OCR Interpretation

Columbia phoenix. [volume] (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, May 11, 1865, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Jw Puisait sud Capturo erf Bootha i 1
? t=j eoial deep?tch lo tlie New. York iipMff
.dated Washington, April 27r. 1665. baye:
ThefoHow iii g facta I obtained iront Col. Baker
and Hie other persons engaged with him:
Ali the lower counties of Maryland were
suoured by a lu g? .force, consisting of 1.6?0
cavalry and 6?0 detectives and citizen?. On
bundey last; Col Baker ??afu?d of a little Coy
m Maryland sofue tauta which satibfitd him that
B?otb and Harrold lind crossed the liver about
' IT o'clock a. m, end had gone into Virginia. A
telegraph or;orator, with u sni.ill body of sob
dieri, wu* sent down tlio river to tap the wires
atsgivi;- place, and ma?so certain inquiries.
This party it-turned on Monday morning last,
bringing with them a uegro man, whom they
picked op at Swan Foint, who, on being closely
interrogated, disclosed that ho had seeu parties
eros? in. a boat, nod the description of these
parties assured Col. Baker that Booth andJUar
ruld were the men. Demand was made npon
Gen. ilancock for a detachment of cava'ry, and
twenty-eight of the 16th New York were im?
mediately sent to Col. Baker, under the com
mand of Lieut. Doherty. They we e instructed
to go immediately to Furt ??yaf; that Booth
hud crossed the river, nnd had had nbout time
to reAcb that point; that lie could not ride on
horseback-, und must'therefore have traveled
?lowly. "
That night, the party went down thc river
four inil?s, but beard nothing eatisfaciory.
They finally, at daylight, brought un below
Port Hoyal some miles. They reuirned, finding
no truce of ibo srituinaja* lill they fed to Pert
??oy.ti yerry. Idout. Baker rode up, found the
ferry man, und made inquiries. Tho ferryman
stoutly dv.uied bavin g seen any such persons HS
those described. Lieut. Baker throttled him
und ihrentuucd him, yet ?ie denied any know
lodge of the persons sought. By {.lie S'de of
th?, ferryman, a negro was sitting. Lieut,
tinker presented a likeness of Booth and Har?
rold. The negro, Uv on looking at these, ex?
claimed, "Why, massa, thc m's the gentlemen
wo brought cross the river yesterday." The
ferrynian then aciuiitfced- flint he h.nl brought.
Booth and Horrdld over the river in his bout.
The cavalry Waa.started on an 1 went fourteen
miles beyond Garrett's place. There they met
a negio, who said he ?aw two men silting on
'Garrett's porch that afternoon. The description
of one accorded With that of Booth. Lieut.
Baker and his patty returned to Garrett's
bouse. Garrett denied that the two men had
b?.eii there. Baker threatened r.o ?hoot bim it
he <1 ul not tell the truth. G tirrell's son there?
upon caine out of the house, (iud s::id the two
nien were in tim barn. The barn was at once sur?
rounded. Buker went up mid rapped at the
' door.. Booth asked, "Wim are you, (rienda or
fo?t? Are you Confederate?! I have gol five
men m here, aiul we cnn protect ourselves."
Lieut. Baker replied, "1 have, fifty men oct
here; 3"ou are surrounded* twiJ you may as we'll
oouie oui und surrender." Booth answered, "1
shall never give up; I'll not bo taken alive."
The instructions were that every means possi?
ble must be taken to arre6t Booth alive, and
Baller, Co:iger and Doherty held a consulta?
tion a few feel from tbo naru. In the liLgnn
tiuie, Booth was curbing Harrold for his cow?
ardice, charging him with a desire to meanly
surrender, etc.
Coi. Baker and his party returned", and held
a parley with Booth, thus consuming about an
hour and a quarter. Another consultation ol
officers wu? hc!d; and it waa determined that,
in view of the probability of un attack frcm a
tolerably hu ge force of rebel cavalry, the bara
*hould be fired, and Booth thus forced to corni,
Conner gathered ? ioL of bruah, ar.d placed
it again-l uud under the barn. The lighted
candia wus applied to tho hay end brush, and
.hrectly the idamea caught the hay ?naide tte
barn. Booth rushed towaad tlie barning hay
?ad tried to put out the tirtj. Failing tn this,
be ran back to tb? ?.?? lie of the floor, gathered
up Ino arms andjsk?d ?tilt pondering lor anio
mcnt. -?While'Be-otii was standing in thia posi?
tion, Sergeant Boston Corbett rau up to the
barn door .and fired. Col. Baker, riot peretiv
ing where the shot cante from, exclaimed,'"He
has shot hirrtaelf," and rushed into the barn and
found Booth yet standing with a carbine in
hand. ; finke*.* clasped Booth n.ound thc H rm s
and breast; the balance of the .party iia'd"ftlso,
in the meantime, got inside. Corbett, then "ex
claimed,."! eliot him." Booth" f?l upou> the i
floor apparently paralyzed. Water was' ??nt |
for aiid the wound bathed. The ball had ap?
parently passed through the neck n-od thc spine.
Ina few mow PU ts, Booth revived. He made
un effort to lift his hands up before his eyes.?
In thin he was assisted, and upon seeing them,
he exclaimed, somewhat incoherently, "Useless!
ueelcus! blood! blood!"and swooned awa}*. He
revived from time to time, and expressed him?
self entirely satisfied with what he bad don?.
Ile expired al 7.10 yesterday morning.
The corpse was placed in a curt and conveyed
lo the steamer Ide,'atid brought on to the navy
While the barn was being fired-, Harrold
rushed out nod was grappled by Lieut. Baker,
thrown to the ground and secured..
Corbett ea3's he aimed with the intention of
wounding Bo<Hh in the shoulder, and did not
intend to kill him.
Booth had in his possession a diary, iii" which
he had noted event? of each day since the as
sassiuation of Mr. Lincoln. This diary is in
possession of Vhe War l-epsrirric-tti. ?ie had
also a Spencer carbine, a 6c ve II shooter, a re?
volver, u pocket pistol an'd a kuifc. The latter
is supposed to be the one with which he stabbed
Mayor Bathburnc. His clothing was of a dark
blue, not Confederate grny.'as hus been stated.
burgeon General Bai-nus suj-a the Wall did not
enter the brain. The body, when he examined
it tins afternoon, wan not in ? rapid ?tato of
decomposition; hst was considerably bruised
by jolting about in the cart. Jt is placed in
charge ot Col. Bake1*, in the attire in which he
died, with instructions uot (ti allow any one to
approach it,"nor to take from it any part of
apparel,'or thing for exhibition hereafter; in
brief, it is necessary for the satisfaction of the
people that two point* shall be positively ascer?
tained: first, that the pereon" killed in Garret's
j burn, and whose body was brought lo this ciiy.
I was J. Wilkes Booth; secondly, that the said J,
; Wilkes Booth was positively killed. Thc first,
point was to day confirmed by overwhelming
[testimony, such as no jury would hesitate to
accept. The substantial one of the Second
point is shown in the report of Surgeon Gene
ral Barties, which will be officially announced.
Booth*? leg was not breken by falling fio'.a
his horse, but tho bone w;ia injured by the lull
upon the stage at the theatre.
Wanted to Purchase, j
C?^t* A HORSE or MULE, for which pro
r\ii visions will be paid. Apply corner ?Se?
?ale and Marion streets. Mav il
For Sale
ty&^t' 0NE first-class HORSE; will work in
f^ftX single or double harness. He can be
seen between 1 and b o'clock, any afternoon
this week, on corucr.Gates and Lady street*.
May tl i*_J. ll. PHILLIE.
OFFICE on Pickens street. East end of Lftdy
6treet. Will attend protapiiy lo official
business, and the drawing up and preparation
of .all iegul forms in ordinary business trane?c
tioi-?._^ may ll 2?
Wanted to Hire,
Apply to lt. SWAFF?BLD, .?rae mil Hill.
Notice- -
ALL persan.? indebted to. the COLOMBIA.
rilCENIX, rire requested to make imme?
diate, payment, In-the future, the GASH SYS?
TEM will bo rigidly enforced. .' .
Court of Appeals.
THE '.COUUT OF APPEALS will meet &
Columbia, 3. C.-- qn THURSDAY, 18th.
instant. Parties interested will 'govern t.heta
selves accordingly. By order of .
B. F. DUNKIN, C. .;.
D. B. DESAOSSUHE, Clerk Court of Appeals.
5?p*Chester, Camden, Newberry and Greau
ville papers please copy. moy ll 6
Headquarters District of South Carolina,
I. IN oider to carry into effect the terms pt
. thc Military Convention-between Generals
Johnston and Sherman, made o.i thc ?6 ii ult.,
duplicate muster rolls should be prepared a*,
ouce. iipon which all officers ?ind men who come
under these terms may enter their names and
receive tho immunity from molestation therein
ECUBrnnteod. Major-General Young, Brigadier -
Generals Ripley, Robertson-, Blanchard', Con?
ner, Chesnut, Preston; and Bonham and Majoi
Jenl'tis, ar; charged with thc duty of pre par'
?cg these rolls for the Signatare ol' such officers
and men a? m:iy be within their reach. Rolln
will also bo prepared at these Headquarters for
thoso vh<* ar? in Columbia cid its vicinity.
II. There is no authority to disband troops
until the forras prescribed tn thc convention
have been complied with, and thc Major Gene?
ral commanding regrets to observe, on thc part
of some lew demoralized persons, a disposition
to interfere bj' violence evea with the articles
of public property necessary to enable their
superior officers to arrange the terms by which
protection can ba given to those in tbs service
who desire it; tu procure subsistence for thc
sick and'.wouiided in tjre hospitals; ni.d lo fee?5,
the soldiers peening through tho St:-.t? cn their
way to their distant homes. Ho trusts that
chose who have so fought so long and so well,
will accept their fute with becoming dignity,
and repress any attempts to throw aside thc.
restraints imposed upon us as good citizens and
til? honored veterans of many battles.
By command of Maj. Gen. LOVELL. .
JosKnt MANIOAOLT, A. A. G. may 9 4
Beads and Stocks.
O TO LEN, on thc night of tho 17 th February.
? $l04000 Confederate 7 per cent, BON Dis, ir>
sums of $1,000 each, dated March 2, l&t>f;.
signed bv C. A. Kose, rr.:! numbered Nos.
'??0,02-1, 20,025, 12,110, 12 109, 12,105. 12,10?.
12,10.5, 12,103, 12.101, 12,108.
Also, four Bond;', jl ,0t>0, 8 per .cent'.; num?
bers will appear in next notice.
. Also, oue Certificate, S per cont., for $100, to
the oroer of I. D. Mordecai.
Also. 70 shares of Capita! Slock of the Ky?
olia n ge Bank of Columbi.., S. C., ia tho came
of I. D. Mordecai.
Also,'$l,Cu0 ?a H.SO Notes; huober? with tb?
Assistant Treasurer, which will b* published
All pflrtiea are forbiddc-a to trad? fer ti
above named securities, as explication wil' bft
rnide for rcaewais of the s.-rue.
April 6 tb6 Executor I. I> Mordecai.
Auction and Commission Meiciiant
Ojp.it ?satmbly St ret', Bctv-.ti*. Plain and Wnt't
in t/ton S tr stts,
T\7 ILL rive prowpt atte ilion to iii? RU?C at
VT pirroimaj ?f HEAL ESTATE, STOCKS.
BONDS and-all other artieies of PERSONAL
nfc ciiher"private snie or auction. Atril 17 f

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