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$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Even*."-Shaksprare. Single Copies Five Cents By J. A. SELBY. . COLtJMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1865. VOL. l.-NO. 43. 'T?E COLUMBIA PHOOTS, , .M?ILISHEU DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, * *?Bf? JULIAN A. SELBV. TERi?3-lly ADVANCE. . SirSaCfc'PTION. Six months, - - - "-. J5 One month, - - * - . 'Al ADVERTISING. One square, (ten linea,.) one time,'60 ?ts Subsequent insert iowa, - 35 cts [Original. Thin"* Thrice. - Go forth at .morning1 a birth, , Yv'han-Wakes ilus Ui-y-earth; I Tti'eft'theerful hie; amidst thy kind Tky >t|ai?y- work to-do, thy harvest sheavsa v 'fabled. ! Go forth nt noontide hour, . -IrVfap.jiaid day sun's In power, j Ohl-treary uot, though dies the ro3e. Tbyz-Etrength 8urbcieut iv, thy labor? soon ; will close. ? Go-forth at eventide, j "When life-like aouuds, have dutd, ** ' Think of thc sp; ri ts' dapth,- and learn That God ii love, though you may uot His . aims discern. Act in the morn; at noon fdr'ulfill thy t-?!?k, for soou : . J*ac!i pilgrim's ,-Jaily journey ttfcd. At eventide he rests, to think of Heaven and God DAt?Y DALL. THE WIGWAM. .' , ?'? President Johnson's Policy. Delegations Irotn the States of Now York and Maine, to Washington, re? ceived the following reply from Presi . dent Johnson: ii*,.! need not say, gentlem<->n, how j -afteeply grateful I ara io you and the ?influen?al and eminent citizens whom, you represent, tor the words of en? couragement and confidence which, you have spoken. Such -a manifesta , Liorj of xt^^d-woiijji^at any time be , Acceptable, but at trie present time it j jif-dsio ijiy heart, the, VT .ir m est response. jy^ix y?'m not expec- of mo, under ex- I ' isiinr^crrcumstauoert, nny extended de-1 . claratton of my pjblic affairs. My \ past lift- must be the guarantee of my future course. And if on the princi pies which have heretofore guided my.? action as a public man, there is not found .a sufficient _ earnest of those ?which, with the blessing of-God, will ; direct my course in dealing with the gloat public qojjstjons which are ndw Coming up Lr-uietermination, no pro? fession th-Lt ft should now make, t?o declarations o/'polrey. that I should . lay down, would comm.lnd your re? spect or insure your coiJuience. Yet thero are some points which stand out so r.roimDenpJ" that none cnn hesitate io yield a ready-assent to their force and truth. Our great and good Presi? dent has been stricken down by the j banu1 of an assassin. Every one will . ag.?ee that ar^on ia a crime, and must be pe rushed. Noone will deny that mur . d?? is a crime and must meet its just? . pt ?alty. All will concur in awarding :0:tbe assassin the punishment df his crime. But if the assassin of the Presi . dflr.t is nat to escape deserved punish f trent, wh:it shall be done to those who h?ve attempted the assassination of the republic?.'-who have compassed the Hie of the mdion? The lessons must De tsti</ht beyond the possibility of ?Ver berng unlearned that treason is a crirae-jthe greatest ot" human crimes. Ye?ini*??)#ising the high prerogative wbjcb ??Beyblvee upon Hie, 1 sha!), if I koftr ' Jnypelf. t?roper justice with i4<tfcj<. \ Inhalt not tbra[et, however, I trr?t^l&?t.fihir? the exercise of mercy jsjeaaSjr and pleasant, mercy to the in . ?i*k'ijnal is often a source of the great? est taisery to the mass of the people. fi E^efy : question, as it ?rises*, most, be-1 ' dupo&ed of according" to the circttm etta-ces v.'hich "ahall.s Hrri'uiid it at the Vta>. The qr^jet-ajic^orderlj/mannekr ? it 'which the Watu.3 'create(1 by the / ?e.l?t of the Chief Magistrate of the . aaSfion. so suddenly, and by to terrible W/jt?roke, ha?, been closed up in the nttrcfu! working ot* ,'te. Constitution, t>NjB sure guarantee that tho strength ?3d wied<*fto of the peopjp acd of their Government will .bo found equal lo* I every emergency that may arise. Had any one, four years ago, under? taken to.predict the wonderful events which have happened during the great .struggle through which we have passed, his utterance would have been classed with tbe stories of the 'Arabian Nights,' ar.d the talo of tho 'Won? derful Lamp.' So? while it ?3 not for us to anticipate what may recur in the future, we are sustained by an abiding faith in the D.rine Being, and by a sure confidence that the great princi? ples of government .and ..freedom, which b&vo been vindicated by onr success hitherto will be secured and perpetuated in the midst ->f all the vi? cissitudes through which, it may be our forune yet to pass. .? thank you, gentlemen, again, for your kind ex pressions of confidence. Certain I am, ?hat while the responsibilities which devolve upon rae might have fallen upon many possessed of far roore ability to meet and fulfil them, yet no one cnn approach them pith ii mora sincere desire, or a mora honest determination, to discharge them with a v'.ew solely- to 'he welfare ot" the people and the j ?e and prosperity ot the nation. Ou motion of one of the gentlemen the report was unanimously adopted. The Ohio (?el ega tion received an answer, winch, together with a speed in reply to the delegation of th< Christum commission, follows below: RESPECTED Sm: I might, adopt al that you have said on this* occasion atv! presant it as mine. I responc most cordially, and endorse .every sen liment you have uttered; and I injgh thus conclude what I have to-aay in i ^ii^jch beater manr^/tihjft ^can other j wise express it, adopting?yo?x remark i as my. reply to yourself. Hie'sad ca lamity, trie afflicting ?ocurire*nce*'of th< I ?ass?,j*sina?ian uf the President of thi United Slates, is not more deeply fe! by any orre thnn myself; and especial!; so while I occupy the position I dc being thrown into'it by that sad event And in entering.upon thc discharge o the duties- that are imposed on rae ii the office t^us conferred, I feel am know the responsibility,'and have ot various occasions felt as it wire over whelmed; and I stand before you tc day embarrassed exceedingly aa I how the' responsibility shall be ful filled. Hence the importance. ant value of the encouragement, that yo give hero to-day. The countenanc tendered me, and the support )Tou prc pose in an uudertuki; g so fearless and responsible as the one in which enter, is duly appreciated, for in th midst of this embarrassment-in th midst of this great national calamity in starting upon the career I mus pursue-the confidence, the t counh. nance, the encouragement and tli promise that you will aid the instr, ment that has been thrown where h is, in the discharge of his duties, ; worth a great deal to any one, and e. pecially to myself. As ?remarke but a short time since, lack of suppoi ? may paralyze the aiost courageou i hut the eneooragcrcent, countenaDc and support of an intelligent people i calculated to rqako even a cowar courageous, and to win merit in tb discharge of his duties. I repeat, thi I most fuliy respoad to all that yo have said, and concur most fully, e pecially in tho ide;? that this Coven ment has been sent on a mission, ac that the missioi, has not been fulfifle and that tuo: history of this count! shall demonstrate that this nation, j it moves along down the stream time, is to bc paririanent as the sun. I start, sir-though it may b? co tidered by some as a kind of wild e thnsiaem or superstition-with the id? that this Gor?/E neut, was founded t our fathers upon a great princif le r;ght-that it was founded upon tl principles of free government propi 1 with toe essene al and leading prim ? .? ... --M-g--ii g ii i_ mrmmm plea, running through it. It was sent here upon a great mission, which has not yet been fulfilled; but in its on ward and upward course it will carry oat its mission, and establish the great principle of free government not on?y here but throughout tl^e civilized world,'I believe, in the'midst of my superstition, if- it may be called such, or, in other words, I have a reliance end abiding failli, that there is a great principle of'riglj,t which lies at the loundation of all filings. I believe that time will come, when tliis natkin, instead of being the recipient, as it has" been for a considerable length of time, oi arts, or sciences and of religion from the other quarters of the globe, and of j emigrants of every kind and of every complexion, wi.l become jhe radiating point, the centre fr?)m which will pro? ceed arts, science and religion to ORT brothers throughout the civilized world. Ct \v e have beeu sent on a great mission and that, mission must be fulfilled. We look at this -jigantic rebelliou, and see that the Government ) struggled with it and carried it along; and just at the time that we believe,' arni sub? stantially know, that the rebellion was about to be ended, and the nation was rejoicing, With its banners unfurled and jts artillery thundering through every {own aud hamlet throughout the leugtb and breadth of* the confederacy; then, in the midst, of jubilant feelings and the exultation of a free people, th? chief magistrate is struck, like a star from its sphere, in death. Here we receive an intimation of the eternal principle th?t sent forth this Govern? ment-the (Jovernment rejoicing on the one hand at. rebellion crushed, and on the other mourning at its chiot -slain; and though presidents may give way in regular succcjgion, still this Go ?""vl?mment wiTT ccWve o'ri,"and'in the end j carry out its mission, among the nations. I I cannot huf say, and ip saying so it is a mere repetition of what has been expressed before, that the time I lias came with this Government when crime shall he understood. We are taught in all the Slates, and even in the courts of the United States, that the commission of various offences are0 crimes. Arson is a crime, bun I elnry is' a crime, murder is a crime. Who time bits como when the people shall be educated and taught to under? stand that treason, is a crime. And not only a crime, but the highest oj crimes. We look upon the assassi? nation of the President*-this diaboli? cal and fiendish act which hps been recently committed-as the highest crime; and the mind cannot conceive the penalty commensurate with it. It is a deed for which the human mind cannot invent a penalty severe enough. To assassinate the President. The assassins, in the garb and shape ol treason, have lifted their impious arms I against tho Government under wbjeb they live. I will say, in this connec? tion in, as you have just, re? marked, ns ta my future policy, that ! if my past con -e upon various public j Questions that h.ive come up, and es? pecially since this rebellion com menced, is any indication or evidence to you of what my future will be, an\ professions now must be 'unnecessarj So far as regards my action in the dis? position or winding up of this great drama, my past life must be taken a? some indication of my future. Tn th? progress of this question, in bringing it to a cloue, when justice is meted out -and it becomes necessary to exorcist mercy and leuience, we shall be sun to discriminate and ascertain what i mercy, because sometimes mercy, mis conceived and exercised improperly 'results in ruin of States ?md men. If *it is right and proper to tak away the life of one individuar for de stroying that of another, what sha! be done with those who destroy tii Jife of the nation? Tfeason must h j punished as the highest crime know to the law. Some have copi mitte I treason, technically speaking. Thot sands and thousands have been taken .from tlf?ir* homes upou ui,e cause or other; sometimes by conscription, sometimes by force of public opinion, sometimes misled bv leaders. I would say, tn the exercise of mercy, try to make the proper discrimination; visa? ing the 'penalties of treason on. the conscious, intelligent, misleading trai? tor, and extending ^leniency to the great mass of thc deceived. Gentle? men, all I can say, and ail I can fno mise you after referring to my past, that in ascertaining what ni)7 future will be in tito discharge of my duties in the administration of the Govern? ment, all will be done in a proper spirit. I think, and in accordance with my best ability. There may be some who would perform "those duties with* more signal ability than I can; but there is one thing, sir, of which I assure you aud this audience, that whatever be the evidence of my^ast life, or though I may not bring to the administration of this Government that signal ability that some might, 1 have an honest will and impulse sin? cere., I have labored the most of my life-yes, the vigor and strength ol my life have been expended in those directions which have been calculate! to bring about the greatest good to th? greatest number. 1 have labored in? cessantly to ?maintain and carry oui the great idea that government wat made for man, ayjd net man for th? Government. 'The Sabbath was mad? fer raan,*hnd not man for the Sabbath. I toiled to establish and make tba great idea permanent; and I trust ant hope that it is permanent, or will b< as pe/manent as this Governm?nt. '. have labored to establish this idea. . shall ?bot desist from that. I have la bored to advance and ameliorate th< condition of the great mass of men at|d, God willing, your, help, as far a in me lies, in thc administration o this Government, it shall be* my fa tur object. Tuen, gentlemen, and you sir, please accept my acknowledg ments, my sincere tbarrks, ?for th countenance and encouragement, rec derel rae on this occasion, and m; reiteration, that though I may not dh charge my duties as some might, ye will 1 do so honestly and sincerely, thank yon for the kind attention yo have paid me. ANOTHER SPEECH FROM TUE PRES! DENT. Directly after the delegations ha retired the President received a larg uuiuber. of delegates of the Christin Commission, tempor?r:!/ residing i Washington. The Rev. Mr. Bordet of Albany, delivered a brief bu eloquent and impressive address, saj ing that they recognized him ascallei io the Providence of God, to hav rule over the nation; that in tho pa< public services of the President the had their foundation cf hope foi th future; and uov.% as they looked o tho face of his illustrious predecesso whose death had moved the countr to tears, they believed that God ,ha sent him, as Moses, to lead the peop and*1 his successor, as Joshua, to git thom a iand of promise; that in tl administration of jus*icc mercy wbul follow the success of .our arra?; the prayer was for an enduring peace ac all the' blessings of free governraer Tho President replied that sm were his feelings. In cons?quence tho late afflicting evetts he cuuld n respond in appropriate terms, fl however, acknowledged his thanks f kind sentiments*expressed. Altbou? he might fail, he would promise th he would undertake to perform t grave and responsible duties devolvii upon him with-all the zeal of) honest heart. Ile had knowledge and appreciated the offices of t Christian Commission. Ile alwa had a% abiding faith in Vue peopic, ai looked on the Government aa b:i~ upou the principles of huraf.n righ The nation's mission is not yet co; pleted. It is in our haada. Wh wc look at the country's corditiou i, gives a complete contradiction in ibo assumption cf our enemies. In li.o rnid?t of treason und rebellion we fi-n'J j that "we will tri um pb at lust. Although I we have bad a civil war which ha?, covered the land with gloom, anti whihi tho entire cou:.try was rejoicing over the triumph of the struggle, theta has been an assassination :be rro3r, atrocious and diabolical the world has ever witnessed. "While the nation was j a bike t the Chief -.Magistrate was stricken dowe like a'*t!\r from "ita sphere. An inter? regnum a hiatus, was erected in the Government. In France, for i?j<tance, under Similar circunj^tanre?, there would have been scenes of anarchy. But not so here, where the loveru tnent is founded on justice a.;d ri?ht. We have developed the great truth that it is strong enough to preserve its existence while suppressing all public disorders within our widely extended limits. Government is made for thy people, and not the people fer tb? Government. He was not sectarian; he claimed a charity co-extensive with the human family. He believed, ii? I the language of another, that religion t is an arch of promise, spanning hu I inanity, with its ends re-sting on the I horizon. Religion is seen in ks r.ot j more than its profession, and epod deeds never fail t-> receive recognition ne then repeated his sentiments I regarding his future political course ? similar to those addressed to the II iinois delegation, saying the time hue 1 come when intelligent men like thos? 1 before him should e::ert their mora influence in electing a standard tr I which everybody should ba taught, u I believe that treason is the highes I crime known to the law, aud that th? j perpetrator should be visited with th ? punishment which he deserve?. Important intelligence regaidin Maximilian's Mexican Empire is cou taiaed in oar late' Parts md "B^rli despatches. It is said tin t Muximi lian's Minister ia London lias resigns his position; declaring that no coe sideration sufficiently weighty to ic duce him to retain the position cool be offered, a^ he is satisfied that* th Mexican Empire is collapsing, and tba Maximilian will soon abd ioni o an return to Austria/he having b e.; com pletely disappointed in his two mo; important expectations-the reeo? nition of the United Stat:?, um' tb support of thc Pope and Mexico clergy. As confirmatory of the reno that Maximilian contemplates soc abandoning Mexico forever, we hat the positive announcement that he h; ordered his representatives at ti various European courfs to give of cial notification that he retracts tl renunciation of his family rights the throne of Austria, which he mai just previous to "leaving Europe. [iV&ta York Herald. "THC WAT YOU ALWAYS StoLM'Er -The Vermont Record tolls a sierr? an innocent ord lacy, who never befo had "rid on a railroad," who was a pi senger at tho time of a recent coliisic when a freight t.ain collided with passengar train, snasbing ono oft: cars, killing several passengers a?d a setting things generally. As soon he could recover his- scattered sens* the conductor w:nt in search cof t venerable' cajne, whom he found s ting solitary and alono in the cms, (t other passengers having: sought ter /irma.) with a very placid countenan notwithstanding she had made complete summersault over the seat front ?nd her bandbox and bundle h gone unceremoniously down the pa ageway. "Are you hurt?" ?DCUI?I the conductor. '"Hurtl why?" said t oh! ly dy. "V?v. have just '*b?eu ? into by 0 freight traio, two <jr ti passengers have been killed, a rev- ral others severely injured." 'I n I dido'i know but that "wa; t y . VDU always stoppen!"