Newspaper Page Text
$1 a Month, in Advance. ''Let our just Censure attend the tmo Even*."-Shaksprare. Single Copies Five Cents By J. A. SELBY. . COLtJMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1865. VOL. l.-NO. 43. THE COLUMBIA PHOENIX, PlTBLlSIIEU DAILY, EXCLFT SUNDAY, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. TERMS-IN AL VANCE. auusciuPTiov. Six months, - - , - - $5 One month, . 1 ADVERTISING. One square, (ten lines,) one time, f>0cts ?Subsequent insertions. - 35 cts Special notices ten cents per line. The Dangers of tho Union. Secession, in actual practice, was not in iuelf necessarily dangerous lo lim Union. Tho only supposable; evils of that, act to the uontinuanee of the Union, began in the determination of the Federal Government to meet it by force of nrms. A policy of compro . mise and mutual concession had char? acterized the workings of the Consti tut ional compact up to that moment; hut having b<?e,ri thenceforth spumed for a policy ol compulsion and mutual slaughter, that change iu the modes of Federal Government withdrew the Union from the cita fiel of its real strength-tho popular seuse of its sanctity. Bloody battle has crushed the Slates that asserted, by their secession, rights independent, of the Union. Ami Federal power, as it stands brandish? ing its rot-king sword over those pros? trate >oveteignlies, is flushed with the pride ot complete triumph. Brawling faction sees only the physical fact, am! ?..ries ont. in the blindness ot its pas sions, for ruin and revenge, now- that it proclaims the Union ' perpetual! Brainless counsellor! The conqueror tiiat you worship, with the instinct of a slive raised to authority, with the venom of a cur yelping nt ii chained iion, has, as he stands over his fallen toe. not oiilv a front of brass, but/ mark you, has feet of clay. Tuc lights that iiwe hy ti:? snvotd, all his? tory declares to be, so surely as great, p li leal cons?quence* follow general laws, destined to die by the sword. The Union romains still exposed to the fatal consequences of the blunder of armed coercion, and can be s.nx-d but by restoring it to tho only fountain of its healthy life, popular love and rever? ence. In tlu> North, the Union has been associated with a grinding despotism. Conscription has stamped it in manya desolate household with the mark of Cain. Arbitrary power has tort? it from the Penates ol private life to be crushed under the heels of the men whoso hearts and brains it has fired with hate i*n the cells of Federal dun ge.or.s. Ferocious 'loyalty' has de graded it tj the basest uses of a po? litical utensil; and, as a consequence, has thrust it upon hundreds of thou sands of men hy whom it had been held in life-long love and reverence as a type of insults and of factious pas? sions. At the South, the tinton assumed the attributes of a fiend let loose in ivar. A fierce invader, it fell, tis Satan fell Irorn Heaven, from tho empyrean of popular love into the 'depth ol flaming hate. Like the destroying angel, it slew the first born in all tba* land. The women and little one?, and the aged men of those regions, it sent out upon the highways to proclaim it a curse. The habitation? of the land it destroyed with fire, until the wolves, hiding in their blackened ruins, de? clared the Union, in their midnight how^, to bea crime against humanity The corn and the honey, and the gnus of- the field, and the seed and tlu ??lows, the horses and the cattle, am every living thing-except the womer and little ones, and old men, whom it: mercy had cast, out to starve-lh< Union utterly destroyed, until million of people by whom it had once beei worshipped throughout the borders o that country, shrank Irom it with exe oration as from a thing of hell. Not tli anl South the Union ha ceased to be a holy thing. Tho sane litv by v,i;ic:: if had been hedgfi round has been broken down; and bates which have emerged through the breach await but a shift of the politi- : cal storm to sweep it forever from the j sight of men. Must the true friend of j tho Union add one more drop to the i volume of those raging memories? The political history of Mississippi foreshadows the dangers of the Union now, even wh''*" Hushed with thc triumph of its lust trial. Mr. Jeffer? son Davis and Mr. Henry S. Foote canvassed that State about fifteen years ago on a question of conditional se- j cession. The side of the Union was successful; but from the day on which it. had boon made there a question of party, it continued lo fall from the position of a popular idol. 'Disunion isis per se,' as they calied themselves, appeared in the State in surprising numbers alter that contest on contine ! gent disunion; and, fitiallv. notwith- j standing thc triumph of tho Union in I tho person of Mr. Foote, became so numerous that the storm of secession, in 1860, swept through thc State like 1 a fire through a prairie. With tim wounds of despotic Dower, and of j savage belligerenov still festering in its | moral life, of this passage of its j history in a Southern State, declares ! to day, whde the Union leans upon its j blondy sword, in ?eview of victorious' thousands of armed agents of its will, j th it it carries in its bosom the seeds of l . loath. ! Strong, physically, as it is to day, j 'he Union was never weaker, morally. Like many a gallant soldier, it has escaped the casualties of battle wi'h fever in its bined and canker in its' bosom. For all it-f stalwart looks it ? si ill moves on imo the shadows of in- j evi'nble dissolution. The war (d' the sections was ore of, | we hope, worthier objects than a mere j assertion of brute force. Patriotism, however short-sighted, looked to that bloody struggle for a bea ing of the wounds which its inception had opened in the body of the Union. How much nearer that result are we to-day than we were w hen McClellan's army was hurled hack from Richmond? Good faith to the memories of tho soldiers who have been led to slaughter for that purpose, solemn duly to the civilians who, in a mistaken patriotism, have sustained the war, demand that the Union be as soon and as effectually as possible given back to the only keep? ing in which it can ever bc held safe, that of universal popular affection. The union of these States cannot exist by brute force. The blunder that removed it from tho strong defence of popular love, repeats itself when it attempts to. maintain it by a system of brutal terrorism. That very terrorism will, if carrried out, prove its destruction. Popular dread but removes it still farther from the only conditions of its maintenance popular love. Cutting Booth's bead oiF, or cfivino- his dismembered body a dishonored burial, bas served but to w eaken the Government,by degrading it to the level of those grim despotisms that every man in the country names with clenched teeth. Every pag? ol' history shows that terror is a rope of sand on the limbs of political con? viction. Treason cannot possibly be placed, in popular acceptation, side by side with private crimes. An attempt to accomplish that result is an attempt to undo all the theories of free political education. The right of asylum in universal justice, separates treason from offences against, humanity. The murderer is made, by public treaties, a subject of extradition, but no country would consent to surrender to h;s sovereign the unsuccessful rebel. The right of revolution takes the offence of .the 'traitor' out ot the category of social crimes; arid makes an attempt to place him among malefactors, a mere struggle against all the principles of society. The terrible wounds in the body of tho Union can be he il rd but by the j most tender conciliation. Thc 'justice' j of w hich men speak in reference to the I policy of reconstruction is but another i name for a revenge which can be ap? peased but at tho cost of the Union. The capture of Mr. Davis ia one of the most unfortun; te things that could h av? occurred to the people of both section^: for it brings up the real dif? ficulties of tho hour in a form most dangerous to the only policy which can save the count rv-that calculated to erase all bloody memories. Mr. Davis falls into the bands of tho Government as a man whom the civilized world refuses' to regnal a criminal. His purity of private life, his singleness of purpose, his splendid powers of admin? istration are acknowledged, outside tho miserable cur-' that now bark tit his heels, by all Christendom. The elect ed representative of millions of free boru men, and. men too who have placed their conviction of right in making that election under the ???uar anty of their lives, he stands before mankind the chosen chief of sovereign States, borne down, like Poland, by the weight of crushing columns. Treason, rebellion aud even allegations of 'conspiracy.' may ot mav not be proven against, iiim; '.nit tho Adminis? tration, if it have any respect for its own character, for the character of this Republic, .may make up its mind that it can oller no wanton indignity, lay no violent hands on the person of Mr. Davis, without, an outrage against the feelings and tho conscience of both hemi-pheres. 1 [armless that unhappy gentleman now is, and if sent, quietly back to bis plantation itt Mississippi ever will bc; but it a brainless pur? pose ora bloody passion should take bis life, he will luve become a mai t yr, around whom, as around the subjects of th?; ju lida! nmrdeis of the Iris!, rebellion, the memory of iu? country? men wiil titter for cveimoro a nucleus of till the enmities of thc future, the curses that now rise to their throat? with choking passion against, what they hold thc Mend of their recent ex? perience, the Union. Terrorism, ii.-, a policy of the present, is the suggestion of a brutal incapacity. If war lias been necessary fol* a resto? ration of the Union, then, of it verity, must it,'have been made hut with the aim of bringing the sections together within tim operations o: their old system of mutual conciliation. The Union, if it is to be in reality saved, must, be pluck'd from tlie burning : passions that crackle and f?ame around j it, North mid South; and planted in a j place of safely, not within the fears j but the loves of the people by an act of amnesty that, giving hates no indi? vidual memory to raby around, will win their hearts back in a unanimous burst of admiration for its sublime j beneficence. - jYcio York News. Tho Appreciation of Greenbacks. 'J j The nece.-sity of large expenditures caused the issual o? greenback-; the continuance of that necessity brought about their depreciation, and its deter? mination will restore them to their face value. An (int?av of three millions j per day, it is evident, could not bo mel in specie; nor could it bc continued, as it has been, in paper money, with out that money sinking below par. When the issual stopped, it is equally evident that-presupposing the stop? page to bo permanent, and the existing issues not too great for *the require? ments of the country-thc process of depreciation must cease, and that of appr?cia;ion begin. Now this is the precise condition ot the currency to? day. The rapid pacification ot the country, and the little danger of a rupture with France, make it almost a foregone conclusion that there will be no more greenbacks issued, and the only question is whether tho present volume ol currency be too great for the requirements ol the o .un try. We j think not. Even previous to tho evacuation of Richmond, and when, to all appear anees, General Lee was holding his own there, United Stu: .- Treasury j notes, that had fallen io ..j ?. n 'ed and forty, rose to one Lu ' ; ad fiftv. At this time, it must I? remem? bered that ?hese notes ci rou la Leo only in the North, and within tile lines of thu Federal armies in tho South, and, on every principle of political economy, had they been largely in excess there ol' the demand for them, they could no ?nore have risen in value than the assignats of France could have bought thc gurnetts of England Since the surrender of Lee, and the downfall of the Confederacy, this pro cess of appreciation has gone on with astounding celerity. Every fresh in? dication of returning order in tho South, has given Wall street a joyful thrill, and when au entire resumption of coasting and inland trade shall have opened up the whole of this country to the reception of Federal currency, it is not too mucii to say that the equalization of financial demand and supply, will niake greenbacks cqvial to gold. No doubt titere are matty who will boot at this declaration, and point in derisiou to the bills of Law's Bank, j and til? assignats of the Revolution, j to wild-cat issues and shinplaster' dol? lars, to Continental moru-y and Con? federate notes. To some extent we can understand this contemptuous itj 1 credulity; fur, truth to tell, it, would be ! bard to find a sadder botch than was | made of our poor Confed?rate money, i From the hour ol' its bulli till in ex? tremis it was Linkere v. it li an assiduity { that gave great scop, to invention, but i left little ground hV ii .pe. its nos- i trtitns were legion. Ie.:, une idea per- ! vaded them all --'.!? . itfi-?ncy wa* lol be repudia'?* .' into : ,;"V, ?s Sari- ! grado bled i .. n fnto . < s that they ; might enjoy L.ralthV ..... Ingenious. ? scheme failed, but k* ' h ; inj is a] t heine on which 'wo rv; tu a rove to dwell. Robbing Pete:- to ?nv Fa::! i.; ! a stale device, hut to rob both and ; pay neither is a most rare inspiration j -half Captain Maclmath and half ; Jeremy Diddler. Unfortunately our I people never appreciated this style of I genius. They were narrow-m i tided j enough to think no 'aw could diguifv j swindling and no argument justify; '? they came thus to hate a-id to fear j paper money, to believe that gold auJ silver alone are really representatives i of value, au 1 the results of this opinion, and of the shiftless, nepi in- j cipled financiering that led to ils for- j mation, are to be seen in the distrust wherewith greenbacks are regarded. ? To one who does not know our people, j aud has not shared with them the ups and downs of the war-to a Northern ! or English banker, for instance - it, [ would be difficult io convey an idea of , their unwillingness to believe that any j paper money whatsoever can maintain , its face valuation. Legal tender laws i price schedules, penalties for non-recep tion, and the whole spawn of coercive legislation, would be ineffectual to j change this estimate, for just legislation ( lias heretofore been associated in the j popular mind with fresh tinkering an i a further depreciation. An exposition j of well settled principles, and a state- j ment of undeniable facts will alono | work any change for the better. In j another part of this article we have set forth tho.-e maxims of finance that j regulate the value of currency, and ! shall now mention certain facts to show i that it is not mere newspaper theorizing to say greenbacks are approximating-: gold. These are facts, then. The war ls over, and with it any necessity for au increase of the currency is obvi?t- i ed. Six hundred thousand soldiers are to ho speedily discharged, and I expenditures at the rate of lour bun- j dred millions per annum have ceased I , to bo necessary. With the resumption j of trade, the currency no v for the i most part pent up in thc North, wilt . ? diffuse itself'over the South. With the issual o; bonds by the Governmt ur, \ like tue consols of England, large ' amounts will be retired from ^circula 1 tion, and thu pay tutu! ??f taxes and Govern ment due? wiii still further reduce tho volume ot en: ?ency. Then the problem ot currency will he put in a shape the plainest man can understand, and the formula to express it will be this-if constant issue and confined circulation depreciate a paper money, cessation of issual, universality of reception, and legal absorption will fores that money to par. [Augusta Constitutionalist. When Or. Johnson asked the widow Potter to be bis wife, he told her 1 candidly he was of mean extrac? tion, he bad no money, and that he had an uncle banged. The widow replied that she cared nothing for his parentage, that she had no money herself, though she had fifty relations that deserved hanging. So they made a match of it. Papa, why do they plant guns; do they grow and have leaves? No, my son, but like plants they shoot, and then others do the leaving. Stamping. EMBROIDERY STAMPING of various styles done two doors South of Catho? lic Church. June 2 ~ PA?ES!~ p A PER? ' FOR sale, a small quant itv of No. 1 WRITING PAPER. Uso, some ex? cellent COPYING PAPER. Inquire at thia odiee. may SO Ker.dq'rs Department of the South, IJII.TON HEAD, S. C., MAT 15, 1885. GENERAL OR J} EES NO. 6S. JTHE proclamation of A. G. Ma ., styling himself Governor of South Carolina, doted at Headquarters, Columbi;!, South Carolina. May 2. 1865, de ?dann;.', ti mt ?iii subsistence stores and ? ie- property of thc Confederate States within the limita of ihe Slate should be turned over un i accounted for by tho Agents of the State, appointed foi "that , pm.?..>?.:, iii beling lila' subsistence and other sto<*? shah lu uied for the relief ol Iii?; peoplt of tho S ?ic; an ! th- ">ro clamaliou ?.f Joseph Ii. Brown, styling himself Governor of Georgia, dated ut thc capital of thyt Stale, on the ?id day of May, 1SC5, requiring lin; ofti."Vr?aud mem? bers ot the General Assembly to meet in extraordinary session ac the Cap.tu!, in Milledgeville, on idonday, the 22d cay of Ma v. 1SC5; und t he proclamation of A. K. Allison, styling himself Acting Governor of Florida, d.tted ar. Tallahassee, on the Sib. day of April, 1865, giving notice and direction lliiil au election will be held on Wednesday, thc Vth day of June, 1865 for Governor of the State of Florida; are, each and ail of them, declared null aud void; it having become known to me, fron: trustworthy information, that the afore Miid A. C?. Magrath, Joseph E. Brown and A. K. Allison, are disloyal to the United States, having committed sundry and di? vers acts of treason against thc tame, in adhering to their euemics, giving them aid and comfort. Tho portons and peoples, to wilora the proclamations hereiuabove referred to liave tn-eri respectively addressed, are therefore enjoin ..i rind commanded to give no heed whatever thereto, or to any orders, proclamation:', commissions or com? mand:., emanating from persons claiming the liylit to exercise the functions and au thority of Governor in either of the ?tates of South Carolina, Georgia, or Florida, unless the same shad have been promul gated by the advice or consent of the United Stales authorities. II. T'ne policy und wishes of the Gene? ral Government toward tile people of these Slates, and the iUj=ti'oJ which bi.ould be pursued bv them in resuming or assuming the exercise ol" their political lights, will doubtless be made known at an early day. It is deemed sufficient, meanwhile, to announce that tho people of the black race ure free c it izen:- of the United States, that it is the fix-d intention of a wise and beneficent Government t<> protect them in the enjoyment of their freedom and thc fruits of their industry, and that it i.-. thc manifest and binding duly of all ci izem. Whites RN Well as blacks, to make Slijl an? ii ge men i s and agreements among Ui em? ir Ives, for compensated labor as shall he mutually advantageous to ail parries. Neither idleness nor vagrancy will be tole? rated, and the Government will not >:c temi pecuniary aid to any persons, whether white or black, who are unwilling to l\Ap themselves. III. District and Post Commanders throughout this Department will at onoe cuu?. t!di order to h? circulated for and wi !.-, by special courier* or otherwise, and will take Ruch steps io ?-ecure ns rn for? e nil nt a., way hy th? a. L>e d' -mo . r.tces3a. fy vj. ? GiLLlIORE, " ai ?v 26 M ?j -r fj - o er&j C&m?ti u ding.