Newspaper Page Text
'CITY AFFAIRS. Meetings This Day. Protestant Episcopal Church Society, at 1 P. M. German Fire Company, at 4 P. M. Franklin Lodge, at tau* past ? P. M. Hook and Ladder, No. 2, at T P. M. A Cha; Us on Social Mounted Club, at half-past ? .p. M._ Auction Sales This Day. R. M. Marshall 4 Brother will sell at 10 o'clock, at their office, horses, booka, Ac. Miles Drake will aell at io o'clock, at his store, clothing, hats, Ac William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, jewelry, clothing, cutlery, Ac. Holmes A Mac-eth will Bell at half-past io o'ebek, In rear of their office, office furniture, Ac. THE PORT ROYAL RAILROAD.-We regret that we are unable to accept President Milieu's cour teoua invitation to participate In the excursion to day over the first forty ml es or the Port Royal Railroad. RELIEF SOCIETY. -An adjourned meeting of the society for the relief of the wldowB and or ph 3 ns of thc clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in tba State or Sooth Carolina, will be held to-day, at one o'clock P. M, at the Mansion House, in Broad street. CRUMBS.-A meeting of Council has been called for the af tern on. W^od ls getting scarce on Sullivan's Island.* The fishermen are catching whiting of huge dimensions. To-day ls the anniversary of t e Trent affair. COTTON FOR THE FOREIGN MARKETS.-The first class merchant sblp Rennlon Opt lo Cartis, of | 1185 tonp, wa? cleared y este, day for Liverpool by Messrs. Street Brothers A Co., with 8631 bales of upland cst ton. The Norwegian bark Drau; ner, for Liverpool, waa cleared by Messrs. W. B. Smith A Co., with 1601 bales of upland cotton. P~ THE CITY RAILWAY.-At the regular annual meeting cf the Charleston City Railway Compa? ny, held on Monday, the 6 h Ins ant, the follow? ing gentlemen were elected directors for the en? suing year: John S. R'ggs, William Aiken, Henry Buist, W. L. Trenholm, H. H. DeLeon, Andrew Slmonds, F. j. Pe'zer and A. L. Tobias. Yester? day mornlng the board of directors held a meet? ing, at which Mr. John S. Riggs was re-elected president of the company. CLUBS AND STARS.-Lizzie Jones, the un? dutiful child of color, who resisted the attempt of her mother to corren her, to the alarm of the J neighborhood in Glebe street, was sent to the j jHoueeoi Correction for ten day a Jane Walker, a forlorn being, who was draak and aa able to take care of herself !n t eau fain street, was discharged. James Grant, lodged for being drunk an* raising a disturbance in King street, was sen? tenced to pay a fine of one dollar, or go to the House of Correction for five days. THE GRAND LODGE.-The annual communi? cation of the M. W. Grand Lodge of A. F. M. of ?oath Carolina, which was to have been held on the mt of November in this city, has been post? poned until theist, h of December, when the cor? ner-stone of the new Masonic temple will be laid. The L dge wul be opened on the 2lst instant, by the R. W. Depnty Grand Master R. S. Brans, and tben called off anta the 19th of the ensalng month. The worshipful "asters, wardens, dele? gates, past masters and grand officers residing ont of the city are not expected to attend until the December communication. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET.-The house and -Jut of land at the southwest corner King and Market streets, twenty-one and a half feet on Klug afreet, by one c und red and thirty feet deep, were >?> at auction yesterday morning by Leitch A Brans, for 19360; one-third cash, and the bal? ance in one and two years, with interest. The same bro>- rs effected a private sale or a boase in Rutledge avenue, for $5000 cash. The tone of tbs real estate market has Improved since the installation o' the new Connell, and bolders are now asking higher prices The pieces of property above mentioned brought good prices, and all real estate ls "ten dio g upwards." LARGE COTTON CAROO.-The American ship R ennloo was cleared yesterday, for Liverpool, by Meurs. Street Brothers A Co., with 3631 bales or upland cotton, weighing 1,640,701 poonda, and valued at over $300,000. This ship has received almost unprecedented dispatch at the bands of | ber agents. Ene arrived from Tybee on Friday, the 20tn October, and commenced taking m cargo on Saturday, the 2ist. On Tuesday, the 7th No vember, she was loaded, being only fifteen work? ing days from the time of starting. Mesara. G. 8. Stoddard A Son did the stevedores'work, and have dose themselves and Charleston credit by potting la her 40,000 pounds more cotton than she has ever carried when loaded at New Orleans and Mobile. AN HONORED Pat STDKNT OF THE Hors.-The Hope Fire Company, President W. H. Smith, have lately placed on the northern wai. of their hall a neat snd appropriate tiblet bearing the following inscription: "In memory of W. P. Patterson, born m 1816, died Slat March, 1871. aged Any-five years, an honored and dlstlngushed member of the Hope Fire Eogene Company for twenty-six yeara." Mr. Patterson WJS one or the oldest members of the Hope Company, having joined lt a few months after its organisation, and held nearly every position m the gift of the company, including the presidency. He was always ener? getic, and even performed active duty np to the very day of his innes*. It waa through his exer? tions that the City Council bought the present site of the engine-house of the Hope Fire Com? pany, and erected the beautiful building which now ornaments the western end of Market street. Mr. Patterson waa one or the leading mechanics of this city, he was also an out-and-oot Democrat, an^n ardeot advocate and supporter of State rightt doctrines. This very.montb, eight years sajo, be lost a very promising son, by the falling m of a portion of the wall of Fort Sumter, caused by a stiel: from the enemy's batterie?' at Morris's Island. The tablet was made by Mr. M. Gannon, Queen street, and the workmanship ls neat and tastefn'. THE WOODS MYSTERY.-George Woods, the gay hey who for some time paBt had been staying at the Charleston Hotel, and was arrested on Monday while attempting to make bis escape on the railroad, was brought before the Mayor yes? terday morning under the name, of Patrick Meban. He had assumed this name when lutero gated at th; Guardhouse, and under it he was charged with swlodling Mr. E. H. Jackson, the proprietor of tbe Charleston Hotel, ont of two hundred and ten dollars and forty cents-abont a week's board at the rate at which Woods had lived. The Mayor tarned the prisoner over to the custody of the sheriff, in whore hands ball writs bad been lodged against Woods. The latter saw he was caught, and gave ap all of his valuables at once to bis creditor. These consisted of a gold watch and a lo: orjewtl y, worth abont one hun? dred and twenty-fire dollars In all. There being i nothing more to be gamed by salt, the prisoner was allowed to retain his valise and money enough to purchase a ticket on the New York steamer. At one o'clock yesterday he was escorted down to the James Adger, ana left in that tin? ship for Dew York, his usual home, quite favorably Impressed with the hospitality of the City by the Sea While talking over matters, Woods confessed that his real name was Harmon Hearman, and this was further corroborated by the marks upon his clothing. He says he came over from Liverpool about two years ago, and for Borne tune back his M?D a waiter in the Clarendon Hotel, Kew York, where he pert ar s acquired, by close observation, those airs and graces which made bim so popular at the Charleston. He was anxious to go on to Savannah to the fair, bnt this was too far Sooth to please hui friends here. New York ls the only place worthy of his talents. THE HEALTH OF THE CITY. The city registrar reports the receipt of one certtflcate or death from yellow rever during trie twenty-four hours ending at noon yesterday. This death occurred on the 6th. TUESDAY'S REPORT. OFFICE BOARO OF HEALTH. 1 CHARLESTON. November 7-12 M. ( One certificate of death from yellow fever received since last report. ROBT. LKBBY. M. D., City Registrar. Ee-ldes the above the following certificates have been received since last report: One for non-vlab llty, dated November 2; one ror congestion of the brain, dated November 6; one tor rever, paerperal, dated November 6; one ror phthisis pulmonali , dated November e. Report for the Week. The following ls the official return of deaths ror the City of Charleston, forjyie week ending Saturday last, November 4,1871: CAUSES OF DEATH. A lb" mim uria.. Chtll, Conges tl ve. Congestion o? Brain... Convulsiona... Drowning. Dysentery Chronic. Fever, Remit tent. Fever, Ty pho Mala; Ul. Fever, Yellow.. Gastro Enteri? tis. Fnanliton. Injury from rall Marasmus. .... Non Viability. Old Age. fhthlsla Pul monalta. Tris m us Nas centlum. Adults. CGild'n BLACKS OR COL? ORED. Adults. ?Child n. TotaL.I 16 RECAPITULATION. Whites 26, Blacka and Colored 20-total 46; 4 stlll-blrtba. and AGES, Under 1 year o' Between l and Between Sand Between 10 and Between 20 and Between 30 and Between 40 and Between 60 and Between 60 and Between 70 and Between so and Between 90 and age. 5 yeara of age. 10 yeara of age. 20 years of age. 30 yeara or age. 40 years or age. so years of age. 60 years cf. age. 70 years of age. 80 years of age. 90 years or age. loo years or age. 1 ? ROBERT LE BEY, M. D., City Registrar. FIRE ON MORRIS ISLAND.-About dusk yes? terday evening an extensive fire was to be seen raging on Morris Island. The line of flames seemed to stretch clear across the Island, and at times the fire would barst forth at different points wit h great brilliancy. The canse of the con fl agra tloa could not be ascertained, but lt ia aupposed that the thick grass on the sandhills munt have been accldently Ignited. THAT FLAG.-The white flag with a crim? son square in the middle, whlcb was hung oct yestei day afternoon from the weather observer's office, on Broad street, portended neither the rapid approach or a hurricane nor a heavy black frost. It wai merely an office flag, wllchwas being aired and tried to Bee how lt would work. When the flag ls raised as a cautionary signal it will float from the flag-ataff erected on the roof of the building. TELEGRAPHIC CONNECTIONS.-The telegraph line on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad has, t>y contract, been connected with the Western Union Telegraph Company, and the buBlness for that line will now be received at and transmitted (rom the office of the latter In 1 hi building of the Carolina National Bank in Columbia. As an ad? ditional convenience to fe public, and especially to visitors to the fair, the Western Union Tele? graph Company have extended their wires and opened a branch office at the fair grounds. MACKEY'S NATIONAL FREEMASON.-We have received from Mr. J. E. Bolaeat, or the rp-town News Depot, Noa. 1 md 2 of this new Masonic Monthly, devoted to the Science, Philosophy, His tory. Symbolism and Jurisprudence of Masonry, edited by Dr. Albert G. Mackey, who promises "to devote all of bis energies and abilities to the pro? duction of a work which each successive number shall contain matten interesting and Instructive to the craft.'' Besides the ed.tor, a number of dlstlngu shed Masons write for this magazine. MISSING.-The Wilmington Star is io receipt of a letter from a lady In Chester, S. C., in which she states that her father, Major James Pagan, left his home at that place very suddenly on busi? ness m re thnn a week before; that he was not well when he left, and the family feared that he may have b. come suddenly worse. The missing gentleman ls sixty years old, six feet high, with very white hair and beard, blue eyes, and wore when he left home a gray suit or clothes, ir this should meet the eye of any one who knows any? thing about him, he will communicate with Miss Mary A. Pagan, Chester. BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS.-At the annual meeting or the Charleston Board of Fire Underwriters, held on Monday, 6th instant, the lollowlng officers and committees were elected for the ensuing year : Wm. B. Heriot, president; Samuel Y. Tupper, vice-president; A. L. Tobias, secretary and treasurer. Committee on Contti ac? tion ol Buildings, Advice as to Removal of Stock, Causes of Fire, Ac-J. H. Colburn, D. Ravenel, Jr., Charles T. Lowndes, Hutson Lee, A. H. Hay? den. Committee on Arbitration-S. Y. Topper, E. Sebriag, A. H. Hayden, committee on Tariff Wm. B. Heriot, Samuel Y. Tupper, A. L. Tobias. SOCIAL CLUBS.-The Hunky-Dorys elected the following officers at their anniversary meet - lng, held las: night: M. J. Treahey, president; M* J. Nolan, vice-president; J. J. Duggan, treasurer; W. Early, secretary; W. F. Magennts, steward. Committee on letters-M. J. Nolan, w. F. Kagen nis and T. McCarthy. Committee on finance- M. J. Treahey and W. Early. The Sumter Social Club, at their anniversary meeting held last night, elected the following offi? cers: J. 0. Burke, president: M. P. Clear, first vice-president; T. Cronan, isecond vice-president; J. W. Hutson, secretary and treasurer; Tim Cro? nan, hallkeeper; J. O'Rourke, doorkeeper; J. Madden, assistant doorkeeper. Hotel Arrivals-November 7. PAVILION HOTEL. Miss L. M. Young, Walter Fuller, New York; George H. Cathcart, Columbia ; H. B. Rice, Rlngatree. CHARLESTON HOTEL. Alexander M. Forster, Geotgetowu; D. Mc? Pherson, Charleston. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. CHARLESTON MECHANIC SOCIETY, 1 November Ctb, 1871. J The death of a friend is at all times a start? ling event, but especially is it so under circum? stances like those that accompany the official an? nouncement of the Budden decease of oar late esteemed fellow.member, Mr. Henry Clark, who was, at the time of his death, with one exception, the oldest member of this society. Elected in the year 1824, he oontinued his mem? bership to the period of his decease. Atter having served in various subordinate offi? ces he was elected president or this body, and conducted ita deliberations daring the years 1846 and 1847. His name ls now added to the long Hat of our honored dead, and it only remains to us to think of bim among tbe remembrances of the past, and to offer a tribute of respect to his memory. Be lt, therefore, Resolved, That In the death of Mr. Henry Clark this society recognizes the loss of one who for the long perl d of forty-seven years was associated with lt In its benevolent operations, who faithful? ly served it in various positions or usefulness, and having earned the award or a unanimous "well done," presided with dignity and earnest? ness over its deliberations m the days of Us high? est orosperlty. Resolved, That in testimony of his appreciated worth.a page upon cur Minute Book be dedicated te hlB memory. Resolved That a copy of this preamble and re? solutions be sent to the nearest-relatives of the de? ceased, and that thia testimonial to the memory of cur respected ex-president be published in one of the dally papera of the city. . TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a regular meeting of Dan Lodge, No. 93, I. O. B. B., convened November 5,1871, the follow? ing tribute of respect to the memory of the late Alexander H. Abrahams was unanimously adopt? ed: Death bas Invaded the circle of our brotherhood, and for t"e first time in the hls'ory of our Boctety we are called upon to deplore the loss of a mem? ber. Oar late brother, Alexander H. Abrahams, after a long and useful life, exemplifying In its dally practice the liberal and beneficent princi? pies of oar Order, has been gathered to his fathers. Of an unobtrusive nature, his distinguishing trait was his active zeal. In the cause or charity. This in him was not the generous and fleeting Impulse of the moment, but the pervading principle of his life. To its demands the privacy of domestic life yielded, and the adoption of two orphans amid the earea or a large family attested its depth and earnestness. His sympathy so nicely attuned to human wants, drew its Inspiration from a piety both consistent and fervid. As a friend he waa genial and forbearing, truthful and self-sacrific? ing. The veil that covers the sanctity of a pri? vate life may not be lifted; bnt the vin nea that adorned bis character shed their most fragrant bloom around the family hearth. No tear can thaw tbe frost that binds his head, bnt the tribute of oar respect and gratitude is due to bis memory. Therefore, be lt Resolved, That in the death of oar late brother, Alexander H. Abrahams, our Lodge haa loat a valued member; the cause or charity a zealous advocate, and the community a oserai citizen. Resolved, That we tender to hts afflicted family onr condolence and eympatby in their bereave? ment. Resolved. That a page in our M?nate Book be dedicated to his memory, a copy of these pream? ble and resolutions be forwarded to his family by the Ee-rerary. and be published ia the daily papers of this city. From the Mm otes. J. H. M. CHUMACBIRO, m Acting Secretary. NATHL. LEVIN" President. BUSINESS NOTICES. THE MERCHANTS' LUNCH, at Fehrenbach's Post-office Headquarters, ls from ll to 2 o'clock. AT A. R. STILLMAN'S DRY Goons HOUSE, NO. 231 King street, fourth door below Wentworth, has been received a fresh supply or Preach Merin oe, Empress Cloths Manchester Poplins and every description of Dress Goods. novs-l RHINE WINE, direct from Germany Hockhelmer Rlessliog, esr Laubenhelmer, 6Sr Kuederhelmer, esr Ingelheims, red wine, 65r Jockey Club, ) Sparking Rhine wine, said to be Mousseux, j superior to Champagne. ALSO, Champagne, Ch. Heldsieck Claret, St. Estephe English Ale, Bass's, on draught Oysters, Ball's Bay, fresh every other day. Bar aiwaya supplied wlth'the best foreign and domestic Liquors and Wines. A. TrXFKNTHAL, nove-3 No. 107 Market street. OPERA FLANNELS.-A full line all colors and prices at A. R. STILLMAN'S, Dry Goods House, nov8-i No.281 King street. Bru. HEADS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, $5, $0 60 and $8 6 0 per thousand, according to size, at TUE NIWB Job Office. SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! all styles, col? ors, sizes and prices, at A. B. STILLMAN'S, Dry Goode Boase, novs-l Ko. 281 King street. THE ACADEMY OP MUSIC GRAND GIFT CON certs, as advertised by Messrs. Butler, chadwick, Gary A Co.-Mr. Eben Coffin, s nb-agent for this j splendid r.ud attractive scheme, ta now prepared 1 to sell tickets for the same. Applications to be made to him at the office of Mr. Edward M. More? land, No. 20 Broad atreet BLACK DE LAINE-a choice article at twen? ty-five cents, at A. R. STILLMAN'S nov8-i No. 281 King street. i BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ! ls now prepared to furn lah good envelopes, with bu -mess cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business ma', should have his card printed on his envelopes._ ?rotaries, liquors, Ut. IMPORTANT TO TEA DRINKERS! JUST RECEIVED, PER STEAMSHIP GEORGIA, A LARGE ASSORTMENT NEW TEAS ! 1NCLUD1M0 THAT CELEBRATED YOUNG HTSON, guaran? teed as the BEST In the city, at $1 60 per lb. ALSO, THAT ' GENUINE" TEA at $1 per lb., to be found only at LINLEYS CHEAP STORES, Nos. 190 and 388 KING STREET. Profi 3P5HF? HONEY 1 Pine New country HONEY, o be had in quanti ties to amt parchasen, of Da. H. BAER, No. 181 Meeting Btreet, fldmboliVs Jincho. MA. IV H O O X> . IN THE The vegetative powers of life are strong, but in a few years bow often the pallid hue, the lack Ins tre eye, and emaciated form, show their baneful in finen ce. It soon becomes evident to the observ? er that some depressing Influence ia checking the development of the body. Consumption ls talked of, and perhaps the youth ls removed from school and sent into the country. This ls one of the worst movements. Removed from ordinary di? versions of the ever-changing scenes of the city, the powers of the body, too much enfeebled to give zest to healthful and rural eser. 'se, thoughts are turned Inwardly upon themselves. If the patient bea female the approach of the menses la lcoked for with anxiety as the first symptom ls which naturels to show bereaving power In diffusing the circulation and visiting the cheek with the bloom or health. Alas l Increase of appetite has grown by what it fed on. The energies of the system are prostrated, and the whole economy is deranged. The beautiful and wonderful period in which body and mind under? go ao fascinating a change from child to woman ii looked for In vain. The parent's heart bleeds lu anxiety, sad fancies the grave but walting for Its victim. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU, FOB WEAKNESS ARISING FROM EXCESSES OR EARLY INDISCRETION, attended with the following symptoms: INDIS? POSITION TO EXERTION, LOSS OF POWER, LOSS OF MEMORY, DIFFICULTY OF BREATH INO, General weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Ovid Feet, Wakefolneaa, Dimness of Vision, Lan gor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscu? lar System, orten Enormous Appetite with Dys? peptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing or th? Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenances and eruptions on the Face, Pain m the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Frequently Black Spots flying before the Eyes, with temporary Buff nsion and Loss of Sight. Want or Attention, Great Mo? bility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread, for rear of themselves; no repose of manner, no earnest? ness, no speculation; but a harried transition from one question to another. THESE SYMPTOMS, IF ALLOWED TO GO ON -WHICH THIS MEDICINE INVARIABLY RE? MOVES-SOON FOLLOW LOSS OF POWER, FATUITY AND EPILEPTIC F1T3, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Darlag ibo BaperlnlaBdOOce of Dr. WILSO!? al the BLOOMING!) A LE ASYLUM, this sad result occurred to two patleats. Real on had for a time left them, and both died of epilepsy. They were of both sexes, and about twenty years of age. Who can fay that their excesses are not fre? quently followed by those direful diseases, LN SANITY and CONSUMPTION ? The records or the INSANE ASYLUMS, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the troth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance ls actually sodden and quite destitute; neither mirth nor grief ever visits lt. Should a sound of the voice occur lt ls rarely articulate. " With wofal measures wan despair Low Bullea sounds their grief beguiled.?> While we regret the existence of the above dis? eases and symptoms, we are prepared i : offer an Invaluable gift of chemistry for the .lcinoval of the consequences. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WISH Cores Beeret and delicate disorders m all their stages, at litt e expense, little or no change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no exposare. It ls pleasant in taste and odor, immediate in its ac? tion, free from all Injurions properties, superse? ding Copaiba and all other nauseous Compounda HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUGHU. There is no tonic like it. It is an anchor of hepe to the physician and patient. This is the testi? mony of all who have used or prescribed it. Beware of counterfeits and thoce cheap decoc? tions caliea Bucha, most of which are prepared by self-styled doctors, from deleterious Ingre? dients, and offered for sale at "leas price" and "larger bottles," ac. They are unreliable and frequently Injurious. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no Other. PRICE $1 25 PER BOTTLE, OR 8IX BOTTLES FOR $6 50. Delivered to any address. Describe symptoms m all communications. IIELMBOL? >& GENUINE PREPARATIONS, Established upward of twenty yeara prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, ito. 594 Broadway, New York, AND No. 104 Sooth Tenth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. 49~Sold by Drugglit ? Everywhere.-?* novS-v/s3mos SJrp ?ooo?. Ut R R I V A L OF NEW GOODS. FURCHCOTT, BENEDICT & CO., KO. 214 KING STREET, BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ABE NOW OPENING THE FIS EST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OP DRY AND FANCY GOODS EYER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. I SILK AND SILK POPLINS, all shades and colors. Silk Velvets, Velveteen, all colors. Crape Cloth, Henrietta ci J th, Empress Cloth. Merinoes, all-Wool Di.alne. and all other latest styles of Dress Goods, too numer?os to mention. lfiOpleceB or B.ack and Colored Alpacas for 25 cents. Bsjmoral and Boulevard Skirts In la*ge variety. Our Cloak and Shawl Department ls complete. The very Finest Astrachan Cloth-Trimmed Cloaks always on hand. The very latest styles of Wool Jackets, Nublas, Hoods and Shawls jnst received. A splendid assortment or Pmrnes and Feathers, Trimmed Hats, Artificial Flowers, Sash Blbbons, Sashes, Bows, (Ladlee' Scarfs) CuffB and Collars, Muffs and Furs, Ac. Our Kid Gloves, from $1 to t3, we warrant each pair be perfect, and exchange (after they nave been tried OD) ir ihe same tear or rall to give satisfaction. 2000 pairs of Blankets from |2 60 to $16 a Pair. Our Cloth and Tailoring Department ls the best assorted one in this State, and we warrant to give sat.sfactit n to all. A new and complete stock or Hosiery and No? tions. 200 pir ce3 of I, 2and 3 Ply Carpets. 100 pieces.Bru'ee.s best Carpets. 60 pieces Body Br?ssel. m Rags, Mats, OH Cloth. Very cheap. No trouble to show Goods. Samples given. Call and examine. FDRCHGOTr, BENEDICT 4 CO., No. 244 King street, Ne. 437 King street, No. 22 White atreet. New York. No. 3 Bay street, Jackao.ville, Fla oettl Cigars, tobacco, Ut. TAO* .31018 J?BJ3 mmm JOJSdraa jo joiajjdoij UaaOHHDS RTIHIM .pait?nos iirojioadsoi si joois sm jo nonaairav -xa av *oi papuan* Xiidmojd eq ut* 'saouvidao .OY illO ?o qsto qu* 'min oi papuana uapjo .waaisuq jo ann siq nt sapiiJ* irs jo SailBtsuoo *spooo eqi nodn eauaaps Xus luoqii? 'apara ereqoand jo lanoma eqi oi RSOYHN33H o joj poSnqoxa jed is SJjiaHAVd aiOZdS -epui Jjaqi JOJ laaraaanpai ?.nra a? '-ay 'j ja N'S .OOOVSOL 'SBVOIO jo uamusnoo tisia? pas eies -sieuji 'uossqojad oi SiOjjo psuJBisjsparj. sqx -133UIS OXIS oie 'ON iv aaxasrc siNaiuvj aioaas 1 3H0IB HYOIO HYTIT?? HOHidHvI E. S ? B A ? BAS JUST OPENED AT NO. 392 KINO STREET, A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE, Where can be obtained all of the latest Brands of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. He has also, in connection with his Store, es tabllshed a manufactory for the above. All of the latest Brands of TOBACCO, PIPES, Ac, Ac., on hand, and the prices will be found as accommodating as those or any similar boase In this city. Strangers visiting the city shonld not fall to give this house a call, as the Proprietor feels con? fident of being able to give satisfaction to alL oct23-mwf9 tailoring. jp?lZ'?liirwSTER CLOTfllNG, ~ FURNISHING GOODS, Ac., FOB MENS', YOUTHS' AND BOYS', CONSISTING OF : BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS. And a large assortment or i INK CLOTH WALK? ING COATS, of all Colors, Black single and Double Breasted Frock Coats, Star shirts, Under? wear Good*, Ac English and Domestic Half Hose, Alexandre's, Imperial, and Conrvolsler's Kid, Silk, Thread, Buckskin, Dogskin, Casalmere and Cloth Gloves, linen H nd Paper Collars, Neck? ties, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, suspenders, Um? brellas, Ac, of the latest style. And a very la tte and fine selected stock of BROADCLOTHS. Dceekln, Beaver, Tricot, Diago? nal COATING AND CASSIMEKES. And a very handsome variety of the latest style PANTS AND VEST PATTERNS. Which we offer to sell by piece, yard or pattern, or make ap lato Garments, by meaaare, m the latest style, and at the shortest notice. s lix and Alpaca Umbrellas-the largest assort, ment. Oar stock has been selected with the greatest care, aud prices marked very low, in p alu fig ores. Being confident that we can offer induce? ments unequalled by any other house, we solicit buyers m our Une to give ns a call before pur? chasing elsewhere. Ail orden will rece're our prompt and very careful attention. The TAILORING DEPARTMENT ls under the supervision of Mr. WINTERER, who has already proved himself a first class Cutter; and the public will bear in miad that our Clothing nas been manufactured by ourselves daring the dall sum? mer months, aud can tnerefore recommend it as regard? flt, wear and workmanship, and prices exceedingly low to salt the tunes. , MENKE A MULLER, No. 326 King street, octio-smos_Opposite Society street. JOHN RTJGHEIMER, NO. 141 KING STREET, WIST BIDE, A FEW POORS NORTH OF QUIEN STREET, Would respectfully inform bis friends that he baa just returned from New York with a large and well-selected stock of the latest atyles of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Also, a foil assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, including the Celebrated STAR SHIRTS. OCtlS _ ENNEDY Jk GREGORY, MERCHANT TAILORS, HO. 18? KINO STREET, OPPOSITE D. H. Sncox's WAREHOUSE, Having this day entered Into copartnership m the above Business, would respettJally solicit from their friends a share of their patronage. They pledge themselves that their Cutting and Manufacture aban be done In the latest etyle, and In a manner to give satisfaction to their patrons, and at moderate prices. J. T. KENNEDY.F. M. GREGORY. ocuo-imo Boots ano Styoes. HO! FOR REPUDIATION! THOSE FAMILY STATE BONUS OF SCOTT A CO., spread broadca8t In New York, to the detri? ment and rain of our people, must be repad lated. Hence I will REDUCE THE PRICES ol my ELEGANT AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. PLANTERS, FACTORS AND MERCHANTS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK OF PLANTATION BROGANS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Having made thia branch of my business another ST?JECIAX/rY, I .reel confident to be able to supply the Trade at prices UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW, ALL GOODS BEING BOUGHT FOR CASH. ORDERS FROM MY COUNTRY FRIENDS, OR THROUGH COMMISSION MERCHANTS OR FACTORS WILL MEET WITH PROMPT DISPATCH. EDWARD DALY, NO. 121 MEETING STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. RECEIVING THIS DAY PER STEAMSHIPS "SEA GULL," from Baltimore, "VIRGINIA," from * Philadelphia, Invoices of GENTS FRENCH JEDOT CALF OPERA BOOTS GENT'S FRENCH LERIN CALF WATER? PROOF BOOTS GENTS FRENCH LERIN CALF SCOTCH WELT BOOTS. MORE OF THB A M EUI CA TV GAITERS, ADAPTED FOR WINTER WEAR. EDWARD DALY, D0T7_No. 121 MEETING STREET. gjgtt and jjjgtgjjgg ?3oo?*. jrjsT RECETVEDT ? NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK - OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, BUTTABLB FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. THE LATEST STYLES OF 8CARF8, TIE8, <u>d ' BOWS, IMPORTED ALL-WOOL MERINO (SCOTCH) AND SHAKER FLANNEL UNDERWEAR. Together with an unequalled supply of the CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOOD8 IN GENERAL, AT s c o x x ? a BTAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STRETT, OPPOSITE TUE MARKET. (Sbncaturnal. S~1TE TWO O D SCH?OLT^??GLI?H! FRENCH and GERMAN SCHOOL for young Ladies and Children, will re -pen on MOND?T, the 6th November. The French Department will be under the charge of Mlle. LxPRlNCE. And par? ticular attention will be paid to pupils Heading, Writing and Speaking the German and Frene J languagta. Mrs. JOHN LAURBNS, Principal. School at No. 92 Wenthwerth, near Coming street. uov4-smw3* u RSULINE INSTITUTE OF THB IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, . VALLE CRU? IS," NEAR COLUMBIA, S. C., FOR THB EDUCATION OP YOUNO LADIES, UNDER THB IMMEDIATS SUPERVISION OF THB RELIGIEUSES g OF THB URSULINB CONVENT. The situation of the Convent is all that can be desired lor health and beauty. The buildings are on elevated ground, about two miles from the Capitol, and in the midst of an oak grove of twenty acres, lt is within half an honr's drive from the depot, where omnibuses and baggage wagons await the arrival of passengers. TERMS-For board, washing, fuel, lights and tuition in English, $300, payable $150 la advance, or $30 per month, payable in advance. Music, French, Latin, Drawing and painting form ex ti a charges. ss-For funner information, application may be made to the MOTHER bUPERIUK, to Rt. Rev. Bishop LYNCH, or to the Reverend Clergy. nov4 fiats, Ut C. 0. F L E N G E DEALER IN HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, Children's Hats a Specialty. Ko. 201 KING STREET. Just opened and will have always on hand an assortment of the above articles. Also, Gentle? men's NECK TIES, SCARFS, WALKING CANES, 4c His friends are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves._octli-lmo C HARLESTON ADVERTISING AGENCY, CORK ra BROAD STRUT AND EAST BAT. ADVERTISEMENTS taken at publishers' lowest cash rates for ALL PAPERS la the united states. WALKER, EVANS ? COGSWELL. decMnwr jMgjgj ggU?v~gl)if gag, H. M. MARSHALL & BRO. ~ ITX7TLL SELL THIS DAY, AT IO v ? TT o'clock, at No. A3 Broad street, Three HORSES, a lot or school Books und Sm - I dries._ nov* Bj WM. MeKAY. UN RESERVED SALE. THIS DAY, at io o'clock, at Na 140 Meet lug street, will be sold without reserve, Genfs custom-Made OVERCOATS, Sack and Business Coats, Superior Beaver Cloth for Ladles' Cloaks, Six-quarter English Water-proof Cloths, Beisnap and Camon Flannels, Black and Colored Alpacas, Wool, Merino and Cotton Hose and Half Hose, Jewelry, Watches and Cutlery. Also, 125 dozen Slippers, damaged._novs By HOLMES AND MACBETH, Auctioneer?. OFFICE FURNITURE, Aa, Aa .Til1 tr"9 80ld Tais DAT- Novem !??&"&????10 0>cl?<:k, in tne rear of oar office. No. 31 Broad street, The following articles by order of H. H. DeLeoo, Receiver of Louis McLain : ' 1 IRON CHEST 2 Office Desks l sofa Chairs, Stool, and sn - dry other articles. Conditions cash. Articles to be removed ea day or Bal >._nov? By MILES DRAKE. CLOTHING, HATS, Aa THIS MORNING, at io o'clock, I will seB at my Store, corner or King and Liberty streets, A large and well assorted stock of Mon's and Boys' CLOTHING AND HATS, Just received, ?on fisting in part of Men's Cissimere and Satinet Coats and Pants, Corduroy Pants, Harrison Coat? and Pants, Black and Blue Derby Coats, SUk Mixed and Jean Snits, Chinchilla Overcoats, Vel? veteen Salts, Boys' and Youths' Snits, Ladles' Balmoral skirts, CloaiB, Shawls and Nubias, Men's Crin Dragers, Vests, Cravats, Suspenders, Ac., Ac. 1 ' ALSO, 100 dozen Men's and Boys' HATS, (seconds ) Just received. _nova Unction 8aleg-^ntgr< gingt By Vf. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS, Auctioneer?. GRIST MILL COMPLETE, TO BE PRO? PELLED by steam. will be sold on THURSDAY, the otb instant, at II o'clock, in Queen street, opposite to Roper Hospl'al. 1 GRIST MILL, 28 lncb stone. 1 Sifter a'tac tied to box. Polleys, Belting, Fanner, Bins, Measures, Ac. Terms cash. Articles to be removed on day of sale._nov8 By H. H. DeLEON. FSmVE SALE VALUABLE SEA is? land Plantations on Edlsto Island, belong? ing to Kstate Ephraim M. Baynard. Will be sold at Public Auction, In the City- Of Charleston, on Thursday. December 14th, 1871, at the Old Customhouse, corner Broad street and East Bay, The following PLANTATIONS: Sea-Side, containing 488 62-100 acres, more or l sa. Wilson's, containing 143 18-100 acres, more er less. Palmentera, containing 265 18-100 acres, mere or less. Shergood, containing 238 66-100 acres, more or Shell House, containing 186 20-100 acres, more or leas.' Bed House, containing 134 61-100 acres, more er less. Seabrook's, containing 178 84-100 acres, more or lesa. Rabbit Point, containing 468 06-100 acres, more or leas. Laroche'*, containing 226 62-100 acres, more or less. Little Edlsto Place, containing 290 97 100 acres, more or less. AIM, ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S PARISH RICE-PL ANTA TlON, opposite Wilton, 200 acres, more or lesa. conditions-One fourth cash; balance by bond sod mortgage, payable ia one, two and three fears, interest 7 per oenu, pay ab' e annual y. arcbasers to pay for papers and sumps* THOMAS H. WILLINGHAM, Trastee. novl-wsllA-dT ficstanrante. pOSTOFFICE HEADQUARTERS AND OYSTER SALOON, AT TB i OLD ESTABLISHED STAND, Ko. 6 BROAD STREET. N. FEHRENBACK, PROPRIETOR, Begs leave to announce that he has this day re? sumed LUNCH. His tables will be supplied with the choicest edibles from the city and New York msrkets. Lunch from ll to 2 o'clock. OYSTERS. choice and fresh Oysters on hand at all times. Families sopplled._POTT jPgjjjgi, JettrltTj, $H. JEWELRY, WATCHES AND SILVERWARE. JAMES ALLAN, KO. 307 KINO STREET, INVITES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO HIS HEW LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANGT GOODS. All the newest and mott exquisite designs ti JEWELRY, comprising, SETS OF PEARL, GARNET, ALL GOLD, CORAL AND STONE Leontine, Opera, Neck and vest CHALITS; seal Kings, Diamond Rings; Gent's Pins, Pearl and Diamond; Piala Gold and Wedding Rings always OB hand or made to order; Sleeve Buttons and studs, Bracelets, Brooches and Earrings ; Armlets and Necklaces, in Gold and Coral; Brooches for Hair or Miniatures. Lockets, Charms and Masonic Pins, Glove Bands, at JAMES ALLAN, No. 307 KING STREEU, A few doors above Wentworth street. ang24-fmw_ ALTHAM WATCHES! 8-4 PLATE, 16 AND 20 SIZES. w These are the best WATCHES made m this coun? try, and are made with and without stem wind - lng Attachment. They are finished in the best manner and ran with the greatest accuracy, and cannot be excell? ed anywhere, at their respective prices. The cases are all of the newest patterns, and specially made to oar own order. Our stock of these Watches ia now the largest, and oar prices, ail things considered, are the low? est m the city. BALL, BLACK A CO., JIfIlilli AND S I LV IKBM ITH 8 , Hoi. 565 and 667 Broadway, Hew York. Jsiyis-lyr_ ^oriniuTirai JmplraeitU. pOCKET CORN SHELLER. Being the Owner of the PATENT RIGHT of the State of North carolina, and the following named Counties m .the Sute o? South Carolina, vii: Charleston, BarnweU, Colleton, Beaufort, George? town, williamsburg, Horry, Clarendon and Ches? terfield, of thia small, cheap and very valuable luventlon, I offer County Rights and Machines at greatly reduced prices from i860. Will send one by express to any address, (as a sample.) on the receipt of Si by mall, or will ?nd a half dosen. (aisampleaT) by express, C. O.D.,for ts, to any p?rase dearring me to do so. N. B. Ahy person infringing upon the rights of thiePatent wm be dealt wit according* law. Jnly8-lamofl c? N? AYEB1LL.