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$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Even*."-Shaksprare. Single Copies Five Cents By J. A. SELBY. . COLtJMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1865. VOL. l.-NO. 43. THE COLUMBIA PHONIX, PUBLIS2SD DAILY. EXCEPT ST"NI>AY, 15 Y JULI A N A. SE LB Y. ' TERMS-LV ADVANCE. - | SUBSCRIPTION. isix months,, $5 1 One month,. .... 1 ADVERTISING One square, (ten lines,)oi:etime, /IO eta 'Subs?quent insertions, - 35 cts Stanzas. ET ALKHEI) TENNYSON. * j What time 1 wasted youthful hours, One of the shining winged powers Showed ra-, vast' cliffs, willi crowns of i towers. As towards that gracious light I bowed. They seemed high palaces jind proud, Hid now and then'with sliding cloud. Ile said, "The labor is not sinai"; -Yet winds ihe pathway free to ail; Take care thou dost not fear to fal!';" INDIAN LEGEND.-The following ! Indian legend, relativo to the spirit- j home of Washington, is extracted from Morgan's Lfagueof the Iroquois, j It is curious, as showing; the estimation in which 'the Father of his Cc;mtry' was held by this singular people: 'Among- the .modern beliefs engraft? ed upon tho . undent faith of the Iroquois, there is oue which is worthy of particular notice. It relates to i "Washington. According to their pre? sent belief no whitj man ever reached the Indian heaven. Not having been created hy the Great Spirit, no pro? vision w,tM made for him in their schemes of theology. . He- was ex? cluded both from Heaven' and the j place bf punishment. But an e.vcep- i lion was made in favor of Washing? ? ton. Because of his justice and be- j nevolencs t-- "tfie "Lidiun, KS sV->i ! pie eminent above ul! nther whiteman. When, in the year 1783, the Indians I were abandoned uv the British alli?-=, mri lett to make their own terms with the American Government, the Iro? quois were inure exposed to severe measures than the other tribes in their alliance-. At this critical moment j Washington interfered in their behalf, as the protector of Indian rights, and j thc? advocate of a pohc.v toward therrfj of the most enliglitened justice and humanity. 'After his death he wa' mourned hy j the lru<)iijic3 as a benefactor of their ! race, aud his me-tnory was cheriabed j with reverence an.i affection. A belier ? was spread among them that' the j Great Spirit had received, in- a celes? tial residence, upon the plains of Heaven, the only white man whose | deeds had entitled bini to the heavenly favor. J ust by the entrance of Heaven ;s a wall enclosed, the ample grounds of which are laid with avenues and shaded walks. Within is a spacious mansion, constructed in the fashion of fort. Every object that cou! 1 please J a cultivated taste has been gathered in this blooming Ed?-?: to?render it a happy dwelling-place for the immortal ? 'Washington. The faithful Indian, ns lie enters Heaven, passes the enclosure. He sees the illustrious inmate as he wa'ks to and fro in quiet meditation. But no word passes his lips. Dressed i:i bis uniform, and in a perfect state ff felicity, he is destined to remain through eternity in the solitary enjoy? ment of the celestial residence pro? paved for him by tho Great Spirit.' 'Ye who write LT a btrsy age,' says a late author, 'speak quick, use short seuteuces, never stop the .reader with a ioug or ambiguous word, but let the stream of-thougbt How rigid, and men will driuk it l:ke water.' 'A tremen? dous thought may be packed into a smal; compass-made as solid as a canuon ball, and, like that'projectile, cut down all befoie it. Back your thoughts close together.' Carlyle say? that every battle is a bloody conjugation: lI kill, thou kill ??t, he kills, we kW. von ki!', they President Johnson on Slavery. On the 14th of January last, An? drew Johnson, then Military Go'ver nor of Tennessee, made an address before the delegates to the State Convention which abolished slavery iu that Stale: Wo reprint the following extracts from tim important address. It shows the thoroughly anti-shivery character cf President Johnson: 'GENTLEMEN: I congratulate you in the sincerity of my heart on the suc? cessful conclusion of your labors. It is the greatest work of the age. In the great r?volution which is going forward, you have performed your j part, nobly. This I say without flat? tery; your work has been well. done. In this momentous struggle in the de? velopment of the groat principles of human liberty, you have discharged your duty manfully. Who would have- thought three or four years ago that Termesseeans would have b<>-jn permitted to assemble ir) this capitol lor Such a'purpose without being ?no lested or driven from its halls? The I ntigl'tj* principles of human rights and I liberty have been pitted against mo I nopoly and slavery. Yesterday you broke the tyrant's rod, and set the captive free. (Loud applause.) Yes, gentlemen, on yesterday, you sounded the death-knell of pe^ro aristocracy, and performed the funeral obsequia* of that thing called slavery. You have opened the grave and let the carcass down, and all that remains id for yon to seal the pit on thc 22d of Feb rtfiry, the*anniversary of the day which gave hirth to the Father bf his Country. Consecrate your work on that dn\\ I . lea!-a .hyirkVfc?t gratitude that I ?have lived ?o ?sea it dunc-, ?rid that I have been permitted to. perforai tpy little part in this great drama. The blow has been struck, and'slavery lies prostrate. At) insolent, insincere, ig? norant, unfeeling, hypocritical, nefa? rious, diabolical slave aristocracy has been tumbled to the ground. They who never learned that "Worth makes-the man, and want of it the fellow," who lived on tho real or imaginary honors ol a buried ancestry, have at, least learned that an ignorant, corrupt aristocracy mast go down. Your sessions have been, on the whole, har? monious, notwithttandjng some little bickering, which, I think, will pass awav with your adjournment. While you think that you have emancipated black men. I tell you that you have emancipated more white than blaek men from the insolent domination of the slaveholder.. Ye*, thje time was not long r.go when you" dared not speak your sentiments. Even in East Tennessee, where there were onlv few slave?, an J we always spoke more freely, do >on remember the power which tho slaveholder exer? cised? how many of our people were compelled to live on barren ridges and cultivate Hie stony spots, while a few slaveholders owned thousands of broad acres in the fertile valleys, Which they tilled with their bondsmen. Even you felt their power, and knew the contempt they felt for you. Because, many years ago, I dared to speak of these things, ? was denounced as an agrarian and demagogue, who appealed to the prejudices of the people. Thank God, J have lived to see the day when the people ol* my State have declared themselves free. 1 must now urge you to redouble youl 'efforts to carry out your work when you go hence. If you consummate it with the same resolution, the foul bjo: of kunian slavery will be removed from the escutcheon of the State. 1 shall .-ay"nothing of the future condi tion of the liegrb, nor ol' the elective franchise. First, organize; time ant experience will regulate tlTe rest. Le u; first get rid of slavery,; let there bi no bickering or conflict till we ge that cut cf the wa v. Tl is being .lone wo will take up'other question?, and dispose of them as they arise. Who could have anticipated three years ago* that we would have progrfssed thus far? Let us, like wise men, hole? our? selves in readiness to manage the mew question* which may aris* in the future. There is. no need of giving ourselves trouble rrreraaturely. * * *'* * * Go ?home, "not- as rival?, but, ag friends, resolved to save the State and wipo out slavery. To do this is enough for one man to live for. A life spent in accomplishing a result like this is well spent. Though some for awhile may sneer, the time will come when the nation will he utterly aston? ished that this great monopoly has been submitted to so long. Let no man, then,, delude himself with the dream, the vague hope, that he still holds on to slavery; let him cut the cord at once, and he will feel-a grest deal easier. Nor let any man suppose that I think" that any portion of the populace should be turned forth as loafers, with? out work. The sooner we get ? ut of this transition state, which is always the worst, the better for us, the better for-the negroes. In five years from now the labor of the bbek man will be more productive than ever, for freedom simply means liberty to work and enjoyment of the product of one's labor. Let us try tp comprehend the times in which we live, and the crreat principles which sre at work. There is a breaking up of old combinations, and men are corni%g together hy their natural affinities. Old parties are dis? integrating/and new ideas thrown out among men of miud, form the basis of Vif.v parries. Hero is the great contest of philan? thropy, of sound reason, of h a man i ty, whose foundation is the Christian re? ligion; a bow of promise, whose base rests upon the horizon and whose span arches the universe. In the midst of the darkness which has been roting on the land for four years-a d arkness deeper than that of the dark ages-from you. sitting in the midst of carnage and death, has gone forth a light to illuminate the world, and teach mankind that you can he free. \ feel that God smiles'on what you have done, and that it meets tin approbation of the hosts that surround lum. Oh, how it contras!.-, with the shrieks, and the cries and waiiings which the institution of slavery has brought on the land! Look along the battle-fields of Tennessee, nt the new made graves; witness your countrymen perishing in battle; see even the God? dess of Liberty, struggling through desolation, carnage and blood, and al? most driven from our border.-! Might I not'say with the poet "O, bloodiest picture in- the hook of time!" And yet, out of all this gloomy scene hearns light to illuminate the world in future years. As your fellow citizen, who expects in some of your valleys to deposit his hones. 1 thank you again for the nobie work which you have done. * The last novelty from Germany is ? musical bed, which receives the weary body and immediately 'laps it in Ely? sium.' It is an invention of a meeba? nie in Bohemia, and is so constructed that, by means of hidden mechanism, a pressure upon the bed causes a soft and gentle air of Auber to be played, which continues long enough to lull the most, wakeful to sleep. At the head is a clock, the hand of which being placed at the hour the sleeper wishes to rise; when tho time arrives, the bed plays a march of Spontoni, with drums and cymbals, and, in short, with noise enough to rouse the seven sleepers. Sorrow comes soon enough without despondency; it does a man no good to carry around a lightning rod to at? tract trouble. About Trees. The superiority of our country in regard to tree? may "iOt be known tu all our readers. We have fiftv species of oaks in North America; ali Europe has only thirty. North America has fnr'.y species of pines and firs-the United States over - twenty-while Europe has onlv- fourteen species. Who has pride of country enough to collect all thc native trees which will grow, in iTis. latitude? Let us pause, says Miss Cooper in her Kural Hours, to count the days, the months, the years-let us remem berthe g'iterations that must come and go, tiie cen uries that must roll onward, ere the seed of this year's cones shall produce a wood like that just prostrated. The stout? arm so ready to raise the axe to-day, must grow weak with age, it must drop into the grave; its bone and sinew must crumble into dust long before oilier trees, tall and great as those, shall again occupy the same spot. lu Dr. Piper's work on the 'trees of America,' we find a suggestion, which we think should he written in letters of gold, lie says: . The pre? sent noble Queen of England, before she ascended the tlnoue, planted with her own baud an oa'c at Chatsworth, Iii our country, where all are born sovereign, it is to be hoped that, ere lohrr, every lady will deem it her. duty lo imitate England's Queen in this, and plant at least one tree. When our ladies shad do this, then will tho work be dono, and throughout our broad land, the reproach of neglect in this respect, have passed away. Have you ever pl-mted a tree, dear lady; you who are reading this? Or have your friends or acquaintances under ! jrour influence, who are needlessly cut;ing down shade trees by the road? side, or neglecting to plant trees where they would be beautiful?. It is to woman we must look for reformation on thia our national decline and fall. How charming, how poetical it would be, if we were to be so indebted to the gentler sex for a national reform in this respect, that the first thought on seeing a beautiful tree would Le <?>ne of grateful homage to worn:;::. We . reier our fair reader to Dr. Piper's magnificent work 1er some admirable ? reasons lor valuing tree-, their utihty and necessity to the farmer, as well as ?their beauty. The portraits of remark? able trees ojivcii in this work, are in the highest stv'e of art, ami nobly cal? culated tu inspire taste for this crowning glory of nature. In the island of Goa, near Bombay, there is a singular vegetable, called the sorrowful tree, because it only flourishes in the rntrht. " At sunset no Howers are to be seen, and yet after half an hour it is full of them. They yield a sweet smell, but tho sun no sooner begins to .shine upon them than sotne of them fall off, and others c'oso up, and ethers continue flowering in the night during the whole year. It will surprise many of our readers to know the gr<;at age to which several varieties of trees attain. Amon^ those whose age- hav6 been ascertain? ed, the elm has been known to live more than 350 years; theehesnut GOO; the cedar SOO;"oaks from 1,000 to I 1,500; and some of tho woods of the tropical clunes for three,-four and five thousand years. 'My dear Colonel, I perceive i you slept during the sermon last Suiuiay: ir. is a very bad habit,' said worthy divine to one of his parishioners. 'Ah. ]*octor. 1 could not possibly keep awake, ? was so drowsy.' 'Would it { not be-well, Colonel, to taken 1 i * t Te snuff to keep- vou *hwake.' 'Doctor.' was the reply, 'would it not bedwell to put a little snuff in the sermon?' A Cooi,XKS3.- When Semp'iine's wife kicked him out ot* bed, he said: See here, now! you'd better not do that again! If you do, it will c?.use a J Coolness? BOOTH'S STAG:: F.CCFNTIUCITWLS Considerable has boen s-iid about Booth, the assassin's, habit of getting excited, or so carried away bv' ll: . character be was personnt'n:: upon tlx* stace, as to make H real, instead o'" ; mock attack, upon bis adversary in tb play. The New York Herald speaks of one instance in that-city, in his performance of Richard the Iii, where, roused to excitement, he attacked Mr. E. L. TiIton, the Richmond of th? oc? casion, so violently as to knock him * into the orchestra, nea;ly breaking - h?3 arm. At the commencement of '. last engagement in Boston, which, by the bye, was at, the Mu-eurn, and not the ? Howard Athenaeum, as stated by the I daily papers, this excitement was spoken of among the stock corrfpany at rehearsal, and subsequently Bootie admitted he bad cut men in some of his stace combats. Upon this the lead? ing actor at the Museum, who was to perform Richmond, Renaud, in supporting Booth, speaking to him on the subject, said: "Mr. Booth, it. may he as well that wc understand each other before commencing ?the perform? ance, there is no necessity of au actor being burt in a stage combat, and mark ray words, if you cu: my [ fingers or even scratch toy person' with I your sword, tiefend yourself in earnest. ! for from that moment the combat will j be a real one.' j We may add, in conclusion, thr.t ' the Boston professional, who is a. j quiet, gentlemanly man, but who iias no idea of being cut, to illustrate another performer's eccentricity, re? ceived not the slightest injury or evea inconvenience in his stace combats with Booth, who probably thought ir. j ment during that engagement. [Boston Commercial Bulletin. AVitli all his supercilious hearties? ness, Horace Walpole wrote some : very sensible tiling?. 'Hud I children.' i he once said, 'my utmost endeavors I would be to breed them musicians. I Considering I have no ear, nor even a i thought for music, the preference i seems odd, and vet it. is embraeed-on frequent reflection. In short, mv aim would *.be to make them happy. I think it the most profitable method. It is a resource which will last their ! lives; unless they grow deaf; it makes i them depend upon . themselves, not ou other?; always amuses and soothes, if not consoles, and of all fashionable pleasures, it is the cheapest. It :s capable of fame, without the dangar of I criticism: and is susceptible of enthi. I siasm, without being priest-ridden." j Not far from the probable site whore j the Sermon on the Mount was deli ! ered, uur guide plucked two flower , j supposed to be of that; species to which our Lord alluded, when he said, 'Cbn ! siderjJie lilies of the field.' Tho calv:-: i of this* giant, lily resembled crimson : velvet, and the "gorgeous flower was of I white and li^ac, and truly no earthly j monarch could have boen 'arrayed' fhore gloriously than 'one of these.' ! Such is the testimouy of nature to tho 1 words spoken by ?ur Lord. \Travels in Palestine. _-1-m i There is much truth i:i the follow ! ing remarks of Addison: T have found ' that the men who are really most fon?; 1 cf ladies-who cherish for them tho ? highest respect,-are seldom the most I popular.with the sex. Men of grea:. ; assurance, whose tongues are light.y i hung, v. 'io make .words sup; ly the j place of ideas, and place compliment* j in the room of ?entii?tjtit, are their :a I vorites. A due respect for women leads to a respectful action towards i them and respect is mistaken by thc ru j 'ur neglect or want of love.' Ile is hanny whose curcumstances i suit his temper, bur, he is more happy I who cnn suit his temper to circam j stances.