OCR Interpretation

Columbia phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, May 05, 1865, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027006/1865-05-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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tba portrait spoke of ito resemblance in low;
words, aa of a mighty marvel, and a proof
sot leas of the pc wer of tb* paiute,-than of.
iiis deep lore for her whom he depioted s?
surpassingly well,i Bittat l?ngrh, as the .
labor drew nearer to* its conclusion, none
were admited into th? turret, for the painter,
bad grow a wild with ardor of 'his work,;
and turned I1?9 eyes from the canvass rare?
ly, e/en io regard the countenance of his.
wife. And he would not see that 'the tints
which he spread upon' tba canvass were,
drawn -from the cheeks of her who sat be
aide him. And when, many weeks bad
. passed and hut lit'le remained to do, save*
one bm--h upon the mouth, and one tint
upon thc nye, the spirit of the. lady again;
flickered us ad the flame within the socket,
of the lamp- And then* the brush'was given,
and then the tint was placed; and for one
.moment, the painter stood entranced before
the work which, he bad wrought; but ii the
next, while lie yet gazed, he grew tremu?
lous and very p?lllid, and aghast, aud.-cr/
ing with n loud* voice", thia ia life itserfl
t?rno'l suddenly te regard bis beloved.
She. was dead]
H? ADQU.UtTEfc?V QoitmstA. MAY*2, 1865.
To tttePeople cf the State of Sau th Carolina
- npflfc} surrender of the army under the oom
JL roana of -Gen. Le? in virgllra, haa boen
followed by the aa/Vaader of the af my under
the command of Gen. Johnston in North Caro
* Una.. To these armies. South Carolina has con
rsVibntod, _ with yenj? inconsiderable exemptions,
her entire male population. Th? brave men i<
these 'armies wk? have survived ta? b!oo ly
war of the past-four years, nie new returning
home, as prisoners of war, on their parole; and
Unable again te take ap. their arm . ntil th<
* aenditions have been performed ur.ou winch
their captivhj has'been terminated.
The Government of the Confederate* Slates,
ia the creation ofjvhich Sou'h Cir dina anile
s^tb ber sister Stats*, Iras suspemh-d i te sevil and
military authority, an i tba) hijsh duty of provid
?Sg measures for the welrara ot" its pausen <, fry ??
atora necessity, "hae been devolved upon th?
Government of the State * e
In-this-ciiexp^'c'ed lerminatbm of the activi
powers of lii.vernm^ur., in pva.-e and in war
which Sooth Oiroliti* er inti11 to Ihe c-?inm?
Government of the Co it* tel ai cd. aVtaiea, cn
cura^tann.?*' have ie id-red the Kondition of thi
fi Late on e of petinliir <-n?inrruss . nt; Deep'
sefferksg lr?.n ih-> ??ns*q.u<*iieea of the w*r, i:
.nany respects, in mine is lint suffering mi
.peculiarly trying tV?n in the misery whieh
?ow affect* K ? >?i4derahl? -porthtr? ?*f ita popu-*
lawon; which Miia^att>M4*a larger portion, an -
U9av involve tb* wh?l .of it in the anlTe'-in.
which' want* oppi'oeu iig st<tr?ai?un, h ia pro
dneed and will prodtie-*. The large nus,die
contributed to th? sup|M?rtnf the armies of tk?
Confederation had l?-ea g. ven at a tiuin wh>-i.
abnnddiioe unaided the pupuia'.ion to bear ?*
w:th?raw"l without ??gr ivalsd ?ii ?fe ling. Bu
the great de?t. iwnum-tif mean? of ?ubaistenc
St the presan:, tundead the diffijUltiea of se
eterrag it tn the fat-are hy the ttex\ .rap, had'
even before the reverses which befall th? armies |
of tffte Con federation, satisfied all that it would
be impossible to part with the supplies 'which
bad been gathered for tire armies, without de?
stroying tb? support of tile population io many
i portions of tho State. And attempts were made j
'to. inform_the authorities of the Confederate!
Government, that not only the "apprehension
but the certainty of evil.cons?quences weald
prevent tb? removal ot all such supplies.
With the dissolution of the armies of the
Confederation, the necessity for these supplies
has ceased; with the removal o f that necessity,
arises tho stronger oblation upoa tho SK
I thorities of the Stats, to preserve those supplies
I for the mitigation of th? suffering of ths people
; of the,State. To that ead. therefor?, it is now
declarad that ail subsistence stores and pro
per ty of the OOo federate States within the
limits ef the State, should be turned over to
and accounted for by the agen?a of the State
appointed fer that p?rpese. The subsistence
and ether atores to bo asad for th? relief of the
poopU of toe State, and thcoiher property of
whatever kind to be hold for the common
benefit o? tho State, and anbjost to saab distri
bntion aa may bo hereafter deieraejaed upon by !
the proper a?thorities cf tba Stat?. .
It will be recognised aa- a daty ia the high'
est decree obligatory upon tho agents of th?
SUte" who will receive these supplies, to pro?
vide ont of them freely to the soldiers of this
or other Stales -pawing through ear limit? who
may need aid. Subject'to thia claim, all anek
supplies will be held for the purpose of famish- !
ing subai#tenaoaand support to the thousands I
who ia different parta of tho State are now*
destitute SkSd in want of food, and whoso suf?
fering ?aa eolv hie alleviates! by thia disposition ;
?f Ches? sappjfree.
By the Governor. A. Ck MAGRATH.
Qkeial: Wt 8. MULLOS, IL Col sad A. D. C.
Mny4 _
COLUMBIA. April 8'b 18?5
j THE representations wh'ich 'have been I
1 . niaile to mee of tha general practice of j
listilla'ion of liquors by persons who h?ve noi
. ht tined that authority w'.leh the laws of the
State require are so general thar there can be
io doubt af th? great mi?ohief "winch it now
dieting the people of the? State. That th.
WA of che State should be openly violated, isl
if its -If^a publie wroitg, than which non.? eau
te greater and which uviat be redressed. That
li? purpose for which these laws are violated
-hould se productive ef the certain misery and
unhappiness of the people of the State., ia an
leeaMon which calls for the united action of I
. ll md citizens in inaiataining the integrity of I
th? la1*s, and protecting the lives and fortunes f
if thi*i.r fellowmen.
2. For the info-rmatb'i* of all persons, it i< I
?i.v proclaimed that* thg law.? which are of I
arce in the State of -*onth Carolina, and which
? hmo hy compliance wah their provisions
.en-i-r lawful thc distillation of liquen-, are to
?e strictly e.uforo -d T> those law? attention
is rt-qviirod; obedience ia due and must be given.
3. lt is the duty of all p^r-ons having rea
?"?Hb!? grouud for th? suspicion that thes^l
?iws are violated, to give information thereof, j
Ilist 'stach violation may be prevented aud
F ii.?i 'm .
* 4. Under ?B?UT?r other pretext, jastificatio a
I or exe?ee may oe sought for these practices, it
is sufficient now to proclaim that the laws of
j tho State afford the ou ly sanction which, aaa be
had, aad that thea? laws ??>ne indicate who
mode in which that sanction caa ba obtained.
5 Sheriffs at the Stat?, aad all magistrates
in th . ?iffer?nt diatricts of th? Slate, will, with
all da? diligence, proceed to combine their St
\ forte for the detection of those who are guilty
of a violation of these* laws; and,, in all other
! respects, to secara that observance of the aa
I aotmeats of th? wt tte, which ia alone consistent
i with th? respect ?aa to itegtuthority.
6. All person* engaged iu the distillation of
?liquors referred to ia the laws of the State,
wilt be.required to present the evidenoe of the
; authority given to them to eontinne in ?nob
business. And in all cases when such authority
ia not exhibited,'information thereof will be '
communicated to th^proseeuting Officers of the
Stat?, who may'be appointed' for the *nfcr??
I meat of the criminal laws of the land in that
portion of the Stat? where auch violation may
be found.
1 ti The Auditor-General of tho Stat?, Jarnos
Tupper, Esq., will obtain from the proper of?
ficers the name of -such persans as have been
duly authorised to engage in tba distillation of
; bqu?re, and publish the same for general in for
j mat ion. ' " -
! By the Governor: A G. MAG-RATS.
Omoialr W. S. MULLINS, Lt. Ooh and A.-D. 0.
May. j ? . -' - % ' " ?
State of South Carolina.
GOLUMBIA, May S, 18*5.
ALL Offij?rs and Agenta.of. tbs Confederate
Travernmeni, who may have in their ona
tody subsistence stores and other property col?
looted for Ute ase of the Confederate armies, ?
will receive from the Soldiers' Board' of Relief
in th? several Districts of the State, acquittances
for whatever may be turn?d ov?r to such Boards,
who are hereby authorized te receive the'same.
Aud such Boards wrH report -to the State Aud?
itor, Jaiaes Tupper, t?sq , any surplus in. their
bands, that it may be applied tot the relief of
the distressed in other Districts of th? State.
By tba Governor: A. G. MAGRATH.
Orfieial: W. S MULLINS, Lt, Cob and A D. 0.
M?y6._? . _. ._
aiealy Scott,
Auctioneers, Broiera, 'Com. Merchants.
Office on Atmelhhltf Street, betteten Wash m$ ion
and Plat? Street*.
PROMPT attention driven to sales cf all
BONDS bought and sold. Liberal, advances
made on private s,tlos_"_- 4Aj>i' 23
! _ Headquarters,
'1 NEAR SMli'flFt'KLl>, STO-? APRU. 7, 18*o.
SPE01A L OUI)BR- NO. 28-Extrae*.
?. ? * ?
! v . assigned to ?onuanud hi the State OT
South Carotina.
i * * * .!
By command of Gen. J. ft*dOHifST0ar. "
j KlXLOCK ?*"ALG>>NKR. A. A. G ?""* " p
#ratL 1?, 1865 .
I ORDER NO. 1. ,
l in compliance with the above orders, tba
anderaigned hereby- assum?s command in thia
State. Until tho name* of the staff are an?
nounced, of?cial-communication* te those bead
quarters will b > aftuVeaje'l to Lieut. J. M. B.
iSO VEL&. Acting A'. A G. at Columbia. .
! - April l-l M- LOVELL, Major General. Sta.
\ A GOOD W?EBi.W RIGHT, for whom liba>
? rV Val wages" will be paid. Apply al thia
otto?. * ? April 3S f??

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