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$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Even*."-Shaksprare. Single Copies Five Cents By J. A. SELBY. . COLtJMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1865. VOL. l.-NO. 43. THE COLOMBIA PHOENIX, FCBX1SKED DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. TERMS-?N ADVANCE. fOBsCBJPTiO.V. Six months, - - - - $5 One month, - .'. - - l ADV E HT 1 SI XQ i . One sqrmre, (ton lines,) one tim?j,50cts Subs?quent ins?rtioris. ' - 35 cfs [Original. Tho Vrrgln's Grave. Tis a lowly grave, but it suits her best, Since it breathes of fragrance aud speaks of rest, ? And meet for her is its calm repose, Whose life waa so stormy and sad to its close. "Tis a shady dell "where they laid her form,? And the hills gather round it to brest the stol m. While above her head, the bending trees Arrest the. wing of each ruder breeze. A trickling stream, as it winds below, .Has a music of ->e?c? in its quiet flow. And the buds that are ever in - bloom above. Tell of some ministering spirit's love. It ia sweet to think that when all is o'er, And life's fever'd pulses shall fret no more, There still shtti bc one, with a fond re? gret, "Who will not forsake, and who cannot forget: One kindlier htart. all untainted by earth, That has kept the fresh bl?m from its bud and Us hirth. Whose tears for the sorrows of youth shall be shed, And whose pr&y'r shall still rise for the early dead Stray Ravenings. A clergyntan'' was once asked whether the ai embers ft a church, of wh.T.r?e n* tliva. care, were united. He replied they were perfectly united s-frozeq together. Whatever distrust ure may have of the sincerity* of other people, we al? ways believe that they are more in? genuous with c arselves than with any? body eise. t There is no greater obstacle to suc? cess than trusting for something to turu up, instead of going io work to turn up something. The great th . ng or a prian is, rv>t to be able to nc^om lioditeVhiu.self to other people's hv.mor for that can easily he got along with, but to ma? nage his o vin Cutmore, so that they will not annoy him. / j AI! of us h?ve? tv.'/educations, one ! of which we lTcave from others; another, and mos. vh'uable, which we give ourselves. It > the last which Sxes ?ur grade in A?' itv, and even tu ally our actual vain? in this 1H<^ and perhaps the color o&our fate hereafter. It is refreshing tor .find a man who lias really opinions lof his "own, even wnere they are opposed to our own, and somewhat absurd, as indeed in such a contingency, they are apt to be esteemed. ? - A capacity lo do good not Jon ly gives title to it, but aiso^ makes the .doing of it a duty. This? sentence, says Cott.m Mather, should* be pre? served in letters of gold. Industfy is never unfruitful. Action keeps the soul both sweet, ?md sound, while slothfulness rots it to noisome ness. There is a kind of good angel waitino* upon diligence, always carry? ing a laur?l to crown life; whereas, idleness for her reward, is ever attend od- with shame ano poverty. Beware of the ?V.lse friend who -would wheedle you into a vice. Ile Is the fir<t to blazon to tie world'your misstep, to prove thal you are no better ?ha<i himself. . * Fire is a good thing ;n the house, hut it should be In :he chimney and not ki the wife'* temper-cooking'the victuals, nor. roasting the husband. Tie most influential m;:n. in a fiee country, at least, is the mno wb-j'has the ".bility, as well as the courage, to ?peak wb,3t h^s ti inks-when occasior. mav re^ttire :;. Our 8?shool-Boy Days. After ali, it must be confessed thai the happiest period in life, is our bare-, footed, bread-and-butter days. PeopYei may descant as eloquently as they please upon (he pleasures of after life, hut ail feel that they were blithest and most joyous of spirits, in their school? boy !dais. Never since have they felt ? that triumphant sense of 'life, that ex? ulting transport of ??.ul, io which they 'reeked and rioted' when they first vaulted from.their swaddling clothes. Few tfien were the ingredients neces? sary to theil?.cup of happiness-they could 'carve felicity from a. bit of pine wood, or fish for 'tit successfully in n mill pond.' It is true, there was little agreeableness In hard lessons-less still in being scolded flogged by frowning pedagogues for not getting them. BuU the p'ay-ground and the holidays-what is there'comparable to them afterwards? Reader, have all the games, sports and recreations of your melancholy manhood yielded you half the def?ght you once derived from kiteflying, mlrblea, playing ball'and leapfrog? H<ice tire most gorgeous and enchant? ing spectacles- you have "beheld at .theatres or elsewhere filled your soul so. brim full of ecstacy as the first sight of Jack-o'-Lanterr? Cati you ever forget the violent throbbing ?of heart with wbtth yo*" welcomed "the metaphysical stranger?'-bow you 'clfuekletl and 1 crowed, and clapped, your hands with glee, as your dazzled i eyes followed him through all the j chanceful fin-iires of hi? fantastical har \ lequinade? Has a*ny meteor, the Yuo6t resplendent, since danced and gam j -bt?rr^'trrerf "ytrtir ti??T?/ .jJ.WwH"'*'SY?y" I thing in comparison? Have the most, bewitching novels ot Sir Walter Scott thrilled and fascinated you with such ? strange, mysterious delight as the stories of Bluebeard? and Jtu-k the Giant Killer?" Can rou forget the curious wonderment with which you j g.tzed on the man in the moon-how you qtierted whether he too was made of green cheese-and with what ab.-o lut." precision you made out his face? Would you not gladly go back to the period when the rise of the green cur? tain revealed tj you a real world ?when the-j>kes of tho clown atibe i circus were not flat, stale and unpro-' j fitable, and the fricks of ihe juggler j and the ventriloquist had nor lost half [ their interest by being learned to be ? dfcception^? Is it any satisfaction to j you that you have read history till you i doubt everything-that you no longer I believe that Romulus was suckled by j a-wolf, and Richard the Third a mon I stet of iniquity-and that you know j Robinson Crusoe to be a fiction? I 3 Ab, reader, wp know full well your enswer. Gladly would youcoromand \ the secret of feeling as you once did; 1 but, aiasl every day has taken from [ you some happy error-soine.charm \ ing illusion-never^, to return. You I hnve been reasoned or ridiculed out of I all your jocund mistakes, till now, a I tall grown man, you see things as they I are, and are ju*t wise enough to be j miserable. V/ell might Lady Mary Wortley Montague exclaim, 'lhere is I nothing that can pay one for t'::at vai ! uable ignorance whj>;h is the compan? ion of youth, those sanguine, ground? less hopes, and* that 'ively vanity which makes up all the happiness of life. To my extreme mortta^ation. I i find myself growing wiser a&d wiser ! every day.' * . j . Do right though you have inetnics. : You cannot escape them doing i wrong-; ana ii. i? lillie gain '..i b:;r;or I away your honor and integrity, and i dives-, yourself of moral courage, to gain what? Notbi-ig. Belier abide by the truth-frown down all oppo? sition) and rejoice in the feeling whick i mu;*;, inspire a free and irid?pende::! j man. j Build your hopes upon -.ho W.D I and a ob :-ig-? cf r, wil? end '.bom. ===== : ?-_r-*.T=rT== OLD FoLK?.-*^Ble?K the old people, say. we! What should we do without J?facm!. Does Dot a man f?el * better and gringer in the, battle Q$JS?We> having;a grey-bair?d old fatMrMfld moth?? 'tinder .the shelter of^Sbme brown eyed :farrh house away? Does the millionaire's heart leap half so high at the sight of the pines, and oranges -that daily decorate his table, as he does when the barrel ol red streaked apples conies from the coun? try home-apples from the old hill? side orchard, carefully picked out. by a spectacled mother, and directed in a shaking hand by the kindly old mail. Oh, these apples have a flavor of borne and childhood!. What an event it is tb the dwellers in brown stone man? sions and marble-fronted palaces, to have tim old folks come up from the country cn a visit, with th?*ir old-fash? ioned ways and antiquated, snuff colored garment*, and horror of ail new inventions and dangerous novel? ties! We .can but smile when they blow out the gas, and sit as far as pos? sible from the furnace register, for lear they." may bur?f, and starting every time the speaking tidies aie used, and regard the water pipes ad fearful and womlerfu! things. Such things make them feel that theft day and genet.ition are over, even more than the white-headed little grand-chiidren, and the silver threads in the locks of the..son or daughter, who was i heir 'baby' once. Yet there is something beautiful in their sim? plicity-their utter ignorance of the marvels of city life. The dear old folks! a? long as they are alive, there is always an untiring ear for our tales ?vr joy ov*fri:?T^ "a re*dy creuse for our foibles-there is always some one to whom we are 'the children.' It is only when the accustomed chair is empty, and the violets growing over the gentle eyes, that we feel the bitter? est pa nfl' of heart sickness that earth has to give. Whim the old folks are gone, we are alone, though a thousand friends sit arbmid our hearthstone. [Life Illustrated. THE WRONG ANIMAL.-Grantley Brockley, the Knglish snob and artist, tells the following excruciating story of Lally Haggerstoue's scheme to charm the Regent. i Pdrler ladyship had at lieF residence a miniature farm-yard and three little Alderney cattle. When tue prince and his friends had arrived, she came forward from a side wicket a milk? maid; for the.purpose of making sylla? bub for the Prince. She had a silver pail iii one hand and an ornamental stool in the other. Lady H-aggerstone 'tripped along, with ribbons flying from her dainty little milking hat, that hung on one side of her graceful head, and the smallest little apron tied below her laced stomacher, till she came opposite Iiis Roval Highness, to whom she dropped a really graceful curtsey. Then passing lightly over- the beautifully plaited straw, her tucked up gown shewing her neat ankle, as weli as her colored stocking/she placed her stool and "pail convenient for use. Leaning against the flank of one of the crossest looking bf the Alderness, sfie was at t?mptiog to commence ber rustic la? bors, but not having selected the right sex, the offended animal did not seem to fancy the performance, for he first kicked out, then trotted away, nearly upsetting stool, p iil, and Lady Hagger stone, who, covered with cojifuMon, made a hasty retreat to her little dairy whence she did not appear again. The best thing to give to you; enemy .is forgiveness; to your oppo, to'crnnce; to a friend, your heart to vonr child, a good example; to ; father, deference; to a mother, conduc that will' :nake her proud of you; t< yourself, pjsp'jc;; to all men, charity. If thc best man's faulta were writtet cu his forehead it would make hin pu') his .at over his evos. ? GOOD FORAGER.-Not lone ago j s returned . prisoner, an Irishman, stopped at a hospitable looking man? sion, and asked for a glass of 'butcher milk.' The response was that the j cowa bad gone dry. 'Will, then, I'll i take Rwatemilk,' said the soldier.' 'Hadn't any to spare' came back from the house. 'Fll pay yez fur it,' said . the thirsty Hibernian.. 'Givevezanv ? thing ye ask-pay ye in sp?cie-j ist from the North-got a'pocketful' fired oft' the soldier in a quick succes? sion of volleys intetided solely for the weak points of the enemy'.- defence. Tiie last assault proved irresistible. The mansion capitulate?"!, and instead of a glass, the poor" soldier wsu? gen? erously treated to a pitcher fall of pure, luscious mi-Ik, which he disposed of. with a gusto that was refreshing. Re? turning the crockery, the soldier plunged his hand i otu, the deep Charyb? dis of ono Ipocket, then another, until finally with 1? comic expression on his sun-browned features, he exclaimed, 'Faith I'm-I'm in throuble, I am-I belave me spade's in my other shoot of close, and that, in me th run kl but ! if ye've no objection, I kio do like Mistber Trinhum, and give yez a cer ! tiukate payable in goold atibar the war.' The proposition was evidently , not conciliatory, the security unsound, ' and the people who had been so un? graciously swindled by the thirsty sol? dier, slammed the door in his face and left him to trudge on his way 'to the wife and childer beyant.' The great Lablache's coll?ctiou is coming to the hammer. It ia one of ! snuff boxes. This great artist had one ? hobby ouriug iiie. ? It was tosnrrotmd j himself with tabatiefta of every t material, size,'foi m an? variety.| They amount to hundreds They bear im? perial, royal, princely, ducal, literary, I und lady-fair effigies brilliant in dia? mond, pearl, malachite,, lapis lazuli, or I humble horn. 'He received gola snuff? boxes from all the courts of Europe, I and possessed ao many that he be? came a passionate collector, and in all i the sales, lie had agenta to buy for ; him the finest and the most original offered. Like flakes of snow that fall unper? ceived upon th? earth, the seemingly unimportant actions of life succeed each other. As the snow gathers to? gether, so are our habits formed. .No single flake, thal is added to the pile, produces A sensible change; no single action creates, however it may exhibit man's character,' but as the tempest hurls the avalanche down the moun? tain,-and overwhelms tae inhabitant and his habitation, so passion acting noon the elements of mischief, which pernicious habits bave brought to? gether by imperceptible accumulation, may overthrow the edifice of truth and virtue. AN ARTLKSS ARGUMENT.-Nai manoa, a black prince, arrived in En in? land from the neighborhood of Sierra Leone in 17Ui. The gentleman ?to whose care he had been entrusted took great pains to convince him. that the Bible is the Word of God, and he received it as such with great reverence and simplicity". When he was asked .what it was that satisfied him on this subject,he replied: "When I found all good men minding the Bible, and calling it the Word of God, and all bad men disregarding it, then I was sure that the Bible must be what good men cali it, thc Word of God."' -.. To M.;KI-; TOMATO "WINE.-Take ripe tomatoes, press and strain them, then to ono quart of jnict; add O;K half-pint of sug r, bottle and ?et* it stand until it ferments, then it is ready for ;:se. . . When Charles V read upon :h< tomb of a Spanish nobleman-.Her? lies one who never knew a fear,' ht very wittily observed-'Then ho neve I sniffed a candle w:th bis fingers,' In early childhood yo'i lay the foundation of poverty o~ riches in /:? habits you give your ebUdera Teacb them to save everything-ro? fer their . own use, for that would make, them , selfish-but for some ure. Teach? them to share everything; with their' playmates, hut never alio-?.' them to destroy anvthiny;. Kind words do not co=.t much.'They never blister thtfe rorr-'ie cr ?int;. NV?; have never hean' of arv merral trouble arising 'from this quarter. Though they do? not ces; much, yet ! they accomplish much.'' The; help one's own good nature; and COOM**v;U..* What a beautitul comment the fol lowing is upon a good house-wife 'To hear her converse, > ,-u wouid P.'T> pose she did nothing but re-td. tc ::.->..? looked through the department ot her household, voil would st-nrjose she never read.' There's no use in quarreling forever wi.h rhe world. It is believed to be not half so bad .as one ctffer trfai .v? hear of; if railing could haue improved it, if would have been reformad long' ?uro. *? . Knowledge cannot bes'cqulred with out pains and application . lt is troy ble?orae, and like deep diggir?- for pure water;, but when once voa cone to the springs, the}* rise up and meet you. Lord Bacon has compared ih-jsq-si .who move in higher spheres, to tboso ^ heavenly bodies io> the firmament, which have much admiration* but little re3t. Joy is an exchange; joy JIK-.H mo? nopolists; it calls for two; /ic-! H'^v?^p plantea! never plucked by on?-. * Money and time have both their value. He who makes bad UM? </ the one will never make a good u.?e of the other. Don't', live in hope with your arms folded; fortune smiles on those who roll up their sleeves and put their shoulders to the wheel. . We sleep, but the loom of life n.:ver j stops; and the pattern which was weaving when ' the sun went down, is weaving when it comes up to morrow. ' Dean Swift said wi^h aitio'i tru?.h. .It ii: useless for us to attempt to reason a mau out of a thing he has never been reasoned into.' Gratitude is. the fairest blo??som . which ?jprings from the .soul; and ?fee heart, of mau knoweth nona more fra? grant . The poorest education that teaches . seif-controi, is far better than the best, that neglects it. ? Passion without principle is*a?.a two-edged sword without a t.audie He who wields il gets the worst cuts. To be angry wiih a weak mau is a proof that you are not very strong, yourself. E J. ARTHUR, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Equity, MAY be'foand, for the present, at LT. Geiger's office, headquarters, may '7 S Stolen, ?-r-^t FKOiI rav ?table, on lastSnndsy fTrS night, a MARE M ULK, about. -1 z vears old. shod before ?md on the right hind foot: Hb? is branded on the left hit ?'IT. >*..," where she has ?hod the hair, it? . black; where unshed, brown. S':o SJJ posed to i>e in Columbia. A suitable r*.' ward will be given tor any information <. ?hut I can get her. II. H. SMITH,', mav 1*" Near D?ko Infonaatxon Wanted OF Mr. *.V. G. i;KEBE, who left Cuh,V bia fur CU&.-. >:?"'? on the 1G th Feb " mary. Anv info'-icatiua concerning hin1 will be thanUfoIly received hy his wit' c. A. BEEBE. "!l'^v' ?6 :'; IWILL be foun.l iii thc Soiith karolina . Golleire buildin g, in th. Library, from - 10 a.'12 rn * May 4 JAMES D. TEADEWELL. M 20 Wrapping Paper. fl OLD NICWSi'Aj'rsRS for Bale i,t. m omet). Fri and 10 cents . jH