Newspaper Page Text
$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Even*."-Shaksprare. Single Copies Five Cents By J. A. SELBY. . COLtJMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1865. VOL. l.-NO. 43. THE COLUMBIA PHjONIX, l'CBU?UKD DAILY. EXUEIT SuVioAY, BY JULIAN A. Si LB Y. TERSIS-IN*AD I'-4 AyA'. aUBSCUIPTlON". Six months, . j- $5 One month, - - 1 APVKRT1S1NQ. j One square, (ten linee,) one tirte, .SO cts Subsequent insertions. - ? 35 cts Special notices ten cents per jno. . The Wife. * On earth to man lhere is blltjone Jlis heart can love, Iiis soul am own; Though myriads flit before his view. There's but one to whom hes true That one can sway him to ?id fro, Can make him dr aili the eupjof woe, Ctn give him joy or 1 ?Inst. hp life. And that one's name is simply wife. But in that name a world isjspread, A world by all beloved, reviled, Who have the sense to know its.worth, And spurn the giddy joys of earth; For that, full heart in her dear breast. If rightly prized, eternal reit ls scarce with blissful sweets more rife Thau that pure heart - a lobing wife. AUOUT BONNETS.-A blick bonnet with white feathers, with vhite roso, or red flowers, suits a fair complexion. A lustreless white bonnet does not suit well with fair and ros? complex? ions. It is otherwise with [bonnets of puise, crape, or lace. They are snit-, ante to ail complexions^ The white bonnet may have flowers, ei?lwr white, rose, or particularly blue., A light blue bonnet is particularly .suitable to tb? light-haired type?, lt may be or .namenled with white flowers, but not with ro*e or violet Howers. A green bOnnei is advantageous to a fair or rosy complexion, ft mnv be* trimmed .with while Howers, but preferable "with lose. A rose-colored bonnet inu-L not he too close to the skin; and if it is found that the bair does not, r.roducc sufficient separation, the dis? tance from the rose-color may brr in? creased by moans of white, or oreen, which is preferable. A wreath of white Howers in the midst of their leaves has a good efl-ct. A black bonnet does not contrast so well with the ensemble of the type; with black hair as with the oilier type; vet it. may produce a good effect and receive advantageously accessories of white, red, ro-e, orange and yellow. A white bonnet gives rise t>? the same remarks as those which have been made concerning its use in connection with C?e blondo type, except that for the brunettes it is better to give the preference to accessories o! red, rose, and also yellow, rather than to blue. Bonnets of rose, red, cerise, aro suit? able for brunettes when the hair sepa rates as much as possible the- bonnet from the complexion. White feath? ers accord well with red: and white flowers, with abundance ot* leaves, has as goori effo?t with loses. A yellow bonnet suits a brunei te very well, anil receives with advantage violet, or blue accessories; the bait must always interpose between lin complexi?n and head-dress, lt is tin same with bonnets ol an orange color inure or Uss broken, such as chamois Blue trimmings are eminently suit able with orange ami its shades. A green bonnet is suitable! to fair am! light-rosy complexion; rose, rod, ol white. llo\ crs are preferable to : ! others. A blue bonnet, is only suitable to a fair or bright red complexion; nor can it be allied to stich a> have a tin of orange brown. When it. suits : brunette, it may take with advantagi yellow or orange trimming's. A viole bonnet is always unsuitable to ever) complex.on, since there are norn which yellow- will suit. Yet il wi interpose between thc violet and thi skin, not only the hair, but also yellov accessories, a bonnet, of this color ma become favorable. As an importan memorandum, it must be added, tba whenever lue color ?d' a bonnet, doe not realize the intended effect, eve; when the complexion is separatei fo.m the head-dress by masses of hail rf i-i advantageous to place between th hatrarid thc bonnet certain nccessoric The Crops in South Carolina. Many parties with whom we have rcceutly conversed are of the impres? sion that the colored people, now they are set free, are wholly unable to take care of themselves and will be a burden upon the white population. But, a/ far as the facts of the case go to prove, we ?re led to believe that the colored people can, if they are so disposed, not only take care of themselves and their families, but contribute largely toward the support of the whites. There is not a reasoning man in the South who (toes not admit that slavery is .extin? guished. That being- the case, wHat i; to be done towards insuring a full benefit of the crops which are expect? ed to bc raised during the coining' season? The colored men will work now as they worked before, provided they arc paid for their labor. They are con? sidered by the Government to he on the sumo footing with all people in like circumstances.* The owners of plantations-need not give themselves the least trouble concerning the eultl- j vation of their lands if they make the j proper arrangements of compensation | with the men whom thc}" hire to do ! t!io work. Let the same system pre jv:iiI here that prevails at the i'orth. A man who performs work there receives pay for his labor, and it is expected that the same method will be pursued here in South Carolina. Some farmers complain that the colored people are deserting their plan? tations; and, unless they return, or others supply their places', the crops for thc ensuing season must fall short. If .these same fanners will take the trouble to refer to an order recently issued by Gen. Hatch, in which he urges upon the owners and lessees of plantations to make bargains with the colored people, whom they formerly held as slaves, by which the latter shall receive due compensation for their labor, np fear need be apprehend? ed that the fields and plantations will go uncured for. The colored ns well as the white people thoroughly understand that the fields and plantations cannot he worked | unless the men come forward ami ! oller their services. In the working of these plantations there is room for al! who are disposed to labor. The Colored people jnttst understand {hat they cannot remain in our midst and idle away their time, depending on the Government (or sapporo. It is true, the United States authorities set them j tree, but, in PO doing, ir, is expected < f : the colored people that they will do the best they can towards providing! tor themselves. Let tho colored people accept nnd I act upon thc advice of tho Kev. James Lynch, of this city, who tells them j that they must not depend wholly | upon tho United Slates Government for support. The field is hro:id enough for them all to labor upon, nnd it', instead of coming to the city, they j remain in the country and earn their living they will benefit ail classes of the community.- Charleston Courier^ -1-^- ! A mo=t extraordinary story is cur? rent in Rome, it is to the effect that a rn-' so urgently desired to sec the Pope that the chamberlain, though, .against the rule, consented to ask his Soliriess ii he would see the man. Tue chamberlain found the Pope pray? ing, and wus twice answered, 'It is no use for me to see a dead man;' upon j returning to the spot where he ?iud i ?eft tbe man, the chamberlain, to his horror and wonder, lound him lying dead, rind on searching him, discovered a revolver and a dagger, proving the man to have premeditated assassination who was thus stricken down by the Almighty iii the moment of tho at? tempt which was strangely revealed to thc Pope. An old toper says the two most precious things now included, in hoops, are girls,and kegs ot whiskey. mmiggm ?nBiHiBnM rnrnmmm mm ? JEFF. DAVIS LOSES HIS SI'EOIK. Col. (.'lark, of 1 lie rebel army, who was captured by one of our scouting pu ties while endeavoring to escape from Richmond on one of tho last trains from the doomed city, asserts that he was in charge of all the specif which was removed from Richmond; that when his train broke down and he found it. impossible to get it on tho track and off again, and seeing our forces approaching, he ordered it set on fire, and that all ins.efforts to save the specie was unavailing; that the soldiers broke open the kegs, and, amid thc excitement and tumult, sol? diers and citizens appropriated all there was. Ile asserts thal lie knows that no other amounts of specie not in tho pockets of its owners were taken from Richmond, and this lot was all stolen. He stales further that the amount has been vastly over-estimated, and con linns the statement heretofore made by (jen. Grant, that it. amounted only to about 8200,000. Col. Clark was an old regular army uliieer previous to the breaking out of the war, and is a. near relative of 'me of our most dis- j tinguishe <? naval ifficers, to whom bel communicated the above statements. Hoi-still a prisoner in our hands, and his truthfulness is not doubted by any.-New York Herald. Tun CULTIVATION OF KINDLY FEEL [.NUS.-The Richmond correspondent of the New York Times, referring to the motley crow,I of officers and sol? diers in l ine and grev uniforms, who lately met in mortal strife, but now mingle harmoniously together in that city, says: Our anxiety is, by n gentlemanly interchange of thought and friendliness . .d'demeanor, so to work upon the I hearts under th; i ;;t 'v uniform, that . they shalt feel rf un :<. hatred towards us than we do, ur i ver did, toward ? them, and ietd at least how much they have always misconstrued us. To the honor ol' both, the Northern .and the Southern soldier, 1 am bound to say that, in spite of this strange ! .public amalgamation, which would seem to corni warm and angry discus? sions where the ..nm clouds of war j have scarcely yet roiled away, I have i vet to hear one single word of un plea- I saut argument, of crimination or re- j crimination, among tl;c large and pro* I miscuous crowds with which I am j hourly brought, ?a contact. This is true in the true 'chivalry1 which I ? have found in iii" Soulh, and I .'".rn ; gi id to say that thc North is not ono ! whit behind it. I Xni'ot.r.oN's lb LE M M.v.-Napoleon i is in a position ot' a man who lias to j support'against formidable assailants, j an rd ly who can lend him little aid, | and may at a moment deprive him even cf that little by a precipitate 1 dight. Supposing tiie host, he is j bound to maintain at a great distance j a French army-now, it is asserted- in the Corps L?gislatif, raised once move I to 450,000 mon - in order to keep up : a throne which is not French, which is occupied by a a man who refuses to ! be a French satrap, and which is j menaced at once by the Catholic world j and by one of the greatest of military powers. But let us for a moment sup? pose the worst. Imagine the Emperor to have resigned, and escorted by his Austrian guard, to have quitted Yera Cruz in any German or British ship, what will be the portion of the great Emperor then? Obviously but one of two courses will be op.-a to him. Either he must acknowledge a defeat, or he j must accept thc situation he himself has created, and declare Mexico a de? pendency of France. [London Spectator. GniKF.-A young lady being fold that her lover was suddenly kilted, i exclaimed, "Oh, that splendid gi ld j watch of his! (Jivii it to me, that i j may remember him and cherish his I dear memory.'1 ' Thc New York News contains an .account of a retired merchant in that cit}', who caused his tomb stone to be constructed and set up in Iiis bed? room, with *the proper inscription dates blai.k-chipped out, that unon retiring it might inspire bim with thoughts best fitted tn admonish him of thc uncertainty of life, and the pos? sibility ol' sudden death. Tho other morning, not appearing at his usual hour, the servants wert to his cham? ber, forced open the door, and found his body prostrate upon tho floor, with the tomb-stone fallen upon his head, which was crushed hy its weight. "I have been young and now nm old; asl stand before God tonight, I declare that nothing I ever gave in charity is regretted. O no! It is the riches we keep that perish; that we give away abides with us forever, it impresses itself on our characters and tell's on our eternal dot tiny; for the habit of charity formed in this life will accompany us to tho next. The buds which begin to open here will blossom in full expansion hereafter to delight tiie eye of angels and beautify the paradise of "God. Let, us then, now, and on every occasion hereafter, practice that liberality which in death we shall approve, ami reprobate tho parsimony we shall then condemn." [lier. J)r. No',!. Headq'rs Department of the South, HILTON HEAT). S. C., MAY 15, 18G5. a EXEU AI ORDERS X< K 63. ?THE proclamation <>f ' A. G. Ma . grath, styling himself Governor ot Smith Carolina, dated at. Headquarters, Columbia, Sontb Carolina. May 2, 1805, declrmiiix that all subsidence stores and the property of the Conlcderalc States within the limits of the State should he turned over anti accounted for hy the Agents of the S'rtte. appointed for that pu-posc, P.nd .lire<-'.itur len* the subsist. nee and other stores shall lu us-d for the relief of the people of the State: and the pro? clamation of .Joseph E. Jjrown, styling himself Governor of Georgia, dated at. the capital of that State, on the 3d day of May, 18(15, requiring the officer and mem? bers of the General Assembly to meet in extraordinary session at the Capitol, in Milled^eville,*>n Monday, th.- 22d day ?f May. lSi'i?; and the proclamation of A. K. Allison, styling himself Act inc Governor of Florida, da'id ar. Tallahassee, on thc 8th day of April, 1805, giving notice and direction that an election will bo held on Wednesday, the 7th day of June. 1 Sr>5 for Governor of the ^tatc of Florida; are. each and all of them, declared null and void; it. having become known to nie, from trustworthy information, that the afore? said A. G. Magrath, .loseph E. Frown aud A. K. Allison, are disloyal to the United States, having committed sundry and di? vers acts of treason against the same, in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. The persons and peoples, to whom the proclamations lu reinal.ove referred to have been respectively addressed, are therefor'- enjoined and commanded to give no heed whatever thereto, or to any ordets. proclamations, commissions or com mands, emanating from persons claiming the right to exercise thc functions and au? thority ol' Governor in cither of thc States of South Carolina, Georgia or Florida, I unless the same shall have been promul , gated by the advice <>r consent of the United Stales authorities. II. The ?to?cy and wishes of the Gene ral Government toward the people of thr se ! Stairs, and the method which should be pursued bv them in resuming or assuming j the exercise of their political rights, will doubtless be iiiade known at an early day. ! It is deemed sufficient, meanwhile, ro announce that the people of the black race are free citizens of the United States, that it is the fixed intention of a wise and beneficent Government to protect them in the enjoyment of their freedom and the ; fruits of their industry, and that it. is the j manifest and binding duty of all citizens, ! whites as Well as blacks, to make .such j arrangement s and agreements among thom- ? '?elves, for compensated labor, ns shall be I mutually advantageous to all parties. | Neither idleness nor vagrancy will bo tole- | rated, and the Government will not ex- j tend pecuniary aid to any persons, whether white or black, who arc unwilling to help themselves. III. district and Post Commanders ( throughout this Department w ill at once j cause this order to be circulated far and wide, bv special couriers or otherwise, mid | will luke such steps to secure its < uleree- | ment as m. V by ile in be deemed neccssa ry. Q. A. GILLMORE, - ma) id Major-General Commanding. Headq'rs United States Forces, ? CITY OF COLUMBIA, S. c., MAY 27. 1805. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 3. ALL citizens having in their possession any property that rightfully belongs to the United Stntos Government, accord . ?tur t<> the terms of surrender of Geu. Jos. E.^Johnston, C. S. A.. to Gen. W. T. Sher? man, LT. S. A., will ?mm? diately report the j same to these headquarters. Persons having mules, horses and wa? gons, will, for the present, be permitted to i retain the same tor the purpone of carry j ingon their work. Any person failing to i comply with this order within a rcasona I l>le time, will not only be deprived of any ? farther uso of eaid property, but will abo subject themselves to punishment by mih taw authority. Bv command cf N. HAUGHTON, Lieut. Col. 25th O. V. V., Com'dg City of Columbia. S. C. W. J. KvLE^Lieut. 25th O. V. V. I. and Post Adjutant may 29 Headers United States Forces, CITY CF COLUMBIA, S. C., MAY 27, 1865. GENERA L.ORDERS NO 4. IN order to prevent any disturbance which may arise from the improper use of in? toxicating liquors, it ia In? re by ordered that, for the present, no intoxicating li? quors will be sold or given away to any ! citizen or soldier, unless permission is ! granted from these headquarters. Any I one found guilty ot" disobeying this order, will not. only have his goods confiscated. I but will be subject to jilinishmeut by mili j tary hiv?-. By command of Lieut. Col. N. HAUGHTON, Commanding Post. I AV. J. KYTX, Lient. 25th O. V. V. 1. aud j Post Adjutant. may 2?, ! Headquarters, Northern District, ! DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, j CIIAKI.ESTON, S. C., April 20, 1805. ! Circular to Planters, cfc i ^V1" U.MICRO US applications have been-, \ 1^1 made to me for information as to the ? polio/ to bc adopted on the subject of ' labor. -, All can understand Ibo importance*of ! making a crop the present sens'on, and j for. the misery and -:> i?e.-ing consequent ; upon ils labore. j In the present unsettled state of the j country, and in the absence of any ftcog I ti'Zed State authorities. I find it. my duty j to assume control of the plantations near j the military ??Des, and order as follows: 1st. The planters, after laking thc oath I of allegiance, will assemble the freedmen I (lately th. ir slaves) mid inform diem that I they are free, and that henceforth they i must depend upon their own exertions for i their support. 2d. Fquitahle contracts in writing will i be made hy tin: owners of the land with ; tho freedmen for the cultivation of thc i land during the present year, i Payment will he made in kind, and tho ; allowance of mu- half the crop is recom j mended as fair compensation for the labor, ; the landlord furnishing rubsistenee until ? the crop is gathered. i Those contracts will be submitted to the I nearest military or naval commander for I approval and endorsement. When the above requirements are com? plied with, protection will be granted as far as military necessity will allow; but where no cont rael is made, thc crop raised will be considered forfeited for (he tue of the laborer*. Should the owners refuse to cultivate it, they will he considered as en? deavoring to embarrass the Government, and the land will be used tor colonies of the freedmen from the interior. JOHN P. HATCH. .June 1 Brig. Gen Commandine. Headq'rs United States Forces, CITY OF COLUMBIA, S C., MAY 27. 1SC5. O EX ERAL ORDERS NO. 2. INFORMATION having been received af these headquarters of the existence of armed hands of marauders infesting tho country and committing depredations on the property of peaceful citizens, it is hereby- ordered that all persons composing such will be considered and treated as outlaws, and if C'iUgllt, will receive the seyrest punishment ot military law. The United States Government is desir? ous ol" protecting all peaceful and law abiding citizens, ?md they will confer a favor on these headquarters, and do justice to themselves, by lib ing any information they may have in their possession respect? ing the names and movements of such hands, and, if possible, aiding in their capture. The time has arrived when it behooves every citizen to do ali in his power to assist the military forces of the United Slates lo restore peace and harmony throughout thc land. Itv order of 'Lieu:.. Coi. N. "'-liTON, 25th 0. Y. V. 1 . Com'dj I'. S. Forces, City of Columbia. VT. >. KYLK, 2d: Lieut.. 25th O. V. V. I. and Post Animant- may