Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME IX.-NUMBER 1335. CHARLESTON, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1870. _ SIX DOLLARS A YEAR. WASHINGTON. [FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.] WASHINGTON, April l General Order 35, Fifth Military District, makes Texas a separate military department, Headquarters at Austin, Reynolds commanding. The Department of Louisiana ceases, and Loulsl ana is added to the Department of Texas, and Arkansas to Missouri. Thc new Department of Texas will be part of the Military Division of the South. Troops now in Arkansas will bc relieved, and report to ReynoMs, commanding Texas. General Young, of Georgia, was on the floor of the Senate yesterday and to-day, nrging the passage of the Georgia bill as it came from thc House. Young apprehended that thc seating of Ames, with the votes of the Texas senators, will defeat Bingham's amendment. . . Revenue seven hundred and eighty-eight thous? and dollars. Governor Reed, of Florida, is here. The President has given Butler, as President of thc Asylum for disabled soldiers, two West Point and one Annapolis appointments. *Evarts argued against McCallahan beiore the House Judiciary Committee to-day. The Ways and Means Committee have placed seed cane on thc free list. Benj. Perley Poore is prominent as successor of Gorham for secretary of the Senate. The revenue yacht jnst built in New York, has been ordered to report to Collector Robb for dnty on the Savannah River. In thc case of Boachinot, in the Ch?rokce Na? tion, charged with violation of thc Internal reve? nue laws, the House Judiciary Committee revers? ed the decision or Commissioner Delano, and de? clare that hts action cannot fall to lead to much embarrassment to legitimate business and enter? prise, and much discontent among the Cherokee Indians. . In the Supreme Court Chief Justice Chase an? nounced that the court decided to reopen thc de cisi?n on the legal-tender question, and would hear arguments again on the second Monday of April, the llth Instant. The debt statement shows a decrease of five and three quarter millions. Coln in the Treasury one hundred and five and a half millions j currency seven and a half millions. The President in responding to a negro club serenade, said: "I can assure those present, that no consummation since the close of the war af? fords me som nch pleasure as the ratification of the Fifteenth amendment to thc constitution by three-fourth s of the States of the Union. I have reit the greatest anxiety ever since I was called . to this house, to know that this was to be secured. It looked like thc realization of the Declaration of Independence. I cannot say mnch on this sub? ject as I Tould like, as I am not accustomed to public speaking, but I thank you for your pre? sence this evening." damner also addressed the meeting. FuUer's statement regarding the Legal-tender question was argued In the Supreme Court to? day. The Chief Justice announced the order that, on consideration of the Attorncy-Ccneral of the argument thereon, the cases of Lattimer against the United States and the Legal-tender cases would be set down for hearing on all the questions presented in thc records on thc second Monday in April of the present term. From this order of the Chief Justice Mr. Justice Clblord and Mr. Justice Fields dissented. SENAT?. O. B. Hart contests Gilbert's seat as senator from Florida. The papers were referred to the Judiciary Committee. The resolution of the California Legislature, In favor of thc abolition of the income tax, was pre? sented. The case of Ames was resumed, and he was seated by a vote of forty to twelve. Morton gave notice that he would call up thc resolution regarding the Oneida tragedy on Mon day. Morton introduced a bill .or enforcing thc Fif? teenth amendment and prescribing penalties. The first section reads: "That ir any person shall prevent, hinder, control or intimidate, or shall attempt t J prevent, hinder, control or lu timidatc any person from exercising thc right of suffrage, to whom the right of suffrage is secured or guaranteed by the Fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, by means ot bribery, threats, or threats of depriving sach person of employment or occupation, or of ejecting such person from a rented honse, lands, or other property, or by threats or refusing to renew leases, or contracts for labor, or by threats of violence to himself or family, such per soojso offending shall bc deemed guilty of a mis? demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall bc imprisoned for not less than sixty days, nor more than six months, and fined (u any sum not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars." The third section gives thc United States Jurisdiction over such cases. The Senate adjourned to Monday. ItOCSB. The morning hour was devoted to private bills. Thc tariff was resumed and the debate will be continued to-night. The bill authorizing the return of Thomas Jeffer? son's papers to. lils executors was passed and goes to thc President. Tlie bill authorizing a bridge between Philadel? phia and Camden was passed and goes to the President. " . TBE FIFTE??T? AM?N?MEST. MESSAGE OF THE PrtBSIDBNf IN FULL. Proclamation oft ht Secretary of State. ALL POLITICAL DISTINCTIONS ON ACCOUNT OF COLOR ABOLISHED. Thc following is thc message sent by Presi? dent Grant to Congress on Thursday, accompany? ing the proclamation of the Secretary of State, publishing the ratification of the Fifteenth amend? ment to the constitution by twenty-nine States: Message of thc President. To u&Scnatc ant House of Representatives : It is unusual to notify the two houses of Con? gress, by message, of thc promulgation by pro? clamation of thcSccretary or State of thc ratifi? cation of a constitutional amendment. In view, however, of thc vast Importance of the Fifteenth amendment or the constitution, this day declared a part of that revered instrument, I deem a de? parture from thc usual custom justifiable. A measure which makes at once four millions or people voters, who were heretofore declared by thc highest tribunal in thc laud not citizens or thc United States, nor eligible to become so. (with the assertion that "at thc time of thc Declaration of Independence thc opinion was lixed and uni? versal tn thc civilized portion of thc white race, regarded as an axiom in morals as ivell as in poli? tics, that black mea had no rights which white men were bound to respect,") is indeed a meas? ure of grander importance than any other < ne act of thc kind, from thelfoundallon of our free government to the orcscnttlmc. Institutions like oure, tn which all power ls de rived directly rrom the people, must depend . mainly upon their Intelligence, patriotism and indnstry. T call the attention, therefore, of the newly enfranchised race to thc importance of their striving, in every honorable mannor, to make themselves worthy of their new privilege. To the race more favored heretofore by our laws I would say, withhold no lena! privilege of ad? vancement to the new citizen. The framers id our constitution firmly believed that a republi? can form of government conld not endure with? out intelligence and education generally diffused among the people. The "Father of his Country," in his Farewell AdJrcSs, ases this language : "Promote, then, as a matter or primary impor? tance, institutions for the general diffaslon or knowledge. In proportion as the structure of government gives force to pnblic opinion, It is es sentlal that public opinion should bc enlightened." In his flrst annual message to Congress, tue same views were rorclbly presented, and arc ?iznin urged in his eighth massage. I repeat, that tho adoption of thc Pirieenth amendment :o the constitution completes thc crealsst civil change, and constitutes the most imncWant event that has occurred since thc nation aime into lire. The change will bc bene fcinl Lr proportion to thc heed that 13 given to thc urgent recommendations or Washington. If these recommendations were Important then, with a population of but a few millions, how much more Important now, with a population of forty millions, and increasing in a rapid ratio. I would, therefore, call upon Congress io take all the means within their constitutional powera to promote ana encourage popular education throughout the country, and upon the peoplo everywhere to see to lt that all who possess and exercise political rights shall have the opportuni? ty to acquire the knowledge which will make their share in the government a blessing, and not a danger. By such means only can the benefits contemplated by this amendment to the constitu? tion be secured. U. S. GRANT. Executive Mansion, March SO, 1S70. Proclamation . HAMILTON FISH, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES. To all whom th'se presents may come, greeting : Know ye. that thc Congress of the United States, on or about the27th day of February, in the year of 1869, passed a resolution In the words, io wit: "A RESOLUTION proposing an amendment to thc Constitution or the United States. "Rcsolvtd by the Senate aud House or Repre? sentatives of thc United States of America In Congress assembled, (two-thirds of both houses concurring,) That the following article be pro? posed to the Legislatures of the several States OR ?n amendment to the Constitution of thc United States, which, when ratified bv. three fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid as a part of the Constitution, namely : "ARTICLE XV.-SECTION 1. The right or citizens or the United States to v .ito shall not bc denied or abridged by thc United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. "SECTION 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." And further, that it appears from official docu? ments on file in this depart ruent that the amend? ment to thc Constitution of the United Suites, proposed as aforesaid, has been ratified by the Legislatures of the states of North Carolina, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Wisconsiu, Maine, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina. Pennsyl? vania. Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New York, New Hampshire, Nevada, Vermont, Virginia. Alabama, Missouri, Missis? sippi, Ohio. Iowa, Kansas, Minncs-da. Rhode ls land, Nebraska anti Texas, lu all twenty-nine States. And farther, that thc States whose Legislatures have so ratified thc said proposed amendment constitute three-fourths of the whole number of States In the United States. And farther, that it appears from the official document on file in this department that thc Le? gislature of the State or New York has since pass? ed resolutions claiming to withdraw the said rati? fication or thc said amendment which had been made by thc Legislature or that State, and or which official notice had been flied In this depart? ment. And further, that lt appears from an official document on tile in this department that thc Le? gislature nf Georgia has, by resolution, ratified thc said proposed amendment. Now, tuerefore, be it known, that I, Hamilton Fish, Secretary or State or the United States, by virtue and In pursuance or the second section or the act or Congress, approved the 20th day or April, In the year 1818, entitled "An act to pro? vide for the publication of thc laws or the United States, and Tor otircrpurposes," do hereby certify that the amendment aforesaid has become valid to all intents ami purposes, os part of the Con? stitution or thc United States. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Department of Stute to he affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day or March, in the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and or the Independence or the United States thc ninety-fourth. HAMILTON FISU. EUROPE. Change : i: tl? i- Spanish Cabinet. MADRID, April l. There was a sharp discussion this alternoon between Seno.1 Robledo, deputy from Porto Rico, and Senor M. Kccerra, minister or (he colonies, wherein thc or the first named ger tleman was called in question. An exciting scene en? sued, which was followed by the withdrawal of I'eccrra from the Cabinet. Thc resignation of Rc ;erra having been accepted, Morct, recently jonnectcd with thc navy department, has been ?ppolntcd mlniiiter or thc coloides. DlKaflTvctlou In Ireland. LONDON, April l. Thc discontent iu Ireland seems increasing. Thc evening papers publish a long list of out? rages. A" Protestant church at Eatterent, Cork County. ?vas nearly destroyed. Thc movement }f emigrants to the United States is largely In. creased. Pari? r.'cws and Gossip. PARIS, April 1. Bonaparte has gone to America. His family go :o Switzerland. The students have again refused to lear Fardiea. There was much disorder, but the milco did not interfere. Charles Hugo, thc editor or thc Rappel, has been sentenced to six months1 imprisonment and 3000 tancs fine. Thc managing editor or thc Rappel ios been scnteuced to three months' imprison nent and 2000 rraucs flue, ror violation or thc >ress laws. Thc Pope and thc Armenian!). ROME, April 1. It is said that the Papal Court refuses All 'asha's overtures in favor of thc Armenians. THE RICHMOND MUDDLE. RtcuMOND, April i. This orening tue difficulty of the Mayoralty was aken into thc State Courts by Ellyson. and Judge Telford of the Circuit Coartsrantot! a mandamus n;l (ssned an injunction restraining Ctulioon rom excreting the dillies of Mayor. The city la aiet, EHyson ?nd Cliahoon each acting as Mayor, taboon demands possession or thc city Bau, ud Ellyson retases it. Tjfc f8*?*! troops stand !oof. MO J: LAW IN LOUISIANA. MONROE, April 1. J. K. Wittier, sheriff of Ouachlta Parish, ros murdered here last night by a pirty of fifteen r twenty armed men, who came for thc purpose f releasing Beaver, who was In custody for mar? ier. The mob also killed Offut Johnson, colored, rho was witness against Heaver. After relcas ng Beaver, Hie mob barred thc jail to prevent he escape of other prisoners and retired. John Vimbcrly was killed yesterday In a difficulty nth D. Dinkgravc. A SHOOTING SCRAPE. Pn IL ADELPH! A, April 1. A constable, attempting to serve a writ on n olored man, was struck on thc head with a brick, lie colored man. armed with a knife, attempted o escape. Thc constabic fired, killing a byst?nd r, and, escaping from an infuriated crowd, took efuge in thc jail, where he awaits the result of he coroner's inquest. SPARKS PROM THE WIRES. Lynch Ring, thc leader ol thc riot on the teamer Dubuque last fall, was arrested in Arkun as, and brought to Cincinnati yesterday. He rill be taken to Little Rock for trial. The Western rivers are rising rapidly from con inued min. ? special from Tuscaloosa to the Salina Times cports Ryland Randolph and a man named in?til, exoil ingert several shots lu thc hotel of hat town, -wounding each other and killing a ystander. lt appears Randolph acted on the le fen cc. The Motarle spring races commences to day. Thc Jefferson City fire department had their ost annual celebration yesterday, under thc old >rder. Henceforth Jefferson City will bc the ilxthdistrict of New Orleans. Thc Eighth District Court of New Orleans has saned an Injunction preventing Council rroin selling city stock. The Jackson Railroad has also Interdicted thc sale of water work?. Thc. directors of the Philadelphia Academy cf Music have rernsecl to grant n lease of thc hall for a lecture by Revels, the colored senator from Mississippi. The registration of negroes ccmnun-cd yester? day iii Maryland. TUE WAE IN CUBA. Important Proclamation of thc Cap? tain-General to thc Insurgents. HAT AKA, March 20. Captain-General DeRodas, on his arrival at Tuerto Principe, issued a proclamation, in thc couse of which he addressed the insurgents os follows : "I know most of you have been drawn Into re? bellion by force or fraud. Who are your chiefs? Where ls your promised liberty ? You were told that Spain could not spare soldiers for Cuba, and that those soldiers th'rsted for blood who now divide their dally rations with the women and children you have left behind. Such falsehoods can only be temporarily effective. "The Eastern Department and the Cinco Villas District are returning to peace; and while terror deprives you of your repose, the WeBtern Depart? ment enjoys security an;! tranquillity, and the public weirare, credit and true liberality in? creases. The troops no longer needed in those districts will come to the mountains of the Cen? tral Department, and a war, of which up to the present time yon have had no idea, will begin. "I call on none of you for help, for I need none. Thc clemency of roy predecessor was interpreted as weakness, and 1 do not incline to imitate them. But at the same time, although you are rebels to-day, 1 do not seek your lives, and advise you to submit In time to save yourselves; for as soon as operations have commenced in this East? ern Department they will be prosecuted with energy, let the end be what it may. "All those who surrender their arms to any legitimate authority will be well received and their lives are hereby guaranteed. But from thc benefits of this offer your principal leaders and thc officers of thc so-called Cuban Government are excluded,'' One of the first acts of thc Captain-General was to pardon a man sentenced to death. THE ELA S TINO INTEREST. Condition and Prospects of thc Crops. Thc Rural Carolinian for April makes the following abstract of the reports furnished by its agricultural correspondent in this section of the South : THE SEASON. 1. That thc season throughout thc South has been buckward, and in many parts of the coun? try very wet. SMALL (.?1! A IN CHOPS. 2. Wheat, rye, oats, ic, are generally reported as looking well, but our returns ou this point ure too meagre to bc of much value. AC KRACK TLAKTED. 3. Thc area planted and in preparation for planting is iibout t- c same as last year, cn an average, In corn and colton, so far ns can be judged from paseal returns, but more In thu small grains. ru El'A KATION OF TnE SOIL. 4. Herc there is undoubted cause to congratu? late thc country, and draw hope and encourage, ment, for Southern agriculture. Our corrcsoon dents almost universally reporta more thorough preparation of the soi; for tho coming crop Ulan for any previous one. though somewhat back? ward on account of unfavorable weather. Deep ploughing and sub-soiling are decidedly on the increase, as ls thc usc of Improved Implements. CONCENTRATED FEIITILIZERS. 5. Thc usc of commercial manures ls reported almost universally as Increased largely over last year, especially in South Carollua and Georgia. LABOR. C. In regard to thc proportion of freedmen un? der contruct, or actually employed, as compared with la?t vcar, our reports do not enable us tu judge; but there ls probably decrease In numbers, with a somewhat increasing cmcleucy. Immi? grant labor ls Increasing slowly. . _ MATTERS IN GEORGIA. Thc colored people of Forsyth are luxuriating in thc possession of a billiard table. Thc ?savannah fishermen have this season ship? ped "5,000 white shad, most of them to the North. A negro girl was bumed to death at Harlen on Monday night. The mot her had gone to sclioul and locked it up in thc kitchen. The Mayor of Port Gaines does things on a new principle. He wanted to adjourn a session of the Council Hie other day, and he just knocked a couple of Aldermen and thc clerk under the table. The others adjourned before he not round. Two Germans had a race in Columbus Monday for $10. Kegs.of lager were placed at convenient d stances to make the head light, and thus thc racers would have less to carry. Each bore, as his colors, a tin quart cup. The Catholic ccngregatlon of Columbus have determined to bnild a larger and more beautiful church cdiilcc than the one they now have. They will soon have the requisite fuuds for that pur? pose. The Constitution announces the arrest, on Tuesday, Uj Terry's soldiers, of Mr. John Ste? phens, a worthy citizen and upright merchant of Atlanta, charged with uo crime, but simply to extort from him supposed knowledge of au of? fence committed by other panics. Thc Augusta papers announce thc death rof ntioilicr old and esteemed citizen, Benjamin Holmes Warren, in thc seventy-fourth year of his ige, thc head of the National Bank of Augusta. The deceased was long and completely Indentlfled is a merchant with the history or ?nat city, A native or Mecklenburg County. North Carollua he removed to Georgia ut the carly agc of sixteen. The Aligns'a Constitutionalist of yesterday says: "On Wednesday night about 9 o'clock, two rvhlte men, Flunk and Samuel New, and two ?right mulattoes. Governor and Weston New, ?ailing from Abbeville, S. C. of thc same pater jal source, went on a shoplifting excursion in he city. They succeeded in gathering a hoc and tn axe in the hardware line, the latter Implement uipposed to have been captured at tin; store of Hessrs. O'Uowd A M'lllierin. Their next move nent was upon the boot natl shoe cstaulish uent or Mr. E. K_ Rowley, where thev' obtained a mmclSOf pair of shoes. In this then they wir? letecied, and alienated to escape the con iequenccs hy running. They were, however, )verhau!ed by thc policy and furnished quarters n tile gll&hlhonse for thc night. Yesterday norning thev were arraigned for trial before lustice Ells." After Investigation, one of the irhlte men, Samuel New, was dismissed. His irolher, Prank New, was fined $100 und cost, or ;ix months on the chain gang. Thc two mulat? toes plead guilty, and were lined $'?0 each xml cost, or two months on thc chain gang. Thc Ines were paid, and thc prisoners discharged "rom custody."' FLORIDA ITEMS. The '.Hutchinson Family" gave a performance ?ii Jacksonville Monday night. Tampa reports a very general frost, and des? truction or plants nnd early vegetables. A culled meeting of thc Agricultural and Immi? gration Association of Florida ls appointed lo i>c lieu on Wednesdav, Hie 'Juth day of April, at thc Cit* of Jacksovlllc. The llrst anniversary of the Grand Division of S'His or Temperance, in Florida, was celebrated on the 20th ult., at Jacksonville, with considera? ble eclat. An excursion and dancing made thc affair a pleasant one. TUE WOMAN MOVEMENT. Manifesto Extraordinary. 70 the American People, Greet ina : I am commissioned to procure the name and address of every person in the United states who takes a friendly interest in Woman's Enfranchise? ment. In order to compile this roll or honor, I hereby request every such person, Immediately on reading this announcement, without wailing long enough to forget or neglect lt. to take pen aud ink, write the name and address legibly, and lorwurd the same to mc by mall, postage paid a i rifling cost which you will not begrudge to a good cause. Anybody sending in one envelope all the names lu a family, a village, or assocla lion, will render a helpful service. Three thousand American newspapers will oblige a brother editor bv generously printing this caril in their columns. The purpose of this registration is to know to whom to send Important docu? ments. Friends of inc cause are urged to re snood so simultaneously that theirletters shall fly hither like a snow storm. Sign at once. And the dav will come when yonr children and chil? dren's children will bc proud of thc record. Fraternally, Tu KO JJ o un TILTO.V. Editor of The Independent, Box 2787, New York City. President O'Neil, ot the Fenian Brotherhood in Now York, has deposed Richard McCloud, secretary and treasurer of thc organization, and expelled him from thc order. McCioud. who ls also a senator, will, lt la stated, attempt to ! m peech O'Neil. THE CITIZENS' PARTY. A BEAUTY GOD-SPEED PROM A SIS? TER BT ATE. Thc Sooth Carolina Press. A correspondent writing from Eutaw, Ala., on thc is tu ultimo, sajs : The Initiatory movement of the anti-Radical press or South Carolina Is bur, wc hope, the pre? cursor of a general convention of those favoring the "Citizens' Party." The crisis now Is pre? eminently critical. It calls for the united ener? gies or every man In the State-indeed, through? out thc entire South, who regards the protection or "lire, liberty and property" essential condi? tions to the "general welfare or the people." Apathy and supineness, on the part or the ultra Democrats in the last campaign, and the alarm? ing evidences or a policy almost as ratal as lt was injudicious, BO abundant and significant, call upon every man ti uc to the Interests or his State and government to discountenance and contemn inaction and listlessness as ruinous and suicidal. Further persistence in a policy already prolltlc or the direst results, must entail endless and ratal consequences. A retributive, national and social course can not but rollow in the wake or that na- j tion and people who suffer the exercise er their legislative, executive and judicial fonctions to the venal arbitrament or an abject and Iguoraut representation. Doubtless miuy ask: What shall be done to re? dress grievances, raaffcasance and the like-re? trench iniquitous and senseless legislation, and re-establish the public weal on a permanent and acceptable basU? Enervated by a prostration Inseparable rrom the material aud intellectual condition or a van? quished and subjugated people, they pander to thc eloquent nnd Immortal shibboleth or thc ramed son of Anchlses : "Una salas viotio, mul lom sperare solutum." And. not unlike Aurea?, they must divest themselves or a fallacy no less sophistical than fanciful. With thc valiant Trojan they must know thc future, and, through the Im? penetrable vista, descry a sunny Italy-a kindly Latlclus-a nucleus for new operations and more rational institutlous. Hy common consent, the panacea ror our ills is In the formation or a new party, with a result aut policy-the conjoint effect or tue Democratic and tnodcraCc-Itepublicau elements. That organization now gaining strength and Increasing In favor In Alabama, with mu advo? cacy of the nest men lo recommend lt, may be regarded as thc ultima thule or all attempts made to retrieve our political disasters. From pretty crrect data, we may entertain few misgivings as to the result In Alabama. She will doubtless make a determined and united ef? fort In the ventilation and disinfection of thc odious and iniquitous corruption that tends to bankrupt the State. I . An awakening sense of Conservative Republi? cans to the venal instincts of thc great mass or their co-laborers, has driven some of them to open exposure and rcnunclaton or the administration. Now, let the anti-Radical press rally thc State )o unite with one serried, solid phalanx,under thc ibanner or the ;'Clttzens' Party,^ und say to them, "Behind the cloud the sun Is at ii: shlulug." Ku**** The Kew Coalition. (Prom the Spartonbnrg Spartan.] In this State there U now no lolitlcal question dividing the two parties walch onghr, to consti? tute a suitlcient barrier to a common coalition or thc honest and patriotic or ali parties, natlo: un? ties and colors against political hishonesty, sti?shness and corruption. Tho recent amend? ments to the constitution of the United States settle the questions of main importance between thc two great panics of the country. Tluse amendments arc KOW the organic law of tue land. The questions they dtcldc are dead issues, lt ls idle to quarrel over them any longer. Wheth? er they are or unwise must bc a matter or experiment, and ought nut to bc thc subject or au Idle quarrel between g..od men. The press resolutions lnulcatc the acceptance or tho con stitoiiouul amendment* by thc Democratic party or this State. We believe they arc accepted iii all honesty and good faith. The right of every citizen to votcand hold office is acknowledged. This being conceded, let every man, white and black, adopt t he spirit or these excellent resolu? tions, and determine that In the exercise of thc prerogative or suffrage, he Will allow no motive to Influence his action lower titan an honest desire to promote the best Interests of his coun? try. No more let the inquiry or the candidate be, ls he Republican or ls lie Democrat? Is he rrom this section or tinny lint let lt be inquired or him rather, is he honesty Is he faithful y ls he competent? Then may we expect to sec thc re? turn of these proupcronn and nappy days of thc republic, when Intelligence and virtue sat en? throned upon thc high und I he low places of thc nation, and "to be au American was greater than a King." Thc four short, simple resolutions recently adopted by the Press Convention In Columbia. Indicate Hie source of and the remedy ror all our political Ills, both State and national. They con? stitute a pla; form upon which every honest man in thc nation, bc he Democrat or Republican, can stand. They announce the only theory upon which a hope or Hie ultimate success or a Repub? lican form of government can bc rationally based. Let Chester be Represented. [From thc Chester Reporter.] We do not wish to bc understood as being op posed to Chester being represen ted In the conven? tion to bc held on thc lilli of June. Wc hope that every county In the State may be represent? ed there by a Hill delegation or practical men. and that a lull and free conference, regurding the wisest policy to be pursued, may then bc had. The deliberations of SUCH a body would command our most earnest attention, and wc can scarcely antic?pate any linc of policy upon which It might conclude, that would not receive our hearty sup? port. Shall wc Refuse : [Fruin thc Camden Journal.] Shall wc refuse to unite? Does distrust still prevail to keep tu sunder? It cannot be. Every intcllieeut mau knows who have thc power of controlling the ballot-box, and consequently or thu State. Ami no mun would adv?cale any trial orsirength upon thc same Issues that were be? fore us two years ago. ror the purpose of suffer? ing defeat a Bccond time. Therefore, we ask the whole people of the State to unite lu restoring to Its proper channel our State. It Is ours, and we, (he native burn people, should control lt. Have wc not men, native to thc soil, competent to take charge or thc government and administer Its rnnctlons properly ? Are strangers ami foreign? ers the only living men who are capable of gov? erning our people ? These ?re thc questions which it behooves everyman, no matter what his race may bc, to answer. We dad rc all to ponder these grave questions, and conscientiously determine them according to the best lights before them. TUE GOOD CAUSE. Camden E M t e r s thc Lists Camden ls making a vigorous effort to secure a good municipal government, and lias nominat? ed a CITIZENS' PAUTV Ticket. Thc Camden Journal reports that at the mass meeting, that gallant soldier and courteous gen? tleman, General J. B. Kershaw, submitted thc fol? lowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: I. Jiesolocit, That it ls the opinion of this meet ng that national or State politics should not bs permitted to enter Into the town elections. That honesty, capacity and community or interests should lie Hie true tests or eligibility to olllcc lu llicinuniclpalitj'. .J. Revolved, That we cordially Invite all thc citizens or thc town to unite with us In pro? moting tlic pence, order and prosperity of this community and thc happiness of all our people, by securing tu the lown a Just and good govern ment, totatly ignoring therein ali political differ? ences. 3. Keaol-Td, That a committee tn consist or ten members bc appointed rrom the citizens present to report to the meeting, for consideration, a suitable ticket for intendant and wardens of the town for the ensuing year. Un 1er the third resolution, the following gen tlem mwere appointed thc committee on norn I - natlo is: J. ll. Kershaw, J. A. Young, Henry Pate, A. M. Kenne ly. lt. S. Douglas. Manus Raum. (.. Alden. J. W. Rodgers, Henry Carduza, William Adamson. Thc committee nominated the following ticket: For Intendant, W. /.. Leittier; for Wardens, W. I). McDowell, S. R. Adams, A. Witskowsky, J. ll. Good alo. On motion or tlencral Kershaw, u committee rrom each ward was appointed whose duty lt shall be to see that every voter In their respective wards shall register within the three days pre? scribed by law, and thal the election ls properly conducted. A PRETTY LENIENT DIVORCE LAW has been Introduced In the Massachusetts Legislature, and seems, thus fur, to encounter no opposUiou, having passed thc House almost unanimously. It makes separation for five years, even by mu? tual agreement, a cause of divorce, ir Hie parties were living In thc State all thc Umc; permits a divorce for desertion after three years Instead of live; leaves both parties to a divorce rrcc to marry again; and authorizes the court to carry Into effect any arrangements regarding property that may have been agreed upon by divorced couples. Hitherto In that State adultery nnd utter desertion for five consecutive years have been deemed necessary for a iLvorce, and thc offending purtv has not been allowed to marry again without the special permission of the Su? preme Court. One effect of its passage will be doubtless to restrain the rather extensive emi? gration of badly yoked couples from thc Bay St ite to Indiana to get thc benefit of thc lenient divorce laws of tlKit Stale. filarrie?. SMITH-FITCH.-On Tuesday, March 28, at home, by Rev. C. C. Pinckuey, T. OOTBR SMITH to CORNELIA WALTBR, daughter of Ur. W. M. Fitch, all or this city. Ko cards. . GREGG-BERRYIIILL.-On the 22d br March, nt the residence or the bride's father, by thc Rev. J. M. Osmond, JOSEPH GREOO, Esq., ol South Carolina, to Miss CASSIS W., only daughter of Chane? H. Berrybill, Esq., or Iowa City. Iowa. No cards. *> HAWKINS-McMORRIES.-At Hawkinsville, on thc 24th of February, by the Rev. J. Hawkins, Prof. L. A. HAWKINS, of Greenville, to Mrs. LIZZIE MCMOKRIES, of Newberry. ?m\exa\ Notices. pS- THE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND Acquaintances or Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM SMITH arc respectfully Invited to attend the Funeral of thc latter, from his late resideuce, No. 10S Church street, at io o'clock, THIS (Saturday) MOKNINO, April 2. _ _ apr2 pS- I. 0. 0. F., HOWARD LODGE, No. 3.-The Members of the above Lodge are here? by summoned to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall at 0 o'clock THIS (Saturday) MORNING, to pay the last trlhnte of respect to our fate Brother, WILLIAM SMITH. By order of N. G. E. L. TERREY, apr21 Recording Secretary. JSJ-PALMETTO ENCAMPMENT, No. I. O. O. F.-The officers and members of this En? campment are requested to attend the Funcraj Services of Patriarch WILLIAM SMITH, at his late residence, No. 108 Church street, THIS MORNINO, at io o'clock. By order. E. JOHN WHITE, Scribe. apr2 ^WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 5, A. P. M.-The officers and members of tho Lodge are fraternally Invited to attend the Funeral of our late Brother, WILLIAM SMITH, from his residence No. 108 Church street, THIS MORNINO at io o'clock. By order of W. M. C. B. SIGWALD, upr2 _ Secretary. pS-BOPE STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM? PANY.-Y'ou are hereby summoned to appear at your nail, THIS (Satnrday) MORNINO, 2*1 Inst., at 0 o'clock, In full uniform, to pay the last tribute of respect to our late member, W. SMITH. By order of the President. ROBERT R. COSTE, apr2_Secretary pro tem. ^SJ-TUE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN HELFRED are respectfully Invited to attend thc Funeral Services of the former, from his late residence No. 1 Laurel street, THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, without further Invitation. apr2 Special Notices. PB- CONSIGNEES PER MERCHANTS' LINE Schooner LILLY will please attend to re? ceipts of Cargo TUIS DAY at Adgcr's North Wharf. Goods not removed before sunset wilt bc stored at their risk and expense. No claims al? lowed after goods leave the wharf. april_WM. ROACH A CO. ?SfJAMES ISLAND, DILL'S BLUFF. Notice for thc Ferry Boats, on and after April 1, 18T0, will leave Dill's Bluff for Charleston at 0, 8. 10 and 12 A. M., and 2, 4, 0 and 8 P. M. Leave Charleston for Dill's Bluff?t 7,9 and ll A. IL, and 1, 3, 6 and 7 P. M. TONY STAFF ORO. apr21?_ .?S0-NOTICE. -THE STEAMER DICTA TOR will sail from Charleston for Savannah and thc nonda port? hereafter on MONDAY EVKNINO, at 8 o'clock. Instead or TUESDAY, ami will, after thia week, arrive herc on SATURDAY AFTER? NOON, instead of SUNDAY. aprl C_J. D. AIKEN & CO. ^.NOTICE.-A DIVIDEND OF TEN DOLLARS ($10) per Share on the Capital Stock of thc Granltevllle Manufacturing Company is here? by declared, and will be payable at thc office of the President on and after MONDAY, the 11th lust. H. H. HICKMAN, President Granltevllle Manufacturing Co. oprl 3_ pa- GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, CHARLESTON, S. C., MARCH 30,1670.-For the information of Shippers, the following letter ls published. H. T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. (COPY.) GENERAL AGENT'S OFFICE.) CREKNVII.LK A Cot.CMniA R. R. Co., > COLUMBIA, S. C., March 28, 1870. ) Ur. IT. T. Peake, General SuperW S. C. R. R.: DEAR SIR: You will please stop Hie receipts of Freight for points on thc Laurens Railroad, (Jnla pn, Klnard's, Martin's, Clinton and Laurens,) until you are notiilcd from this office to com? mence receiving Freights again for these points. Yours, very respectfully, (Signed.) W. ALSTON GIBBES, mcli31_ Genera! Agent. pS- CAUTION.-AUDACIOUS COUN? TERFEIT!-The reputation which for many years has attached to HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT? TERS, as thc standard Tonic of the age. and the large demand for thc article, not only lu thc Unit? ed States but elsewhere, have provoked thc cupid? ity of the counterfeiting tribe, and lt hos been ex? tensively simulated and Imitated by unscrupu? lous sharpers. Tnc most daring counterfeit of said article which has been attempted, has recently come to our knowledge. Thc engraved steel label on bot? tles containing the genuine bitters, with Its beau? tiful vignette of St. George and tho Dragon, its shield, containing n warning against counterfeit? ers, and its note of hand for "one cent" at the foot, signed by our finn name, has been copied so closely that the fraud can only he detected on a minute Inspection. Tin dark label ls also well counterfeited, and thc wording on both thc Imita tatton and genalr.e are precisely thc same, the dif? ference being simply in thc execution of the work; that or the Imitation being somewhat coarser than thc jr cn nine. Other counterfeits arc on thc market, which are in all particulars the same as described above, willi the exception of a slight difference In thc spelling of our name. In addition to thc above, these counterfeiters have gone so far in some instances ns to place a strip of paper over the cork and fasten to the neck or thc bottle, on which is a vignette, and other? wise printed to resemble the general appearance of our proprietary U. S. Revenue stamp, but upon Inspection will disclose the absence of thc figure "4," and thc words "four cents," also "United States Internal Revenue," all ol which, together with additional wording, appear on our genuine stamp. Thc public arc, therefore, especially war. . cd against these new counterfeits, and arc advis? ed to purchase HOSTETTER'S STOMACH HIT? TERS only of houses whose integrity ls above suspicion. The true specific is sold in bottles ex? clusively-never In bnlk.-IIOSTETTBR ? SMITH. nprl 6DJLC_ pgr TO P1UNTER&-IF YOU WANT NEWS, BOOK, CAP, DEMI and MEDIUM PAPERS, Bill Heads, Statements, Cards, Card Board, Prim? ing Material, Binding, Ruling and Cutting, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, oppo site Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. rt eel 4 ?mos_ ps- IF YOU WANT LAW HOOKS, LAW BLANKS and Legal Printing, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 165 Meeting street, opposite Chnrles ton Hotel, Charleston. S. C._decl4 cmos gST AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE TRUSSES.-Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured. Sent postpaid on receipt or 10 cents. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avcuue, New York. decl5 Special Notices. ps* DIVINE SERVICE WILL BE CON? DUCTED In the Orphans1 Chapel, on SABBATH AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, by tbe Rev. L. H. SHUCK. apr2_ pSf TRINITY CHURCH.-THE PAS TOR having returned to the city, will Preach in the MORNING, at half-past io o'clock, and in the AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. No Services at night. Public Prayer Meetings in the Lecture Room every TUESDAY NIGHT, at 8 o'clock._apr2? 7p&* FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH.-DI? VINE Services will be held in this Church TO? MORROW MORNING, by the R?v. L. H. SHUCK, Pastor, at half-past lo o'clock, and In the Aram NOON, by the Rev. W. W. HICKS, D. D., at 4 o'clock._aprl ps* UNITARIAN CHURCH.-DIVINE Service will be held In this Church T?-MORROW MORNING, at half-past 10 o'clock, the Rev. R. P. CUTLER officiating. All strangers are cordially Invited to attend. For this Sabbath, the Evening Service will be suspended._apr2 ^CITY TAXES.-CITY TREASDRY, MARCH 23, 1870.-Pursuant to Ordinance to Raise Supplies for the year 18T0, tbe FIRST INSTAL? MENT or one-third of the Corporation Tax will be received at this orrice from and arter this date to the 10th of April. S. THOMAS, merrie smwstnsO_City Treasurer. ps* SPECLVL NOTICE.-BOOKS FOR Subscription to thc Stock of the ENTERPRISE RAILROAD COMPANY of Charleston will be opened on and after Tn is DAY, the 23d Instant, at the offlce of Messrs. WHIPPER, ELLIOTT A AL? LEN, No. Ol Broad street, where the undersigned may be found daily between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. WM. MCKINLAY, mch23 ws2mth8 Treasurer. ACORNS SOLVENT-A NEW DIS? COVERY.-Mark this : If you feel the least pain during or after the operation, or if you are not satisfied, you'll not pay. Mons. BERGER will henceforth remove Corns by a NEW SOLVENT, which acts only on Corns, and bas no more effect on the skin and flesh than pure water. One mnst see to believe. Apply at No. 332 KINO STREET, from 0 to 12 o'clock M. mch23 W84* _ pS* THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLI? NA, COUTTY OF CHARLESTON-COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-JAMES W. SPRACGE, TRUS? TEE OF MARTA A. WOODRUFF, PLAINTIFF, AGAINST JAMES S. WOODRUFF, DEFENDANT. Copy Summons.-To the Defendant JAMES S. WOODRUFF: You aro hereby summoned and re? quired to answer the complaint in this action, which Is flied In the offlce or tho Clerk of Common Pleas, ror the said County, and to serve a copy ot your answer to the said complaint on the sub? scribers at their office, No. 41 Broad street, Charleston, S. C., within twenty days otter the sendee hereof, exclusive of thc day of such ser? vice; and ir you rall to answer the complaint with? in the time aforesaid, thc plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. BUIST A BUIST, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated 17th March, 18T0. To James S. Woodruff, Defendant: Take notice, that thc Summons in this action, of which the foregoing ls a copy, was filed in the office of thc Clerk or thc said Court ot Common Pleas at Charleston, In the County of Charleston, in said State, on the seventeenth day or March, 1870. BUIST A BUIST, mein a ?6_Plalntitrs Attorneys. psr STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-IN THE COMMON PLEAS.-P. T. SOUTHERN vs. THE TRADES MANUFACTURING COMPANY, A BODY CORPO? RATE UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW JE RSI". V.-SUMMONS FOR MONEY DE? MAND. COMPLAINT NOT SERVED.-To the Trades Manufacturing Company, a body corpo? rate under the laws of the State of New Jersey -Defendants In this action: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint In this action, which ls flied in the Office of the Clerk of the Court or Common Pleas ror the said County, and to serve a ropy or your answer on the subscribers, at their office, No. 41 Broad street, Charleston, Sonth Carolina, within twenty days after the service or this summons on you, exclusive or the day or service. iryoufall to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plantiff will take Judgment against you ror the sum or one thousand seven hundred and thirty-four 89-100 dollars, with In? terest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the eighteenth day or January, one thou? sand eighteen hundred and seventy, and costs. Dated Charleston, S. C., March 18, 1870. BUIST A BUIST, Plaintiff's Attorneys. No. 41 Broad street, charleston, S. C. Take notice that the Summons, or which thc foregoing is a copy, and also the complaint in this action, was duly filed in the Office or thc Dlerk or the Court or Common Pieos Tor the Coan ;y of Charleston, and State of South Carolina, on he sixteenth day or Moren, 1870. BUIST A BUIST, mchIO so Plaintiff's Attorneys ps* GAYETY IS TO GOOD HUMOR AS mlmal perfumes to vegetable fragrance; thc one jyerpowcrs weak spirits, the other recreates and .calves them. Good humor seasons all the Incidents and oc? currences or our dany existence and is a defence igalnst the infirmities of ill-health and other evils )flife. The humors of the body have a stated and reg llar course to perform, which impels and lmper ?eptibly guides our will, exercising a secret In lucnce over all our actions, without our being iblc to know or appreciate lt. To preserve then this desirable position or state :o goodness, thc condition of the humors of the jody, thc Inceutlve to good or bad actions, have o be kept up to a healthy standard, by a remedy hat will alter the character of the fluids or the ?ody, when In a morbid state-know yo, then, hat this alterative ls SOLOMON'S BlTfERS. mcliSfl tnths3_ pff*1XQ MORE MEDICINE.-SEVENTY .housnnd cures without medicine by DuBarry's leliclous REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, which indicates dyspepsia, Indigestion, acidity, nausea, .'omiting, wasting, diabetes, sleeplessness, cough, tsthma, consumption, debility, constipation, diar .heca, palpitation, nervous, bilious, liver and itomach complaints, lt nourishes better than neat, and saves, moreover, fllty times Its costin >thcr remedies. Cure No. 63,413-"ROSIE, Jaly 21, 1803.-Thc health or the Holy Father 13 excellent, specially since he bas confined himself entirely ;o DuBarry's Food, and his Holiness cannot praise .his excellent rood too highly." Sold in tins of me pound, $1 25; 24 pounds $18; carriage D ee. \lso. the REVALENTA CHOCOLATE, in one pound lackets, $1 50. Copies of cures sent gratis. Ad Iress C. N. DDBARRY A CO., No. 163 William itreet, New York, and at all Druggists and Gro? cers. apr2 ll - ? , .it----'-" ps* AWAY WITH SPECTACLES.-OLD Eyes made new, easily, without doctor or mcdl-. cines. Sent postpaid on receipt of 10 cents. Ad flreas Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, Kew York. _decl5 ps* WEDLOCK-THE BASIS OF CIVIL SOCIETY.-Essays for Young Men, on tho honor nnd happiness of Marriage, and the evils and dan? gers of Celibacy, with sanitary help for the at? tainment or man's true posltlou In lire. Scat rrce m sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCI? ATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. janis 3moa Sapping. F OR LIVERPOOL, CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP' LINE. The favorite new Steamship At>p r ?fVfaar GON, Howlson, Master, is now ready t*Wf\fM<^*' receive Freight for Liverpool, to sail leta April. Through Freight received for all the principal Eolnts on the Continent of Europe, and Bin? adlng sigied at Charleston. For Freight engagements apply to ROBERT MURE A CO., mch31 _Boyce's Wharf. R NEW Y O BK. ON SATURDAY, AT 5 O'CLOCK P. M. The Superior First-class Side-wheel Steamship CHAMPION, R. W. LOCKWOOD, Commander, Of the Now York and Charleston Steamship Com? pany's Line, will leave Adger's Sooth Wharf on SATURDAY, the 2d of April, at S o'clock P. M. ag-The steamers of this Lina are handsomely and comfortably fitted np for passengers, and' their tables are supplied with all of the delicacies of the New York and Charleston markets. dsr Through Bills of Lading given on Cotton to. Liverpool, Boston and the New England manufac? turing towns. jes- Insurance by this Line half per cent. jag-LOCAL AND THROUGH RATES ALWAYS AB Low AS ANY OTHER LINE. ta* The Side-wheel Steamship CHARLESTON follows on TUESDAY, April 6, at 6 o'clock P. JAMES AD G ER k CO., Agents^ Corner Adger's Wharf and East Bay. - mell30 4_ BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOS? TON, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTH? WEST. THROUGH BILLS OF LADINO GIVEN FOR COTTON TO BREMEN. The Une Steamship "MARYLAND,", Johnson, Commander, will sail for Baltl_ more on SATURDAY, the 2d April, at & o'clock The "FALCON" will follow. ta* Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi' tiona! expense for insurance, and Consignees are allowed ample time to sample and seU their Cot? tons from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, .Agent, . aprl 2_ No. 2 Union Wharves. pACDTIC M A TL STEAMSHIP COMPY'S-' THROUGH LINE TC CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier No. 42, North River, foot of Canal street, Js&jfigjgr New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the 6th and ' 21st of every month (except when these dates fall? on Sunday, then the Saturday preceding.) Departure of the 2 ist connect ai Panama with steamers for South Pacific and Central Amer? - icon ports. Those of 6th touch at Manzanillo. Steamship CHINA leaves San Francisco for ' Japan and China April 1,1S70. No California steamers touch at Havana, but gc - direct from New York to AsplnwaU. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult, Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or further Information ap? ply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on thc wharf, loot of Canal-street, North River, Kew York. F. B. BABY, Agent. marchia VESSELS SUPPLIED WITH CABIN ANT> MES8 STORES ON SHORT NOTICE. Captains and Stewards aro respect-^?r?T"ke. fully invited to call and examine fh? ^rflfWjT quality and prices of our GOODS. FuU weight? guaranteed. Delivered free of expense. WM. S. CORWIN A CO., No. 276 King street, opposite Hasel, . Charleston, S. C. IO* Branch or No. 900 Broadway, New York. Jan24_ rjp RAVELLERS PASSING THROUGH CHARLESTON EN ROUTE TO FLORIDA AND AIKEN, And other places, should lay tn theur^^aaSBa. supplies of Clarets, Champagnes, Cor-?fiAfi?z dials, Brandies, Whiskies Wines, Canned Sara* and Meats, American and English Biscuits, De? villed Ham, Tongue, Lobster, Durham Smoking Tobacco and Imported Segara. WM. S. CORWIN k CO., No. 276 King street, opposite Hasel, Charleston, S. C. Branch of No. 900 Broadway, corner 20th street. New York._sept28 JpOR SAVANNAH VIA BEAUFORT, (INLAND ROUTE.) The steamer PILOTBOY, Captain C. ? *jr***** Carroll White, will leave Charles.J^^rSrr?^ ton every THURSDAY MORNING, at 1^PcTocK^or above places. RETURNING: The PILOT;BOY will leave Savannah every FRIDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, connecting with New York Steamships in Charleston en Saturday. Cabiu Passage $6; including Meals and Berth. mch24_J. D. AIKEN A CO. Jp OR BEAUFORT, VIA EDISTO, ROCK? VILLE AND PACIFIC LANDING. FREIGHT REDUCED FIFTY PER CENT. Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain C. - _?JT^^. Caroll White, will sall from Charles-?gg????EgC ton for above places every TUESDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock Returning, the PILOT BOY will leave Beaufort early WEDNESDAY MORNING, touching at all the above named Landings on her rome to Charleston. J. D. AIKEN A CO. iuch24 PALATKA, FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH. FERNANDINA JACKSON? VILLE AND LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. ' Steamer "DICTATOR," captain Oeorge E. McMillan, sails every, MONDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Steamer "CITY POINT," Captain Fenn Peck, sails over? FRIDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Con? necting w"lth Steamer STARLIGHT for Enterprise. Through Tickets and through Ellis of Lading for Freight given. J. D. AIKEN 4 CO., Agents, janis_Sooth Atlantic Wharf. jp O R FORT SUMTER. The Steamer ST. HELENA, Cap- . . ?ir*?^. 'Hin 1). Sinclair, Jr., will leave asjgSgfctfiBC lbove THIS DAY, April 2, at 12 o'clock, from Mar? iel Wharf, foot of Market street. Fare $1 60. J. H. MURRAY, apr21* Agent. ~QMlg. ~ p RATT'S "ASTRAL" OIL Unlike many other illuminating Oils, ls per' fectly pure and free from all adulterations or mixtures of any -kind. It emits no offensive smell while burning, gives a soft and br?llanV light and can be used with the same assurance of safety as gas. Chemists pronounce lt the best and safest illuminating Oil ever offered ta the public; and Insurance Companies endorse and urge upon consumers the ose of the "Astral" Ol? Inmreference to any other. It ls now burned by thousands of families, and In no Instance has any accident occurred from tts use; a lamp filled with lt, If upset and broken, will not explode. To . prevent adulteration, the ''Astral" ' Oil ls packed only in the Guaranty Patent Cans, of l gallon: and & gallons each, and each can ls sealed m a manner that cannot be counterfeited. Every package with nncut seal we warrant. Be sure ana get none but the genuine article, Pratt's As? tral" Oil, for sale by dealers everywhere, aaa at - wholesale and retail by thc proprietors ! OIL HOUSE OF CHARLES PRATT, No. 108 Fulton street. New Yort, Postofllce Box No. 3OG0. Send for circulars, with ^?^?i? ' lists. Enclose stamps for copy of thCAs-ial ''S?'sale by GOODRICH, WINBMAN * ?? vgesateProggwi Charleston, S. C. dec? S TF YOU WANT BLANK DOOKS MADE X TO OKDKR, and of thc best material, to auy . pa ttern gu to ^^ ??0^ No 156 Meeting street, opposite Charleston HoteL ' Charlestor, S. C. desueraos