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TERMS OF THE 2VETTS.\ tlTax DAILY MEWS, by mall, one year $0; tlx .?ontns $3; three months $2; one month T6 cents. Semd In the city at FIFTEEN CENTS a week, paya bte to the carriers, or $6 a year, paid in advance - it the onie i. THE Tsi-WKEKi,YXBW3, pubUshcd on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ono year $3; six months $2; and 50 cents a month for any snorter period. SuMCBimoss in all cases payable la advance, and no paper coutiuu-.d after the expiration cf the time paid for. ABVBKTisEMENTS.-Fl.-st Insertion 15 csnts a tine; subs?quent insertions io cents a line. Spe? cial Notices 15 ccr-is s line each insertion. Busi? ness Notices 20 cents a line each insertion. Mar? riage and Funeral Notices One Dollar each. Cuts ?nd Electrotype Advertisements will be Inserted on the Fourth Page only. Fifty per cent, addi? tional charged for inserting advertisements in THB TRI-WEEK.LT NEWS. Advertisements for THB TRI-WEEKLY NEWS only, two-thirds or daily rates. NOTICES of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Fourni, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each Insertion; over 20, and not exceeding co words, 40 cents each Insertion; over 30 and not exceeding 40 words, 50 cents each insertion. All announcements to be pubUshcd at these rates must be paid for In advance. REMITTANCES should be made by Postofflce Money Order or by Express. IT this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of TUE NEWS, or by sending the money In a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No. 14'J East Ray. Charleston. S. C. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1870. NEK'S OF TBE HAY. -Gold yesterday at Now York closed at lHallJ. -At New York cotton closed quiet and steady at 22$. Sales 1200 bales. -The Liverpool cotton market closed Arm and unchanged. Sales 12,000 bales. -Tennessee ls rapidly filling up with Ger? man emigrants. -Imprisonment for debt has at length been abolished in Rhode Island. -The number of Mormons who practice polygamy is said not to exceed two thousand. -The spring style ol bonnets is described os "something like a sun-flower on thc peak of a hay-stack." -Tile biggest shoes for women made in the Philadelphia market go to Utah; the smallest are ordered from Havana. -Here and there in California a storekeeper announces that he will "receive greenbacks at par." * -The University of Virginia contains 464 students, ot" whom not above 15 come from Northern States. -The London Times regret the reluctance of the First Lord of the Admiralty to reduce thc naval estimate, and ascribes it to a ebro i ic error that England is responsible for. the po? lice of the ocean. -The newest style for dressing thc hair is cailed "the Cleopatra." The hair ls brushed high off the forehead and braided low In the neck, surrounded by a large imitation snake, which is coiled around the head. -An Indian lawyer recently charged a client $10 for collecting $9, but said he would not press him to pty the other dollar for a few days, if it would be more convenient for him to let it stand. -Chemistry does wonders. It has bnilt a butter factory on a wharf of the Thames, where a delicious or at least a saleable article of print butter is extracted from the mud of that river. Thc extract is originally a pure white fat"wlthqiit taste or smell, but is mani? pulated into well-flavored botter, and duly stamped with the likeness of a cow. -A meeting was held in Baltimore a few nights ago, to completo thc organization of a company tor the erection of an Academy of Music in that city. Dr. J. Hanson Thomas was elected president, and Israel Cohen, Esq., secretary and treasury. A committee was ap? pointed to solicit subscriptions to the capital stock of $300,000, divided into six thousand shares of the par value of filly dollars each. The name of John E. Owens, the famous come? dian, is prominently mentioned for thc man? agement of the Academy ol Music. -A great bill is now before thc British House ol" Commons. It is a bill for amending and consolidating the acts relating to shipping and navigation, und ls so comprehensive as to embrace everything connected with shipping registry, masters and seamen, accidents, de? livery of goods, liabilities of shipowners, wrecks and salvage, pilotage, lighthouses, harbors, shipping dues, crimes, ?fcc, forming a complete shipping code. It fills two hundred and ninety-live folio pages, t act contains about seven hundred clauses, and an iudex occupy? ing forty pages. -The upcdcspeed" is thc name of thc latest Yankee notion for the purpose of increasing man's natural speed. Thc velocipede having played ont, except as a device to increase labor, the "p'edespeed" comes in. It consists of two wheels, fourteen or Alleen inches In diameter,"one of which is attached firmly to each foot by mcan3 of a stirrup-like contriv? ance, and, to those who understand it, pos? sesses all the capabilities of the skate. To use it requires skill acquired only by practice, but, when acquired, there is skating the year round-so says the Inventor. -A New York letter of Tuesday says: "Mer? chants continue to complain of the backward? ness of the spring trade; not one particular branch, but all. The Western dealers are buy? ing sparingly, while Southern orders, as a gen? eral thing, are said to be much under thc libe? ral mark which the profitable cotton crop seemed to warrant. Many are inclined to at? tribute the existing stagnation to the uncci tunlj which attaches to the future, as the re? sult of the various financial measures pending in Congress; but whatever the cause, there eau be no gainsaying the effect, which is visible on every side." -The New York Herald of Wednesday, in its stock market report, says : "The Southern list yesterday was steady and dull at the boards, but became rather active, and closed strong in later dealings on thc street. Thc Virginias and Louisianas reacted from the de? pression and decline of last week, while the new South Carolinas were very firm. The new Tennessees showed considerable movc menL In the North Carolina? the new bonds were a trifle better in consequence of the adr JC-.rnment.oi" the Legislature and postpone? ment of repudiation measures such as were adopted in the case of the "special tax" issues. South Carolina sixes closed at 89a90; do. new (July,) 84a85; do. (October,) 85a87." -An Incident which goes far to snow UK different degrees of respect accorded by Un volunteers of Havana to persons of difieren i nationalities, occurred in that city on tho trial of the murderer of Greenwald. Mrs. Dun io; >. who happened to be an eye-witness of the o:ii rage, when giving her testimony In court, wa arrayed in a dress profusely adorned with I ha very color-sky-blue-which was so obnoxi ui to the volunteers as to lead to Greenwald'* a s wslnatlon. After she had testified that Mi persons she saw committing the outrage o the unfortunate and defenceless man wore th. ? uniform? and cockades of the volunteers, the judge, who lt seems was alarmed for the per? sonal safety of Mrs. Dunlop, offered her a guard of regulars, by whom she might be escorted from the court to thc consulate. Mrs. Dunlop's reply was significant. "Thank you, slr," she said; "you certainly forget that I am an Eng? lishwoman." Site left the court unattended. -Recent earthquakes in Ecuador, Souili America, have been quite severe. On thc 13th of December a shock of extraordinary violence occurred; the Inhabitants became terrified, rushed from their dwellings, fell on their knees and implored for mercy. Several limes since many shocks have taken place, but none created great alarm until tho 2d Instant, when there was one of unusual severity about midday; but tho most terrifying one of all took place on the ?d instant, when, between Pedernals and Cabo Passado, the earth was seen lo open and emit a hillock of stones from thirty to forty feet high. Behind or near the spot where this occurred stood an earth hill about sixty feet high, which suddenly and en? tirely disappeared. Around the base of *he hillock is a circular pond of salt water, and for a long distance surrounding that, the earth, which before was hard and solid, be? came soft and spongy. The inhabitants of the locality are all positively terror-stricken, and no inducement will take them within a very long distance of the spot. Alabama Speaks-Thc Citizens' Party. We print in another column a letter from an Influential citizen of Alabama, who hopes that the action of Soutli Carolina in forming the CITIZENS' PARTY will bring about a simi? lar movement in his own State and through? out the South. Our correspondent believes that under the banner of the CITIZENS' PAR? TI-, with the watchwords of EQUAL RIGHTS AND AX HONEST AND ABLE GOVERNMENT, Ala? bama, South Carolina, and every Southern State, may press forward to certain victory a victorj', be it understood, that they cannot achieve except by the common-sense policy of doing the best that wc can for ourselves, and giving our general support to that party which promises and does the most for the advantage and well-being of our people. Thc Question of Immigration. Thc whole of the middle and upper region of South Carolina is looking anxiously for the arrival of tito white immigrants, who shall till the now barren acres, and take part in building up the workshops and factories which are justly expected to do LO much for the development and growth of the State. In the low country wc must remain depen? dent, for the most part, on othor than Cau? casian labor; but in common with the wl-ole South, we have a deep and lasting interest in the encouragement of practical plans for securing white immigration. Different schemes are proposed, and no two men have exactly thc same ideas upon Hie subject. It may, nevertheless, be taken for granted that two considerations are necessary. 1. That thc immigrants shall be brought here with safety and with ease. 2. That they shall have tho certainty that their industry will soon enable them to become, if they de? sire, the owners of the land which they till. These general principles must, it would seem, control all plans of immigration, and we are confident that a discussion of the subject by persons representing the different interests, and having a knowledge of the strong and the weak points of our situation, would end in the preparation of a general system for the government of tho whole State. We have already at least one suc? cessful immigration society iii South Caro? lina, but we need a score, and there should be a chief office with thc facilities for taking charge of the immigrants until they go for? ward to their destination. AU these things can be arranged, and au excellent opportu? nity for so doing will be had at the Conven? tion of tho County Agricultural Societies which will be held in this city next month. At thi3 convention thc experience and in? formation of the whole State can be repre? sented, and the great question of immigra? tion can be thoroughly and deliberately dis? cussed. Tiie subject i3 one of va-t import? ance, ami we trust that tho counties which liave not yet appointed delegates to tbe May convention will do so at once. ? ' Cttl I 0 T.'io Police Force. At the last meeting of the City Council an ordinance was introduced for the regulation of the police force, Ita object being to keep the cost within the amount appropriated by Council for that department. For some rea? son the ordinance was withdrawn, but its scope ?3 shown ia the following table of the cost of llic department for a year, according lo tha new scale: 1 Captain.$ 1300 2 Lieutenantslat$1200. 240') 2 Sergeants at $800. moo 70 Privates at $720. 00,100 4 Doorkeepers as SC09. 2 ion 2 Hostlers at S600. i?00 7 Steeplemen at $36$. 2:.2? 3 Daymen at $300 . DOO 1 Carpenter. 720 1 Clerk. 900 6 Horses at$180. 10S0 $C?,62? 1 Lieutenant Detectives. 1000 4 Privates. 2880 Total .$C9,500 The amount appropriated for tho police force is 370,000, and it was not, we pre? sumo, expected to pay ont of that amount the expenses of tiie detective force. Yet it is plain enough that we can have a police and detective force, sufficiently strong for all our purposes, for an amount of seventy thousand dollars, which is undoubtedly fully much as the city can afford to pay. At its present strength, thc police force cannot be kept up for $70,000 a year, and it is the duty of Council to change the organization and bring it down to the specified standard. If Coun? cil will not do this, the public will be forced to the conclusion that all this talk about re? trenchment and reform is nothing more than moonshine. WE PRLVT in supplement form to-day the rules and regulations for the government of the spring exhibition of the Charleston County Agricultural and Horticultural Asso? ciation, which opens to the public on May 3. A large number of premiums and prizes are oT?r.jd to the exhibitors, and the gathering promises to be one of rare importance and interest. THE work goes bravely on ! At a meeting of CITIZENS held in Columbia on Thursday to prepare for the municipal elections,..a committee pf ten rehile voters and ten colored voters was appointed lo canvass ?.acb ward. Camden is running a straight out CITIZENS' PARTY ticket fer in'.en 1 nt and wardens for the ensuing year. Judge Orr and National Politic?. One of the mo3t magnificent aigus- of the times is an editorial in the New 'York Herald, calling on President Grant to re? construct bis Cabinet and give the Hon. James L. Orr a place therein. Thc Herald says: "Thc tim?is not far off when. Gene "ral Grant will have lo reorganize the Cabi "not. The present one i3. weak and sec? cional. With tho restoration of the South "some one should be taken from that part "of thc country. Sucli a man, for example, "as Geuera! On-, of South Carolina. With "his large experience, thorough national "views and great ability, be would be a "valuable Cabinet Minister at the present "time. His appointment^, too, would go "far to heal our sectional difficulties." Ccu rc nt Literature. TUB TU'KAI. CAROLINIAN. Thc April number of this magazine, in va? riety as well as In merit, is some distance in advance ol' any of its predecessors, and wc note with pleasure the breadth of view and catholicity of spirit which mark tho expres? sions of editorial opinion and the letters of thc numerous correspondents. The illustrations arc excellent, and the typography without a 1 blemish. Of the contents of the April number it is sufficient to say that the different articles cover thc subjects of agriculture, horticulture, stock and natural history, labor and immigra 1 tion, mining aud rural architecture. Under each head the articles are numerous and o? | great practical importance. The editorial de? partment is especially interesting. As it now stands, tho "Rnral Carolinian" is, to tho Southerner the most valuable and trustworthy agricultural magazine published on this continent; while in beauty of appear? ance and cheapness, of price, no less than inthego-ahead-alivcncss or its proprietors, it has no superior. The "Rural Carolinian" is published by Walker, Evans Jc Cogswell, and D. Wyatt Aiken, of this city. Price $2 a year. HAMMER AND RAPIER. By John Esten Cooke, author ot "Surry of Eagle's Nest," "lilli to Hill," Jtc. New York : Carleton. This ls a series or sketches of thc most dra? matic scenes of tho Conreilcrato war, begin? ning with victorious Manassas and ending willi thc surrender at Appomattox. The tale ls told with the lcrvor and graphic spirit com? mon to the war-writings or Major Cooke, who, as a staff officer of Gcucral Stuart, enjoyed ex? cellent opportunities or beholding tho inner wheels or thc grand military machine known as thc Army ol' Northern Virginia. There ls some sadness In reading of thc old and happy days when the Southern steel was bright and legions or brave men were battling nobly rot honor and for country; but sad though tho retrospect be, it will quicken tho pulse and stir the heart orthe "old Rob'" toread the vivid words which paint the glories and the dolours or those who wore the gray. They who were not or us and with us will at least respect and admire. One word more. Major Cooke is not given to criticism or carping, and there is nothing in his book that should offend thc daintiest Northern car. For sale at thc Hasel street Bazaar. Price $1 50. Ora SATCRDAT NIGHTS. By Mark M. Pomeroy, with thirty Illustrations. New York : Carle? ton, publisher. "Brick Pomoroy'" ls thc journalistic cham? pion orthe laboring classes, and works vigo? rously and earnestly for their mental and pe? cuniary improvement. Thc "Saturday Nights'? articles were printed originally lu the "Demo? crat," where they attracted much attention. In their present lorm they aro dedicated "to ..tho wives and the working men or tlie "world," with thc prayer that they may "add "to the happiness ol hearts and homes." For sale at thc Hasel street Bazaar. Price M 50. Gio ll cm. HOUSES, FARMS, STORES, ROOMS, ftc, now vacant, can readily be reined hr advertising them In this column." Hie rate ls 'is cents for twenty words or less, each Insertion, if paid lu advance. rpo RENT. A.FINE DWELLING, No. 121 X CHAPEL STREET. Apply at No. G Liberty street. apr2 5* T) RENT, A STORE No. Llb' MEETING street. 75 feet deep, with cistern, Ac. Applv at No. loo Wentworth street. npra 3* " TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE TWO story HOUSE. No. SI Coming street, west side, two doors from Calhoun street. Apply cor? ner Radcliffe anti Thomas street, entrance on Thomas street. anrS t TD RENT, THREE STORY BUICK RESI DENCE, NO. 21 Meeting street, convenient lo ?lie nattery, with due outbuildings and every accommodation for a large family. Possession riven Immediately. For terms apply tn JAMES CONNER. No. 17 street._mcliOO ws rpo RENT. A SUITE OF ROOMS IN X a respectable neighborhood. Inquire at No. 4n Smith street. aprl 2* T) RENT, A PART OF HOUSE NoTllT? East Bay. Apply at Bennett's Mill, utchao o rpo KENT, TWO STORES AND A HOUSE X in the upper part of Klngstreet. Inquire at No. 527 King street. inchSO 4* Sot Sale. REAL ESTATE OR PERSONAL PRO? PERTY or any kind may be advertised for sale In this column, at tho rate of 25 cents for twenty words or less, each Insertion, if paid in advaacc. FOR SALE, A FINE LOT OF OLD Bricks. Apply at this omeo. npr2 2* AT PRIVATE SALE, THE THREE STORY BRICK BUILDING. No. 54 Society street, well known as the FREON DSU AFTSHUN u HALL. Said building ls well arranged for a Soci? ety Club, or School, and can also tie easily nrraug cd for a Private Dwelling. For terms and further Information apply to JACOB SMALL. No. 205 King street._mcli3 thsm FOR SALE, S DC-HORSE PORTABLE ENGINE, of J. M. Elson* Brother's build: new and extra finished for the Fair. Apply lo THEO. STONEY, Vanderhorsl's Wharf. mch24 ths4 TITULES AND HORSES^ - A FEW EX 1?X TRA large MULES and HORSES, just nr. rtVeO and Tor sale at tlie subscriber's Stable Queen .street, between Friend and Mazyck. P. WfiST._aprl 3 PRINTING PRESS FOR SALE AT A. GREAT BARGAIN.-One small Cy!luder T\Y LOR PRESS in completo repair, lt has been but little used, and is sold slmplv because thc present owner has no usc for 1'.. The size of th? bed of lr?ie PrcS8 ls forty-i?nr by rifty-elght incb&c Said Press will be sold at a great bargain ir applied for at. once, as the room lt occupies ia wanted for other pnrposes. Addresss Box No. 3786 New York t'ostottlce. aept20 ?o5t rino ?oimb. OST AND FOTNITAGA^^ have lost anything, make lt known to the public through this column. The rate for twenty words or less, each insertion, ls 25 cents, If paid in advance. LOST, ON TUESDAY, ONE SLEEVE BUTTON, marked S. B. T. If left at No. 243 King street, a reward will be given, apnl 2* T OST, ON THURSDAY IN KINU XJ street, a SETTER DOG or ibo color called "Ku-marck." and answering to thc name of '.lils, marok;" willi white nose, feet ami breast, and wliltc spot on Hie top or tuc neck. He ls a la-lr's pet. and ir returned he will be cratefully received at No. 9 Leirare street. Any information to con? vict a tliiof will bc paid Tor at No. 22 Broad street. aprJ l* LOST, TWO GOLD WATCH KEYS, with Ring attached: initials on thc Ring, H. h. to J. K. Tho Under will ix; liberally by leaving thc same at the ofllce of DAILY NEWS. oprl 3* Counts. WANTS OF ALL KINDS CAN BE made known to everybody In thia column at thc rate of 25 cents for twenty words or less, each insertion, if paid m advance._ TTT ANTED, A SITUATION AS CLERK VT or Salesman In some wholesale house. Well acquainted and known in thc country, ?est of references elven, competent to attend to anv business. Salary no object during thc summer months. Address "Home," through Charleston Pos mince. opr2 3* WANTED, AN ELDERLY SERVANT, to mind n child and assist in general housework, nt No. 13 Society street. apr21 WANTED, A SOPRANO FOR THE Choir of St. Paul's Church. Candidates will please apply to Professor ECKEL, Organist of Sr. P.iul's. No. 31 null street. mchSl 3 TTT ANTED, A SITUATION, BY A YT young man In a Wholesale or Retail Store. Five years' experience In business, and writes a good hand. Inquire at this office, or ad grcss Key ?ox No. 109. Charleston P. 0. mch3l 3* WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED HEAD Walter, and four good Walters. Apply at the Charleston Hotel at 12 o'clock to-dny. meh.30 WANTED, AN OLD STYLE (SECOND? HAND) Hookcase." willi glazed doors, either with or without a Secretary. Must be in souci order. Address, statiug price, '"Z.," ofllcc D'THK NEWS. mch30 WANTED.-A RESPECTABLE WHITE Female, wishes a situation as Cook, Wash er, Ironer or Laundress, capable of either, li.f ni IL' nt No. 5 St. Phillp street, flrst house north of Normal School, west side. mch2S WANTED, AN ACTIVE GI UL, TO cook and do housework. Apply at No. 147 Calhoun street. mch26 WANTED, A SITUATION AS Teacher, by a lady competent to tench thc English Studies, Music aud French. Address Miss F. 1)., ?lack vi ile, S. C. _ mclril dh?)K A DAY MADE AT HOME! 40 ivJjmlfJ entirely new articles for Agents. Sam? ples sent Tree. Address H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Mt. felvis 3m 0 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PRINTING of all kinds, plain and ornamental, ts executed promptly In the neatest Htyle and at the lowest New York prices, at THE NEWS Job Oillce, No. 149 EAST BAY. Call and examine the scale of prices L of ere giving your orders elsewhere. ^GENTS WANTED TO SELL CHAMBERLIN'S LAW BOOK Vi miS STATE. This Work ls admirably suited for the Legal rroresslon and Business Men. Invaluable to every merchant, every mechanic, every manu? facturer, every farmer, every business man, Ac, Ac. Magistrates will flud it of great usc in decid? ing civil cases. It is highly recommended by eminent Judges and Lawyers all ovcrthe country. Price $5, sent prepaid to any portion of the State upon receipt of price In money, postoftlec money order, or draft, or by Express C. 0. D. Address A. M. MACKEY, Columbia, S. C., Agent for Sooth Carolina. mchl8 imo Agencies. ADVERTISING AGENCY. Authorized Agency for Southern Newspapers .ja Publisher's Lowest Cash Rates to all. DISCOUNT TO LARGE ADVERTISERS. Legal Notices, Real Estate Sales, and general advertising Inserted In New York Work], Tribune, Journal of Commerce, Evening Post, and other Northern papers, on favorable terms. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, mc1i31 thstunac No. 3 Broad street. Remouille. EEMOVAL,-D?TE. E. JENKINS HAS REMOVED to No. 25 Georgo street, between Meeting and King. aprl 3 "OEMOVAL.-THE OFFICE OF THE RY CITIZENS' SAVINHS BANK, and also of HUGER A RAVENEL, llrokcrs and Insurance Agents, removed from No. 86 East Bay. to No. 8 Itrottd street, formerly Charleston Insurance and Trust Company'* llulldlng. aprl S WJ. TRIM BEGS RESPECTFULLY . to Inform thc ladles and public of Charleston he has removed to No. 243 King street, opposite Hie Waverly House, where he ls prepared to offer the largest and best stock of ?vtnriow Shades at all prices, French, English and American Paper Hangings and Deflorations, and a full line of Upholstery Goods, consisting of Iteps, Terries, Satin Delaines, All-wool and Union Damasks, Furniture and Linen Coverings. Swiss and Nottingham Curtains, Cornices, Centres, Loops, Wintlow Hollands, Oil Cloths ami Table Covers, Mattresses, in Hair, Wool. Cotton and Mo**, also, Pew Cushions, at No. 243 King street, lu the Bead. Country orders promptly attended to. mcb21 EJissolntions of (Eapartucrsljip. DISSOLUTION -OF COPARTNERSHIP. Thc firm oMlRROUSSB A BEHKRMEYRR ls lids day dissolved by mutual consent. Thc busi? ness will be continued by Mr. CHARLES 15ER I1US.SE, at his old stand. No. 379 King street. CHARLES BERIIUSSK. aprl 3* CHARLES BBRKKMEYER. financial. TNTERNAL il?T???ir STAMPS OF ALL DENOMINATION*. For sale by HUGER A RAVENEL, aprl 2 No. 8 Ilro.vl street. c (illina, C?rorlierij, ?r 7\??T1^RAV?I7^ BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN COM PL ETE SET S. O K Till N SI RAW STEH IMPORTED WARR. CHAMPAGNES. WINES. CLARETS. CORDIALS. FINGER BOWLS. .ECANTERS. CLARET JUGS. TRESRRVE DISHES. BOWLS. GOBLETS. TUMBLERS. JELLY G LASSOS. SUGARS. CREAMS. CARAPPEE. LEMONADES. EGG GLASSES. CELLERY. BUTTERS. SPOON-nOLDERS. SALTS. ALSO, AMERICAN PRESSED ?LASS WARE, AS ABOVE. ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. On exhibition and for sale at tho CHINA AND CROCKERY ESTABLISHMENT 0 v WM. G. WIIIT^OISIV ?fc CO., DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED-WAR E. No. 255 KINO STREET. CORNER OF BEADFAEL aprl 8mosDA0 Charleston, S. C. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 5, A. F. M.-An Extra Communication of tnt? Lodge will be held THIS EYBNINO, 2d Instant, at Masonic Hall, at 8 o'clock. By order of W. M. C. B. SIGWALD, aprti_Secretary. CHARLESTON TYPOGRAPHICAL SO? CIETY.-The Regular Monthly Meeting of your Socleiy will be herd THIS EVENINO. thc 2d instnnt, nt 8 o'clock, over the Store of Mr. J. ll. V?llers, northeast corner of Beaufaln and Sc. Phillp streets. By order. JAMES RONAN, apr2_Secretary. AUXILIARY ASSOCIATION IN AID OP THE WIDOWS' HOME.-Tho Regular Quarterly Meeting or this Association will be held at thc Home, Broad street, on MONDAY EVENING, 4th Inst., at 8 o'clock. JAMES H. WILSON. apr2 2_Secretary. THE LADIES' FUEL SOCIETY WILL meeton MONDAY, April 4th, at half-past ll o'clock, at the Depository, Chalmers street. The Ward Collectors and Distributors are requested to be punctual in their attendance. By order of the Secretary and Treasurer. apr2 a?TNA STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM JCJI? PANY,-An Extra Meeting of this Com? pany will bs held nt the Hall, MONDAY ETENINO, 4th instant, at half-past 8 o'clock precisely. Busi? ness of importance will be submitted. By order of thc President. apr2 a J. McLEISH, Secretary. Boaromg. BOARD.-A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER Room on thc front, with good Board, at No. 3U?Klng stree:, on reasonable terms, over Dr. Cohen's store. apr2 1* BOARD ! BOARD ?-PERMANENT, transient, and DAY BOARDERS can be pleasantly accommodated at the corner of Went worln and Glebe street-, apr! 12* Nero Publications. R. J. C. DERBY M Takes great pleasure In announcing that the MESSits. APPLETON nave appolated him their General Southern Agent for the sale of thc NEW AMERICAN CYOLOP/EDIA COMPLETE IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. This important work presents a panoramic view of ail human knowledge, as lt exists at the present, moment. It embraces and popularizes every subject that can bc thought of, and con? tains au inexhaustible lund of accurate and prac? tical information. No topic, in brief, ls omitted, upon which Information cnn be desired. The work ls a library in Itself; lt ls a complete univer? sal Instructor, and operas to the student and gen? eral reader the whole field of knowledge. ALSO, UNIFORM IN PRICE AND STYLE, TBE ANNUAL CYCLOPAEDIA, COMMENCED IN 1861. EIGHT VOLUMES NOW OUT. REGISTERING ALL THE IMPORTANT EVENTS OF EACH YEAR. THESE WORKS ARE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. In Extra Cloth.$? 00 per vol. In Library Leather. G oo per vol. In Half Turkey Morocco. 6 60 per vol. In Half Russia, extra gilt. 7 SO per vol. In Fud Morocco, ant., gilt edges. 0 00 per vol. In Full Russia. 9 00 per vol. Mr. DERBY'S address Ls at WALKER, EVANS k COGSWELL, No. 3 Broad street, apr2 2 Charleston. S. C. N OW READY, THE NEW CODE, In Taper, St 00; Bound Poll Law Sheep, $2 oo; Douu? full Law Sheep and Interleaved $- co. For salo by WALKER. EVANS, lt COGSWELL, aprl finw_ F O UR TH EDITION OF THE LAW BLANKS FOR PRACTICE, Under the new Code of Procedure of.thls Stale, a full supply now ready and for sale by EDWARD PERRY, Law Bookseller and Stationer, aud Legal Printer, No. MS Meeting street, mchSS Opposite Charleston Hotel. ?piOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. CATALOGUE No. 29. THE SPIRIT OF LITE, or Scripture Testimony to thc Divine Person and Work of thc Holy Ghost, bv E. H. Blckerstcth. M. A., author of .'Yes? terday; To-Day and Forever." $l 25. Thc First Heroes or the Cross, by Beuj. Clarke, editor nf "Kind Words," ?Vc. SI 50. The New Testament: Thc authorized English vcr sion, with Introductions and various readings from t ic three most celebrated manuscripts of tho original Greek Text, by TiclicUdorfT. $1 i'.. A Bain-: of thc Rooks, recorded by an unknown writer. Edited by Hen. Hamilton. gi 50. Hammer ami Pulpier, hy John Esten Cooke, au? thor of "Surry of Eagle's Nest." SI 50. Casimir Mareinma, by thc author of "Friends In Connoll." $2. Wonders of thc Plant World, and Nolices of Re? markable Plants, Trees and Flowers. $l 25. High Farming Without Manure, by M. C. Ville, 'published under the direction of tho Massa? chusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture. 35 cia. Askaros Kassia, the Copt, a Romance of Mod? em Egypt, hy E l. DeLcon, late Cuusiil-Gcne ral for Egypt. SI "5. IMPORTANT LITERARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Two valuable Books, to be published by sub? scription only. 1st. Chambers' Encyclopaedia, a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge, for thc people, revised edition. Reissue of 1870, with maps, plates and engravings. To he completed In 80 parts, or 104 pages each. Price per part, imludlug maps and illus! rations, co cts. 2J. Unplncott'a Pronouncing Biographical and Mythological Dictionary, containing memoirs of Hie eminent persons of all ages and coun? tries, and accounts of Hie various subjects nf thc Norse, Hindoo, oucl Classical Mythologies, with the pronunciation of their names In the dur?rent languages in which they occur, by J. Thomas, A. M. M. D. To be completed lu 45 parts, at?or. per part. We arc the authorized an nt for thc above Books lu South Carolina. Futir numbers of each of the above Works arc now ready for delivery. Persons residing in the country cnn subscribe by remitting ?2 40 for the llrst four numbers of the "Encyclopedia." or $2 for the tlrst four num? bers nf thc "Biographical Dictionary." Hereafter, two numbers a month will bc Issued, so that, hy remitting Si 20 a month for the "Eu cyclopedia," and Si a month for the "Biographi? cal Dictionary." we will send the numbers to them bT MAIL FREE OF OTHER EXPENSES. Wewin publish about the 1st of April, a char? ming little Poem, by a Lady ot Charleston, enti? tled, "THE LITTLE MATCH ?IRL," With four spirited etchings, designed and etched bv the anthor. , .._""" "ic will b- gotten np in a neat and attractive style, forming a suitable offering to thc young forSanday-school Festivities. Price B cents per copy. Sunday-schools supplied at $?50 per dTa Our Monthly Literary Bulletin will basent Free to persons In the country. vnmri A new supplr Of EPISCOPAL PRAYER^ BOOKS, with Jim additional Hymns, some of which are new editions and new styles or binding. V* cent ral stock or Stationery School Books, Wiitin"- Desk* Mathematical Instruments. Pho tograpb Albums. A superior stock of Family lilil?es from S3 to $35. ?ar Persons residing In the country will please heur lu mind that by sending their orders to us foranv books published la America, they will be charged only the price of the hook. We pay for the pnsiage or express. #y Address FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. coo King street, (in the Bend,) Charleston, S. C. taehza tuthscmos ADE MT OP MUSIC. Proprietor.Mr. JNO. CHADWICK Lessee..*..Miss LAURA KEENB CROWDED HOUSES Hall with delight thc efforts of TUE CHARMING COMEDIENNE AND TOE STAR COMPANY. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, April 2, THREE PIECES I J. Palgrave Simpson's beautiful emotional drama, IS SHE MAD? OB, THE DELUSION. And fl e screaming sketch, TUE ACTRESS BY DAYLIGHT. Miss KEENE appearing in both pieces. The evening's entertainment concluding with the oomlc drama of TOODLES! Thc coming week will be Inaugurated with the production of LAURA KEENE'S own version of thc Parisian Sensation PROU FROU, after elabo? rate preparation, with new Scenery by Mr. W. J. Wallack, and tbe same powerful cast as at its original production nt the Chestnut Street Thea? tre. Philadelphia._ apr21 JJ I B E RN I A N HALL. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, April 4, 5 and 6. MATANEE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Commencing at 2 o'clock. Every child gets a Present. SIGNOR R U B I N I, The Great Conjuror, In his Delightful Mysteries. Nearly loo Costly Presents given away each evening. Admission 60 cents; Reserved Seats extra. Children 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. apr 2 Gt Orri ?ocos, &z. RE AT FALL IN PRICES! MELCHERS <k MULLER, No. 217 KINO STREET, Are offering their LARGE AND CHOICE IMPOR? TATIONS at prices below anything known In the market since i860. Their stock contains a full and complete assort? ment of the following articles: DRESS GOODS, Plain Colors, Check, Stripe and Black Silks, White Goods, Linens, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideries, Laces, Shawls. PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, BAREGES, as low as 10 cents per yard, Prints, Domestics, Casslmeres, Table and Plano Covers, FURNISHING GOODS, And every other article known to thc Dry Goods Trade, all of which are offered at the lowest prices. apr2 2 tnlhslmo J^"EW GOODS! NEW GOODS 1 Just received, and receiving by every Steamer, a full assortment of SPRING DRESSGOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, ANO FANCY GOODS. Onr CLOAK-ROOM Li now full, consisting of. BLACK SILK CLOAKS, LACE POINTS and SACQUES, CHALLIE, BAREGE, GRENADINE, And other varieties of SUMMER SHAWLS. J. R. READ A CO., No. 263 King street, opposite Hasel. mcli20 tuthsS C insurance. I T I Z E N S1 INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. INCORPORATED 183 6. JAS. M. MCLEAN, E. A. WALTON, President. Secretary. Cash Assets.$650,000. THREE-FOURTHS OF THE PROFITS DIVIDED TO TUE ASSURED. BY THIS PLAN OF INSURANCE THE ASSURED become Interested lu thc profits of the business without incurring any liability. The management of affairs of thc Company heretofore gives almost positive assurance of LARGE YEARLY DIVIDENDS to the holders of participating Policies. Non-participating Policies Issued as heretofore. A. L. TOBIAS. Agent, No. 109 East Bay, mcli2fistu3nios Next South Courier Office. p ?AEDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 0? NEW YORK. ORGANIZED Ll 1&59. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE. HALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTUS REQUIRED. LAST CASH DIVIDEND (FIFTY) 50 TER CENT. ST ATEM EXT. Polices in force.$25,000,000 Assets. 1,500,00? Annual Income. . 800,000 Losses Paid. cou,ooo OFFICERS. W. H. PECKHAM, President. WM. T. HOOKER, Vlce-Presid n\ L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. O. A. FUD1CKAR, Superintendent. DIRECTORS. Uon. John A. Dix, New York. Hoa. James Harper, Firm of Harper A Bros.. ex Mayor New York. John J. Crane, President Bank Republic. Ww. M. Verm-lye, Banker, (Vermilye & Co.) Ohas. G. Rockwood, Cushier Newark Banking Company. Hon. George Opydyke, es-Mayor New York. Mlsot C. Morgan, Banker. Thomas Rigney, Firm Thomas Rigney A Co. Bcnj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Steam Sngar Relining Company. Aaron Arnold, Firm of Arnold, Constable k Co. Klchord IL Bowne, Wetmore k Bowne, Lawyers. K. V. Hanghwout, Firm E. V. Haughwont k Ca Wm. wu kens. Firm of WlUtens A Ca Julius H. Pratt, Merchant. Wm. W. Wright, Merchant. Charles J. Starr, Merchant, William Allen, Merchant. Geo. W. Cuy 1er, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. Geo. T. Hope, President Continental Fire Ineut ance Company. John G. Sherwood, Park Place. Walton H. Peckham, corner Fifth Avenue and Twenty-third street. Edward H. Wright, Newark, N. J. Geo. W. Farlee, Counsellor. W. L. Cogswell, Merchant. . KEIM & IS8ERTEL, General Agents for South Carolina and Georgia. Office No. 40 Broad street, CharhHton, s. C. Dr. T. RE EN OT J ERNA, Examining Physician, jantt ?ro?eries, g?nxcrs, Ut. JTL O U B !. FLOUR? Landing from Schooner Lilly, TOO bbis. FAMILY, Extra and Super. For sale by api-2 3 " JOHN CAMPSEN A CO. QORN! CORN! CORJtf! 2000 bushels Prime White CORN in balk. Land? ing this, day ex brig Hampden, and fur sale by apr2 1 ? C. N. AVERILL A SON. Q ATS! OATS! OATS! 1000 bushels Heavy Bright OAT' to arrive. For sale by W. B. SMITH A CO., apr21_ Napier's Range. C 0 ENI CORN! 5000 bushels prime White and Yellow CORN. For sale by JOHN CAMPSEN A CO. apr22 JJ A I LANDING. 100 bales North River HAY land in a. For sale by W. B. SMITH A CO., apr21_Napier's Range. JTJ A T ! HAY! HAY! 250 bales Prime NORTH RIVER HAY. For sale by JOHN CAMPSEN & CO. apr2 2 c EMEN Ti CEMENT! ?75 barrels Laurenceville HYDRAULIC. For sale landing by WILLIAM ROACH A CO. apr2 1 JJAY LANDING. 200 bales North River HAY, for sal . low, by WEST t JONES, ^ aprl_No. 70 East Bay.* DAVIS' DIAMOND AND NEW PORK PIG (UN BAGGED) HAMS AND SHOULDERS. A full supply of the above, all small sizes, jost received at the CO-OPERATIVE GROCERY. Southwest corner Meeting and Market streets. Goods delivered free. aprl jp E A S ! PEAS! Wanted, 2000 bushes CLAY PEAS, for which the highest market price will be paid. tnch30 12_JOHN CAMPSEN A CO. JgUTLER'S IXL OIL-PASTE BLACKING In the form of a permanently soft paste, it com? bines. In the highest degree, all the best qualities of a Polish Blacking. With hair the usual labor a polish ls prodnced equal to patent leather. wc consider this the best Blacking In use. Twenty-five cents per Jar; $2 w per dozen. Dis? count to the trade. WM. S. CORWIBI A CO., mensa a_No. 275 King street. J. K HEATH, No. 106 EAST BAY, AND ACCOMMODATION WHARF. BBLS. WHISKEY, VARIOUS BRANDS, viz : - bbls. S. N. PIko's '<MAGNOLIA,'' "Beargraas," 'Silver Lear.? - bbls. "Mountain Dew," "Keller's Old Rye." For sale by single or one hundred barrels low, for cash or city acceptances. ALSO, - quarter casks WINE, Sherry, Madeira and Port. - quarter casks Brandies, Gin and Ram. - casks Ale and Porter, Cigars, Ac, Ac. mellis ?ut?simo c U R R I N E THE FINEST SEASONING EVER INTRODUCED TO THE PUBLIC. ? Highly endorsed by the Leading Hotels, Clubs and private families of New York. appreciated it mnst be tried. Price 60 cents per quarter pound tin, $4 75 per dozen. For sale by all Grocers, and the Manufac? turers' Agents. Discount to the Trade often per cent. CURRI NE ls composed of nothing bnt the pnrest Spices of Mexico, the West Indies and BraziL and imparts a delightful flavor and a rich color to everything In which lt ls used. Read the following testimonial : METROPOLITAN HOTEL, March ll, 1870. G. DeCordova, Bsa. : I)RAR SIR-Having given your CCRRINE an ample trial in soaps and sances, and on steaks, cutlets, Ac, we take pleasure in saying that lt ht a most palatable condiment,' and that we highly approve ofic. Your ooedient servants, S. LELAND A CO. W. S. CORWIN A CO., No. 276 Kin? street, mcli29 tntnse_Manufacturera' Agents. JQ A VIS ?c. MILLER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. QUALITY STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. We beg leave respectfully to call the attention of the public to our Superior Flavoring Extracts. As ten years have now elapsed since we first in? troduced them to the notice of the American pub He, we deem it unnecessary at present to enter into a lengthy descrlmion,of their merits, Ac. There ls hardly a elty br town of any note in tte country Into which they have not found then way. The reason of this widespread popularity uud dally Increasing demand ls owing entirely to their peculiar excellence and intrinsic worth. Being determined to make them the Standard Ex? tracts or the day, wo have still further improved their quality, and now we firmly and honestly be? lle ve t hat they stand without a rival. Oar Vanilla Extract cannot be surpassed for richness and delicacy of flavor, lt ls a strictly pure and high? ly concentrated Extract of Vanilla Beans. In short, we think lt the best that ls mode, at least, this ls the' decision or the best Judges In the coun? try. Wc don't pretend to compete In price with many or the so-called Flavoring Extracts or the dav. which are really but worthless compounds, undeserving or thc name. For quality and style, we defy competition. DAVIS A MILLER'S PURE YEAST P-O'WDER, A substitute for Yeast In making Hot Bread, Rolls and Batter Cakes of every description, hav? ing the advantage of makiug the dongh'or batter perfectly .lieht, aud ready ror baking without delay, and greatly diminishing thc liability to become sour. Many dyspeptics, who cannot tolerate fresh, light cakes when made with yeast, can eat them with impunity when raised In this way. When used according to directions, It is war? ranted to make rich, sweet, light and nutritious Bread and Biscuit, Muffins, Waffles, Corn Bread, all kiads or Grlddlo cakes, also Bolled Paddings, Dumplings, Pot Pies, Ac. 1'REFAKED ONLY BY DAVIS & MILLER, BALTIMORE, MD. A. J. MILLER, Sole Proprietor. Wc have been appointed Agonts lor the State or South Carolina ror thc absve desirable goods, and can offer them to the trade at proprietors' prices. GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO., Importers and Wholesale Druggists, mchT2snnvfinio*Dao_Charleston, 8. C. -yrr- n I s K E Y. A. G?CKENHBIMER A BROS., FREEPORT, PENNSYLVANIA. COPPER DISTILLED PURE RYE WHISKEY, Pare and unadulterated, sold and shipped direct from the Distillery Warehouse to Charleston, S. C., ls now in store and for sale by the following Wholesale Grocers and Wholesale Druggists cf this city: BOLLMANN BROS., GOOD Rion, WINEMAN ii CO., WAG ES ER A MONSKE3. WERNER A DUCKER, MANTOUE A CO., J. H. RENNER ER, E. M. STELLING, RAVENEL A HOLMES, M. LU H RS. J. H. WURHMANN, J. N. M. vVOHLTMANN, WM. MARSCH ER, DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. This Celebrated WHISKEY, well and favorably known in the North, East and West, is an article of superior merit, and ls now bein s introduced in Its pure and unadulterated"state Li Ul' Southern markets, and one that will give uau-! . a to all lovers or a pure and healthy stimulant.. A. G?CKBNHEIMER A BROS., Proprietors or the Freeport Distillery, Armstrong County, Penn., and owners of the United States Bonded Warehouses, Office Nos. ?3 and 95 First Avenue, Pittsburg, Penn. mchl2 6mwCmosDMr