a most refreshingly short
space of timo, did much amaze your oorrospon
dont. If any gentleman** has an inconveniently
largo snpply of groonbacks, and dosires to be re
lieved thereof in a manner at once oxpoditioue
and stylish, he can choose no botter place for tho
performance of the operation than John Morris -
hey'h museum.
No inconsiderable degree of alarm has been
caused by tho sudden, the rapid, and the unex
pected increaao in the numbor of obolera canes of
late. Yesterday eleven new oases were reported,
out of which six have proved fatal. Great fears
are entertained that this dread diseaso may yet
assume the form of an epidemio, and the Health
Board are aotively employod in taking all possible
precautionary measures for the prevention there
The Morohants' Expresa Company have pur
chased Taylob's down town saloon for $450,000,
intending to oonvert this famous restaurant into
an expresa office. Tbey have, however, already
rogretting tho offer, made propositions for a re
lease from the purchase by the payment of a cer
tain amount.
The society for the prevention of cruelty to an?
mala is really a most humane and useful associa
tion, and its President, Mr. Henry Bebob, is un
doubtedly a benefactor of animal-kind. Yester
day afternoon Mr. Beech entered a complaint
against an inhuman driver of o*no of tho ?eventb
Avenue Railroad oars, who was driving in a
crowded oar a poor lame horse, with a running
sore upon one of its logs. A warrant haB boon
issued for the arrest of tho bipedal beast, and it
is to bo hoped that the wrongs and suffer nga of
the poor old horse may not pass unavenged.
During the storm which, swept over the city on
Wednesday, and which the people here insist upon
denominating "a tornado," Lowe's haloon was
high in tho air, and in it wore Harry Leslie, tho
gymnast and tight rope man, pretty little Maoqie
Mitchell, tho actress, and an old ladv, a relativo
of Maggie's. When the storm aros o Leslie gave
the signal to haul in the oable, and tho baloon was
pulled down in safety. The tight rope man testi
fies that no one was scared but the aged lady, and
remarks that Miss MiTcnELL is a trump. Had the
cabio parted there is no tolling but that all of
them would have proved an exception to the prin
cipie contained in the preamble to the child's
conundrum about tho egg, that "what goes up
must como dowD," or at least tbey would havo
como down in parts unknown.
Sinco tho change in the weather the theatres
havo boon doing a much botter business; the per
formances, however, are commonplace, and so we
must bide our time and ?wait tho appoarancc of
Adelaide Riston and Edwin Booth.
a ? a
State Ill-ins.
_>.ot7?er Outrage.?Mr: James 8. Campbell, a
merchant of this oity, while going to his bouse on
Arsenal Hill on Saturday night, the 21st inst., was
attacked between nine and ten o'clock by threo
negroes, one of tho latter striking him with a
slung shot. Mr. Campbell immediately gtvo an
alarm when two of the scoundrels took to their
heels. The third grappled with Mr. C. and fired
a p ?tol at him twice, but fortunately without in
jury. Persons thou approaching to the rescue,
the third likewise ran away, having failed to ac
complish his object.?Columbia South Carolinian.
The Convention.?At a meeting held in Columbia
on Monday afternoon, D. B. DeSaussdbe, Esq.,
affered the following resolutions:
Resolved, That the people of Richland District
support his Excellency Governor Orr in his appeal
to send delegates to the National Union Conven
tion to sit in Philadelphia on the 14th of August
Resolved, That a Committee of ten citizens of
tho District bo appointed to nominate delegates
to the State Convention to be held in Columbia
for the appointment of dolegatos from tho State.
The resolutions were adopted, and tho following
gentlemen named as the Committee by tho Chair:
ol. F. W. MoMtster, J. H. Kinsler, Col. Oaugh
man, Adam DuDard, T. W. Radcliffe, Rev. Wm.
Martin, F. Fioklin, S. Olin Talley, John Watics,
W. A. Harria.
The Committee retired, and after deliberation,
rop rted the names of tho following delegates:
Oonoral Wado Hampton, W. F. DeSaussure, Col.
William Wallaco, Col. F. W. McMaater, D. B. De
Saussure, E. J. Scott, J. G. Gibbes, 8. OlinTa.loy.
M. LaBorde, Dr. Ray, Rev. Wm. Martin, Capt. J.
SKinslor, A. F. DuBard, H. I. Caughman, W.
Bachman, General Alexander, D. D. Feuley, E.
B. Hey ward, W. A. Harris, Capt. R. J. Adams.
Tho report was adopted.? Carolinian.
Pickens.?From tho Keowee Courier, of Satur
day, wo have the following items:
Vogotation is suffering greatly for the want of
rain. Farmors are depressed with the prospect of
tho corn crops and not, we boliovo, without abun
dant causo. Gloom pervades all classes, but wo
trust thero are bettor times in atoro for us.
The., barn of Mr. Robert McWhorter, or this
District, was burned on Sunday night last. The
barn contained Mr. MuWhorter's wheat crop,
about two hundred bushels, and some provender.
Camden.?Tho Journal of Friday Baya:
Tho continued dry weather we aro enjoying at
thia time is anything but desirable to int-ure a fair
erop. Under the most propitioua circumet ancos
tho great majority of our plantera will fail to
mako (a half crop of either corn or cotton?the
wheat crop having been light everywhere?and
mai y will fail in making the seed tbey havo sown.
in our next we will endeavor to furnish our
readers with some particulars aa to tho prospect
throughout the State.
A. Tennessee Short Method.
Tho Gopporhond m<>mbors of tho Tennoesoo
Legislature, aa is well known, are trying to defeat
tho passage of tbo Constitutional Amendment, by
absenting themselves bo aB to pr<?vont a quorum.
On Tuesday, last week, tho Speaker of the Houeo
iaBiiod warrauta for tho arroxtoftho refractory
members. Tho proceodings that followed woro
somewhat rich Ono of tin? t-kuikers, named
Ovcrtou, waa found in Knoxvillu, and speedily
brought to tho House. Tbo others had fled,
vowing armed resist anco should any attempt bo
made to arrest them.
Two deputy uerg?aut-at-RrmB got on tho track
of one of tbo fugitivo legislature, and followed
him to his homo fourteen miles beyond Carter's
St ttion. About midnight they reached tho house,
ami loudly knocked at tho door. Tbu unsuspici
ous victim, whoso name was William?, protruded
Inn hor.d to ask what was wanted, whoti ho was
pouueed upon, clothed, or unclothed in his night
shirt, in spite of the howls of his aroused family,
and tho tears of his better-halt, and compelled to
mount a mulo and Bet off through tho dark. Wil
liams was long, and lank, and venomous, and the
ridiculousness or the affair w ?a increaaod by his
refusal to put on hia uumentionabloa until they
?vero drawn over his loga by a modost deputy. It
soome that a body guard of guerillaB were to
have boen collected tho next niorniiu*, but the
sudden pursuit and capture beadod this off, and
prevented armed resistance to arrest. Still, as
the neighborhood was intensely rebt 1, the captors
forced tho hard-riding mulo to show off her beat
paces, keeping time to the grunts, grumbles and
r ?pnmrions oat lu, of the representative of a slum
bering constituency.
The next morning Mr. Williame, lankor than
usual, tired, unwashed, and inteneoly indignant,
appeared at tbo bar of tho House, whore ho was
greeted with an universal grin. When hia name
waa callod, ho roso and refueod to answer, saying
he was under arrest; that he had been seized in
tho dead of night by two men, "one of whom waa
a d-d niggor," and carried off on a spavined old
mule; and, in tho namo of his outraged constitu
ency, he domanded an immediate investigation.
Tho Houso "investigated" him by entering hia
name on the roll as "present," and ordoring the
Sorgoaut-at-Arms to keep a sharp eye upon him.
At last accounts, tho deputies were close after
other fugacious members, with a fair prospect of
obtaining a full House shortly, wbilo Bopreeenta
tivo Williams was "chewing tho end of ewcot and
bitter fancies," and meditating, no doubt, tha
direst form of rovengo, particularly upon that
In Augusta, Oa., on the 17th of June, by the Rev. A.
WnioiiT. Dr. A. J. WOLFE, of Oraiigoburg District, to
Miss ?AUau L., only daughter of J. T. MoDoweix, of
Charleston. *
In Oberaw, Bo. Ca., July 17th, lf-ic, by the Bev.
Bishop Davis, of South Carolina, Mr. 0. EDWARD
JAUHOT, of Florence, So. Co., to Miss EMMA ?.
BRYAN, of Oheraw, So. Ca.
is hereby given that a SUBSCRIPTION has been opened,
at the Vice-Consulate's, for the relief of Austrian Sol
diers wounded durltiK the present war.
AuBtrisuH and Oermans generally, friendly to the
cause Austria la now contending for, aro Invited to leave
their contributions at tho ofUoo No. 21 EAST Bay.
Jnly as_a*
per steamer JOHN GIBSON, from Baltimore,aro hereby
notified that sha is discharging cargo This Day at North
Atlantic Wharf. AU goods left on wharf at sunset will
be stored at owners' expense and risk.
Jnly as_1
?WILLIAM GODFREY, Executor o! the Eatate of M,
E. OABN, Esq., late of Golleton District, doccasod, hav
ing filed in this office a petition to perpetuate testimony
in reference to the W1U of the deceased, and other pa
pers referring to hia Estate, lost or destroyed during the
late war: It la ordered, that all persons who may -deem
themselvos in any manner lntoror-ted in this matter do
plead, answer, or demur to said petition within three
months from tho date hereof, or a decreo pro confessa
Will bo entered of record against tbem.
B. ?'JOKES, O. B. 0. D.
Commissioner's OOlcc, Waltorborough, July 30, 1860.
July 35 lamoSmoa
claims against tho lato WILLIAM DAVIDSON will pro
sent tliem, properly attested, and tlioso indebted will
make immediato payment to Messrs McORADY k SON,
Attorneys at Law, No. 30 broad street.
WM. 1ZARD BULL, Executor.
July 23 _mwfP
HOUSE GIN.?Pure, soit, and unequalled. Wo
place this celebrated brand of Gin before tho pub
lic as a pure, unadulterated article, that only re
quires to be known to bo appreciated. Medical men of
the highest standing acknowledge tbat it has greit
medical properties, and to those who uao it medicinally
it is particularly recommonded. WH. H CORWIN k
CO., Wo. 900 Broadway, N. Y., Sole Importers. For
sale at E. E. BEDFORD'S, No. 259 King-street, Charles*
ton. _July !il
MANDS against the Estate of tho loo JEREMIAH B.
RH AME, deceased, will render tbem, properly attested,
and those Indebted to the said Estate will mAke payment
to B. O. Prksblet, Esq., In Charleston, orto J J. Bbown*
nto, at Grumesvllle.
Administra trix.
Jnly U_w4
DIS 1RIOT OF BERKLEY.?You are respectfully r?.
quested to rxeet at til. Stephen's Depot, Northeastern
Railroad, on Thursday next, 36th instant, to appoint
Delegates to tho State Convention, to be held in Colom
bia, August 1st, for tho selection of Delogatea to the
National Union Convention in Pblladelplila.
July 31_W. PINKNEY SHINGLE It. Benator.
wife of Robert A. Kendall, Merouant. oi iheraw, 8.
O-, do hereby I Ivo noti-.o that, at the expiration of one
month from tbo fist publication hereof, I will carry on
business 1.? tho City ot Onarloston and-town of Oberaw,
South Carolina, as a Feme-Covert rtole Trador.
Cheraw, S. 0 , 4th July, 106?.
July 0_m<
ZENS of Charleston can ba supplied with CHLORIDE
OF LI HE and COPPfcRA?, without o >st, by ai.plvlng at
the Roper Hospital, ur to the City Registrar, Dr. GBO.
S. P2L8ER, No. 117 COMING BfBlMf.
July 14_*?? <>*
MAN E?ES made to order and Inserted by Drs. J.
BAUCH and P. GOUGELMANN (lormorly employed by
Boiammouo, of Paris), No. 090 Broadway, New York.
April 14 lyr

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