Newspaper Page Text
Wedo?sday Morning, May 17, 1865. Too La st .XiOoal Robbery and its Ccu sequences. When advised that local raiding parties had been organized for the purpose of plundering tho public 6tores of cominis .arr, quartermaster and hospital, we then warned the people that th^se movements v.-cre only initiatory cf a general system vii robbery, from which the whola cammu siiy niu3t Huffer. There were ta any who excused the plunderers, and persuaded themselves not only that th-?y vere not criminal, but that they would .e'-op short in their proceedings ns soon as they had exhausted the public stores. But the appe? tite grews from what it feeds on; and thc transition is easy from public to private .property. The supplies gathered for the sustenance of the railroad operatives, nvere ' r.ex>, stoien; and these also were impu iTentty argued to be public stores. Wc "ext were the ro-bbery of town people and town houses. Burglary began ic move in ever}- direction where plunder could be had, and no lodger sought tc* ruak-? apologies. Horses and mules were stolen from private stables; cows were carried off which gave support to widows M:IJ orphans, and men had reason to go armed with their revolvers whoa walking rho streets by night. Supplies gathered ia the neighboring country for the suffer? ing poor and the people of Columbia in g?uera?, were violently taken from the depots at various places, ano the wagons bringing them into tbe city were plunder? ed along the highways. There was yet a point beyond which it was hoped that the criminals would not attempt. But thc hope was fallacious. The. mules sent by the charities of other cities for the purpose of bringing supplies to our starving popu? lation, have .been stolen to the number of thirteen, and are, we suppose, irretrieva? bly gone. What is the prospect before the people her..? Absolute famine and starva? tion. There are no less than ten thousand people here daily receiving rations, who have no other means of getting bread for themselves and childi en. feeo these un? happy destitutes ?t the ration house, daily clinging to its porches, eagerly waiting for tho doors to open and give them that daily brer.d for which they are authorized cud required to pfay. What must bethought of that conscience which beholds, without remorse, the sufferings cf this people, wiilio rending from the poor that pittance which they have hitherto received from ti 3 hands of charity? What sort of soul ? must the wretch possess who rends from the destitute the small bounty of food which has been just given him by the Good Snmr.ntan-which steals from the starving and famishing his cup of watT*r and his crust of bread? Language fails in 3ny attempt to describe the horrid greed of lust and selfishness which thus remorse? lessly preys on the sufferings of the dis? tressed. The result of this horrid system of plundering has been reached, and thc Executive Committee of Relief has given Eoiicc that their resources are nearly at an en'; thi, they will, in a shor.. time, be c ompelled to close their door.s-all supplies exhausted, and no means left them any longer to supply the citizens with food. VS'haL remains! The prospect before uti is too terrible for contemplation. \V.e 6hall ail hnve noed lo make away from a com? munity, which thus plundered by man, may bo fairly assumed to be abandoned of ?Goo. m , ? THK NJ;-V EXCITEMENT.-New York would not be New York if not kept iii a ontinued fever of excitement. -This time, lae fever liss been occasioned by a new scheme .rf emigration to Mexico. Emi? grants are called for in most of th6 North? ern cities for colonization in Mexico, where they are invited "io make a strike ?or fame and fortune" in the lard of golden r reR an* luscious fruits. Certain generals ^ad colonel:; ai a at the head of the scheme. Certain ve-se?6 are already prepared and companies ready to depart. The Herald is in a quandary, Sud asks what it means. "Isjit a plan to help the faiiing fortunes of .Maximilian, or is it the commencement of a ?rand hostile movement against the French ascendancy?" Quit:>. sabe! The soldiers return, d from jije- war ore, in large nuraberp, ready ior the new enter? prise, whether ii shall support Maximilian or Juarez, or to begin a pretty little inde r cadent Yankee establishment of ? s own, ( -ri i ??-.. . qua1, y of fy? nc a and Yankee. Pair Laborers in the Vineyard. It will bc ?ne of the best 'signs in our ' I constellation, wti?n we can sec a greater spread of female influence in taste, fancy letters and the fine arts. "Were oftr-conn try farm-houses commonly to exhibit ex? ternal proofs of the female hand governed by proper taste and ? sense of the beauti? ful; could we. see each cottage, however humble, adorned with gadding vines, and gardens having flowers, neatly laid out, kept clean and nice, and looking fanciful we should see the results iu Abe great im? provement of the men. A3 women refine themselves and'their households, their manners and their conversation, and r's? to the appreciation ot art and thc beauti? ful in art and nature, the standards of aim and culture in the mon would be forced to make a corresponding advance, aud a new stimulus would be given to all those morals that necessarily wait upon .indus? try. But coarseness in the woman-insen? sibility to all tastes of a better sort-de aerating nothing.but her own person will necessarily lead to boorishness and brutality in the man. There i.-t a great deal of fine tast% education, acquisition and real talent among our women in citv and country, here and there-iii this Dis? trict, or that country settlement, which never acts externally upon society; which lives within itself, end if it draps its mi tri I nient from without, gives out nothing in ? return, unless within the limits of a very sKiall circle. Now, the law-regarding mind is very much that which rules the ecpnomj* of a spring or fountain. These must give oyt as they take if?, or they corrupt their own sources, stagnate and become ungrateful, where they might be .sweet and lovely, sud always abundant in their overflow. Could we now.whisper in .the ears of our fair correspiUSent, Daisy Dale, for example, we should say, address your thoughts aud*efforts, not merely t<* the passing und occasional, and under the influence of capricious moods and im? pulses, but under the guidance cf will and thought, leading to design-deliberate de? sign and well-chosen purpose. Mere occa? sional and spasmodic efforts, under a mo? mentary mood, conduct usually to perxi fire and trilling, and the mind is frittered away in the merest 6porls and vagaries of fancy, making no permanent impression upon society, its heart or m nd. Sup-* pose, dear Daisy, you address yourself to a series of sketches a1 out the environs of Columbia, in which, while you paint na? ture, you* appeal to art, and salj-'cting faacy to the rule of thought, make it that nimble and subservient page, graceful as Ganymede, who, waiting upon Apollo, and bearing messages of the muse? minis? ters in his place, without venturing to glide or leap into the seat of authority. ! Using fitney under the guidance of thought . and as its simple tributary, and marshall? ing the legions of thought, under the ban? ners of design, you*array the whole grand armies of the fine and even the mochnni cal arts, for the protection, the health, wealth and glory of society. We trust that Daisy Dale, and all the Daisy Dales who hear us, will hearken to our voice of pleasant pleading, and assert their minds with a becoming will to a noble purpose. Chief Justice Chase, in Chat lest on, was waited upou hy the most influential citi? zens, including Mayor Macbeth, John Phillips, R. W. Sevmour and George W. j Williams. Ile dined, the same day, with Col. Gurney, where none of these gentle Lmei. appear to have been the guests. A . procession of colored citizens, with a band j of music, marched into the piazza during ; the feast; but the Ohief Justice, though ; highly appreciating the compliment, ce I ciined iua>'.iug a speech at that tims. Sub \ seqneutly he did, nod a very long one. . The party arriving with Justice Chase, included the Rev. Dr. Fuller, f">rm-3"ly of Beaufort. General Gil?mc-re had a Ior,g conference with-the Chitt Justice, who is I no doubt cn a politico judicial niiesion. j We learn that President Davis, Vice I President Stephens sud G?n?ral Wbee?ej passed through Augusta, on Sunday, in charge of a Federal guard, on their way to Washicgton. lix. Davis waa captured in the Western jjart of Georgia, after a severe fight, in which a number ot pur sons were, killed. Sherman's aimy rs on ita way to Alex? andria. Tiiey are not to forage cn the country. Pillagers are to be punished, if caught. Refugees are discouraged ?from following thc army, in censequence cf .. ebert ratiOM. " ^ JjDlaiys tn Charleston. A large, mealing t":>k,p'tce al **Zion; Cbureb -a largo attendtnoe ot ??iiinin'trie! body of tr/e cknreti, (be galleries being given up to the colored troops and the b?rae guaid. General Santon fnade a speech from the pulp'"', which is reported in the Courier vt length. His address tras principally (nade to the . negroes. He wished every head of a family to acquire a farm; was glad to asy that many of th? colored people had availed themselves of the privilege. Tl;e titles are to be made good. He will try to have it eo. He esti? mates the number ot those having farms ask80,000. The colored people mast have a voice in reconstruction and re-organiza? tion. It id.their right. They roost have the elective franchise, and his motto and their? must be, "No taxation without rep? resentation." -They must petition the President for their Tights. He sayr. "I believe measures will ahortly be introduced into, Congress to* pay the rebel debt-a debt contracted to make you slaves. I believe, ir; that w.y, the black man will h*ve nu opportun ?fy to save the nation's honor." He concluded with moving three cheers for the Union, three for the ballot and as many for the elective franchise for i thc cpl (ired men. Mr. Thomlinson followed to thc same effect, with some few differences. He ip sisted that poor white men in South Caro? lina were treated with as much contempt R3 were the negroes. He wished these two classes to come forward together, ss in on? cau<se. "The leading and influential men," he said, "can never be allowed to have any further say in the reconstruction oT this Government" The Northern people were willing to forgive and forget in ike case of the common people, but there was neither forgetting nor forgiving in the case of the leading and educated classes of the Sontb! Major Dclany followed, and with an? other sort of discrimination. He argued, after reviewing the Denmark-Vesey con? spiracy of 1822, that the leading class af the whites discriminated in favor of the mulatto and against the negro, because the plot of Vesey had been revealed by a : mulatto. The history ie certainly a ne*r ono-thc alleged discrimination is a dream i of the Major; hut let it peas with other things. It was while the Major was thus dia-. coursing that General Gillmore and Chief Justice Chase- made thair appearance. The Chief Jwstiee then made a long speech, after' promising a very short one. Of thia we shall makerno present report-it will keep till another day, and our readers will keep their impatience under prcper cur*b till we are able to gratify it. - ^ Tm: MAILS.-It ?6 stated that the ?ails will soon be established between this point and Augusta, Charlotte, Richmond and thc North. "News Summary. Mrs. Charles Kean has had a long ca? reer "u the stage. She made her debut at Convent Garden forty-two years ago. A story is carrent in Havana that Jeff. Davis has on deposit, in one of the banks in that city $190.000 in gold. Mr. Hunter, Acting Secretary of State, j entered that department under Van Ba ! ren. more than thirty rears a~o. It is said that the attempt on the part of Confederates to curry" out the law cf , their Congress requiring the negro to light j for the enslavement cf his race, has caused a wide-spread and re ne rn I stampede ia the Sauthon: part of Mississippi, especially iii'Pike, Amit? and Wilkinson Countier. One planter recently lost one hundred head of his "peculiar" property, and :nany 1 otfiers have lost from ten t-j fifty, and in 1 numerous cases the renaways have carried ?ff carriages, horses, mules, harness and household effects belonging to their mas? ter And 8tLH the exodus continues*. If fis stated ir; Washington that informa I ( ion has been received a; the French Em? bassy of the dangerous illness of the Em? pero r"Napo!eon. The United States firmy in Western Vir? ginia is no longer to lind rations for the suffering citizens. They will receive pro? tection, but not pottage. Thc Princess of Wales has arnounced her intention of giving annually a Bible worth three guineas, with two guineas in money, as a prize to the female candidate at the examination of the Adult Education Society, who obtains a certificate of pro? nciency in needle work and the highest marks in the examinations ic eletnestary knowledge. The last accounts of the New York market was tnat money was easy, and th? market highly favorable to speculation. A National Bank his been established in Riobmond. to be called the United States Depository, li G. Fant, Frusirient. Loc?l^Itcms. 'The Ofliee of thc Ctttwnbia phoenix ?9 on Gatos street, second door from Plain. Mr. Durbec advertises a valuable assort? ment of articles, th's morning, at ar.ctic t:. .See advertisement. . To HE GABRUONEO.-We are reliably informed that a guard of Federal soldiers will arrive in thia city to day, for the pur? pose of garrisoning it.. We ate also in? formed of the programme bf the sold. ei*> who are to garrison Southern cities ar.d towns. Guerillas arni bandits will not be tolerated-they will be treated as outlaws. For every' ODe of thc Federals killed, ten of,'the best citizens of a villiige, towr. or city will suffer the penalty of death. No search will be made for a guilty party; but by the acts of such innocence will suffer. To COBRESPONDKNTS^TW worthy con tribiitor who 6ent us some verses ye ?ter day, addressed to thc Virginians who ar? said or supposed to have deserted Lee's iirmy, is respectfully advised that ti-.? pbociz ia a rare bird, and not to he cr nvht with chaff. If the excellent contributor aforesaid will look to the poem.? of .Moore, he will find-that the Irish bard has strange? ly enough anticipated him in every sylla? ble of hia very original composition, and the very lines he addresses to tfce Virgi? nian? werewiddressed by Moore (in -S21 - some fwrty-five years ago) to tho Austrians. Our correspondent should have addressed >bia verses io the Yankees, and spoken of the Virginians, even as Moore spoke of tiie Neapolitans, in his address io the Aus? trians, their conquerors. tj^" PKBSO?AU-All subscribers to the Pluenix whose subscriptions' have ex? pired, will please come forward and renew, in specie or provisions; otherwise . their papers will be stopped. We wish it distinctly u':d"rstood that eur terms are ash. No advertise? ments *fll, therefore," be ?user:ed unless paid for in advance. ?1 Wc "present the following schedule of rates, in the case of 4he most obvious cem moditiee For one month's subscription <o the Phoenix, we will receive either of the following, viz: 1 busiv?i corn. libll?li. pether potators fi pounds butter. l2.~> lbs. flou:-. 7 \ lard. 4 lbs,card es. .*! tl hftion. 9 qta. ric-e. 8 doze? eggs. 4 head of chickens. . Wood, Vegetables and provisions gene? rally - received nt fair marget rates ap? proaching the specie standar':;.-. Foreign Ttems. The Paris joumnjs stale that the deTay of twenty'years imposed by Prince Tal? leyrand before publishing hts memoirs, which he left sealed upf)ajcp:res this yar There iff some talk of a singing festiva! to be held af- Dresden (during the summer, at which twenty to twenty-five thousand singers will appear. The Liverpool Post publishes the log of th? steamer Cbinn, from which it is se^n that she accomplished the voyage from New York t?> Queenstown hi eight days fourteen hours and eight minutes, (d ed net ling, th? difference of time,) a feat unpa * ralleled in the annals ol' screw steam nayi ! gation. Tile'' China's passage is several I hours shorter than the fastest ever previ > ously made hy any screw, and has only been surpassed by occasional voyages of I the Persia and .Scotia. I The naval :1ac of Switzerland will be a 1 white cross upon ? ?ed field. A "field" is j a very good place to display the navy^of j a power that bas no seaboard or no river running into the E..-a. So says a London j cotemporary. .forgetting that tho Rhine : and the Rh?n-: tah? their rise ia the Swiss I Alps. . A? English paper computes that there I arc 500,000 drunkards in Groat Britain. I In 1S35. the population of South Aus I tralia was 2G0. In ISnt, it was 145,13? j The pleasant practice cf bar.k robbery, j bas hroken out in Ho;jg Kong. The I thieves tin-re managed to dig a tunnel seven?v feet in .'.ength between the crain and the door 01 the treasury vault. Hav? ing raised a. flag stone, they contrived to get into the van'% and to. take from ' hence . a sum of about $115.0u0. E J AETHUR, Attorney- at JLiV & Solicitor in Equity, MAY "be form-'., for the present. ?.: I>r. Geiger's of ice, headquarters, may 17 2 Court of Appeals. THE COD RT JV APPEALS will meet at Columbio, b. C.. on THURSDAY. 18th instant. Farties interested will govern themselves accord'.>glv By order of B. 7. DUNKIN. C. J. D. B. DESAU88U-;-X, Cbrk C^urt Appeal*, ?gf" Chester, Canden, Newber. y and Greenville papers sony. may 116 550 Wrapping Paper. 40 OLD NEWSPAPERS fer ssl- at this office Price 20 \ni 40 cent? a tcO. .AUCTION SAL??N. Variety Sale. Ey F. Eugene lurbcc WILL be .?old. THfti VaY. 17th May. at 10 o'clock,' at my office, Tbc following articles. vir:: . OU, Shoe Thread, Looks. Pitc': ?r?<. Cast Steel, Castors. Screws, Env.-iop?;. Writing Paper, 1 pe.-.m Printing Paptry' Buttons, Iioree Combs, ?ic. Also. 1 Carpe?, about 1,500 lbs. Swedish Iros Rods, from |- to 1?. 1 coil Manilla Rope, lo Nail-, liitge lol Carpenters' tools. * may 17 1" Household and Kitchen. Furniture. . By F. Eugene Darbee. WILL be*old,.TIllS DAY,-Mi, y 17. 1<?6?. ar 10 o'clock, at my office, Assembly . .st'?et, the followias: articles, viz: Wardrobe, Looking' Glass, Towel Stand, Chairs, Stool, Brooirts, Bureaus, Rocking Chain, Goblets, Washstand. Bosket, Pot-. Ovens, Jelly Glasses, Coffee Po's, Tea Pot*, Bnck -ts, Cart?, Tubs, Dog Irohs, Feathers, Marb e Top Table. ' May 17 1* COLUMBIA, MAO; 15, 1865. Ar ?. meeting of ibe Executive Commit? tee, he'd this day, the following r?solu-?* lions w jre passed: Besotted, That on and after Wednesday next, tbs supply stores w-ill sell provisions ?t the fellowing prices for coin, v?t: Meal, $1 jier bushel;bacon, 12A ceats perpound; lard, 15 cents per pound; reolsnvc-s. 25 cents per ja Hon; floor, 8 cents per pound. R?solve '. TTiai the public are hereby ad? vised that the committee cannot long sup? ply the demands maderpon them for daily rood, nnd that they must look elsewhere for supplier. The attention of those who have-mean3 to purchase is celled to the fart, that the" committee :aunot supply them with pro? vision^, Stoler? ~ f*rr~S& FEOM roy stable, on lastSnndoy /j?h Bight, a MARE MULE, about ia y Ai rs old, nhf>d before and on the right hind foot; sha is branded on the left Lip "U. S.;" where >he h?a shed the hair. it*is black; where unshed, brown. She i*snp posed lo be i:i Columbia. A suitable re? ward will be-?riven for ?ny information so that I cnn get her. H. H. SMITH, m av 17 Near Dobo jil a AND MEDICIHES, FKESH-and CHOICE MEDICINES. Superior GI EEK TEA. SU G ALS. " , JAVA and F.tO CGFFF& PEN KNIVES, STATIONARY. BRUSHES. lOBACn ), TtN WARI, FOR SA"F. KY DR. P. MELVIN ?% Picken? stree^iictd of Lady street. . may 17 1* Information Y/anted OF Mr. W; G. BEEBE, who left Colnm bior for Charlotte on tb? 16th Feb? ruary. Any information concern ing jh'im will be thanVfally ry.-eived by his wife. C. A. BEEHR. rrjay U s " XJ^XTC^KTc>iti O O ? IWILL be fjtind iii tbo South-Carolina College huijdings, ia trie Library, from 10 a. ra. to 12m May 4_JAMES IV T RA DEW ELL. Tile State of South Carolina. EXECUT1 VE DEPARTMENT: COLUMBIA, May 12. iS^S BUREAS information bc? bf en yivr^. . to n:o of a murder committed upo; ?the body of H. W. POWELL^rby | regio ' .-nan pan.ed WADE, the property of C r>t. ! John Hi u nant, who ii us mau> bis erica^ Now, tlierefore, for the a,?preL*ns'c*i [ ami arrest of the saif3. negr?*taanl narree, i Wade, J. do offer a reward of *'WO UUJf I DRED COLLARS. The said't;egro mai Vade ii aged li? or 20 ye.trs. ?toetiy j built, complexion slightly y<uow. fae? j bumpy, particularly nose anti forehead; j forehead prompient, and mai ked ly ?% I large scsr at toa. edge cf the hair, causea ! by the kick of a horse, j Ia witness whereof, I hart 6et! my h'ar.: I [r, s.] ard ?eal, this twelfth daj| of^Jfcc, I eighteen hundred ard si:?y-five. . . 3y the Governor: A. G. MAGRATH. Official: C- F. JA.NNEY, Aetin| Private Secretary, way 1< Notice. ISS R. W. SH A KD Dropceeatc^otieri a SCHOOL for eJiifdren* trader' U years of age,.on MONDAY, the t?d in*r Terms, ?to., made knowe oi^appliojtior tr har at ne;' residence, Se nth side crX'ahegt* j Ganor?, -iext 7aflt to tysiwer.c- of ftftVfes ' scr Rovcolis. may li i*