Newspaper Page Text
Daily Paper $L0 a Montbr) .' "Let oar just centre v J Tri-Woekly $10 a MOD th. ' Payr.!:! J ?n Advance. j" ' Attend the .true event."-Sh?kspcare. ^ { Payable ia Advance. BY J. A. SELBY COLUMBIA, S. C., JONDAY, APRIL IO, 1865. VOL. 1.-NO. IO. THE COLUMBIA P?ONlX, rUBLlSIIED DAILY. EXCEPT Sl!Nl?AY,? BY JULIAN A. SELBY. TERMS (SPECIE)-IN AD VANCE. SUBSCRIPTION'. Six months, - - - - $5 One month, ... - 1 ADVERTISING. One square, (ten lines.) one time, oOcts Subsequent insertions, - 35 ct* [Original. J The.Peace in Elis-A Scene ir. Greece, j Tavgetus, wit!? ?ts rugged mountain runge, j Fit barrier for the stern Lacon ian race, I Meed fix our eyes no more. Look farther South, You see Corona, and the tribute waves I Of Gulf. North west be? hold . * j A lovelier picture. There below you spread ! The fruitful plains of Elis-name mott dear, In sweet associations, t> all hearts. Whom Peace delights, with choral sung and dauce, Winijing the wny to beauty. ( Ipecing wide To tbe persua-ions of the fond Alpbeus, j Olympia's breast, luxurious, yet as chaste As beauty in the fi rsfc fr^sh glow of youth, implore? you to lier side. Hnllow'd these bounds, ? Beside the smooth Alpheus, and beneath j The sacred olive shade. In the old time. More hallowed far than now; and vet, ? pei eli a nee, Not ii whit lovelier. The sacred realm, iionor'd then by meet observance, utipro taned By thoughtless of?ce. or irreverent steps; 'i'liough Pagan rites upon th?? Christian eye. Seemed sin no less than sorrow. Yet the sin, Vf ere venial, when it. led to virtuous zeal. ! And rchool'd to meet humanity, thebeaits j Thal other schools made savage. I Here, in Elis. - By meet deer??- of the Olympian JOY*?, i Moi; held perpetual peuce; and to his ? ?ii ri ii e. n Beguiled-'heir anns thrown by-their rage subdued. The striving Chiefs o! Green, in sportive g-iines,' Proved utre-ngth and skill, agility aud urt, In amit}', ami to admiration; \V IiiU- eager youth look'd on, with emu? lous eye. And caught the brick of art; and felt the soul Glow i o white heat of ardor, as they heard Tile several eries of ellie.- ami of States, Aleadla now, Laeouia, Attica, As each, in s.-verai triumph, won the prize, Decreed io perfect manhood. These we.e games, Though dress'd'm peace, which taught the I m t of war; ^ Strength wi.bout passion; imaging the ! conflict, "Without us venom; and the raeo was taught. Bv the recurring practice, to prepare For corni ?at, in whatever terrible shape. .Forever ready, lest, the enemy come, Aii? find them weaponless, without a chief] But nil waa pence :.t Eltp, nnd beneath, .Olympia's olive shade. The rival heroes, But late from oposite rrniks in deadliest si rife. No longer wroth, here met in warm em brace, And eyed each other with an envionslove, That sought comparison; watervd. and weigh'd and '. it. Each sinewy arni, and measured well the height, The bulk, the stature, muscle, eye a::d port, Nor stinted in the proper admiration, Which said, "This is a man-though late a foe!" And so, embracing, they together sped I n generous conflict; in the wrestle, race; Ou fiery steed* from Tl.ass.ily, or, stript. Tried their own sinewy thews und limbs, afoot, V? hde eager thousands, hailing as they sped, Shouted the tribe by which the spoil was won. Nor mock'd the vanquished who had brr.vely striven! Tue full moon was the herald through s!'. Greece, Proclaiming peace on earth. Then armies ceased From league*; then thc city gates throwt: wide. Welcomed glad respite with th.-: traveler; And long processions through tnc high? ways paused. Seeking the common gen!. ?Mo H g the bau Of Alphen?, seo the myriads as they track Th? Olympian plaire; ? ?oegarlands IJwith Marching to music; others driving herds For sacrifice; there tiu; chu. io^s aud the lioiise. Chosen for the contest; famous in ali SUI.-;. Spat t ah, Thessalian, Thracian-with one li cart, The charioteer, the horsemen, athletes, mardi ! To Dorian music, which, with rise and swell, And soft, melodious cadences, makes all Susceptible of joy; all confident Of the sweet, auspices of pence decreed. By the Olympian Sorranl Lovely still, The plain, tho winding river and the isles. Its great, broad arms; enclose its sloping banks, Shrouded with plane-trees; while the pas? toral fields Spurred far with verdancy, dotted with white herds. Whose keepers nestle underneath the hill. Mount Cronins. In yon shade thc Stadium rose; . Beyond the opposite slope, the Pryteneum; Gytnna-?uni, theatre. Altia, sacred grove. In front; and to the right, the hippodrome. Half-buried iu'briirht clumps of olive and pine". * . Ten treasuries, so many States of Greece, j Stood, whet e we see but silent hillocks now, I And each of these, a temple in itself. Had its proud statues; works of exquisite art; And gifts and trophies, offerings to the i god.-! # ' ^ Central amid the sacred rrrovp. arose Jove's own especial t,-mpi?-; towering high; ' Bich in elaborate art; an J, chief of all. I That lamons statue of tho Olympian Loni, ; Chryselephantine, gold and ivory wrought, | By ha?)-!'-? of Phidias, which, up.m the eyes. Flashed out electric fires, us 1 gilled np liv Jove himself; so that the gaZei? felt ! ile looked upon Divinity! Bot hence, . j Whit-' wp gt* wander lo the hippodrome, ! Seeking Endymion's tomb, which should . bo ?omni. As the map tel.'s us, nt the Northern tide, j Near the Ap?leos, whence the s'eeds were 1 sped. In concourse for thc goal. It .should ho found, If that tho ever fair Selen?c smiles. Upon her lover's grave, ns on thorn? taints. ? Which sheller thousands, for whose living ! fat* Sh.e knew no loving carss. To him sae Came Nightly, ?rhd kissed him to delicious sleep. (Ju Laitiius; and with morning still with? drew, 1 t-aviug h hu sleeping, in exstastle dreams, 1 Thal, made his lite a sleep, till tii^i.r again, Brought new lrunion to his dreams oi' 1 bli*! ? I And still he sleeps, though nothing of his j . coucn, . i May wc discover-dountless, with the kiss ! Of i a - lair widow press'd upon his mo it , And ail her ??tile white beauties on his { breast, Making his mountain couch ns beautiful j As love had made it hupp}! Leijhim sieen! - The Elysium of Vienna. The Elysium is nothing moro nor j less than a cellar, or rather an indefi nite collection ol ethers, riot rolled ' into ont', but branching off one into the other. They were the c-llars of I a convent, once upon a Lime. Between ! eleven and twelve, on a Sunday night, ! you may see half Vienna pouring j down the litige maw which opens to I receive it, somewhat after the guise of ! the red .cavern supposed lo represent ! the inlernai regions, in '.Rob' rt le ! Diable.'' Men do not walk, they are j shot down the stairs like coal* out j of a sack; arid you find yourself at I the bottom before voa are well aware j o? having left tiles platform where you j Cook your ticket. l!-?ro you go to the | righi or to the left, or straight on, ; and everywhere you un i space crowd- j i ed to suffocation, in ono place sup ! per-tables are ranged in iong chain- j hers, decorated lo . represeut Alpine Bcenes and musicians dressed like Tyro- j leans are playing Styrian airs, under ' cover ol' an artificial chalet. You | have this, to enter a round room, . painted and bespangled a Voricnlalr, and ..-.herein ginger-bread gil?ing is I plentiful; .Moorish galleries lead lo I Oothic coraidjts, and when you issue j from tbese>i(yo.'i find you hi've more j ita: ri before you, and the clash of cym? bals, trumpets anr) drums, and the in I creasing ^r-rdor ol* the assistants, an i Qourjc'.> to you something extraordinary -?-a- um?-a---" is ?;oing on. . Tliis" is the great attrac? tion of thc evening tho procession of masks,the Masfcen-Zug. As to attempt? ing to get near it, you ruight as well try to (bree your way iii rough a stone wu!!; all ibat?you cnn do is to follow the stream, and watch what is goiDg on hom afar; but to your infinite hor? ror you find, all of r. sudden, that you a?e on tho verge of :i precipice, hang? ing cn the very brink of an abyss! Why, T thought you were already deep in the bowels of the earth, and can there be any thing deeper still? Vous verrez lout a l'heure. Beneath yon is tho Zug, wending irs motley way, "large and'lazy as a boa.that luis dined. The subject of it is the emigration to California; and all the arsenal o& Vien? nese wit bas been exhausted to find mottoes and devices for the maskers. Leading to tho lovel space, where the process on is defiling, is a broad and steep flight of stairs, dawn which if liiere were not the help of the up current, you must be plunged head? foremost. In your roar you have n good humored looking Wiener Bur sch.. a garcon de cafe, or some such func? tionary, who goes on uninterruptedly exclaiming, Schaiui's: nu! selia un * nu! i bi'' innen, Schau n's ja doch] (Look ye, nov/ look ye? Lord love you'i look you here! \ whilst your right baud is flanked by Prince L., the brother of a sovereign prince, and your' left, by a soldier of the Mazzucchelli regiment, who is trying wlrn all his might not to Crush you or injure your dress. But this is nothing; the startling sight is in front. Don't tread upon my toes! is :i coiru. on objurgation, but bore it is. don't tre:.d upon my nose! and nothing can equal the anxiety of the upturned eyes whi.-:b implore of you uot to put them eb:! There! rou !?.?ve advanced a step further, and your tight foot i< on the shouldered'a handsome captain ol hussars, who smiles gallantly and pays you a compliment, thc sense of wljiuh i>\ that it. i~ easy for you any? where to walk over the?ourse, for you know him, and he is au habitue -ni the Couutess K-".; when this i past you find youri d' in danger ol sen dm g your shoe .through tiie lace ot a house uaul's oap, and t.) save yon and yourself, you stretch out your arni and catch in despair at the string of dazzling stars upon an old g?nerai t uniform. Tue hauberl is saved by ts wearer having mounted a step, nuc? then she. laughs, and you laugh, and the old central laughs, and yo?: lose your hold upon Iiis crosses, and by dint of much management on youi part and on that of your cavalier, yot arrive ?it the bottom, having, consider i tig the circumstances, an incalculably small number ot damaged noses to answer for, but rich isthecotnprehensiot ol' what w;:Iking upon people s head.' really moans. And even now you aro not at tho end. Lower still, by one long, winding staircase, is uit Brazilian Railroad, and down you go How do' p you may be in your mater nal element, when you enter upon tbt JV isenbahn, is'more than I can under take to say, and you are rot mud inclined to care, for a'l your attentioi is engrossed by the rattling of tho car: on tho railroad; the laughing of thc people in them; the crackiup; of th? postilion's whips, (lor tho carnages or the rails are drawn by ponier,) aw the screaming and chattering of th< cockatoos, parrots, and monkeys, tua for the sake of la couleur locdlc an chained upon trees, real trees, ove your head. Now, as f live! cries ou your companion, there's P?ppi! and In nods familiarly to ono of th<* mos aristocratic exquisites in Vienna, win is taking his tour de chemin dc fer (by tho side of such a pretty girl! and you atc not gone far before yo are met by Tony and Seppi, and th 1 Lord knows who besides; aud the comes b}r a man with a basket, wh gives yon bonbons, and, if it is netto late, you go homo to tho house of or, of the ladies ot your party, H:I rejoice over ices from' Debne's. An in thc thousand whom you have seen at the Elysium lhere is not a cja?s th;it ia net repr?sent?e!, from the princ to the chimney-sweeeper, from the general to the drummer, from the countess of thirty-two qt) rterin_!,s. whose father Inn! * he golden floe. given to him by*A istr'n, down to tut giri w ho sweeps y ?ur ! - J room flo. r. in the absence ot the hea'd o >a;n-?-r maid of ^he hotel. And in all this m x ture of what are represented as hos ne classe?, in all this e'ose contact of what are called warring colors and conditions, not a won!, or a gesture, or a look, indicates anything save good intel i i gence and harmony. The noble does nothing to slight his humbler com? panions-that is astonishing; but what is far more so, the man of inferior rank does nothing to .insult those above him," or make them feel 'that there, where he i->. there is no place for them. I maintain the Ely? sium k> be not only unique in E trope, but impossible in any . other country. No one should be in Vienna- without visiting, for it will serve more t<> show what the Viennese really are, than huge ?folios of political economv. Prom Port Royal. The Port Re-yal lYeiv South, of the 13th inst, contains the following intotevting information: The Tax Commissioners have in? creased tiie amount receive! for taxes, since the occupation of Charleston, -from $20,000 (mentioned in our last issue) to about ?30,000. In Charleston and victuiiy, the time allowed by the Act expird by the G h of May-since which time 10 percent, interest is added to the t;.x from ?he 1st of July, 1802-t'nat being the datu of the President's pioclamatioti d? daring certain Stares and parts of States insurrectionary districts. Section 9 of the amendment of the Act o! March 3, 1SG5, says: "That Boards ol Tax Commissioners shall give due notice, by advertisements, of sales ot j lands to be made by them, by"authori j ty of law. as the Commissioners ot Internal Revenue, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, stiall order and direct. A few weeks since, we mentioned that arrang? men's were being made for the-erection ol a spacious and airy j hotel, to -be called the Sea Isl - nti LIott-1, at this place. Since then rapid improvement has been made w.ith the work, and the building will soon be ready to receive guests. The siie selected is very fine; bf.i.ig near the .beach, on a good bluff, sottie distance to the North-west of the Unite'! States Army Hospital, and on ! the corner of one ot'the broad avenues I which are being laid out from the shore to the other side of the island. The hotel is set up from the ground several feet, in oidcr to give a free circulation of air uuden,eath-a matter of Grot importance to this climate. The iront is eighty six feet long, thirty four feet wide, and thirty four feet high, from lower floor to caves, above whiyh is an attic, sixteen {cut high to peak of roof. A wing extends along the avenue one hundred and six lee', ol same height and width as the front building. It is divided into three storie*. the lower of which is eleven feet Ililli and upper two, ten feet each. 'Wide veranda? extend along each story of the entire front and wing. The total lengths of these walks will be 750 feet. A fine cupola and flag staff surmounts the building, which will, when painted and finished, bo ono of the first objects to attract tho atten? tion cf visitors on entering our harbor. The lower ?tory will be divided into a hall aud office twenty-four by thirty four, dining-room thirty-four by forty four, and gentlemen's parlor, reading room, hn-, baggage-room, store-rerun, barber's room, ??e.. ol varions dimer.? "s i on s. A ladies' parlor, thirty foin I by eighteen, is on the floor above. Thc I upper stories-will be mainly .divider. I into sjcjsping rooms, the smallest o which will be not far from fourteen bv twelve feet. 'Thekitchen and.laundry ure in well ventilated, buildings in tho rear of the boto! and entirely separat? ed from i?, thus avoiding the lising of disagreeable odor? in the hotel build? ing. T?tere wiil be. in al', about jighty rooms. The cooking, heating, vashiiig, -enter closet, drainage and .?ii r A -A y>_-:nenLs, will he of the ven? ?ate^ ..nj best styles. A billiard room wi ! s un he j ut up on the avenue " side, not far from tho rear end of the wing, and liverv s'able3 will soon ? af er. The furniture, bedding snd chamber and table linen have all been made expressiv for this house, and are ready to go in as soon as the carpen tera and pajnters are away. . To say that this hotel is greatly needed here is not enoogh. It is indi-^pensible. Tl;e present In del has for a hnr time been crowded to such an exvent that large numbers have been compelled to seek a ceo m m 'da mm on b??a*d-steam? ers or wherever they 'emil find a [dace to tay their hea<:3 THIS is especially so for s ver-d '!?ys before ' h* regular steamer sails for the North, when a tush is made hom Chade-ion, Savarnah and cher posts of this De? partment. Li-: Tuesday. tin ?ja '. ?rge steamers left this port fur New Y-Jik, and each WHS filled with passengers. Tlfe Sea Id-md flo-el wa< i r-j et ed and is being built and furnished by Messrs. Buckley ?r B 'nerofi, whole? sale ftirnilu. ? fielders of Boston. M-iss. Mr. J. P. M. Stetson, so favorably known (br years in connection with the Astor House of New York and who has lately opened the Charleston Hotel, is to be the host of tho Sea Island Hotel-. j The u>a?l curiom in Paris is to ? receive one day \<.< ttick rd' one's i acquaintance-, and to reserve the r? maiiiing days for one's very intimate j friends, who take their chane?- of find? ing one ul home. Princess Mathilde r verses ?bis custom, as she received every evening whoever may nave been i preseiit-d tc her, and r?serves Sunday evening fur her p.ivute friends. The soul <?'( man, like common na? ture, admits no vacuum; if the divinity [ is not there. Mammon must befand it ! ? as impossible to serve neither as to serve bulb. Thunder threateus, but never strikes - the bolt, comes from a silent source. Bakery and Confectionery. L.SlioT> Mic and W. STIEGLITZ . have rc opened their DAKE RY, j CONFEC'HON ERY and CRACKER MA I NU FACTORY. Also, on hand a fine assortment of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, SCOTCH and M \CCAr3'JT" 1 SNUFF. CIGARS. PIPES, ?tc, at Messrs. Cooper & Gaither's old stand, tnav 23 6 IN the basement of Lewis Levy's house, corner of Plain and Assembly stre-t?, thc following articles: Ii ACON, BUTTER. LARD, FLOUR, CREEN TEA, MOLASSES, SUGAR, COFFEE, CORN MEAL, RICE. PEAS. CORN, PL SODA, PINDARS, HONEY, Cotton Cards, PACK?4, . Knives and Fork*, SCREWS, Hiind-saw Files, Playing C-irds, Matchee, Sperm Candles, Pepper, Tallow '. Salt, Chewing Tobacco, Castile Soap. Smoking " Manilla Mourning Muslin, Shirting, fins, Writing F-aper Envelopes, Steel Pens. Lead Peucil*. Gum Opium, <iu;n Camphor, Calomel, Chloroform, Potash. By may 25 :i il. SOi.QMOS. Passage to the XJp~Country. - jf. HAVING two good ->oats. ^^?riraf^,! will commence runa ing a 3C^Ss?sSrRI WEEKLY LINE t? and Kum i nimbia to Alston and Shelton.'* Fcrrv, every Monday, Wednesday ard Fri dav." Passengers will bc carried to either point, at reasonable rates, payable .O sprcio or provbion*. Foy freight or JIM* ace. apnlv on board, at Geiger's Mil', i may 23 X- J. HANCOCK.